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Updated Dec 23
Updated Dec 23

Meet your Posher, Bree

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Bree☺️ My nervous system is compromised & each day is a struggle, so I humbly request your patience🙏🏻. Little about me…Supervised a 9-1-1 comm center til ‘17 when I medically retired due to Chiari Malformation, Type I & Syringomyelia (RARE nervous system disorder that damages the spinal cord). Only 8 in 100,000 people are affected & my particular case is extreme. By the time I was diagnosed, 100% of my spinal nerves were destroyed, but ALL glory to God, I’m not paralyzed!🙏🏻 Now 100% disabled, PM is how I spread joy, hope & awareness, while striving to improve my QUALITY of life! We can't know other's battles & I thank all of U 4 your understanding ❤️ & support! I keep u ALL close 2 my❤️!🥰
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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brandonepope hi I just wanted to thank you very much for purchasing the hush puppies they're in brand new condition really I will get the shipping label printed out today and I'll get that mailed this afternoon
Nov 16Reply
1_thriftysister Good news! I was able to cancel your initial order for the Hush Puppies loafers and make them available again in my closet (copy) so now you can create a bundle with another item & save on shipping! Thanks for the inquiry and shopping my closet!!
Nov 20Reply
1_thriftysister Oh and more good news Bree...I always give an additional 15% off any 2+ bundle!!
Nov 20Reply
blueskygirl34 Welcome to Poshmark Beautiful~so glad you are here🥰 You’re gonna love shopping here. So many treasures and great people! If you have any questions, let me know. I’m happy to help💕 ☀️ Have Fun & Happy Poshing ☀️
Nov 22Reply
mainstreetstyle Hey there! Just stopping by to say hi! 🌺🌺🌺 What a lovely closet you have!✨ Wishing you good sales! Happy poshing! ❤️
Nov 23Reply
breezy8312 @mainstreetstyle Thank you SO much! 💝 I appreciate your encouragement & support! Everyone here seems so nice, I love this world!🙏🏼🥰
Nov 23Reply
atl14420 @breezy8312 🌻🌈💚Clothing, Handbags and More🎈🌟💛 15% Off Bundles 2+ Items🎉💎🌺Offers Accepted 🎀💫🌷Stay Fabulous and Happy Poshing 🎇🧡🌹
Nov 24Reply
aliceswnderland Welcome 😃
Nov 29Reply
oceanside12345 Hi Bree!!! I’m Nettie! Merry Holidays! Check out my closet, maybe I have something for you or a family member. Gorgeous closet! I'd ❤️❤️❤️ if you found a treasure! Happy Poshing! Wishing you an Awesome Festive Fun Holiday!!! Love & Light
Dec 12Reply
frannie322 Hey @breezy8312! Please take a look at the bundle listing I made for you, so that you only have to pay the shipping fee from your orders from this past weekends Posh Live! Once you purchase it I will cancel the individual orders
Dec 14Reply
breezy8312 @frannie322 okie dokie, thanks!🥰 😊
Dec 14Reply
kp1973rap Hi Merry Christmas
Dec 17Reply
breezy8312 @1_thriftysister thank you so much! I’ve will look back through your closet! I hope you enjoyed the holidays, and that this year is off to a good start!
Jan 03Reply
breezy8312 @blueskygirl34 Thank you so much! I’m still learning the app and everything else, but wanted to return your thoughtful sentiments! ❤️
Jan 03Reply
breezy8312 @atl14420 thank you! ❤️💜
Jan 03Reply
breezy8312 @alicesclosets Thank you so much!🥰
Jan 03Reply
breezy8312 @oceanside12345 Thank you! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season!!❤️💜
Jan 03Reply
breezy8312 @kp1973rap I hope you had a wonderful holiday season!
Jan 03Reply
jeandabean624 Hi! I noticed you liked an item listed in my closet and I just wanted to drop by and let you know I am running a BUY ONE GET ONE FREE sale! (Any item of equal or lesser value). Please stop by my closet when you have a chance! I add new items daily! ✨💫🌟
Jan 07Reply
michelefeola Hi Bree I just wanted to thank you again for your purchase. It was fun today! I’m going to send out tomorrow. Was there anything that caught your eye in my closet? If so I’ll bundle it and discount the price.
Jan 09Reply
thesearch21 appreciate you sharing to Twitter, I'd reciprocate but I'm not on social media. if you ever like anything else let me know so I can send a good offer or you're welcome to send offers always. thanks again.
Jan 09Reply
thesearch21 PS coincidentally I'm packing your items now💙
Jan 09Reply
lorimargaret12 hi.. iam so thankful to u and for u. Art is my life's dream. I lost my brother Jan 1st 2020 he loved my stuff... ty for ur beautiful thoughts and comments. I have more paintings that I may show. I just wanted to say Thank You...
Jan 11Reply
breezy8312 @thesearch21 no problem and you bet!
Jan 11Reply
breezy8312 @lorimargaret12 I’m truly sorry for your loss. I feel like Covid came and began wreaking havoc everywhere! Even if COVID isn’t what caused all of the loss, it seems somehow to have triggered it. Everyone everywhere lost so much & so many! We lost my dad Nov 20, our family’s dog (my best friend) Dec 20, and my brother’s wife in Sept 21. Let’s keep in touch, shall we? Perhaps we can help encourage and support one another.😊❤️
Jan 11Reply
lorimargaret12 @breezy8312 I wld really love that. ty so very much💕💕💕
Jan 11Reply
lorimargaret12 my brother at Xmas had an upper respiratory cold and since he was a user the drugs and partying combined with possible COVID just exploded his heart.... I miss him oh so much... the holidays are forever tainted for me and our family... it's been a rough few years...
Jan 12Reply
cutehosiery @breezy8312 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 16Reply
klosetkloseout_ hey ur card was declined so what would you like me to do??
Jan 21Reply
breezy8312 @jerradeann12 really?? It shouldn’t have been. Would you mind giving me a few minutes to call the bank and inquire with them?
Jan 21Reply
klosetkloseout_ @breezy8312 sure it says payment failed that's the second time itd happened n I've sold 2 things lol seams like it always fails when someone else auctions my items...yes call the bank and lmk sweetie itd packed and ready to go and hope you look three qnd bundle bc I am giving amazing deals closet clear out w 1 shipping so go crazy I promice you will love the price!!
Jan 21Reply
klosetkloseout_ I also have more I'm posting right now so keep an eye out
Jan 21Reply
breezy8312 @jerradeann12 I’m looking online while on the phone with bank. The woman is saying they haven’t declined any purchases and I don’t see anything being returned online. What is your total Doesn’t make sense though, there’s plenty of funds in the account, and so far, I don’t see anything being returned. I’m so sorry for this! I’m don’t understand!
Jan 21Reply
breezy8312 @jerradeann12 sorry that should have said what is your exact total for me?
Jan 21Reply
breezy8312 @jerradeann12 I will look through your closet if that’s still OK? I had to get off the show because it kept glitching and then the app would shut down. So I went to my laptop, but I couldn’t connect there either. Perhaps it was my Wi-Fi. I finally gave up. I’m glad I can get on here now!
Jan 21Reply
klosetkloseout_ @breezy8312 yes take a look I'm still adding qnd lmk and I will give u a great deal
Jan 21Reply
klosetkloseout_ I'm going to post on my page the screen shot of my last sale
Jan 21Reply
klosetkloseout_ @breezy8312 hello yeah it still says csncelled it u wanna pirchase it its boxed and ready to go and I'll go into my closet n mark it down to price u bought it for in the show...lmk I'm going to ship in the am....also look for h r eat bundles I'll give qn amazing price have to clear out
Jan 23Reply
breezy8312 @laurie_bassett excellent! It was darling?
Jan 28Reply
breezy8312 @beautifynails Thank you so much for the compliment; I’d love to spend time in your closet! You know, share and and share alike!💓 Thanks for the invite! Have a wonderful weekend!☀️♥️
Jan 28Reply
breezy8312 @jerradeann12 I apologize, I didn’t see the notification of this message, and I never think to look on this page. It’s so strange because my bank said nothing was ever declined, but I believe you! And is it still unpaid? How weird glitches can be! OK, I’ll go take a look at the notifications from that day? Is that the best way to get to it? Forgive me I’m still new to Poshmark. Some things I remember clearly others I don’t!🤦🏻‍♀️
Jan 28Reply
klosetkloseout_ @breezy8312 yea arill not paid I awear
Jan 28Reply
dibrenn18 Good Afternoon my beautiful friend! I am thrilled your Daughter loved the Gemstone Earrings for her Birthday! 🎉 May she have her BEST year yet filled with happiness, great health and abundant happiness! 🎉 Your love note and amazing review just made my entire day. 💐 I have 100’s of items not listed, if you’re ever looking for something specific, please reach out anytime. Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week! 💕 Dianne
Feb 02Reply
ttumacder Hi Bree, don’t forget to cancel my order and thank you for your understanding. Like you said, it happened to the best of us. I hope your seller let you cancel your accidental bid, too. Have a nice day.
Feb 03Reply
bevsboutiques Hello!!! Thank you for your help and your purchase tonight! I have so many items to sell. I will post more tonight and tomorrow in your size to look over. Just let me know your size and style ☺️
Feb 07Reply
natsantangelo Just popped in to say hello. Have a great day and happy poshing. Why not check out my closet too?
Feb 11Reply
thekrapshack Thank you for sharing my listing to Twitter! I don't have a Twitter account and don't know how to do that! lol.
Feb 25Reply
Mar 08Reply
rposen Hi Bree! It’s great to meet you!🥰
Mar 08Reply
essieandella Thank you for taking the time to come to my practice show! If you are interested in purchasing anything please let us know so we can offer you a great deal! Hope to hangout with you again soon! 🌸Essie&Ella🌸
Mar 22Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Mar 25Reply
vidaog Told Jill to sell you the Kate spade bags with cars
Apr 03Reply
vidaog You can buy the car Kate space when I get them
Apr 03Reply
vidaog You can buy the Kate spade when I get it
Apr 03Reply
angie1892 I’m doing a live show this afternoon with most of the sizes that you were purchasing. I just wanted to let you know I have $3 starts on a lot of cute stuff in your size.
Apr 10Reply
blondieforkeeps If you were interested in that upcycle LV keychain, I know who makes them and she starts her auction at $10.
Apr 12Reply
breezy8312 @kp1973rap Sorry I’m only responding now, but Happy Easter!💛💛💛💛💛
Apr 12Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello and invite you to my closet if you're in the mood to shop! 🌻🌻
Apr 22Reply
retirementready I'm so sorry u r going through this crap. If I can do anything to help, please don't hesitate to reach out. Stay strong. I know it's corner, but this too shall pass.
Apr 27Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. I’d like to invite you to Visit my closet where I have many unique and vintage items including china, clothing, accessories, seasonal decor, plush toys, games and puzzles, books, DVDs, arts and crafts, jewelry and religious items. You’ll receive a 20% discount when you bundle two or more items. (up to 5 lbs per bundle). I hope you’ll rake a peek at my closet- all offers are welcome.
May 31Reply
hellobrigid Hi 👋 Just wanted to share my closet is 50% off. 🌴🚚 I’m moving to Puerto Rico and need extra funds for the next phase of the process 💘 Like and I’ll send the discount offer 🌈Brigid
Jun 08Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales!
Jun 17Reply
so1012 Hi! I just wanted to invite you to check out my closet because I’m having a great 3/$15 sale that includes lots of items! Listings are added every few days 😊
Jul 07Reply
tshann002 3683 is a code you can use for poshside-kick.
Jul 08Reply
dibrenn18 Bree all your pictures are beautiful! I’m so happy you like everything in your package. I’m extremely Thankful for you and our Friendship! 🙏 I wanted to include something special for you in appreciation of your purchase. As Posh is our source of income since having the 6 Spinal Surgeries with 1 more required. We’re diligently trying to save for the 20% Insurance co-pay. Wishing you a relaxing night and blessed week ahead. Love & Prayers coming your way. 💕 Dianne
Jul 17Reply
rhapsody19 I love seeing pictures of you and your family. That's a nice touch to show off your beautiful closet!
Aug 02Reply
rhapsody19 Hi Bree. Your closet looks way more interesting than any clothes closet! I put personal pictures in some of my listings especially places I visit. It's nice to meet you and thanks for inspiring me on posting more pictures. Enjoy!
Aug 10Reply
rhapsody19 Hi Breezy...I just joined you on Instagram. You have really cool clothes too and thanks for your comment on my closet!
Oct 08Reply
tezza630 Hi Bree!! (i can already tell you i will get too verbose & will have to write several comments due to the silly 500 character limit, which i am already nearly at! 😂🤣) I just saw the lovely comment that you left on my closet page - you are too sweet! I'd be honored to be your "twin" separated at birth! What a great compliment! 🥰 thank you! (part 1 of 3)
Oct 10Reply
tezza630 Actually, I've been mostly AWOL on Posh of late.... i have a million things i "should" list here, but true to my post, lol, i am a procrastinator & far too easily distracted (*squirrel!*). I'm "old school" posh, before it went to live shows & all this techy stuff, ha! Alas, i just don't really know "how" to do all that & frankly don't care to. 🤷🏻‍♀️ (part 2 of 3)
Oct 10Reply
tezza630 But it warms my heart that you took the time to stop by & i'm happy to have made a new friend! I've met so many sweet people here & i'm grateful for that. Feel free to tag me any time! - i do pop in an check my feed on a fairly regular basis! 💚🐾 All the best! Tari (part 3 of 3)
Oct 10Reply
breezy8312 @lorimargaret12 bless your heart! I don’t know if I responded to this previously or not. I’m quite easily distracted and have the best of intentions but, lack the focus to follow through at times. I understand & can relate to ur experience with your bro. Family can be the best of us or the most painful 2 bare. Friends are God's way of apologizing for our families!😂I want to keep in touch… but I'mbad at keeping up with the messaging on here. I forget where to look & it feels impossible!
Oct 10Reply
chicnation @breezy8312 hi nice to meet you from chic nation boutique
Nov 16Reply
tinakaysgoodies I sent you some shares.... I am new at this posh stuff so not sure if I did it right
Nov 25Reply
ladykyb Thank You for the compliment! I have a very Eclectic Closet as I owned a consignment shop and carried Men’s,Children’s,& Lady’s items including Vintage,but ALAS time to give it to others to enjoy 😊
Jan 10Reply
silverlady1986 Bree, what a beautiful name, so good to get to meet you. Thanks so much for all your likes and your kind words of appreciation of my closet..You ask about the camera I use for my pictures, I use the Whistle camera app it let's you have full hand control. I will get you the measurements for the dress you're interested in.
Jan 19Reply
silverlady1986 Bree, I wanted you to know I have a closet wide discount of 25% discount for the purchase of two or more items that will be taken off at checkout. Thank you for taking the time to go through my closet. Peggy
Jan 19Reply
silverlady1986 Bree, just wanted you to know that I made extra pictures of the Wet Seal dress your interested in, I updated my listing with the new pictures of measurements. I love all your family pictures, they are awesome. Let me know if I can help you with anything else.
Jan 19Reply
brandauthentic Hey my dear💗 We're @Brandauthentic, your trusted source for designer bags👜 As a leading company, we're excited to offer you exclusive access to our live shows with unbeatable discounts of over 50% off our page prices💥 Our extensive inventory features 100+ items sold daily, and we add 200+ new arrivals every day🆕 Don't miss your opportunity to elevate your style to the next level✨ Follow us to stay in the know and never miss our incredible deals. Your fashion journey upgrades here🛍️
Jan 25Reply
goodvibeswithus Bree!! Thank you so much for today!! You were amazing!! Your energy was great and I can’t wait to catch you on your shows. Please please tag me!! Cannot thank you enough for today’s positive vibes. So happy you came across my show. ♥️ have an amazing weekend!! Take care.
Jan 27Reply
walkincloset33 Hi! Thanks for the support in my first posh shoe this morning! I was wondering if you got your payment fixed and if you are still Interested in the items You bought and if you want to bundle them
Feb 09Reply
jobrigham Hey Bree, I tried to find your show yesterday, but I never found it. I hope it went great. I hope everything is well with you and your family. Give me a shout when you a chance, Jo
Feb 21Reply
aniagftsandmore Thanks so much for the follow. I shared some of your items. I have women's, men's, kids in my closet & if you are interested in LIVE shows, I normally have LIVE shows Mondays- women's S-4X lots unlisted, nwt, nwot, like new, $15 and under. Tuesdays- kids share show train & pop-ups too. I have a lot more unlisted than listed. also each purchase gets you an entry into my monthly giveaway. In LIVES you only pay 1 shipping and I cover anything over 5 lb. thanks so much! -Ania-
Sep 17Reply
lesliesmith528 I will try to paste the response.
Sep 17Reply
lesliesmith528 Hi Leslie This invitation is for you to host your own Share Show during the Posh Party LIVE event on Thursday, September 19, at 2:00 pm PT / 4:00 pm CST. It’s a great opportunity to showcase your items during that time slot. There’s no specific requirement for your items to fit the K-Fashion theme during the show. You are free to share any brands or categories you have in your closet Jessica
Sep 17Reply
joy2poshworld62 I'd love to mentor you and help with your first live show ... I only do silent because of my cancer treatment damaged my voice but I love helping out anyone new and making connections 🩷✌️🌎 joy
Sep 23Reply
gigi11155 @breezy8312 hi Bree wanted to thank you for your kind words and I admire your stamina! I too have spine issues so I truly can relate!! Nice meeting ya on POSH! Many blessings🙏🏻❤️
Jan 18Reply
tammy200707 Your absolutely beautiful girl!!! Tag me if you do go live ok!! I don’t even have the right kind of flyer lol 😂 so much to learn lol God bless you breeze!🤗🫶🏼🤗💜
Feb 19Reply
poshalejandra25 Do you have any more lip care products from colourpop
5 days agoReply

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Salinas, CA
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Last Active: 4 hours ago

Salinas, CA
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