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Updated Jan 08
Updated Jan 08

Meet your Posher, Breanna

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Breanna. Some of my favorite brands are Kate Spade, Betsey Johnson, Banana Republic, Zara and Lilly Pulitzer. I'm a proud auntie and fire wife! Feel free to tag me if you have a modest closet! Thanks for stopping by!!
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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denacgs Hi Breanna! Welcome to poshmark!!
Jan 25Reply
klwheeler12 Are you apodtolic?:)
Jan 26Reply
brebuch13 @klwheeler12 No ma'am I am Church of God. :) but I noticed we both wear skirts so I figured we might have some items that would interest each other.
Jan 26Reply
auntietiff Hello Breanna!! Welcome to poshmark😉 you have some darling items in my size style! Hope to purchase from you at some point when I can sell some more items😊
Feb 03Reply
brebuch13 @auntietiff Thank you!! Let me know if/when you want some skirts or anything else from my closet. My posh pile is getting pretty big so I'd be happy to bundle with some lower prices! :)
Feb 06Reply
auntietiff @brebuch13 awesome 👌 thank you!!
Feb 08Reply
kayla_marie_22 Soo pretty
Feb 16Reply
michlrich @brebuch13 hi, I have the striped linen, white linen and green skirt in a bundle. Would you be able to take $18?
Feb 17Reply
brebuch13 @michlrich yes! Do you need me to make a separate bundle listing? Also, do you want the scarf?
Feb 17Reply
michlrich @brebuch13 I guess you could do that or lower the price of one of the skirts to make it 18 in my bundle. Whatever is easier for you :-) also yes I would love to be blessed with the scarf. Thank you
Feb 17Reply
brebuch13 @michlrich okay I just made them all $6 :) hurry hurry
Feb 17Reply
michlrich @brebuch13 Got it! Yay, ty!
Feb 17Reply
brebuch13 @michlrich I found a couple of faint stains on the cream linen skirt as I was ironing it for shipment. The skirt is full and drapey so I never noticed. I can refund your money for that one if you want. Dry cleaning may take them out, I haven't had it dry cleaned.
Feb 17Reply
michlrich @brebuch13 Thank you for being honest ! I have been looking for a whitish linen skirt at thrift stores for a while and can not seem to find one without marks. If you say they are not that noticble while worn I will still take it. So since you are including the scarf and you gave me a great deal...let's just call it "even steven". :)
Feb 17Reply
brebuch13 @michlrich thank you! I have another one not listed because it has noticeable stains on the front. So hard to keep white/cream linen clean!!
Feb 17Reply
poshgarden Welcome to Poshmark 💟
Mar 07Reply
mrs_t14 Hi @brebuch13!!! 👋 nice closet!!
Mar 21Reply
brebuch13 @mrs_t14 Thank you!!! :)
Mar 21Reply
maryd1104 Thanks for the like! I am new to Poshmark so I appreciate the feedback.
Jun 30Reply
brebuch13 @stephaniez123 I don't have Merc, I was hoping to use my credits on Posh :) I'm still shopping around. Thanks!
Jul 29Reply
easydst Hi Breanna, Just letting you know the package is at my local PO. I have to go it and pay an extra $2.19. From what I was told you used a flat rate box and I was told normally it's $13 & change but you get a discount. The lady at the PO said you used the wrong packaging. I was a little confused considering you mail items. out. Just wanted to let you know.
Sep 30Reply
brebuch13 @easydst That doesn't make any sense because Poshmark makes the label. I always use priority mail boxes to go with the label. The tracking info says not deliverable as addressed. It's not like the package was heavy or anything. Weird....if they make you pay I would complain to Poshmark.
Sep 30Reply
brebuch13 @easydst And I don't use flat rate boxes :/ so I wonder what's going on. Sorry it's a problem...don't think it's either of our faults. Kind of upsets me actually.
Sep 30Reply
easydst Hi Breanna, All ok and my mistake, it was a priority box not Flat. That's what I thought very weird. The PO was ridiculous as well. Anytime I have to go to this particular PO is like going to the DMV. Very rude customer service. I will let Poshmark know. I mean $2.19 isn't going to break me. I knew you print off the labels and do what's asked. Anyway no worries. Have a fabulous weekend and I love the shirts. 😊
Sep 30Reply
brebuch13 @easydst Glad it all worked out ;)
Sep 30Reply
brebuch13 @easydst Can you rate it so I get my money? Thanks :))
Sep 30Reply
melrucan @brebuch13 Feel free to check out my closet 😊
Oct 18Reply
melrucan @brebuch13 do you trade at all?
Jan 03Reply
brebuch13 @melrucan not usually but what did you have in mind?
Jan 03Reply
melrucan @brebuch13 well I love your lace ruffle skirt . I know I would have to trade several of my items for that but I'd b willing to trade more and even take a loss cause I like it lol . But no pressure . Just checking 😍
Jan 03Reply
brebuch13 @melrucan for now I really only would want the plaid skirt :) let me know if you add more!
Jan 03Reply
melrucan @brebuch13 ok will do . I'm actually trying to add more 😊
Jan 03Reply
melrucan I've added a few more things and still trying to add more so keep checking 😍
Jan 03Reply
auntietiff @brebuch13 feel free to make on offer on the bundle you made in my closet.... I'd be happy to make you a great deal!😚 Really needing to sale some items as I'm running out of room to store my posh items.😅
Mar 05Reply
cherryleedavis Thank you for the Like on my blue Chelsea Crew pumps. I am offering a 20% Bundle Discount until August 31st so check out my closet to see what else you want.
Jun 03Reply
mmcleary hello nice to meet you stop by anytime 🌹
Jun 12Reply
2ndchpterboutqe Hey there! Just stopping by to follow your closet. #pentecostal
Jun 13Reply
percyjsnyder Hi! I thoroughly enjoyed browsing your closet! I so wish I was a size small! 😩 you're skirts and dresses are gorgeous!! 💖 --sis Percy
Jun 21Reply
brebuch13 @percyjsnyder thank you!! And thank you for all the shares!
Jun 21Reply
katiejcicc Hey!!! 👋🏼 I'm Kate!! I wanted to introduce myself and invite you to browse my modest closet too! Have a great night! 😘 (PS- some of my other fave modest closets are also @kadebbles @sarah_brown17 and @aldent89 )
Jun 29Reply
brebuch13 @katiejcicc awesome thanks!!
Jun 29Reply
sarah_brown17 Hi! 👋🏻 my friend @katiejcicc pointed me in your direction! I thought I'd invite you to peek in my closet as I love modest fashion too ❤️ if you see something you like feel free to make an offer - I will accept reasonable ones! 😃❤️
Jun 29Reply
brebuch13 @sarah_brown17 hello! I love finding modest closets! Most of the closets I follow are modest if you're looking for more!
Jun 29Reply
sarah_brown17 @brebuch13 thanks I'll be checking it out! ☺️
Jun 29Reply
girlinpearlsco Hi there! I sent you a private offer on the shoes! And if you like, I can drop the price to get you discounted shipping! LMK😊
Jul 03Reply
girlinpearlsco Hi! Just thought I'd let you know that today is the LAST DAY for a shipping discount! Would you like to purchase the Karen Scott shoes with discounted shipping AND a lower price?😊
Jul 03Reply
girlinpearlsco Hi again! Promise this is my last comment! Just thought I'd let you know that Posh is providing $3.99 shipping on ALL price drops! If you want the shoes with that discount, I'd be happy to make it work!
Jul 04Reply
lacyopj @elliebellie1234 hi I see you like several of my items. Would you like to bundle an make an offer
Jul 08Reply
lacyopj Sorry wrong person
Jul 08Reply
lacyopj Hi I see you like some of my items. Would you like to bundle an make an offer🎀
Jul 08Reply
modestyandme Thanks for the likes!! 😊❤️
Aug 14Reply
vitabigelow Hi I noticed you liked a couple items from my closet! If you're interested you can add them to a bundle and I'll make you a private offer!😊
Aug 16Reply
modestyandme Thanks ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 26Reply
girlinpearlsco Hi there! You have 3 likes in my closet! My B2G1 free special is about to end! Do you think you might be interested in purchasing your likes with my special?
Aug 29Reply
modestyandme Breanna , thanks so much will ship it out today 🤗❤️
Sep 02Reply
brebuch13 @modestyandme awesome thanks!
Sep 02Reply
amyegh Glad to find your closet. I'm always looking for modest ones of you have suggestions. 😊
Sep 02Reply
brebuch13 @amyegh check out who I'm following :) glad to help!
Sep 02Reply
amyegh @brebuch13 Thanks, of course!!!😁 I am still getting the hang of this.
Sep 02Reply
modestyandme Thanks again for your purchase.. it was a pleasure doing business with you !! 🤗❤️
Sep 05Reply
pk8 Like modest stuff- pleases Jesus. Thanks!
Oct 04Reply
lesabennett Hi! I'm Lesa.... your photos are beautiful 💕💕
Nov 07Reply
brebuch13 @reevesjennr my cousins live near there and we go to visit them :)
Nov 18Reply
brebuch13 @_rosebud_ awesome :) thanks!
Dec 08Reply
misstt16 Hi! I love your closet!!!!!! 😌👍
Dec 09Reply
brebuch13 @misstt16 thank you ☺️
Dec 09Reply
abundance1111 Hi thank you for your purchase these will be mailed out sometime today happy holidays.
Dec 13Reply
abundance1111 Enjoy your stockings 😘 thank for the rating. Happy Holidays
Dec 18Reply
brebuch13 @abundance1111 thank you :) we are doing a 1940s theme NYE party so they’ll be perfect!
Dec 18Reply
abundance1111 @brebuch13 How fun!!! Yes very perfect.
Dec 18Reply
blessedvagal I have your skirt packaged an ready to send, wasn't able to today because of winter weather, but plan to drop off at post office in the morning!! 😊
Jan 09Reply
brebuch13 @blessedvagal no problem :))
Jan 09Reply
thesmiths1996 @brebuch13 oh my goodness!!! I grew up in the COG! 😱 Compromise came in and snuffed Holiness out, but the old saints of my childhood and my grand parents trained up a child in the way she should go and when i grew up, i didn't forget 😉 We now attend an independent holiness church that has the standard. So encouraging to see that not all the COG has gone the way of the world. 💞 You have such a beautiful closet!! Blessings!
Jan 22Reply
brebuch13 @thesmiths1996 thank you!! 😊 yes we’re still here!!
Jan 22Reply
brebuch13 @thesmiths1996 we still publish a bimonthly booklet called The Remnant if you would be interested we can add you to the mailing list :)
Jan 22Reply
thesmiths1996 @brebuch13 That would be INCREDIBLE!!! Some of our best friends (formerly COG-ite's too) have am independent holiness church in Scottsboro/Hollywood, AL. They named it Remnant Holiness Tabernacle. 😍
Jan 22Reply
brebuch13 @thesmiths1996 you can contact remnantpresscontact @ Gmail .com and they’ll add you to the mailing list :)
Jan 22Reply
thesmiths1996 @brebuch13 THANK YOU!! I will do that right now😀
Jan 22Reply
spreadlove Hi! I️ know there are many closets but I’d be grateful if you check out mine. Either way I️ was just stopping in the say hello. Have a great day!
Jan 24Reply
fashion_revival @brebuch13 HELLO! Check out my modest closet! 😄👍
Feb 24Reply
giftsgalore51 Hi Hon!!! Have a bit of wiggle room in KSclutch that you liked!!! Please make an offer!!! SALLY POSH AMBASSADOR AND 5star top rated seller
Mar 27Reply
brebuch13 @kacieb776 thank you for the dress!! Wore it today for a barn wedding and got tons of compliments! 😍 it’s in the second photo.
Apr 01Reply
kacieb776 Yeah girl!!! Love that dress on you! So happy you like it 😘
Apr 01Reply
brebuch13 @aschanick check out my latest photo :) the plaid dress worked great thank you so much! Wore it to see Phantom of the Opera!
Apr 19Reply
aschanick @brebuch13 Aww yippee 🤗🤗 so happy wit worked for you!!! You look beautiful in it 💕
Apr 19Reply
stacyrscott Feel free to check out my closet. I need to clear out so I can buy new! Bundle anything you like and I’ll send a private offer;)
Jul 16Reply
classy_elegance Hi , Nice to meet a fellow modest closet 🙂
Jul 25Reply
brebuch13 @linda_b_closet same to you! :) I love Poshmark! If you ever have any questions feel free to ask, also check out who I am following for a lot of other modest closets!
Jul 25Reply
classy_elegance @brebuch13 Will do, Thank you!
Jul 25Reply
27angie10 Hi dear! 🤗 I see you liked one of my listings. Please feel free to make an offer or create a bundle and offer me whatever you feel is fair and, as long as it’s reasonable, I will accept your offer and ship it out same day! Have a blessed day! 💕
Sep 11Reply
samaiya717 Hi 🌺 thanks for visiting my closet 💕 I hope you found something you liked. Bundle items for a special discount or make an offer to any item 😊 enjoy your day 💕
Sep 15Reply
nmarin0 Hey Hun, thanks for the offer on the block heel sandals. Unfortunately the current price is the lowest I’m willing to go. I’ve worn them once for about an hour and they’re in excellent condition.
Sep 16Reply
myjoyfamily Hello! Check out my modest closet! :)
Sep 17Reply
sanchezeh Thank you for all your likes! Feel free to make a bundle for an awesome offer! Or you can send me an offer as well :)
Oct 01Reply
bb94_posher Welcome and please Feel free to check out my closet!
Feb 15Reply
melodylegacy Hi Brianna, I love your fire fighter pictures Hi son is going on Wednesday to an orientation for the City of Miami fire department. Out of 1000 applicants he tested and was number one. I am so proud of him. He graduated two years ago, take so long to get Hired in Miami. Please pray he get hired 🙏🙏
Mar 11Reply
melodylegacy If you go online to a site called fireman up they have nice firefighter T-shirts. Just bought my son the one that says tread on. Anyway, thanks for liking The under armor sports bra from my closet. Offer $15 and I will accept and get it shipped to you today for you to enjoy. Please keep in touch and keep those prayers coming for my son. Thanks again Melody♥️
Mar 11Reply
naomirosebrewer Hi Breana! I noticed you liked some of my item! Feel free to bundle the items and make an offer! I am trying to downsize so any offer will please me :))
Mar 14Reply
tifflery @brebuch13 heya! I noticed that you like the recycled firefighter bag....just wanted to tell you they're having a buy one get one FREE sale today on the front pocket wallets on their website. If you add two to your cart it automatically gives you one of them free. All colors and styles and stuff. Might be good for gifts! I got a couple. Lol.
Apr 05Reply
brebuch13 @tifflery awesome! Thank you so much!
Apr 05Reply
tifflery @brebuch13 sure! I think it's just today, though, so you might check it out if you want to do it!
Apr 05Reply
ohusoneedthis Hello Breanna!!! I’m Julie!! I saw that you had liked my navy Ralph Lauren shoes. Wish I could do more but the lowest i can go with them would be another 10% off for you. $22. I’m sorry but I’m sure you can understand things have been slow recently!!! Keep an eye on my closet as i still have hundred s of items to list. I will never run it!!! Drop by anytime! Loved your closet!!!
Jul 16Reply
ayakir1 Thanks for your purchase I will ship it out Tuesday latest. Have a beautiful day.
Jul 21Reply
ayakir1 Hi I will ship it out by tomorrow. Sorry about the delay. Have an amazing day. It’s packed and ready to be shipped just need to make it to post office.
Jul 25Reply
brebuch13 @ayakir1 thanks! :)
Jul 25Reply
ayakir1 @brebuch13 dropped it off and it’s tracking already. Sorry once again for taking so long.
Jul 25Reply
brebuch13 @ayakir1 no problem ;) thanks!
Jul 25Reply
ayakir1 Thank you for the rating. Enjoy it and feel free to shop at my closet for amazing offers and discounts. Have a wonderful weekend.
Jul 27Reply
brebuch13 @savmm828 no problem! Happy poshing!
Aug 29Reply
linda0606 Come check out my closet. I think you may like it. Thanks.
Nov 27Reply
mjfaith158 Hello! I'm Apostolic and have lots of modest things in my closet please come check it out 😊
Jan 10Reply
klerro1021 Thanks so much for shopping my closet💜. I will be shipping out your purchase early tomorrow morning ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻 Stay safe and healthy 🦋🦋🦋🦋
Mar 29Reply
brebuch13 @klerro1021 thank you for the generous offer! :)
Mar 29Reply
brebuch13 @hannahhowe2001 awesome ;) thank you so much!
Apr 16Reply
secondchancebtq Hi Breanna! Stopping by to compliment your lovely closet. Happy Poshing and stay safe!
Jul 18Reply
paanibun05 Hi thanks for viewing my closet. I see you liked a couple of MK items . Feel free to bundle up. I offer discounts. Stay safe🌺
Aug 02Reply
mlrambo Saw you liked jean skirts! I have quite a few in my closet & a couple more to list!
Aug 22Reply
pdirv Hi Breanna! Thanks for stopping by and liking my Loft maxi skirt.👍🏼 . Feel free to reach out if I can help you with it! 😊🌺🪴
Sep 12Reply
amber2286 Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself! ! If you aren’t familiar with what’s going on please check your emails and look at messages frm Posh! In the meantime, I’m running a HUGE special for all winners! HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word “Winner”
Sep 19Reply
teenie024 @brebuch13 hi! congrats on winning Love it or List it! feel free to browse my closet if you're looking for anything specific and I'm always offering deals! have fun spoiling yourself😉🥳🤗
Sep 19Reply
cwallace03885 Hello! Thank you for your purchase! I am going to try to get it sent out tomorrow!!
Oct 25Reply
brebuch13 @cwallace03885 awesome thanks! :)
Oct 25Reply
brooke_eliz01 Hey Breanna, Feel free to check out my modest closet:)
Apr 20Reply
ruralaura Thank you for visiting my closet let me know if you have any questions!
May 24Reply
spanishluna thanks for the like have a safe and blessed night be safe and careful out there sorry removing the listing it's sold be blessed
Jul 25Reply
cutehosiery @brebuch13 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 21Reply

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Last Active: 7 hours ago

De Graff, OH
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Last Active: 7 hours ago

De Graff, OH
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