Meet your Posher, Bridgett
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Hi! I'm Bridgett. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Welcome to Poshmark where you will find supportive Poshers as well as awesome products and service. If you need anything please contact me @obliged1. Please take a moment to browse my closet and feel free to share items with other Poshers. I look forward to finding great deals in your closet and sharing as well. Happy Poshing 👠👗🕶🛍 Char
Aug 27Reply

Hi Bridgett, I sent you an offer on the purse you liked, you are welcome to counter, if you don’t like the offer. 😉
Sep 27Reply

@mandyberlin54 Thank you! 🙂
Sep 27Reply

@bdm1985 Good Morning. You countered, thank you. Unfortunately another posher snatched it up😩. Is there another purse or item, that my interest you? 👗👠👚
I would be delighted to find you something you like as well. Have a wonderful day. Mandy
Sep 28Reply

@mandyberlin54 I know. 😞 No biggie. As of right now, there's not another I'm interested in but I'll keep checking back. Thanks! ☺️
Sep 28Reply

@bdm1985 Ok, is it the brand you like, the color, style? Just want to know what to look out for when picking up new items.
Sep 28Reply

@mandyberlin54 I'm looking for one that's pretty similar to the one you posted. I want brown/tan and I want the 3 separated sections.
Sep 28Reply

@bdm1985 ok, I will keep my eyes open. Thanks for the feedback. 😊🏖
Sep 28Reply

I sent you a offer on VB bag. I like your pic too, I was on Price is Right too, did you win? Welcome to Posh too, it's a lot of fun, check out my closet as well.
Sep 28Reply

@restartgrace I got it! I sent you a counter. We went last year and saw the traveling show. We didn't make it on but we had a really good time. Did you make it on?
Sep 28Reply

@bdm1985 I was on the one is LA but got 90 on the wheel and the person after me got 95--- so close to the show case, however I did win some great prizes. It was a blast.
Sep 28Reply

@bdm1985 I sent you a counter offer--- I just really need the bag, however I am in love with that print....
Sep 28Reply

@restartgrace That is so cool. I'd love to go on the one out there but that's on the other side of the country. Maybe one day I will get out there! 🙂
Sep 28Reply

@bdm1985 it was long ago when Bob Barker was still doing it
Sep 28Reply

@bdm1985 I won a ceiling fan with a remote to get on stage and a custom bed room set for my first bid/game and a back massager and something else I can't remember. I played tic tac toe
Sep 28Reply

@bdm1985 thank you for my bargain 😊
Sep 28Reply

@restartgrace Oh my goodness! I'm so jealous. I'd love to have got to meet Bob Barker!!! That's awesome!
You're welcome! I hope you love it! I've already packaged it up and I will mail it out tomorrow. 🙂
Sep 28Reply

@bdm1985 wow your fast...
Bob Barker was very nice I even did the kiss on the cheek in all lol such a dork
Check out my closet, and let me know if I can return the bargain your way. I have quite a few more things to add, hopefully have some more up by the weekend :)
Have a great day.
Sep 28Reply

@restartgrace I would have killed over if he'd kissed me on the cheek! I'm such a dork! Lol...
Thanks! I try to ship same or next day. I most definitely will check out your closet! Have a wonderful evening!!!
Sep 28Reply

Hello! You purchased a skirt and top from me last week and unfortunately I cannot find the top! I can send you the skirt with $6 (half of purchase price) if you still want the skirt only. I’m so sorry...I’ve searched for days. 😝
Feb 12Reply

@sarahbacon11 Thank you for letting me know. Could you please cancel my order? I actually bought the outfit because I wanted the shirt. The skirt isn’t my size but I figured I’d use the outfit as a goal for losing weight. If you do happen to find it later on, please let me know and I’ll buy it. 🙂
Feb 13Reply

@bdm1985 I will!! The top is so dang cute! I can’t for the life of me figure out where it is but if I find it I will message you! So sorry!
Feb 13Reply

I FOUND THE SHIRT!!! I will list it today if you are still interested! Let me know!
May 06Reply

@sarahbacon11 I am still interested. I will be on the road most of the day tomorrow because I’m leaving for vacation. Would you be able to hold it until Friday? I will be back then and I want it for sure. 🙂
May 07Reply

@bdm1985 yes ma’am! Just message me and I’ll list it then. I don’t want anyone else to buy it! 🤗
May 07Reply

@jaunebijoux You’re very welcome! Thank you for sharing my things too! 🙂
May 18Reply

Hey! .. 🙌 I noticed you liked a beautiful shirt in my closet! If you have any questions, or I can help with anything please feel free to reach out to me!✨
I offer discounts for bundles!! 😃
Jul 29Reply

Hi there!😊Just wanted to stop by to say hello, hope you are having a great time here on posh 🤗 Hope you can have some time to visit my closet 😶 Blessings! -Liz💜
Jan 08Reply

@lovingpurple - Thank you for all the shares! I shared yours as well. I love your photo layout. Great closet! Have a wonderful day! 🙂
Jan 08Reply

Thank You For Following My Poshmark Closet All Reasonable Offers Will Be Considered! 🛍
Jan 31Reply

Hey:). I’m Kelly who offered on your lilly Pulitzer with the K. I offered low bc I’ve been busing too much lately. And I don’t wear much gold. So I just thought maybe you desperately wanted to get rid of it. 😳🙄Lol. I desperately want to get rid of my stuff bc we will be moving. But o don’t know how to tell people that:(.
Thanks for your time.
Jun 11Reply

Hi, thanks for following me! Just to let you know, if you happen to see anything in my closet that you like I’m doing BOGO FREE this week & if you buy 2 or more items I can also do a shipping discount! Have a great day :)
Aug 08Reply

Great closet! 💖
Sep 24Reply

Hi! I purchased the Adidas Leggings from you. Just wondering what the eta will be...hoping to have them Friday? 😳😁🙏🏻Thank you so much! ❤️
Oct 07Reply

@meganjharding - Thank you so much for your purchase! I will mail you leggings out in the morning. Your label says 2 days on it so I would think you’d have them by Friday.
Oct 07Reply

Thank you so much for accepting my offer!!!! 😊. Happy 2020🌟⭐️🌟
Jan 01Reply

@pixiedust1111 - You’re welcome! Thank you for shopping my closet! I will mail your jacket out tomorrow. Happy New Year!!!
Jan 01Reply

I would love to my dear- but wish listing is all I can do now - until my money tree blooms this year- it’s been overdue for sometime! Lol ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 04Reply

But I’ve got some taste there- eh? Champagne on a cheap sparkling white budget ... !!!!
Jan 04Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 01Reply

🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Congrats on your “Deal Days” win! Excellent cure for cabin fever. Now it’s time to shop guilt free. Would love for you to visit my closet. I have something for most everyone at great prices.
Love offers, likes, shares and followers. Please stay healthy.
🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Happy Poshing, Sandy
Current sale:
🌟3 for $10 bundle clearance
BoGo sale on items under $15
(Buy one get one free)
May 14Reply

Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. I have everything from Women's, men's, kid's,(in all sizes)makeup, skin care, home name it! I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like and bundle! We can all use a little joy in these tough times. Come check it out! 😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Health. Be safe. xoxo @Goldneyez311
May 14Reply

Congrats on your Makes a Deals Day win! It’s so exciting! They announce winners and you get posh credit to be used on posh. So I’m running a huge special for winners with HALF-OFF my entire closet this week. Please Just make sure to make a bundle and use code word WINNER so I can be sure to give you a special discount. If you have any questions about bundles, let me know. Please visit my closet for great stuff and look my great reviews!!
Congrats again and be sure to spoil yourself ❤️
May 14Reply

🎊🎊🎊Congratulations on your MAKE A DEALS DAY win!!✨✨✨Your hard work on listing has paid off🎉🎉🎉Now it’s time to shop guilt-free and treat yourself🛍🛍🛍Come check out my closet full of jewelry and hair accessories🦋🦋🦋3/$30 SALE going on!🤩🤩🤩Happy Poshing💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻~Added Sparkle 🥰🥰🥰
May 14Reply

Hey there! I just purchased the vintage coach. Please let me know when it ships!! Thank you!
Jun 20Reply

@pepperann82 - Thank you so much for your purchase! I will ship it out on Monday. 🙂
Jun 20Reply

Hey I just purchased your AE shirts and I have an updated shipping address!
Jul 11Reply

Jul 11Reply

@cadenryan - Ok. I’ve never updated my shipping address before but I’ve had customers who have and it’s send me another label. I think you need to go to the shorts under your sold tab and update the address under there. You’d either do it there or just on posh in general. I’m not sure which one.
Jul 11Reply

I just contacted them about my new address!!
Jul 11Reply

I will let you know as soon as I hear from them!
Jul 11Reply

@cadenryan - Ok. I’ll be on the lookout for a new label and will let you know when I receive it if I haven’t heard from you yet.
Jul 11Reply

Sounds good!! Sorry for the confusion! I should have done it before I ordered.
Jul 12Reply

I received an email with no luck. I purchased this off my old account with old information. My new account is @baileymorgan99 I wish they could just transfer it or should you cancel it and I’ll purchase on the updated account?
Jul 12Reply

@cadenryan - Did you receive an automated generic email from them? Typically that's what they send out until they can respond and I've noticed when I contact them on the weekend, I typically don't hear back until Monday or Tuesday. If you want to wait on their response you can or if you want to cancel you can do that too and I'll relist it and tag you in it. It's up to you.
Jul 12Reply

@bdm1985 it did seem to be an automated message. If you don’t mind canceling and tagging me in the listing I will purchase them!!
Jul 12Reply

Tag me at the @baileymorgan99
Jul 12Reply

@cadenryan - Done! I’ll get them shipped out to you tomorrow.
Jul 12Reply

Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Jul 22Reply

@karengodzala - You’re welcome! A friend of mine just introduced me to Polish Pottery and your piece along with one from another seller are my first pieces and I’m in love.
Oct 20Reply

Good evening and thanks for the follow. Feel free to check out my closet. I do bundle discounts and accept all reasonable offers!!
Apr 11Reply

Hello there Bridgett. Thank you for appreciating my “Crown” items. I am sending you what I hope is an enticing private offer. Have a lovely day.🌸
Apr 25Reply

The hank you for your purchase. I am also a big fan of the queen. She is such a strong woman with siuch an unwieldy job, being a world renown figure that has to have her “hoopy doop “ on both daises of every fence!!!! (Including her familial fences!” Your package will go out tomorrow❤️
Apr 25Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Apr 28Reply

Hey there! If you have a chance I’d love it if you could check out my closet! Thanks and Happy Poshing:)
Apr 28Reply

My name is Marianne. a Poshmark Ambassador. I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have many vintage and unique items, including china, books, clothing, DVD’s, video games, jewelry, and religious objects. I am happy to consider all reasonable offers. Hope you’ll drop by (and I’ll visit your closet too.)
Jun 19Reply

Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself! ! If you aren’t familiar with what’s going on please check your emails and look at messages frm Posh! In the meantime, I’m running a HUGE special for all winners!
HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word “Winner”
Jul 25Reply

P♥️sh L♥️ve
🌹🌹 🌹🌹
🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹
Congrats on your “Love It or List It!
Enjoy your guilt free shopping.
Jul 26Reply

Congratulations on winning the Love or List challenge!
Posh Love,
Jul 26Reply

So cool! I’ve been on the price is right! 🙌
Jul 26Reply

@51twenty - That’s so cool! We saw the traveling show. It was a lot of fun but different than the real show.
Jul 26Reply

Awesome! I’ve been there too 👍👍👍
Jul 26Reply

Good LooKin Out! 🤙🌹
Jul 26Reply

Great closet! Happy Poshing!💕
Aug 15Reply

Love your Lifestyle 🥂 Thanks for Sharing 🤙🏼😎
Aug 22Reply

Hi!! I just added a bunch of items to my closet so feel free to check it out! I am moving soon so am flexible with pricing as well.. Thank you and have a great day! :)
Aug 22Reply

What a cute couple! Thank you for the follow 🏆🏆🏆
Nov 01Reply

I don’t know how to send love notes because I’m new, but I just wanted to say I love the jeans and appreciated the note you sent with them! Thank you! Merry Christmas! Carla
Dec 13Reply

@dawanasmith1949 - Thank you so much! That’s so sweet. I’m really happy you love the pants. Merry Christmas!
Dec 13Reply

My dress arrived today. Sent a message to Posh to bill my account. Want to make sure you get paid.
Dec 21Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Feb 09Reply

Hi there! If you're in the market for new items, check out my closet. I hope you find some items you like :)
May 20Reply

@bdm1985 Thanks for your kindness, taking your time to share items from my closet. I really appreciate your help. I'm fairly new to Poshmark and I need all the help I can get. Hope you have a blessed day.
Jun 26Reply

Hi there!! I placed an offer that was declined on a pair of Lilly pulitzer navy blue xspants yesterday. I’m not sure why it’s not available now but I am definitely interested. Can you let me know if it is available? They are super cute and I believe will fit me. Let me know. Btw love you closet!! 😊😊😊
Aug 16Reply

@ameera525 - Thank you so much for the compliment. I declined your offer because I’d just sold them on another platform a few hours before and hadn’t had a chance to delist them yet. I apologize.
Aug 16Reply

Hey there! Just stopping by to say hi! 🌺🌺🌺 What a lovely closet you have!✨ Wishing you good sales! Happy poshing! ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 04Reply

Thank you for the offer. The shoes are lovely, But I just can’t buy them now
Jan 05Reply

Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales 📦
Mar 23Reply

@bdm1985 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Apr 07Reply

Thank you for following my closet 😊. Please don’t hesitate to make an offer. All reasonable offers will be accepted or countered with my best price ⭐️. I also offer same day or next business day shipping. Thanks again 😀. Have an amazing day and happy Poshing 🌻
Apr 19Reply

I’m interested in your fossil handbag. Is it still available? How big is the outside gathered pocket? Are you accepting offers?
Apr 21Reply

@kchaney66 - It is still available and I am accepting offers. I’m not sure about the pocket size and can measure it for you tonight. I’m at work right now.
Apr 21Reply

@bdm1985 yes please I would appreciate that…
Apr 21Reply

Hi LUV! Thanks for following me 🥰
May 22Reply

Hi Bridget... right now I am offering a free sterling silver heart necklace with the purchase of any crossbody, handbag, or leather tote....
Jun 05Reply

Thanks for all the shares--much appreciated :)
Sep 22Reply
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