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Updated Jul 27
Updated Jul 27

Meet your Posher, Brittany

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Brittany. Some of my favorite brands are Ann Taylor, Anthropologie, Modcloth, J Crew and All things vintage!Thanks for stopping by! I have two adorable little boys, and a penchant for themed dressing, novelty prints, and matchy matchy outfits. I have a weakness for caramel macchiatos from Starbucks and can often be found poshing during nap time. 🤷🏻‍♀️😆
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

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lasammi Welcome to Poshmark! ^_^
Jan 17Reply
shannonleath80 🌷 Hi! My name is Shannon. I noticed you like Lilly Pulitzer dresses and I have a few listed in my closet that you might like. Please checkout my closet and consider following me! Not only do I have Lilly Pulitzer dresses, but I also have dresses by Tibi, Trina Turk, and Milly of New York. Have a great weekend and happy Poshing! 🌷
Jul 10Reply
shopfoxburrow @fettchick83 the best I could do is 28 for both but I really won't go any lower.
Oct 08Reply
shopfoxburrow @jchester9 added a photo of the bottom of the shoes!
Oct 12Reply
chezhofs Congratulations of your moderator pick! I came to check out and share your closet. You have lots of great items! Congratulations!
Oct 17Reply
fanzy_pantz Yay! Found you 😊 thanks again for those Posh PI skills in the PUG group 😚
Oct 24Reply
shopfoxburrow @ariellopez here is a photo of the bottoms of the boots
Dec 05Reply
shopfoxburrow @fashion665 here is the cAbi Cardigan photo
Jan 24Reply
shopfoxburrow @fashion6665 here's the cabi tag photo
Jan 24Reply
jenn_sd What an amazing closet 😍!
Feb 10Reply
shopfoxburrow @jenn_sd That's so sweet, thank you! <3
Feb 10Reply
jackgarr03 Great closet❤❤
May 08Reply
angreen40 Welcome to Posh!! Please visit my closet for exciting styles.😀
Jun 13Reply
shopfoxburrow @angreen40 thanks but I've been on posh over a year now 😂 :)
Jun 13Reply
mthomas64 Curious on the offer of the bundle. Do not own these items possibly I am the wrong person??
Aug 21Reply
shopfoxburrow @mthomas64 no I own the item :) you added it to a bundle and I made you a private offer in case you wanted to purchase :) it's one of the Poshmark dressing room features. Sellers can send offers on bundles
Aug 21Reply
piano89 I just want to apologize for the oversight on my part for not realizing the Anthro pants were pull ons. I will take more time in carefully looking over the items I am selling going forward. Thank you for your honest rating and feedback!
Sep 19Reply
gypsythrift22 @turnley08 thought you may like this kindred closet 💎
Oct 05Reply
gypsythrift22 @08turnley thought you may like this kindred closet 💎
Oct 05Reply
kirbyprincess Hi! I had fallen in love with a burnt orange top from your closet but it seems to have disappeared. Has it sold already? :)
Oct 05Reply
shopfoxburrow @kirbyprincess was it a lace peplum top? That did sell elsewhere.
Oct 05Reply
kirbyprincess @dreamrains Yes it was. Thank you :)
Oct 05Reply
deathcabforsara Your closet is beyond amazing! I am blown away and will definitely be shopping from you soon!
Mar 21Reply
fletchin @shopfoxburrow I emailed you the label. Thanks so much for letting me know I kept wondering why it wasn’t tracking yet. Let me know if you don’t receive it. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the shoes.
Apr 28Reply
fletchin Brittany thanks so much for the 5 star rating and comments...glad I could help you with one of your fashion "must haves"! Another thank you for forwarding the stray package to its rightful owner...I owe you one!
Apr 30Reply
fletchin White jeans now tracking...thanks again Brittany!
Apr 30Reply
shopfoxburrow @fletchin very welcome! Happy poshing!! :)
Apr 30Reply
kyoji @shopfoxburrow thanks for the shares!❤️❤️❤️
May 05Reply
shopfoxburrow @doahappydance you’re welcome of course :) not that I share as crazy much as you do ❤️❤️
May 05Reply
roscoe4 Hi Following up on offer, thank you
May 09Reply
shopfoxburrow @roscoe4 Hello! Sadly we are too far apart, since my last offer was my best offer too :(
May 09Reply
roscoe4 @shopfoxburrow ok thank you
May 10Reply
roscoe4 Hi consider meeting in the middle, 36??
May 11Reply
roscoe4 New offer just submitted :)
May 13Reply
well_good Someone just straight up bought those mustard overalls yesterday right before I was going to post the measurement for you! I’m so sorry hun! 😭 I love your closet btw!
Oct 14Reply
shopfoxburrow @well_good it’s ok I really don’t think they would have fit anyway 😭 I’m glad they sold fast for you!
Oct 14Reply
cheapchicmom Am in love with your closet!! 🌻🌻
Nov 10Reply
shopfoxburrow @cheapchicmom That's so sweet, thank you <3!
Nov 10Reply
lovingpurple Hi there!😊Just wanted to stop by to say hello, hope you are having a great time here on posh 🤗 Hope you can have some time to visit my closet 😶 Blessings! -Liz💜
Dec 01Reply
3birdstogether Hi! Just dropped off your necklace at the post office, thanks for your purchase! I just saw that your closet name is Fox.. perfect necklace for you!! Have a great day!😊😊
Dec 13Reply
amashopper Thanks for the shares!
May 23Reply
simyemy Thank you so much for always sharing my closet! I appreciate it. Happy Poshing!!
May 24Reply
shinywardrobe Hi Brittany! I love your closet. I am a new new posher and am just starting my closet come and check me out😁
Jun 04Reply
onemoretime_ @shopfoxburrow Thanks for sharing! 💕
Jun 23Reply
okiethrifter Beautiful closet!
Jul 04Reply
shopfoxburrow @okiethrifter Aww thank you so much!
Jul 04Reply
hustlehumble You literally have the most adorable closet!!!
Jul 29Reply
shopfoxburrow @hustlehumble Thank you!! Pure reflection of my own weirdness haha! :)
Jul 29Reply
penrom Hello, I purchased the wicker tray. Will you ship asap please? I have a guest staying and would like to display toiletries and other items in the tray. My guest arrives on the 19th August. Thank you so much.
Aug 12Reply
shopfoxburrow @penrom absolutely! It’s already packed up And going out today :)
Aug 12Reply
penrom @shopfoxburrow Fantabulous... Don't forget yo check out my closet too. Always great offers. 🌻
Aug 12Reply
harmony_vermont Adorable bio, pictures, profile photo, & a great closet!!😁🙌🏻🛍
Aug 20Reply
forfrockssake Love your closet & I totally have the matchy matchy habit too! 😍
Sep 06Reply
huckleberrygirl I just love your Closet! So fun!
Sep 08Reply
shopfoxburrow @huckleberrygirl thank you so much! ❤️
Sep 08Reply
heyvivretro Hi - love your closet and the way you style it. 2 Kids ! and you look fabulous :)
Sep 10Reply
stitchyd i have a huge crush on your closet!!
Sep 11Reply
hollyaynshobby Your closet...🤩😍🤤 The clothes of course... plus I love your foxes and other wildlife! Cuuuute! Same goes for your munchkins, thanks for sharing pics. 😁
Sep 11Reply
shopfoxburrow @stitchyd Aww thank you so much! <3 I am trying to add new stuff every day so check back when you can :)
Sep 11Reply
shopfoxburrow @hollyaynshobby Ahh <3 Thanks! I'm kind of obsessed with all things woodland haha.
Sep 11Reply
pinkdottiesshop I love your closet! Is a dream!!
Sep 15Reply
shopfoxburrow @pinkdotties Thank you so much! I'm trying to add new stuff every day :)
Sep 15Reply
skiprincss Great closet!! 💖💖💖
Oct 05Reply
adoredx2 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂🍃 🍁 🍂🍁 🍂🍃 🍂🍃 🍁 🍂🍃 🍁 🍂🍃 🍂🎃 HAPPY FALL SALES 🎃 🍂 🍂🍃🍁From @Dharmalee 🍂🍃 🎃 🍁🍂🍃🎃 🍁 🍂🍃🎃 🍁 🍂🎃 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍂🍃🎃 🍁 🍂🍃🎃 🍁 🍂 🎃 🍂 🍁 🍂🍃🎃 🍁 🍂🍃🎃 🍁 🍂 🎃 🍁 🎃 🍁 🍂🍃🎃 🍁 🍂🍃🎃 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
Oct 08Reply
moonymood @shopfoxburrow what a gorgeous closet! Thanks for always sharing 😘💕💕
Oct 24Reply
jenniferberes Your closet is a delight! Loving all your items... 🦄
Oct 25Reply
shopfoxburrow @jenniferberes Thank you so much <3! That makes me happy :)
Oct 25Reply
msfrancisfines I'm on a cute mug hunt. You have a couple in your closet that I really like. Any more to list? :) Thank you!
Oct 25Reply
shopfoxburrow @msfrancisfines no not at the moment :) thanks for checking!
Oct 25Reply
cfotouhi GOOD LORD if everything in your closet was my size I would be buying it all. Serious closet envy. Love your photos too omg. AMAZING CLOSET 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Oct 28Reply
shopfoxburrow @cfotouhi awww haha thank you 🙏🏻❤️❤️ my style is certainly eclectic lol. so excited about my foxy flats. Do you have an IG ???
Oct 28Reply
cfotouhi @shopfoxburrow I do!! It’s cfotouhi 🤗❤️ I have a poshmark one too but rarely use it. I love your style! I’m more edgy sometimes but love your look. And love eclectic people, places and things 💃🏼 I will ship them out tomorrow!! I hope you love them and I hope they work out!! Yay!
Oct 28Reply
autumnlifecoach Love your closet!! 💜💜💜
Oct 28Reply
caitlyn0025 Wow, I love your covershots! Do you have a posh instagram? I am inspired. Keep up the great poshing.
Oct 30Reply
shopfoxburrow @caitlyn0025 thank you! I do. It’s also shopfoxburrow. :)
Oct 30Reply
retrograce I absolutely love your closet! I would wear every item you have posted.
Nov 07Reply
retrograce Also, love the red hair!
Nov 07Reply
shopfoxburrow @retrograce yay thank you so much! My hair is purple now but I love the red too 😍
Nov 07Reply
seenyadiva You have a G-R-E-A-T closet! So many goodies! I couldn't stop sharing! 👍
Nov 11Reply
abandonedcart Hi Brittany! 💃 Your closet is so fun, love your style!!
Nov 12Reply
shopfoxburrow @gravygalaxy @seenyadiva thank you so much! <3 That means a lot!
Nov 12Reply
camilleklingler Thank you for your purchase! I will ship the sweater in the morning! ❤️ 🦌
Nov 21Reply
gordomom Bummer I didn’t get to meet you at PF, but thank you for sharing the eraser tip on IG!! That’s one of the best tips I’ve seen!
Nov 26Reply
threads_co love your closet!! <3
Dec 04Reply
_bryanna_13 Thanks for the follow! Check out my closet and like/bundle any items you’re interested in. All bundles of 3 or more items get an automatic 20% discount and I try to offer another discount on top of that for any size bundle you create. I’m open to offers. I’m just trying to clear out my closet while I’m home! Have a great day!
Dec 22Reply
fancystacey Your closet is ADORABLE. Clothes are amazing and so is your aesthetic. Very nice!
Dec 23Reply
kitsuneomajinai Hello fellow fox lover! You have an incredible collection of things! So beautiful. Are you a thrift shop peruser or these are all your personal wardrobe?
Jan 20Reply
shopfoxburrow @kitsuneomajinai a lot of it was mine at one point or another but I sell vintage so I definitely source outside the home too :)
Jan 20Reply
everythinggreat Crazy, cute closet!
Jan 21Reply
shopfoxburrow @everythinggreat Aww thank you so much <3!
Jan 21Reply
katy759 Brittany! Hi, My name is Katy, I'm new to Poshmark , hoping to do this Full-time, super excited since I am a stay at home mom. Your closet is amazing and your videos are so helpful. As soon as I can get some sales I am looking forward to buying some things from you. Thank you for all the help you give to us Poshers!! Its so appreciated!! xoxoxo Katy
Jan 28Reply
diasnewcloset By happenstance I found your YouTube channel when researching virtual assistants and seeing what people’s thoughts were. Your channel is so helpful! 💕🙏🏻
Jan 30Reply
shopfoxburrow @diasnewcloset Thank you for commenting that! It's funny how the world works - Not even an hour ago I was questioning if I was making any impact on YouTube and if I should keep going. <3 I appreciate you taking the time to stop by here and messaging me.
Jan 30Reply
shopfoxburrow @katy759 I don't know how I missed your message! Thank you so much - just you stopping by here to say hello is all I could ever ask for. <3 It really means a lot to me when people reach out. And welcome to Poshmark Katy!
Jan 30Reply
wellmadeonposh 😍 every once and a while I run across a shop that totally makes my day because the clothes are cute and the pictures are so good it makes you wish you were ever size all at once so you could buy it all. Today that is yours. I am totally crushing on your shop and style.
Feb 04Reply
shopfoxburrow @nicolebeyda I just want to say thank you, that's really sweet and it means a lot <3.
Feb 05Reply
chrmdhrtsbtq I just wanted to say Hi and tell you that I absolutely love your closet! And, I have the same weakness for Starbucks caramel macchiato's. 😁☕💕👋
Feb 06Reply
shopfoxburrow @chrmdhrtsbtq Yesss so good. I had one yesterday LOL. Thanks so much for stopping by and your sweet words <3
Feb 07Reply
chippewalove Super pretty closet! ❤️ May I ask what photo app you use?? Thx💘
Feb 08Reply
shopfoxburrow @time2sharetime2 Thank you :) Just PicTapGo
Feb 08Reply
reddressrescue Total closet goals ❤️😍❤️
Feb 11Reply
shopfoxburrow @reddressrescue thank you 🙏🏻❤️
Feb 11Reply
liliyalieva Good morning, Brittany! Thank you so much for all your shares!!! I am really appreciated!!! I wish you the best and have a wonderful day!!! 😉😊🥰
Feb 12Reply
abiscloset2019 You have so many amazing pieces in your closet! Love it, especially the vintage!
Feb 13Reply
rougexsmooch Thanks so much for the shares!! I actually watch your YouTube channel and was so excited when I saw you shared my closet! 😊😊💕
Feb 13Reply
shopfoxburrow @therougesmooch yay that makes me happy ❤️ thanks for tuning in!!
Feb 14Reply
ggg77 What a spectacular closet!
Feb 15Reply
heyk8 You are killin’ it on Posh and Insta. Fantastic curation of your collection. And great stying. Bravo!
Feb 20Reply
freak_out What a great closet you have! Love you joyful vintage style! Truly inspiring for someone like me who has just started on PM.
Feb 26Reply
shopfoxburrow @glimmeringprize Thank you so much!! <3 I'll head over and send some shares your way, welcome to Posh!
Feb 26Reply
freak_out @shopfoxburrow thanks for the shares!!
Feb 26Reply
4theluvofthings Hello! Your closet makes me want to dress up! I live in the Pacific Northwest and all I wear are sweats but I will scroll your closet and dream about how cute I could look if I tried. Lol. I love all your clothes! How you style! (And I love your videos) Have an amazing day! You just might flip me into wearing a dress one day. 😁
Mar 04Reply
shopfoxburrow @4theluvofthings you are so sweet! That makes me happy to hear and there’s no better time to don a dress than Spring!!! 😍 and thank you for watching my videos that means so much!
Mar 05Reply
parisinpearls Love love your curated closet! You have exquisite taste...I need to rob a bank 😂 so I can buy half your beautiful items! Keep up the great sourcing & photographing! 💝🍭💙🍬💜
Mar 26Reply
pomppanda You have the absolute cutest closet!
Mar 26Reply
fabulouskt Hi! Thanks for all the shares! I returned the favor and am now following.😀 Have a great day!
Mar 31Reply
palmetto_rose Love your closet 💕 and your photos are really well done!!
Apr 03Reply
elm_boutique I love everything in your closet!!
Apr 08Reply
positively_pat just had to tell you that your closet is gorgeous!!!!
Apr 11Reply
krnestel I just want to tell you I use the 1920s dress I bought from you ALLL THE TIME!! I’ve gotten so much mileage out of this dress. Thank you again 😊❤️ hope all is well! I wish you continued success with your future poshing! 💕
Apr 16Reply
shopfoxburrow @krnestel that makes me so happy! If you ever post photos on Instagram tag me! Same username :)
Apr 16Reply
krnestel @shopfoxburrow Absolutely! Will do! ☺️❤️❤️
Apr 17Reply
freshnewlook @shopfoxburrow Hi Brittany, I just wanted to tell you that you have sweet babies and your closet is beautiful!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apr 17Reply
sideeyebird @shopfoxburrow hey hi hello! Just stopping by to let you know I found your closet thanks to Tori’s live (that I watched dayyysss later). You have a fabulous eye for vintage deliciousness! 🌺 We are also practically neighbors, give or take 12- 15 miles.
Apr 19Reply
shopfoxburrow @lakewanderlust yay thanks for watching! Also that’s fun! Nice to find other local poshers :)
Apr 19Reply
amd12517 I love your closet. I am obsessed with bird shirts ☺️ I will likely start putting a bundle together then sift stuff out when I have time next week, it’s so cute it will be a process haha - do you do bundle discounts? Thanks!
Apr 21Reply
shopfoxburrow @amd12517 Aww thank you so much! I do offer a bundle discount :) 15% is automatic when you bundle 3+ items, but the more you bundle the better I can do.
Apr 21Reply
avrilon Beautiful closet Brittany! 🥰 Love your taste and style! 👍🌺
Apr 26Reply
hamptonsforager Such a lovely closet💕💕💕💕 so appreciate your originality, are you on Instagram?
Apr 26Reply
hamptonsforager I just found you😊👍🏻
Apr 26Reply
shopfoxburrow @hamptonsforager :) thanks so much!!
Apr 26Reply
shopfoxburrow @avrilon thank you so much!!
Apr 26Reply
appareltrends Thank you for sharing my listing.
May 03Reply
dreamsofvintage Hey Brittany 👋 your closet is AMAZING - seriously your vintage is one point 👌.....i also wanted to invite you to check out my closet, I think you might dig the style of my collection!! Let me know if anything catches your eye💕Happy Poshing & Cheers friend 🥂
May 04Reply
somervilleshops 🌺👠🌺👠🌺👠Wishing you speedy sales and great deals!! I'm so glad you are a part of this supportive community!!  Happy poshing!! 🏵🌷🌷🏵
May 07Reply
opalmermaid Beautiful closet! And what cute babies you have. Have a great day.😁
May 08Reply
lyliabascom You have such a great eye for fashion. It was a treat wandering through your closet. Have a fantastic Mother’s Day
May 08Reply
birdiesbounty Love your closet!
May 10Reply
louisemuse1921 Thanks so much for sharing my listing 👗
May 11Reply
cshopaddict I just love your closet!!! I want it all 💝😝
May 14Reply
sopenny 🥰🥰🥰 your closet! Great style and beautiful things!!
May 14Reply
blueangel25 Absolutely Beautiful Closet 💕💕💕
Jun 05Reply
denejkivdom beautiful closet! beautiful healthy Baby)))
Jun 07Reply
michele9269 Hi was just wondering when you were shipping out my purchase thanks
Jun 13Reply
michele9269 @shopfoxburrow ok thank you have a great weekend
Jun 13Reply
marleygold You have so many cool clothes!!! ❤️❤️
Jun 24Reply
janfast Hi Brittany! Thanks for sharing my Escada Gown!
Jun 30Reply
elainesapitan Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it as I am trying to get rid of many items, as well I have some items listed as FREE with ANY purchase throughout my closet. Hope you find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine! 🦋
Jul 01Reply
shopfoxburrow @topangacanyon1 Oh wow that's funny, so I do! I just sell on Etsy and here, and I used to do pop up vintage markets but that became too much trouble. A solid portion of what I have listed is just... my clothing, but I do go to estate sales and whatnot to find inventory.
Jul 08Reply
shopfoxburrow @topangacanyon1 Yay! My pleasure :) Stay in touch and thanks again for the great bundle!
Jul 08Reply
themerrypear I am in LOVE with your closet!
Jul 08Reply
shopfoxburrow @themerrypear you are so sweet thank you 🙏🏻❤️❤️ I have so much more to add 🤣
Jul 08Reply
arleencoyle Brittany, can I PLEASE cancel purchase of Sundance Platform shoes? My daughter said they won’t fit her.
Jul 11Reply
shopfoxburrow @arleencoyle No problem :) I’ll cancel now.
Jul 11Reply
closetdeblankie WOW what a beautiful closet 💜
Jul 16Reply
shopfoxburrow @closetdeblankie Thank you so very much <3
Jul 16Reply
lady_goodman1 Found you on Gem 💎!! Love!
Jul 16Reply
shopfoxburrow Aww thank you for taking the time to come find me! <3
Jul 17Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Brittany on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super family posher pictures 💜🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Jul 23Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great week and successful Poshing!😊🇺🇸
Jul 27Reply
ginnyb014 Hi, I love your photos!
Jul 31Reply
rea_pparel Thank you for sharing!! I love watching you and have learned so much from you about vintage! I don’t sell my collection but I need to start unloading. Thank you again for sharing it made my morning!
Aug 01Reply
annejaz Fun and beautiful closet/shop ! Loved looking through it! 🙌✨😊👍💕
Aug 02Reply
cherrycanary I LOVE your closet and your photos ♥️ you inspire me!
Aug 04Reply
lanenafinds Omg!!! I just saw your video haul, and you have an elephant basket! I love Elephants, would you sell it to me 🥰🤗😍❤️😊🙏🐘🐘🐘thanks you Brittany!
Aug 04Reply
shopfoxburrow @lanenafinds Oh! Let me get back to you :) I'm not 100% i want to sell it yet haha. But I'll message you for dibs if I decide to sell!
Aug 05Reply
lanenafinds @shopfoxburrow Hi! Thank you so much 😊!!! I will be praying 🙏 good luck!!! You are Amazing 🌻
Aug 05Reply
deb925 Hi, Great Closet! Do you make some of the dresses? They’re all beautiful and styles are similar. If you do, you are very talented! If you not, you’re a great Shopper! - peace ☮️
Aug 05Reply
emilysjoys luv your shop!
Aug 30Reply
shopfoxburrow @emilysjoys thank you so much 😊
Aug 31Reply
sftrendy Hi Brittany, Thank you for sharring my newly listed mirror! I watch you on YT all the time. Thanks for all the tips. I love it that you bring back some very feminine floral vintage dresses back. Is so cool. ....and
Sep 02Reply
sftrendy It's been a while that I wanted to share with you a Foxy ring I have in my shop that is so much like your logo! I think you should have it. I really don't care for the price. See if you like it and we'll do.
Sep 02Reply
virginiagator Love your closet! I am one of your YouTube followers and enjoy your videos as well! You’re a beautiful model! Frannie❤️
Sep 11Reply
agravenstine Thank You for the offers on the purse. I found another one that I purchased. I appreciate your time! 😁
Sep 11Reply
gwenbielicki Love your closet! Cute stuff! 🥰
Sep 19Reply
rea_pparel Thank you for the share this morning! I watch you on YT and have learned so much! I’m planning to list some of my vintage today and have felt anxious to do it. But I’m going to take your share as a sign, and go for it! Thank you again and I can’t end this message without saying that your little guy is a sweetheart!! Best wishes to you!!💖💖
Oct 01Reply
shopfoxburrow @rea_pparel You are so sweet thank you <3 It always makes me so happy when people come over from YT. Let me know when you list your vintage, I'll share for you!
Oct 01Reply
rea_pparel @shopfoxburrow thank you so much for your support. I would feel honored. I have listed a few pieces here and there, but nothing quite as significant to me. I have a great deal of respect for vintage and their resellers, that I hope I can show the pieces in my collection as accurately as possible and that they are well received. It’s a bit of a new territory for me as a seller. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge and passion for vintage. I’m an avid follower of your channel!!💖
Oct 01Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your share. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package. And offers are always welcome, too.
Oct 31Reply
zuzusconsign Saw you featured on the Posh blog. Came to check your closet out. Closet Crush!! 😍 Had to share some lovely listings. Best of luck 🍀 ✌🏼🌻
Nov 02Reply
shopfoxburrow @preppiebohemian Ahh thanks for stopping by to say hi! <3 You made my day :)
Nov 02Reply
echofoxresale ❤️❤️❤️ your style! Just followed you on IG! 😊
Nov 11Reply
supermarie Amazing closet, absolutely love it!
Nov 14Reply
theposhparadise I featured your closet on "PoshmarkSellsVintage." Best of luck with your holiday sales-all gorgeous pieces!🎄
Nov 15Reply
kasme Your closet is absolutely GORGEOUS !
Nov 17Reply
theluckycoach Your closet is super cute!!
Nov 18Reply
knoppe You have the cutest modeling pics! My sister in law and I modeled for a few of ours, but it was very utilitarian. I love the styling and bubbliness. Well done you. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Nov 20Reply
rbhollins Thank you for your purchase! I will have this wrapped up and shipped out tomorrow morning for you.😊
Nov 27Reply
shopfoxburrow @rbhollins thank you! Excited to give it a try ... hoping the bust fits haha
Nov 27Reply
janfast Thanks for sharing my Serfontaine Jeans!🌸
Dec 02Reply
closetomemories Thank you for sharing my item!!! It’s funny I saw you shared my item and I said hey I watch her you tube channel lol great videos I love watching them 😀
Dec 12Reply
lowhatever Morning Doll! Happy Sunday! Thanks so much for sharing my closet! Stay safe and good sales! 💖💖💖
Dec 13Reply
blingbuzz What an amazing closet! Curious about your "Stitch fix" listings here and went to Stitch fix that you "Styling team lead" there?! 😊 Regardless, wow. You sell, you model here, and a mom??!! Where do you find the time?! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 ✌🏼🙏🏼❣️🎅🤶❄️🎄⛄
Dec 23Reply
shopfoxburrow @blingbuzz nope I’m not affiliated with the stitch fix site but thank you for your kind words!
Dec 23Reply
blingbuzz crazy! her name is Brittany and she looks like your doppelganger to me 🤣✌🏼🙏🏼❣️ merry Christmas and happy new year!
Dec 23Reply
shopfoxburrow @blingbuzz really? I'll have to check it out that is too funny! Merry Christmas!
Dec 23Reply
rea_pparel Merry Christmas Brittany!! Thank you for your awesome content this year and willingness to help! Your YouTube fan from Michigan..❣️Rea
Dec 24Reply
twolauralane like your style and your boys. Grew up in Winchester Ma. not far from Nashua. Happy New Year! Laura
Dec 29Reply
tryformore 🎉Happy New Year ‼️and thanks for sharing.
Jan 02Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Brittany on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜 Cur/ fun family posher pictures 🛍🙏🙏❤️💜🤟🏻
Jan 14Reply
fj_2sistersco Hi Brittany! I found you on YouTube this morning! Love your content + style! Excited to follow you on IG! I’m Karissa + I’m @poshmama_karissa on Instagram. Have a beautiful day ❤️
Jan 14Reply
shopfoxburrow @karissaelaine89 ah thanks so much for stopping by to say hi!<3!
Jan 14Reply
brimacly Hi just wanted to say hi love your video's thanks for all the great Info. 😊
Jan 16Reply
marymccreery Hi hello 👋, Brittany! Thank you for the Posh love share 💕💞💓💗❤️💖💝 Your closet is so well put together and fun to browse. Awesome job! Happy Poshing !! Mary💐💐💐
Jan 30Reply
vintage4all Beautiful kiddos. Your listings are gorgeous. Congratulations on your hard work.
Jan 30Reply
kirsfinefinds 🙋🏻‍♀️ Hi! I’m Kirsten. I absolutely love your closet! So glad you shared from my closet & your 🦊 caught my eye! 💕
Jan 30Reply
feelingshoppy @shopfoxburrow Gorgeous closet! 💚 Much luck and many sales to you! Happy Shopping! 🍀
Feb 01Reply
anythingclothes Such a beautiful closet! So many pretty things! I loved browsing through it. 🌺
Feb 06Reply
vespaa Beautiful closet. Everything is so well styled. :)
Feb 10Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. Some of you are long time poshers and some are new. I will do my best to assist you if you are new to Poshmark and have any questions about buying or selling. If you’ve been selling for some time I might ask you for some tips. 😄I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Feb 13Reply
studio9201 I was just checking out some of your videos on YouTube -just saying hi! Thanks for the great info!!
Mar 01Reply
shopfoxburrow @studio9201 Thank you so very much for stopping by to say so <3 I appreciate it!
Mar 01Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 Items must be listed $40 or less;)) ACCEPTING ALL OFFERS Thank you for your interest:)))
Mar 06Reply
monkitb @shopfoxburrow Hi Brittany, I was sharing your closet and just realized that you are the supermodel in the pictures! Your fun personality and bright light shines in these photos! Thank you for adding a spark to my day!
Mar 18Reply
thriftykittyblu Your closet is incredible! So many awesome things! Love it 🌻
Apr 09Reply
pamjbwilson You’re “killin’” it! Love watching your vids, seeing how you’re styling stuff, what you’re sourcing.... great job! And your kiddos are adorable!!!!
Apr 30Reply
hmarukami Hi! You bought my vintage dress with the sailboats but I am so very sorry I had to cancel the order. While pressing it yesterday I discovered a hole that doesn't look fixable. Looks like I put my heel through it right near the hem, I am so sorry I didn't catch it before now. Apologies!!! If there is something else in my closet I will shoot you a great discount. Thank you.
May 30Reply
paradoxfound Omg! We’re neighbors!
May 31Reply
shopfoxburrow @bootstrapbettie too funny!! So we are 🥳
May 31Reply
hmarukami hi, did you get the package i sent you?
Jun 07Reply
shopfoxburrow @hmarukami oh! No, not yet 🙂 mail hasn’t come today yet though
Jun 07Reply
shopfoxburrow @hmarukami thank you so much! You didn’t have to do that it was so kind of you. I am going to fix her up and wear her all summer 😍
Jun 10Reply
scorpiomvp I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər| ShopSmall ∞,ShopMyCloset for way less ∞ ShopLocal + ✅ Verified Google Business Owner 🌍❤️ follow explore🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🌈🌈🌈
Jun 13Reply
hmarukami @shopfoxburrow you're very welcome! you'll look great in it.
Jun 14Reply
pacificstate Grrrrreat closet! 😻😻😻
Jun 17Reply
bergertwins Brittany On one of your UTube videos you mentioned A consulting service. How do I have you do that for an item I have. It is a pair of Sam Edelman shoes. I can’t find anything close. They have a metal signature tab on the bottom of shoe. . Inside on inside foot pad a very small signature in a round circle near heel area. How much do you charge? I have done all I know to do:) Thank you Dee
Jul 25Reply
shopfoxburrow @bergertwins if you go to my Instagram it’s on my Bio link. You’ll choose vintage copywriting service. It’s intended for vintage but I can do modern too if you’d like :)
Jul 25Reply
bergertwins @shopfoxburrow Just watched one of your videos on doing research. So .. you can tell me If they are vintage? Thanks Dee
Jul 25Reply
bergertwins @shopfoxburrow The shoes look like you:)
Jul 25Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2000 items. Bundle and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Sep 29Reply
wigsnwanderlust This is the cutest closet I have seen in sooooooooooo long!!!!! 🤍😩🤍😩
Oct 15Reply
shopfoxburrow @wigsnwanderlust aww thank you so much!! That means a lot ❤️❤️
Oct 15Reply
thriftytwins07 @shopfoxburrow I watch you on YouTube you have great tips💕🥰 cute closet
Nov 02Reply
somasoraya Thanks for the share! :) I just heard you speak on Thrifters Villa! Great episode.
Nov 10Reply
fayjsflips So I Love You and love your podcast and follow you on all your platforms. Can I ask? How often do you share your items on Poshmark or do you just list and then not share?
Nov 10Reply
shopfoxburrow @belarenlu I hired a sharer, and my closet gets shared I think 4 times a day? Plus share backs for other sellers who share my items. :)
Nov 10Reply
shopfoxburrow @somasoraya Thank you so much for listening and coming to say hi!
Nov 10Reply
fayjsflips Thank You!
Nov 10Reply
pinehillposh Hello. What a gorgeous closet—and I love how much fun you seem to have modeling your items (: Thanks for your very informative YouTube videos. I just started poshing and am so inspired to get organized right from the beginning! Praying you are having a fabulous day! 🌻🍁🌲
Nov 12Reply
anjisattic Hi Brittany, thanks so much for sharing my Mawi Kunzite. Good luck with your sales too. Stay well. Peace and love, Anji
Jan 22Reply
irenecase Hi ! Great seeing you on Poshmark ❤️ 🌸☘️🌸☘️🌸 Quick question ~ with Spring and Summer coming what would you like to see me carry more of in my closet?
Mar 08Reply
mybougieshoes Your closet is beautiful! You are a rockstar!🤯
Mar 13Reply
lavonne1212 you have a beautiful closet. I am sure the items I purchased from you are going to be great quality. I would love to know where you find you vintage clothing. I love the vintage look. And you do a great job modeling the clothes you look so cute!!
Apr 07Reply
craftygranny Stopped by and shared 😃! Have a blessed one! Hugs 🤗!
Apr 18Reply
rubeemoon Hi! Just had to take a minute to compliment you on curating a really beautiful closet!
May 05Reply
shopfoxburrow @rubeemoon thank you so much!
May 05Reply
deshyone Absolutely gorgeous closet.
May 13Reply
michinetti You have a beautiful closet! 🤩
May 22Reply
miranda514 Hi! Would you be able to combine the shipping on the 2 bento boxes for me? TIA! Super cute store!
Aug 20Reply
shopfoxburrow @miranda514 if you add them to a bundle shipping is automatically combined.
Aug 22Reply
jennifereveart Dear Brittany✨💞🐦 Oh my goodness what super adorable pictures!!!♥️ I'm Jennifer a designer and artist. Please visit my closet and send me offers on things you love I'm hoping that you see something you want to own for yourself ❤️ Wishing you a happy, safe and joyful year  Jennifer
Oct 15Reply
richones Good Morning 💕Lovely Closet and Amazing Photos! May you have an amazing day🙏🏻 Peace and Love🥰
Oct 15Reply
cutehosiery @shopfoxburrow Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 16Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing new year deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing✨🎉🎉
Feb 08Reply
ladysadiekins Your closet is such a vibe 💕
Feb 26Reply

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Last Active: Mar 11

Nashua, NH
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Last Active: Mar 11

Nashua, NH
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