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Updated Apr 09
Updated Apr 09

Meet your Posher, Brandy

Meet the Posher

US$2,222 US$2,222

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Hi! Welcome to my closet.My name is Brandy. My closet started as an at home boutique called AFTER HOURS BOUTIQUE in 2011. I gave it this name because the mission was stay open after all the others were closed. Now I am here exploring online platforms to keep my hobby alive and well. I shop with my past and potential customer in mind. My formula is versatile + diverse = a winner. My specialty is WOMEN SHOES sizes 10-13, good deals and now quality PLUS SIZE. Thanks so much for stopping by! Let me know if you have any questions πŸ€— My first published Revision Book is now available on Amazon.
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capture1 Thanks for sharing my closet!! I have lots of great things so please stop by anytime.
Feb 20Reply
schoolyb @capture1 no problem! You 've got good items.
Feb 20Reply
capture1 Thank you !
Feb 20Reply
capture1 I might be having a little one ,not sure yet but if I'm I'll be back for baby clothes!! .Lol
Feb 20Reply
schoolyb @capture1 good luck! It's a challenge and a real joy at the same time.
Feb 20Reply
capture1 Lol , I know !!
Feb 20Reply
schoolyb @capture1 my little one grew so fast he didnt get to wear many of his clothes but once if at all. If you are expecting now, these clothes will fit the season she/he is born in.
Feb 21Reply
princessgammy Hi Brandi. I'm Cindy. I don't quite know what to say except heartfelt thanks for spreading the word about our 7202 effort. My family is so excited to be raising money to build the soccer field in Kenya. I'm doing all I can to help them in this effort. The Poshmark Community has provided outstanding support. Many many many thanksπŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’–
Aug 23Reply
schoolyb @princessgammy It's such an honor to be apart of something greater than myself.I'm happy to help. best of luck
Aug 29Reply
princessgammy @schoolyb. πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’œ
Aug 29Reply
dunamus2018 Greetings Brandy thanks for following me I really appreciate it. I hope this finds you doing well. You have a handsome pair of young men their, teach them well. Happy selling and shopping ok πŸ˜πŸ˜‰ keep that smile shining bright
Oct 04Reply
schoolyb @dunamus2018 thank you and happy poshing to you as well.
Oct 04Reply
schoolyb @drb62 Hi Deb! I'm sorry to hear that you are leaving. Poshmark can be a lot of work and it is a game of chance. That is why its just a hobby for me. I love the, "Yay! Your item has sold!" notification. It's always so random. Someone will especially buy your MK smart watch. Ive always wanted one. But cant afford to splurge on myself right now with two kids at Christmas time. Dont give up.
Dec 02Reply
poshmark1111112 Thank you for the shares! You have a great closet!
Feb 23Reply
schoolyb @theshipshop thanks so do you! Your closet is ready for spring and summer. There's something for everyone!
Feb 23Reply
jojomall Hello doll, thank you for following me, its an honor. Please pop in and check out my closet, I have many items I think you would loveπŸ₯° If you bundle one or more items, I will send you a nice, no obligation, discounted offer. Feel confident in your interactions with me because I am top rated Seller and Posh Ambassador. I also have children's, maternity & men's clothing‼️ Happy Poshing🌈
Mar 08Reply
luxpricedright Hello and welcome to Poshmark please feel free to check out my closet and let me know if anything there can be an extension of your beauty. Happy Poshing!
Mar 13Reply
bigsexyjam Thank you so much for the Posh❀😊
Mar 18Reply
dovealove Love your closet. Taste is very similar to mine 😊 Happy Poshing!
Mar 20Reply
schoolyb @dovealove thank you I love rich colors. If you re looking for something in particular let me know and I will be on the look out while searching for new inventory
Mar 21Reply
m_quality03 Hi Brandy πŸ‘‹Welcome to the Poshmark Family and my Boutique come back and save on Awsome MerchandiseπŸ‘•πŸ‘—πŸŒΏ for you and your family πŸ‘ͺ
Apr 01Reply
schoolyb @m_quality03 hi Me me! Thank you so much. Your closet has some really cute tshirts so I will definitely come back to visit. Wishing you many sales!
Apr 01Reply
m_quality03 Hi And Welcome to the Poshmark Family and my Boutique come back and save on Awsome Merchandise for you and your family πŸ‘—πŸ‘—πŸ‘—πŸ‘—πŸŒΏπŸŒΏπŸŒΏπŸŒΏπŸŒΏ
Apr 01Reply
m_quality03 I meant to say Thank you😊
Apr 01Reply
seastar3 Welcome! I hope you love it here as much as I do! Please let me know if you have questions about anything! Happy Poshing! πŸ‘›πŸ‘—πŸ‘ πŸ‘“πŸ‘™πŸ‘’πŸ‘šπŸ‘œπŸ‘”
Apr 07Reply
schoolyb @seastar3 Thanks a bunch! Yes Poshmark is becoming very addictive. Especially sharing everyone's awesome closets with the rest of the world. There are so many hidden gems here. I love finding them.
Apr 08Reply
seastar3 @schoolyb Right?!? I’m selling everything that is too big and buying new clothes/working on a closet transfusion -lol-it’s like guilt free shipping! Have a beautiful week! πŸŒΈπŸ’•πŸŒΈ
Apr 08Reply
rehangproject Just wanted to give a shout out! Thank you for finding awesome and cute plus size clothing. It’s one of the hardest things for me to source, yet that’s what I wear. It’s frustrating at times, but your closet makes it look easy! Keep up the amazing finds. πŸ–€πŸ–€
Apr 18Reply
schoolyb @rehangproject thank you so much for noticing! After years of trial and error, and constantly researching trends, reviews and needs, I decided to cater to the working woman striving for balance at work, home and personally. The last thing I want her to worry about is what to wear, how she looks and is it appropriate. I love helping my fellow women go out into the world with confidence knowing they can win no matter what. Thanks for encouraging me to keep going.
Apr 18Reply
adelehaddad @schoolyb, πŸ’•Beautiful woman and adorable familyπŸ’•. Love your closetπŸ₯°
May 25Reply
schoolyb @adelehaddad thank you so muchπŸ™
May 25Reply
ashb_marie Check our jewelry box out sometime! AshBmarie is a brand created by sisters hand selecting each piece to bring a collection you won’t find anywhere else! Bundle discounts on 3 or more items and always expect a FREE pair of earrings with every order as a lil’ thank you for supporting our venture! #vintagechicvibes #ashbmarie #sharingiscareing
Aug 02Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! 🌻🌻
Aug 24Reply
loj91010 Cute pics, lucky family! Hi there, thank you for sharing my listings. Your got some really nice items, and looks like you’re doing great. Nice to meet you, Brandy! Lolita
Sep 03Reply
atlshoestudio @schoolyb Hi! I’m so glad you love your purchase, thank you again . We would love it if you would go to our Facebook page and write your review there as well under reviews under @Atlantashoestudio . We would really appreciate it. Thank you.
Jan 30Reply
xxpozed I’m so glad you love the shoes please visit again and thanks for shopping Xxposed
Feb 08Reply
schoolyb @imjenchen HI Thanks I love your posh map! Could you give me instructions on how to create my own??? Pleeease!
Jul 24Reply
ally_marc @schoolyb beautiful pictures & family, many blessings to you πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’—πŸŒΌ
Jul 24Reply
schoolyb @imjenchen love it! youre the best! my poshmap coming soon! thanks to Y O U
Jul 24Reply
brokegrandmom Thanks for the like on my dress. Always open to offers if interested in making one.
Jul 24Reply
schoolyb @ally_marc Thanks you! I love your closet! Its so classy! Someday I'll be able to shop with you.
Jul 24Reply
ally_marc @schoolyb thank you dear, you never know, i have been blessed and im very grateful, I worked for over 30 years in banking, & suddenly had to retire... you just try me, I’m known to be very generous 😜
Jul 24Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Brandy on sharing from my family closet β€οΈπŸ€ŸπŸ»πŸ’œ. Precious family posher pictures πŸ›πŸ™πŸ€ŸπŸ»β€οΈπŸ’œ
Jul 28Reply
luv2dclutter Thks for the shares. Beautiful little family
Jul 31Reply
schoolyb @luv2dclutter thank you. I love that your closet has books.
Aug 03Reply
schalkat Brandy, thanks for the shares. What beautiful pics! Lovely family! Best wishes and happy poshing!
Oct 07Reply
littlejotique Hi Brandy😊. I ❀️ your boutique and your style. πŸ’•πŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸ’‹πŸ’•I am definitely going to have to keep an eye on youπŸ‘€. Happy Poshing- JosieπŸ¦‹
Oct 28Reply
schoolyb @littlejotique thanks so much! I love this communityπŸ€—your closet is awesome as wellπŸ‘œπŸ’πŸ‘—
Oct 29Reply
eserenabeana @schoolyb Thanks for sharing my closet πŸ›οΈβ˜ΊοΈ Happy Prosperous Poshing πŸ₯‚ and Stay Safe 😷
Oct 29Reply
fayegon Hi, it’s Faye. I just bought a dress from you on Poshmark. Need to discuss expedited shipping options. Please contact me.
Jun 08Reply
schoolyb @fayegon Hi! I will be shipping out today. All shipping labels are expedited priority mail. Your label says the delivery expectation is 2 days.
Jun 08Reply
dailyshopper73 Hi Brandy! Thank you so much for all the Posh love! Wishing you lots of sales and success! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’– -- Emma
Sep 23Reply
saunacain Welcome to POSHMARK!
Nov 30Reply
jackiesthreads1 Hello and thank you for following my closet. Enjoy and much success to you!πŸ’–
Jan 20Reply
metro_style I love your store...quick question...I am looking to branch out more into Plus Sizes and wanted to get your feedback on how that market (sales) is working out for you. Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you in advance.
Feb 07Reply
schoolyb @metro_style Hi! Thank you! Sales are the same as any other. You get out what you put in. I’m just happy when someone discovers that my closet has something they love and can actually fit. But if you want to talk numbers, Torrid, the women’s plus size clothing store, 2021 valuation came in at $2.5 billion. The plus size trend is IN. That’s why Poshmark gives it it’s very own parties πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Happy posting πŸ€— and good luck with all sales πŸ€‘
Feb 14Reply
pinkwinter25 Thanks for sharing!! 🎈
Feb 26Reply
poshiemeg @schoolyb Hi Brandy! I have beautiful 925 silver jewelry with genuine gemstones. I would love for you to visit my closet whenever you get the chance. I would love to give you a great deal if you were interested in anything! Thank you! Hope you have a great day!! πŸ₯°β€οΈ
Mar 27Reply
queenposhnb BEAUTIFUL! You and kiddos 😊
Jul 27Reply
schoolyb @queenposhnb thank you πŸ€—
Jul 28Reply
stocktonlaw100 Hi favorite shoppers, I’m having a sale pick any 10 items $12.00 & under for $40.00 & get discounted shipping too. Happy poshing.
Aug 10Reply
kan7403 Thanks for sharing my closet, came to share yours and I love your closet! 😊
Aug 16Reply
boromaca Hi! Thanks for sharing! Bobbi πŸ˜ŠπŸ’«
Aug 17Reply
schoolyb @tutuwig thank youπŸ€— your closet is awesome! Many sells to you as well πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
Sep 11Reply
brendonwilli563 The rip is now shown in the pictures but I can add it.
Oct 09Reply
cutehosiery @schoolyb Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 23Reply

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Last Active: Mar 08

Birmingham, AL
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Last Active: Mar 08

Birmingham, AL
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