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Updated Dec 21
Updated Dec 21

Meet your Posher, Britt

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Britt from Chicago. Was a legal secretary for 20 yrs. Have way to many clothes! Many of my clothes are NEW or NWOT. I buy and never wear because I love pretty things! I have 2 sons & my best husband. Im also an avid horse lover and had my own horse til recently. Im a little country...a little bit city! I take special care with my clothes and most you see are mine! Some I've worn some I have not ☺ I have a handful of items I'm selling for friends. Oh and I love Jesus!
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fondfarewell Welcome to Poshmark, your newest addiction! Lol. I enjoyed sharing your closet today with the High Rollers. You have some lovely pieces. You might check out @official_forum for FAQs, Posh rules about what you can list/not list, etc. If you're on Facebook, I'm in a Poshmark user group that has also been very helpful. You can find a listing about it in my closet. Take care! 💐
Jan 10Reply
angelbritton @xxelisaxx thank you so much! I am so overwhelmed with being new here but i have so many clothes to post and no time. Bought way too much while i worked! Yes i am blessed but it took alot to get here!!!😘💙
Jan 12Reply
angelbritton @xxelisaxx it is a lot of work so patience for both of us!
Jan 12Reply
aurora33180 Welcome Britt! Dakota would say "Poshmark is like learning to ride just takes a bit of time, then it'll be a great & easy ride!" 😊 Happy poshing 💖 Aurora in Florida
Jan 13Reply
angelbritton @aurora33180 ha! Thanks Aurora! I have a feeling you are so right about that!
Jan 13Reply
main_event Hello friend, please note that i am offering a 30% discount when you bundle my items for a limited time. Plus a free 🎁 with every order. 😄
Jan 16Reply
leedjs @angelbritton I'm looking forward for more of your wonderful clothes...and I agree with @aurora33180 that poshmark needs a little bit getting use to..but it sure is a great way to get rid of your treasures....happy poshing ❤ and can't wait to see more post on your closet.😉
Jan 16Reply
aurora33180 @angelbritton @leedjs Have a great weekend ladies 😊. And coincidentally, I'm in Coral Springs tonight at Big Bear Brewery! That is leedjs's hometown & where I used to live in Heron Bay! It's a small Posh world 🌹. 💖 Aurora
Jan 17Reply
leedjs @aurora33180 hahahahhaha thus actually made my night..❤❤❤giving you both posh hugs...I'm ecstatic to hear that. Aurora you are literally 10 minutes away from my location..hahhaha yes small posh world..we should have a south florida posh party before I move to dallas texas...:))))
Jan 17Reply
angelbritton @leedjs ill take Dallas or Florida! Im in Chicago freezing my butt off ladies! Its so nice to meet you both @aurora33180
Jan 17Reply
angelbritton @aurora33180 you to Aurora!! Nice meeting you too!
Jan 17Reply
aurora33180 Hi Britt! It is beautiful in Chicago in the summer & fall....Navy Pier, etc. When I was at UW-Whitewater I loved to visit :) But I had to escape the winters LOL! Stay warm and sweet dreams, Aurora P.S. Sounds like Lily @leedjs was the smart one sticking with Florida & Texas ;)
Jan 17Reply
angelbritton @aurora33180 hi Aurora! I know its late butwanted to say thanks for sharing! Not sure im ever going to get many followers on Posh lol! Yes i admit in the city its beautiful in the summer! Worked in the city 28 years and like you i had surgery...not on my knee but on my hip as i got hit by a car walking in the beautiful city of Chicago with the crazy drivers. Now im on Posh. My kids have a condo in Clearwater i vaca at. So now that ive told you my life story it has been nice talking to you 😊
Jan 17Reply
leedjs @angelbritton @angelbritton @aurora33180 both are so nice to be finally having a real nice convo with real lovely ladies on posh. Well, I don't like the cold and I'm already dreading a 33 degree cold in dallas,I told my hubby , babe that I'm not too excited about. hey roll with the punches and beat the cold...I can't wait to travel and visit places like Chicago too @angelbritton. ....
Jan 17Reply
leedjs @angelbritton @aurora33180 .as I'm reading the thread I can't help but notice that both of you are such cool people also both had surgery and I just had surgery too,that's why I'm here b on posh selling coz now I'm not working coz it requires me not to be lifting heavy stuffs and moving too much....I feel so restricted ladies lol....thank God for posh,keeps me Hahahaha
Jan 17Reply
angelbritton @leedjs @aurora33180 i know i was thinking how nice it was too! I have not been on here as long as you both but it was not coincidence out of thousands of followers the 3 of us met all with the same issues. I feel restricted too because of my surgery. Ive worked all my life and after surgery have been feeling like im in limbo! Then i found this! At least its something but not really selling anything yet. I cant believe its that freakin cold in Texas! We are used to the cold here!
Jan 17Reply
aurora33180 @leedjs @angelbritton God blessed us meeting on Posh :) Like Britt, I was hit by a car (on a sidewalk!) - life-altering, but my faith pulled me through. The insurance co (lizard, owned by rich man - Warren Buffett) hasn't paid a penny yet so I had to sell my condo to pay for my own surgery, PT, etc. Now selling clothing, etc. Like Lilly, I feel so restricted. But "everyone has something" so life goes on...thanks to both of you for adding sunshine to my day. Hugs, Aurora
Jan 17Reply
angelbritton @aurora33180 @leedjs wow Aurora now i know it was a divine intervention! My faith in God also brought me through! I lost my job but they were so cruel to me after the accident (long story) i got a severence from them and now still waiting for settlement. Aurora...this is a year of new beginnings i pray we all rise out of the ashes and when the situation seems hopeless lets see what God can do! I made a lot of money working but this is a new season in life. God is good all the time!
Jan 17Reply
leedjs @aurora33180 @angelbritton hello ladies.😊 how's did your day went? I hope you both had a VERY beautiful's gloomy,cloudy and windy here in south florida..@aurora33180 yeah that's true,at first it was so hard for me being restricted and having 3 boys a 2 yr old who is all over the place just like his 4 and a 10 yr. at the end of the day I'm a super burnt match stick. .but by the grace of God I survive..
Jan 17Reply
leedjs @angelbritton Amen ...😙😙😙
Jan 18Reply
angelbritton @leedjs 😘😙😚Now there are three of us who rest in the grace of God!!! My Sunday was very nice. Its very cold but went to church this morning and worship was amazing. Came home and was so tired went to sleep. Next week ill have my little guys Sean & Danny over. 7 & 5. Im a very young grandma! You are blessed!
Jan 18Reply
aurora33180 @leedjs @angelbritton I think God gives us rainy days from time to time so we can relax and re-energize :) It sounds like you are both blessed with beautiful children & grandchildren! And as far as our challenges...they always say God only gives us as much as we can handle so he must think very highly of us all!!! LOL. Sweet dream to you both, Aurora
Jan 18Reply
aurora33180 @angelbritton Don't worry, it took me a long time to build followers as well.....just keep on looking for "follow groups" and follow everyone - most will follow back and eventually the numbers build :)
Jan 18Reply
angelbritton @aurora33180 Yes and i needed this time of restoration. We will see how long i last on Posh 😂 if i dont last long at least i met you ladies. Sweet dreams back at you and God bless Aurora.
Jan 18Reply
prrtynpink Hi, welcome to poshmark! feel free to check out my closet and take 20% off one item or a bundle in my closet (except for flash sale items) :)
Feb 10Reply
angelbritton @prrtynpink thank you! I looked in your closet and the things I saw that I liked were already sold! I would like any good tip you would have that you have used to sell as I see you have sold quite a bit. 😙
Feb 10Reply
prrtynpink aw I'm sorry! And I would recommend that you share a lot of listings and to join parties and share your items and other people's items at that time :)
Feb 10Reply
angelbritton @prrtynpink thank you so much it's appreciated!
Feb 10Reply
crystalstuff Love this intro!! 🌸
Apr 06Reply
angelbritton @crystalstuff why thank you Crystal! It's all true and me to a tee! I have bought a few retail items since this post but my clothes are better than t h e new retail. They seem to be making clothes cheaper these days. I also have a couple pieces from my daughter in law. She is teeny tiny!
Apr 06Reply
carolynqx @carolynqx nice to meet you
Jun 11Reply
angelbritton @carolynqx nice to meet you too! 😘💕
Jun 11Reply
kirabella35 To my 💕PFF💕 you are such a doll. You know I adore you and your clothes. Much love and God bless. 😇💕😇💕😇💕
Jun 17Reply
angelbritton kirabella35 What are PFF's for? You are a doll too. You know I adore your clothes little Ms Petite! I would buy half of them if only..... Much love and blessings your way too :)
Jun 17Reply
astylerecycle Aw, I love horses, have too many clothes, no job and have a son who is turning 19 and leaving for college in 2 mos. . So nice to meet you ❣💌
Jun 22Reply
angelbritton @msdebrasue I haven't worked in a year either as I'm on disability now. Got hit by a car. My horse is no longer but life is good. I've been at this Posh for a while I had a ton of clothes I spent a lot of money on. But honestly for me it doesn't pay the bills and I usually end up buying something I see. Lol. There is a lady named Ann Boroch who cured her own MS and wrote a book called the Candida Cure. It might be something for you to look into.
Jun 22Reply
astylerecycle I've been on SSD 9 yrs for multiple sclerosis
Jun 22Reply
astylerecycle ..sent earlier message too soon....horses are great therapy and I volunteer wi/a rescue ranch. I had a Shetland when I was 12 yo (cost $100 then for all tack and a cart ) and she became pregnant w/o us knowing /when she got out one day. I had a car accident 2 yrs ago hit from behind by a SUV while stopped at a red lite. I'm still trying to get back where I was, strength wise when it happened .
Jun 22Reply
angelbritton @msdebrasue I got hit by a car while walking to work in the city...Chicago. Healing has been long...hip surgery 1 yr ago. I pray. Jesus is the healer and he gives me strength. I believe he has given me this time to rest and get to know him. I am thankful for what I have. Thankful to God. He is the love of my life.
Jun 22Reply
angelbritton @msdebrasue I'm also on SSD as of this year.
Jun 22Reply
astylerecycle My faith also strengthens, supports, and guides me . Without it :I am nothing
Jun 22Reply
purplediva84 @angelbritton Bless your heart! 😘 Thanks for the lovely note and all of your shares! I 💖 meeting my sisters in Christ, like you, on PM. Y'all are BLESSINGS from God! I also have say that I'm delighted to meet someone who's from Chicago!
Jun 24Reply
purplediva84 @angelbritton My late dad was raised in the Chicago area (Park Ridge). I still have paternal relatives who live in Chicago & the suburbs. It's one of my all time favorite cities in our country! I need to plan a trip to Chicagoland! It's been WAY TOO LONG since I was last there! Did you get hit with the stormy weather on Wednesday?
Jun 24Reply
angelbritton @purplediva84 yes we were hit with the storms and it is so muggy here right now😝 I am beginning to love living here when I hear of heat waves and droughts though. Ha! Last winter not so bad. You are the first Chicago girl I've talked to. I'm hoping they (whoever they are) put together a POSH meet here someday. I'd love to meet some of you in person. Especially you princess. That's what you are...a princess you know. Have a great day sweetie 😚😚💕💕
Jun 24Reply
angelbritton @edisonve no problem! People will find them bur the more people who SEE them the better. I've sold a ton of stuff here but I've also bought a ton! Two of my favorite dresses I bought on posh. Once you get used to it here it can be addicting! God bless you and your sales! 😚💕😚💕
Jul 11Reply
alittlefabshop Hi Britt! I just noticed you are from Westmont, IL. I grew up in Lansing, IL. My family is all still there. My Mom and Aunt live in LeGrange, My Aunt in Downers Grove, Brother in Plainfield. I've lived down here about 14 years. Small world! We're gonna get you fixed up! Xoxoxoxo
Aug 16Reply
angelbritton @cdelancey1018 that's crazy!! My son lives in plainfield! Well if you're ever in I love Downers Grove! We had people over which is why im answering this so late. Posh has seemed to become like a full time job! I would love to move to warmer weather but neither me or my husband could leave our children here. It is a small world. When you get the time I'll be here!
Aug 16Reply
alittlefabshop Hi! I sent you an email :) If you are available this afternoon I can talk? Let me know. Xoxoxo
Aug 17Reply
angelbritton @cdelancey1018 I just saw your message. I had something come up. Maybe tommorrow?
Aug 17Reply
alittlefabshop @angelbritton no problem! Sounds great! Xoxoxoxo
Aug 17Reply
alittlefabshop So much better with everything grouped! Xoxoxoxo
Aug 19Reply
angelbritton @cdelancey1018 I know thanks to you!!! And I was sharing with ease! I spent time making "make me an offer" figuring all this out!
Aug 19Reply
alittlefabshop Fantastic!!!!! Xoxoxo!
Aug 19Reply
alittlefabshop @angelbritton Hey girl! Good morning! Are you going to share party with us tonight? We have like 22 people already!
Aug 19Reply
angelbritton @cdelancey1018 how does it work...oh wait a minute I can't tonight...darn...going to be out for actual birthday parties tonight and next Friday night. What time do you start? May be home by 9:30-10? I'd love to be in the group but it may have to wait!
Aug 19Reply
alittlefabshop @angelbritton I am going to copy you on the invite! It is really fun and you have 6 hours to share!
Aug 19Reply
charms61 Love your closet, I hope you check out mine..fellow posher @kreativekristen shared with you...I love her items too...I tried to communicate with her but she blocked me..strange
Aug 21Reply
vicky_ymcagirl You are awesome! 🤗 and always the first one to welcome our newbies when I send out the welcome sign! 💕
Nov 02Reply
angelbritton @vicky_ymcagirl thanks vicky! Maybe that will help me out as I'm trying to become an SU! But regardless that's what I like to do. It makes me happy someone noticed!!😘💖
Nov 02Reply
prairiecitygirl Just want to say hi and thank you so much for your love and support!! Have a wonderful night!!☺️💝💝💝💝💝💝💝
Nov 08Reply
angelbritton @beautifullife9 hi Lidia! Thank you and you have a good night too!
Nov 08Reply
malal77 Hi thank you so much for sharing the item I listed😊
Nov 16Reply
briannademilia Love your closet!!💕 I just started a follow game on my closet, I'd love for you to check it out!😊 Happy Poshing!!
Nov 29Reply
lovefashion13 Hi! I know I joined this really late but you seem like a really nice person so I just wanted to say nice to meet you!😄
Dec 12Reply
angelbritton @catkellam yes you can check Facebook by just searching. I have searched in the past and found helpful information but I can't remember the exact mane of the page. I'm sure you can find one with a search. Also check out Posh information pages on your posh App. They do mention a blog. Sometimes girls also advertise blogs in their closets. Keep an eye out. I don't do blogs so I can't really recommend a specific one but I do know they are out there.
Dec 19Reply
angelbritton @catkellam Don't get yourself overwhelmed it's not worth it. There's only so much you can figure out here. That's why I don't follow blogs. I think I have found the best way and it works pretty well.
Dec 19Reply
angelbritton I have gone through dry spells. I think it depends what people are looking for. Being Christmas time people are probably looking for gifts and new items. Also I've had some items in my closet since day 1. If I get an on Trend brand name it usually moves fast. Cheap things move fast too but it is time consuming. The more followers you get the more exposure. Are you on anyone's tag list? I could put you on mine...that helps too as you share and follow follow games and such.
Dec 19Reply
scarlettstained @angelbritton welcome to Poshland and now SU status.its great as you will see your followers grow too🌹
Dec 30Reply
alixsonvv @angelbritton Hello, Happy New Year! I would like to ask you... can I have the option to offer free shipping? I'm confused about that. I got some tiny product and I think 5.99 it's to expensive for them. Please let me know what opinions I have. Thank you.
Jan 08Reply
angelbritton @alixsonvv hi Alicia! You can offer them free shipping but it would not be an automatic thing done by Posh. You would have to subtract it off your price. So you would tell the person that you will take off shipping charges so subtract it from your selling price, edit your item and then tell them to purchase. Because the item is only $5.99
Jan 08Reply
angelbritton @alixsonvv I would tell them you will take $2 off to save them for that cost. You could do Pay- Pal and in that case you could send it cheaper. If they pay you ahead of time on Pay -pal. I've never done that though. I'm going to ask a few of my friends and see what they do. I always price an item taking into account the cost of mailing
Jan 08Reply
alixsonvv @angelbritton thanks for your advice. I'll do that. Thanks for the support and let me know anything else.
Jan 08Reply
tracy1113 @angelbritton hi Britt. i'm Tracy and a newbie---it's been 2 weeks since I've joined Poshmark. Do you mind answering a question for me? Someone just bought 2 small things from me but didn't bundle. they can totally fit in the same package. should I go ahead and mail them separately or just use one of the labels and hope she can get her shipping back for the 2nd one? thanks
Jan 11Reply
angelbritton Hi Tracey!! Do you have a bundle discount first of all? If you do I would ask her if she would like you to make a bundle for her to save her shipping. If she agrees then I would make a separate listing for the two items minus the discount. Once she buys that listing I would cancel the two other listings. She will not be billed on the listings that were cancelled. They will refund her money. Otherwise I think you would have to use both labels. Because they get scanned and show "shipped".
Jan 11Reply
angelbritton If one item does not show shipped Posh may refund her money.
Jan 11Reply
angelbritton @Tracy1113 Hi Tracey!! Do you have a bundle discount 1st of all? If so I would ask her if she would like you to make a bundle for her to save her shipping. If she agrees then I would make a separate listing for the two items minus the discount. Once she buys that listing I would cancel the two other listings. She will not be billed on the listings that were cancelled. They will refund her money. Otherwise I think you would have to use both labels. Because they get scanned and show "shipped".
Jan 11Reply
angelbritton @Tracy1113 If one item does not show shipped Posh may refund her money.
Jan 11Reply
tracy1113 @angelbritton wow thanks so much for getting back to me so fast....,.yes, I do offer bundles so I was confused as to why she didn't bundle. they were purchased yesterday and I sent her a msg but no response. ok I know what to do now. thanks again for taking the time to answer me back. I appreciate it. so much I have to learn!!! lol
Jan 11Reply
angelbritton Glad to help!!
Jan 11Reply
marthaarellano Hi Britt, Thank you for all the shares, your closet is amazing, so many lovely items to choose from💕 Thanks again😊
Jan 28Reply
angelbritton @marthaarellano thank you Martha! Your closet is pretty amazing as well! I'll share some more for you. Are you on any tag lists for parties and host pics? I could add you to mine if you would like. Getting a host pick would get it through the whole site and not just followers! Let me know if you would like to be on my tag list. I don't share a lot of parties but when I do I would tag you. 😘😙😙
Jan 28Reply
marthaarellano Aww Britt, that's so sweet, yes I would love that thank you again, Have a Wonderful Weekend💕💕
Jan 28Reply
marthaarellano @angelbritton Thanks again Britt, I got the tag😘💕
Jan 28Reply
marthaarellano Good morning Britt, Thank you so much for all your help, I won one of the HP pick for one of my dresses, it was so exciting 🎉🎉🎉🤗💕💕😘 Thank you again for your suggestions!!
Jan 29Reply
angelbritton @marthaarellano oh my Gosh!!! That's great! I hope you made a sale?? Either way you should make it known the item is a HP and it sells faster!! I'll share your things later going to church now!
Jan 29Reply
chayys Welcome to poshmark🎉
Feb 05Reply
angelbritton @chayys thanks girlfriend but I've been here a😘💕💕
Feb 05Reply
chayys @angelbritton lol...just realized😂😂
Feb 05Reply
poshgal_la Hey there! I was wondering what it takes to become a suggested user and how you become one... thanks😘😘
Feb 05Reply
marthaarellano Hi Britt, Just wanted to say thank you again💕I appreciate so much what you are doing for all of us, I got another Host Pick last night 🤗 so exciting, could believe it and in part I know I have you to thank for it❤️😘 A big hug and a kiss your way and yes you are Angel 😇Britt, Have a fabulous day with many sales!!!!! Happy Poshing!!!!!
Feb 08Reply
angelbritton @marthaarellano oh I'm so glad you got a HP!!! You might want to put on that listing that it was a Host Pick. May help the sale of it! Thank you for your kind words!!
Feb 08Reply
hmsimon1 Thanks for sharing 🌹🌹🌹I appreciate it.😊I accept offers
Feb 10Reply
hmsimon1 Make an offer or bundle, I make everything in my closet 🌹🌹🌹
Feb 10Reply
angelbritton @hmsimon1 Excuse me if I want to buy something I will.
Feb 11Reply
posh4theplanet 💗🥂💗🥂💗
Feb 14Reply
jehaven @angelbritton I'm new to this and I'm hoping you might be able to answer a few questions for me. What do you do if you have someone stating they would like an item but won't be able to purchase it until a later time? Can you reserve it? Should you? Or if someone is interested in the product now, sell it? I think it's more of an ethical question, so I just wanted some advise from an experience Posher. My concern is what if I miss out on the sale and they end up not purchasing the item.
Feb 27Reply
angelbritton @jehaven sorry I was out and just getting to see sorry!! I would sell if you can! From my experience many people will ask you to hold an item and then not buy it after all. It's nor easy sometimes to get a sale. If someone wants to buy something now at an offer you would accept then sell. But if the offer is too low don't settle. I've sold way too many things for less because I just wanted to make a sale.
Feb 27Reply
angelbritton @jehaven I will on occasion hold something for someone if no one else is biting. But say you can only hold a couple of days. Or say you don't hold items but say "I'm sure it will still be here". Be gracious. And of course always go with your conscious either way!
Feb 27Reply
gailuna Hi Britt. Thanks for your suggestions. Follow parties really work. I have a question. When sharing my stuff is there any way to share all at once or do I have to share each individual listing separately? 🌺
Mar 01Reply
angelbritton @gailuna you have to share each item individually. That is "sharing your closet". So many in the beginning ask the same question...including there is no way to share it all at once.
Mar 01Reply
gailuna @angelbritton Thanks for the info! Too bad but oh well. 🙋🏼
Mar 01Reply
lesleymmc Beautiful closet! I'm fairly new to Poshmark but I'm so enjoying it and have met the nicest people. Hope you have a great rest of the weekend. Oh...and I love Jesus as well ✝️💜🤗
Mar 26Reply
angelbritton @lesleymmc it's so nice to meet women who love Jesus here! There are many here on Posh! It's crazy. I even made friends with a girl here that I led to the Lord. She sought me out. It was a divine meeting. God uses all things even Posh! 💕💕
Mar 26Reply
lesleymmc @angelbritton wonderful! Definitely divine. You just never know what's going on in someone's heart and by you being so open with your faith she knew she could talk with you. What a fabulous testimony. Praise God! ✝️💜😊
Mar 26Reply
tracijones1 Angela I saw that you liked the Michael Kors Dress on my closet, I'm open to a reasonable offer or you can bundle and save 15%. Thanks for looking. Happy Poshing!
Mar 28Reply
tracijones1 I'm sorry I called you Angela... And your name is Britt! I like Britt much better anyways.. lol sorry about that
Mar 28Reply
angelbritton @tracijones1 that's ok about the name..angel is my nickname!! My husband calls me angel. Anyway what material is the dress, what size would it fit do you think and are there any flaws?
Mar 28Reply
tracijones1 Britt the Michael Kors Dress is a Med. Bit fits like a Large size 12/14 the fabrics is 95% Poly and 5% Spandex. It has a lot of give on the material. There is elastic on the scoop neck around the arms and a pleated gather on the front. A very comfortable Dre's. I hope this helps.❣❣
Mar 28Reply
angelbritton @tracijones1 I wear a size 10 so I'm a little worried about that. I'm smaller on top so I like more fitted. Bottom I can do a 12 so that's ok but 14 Def way too big. I've kind of wasted too much on things that don't fit me so I don't really want to take a chance because with shipping close to $7 it's would be too much to make a mistake😣😕 Let me think about it. Ughhh. As you know well I'm sure we all work hard here to earn our money😙
Mar 28Reply
tracijones1 @angelbritton no worries at all... It isn't your size. I would not want you to purchase it. I'm glad you looked in my closet and liked something . I will continue to share your closet💕💕😘😘
Mar 28Reply
mrningstar Real nice closet Sherrie. Didn't realize you were selling on here also! Happy poshing! Marj
Mar 30Reply
angelbritton @mrningstar oh wow hi Marj!!! Yes when I lost my job 2 years ago I started selling all my wor clothes. Then I tried some bputique. I'm still learning. Still mostly my clothes. It's not alot of mone but it's money. I've bought things too as I've sold ugghhh. I need more self control.
Mar 30Reply
mrningstar I've been selling for awhile on here ...for the same reason, lost my job and needed to make some cash. It was going ok for a while but its slowed down now, I enjoy selling on here and of course, buying too! Glad to see another sister on here from CLC.
Mar 31Reply
angelbritton @mrningstar I see you've been here 1 year longer than me. I was really seriously going at this for the last year. Kind of slacked off a bit. I babysit now part time. But I have sold alot and there are many ups and downs.
Mar 31Reply
bohomoho ❤️ you are one of the nicest people that I met here, so kind and sweet! ❤️ I am Naida and I am so happy to meet you! ❤️ 💐😘
Apr 11Reply
angelbritton @bohomoho I try to be Naida😋 I'm not on a lot lately and o get behind...but I'm glad to meet you too! IM going out now and I will return the shares are not so bad yourself! (Meaning you are very nice too)😘💕💕
Apr 11Reply
moonfire214 Wow thanks so much for the kind words and shares♡♡♡ I might get back to you for some pointers in selling...I need to up my game because the company I worked with for 19 yrs closed recently so I'd like to be more serious about my sales now:)). May you have a blessed Easter weekend, Hugs♡♡♡Criss
Apr 14Reply
angelbritton @moonfire214 you are welcome!! About the same happened to me. If you ever ask I'll get back to you pretty quickly! Happy Easter to you too😙🐣
Apr 14Reply
prairiecitygirl Hi Britt! How have you been? Hope you're doing well! I am back on and will definitely keep more in touch. I've missed you and the rest of my Posh friends! Have a wonderful night! Be blessed sweet friend!🙂💐💕🌺
Apr 28Reply
angelbritton @beautifullife9 Good to see you back Lidia!! A lot has happened in my life I have not been aron as much but I'm here! See you later...good night lovely lady! 😘💕💕
Apr 28Reply
empressmichie Thanks for sharing - appreciate it! 😀
May 11Reply
angelbritton @empressmichie no problem sugar!😘
May 11Reply
onelasthanger Thank u for all the shares🌞🌞🌞Rees... Onelasthanger .... rookie!🌈🌈🌈🌈
May 15Reply
angelbritton @onelasthanger was easy to share your closet! you have one of the most fabulous closets I see here ms one last hanger! I mean it!! I am a dress fanatic so I love love love your dresses! I will share a few more so you get some more followers!😘💕💕
May 15Reply
onelasthanger 🌞🌞🌞🌞thank u for so many shares! ☀️☀️☀️let's keep in touch! Youre amazing... thank u🌹🌹🌹
May 15Reply
angelbritton @onelasthanger I'd love to keep in touch...I'm here about twice a day😏 just give me a shout out aND I'll be here😊😘
May 15Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected! Hope you check out my closet and find things you love (I do really good pricing for bundles). 👀my handmade jewelry✌🏻💎 Happy poshing 😀
Jun 11Reply
missyjo111 @angelbritton Hey there!! Thank you so much for that! My husband does the photos so we try to have some fun with it! Lol thanks for saying Hi! I LOVE your meet the posher! It's perfect! I'm so happy we connected! How did you like the the rally?
Jun 19Reply
angelbritton @missyjo111 hi Missy! My husband would take pictures but it would not be fun for are lucky!! Im not sure what rally we are talking about lol!! Your backyard looks like you live in a familiar suburb. I made a mistake the Posh n Sip isnt till next Friday and i thought it was this that what youre talking about? Anyway back to the modeling you are so pretty! I dont think im going next Friday cause we only have one car these days.😕
Jun 19Reply
missyjo111 @angelbritton I'm sorry, when you said you were in Schaumburg the other day I thought you meant at the resellers convention. I'm sorry I misunderstood! 🙃🙂☺️
Jun 19Reply
angelbritton @missyjo111 i happened to be there at a grafuation party but now that you say there is a re-sellers convention im do i find out about things like that?? Conventions?
Jun 19Reply
missyjo111 @angelbritton Good morning, sorry about that, I fell asleep. My mother in law was follows Nicole @statesplace and bought tickets. Usually find out through social media or following certain people on Instagram.
Jun 19Reply
angelbritton @missyjo111 ill try to follow but if you know of any more maybe if you remember could you give me a shout out☺ id love to go to one of those!
Jun 19Reply
freezstylez Nice to meet you! I love your closet.
Jun 19Reply
pippalotta Quick question, do you know what happens when you hit "share my closet" in the upper right hand corner? Have you ever done it before? Does it share everything in order excluding the sold items? And what about the information listings that are not for sale? Just curious because I have never done it but I want it to stay in a certain order
Jun 22Reply
tricia77r It was so nice to meet you at the Posh n Sip! Thanks for your tips and enjoyed our conversation. 💜 Lovely closet!
Jun 24Reply
angelbritton @tricia77r thank you i enjoyed our conversation also and you are beautiful! ☺
Jun 24Reply
lovmae It was really nice talking with you at the sip and posh
Jun 25Reply
angelbritton @lovmae Same here Megan! I really enjoyed meeting all you women and was pleasantly surprised. Im glad you came i enjoyed talking to you too!
Jun 26Reply
armada135 Hi sexy
Jul 05Reply
marthaarellano Hello Britt, By the way I put likes on all those dresses so I sporadically share them, I have had my grandkids off and the last two weeks and by the time they are gone I am exhausted, so my shares have gone down, so I like to safe my friends shares so I can as I am able to,
Jul 14Reply
angelbritton @marthaarellano ill try to share your things twice a day Martha...ive been busy babysitting lately but getting all kinds of avtivity pn Posh. Hard to keep up
Jul 14Reply
marthaarellano @angelbritton Don't even worry about it, I understand you totally share when ever you can, I am off today so I am trying to catch up however I have a concert tonight so I won't be here in the night time for the party, but it's nice to take a break by the way I did decide to finally apply to become a suggest user😀 so now it's waiting to hear from Poshmark, took your advice, thanks again💗💕😊
Jul 14Reply
bohemianboutiq Hi there! Just stopping by to introduce myself, I'm Michelle and I just joined Poshmark last week 😬- love your closet! Please check mine out and I would appreciate any tips/suggestions you have to offer! Thanks for your time!!
Jul 17Reply
angelbritton @bohemianboutiq hi Michelle ill check out your closet!😘💕💕
Jul 17Reply
yadhiscloset Beautiful family! And i love your closet🛍
Aug 05Reply
juan624 Luv your closet, I love Jesus with all my ❤️blessings 🙏
Aug 07Reply
angelbritton @michkang ur welcome!😘💕💕
Aug 24Reply
nitamich @fondfarewell thank you for your comment!! You have great things!! Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated since I am new on here!! J
Aug 30Reply
halceon Thank you for the welcome! I love my furry babies ❤️ I love your closet and I'm so happy to know I can come to a knowledgeable Posher with questions and for friendly advice. Here's to Poshing success my friend 🎉🛍❤️
Sep 10Reply
angelbritton @halceon thank you!!! I usually dont get such nice replies from people i welcome😁 Happy poshing to you to my PF!! Ps PF means" Posh Friend" lol!
Sep 10Reply
austintexas777 Thank you.
Sep 22Reply
blueb1rds Came across this...and have much in common. Love for Jesus, family and horses. Am a bit horse crazee, but gave mine up a few years ago after more than 20 years, but I have a friend who use to ride with me and now she has a couple horses she lets me ride. Hope all is well with you.
Sep 24Reply
angelbritton @blueb1rds Gayle all is well but i dont ride anymore 😢 i had to have hip surgery. Those were some good days though as theres nothing better than galloping through a feild or cantering down a trail! I loved my Dakota! Jesus is, was and always will be my first love! So nice to meet you Gayle😘💕💕
Sep 24Reply
katiejcicc Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I’d love to invite you to browse my closet. I’m currently out of town but will be back soon! If you have any questions feel free to holler! I’d love to help you in anyway that I can! Happy Poshing! 😘
Oct 08Reply
tannyaustin Thanks a bunch 💐🌺🌸🌻🌷 for the follow 👣💃👣
Oct 12Reply
angelbritton @tannyaustin no problem!😘💕💕
Oct 12Reply
baggaliciouz @angelbritton stop by me- offers welcome ❤️
Oct 13Reply
angelbritton @highfashnz offers welcome on this end too! Ill stop by!!
Oct 13Reply
baggaliciouz @angelbritton of course ❤️ nice looking family.
Oct 13Reply
angelbritton @highfashnz aww thank you!
Oct 13Reply
familywayoflife Thank you for all the shares 😊
Oct 15Reply
angelbritton @familywayoflife no problem chickadee😘💕
Oct 15Reply
virtualcool 💝🌷Happy Thursday and thanks for all the love💝 lots of love ❤️
Nov 09Reply
angelbritton @virtualcool lots of love back to you too!❤❤😘
Nov 09Reply
harlot_envy Hi!👋 Thanks for the follow!💞😉 I am just starting out here on Poshmark🎁🔖 and my closet has new looks👗👜👟going up every day! I am filling it with all styles and sizes so I'll have something for 👧👩everyone👸👵!! Please come browse👀 whenever you have a chance! All prices are negotiable and I love to bundle🔄📦! Any questions❓or special🌟requests don't hesitate to ask!! -harlot💚✌
Nov 15Reply
angelbritton @harlot_envy hi Harlot! Ive been here 2 years so if you should have any questions for me i will also be happy to help😊 i shared the love in your closet and i may have something you like too!
Nov 15Reply
unclaimed Nice picture and nice closet , thanks for your support, best wishes for your success.
Nov 22Reply
angelbritton @unclaimed you are welcome!
Nov 22Reply
skyblueposh 👋Thanks you kindly for following me ,and I do appreciate you very much....
Nov 29Reply
angelbritton @godfirst3 you are welcome sweet pea! Ill share some more of your closet😘❤
Nov 29Reply
aliduzza @angelbritton Thank you so much for Sharing my listings, that was very sweet of you to do ❤ I do accept Bundles of just one item so if you ever Like something of mine go ahead and Bundle the one item so I can send you a Private Discount 💛💙💚💜
Dec 07Reply
angelbritton @aliduzza i do the same. So check out my closet also!❤
Dec 07Reply
seahighmarkett . . Hi! So nice to meet you! My name is Tara and I have been selling & shopping on Poshmark for 4 years! ☺️ Please feel free to follow me (if you are not already 😉) and check out what I have in my closet! I offer a bundle discount and I will always accept reasonable offers because I am a motivated seller! If you have Instagram then follow me on there too! I host giveaways and do closet features! My username is Seahighmarket 🌵 Have a beautiful day & happy poshing!!!!!
Dec 07Reply
angelbritton @seahighmarkett hi ive been here over 2 years selling. I dont think its proper Posh etiquette to advertise in closets but i did check your closet out and you do not carry my size. Check my closet out also and i will do the same for you😘 Merry Christmas and Hapoy New Year and God Bless!
Dec 07Reply
aliduzza @angelbritton you do??? Awesome, will do!!!
Dec 07Reply
skyblueposh Thanks for sharing ,happen poshmark 🐝bless🐝bless🐝 bless😊
Dec 08Reply
skyblueposh @angelbritton I love you with love of Christ...God bless women of God
Dec 12Reply
mzjazz1964 @angelbritton Thanks for all the shares! Wishing you and yours all the best this holiday season🎁🎁
Dec 16Reply
oxen3 @angelbritton Thank You for taking the time to help me! I'm still figuring it all out!
Dec 16Reply
sunflowerpetals Thank you❤️
Dec 19Reply
cmpost Welcome to Poshmark! 😊
Dec 31Reply
a_mariev1890 Hello !! Happy New Year !! Please check out my Closet & let me know if you are interested !! I accept almost all offers !!!! Thanks & Happy Poshing XOXO
Jan 09Reply
angelbritton @a_mariev1890 hi thank you for the offer but i am a seller only here. Happy New Year and God bless. I hope you get many sales😊
Jan 09Reply
modista316 Hello! Following and sharing!🌹
Jan 10Reply
queenbee1959 Hi - I'm new to Poshmark as a seller and wanted to introduce myself and say I love your stuff. I would be grateful for any tips.
Jan 10Reply
fashionmontage Hello! I just found the Tom's same sweater in ECU according to the seller Livelove_thrift . I hope this helps. Best of all she is closer to your price point. Cheers!
Jan 14Reply
soriag Nice closet! 😃 Hi there! I am Gloria. Nice to meet you here on Poshmark . I would like to invite you to check out my closet for new items with tags from the most favorite brands. Bundle 2 or more items for an additional discount and to pay just one shipping charge. If you have any questions about the items, I would be happy to help. Happy Poshing 😃
Jan 17Reply
angelbritton @soriag hi Bluebird..nice to meet you too. I would focus on advertising in newer closets as ive been here 3 years now and im really just a seller now unless i search for something in particular that i want. But it really is not Posh ettiquette to advertise in new is newer poshers who seem to buy the most. God bless💕💕
Jan 17Reply
babs1659 Hi and Thank you for sharing my closet. Your awesome. I really like your closet also. Special discount for you if you see something special. Happy Poshing Barbara
Jan 18Reply
digaliggins Thank you for all the shares!! You are awesome!!🎀💜🙌🏼
Jan 19Reply
angelbritton @digaliggins no problem sweet pea!
Jan 19Reply
marthaarellano Hi Britt, Thank you for the offer but I am a size 4 size or 6 depends on the brand I love dresses a lot of times I put them in my likes so I can share but through the day or to mark your closet I hope you are having a nice weekend with many sales 💗💕💗 Thanks again!
Feb 18Reply
jubileestreet Thanks so much for your purchase of the Carly dress! Saw you asked about the condition earlier; it's in excellent condition rest assured :)
Feb 25Reply
angelbritton @drchauvin i share because thats what i do. Im sorry not interested in purchasing a bow tie. I suggest you keep sharing them❤
Mar 13Reply
ameliassister Welcome to Poshmark 💕👚👠👙👒💞
Mar 28Reply
mallorie16 Hey girl! I really hope I’m not bothering you but I’m looking for more people to try out my amazing products and I thought you might be interested! ✨ I’ll even give you my 40% personal discount💸 Would you be interested in helping me out? 😊
Apr 11Reply
angelbritton @mallorie16 what do you mean by products?
Apr 11Reply
mallorie16 @angelbritton Hey!! Super excited to tell you about these products!! We offer all natural health and wellness products! There’s literally everything 🤩
Apr 11Reply
mallorie16 @angelbritton I’m looking for people that are looking to reduce stretch marks, lose 20+ pounds, grow and strengthen their hair/nails, tighten and firm their bodies, brighten their skin, get their daily servings of fruits and veggies without actually eating them, reduce stress, coffee lovers looking to lose weight while drinking it or detox and cleanse their bodies! What would you be interested in? 🤗
Apr 11Reply
mallorie16 @angelbritton let me know if any of this interests you, I would be more than happy to explain more! Thank you ☺️
Apr 11Reply
angelbritton @mallorie16 i may only be interested in getting nutrients to brighten my skin. But im here to make money and i dont have money, honestly, to spend on expensive products. If i had it i would not be selling here, believe me.
Apr 12Reply
mallorie16 @angelbritton I completely understand!!! I am just trying to reach out to as many people as possible. 😊 Would you mind if I added you on Facebook or got your number to give you information and show you results!
Apr 12Reply
mallorie16 @angelbritton it is just easier than having to comment on this. I also get if you’re wary about giving me your number but you will not be charged any type of fee & if you are not interested then you will not receive any other texts about the products other than the ones we exchange! Thanks :)
Apr 12Reply
angelbritton @mallorie16 hey sweet pea i dont want to give out my info because there are many times people do scams on this site and even though you seem trustworthy at this point I really can't afford any products. Although I would really love some health and wellness products I just know I can't afford them. Maybe at a later date. But I I don't even have a clue what you are offering so I'll pass right now.
Apr 12Reply
mallorie16 @angelbritton I understand completely, this is my website Incase you decide other wise. Thank you so much! :)
Apr 12Reply
styleloft1 Beautiful closet 😊
Apr 18Reply
morgue999 Angel, thank you so much for sharing my listings! I truly means so much to me! Michelle @Morgue999 :) xoxo
Apr 18Reply
lucys_spot Thank you so much for all your shares!
Apr 21Reply
keep_smiling43 Very nice closet🌷🌷
May 09Reply
listbyangie TFTS! They’re greatly appreciated! 💕🤗🐾🐾
May 09Reply
angelbritton @listbyangie you are welcome!!!
May 09Reply
atimebiwok Thank u Angel for sharing my closet, shd u desire anything, l will giv u a good deal, thanks again
May 12Reply
angelbritton @atimebiwok you have a beautiful closet❤
May 12Reply
atimebiwok @angelbritton Thanks again Angel
May 12Reply
shoplushglam Hi! I hope you’re having a great experience on Poshmark. I love it💕 It’s so easy to buy and sell. Visit my closet sometime & remember: ⭐️Prices are Negotiable⭐️ 🌈MAKE AN OFFER🌈 🛍Bundle for a better deal💰 Free gift 🎁 with $20+ purchase😘 📦Ships next day See you soon!
May 16Reply
shopper411411 Feel free to visit my closet. Happy Poshing!
May 17Reply
darling_mary Thanks for the shares! :-D
May 23Reply
mintchipcookie Hi Britt, thanks so much for all the shares, much appreciated! And you have a good looking family 😊💕
Jun 01Reply
janjan009 Congrats on being featured as a lippie today 🌺💜Jan
Jun 04Reply
angelbritton @janjan009 thank you Jan!
Jun 04Reply
tatteredcottage Love your closet! 😍🎀🌸 Super cute pieces! I will be back to shop soon!
Jun 04Reply
angelbritton @tatteredcottage aww thank you...its nice to hear😙
Jun 05Reply
jckfashion Hi Britt, awesome introduction! I'm a fellow Chicagoan too, I would like to ask if you can put me on your friend/tag list? I would love that very much. Thanks. Will stay in touch, beautiful closet!😍😀
Jun 06Reply
aspecial4yoo Thank you for your offer hun!! I don’t quite have enough right this moment, I had to help my mother with a bill... but I should have enough in a few days when a sale clears..
Jun 08Reply
angelbritton @drequin its ok sweetie. I make it a habit of making an offer to likers. I also am not able to get things i want...but the minute i can get something i do!! No worries!
Jun 08Reply
weekleyfinds Thank you for following me!!
Jun 10Reply
raishell88 Thanks for the shares, it means a lot I'm trying to grow my closet
Jun 22Reply
raishell88 Oka, I will thanks again
Jun 22Reply
greenbergphylli Yes please,I need lots of help. It's my first game to try out. I'm hoping to increase my followers and this might sales. I don't know where to find the featured closets for the day. I know how to go to someone's closet and share. But beyound that I don't know what to do. Thanks!
Jul 20Reply
sadestarz Hey Girl ! I hope you enjoy Posh Mark as much as I do ! Check out my closet and see if there’s anything that catches your eye 💕I Style outfits together, and I give you tips on how you could wear different pieces! I can be your personal stylist you can say 💕 I carry items from Guess, New York And Company, Zara, Michel Kors, Calvin Klein, Ann Taylor, Tory Burch, Ralph Lauren and many more. Don’t forget to make an offer or Bundles items to save on shipping. Happy Poshing Love 💕
Jul 26Reply
angelbritton @winter_in_vegasive been on Posh a lot longer than you i k ow how things work. I take pride in what i do here. You said you were ready to buy. I rushed the measurements for you then i didnt hear a peep for days. Whats not right is haveing someone measure exactly as you want them said to look and see how you measure...which is not the Posh way then i never heard from you. Thats rude. You could have said something even if you changed your mind. Its etiquette.
Jul 31Reply
angelbritton @winter_in_vegas i do love Jesus and i dont have to resort to calling you stuff names like you do mine. Ive never had an unhappy customer because im honest. You dont make someone measure things a certain way cause you are ready to buy and then just never reply to them. That is rude. It was at least a week before i said something.
Jul 31Reply
reynolds57 Thank you for following 😁
Aug 05Reply
janfast Hi Britt! Thanks for following my closet!💕😊
Aug 07Reply
angelbritton @becomewinnersthank you so much! Always nice to hear😘💕💕
Aug 23Reply
rumiako Just stumbled upon your closet and glad I did! Love your taste, you’ve got some very nice pieces. Wishing you all the best! 😊
Sep 22Reply
lolalegette Had to stop by and show my Posh sista some love. 💋
Oct 04Reply
angelbritton @lolalegette well thank you girlfriend and sister!! ❤❤
Oct 04Reply
angelbritton @lolalegette hey lola❤❤!
Oct 05Reply
dragonfly_flash Hi Brett! Nice to meet you. Thank you for following me and you lovely share share above.May you continue to do well and I hope to do half as well as you do on here! 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🦋
Oct 05Reply
chelseabullock Great closet!! 😍🛍🤗
Oct 10Reply
angelbritton @chelseabullock thank you i try!! Its good to hear it😊 ill check out your closet😉
Oct 10Reply
tntltw Hi, We’re are “the new the look the wardrobe (tntltw)”! Thank you for following us 😁. You should checkout our closet and see if ya like any items. Make an offer, bundle multiple items and enjoy the deals we have in our closet. We’re thrilled you followed us and look forward to seeing deals in your closet and will share your listings!
Oct 11Reply
angelbritton @tntltw hi new look! Im a Posh Ambassador and have been here a while and i have to tell you its not good Posh etiquette to advertise in closets and especially new closets. Im not a new closet but for me i have so many followers checking out every new closet would be impossible. Check out posh etiquette rules. However i did check out your closet and you need to add more. You dont have a lot or variety.
Oct 11Reply
usfmom79 @angelbritton Hi! I have to say.., reading the exchange, y’all had me laughing & crying. I live in Brandon, FL.., and have for eons... I wanted to tell you that I love your closet! And, to ask if there is room for one more South Florida gal?
Dec 22Reply
angelbritton @usfmom79 hi heather! Always room for a South Florida girl!! However im in Chicago and its amazing how we all come from different places but sometimes we find friends here on Posh! In the 3 or 4 years ive been here ive had many conversations...serious, funny...whatever and i actually have 2 good friends from being here! It is what you make it! Some girls get really involved on Posh others just Posh😘💕💕
Dec 22Reply
thepappaco I love your closet! I’m from Chicago and I was thinking and have been thinking about being a Paralegal for the last 2 months! That’s really kind of interesting! You have some great clothes!! ❤️❤️
Jan 21Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Mar 02Reply
angelbritton @sue_sells its not good Posh ettiquette to advertise in closets. I dont do it and i dont know you. There are thousands of closets here. That being said i did check out your closet but there are few things my size. Im a Posh Ambassador so im just letting you know.😘💕
Mar 07Reply
onpointcloset Posh love given! Congrats on the share group pick today!
Apr 06Reply
joshbrandt3940 So an officer like an interesting to know that was that kind of website have a good day
May 03Reply
angelbritton @joshbrandt3940 excuse me....I dont understand what you are trying to say??
May 03Reply
marthaarellano Hello Britt, It’s been so long hope you and your family are all doing well, so nice to see your beautiful closet 😍 I have not been on Poshmark as much as I used to, now I go on every two days or so very busy with the family thank you for sharing my sweet beautiful friend❤️😘
May 04Reply
angelbritton @marthaarellano I just happened to come across you and was happy to see your beautiful closet. I also am not here much anymore...with 3 grandsons I'm watching constantly it gets rough. Family first but I try to get on 3-4 a week but not long. Today was an exception. It was good talking with you my beautiful friend 😘
May 04Reply
tyraxo Thanks for sharing my listing! 🌻
May 21Reply
angelbritton @adrianagcsantos no problem beautiful!😘
Jun 08Reply
shayleen12w Very nice closet! 🙃❤
Jun 20Reply
angelbritton @shayleen12w thank you!😘
Jun 20Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing, 😃
Jun 25Reply
2ndhandtreasure Thank you for choosing to follow my closet. I browsed your closet and love your selection and layout. I hope you have much success.
Jul 09Reply
2ndhandtreasure Thank you for choosing to follow my closet. I browsed your closet and love your selection and layout. I hope you have much success.
Jul 09Reply
sassypants1794 Thanks so much for sharing my closet! 😊🌸👸😊🌸👸
Jul 14Reply
kfab333 @angelbritton hi there - 💕I hope all is well - I am running a VIP SALE Today! I thought I would extend you an invitation- Today- Buy 3 Get One Free!! 🥰
Aug 10Reply
angelbritton @kfab333 thanks for the offer Kimberly😙 I see so many things in your closet I would want but that's because you make it all look good! At the moment I'm not making any sales and that's how I buy. My Posh sales pay 2 Bill's and buy my clothes...and it's been so so slow. 2 sales last month.😬 Maybe another time beautiful.❤
Aug 10Reply
kfab333 @angelbritton hey there Lady💕🥰- I completely understand- I hope you are doing well
Aug 10Reply
angelbritton @kfab333 lol...As well as can be expected! Hope you are enjoying summer!
Aug 10Reply
kfab333 @angelbritton hello! 🥰🥰👋 I haven’t seen you in a bit my friend- I am working the stockroom tonight- let me know if I can help you 💕❤️
Sep 18Reply
angelbritton @kfab333 I was looking at the sherpa lined jean jacket but not sure???
Sep 18Reply
kfab333 @angelbritton hey!! 👋👋 it’s sooo amazing I got to try it on before ordering! 😍😍- I can send you pics and measurements in just a bit - the new shipment should be here in a couple hours- I am so excited 😆
Sep 18Reply
irenecase Great closet ! —- shared some today 💕❤️😊
Sep 27Reply
angelbritton @irenecase thank you!!!!!! I try to share back too!😘💕💕
Sep 27Reply
comfortmysoul Hi Briit! I’m so happy you Love your Cabi top! It is adorable. Wear it well and Enjoy! Thanks so much for the 5 stars and the Love Note! Much appreciated ‘
Oct 04Reply
angelbritton @comfortmysoul of problem!! I do that because I know what it means as a seller!! I will always leave a note and l do love love love the top!!!😘
Oct 04Reply
macys_fashions Thanks for all the POSH L❤️ve!!! 💞❤️❤💞 You go girl!!
Oct 25Reply
megan274 HI! Thanks for following me. The support is greatly appreciated. I am new to selling on Poshmark and learning so much each day. If you would like, take a look at my closet. I am open to deals and bundles.
Oct 28Reply
angelbritton @megan274 I looked at your closet and it us nice but not my size sweetie. I mostly search Posh when I am looking for a particular item and other than that i sell because this is my income. I have bought many great things here. I pray you have success here and sell alot and if you need any help at all please reach out😘💕💕
Oct 28Reply
mbdream Thank you for sharing my closet, Angel! Merci, Marissa
Oct 30Reply
absolutlyyumyum You're Welcome. You have a very beautiful closet which was a great pleasure to share. Also thank you for your shares. You are very very much appreciated.
Nov 03Reply
debsdesigndealz Hi Angel, Happy to have you here ! 💖 Blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving and Christmas ! 🦃🦃🦃🎄🎄🎄🎁🎁🎁🍭🍭🍭
Nov 15Reply
angelbritton @debsdesigndealz nice to have you here also! thank you for sharing and have a blessed thanksgiving and Merry Christmas also! Many blessings to you.
Nov 15Reply
sport_gear_nc Hi. Thanks for the follow.
Nov 22Reply
myfairlady7 Thank you for all of the wonderful shares. Praying for your success today and and always on your Poshmark journey. Let’s make it happen ma’am 💄👠💵💵💵💯
Dec 12Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Jan 01Reply
healingbeauty Thank you for the follow and all the wonderful shares! Sending you Warmth and Welcome 💝 katheryn
Jan 12Reply
angelbritton @healingbeauty happy belated New Year Kathryn!?😘🎉
Jan 12Reply
healingbeauty @angelbritton The year is still New! Thank you! 💝💖💛💗🌸
Jan 12Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Britt, thank you for following us! I love your quote on your last pic!💖👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💰📈 Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a prosperous 2020! Be kind & have a blessed day! 🙏✝️🕉️☮️💞
Jan 13Reply
angelbritton @lakedwellerhb well hello Jimbo &J!🙋‍♀️ Thank you for the well wishes!💕 I gave found many great deals & I hope you do too! I'm here if you have any questions at all! Remember if you find something on Posh you like ask questions! God bless and Happy New Year!!😘🎉
Jan 13Reply
072365 Is it possible to hold this dress until March 6th ? 🙏🏻
Feb 21Reply
072365 Oh the Ralph Lauren lace dress
Feb 21Reply
angelbritton @suarezj1 sure I'll hold it. I know it has a lot of likes but no one has expressed interest in buying it yet. I'm sure it will be here
Feb 21Reply
072365 @angelbritton can you please mark it “ not for sale”
Feb 21Reply
angelbritton @suarezj1 I will but only till 3/6
Feb 22Reply
072365 Thank you!
Feb 22Reply
072365 I’ve changed my mind about the dress..... so very sorry for the inconvenience.
Feb 28Reply
angelbritton @suarezj1 I took it off hold yesterday because that's a long time to hold something. Wedding season is coming up and I know it will sell. I hadn't heard from you so I had a feeling you changed your mind.
Feb 28Reply
sparrows48 Hello! I became a Posher in Feb. 2020. Thank you for following me.🥰 I followed you back and I am going to share from your closet. I hope you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy!! 😷
Mar 23Reply
angelbritton @sparrows48 thank you!!! I'm am staying in😷😊
Mar 23Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
May 12Reply
aydadeeb69 Hi 👋 there if you're still interested in the pants please resend your offer and I'll accept 😊 it thanks 😊
Jun 15Reply
angelbritton @mylovejewelry thank you! I saw your closet! I love 🦋 's by the way. I may come back after the holidays to get myself some earrings!
Dec 07Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Apr 10Reply
cutehosiery @angelbritton Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 26Reply
watsonlilmommy @angelbritton hello check out my closet I have so nice items in my closet that you may like send me a offer an I will help you out
Jun 08Reply
angelbritton @watsonlilmommy I've been here 10 years so I pretty much just sell. Thank you for the offer to help
Jun 10Reply
watsonlilmommy @angelbritton no problem thanks anyway
Jun 10Reply
urownbeautiful Hello Gorgeous! I’m Jaime. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself, say hi, and invite you to visit my closet. 💝 🤗Happy poshing, and remember to always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! 💫 Stay dreamy💫 xo 💜 Jaime
Jun 12Reply
angelbritton @adoringstyles hi sorry I don't come on Posh often and I just saw that you shared so of course I will share yours. I used to Posh all the time but I've been very busy. xoxo
May 12Reply

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