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Updated Mar 17
Updated Mar 17

Meet your Posher, Brenda

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Brenda. Some of my favorite brands are PINK, American Eagle , Nike, and Old Navy ETC. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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kayleigh_c18 Hi, If you are interested in the item you liked on my Poshmark feel free to make a offer or bundle 2 or more items for 10% off and only pay shipping once! Happy poshing😊❤️
Mar 17Reply
alhopki Hi welcome to Poshmark
Mar 22Reply
chicsales2803 Thanks for liking the items in my closet.feel free to make me an offer and it will be yours.thanks and happy poshin
Apr 06Reply
brenda33hutt @chicsales2803 thank you do you have any of the red left in those shoes
Apr 06Reply
chicsales2803 @brenda33hutt.which shoes and what size in particular?Shoot your comment beneath the listing
Apr 06Reply
brenda33hutt @chicsales2803 size 9 let me look
Apr 06Reply
merandall Thank you for your purchase I will have that in the mail Monday on my way home from work should start tracking Tuesday again thank you for your purchase have a great rest of your week! 💕
Apr 12Reply
mandaluvscoe Hello 👋 I’m Amanda, Thank you for your likes💕 check out my closet spend $75 or more on a purchase or purchase a bundle and you get a free VS pink camo pink belt bag TODAY only!!⚡️ thanks any questions just ask me. I also accept all reasonable offers, not sure what’s reasonable keep in mind posh takes 20% and refer to my Please read listing, for a chart on acceptable offers! Have a a great weekend!
Apr 12Reply
rweber81 I have a ton more pink shirts I will be posting this evening! Thank you for your purchase and for the rating!
Apr 15Reply
brenda33hutt @rweber81your welcome how good are you sperrys are they scratched real bad I would love to see the shirts
Apr 15Reply
vtgonzo Hi there! Thank you for the likes, feel free to bundle or make an offer on anything in my closet ❤️
Apr 16Reply
dunnave Hey! Thank you for the likes 💖 if you’d like to bundle all of your likes I will definitely get you a great bundle deal. Let me know 🥰
Apr 21Reply
jaylenmsimpson thank you sooooo much for buying from me!! your item will be shipped shortly ❤️ please check out my other items and make my offers i will most likely accept!!! much love😘😘
Apr 22Reply
brenda33hutt @jaylenmsimpson your welcome thank you
Apr 22Reply
denimmunkies @brenda33hutt I am so glad you wandered into my closet I have a little bit of everything as you can prolly tell! So grateful for weight loss hypnosis, I am now an 8 from a Size 24W! What you see are all the items in between those so many never worn we launder all untagged and have all tagged steamed for great pics! Live with a house full of Fashionista's! We love to shop! Please send offers as I prepare to take the hardest working man I know on Vacation!!! Your New P.F.F. Mel
Apr 28Reply
denimmunkies @brenda33hutt Bundle and have saving for even the clearance items ($25) or less items when you buy 3 & get combined shipping!!!! Non clearance items get an addl private discount!!!! Offer sent on your liked item!!!!
Apr 28Reply
twig_blossom Hi friend! I just wanted to stop by and say hello. If you have the chance feel free to take a look at my closet! I sell PINK, VICTORIAS SECRET, WHBM, NY&CO,NIKE and more. I have quality pieces and am always open to offers! So come take a look! Xoxo K 🌿
May 23Reply
nicolle_lo23 Thank you so much for the review!!
Jul 15Reply
brenda33hutt @nicolle_lo23 your welcome 🙂
Jul 15Reply
brenda33hutt @cali3542 your welcome 🙂
Jul 19Reply
annesposhcloset Hi there! I just wanted to stop by and invite you to come check out my closet! Most items are 5/$25 ~ so you can bundle and save! Items are priced very low for quick sale :-) feel free to make offers ❤️
Nov 08Reply
spreadlove HI, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! HAPPY NEW YEAR & THOUGHTS! @spreadlove
Jan 05Reply
corabellscloset Hello Brenda, thank you for taking a peek at my closet and liking an item, if you bundle two or more items I offer a discount . Stay healthy and well 😊
Apr 15Reply
1111thrift hey honey!! 🍯🍯 I just visited your closet, and it is fabulous!! 🦋✨ I would love if you stopped by mine as well & took a look around !! 💗💗 happy poshing 🛍💛
Apr 15Reply
giannaherbert11 hi, i see that you have liked some of my items. if you make a bundle i will discount it!!
Apr 16Reply
maleyaaa_ So happy you popped into my closet 🥰feel free to bundle your likes for one time shipping and extra discounts 🎁💕
Apr 16Reply
vmcgarrell Thank you for your purchased.
May 04Reply
karyndi @brenda33hutt. Hi Brenda. Your bundle is all set. its been over a week..and this morning you added new items. I gave you one of the best offers ive ever given!! So, Im hoping this time you will ACCEPT. Thank you very much for shopping my closet. Your package will be filled with goodies and I promise you will be very happy. Thnx again. waiting on you now. Kartn.
May 08Reply
alejan_robins Hi there! Please feel free to check out my closet. I have a bunch of listings from brands like American Eagle Outfitters, Brandy Melville and Urban Outfitters. I will give discounts to bundles and am willing to negotiate prices :)🦋💞
May 10Reply
pepperedlemon Come check out my closet! I have a ton of brands you'd be interested in such as PINK, American Eagle, and Old Navy and willing to give discounts on any item you're interested in buying when you add it to your bundle! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing :)
May 14Reply
vspinkplusmore thank you I shipped it ❤
May 27Reply
brenda33hutt @vspinkplusmore awesome thank you I have been looking at those sandals forever lol ❤❤❤
May 27Reply
faithvalido Thank you so much for your ⭐️s and thoughtful feedback, so glad the Army items went to a great home! I hope you consider my closet in the future and have a GREAT weekend!!!😊❤️👍💕
May 29Reply
brenda33hutt @faithvalido your welcome sweetie if you get anymore of the army clothes let me know
May 30Reply
faithvalido @brenda33hutt I have some listed already and some socks I haven’t listed yet along with maybe a few other items. I’ll let you know, thanks!!!😀❤️🌸
May 30Reply
brenda33hutt @faithvalido ok sweetie ty 🥰🥰🥰
May 30Reply
vspinkplusmore thank you I'm so happy you love it ❤❤❤
Jun 02Reply
zardiva1 Hey! 😃 I just wanna say: WV, represennnnnt! ✋😃🤚(Haha 😄) My parents and grandparents were all born and raised there (in the Kimball/Welch area) 👍🙂
Jun 09Reply
jenhollon you offered 35.00 on a bundle I had for 52.00 I counted at 40.00 but I'm about to post some like boy outfits new with tags so I'm wondering how that works if you like them? could it be added on already accepted offer?
Aug 02Reply
brenda33hutt @jenhollon I'm not really sure how that works but I can go to your page and look
Aug 02Reply
jenhollon @brenda33hutt I have not posted them yet ,will immediately if they are the size you need. These are 18 mo to 24 I believe.
Aug 02Reply
jenhollon @brenda33hutt I just posted them so add what you want to your bundle if youd like Mahalo
Aug 02Reply
posh_mama918 @brenda33hutt Thank you for liking my SPERRY boots... feel free to send me an Offer if you’re interested... and also please check out my closet I have more shoes and beautiful purse that you might like 💕
Aug 06Reply
brenda33hutt @zardiva1 just know seeing this so sorry yes good ole west Virginia
Aug 06Reply
elleywhitman Thank you for buying a shirt from me! I’m in the process of moving right now, but I’m going to try to ship it out within the next 2 days:)
Aug 08Reply
amanda_d118 Hey!! Welcome to Poshmark!! Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to check out my closet I have items from Victoria Secret/Pink, Aerie, Hollister and more brands. Happy poshing😊
Aug 08Reply
shopamore143 Glad you liked your purchase!! ☺️☺️
Aug 15Reply
serena4957 Hi Brenda. I am Serena 4957 you liked my black anorak pink jacket I’m not sure if you read the listing or not but it’s brand new with tags still in package I am and I’m not charging as much is is it on the tag. I am offering a discount of 20% and cheaper shipping if you bundle one more item with it. Please let me know if your interested. Ty Serena4957
Jan 12Reply
superjenn1974 Hello there!
Jan 15Reply
katie3912 Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! I have multiple name brands and stylish clothing! I hope you have an amazing day and happy poshing!!💜
Feb 10Reply
different_babe @brenda33hutt I just sent you an offer love!
Mar 03Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jan 17Reply

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Last Active: Mar 08 2021

Elkins, WV
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Last Active: Mar 08 2021

Elkins, WV
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