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Updated Nov 21
Updated Nov 21

Meet your Posher, Britt

Meet the Posher



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Feel free to make me offers! Im negotiable! Im interested in jeans, and makeup. Being on the boat in the sun is my happy place, along with some corona! I have 4 kitty’s and 2 dogs that are my life along with my handsome bf of course. As I said before hair comes with most things I sell 😂
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fairlygirly @entropycat You need that top! 😻
Feb 14Reply
britxbritt @fairlygirly amazon $10 lol woo hoo!
Feb 15Reply
britxbritt @llt4u_shop i agree with you, what i dont agree with is ppl who try make money off cheap things. I think both of you should take down what each has about one another, its not ok. She should private message you if she had an issue. I commented simply because ive seen it on wish and your right, i dont know where you got it so it was wrong for me to say. I apologize. Not my intention to start anything. Too much of it on here.
Jun 07Reply
llt4u_shop @britxbritt exactly I'm just tired of it with her! I posted because that post has been up for 1.5 weeks now it's nasty I've never done one thing to her. I'm not making any money I said 9.89/ each I'm actually losing money because that doesn't include the freight yet
Jun 07Reply
britxbritt @llt4u_shop that stinks, i do apologize, and i would most def ask her to take it down. Thats your child. And not ok to use pics of people let alone a child. She could get in big trouble for it if you perused it. Not my intention to start anything, wrong of me to assume. I think it upset me because i wanted this cat bodysuit 3.99 on amazon. Girl has it for $40. When confronted it turned ugly. Just drives me crazy!!
Jun 07Reply
llt4u_shop @britxbritt she has me blocked so I can't I've tried numerous times can u please let her know that's not right
Jun 07Reply
britxbritt @llt4u_shop your welcome. Done And done. How she takes it is up to her. Im sure she will cuss me as well.
Jun 07Reply
llt4u_shop @britxbritt 🙄🙄🙄 people like that make posh suck! Honestly!
Jun 07Reply
llt4u_shop @britxbritt thank u tho!
Jun 07Reply
britxbritt @llt4u_shop i know, i shouldn't have said anything. Made me so mad i thought you were honestly doing same as one girl with amazon things. My fault, what i get for being nosey. Thats why i say nothing the one time i do, this happens lol. Hopefully she will take it down. Take care, and i do truly apologize. Wasn't my place to say a thing.
Jun 07Reply
britxbritt @llt4u_shop your welcome!
Jun 07Reply
llt4u_shop @britxbritt thanks lady happy poshing!!!
Jun 07Reply
britxbritt @llt4u_shop you as well!
Jun 07Reply
asdfghjkl124 @britxbritt i bought the grey converse which still say sold, but the shipping update says cancelled and refunded to my card. just curious why?
Jul 15Reply
britxbritt @asdfghjkl124 i cancelled so you weren't waiting so long for the item. A family member was hospitalized and i haven't been able to ship. It's not fair to you. Im sorry. I will be more than happy to repost when i can ship quickly if you still want them.
Jul 15Reply
fannie76 I want to say I appreciate you helping me and being kind to me .I will be getting more things out of your closet in future u are a very sweet person .
Oct 02Reply
britxbritt @fannie76 aww thank you! That means alot. Some things just sit and I'd rather help someone else than over price and never sell. Let me know what your into and i can throw some other things in as well. Like the clinique. Basically had for years, i dont mind putting some of it when you buy the other since you need eyeshadow! 😆 your very sweet as well. If i can help me know
Oct 02Reply
fannie76 @britxbritt I was helping a homeless girl and she took my makeup but she must have needed it worse then me so I'm trying to get at least enough to use when I go somewhere .I really do thank u u don't find very many willing to help these days .I sent the payment
Oct 02Reply
britxbritt @fannie76 i didnt get anything love!
Oct 02Reply
britxbritt @fannie76 im not sure what or who you sent to. But to purchase you have to buy the listing and it notifies me when you do.
Oct 03Reply
jmbt I can do $8 on smart watch
Oct 30Reply
britxbritt @jmbt ok thanks, does it work with iPhone!? If no can you least use apps like fb on it!? Not really familiar
Oct 30Reply
jmbt I know u can sync your iPhone and Android phone I know u can text music sync with Bluetooth.
Oct 30Reply
jmbt If u buy it today I’ll ship today brand new never even been charged
Oct 31Reply
jmbt I have sold some on this site
Oct 31Reply
britxbritt @jmbt ok great and comes in box and is white yes?
Oct 31Reply
jmbt Yes comes in box and white and directions and usb cable
Oct 31Reply
jmbt Just waiting on you to purchases Then I ship it out
Oct 31Reply
jmbt Already shipped out hope he enjoys it.
Oct 31Reply
britxbritt @jmbt thank u so much!! Very sweet of you to ship out that fast so he receives in time! I'm sure he will love it!
Nov 01Reply
queenjudyyyy Happy poshing 💖💛💝 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💜💚 Let me know if you have any questions 💝❤️
Mar 24Reply
ladyfig17 Hello fellow posher, I noticed you liked two items from my closet. If you’re truly interested in purchasing, please feel free to add them to a bu sale for a better discount. Thank you and happy poshing! 💁🏻‍♀️💗
May 17Reply
britxbritt @ladyfig17 yes! when I get some funds I plan to purchase a few things! Thanks!! Hope you have a great night hun!!
May 17Reply
ladyfig17 @britxbritt awesome! Sounds great! Just keep me posted! Have a lovely night as well!
May 17Reply
fashionmake90 Hey. I was reaching out and please don't take offense. I do make up for work and i was looking at the huda beauty products. I noticed the highlight palette that was really cheap from another seller. Its the one you ended up buying. As i looked at it,it looks like a fake. You can compare to other packaging and spot the problems. Also if you click on her huda eye palettes in the comments people tell her they are fakes and she admits she got off eBay
Jun 24Reply
fashionmake90 Again im not trying to upset you but those palettes retail for a pretty penny and for her to have extra and sell so cheap i would worry. Also i know she claimed they are Authenic but if they are she should take a pic of the bottom for the production number. If you dont care they are a dupe its fine but im just warning you and being she was told her eye shadow palettes were fake i think she knows better
Jun 24Reply
britxbritt @fashionmake90 oh thanks so much love! Yes she only posted that then other palette. It was too late by time I realized that one was fake. It’s ok though, I’ll just be sending back. Knew it was too good to be true, was just hoping lol!! Thank you so much for confirming though! Really appreciate that!
Jun 24Reply
fashionmake90 @britxbritt i mean i cant guarantee it but im 99% sure just off packaging. It really upsets me to see people selling fakes as authenics knowing its not. If she wasnt warned on the shadow i wouldn't think bad of it but she knew. Im sorry that happened. Definetly let posh mark know so they will refund you and i would take screen shots of her saying its authenic
Jun 24Reply
britxbritt @fashionmake90 I’m pretty sure too! It’s ok, poshmark will def refund it just because it is fake. They can see all comments and it’s not a huge loss. I knew it was too good! Maybe she does think they are real, who knows. But yeah don’t tell me they are if your not 100% sure. I can’t handle that on my face. I’m sure once I get it will have different shade names and look fake as can be. The eyeshadow is dead give away, so I wouldn’t have trusted it if looks anything like those.
Jun 24Reply
britxbritt @fashionmake90 but thank you so much for reaching out! I appreciate the heads up. 😉
Jun 24Reply
fashionmake90 @britxbritt yea i made a post to warn people. Its so dangerous and it's possible she didnt know. Its not good for the skin. Im really sorry again. I just wanted to let you know
Jun 24Reply
fashionmake90 @britxbritt no problem. Im really sorry again.
Jun 24Reply
britxbritt @fashionmake90 all good love! No harm done! I’ll simply tell her when I receive it’s fake and see if she cares or not!
Jun 24Reply
fashionmake90 @britxbritt thats true and it will all work out too but i hope maybe she will try and make it right
Jun 24Reply
biancabmw @britxbritt hello I’m interested in the huda pound cake could we do $10 off ?
Aug 30Reply
britxbritt @biancabmw no I’m sorry. As it is now, I’m losing more than $10, and it’s brand new.
Aug 30Reply
biancabmw @britxbritt ok no worries thank you 😊
Aug 30Reply
biancabmw @britxbritt please send me a private discount through the bundle $4.99 shipping 🤗
Aug 30Reply
britxbritt @biancabmw I don’t do discount shipping, but could send you lowest offer. I’m leaving for out of town today, but will be back next friday.
Aug 30Reply
biancabmw @britxbritt ok please send me lowest
Aug 30Reply
britxbritt @biancabmw sorry love. Was heading out of town then things changed. Sent you my lowest!
Aug 31Reply
biancabmw @britxbritt thanks when can you Ship
Aug 31Reply
britxbritt @biancabmw first thing tom so will prob get tues unless label says 2 day then Saturday! It will be dropped first thing for you!
Aug 31Reply
biancabmw @britxbritt perfect thank you will be purchasing shortly
Aug 31Reply
britxbritt @biancabmw no worries take your time, if you buy it will be out tomorrow
Aug 31Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Nov 06Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Jun 12Reply
cutehosiery @britxbritt Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 07Reply

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