Meet your Posher, Brittney
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Hi! I'm Britt! 🖤 I love everything dark and creepy, alternative and gothic. I am also a horror fanatic and enjoy a good scary movie. I do my best to sell quality items & ship them quickly so you can enjoy them sooner rather than later! I have two fur babies named Luna & Tank. Sometimes they get their little white hairs on stuff so I do try to keep them away and get all those hairs off before I ship. 🖤🐾

54 others
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Hello, thank you so much for your likes! Feel free to make an offer, or when you get a chance check out the rest of our listings! We have a lot of NEW SURF and SKATE Brands, and SKY brand too! If you see anything you like please put it in a bundle, if it happens to be one of our older items, we might throw it in for FREE! Have an awesome day thanks🤙🏼
Jun 15Reply

are you interested in the pura vida bracelet?
Jul 08Reply

are you interested the pura vida bracelet?
Jul 08Reply

Hi love! Just wanted to pop over and welcome you! We are all about vintage, color, and chic work outfits- we’d love if you visited our closet! Just for being a new comer here’s 20% off an item if you’d like! Use discount code “DISCOUNT BEE” in the comment of the item you want to buy and we will give you a great deal! This is a one time use only discount. Happy shopping! 🐝
Jul 13Reply

Hey girl just wanted to stop in and say hello 👋🏻 and let you know I’m offering a deal of the day, when you purchase a VS PINK socks bundle from me you can get a FREE PINK lanyard of your choice 💖 just add the two to a bundle and I’ll adjust the price😘
Jul 15Reply

Hi Britney I'm Lisa you caught one of my Sirius price drops that's a beautiful labradorite ring I did accept your offer there's a payment issue if you can correct that we can move forward later on with this sale it's a really nice ring. Have a great weekend
Jul 20Reply

Hey love I saw your like the zumiez hoodie ❤️offer me 15$ and it’s all yours I can ship tomorrow morning too :)
Aug 02Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Aug 11Reply

👋 Thank you for liking/following my closet! I hope you find fun exciting items! I carry a large selection of NEW women’s apparel shoes accessories and of course lots of jewelry! Any questions please feel free to ask. And visit me anytime as I am adding new inventory all the time! Thanks for choosing my closet and please enjoy! Great closet for gifts too! Lorrie
Aug 16Reply

Hi girl, check out my closet! 💜 I’ve got a moving sale & will be accepting most offers 💜 everything needs to go ASAP! Closet closing soon 📦
Sep 13Reply

hey! i would love if you took sometime to check out my closet! ☺️ i have a lot of cute & trendy gently used items 💗✨
Sep 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark🌸 We’re so happy to have you!
💕 free to check out my closet and if you have any questions I’d love to help💕
Mar 19Reply

Thank you for your purchase. I put your shoes in the mail 😊
May 09Reply

@ffullhouse thank you so much!! :):)
May 09Reply

@appletree94 I feel terrible. My mailman never picked up my packages today🤔 I will drop it off tomorrow. Sorry.
May 09Reply

@ffullhouse it’s okay!! ☺️
May 09Reply

@appletree94 He’s usually amazing😚 Not sure what happened.
May 09Reply

@appletree94 They have started tracking ❤️
May 10Reply

@ffullhouse yay!! 🤗
May 10Reply

They are out for delivery 😊
May 13Reply

Thank you for your review ❤️
May 13Reply

Hi, I accepted your offer but it says payment issues and once you get it fixed the offer will go through. Thanks! 🎉
May 30Reply

Hey there 💕 whenever you get a minute would you mind taking a look at my closet ? I’m currently having a huge sale going on this spring season I wanted to let you know about! 💐🌸🌼🌷🌺🌞 It’s a buy one get one item FREE from my closet. Let me know if you’d be interested or if I can help you with anything else on here! Happy poshing xoxo 💋
Jun 09Reply

@appletree94 👠 hey ty so much for checking out our closet. I have lost 100+ lbs & raised a few fashionista's so our closet is more 6 in one! We list wkly 3/4 x's
offer only the very best
New & Laundered
& lightly worn with care items
We ship same day
Offer Combined Shipping for more then one item! Offer 15%off bundling
Offer a private discount on top of that
For bund of 3+
Jewelry & Swim are Fixed Price
27$ are as marked FINAL MARKDOWNS Offer sent on you liked item
Always w/🎁
Jun 13Reply

Thank you for the offer on my Killstar bag I’m sorry but I can’t mark it down that low with poshmarks cut that they take from the sell but on mer.cari they are having a coupon sale where you can get $10 off your purchase and I have the same bag listed on there if you are interested in doing that? I have it listed for a bit cheaper on there since their cut isn’t so bad Here is the link i think my name is the same on thre . Tap the link to sign up and get $10 off.
Jul 05Reply

@ohmygodalyssa the coupon didn't show up I may have used it on there already so I'll get it on here!
Jul 05Reply

@appletree94 do you already have an account on there? I think it’s for when you first sign up
Jul 05Reply

@ohmygodalyssa yeah I do haha
Jul 05Reply

@appletree94 oh then that’s why 😂 it was worth a shot because that’s a good deal! I love that they offer coupons unlike Poshmark
Jul 05Reply

@ohmygodalyssa haha yeah I had a 10% coupon I already used but thank you for trying to get me a good deal! 😊
Jul 05Reply

Thank you for EVERYTHING ❤💜💚🧡💕
Sep 10Reply

Hello are you still interested in black JS train bag ?
Jan 02Reply

@angulojess I am! But I'm going to have to wait... :(
Jan 02Reply

@appletree94 I can do $68 shipped via ppal
Jan 02Reply

love your style! 🖤
Jan 10Reply

@klsummerson awww thank you!! So do you! :)
Jan 10Reply

@klsummerson haha I meant *same to you* lol
Jan 10Reply

@appletree94 I didn't even catch that! lol I had to go back and remember what I said. 😆
Jan 10Reply

love love looove your closet!!🖤🖤happy poshing!
Jan 28Reply

@chicka_relics thank you so much!! 🥰🖤🥰🖤
Jan 28Reply

Hi Brittney! Thanks for visiting and liking my closet as I truly appreciate it! Have a wonderful evening!💕Patricia
Feb 02Reply

you and I would get along very well lol. I love your style! Feel free to negotiate a price. I'll accept just about anything.
Feb 14Reply

@thyartispizza yes we would! I love your name, Thy Art is Murder is one of my favs!! :) and okay! :)
Feb 14Reply

Hi Brittney! Thanks for stopping by my closet again and for liking as it means a great deal to me!💕Patricia
Feb 18Reply

Hi again!! Thanks and thanks again!💕
Mar 01Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet! Do let me know if you find anything you are interested in, I offer bundle discounts too 😊
Mar 31Reply

@appletree94 Hi! Thanks for visiting again and for liking. 😊
Apr 01Reply

@crystalco of course! :)
Apr 02Reply

@appletree94 That’s very kind!😊
Apr 02Reply

@crystalco I love your closet!! Wish I had more money, I would buy it all! lol :)
Apr 02Reply

@appletree94 Thank you for the lovely compliment as it means a great deal to me. I believe things have really slowed down due to everything going on.
Apr 02Reply

Hey love! I just started a boutique where I make quirky handmade rings and I sell other handpicked items. Based off of some of your likes, I thought you might be interested. Feel free to ask any questions, make bundles, and make offers!❤️
Apr 23Reply

hey girlie, I'll get that dress out today I hope if I get off in time otherwise first thing in the AM tomorrow!
Aug 11Reply

@livingdeadelora perfect!! Thank you so much!! :)
Aug 11Reply

Good evening, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my closet. I'm a Silversmith and many of my items one of the kinds of exclusive Artisan Finds. Also, I have handmade items from other designers as well. Everything in my closet is real and authentic. You can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Thank you, George
Sep 20Reply

Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!
Nov 02Reply

Hi! Omg I’m obsessed with your doggie so cute
Dec 07Reply

I’m wondering if you would take 40 for the sweater
Dec 07Reply

I neeeed it
Dec 07Reply

@kaylacrucifixx awww thank you!! She’s my little pain in the butt! 🖤
Dec 08Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Mar 26Reply

@s27a hello! I recently shipped out the Hurley bikini, but somehow there was a postage problem and my package that I dropped off at the post office was shipped back to me.. I am going to send it out again tomorrow so hopefully all goes well this time! Thank you for your patience and I apologize for the delay 💕💕
May 27Reply

@elliemae1291 thank you for letting me know!! 💜
May 27Reply

Thanks so much for all the shares! 😁
Jun 09Reply

@dshively86 of course!! 💜💜 hoping for speedy sales for you!! ☺️ I may have to get that NBC brush set 😁
Jun 09Reply

@appletree94 😁 I'm open to offers hehe. It's a good set; I just had 2 and don't need both.
Jun 09Reply

@appletree94 I freaking LOVE your closet! Such cool things!
Jun 09Reply

@dshively86 I will have to think about it! 💜 and thank you!! I love yours as well! ☺️☺️
Jun 09Reply

@appletree94 No pressure 😁 I'm seriously eyeing that hoodie I liked in your closet. It's gorgeous!
Jun 09Reply

@dshively86 I love it! It’s a little tight in the arms for me, that’s why I’m trying to sell. I would be happy to find a large. Lol but if can’t sell it I may just keep it 🤪😁
Jun 10Reply

@appletree94 Is it a true medium or does it run small??
Jun 10Reply

@dshively86 it runs a little small in my opinion
Jun 10Reply

@appletree94 Aww man that makes me sad. I can SOMETIMES fit smaller than a medium but it's always a gamble. But it's so pretty... I don't know, I may end up risking it.
Jun 10Reply

@dshively86 I could get you measurements if you’d like!!
Jun 10Reply

@appletree94 That would be great thank you!
Jun 10Reply

@dshively86 okay! I will get them for you tomorrow! ☺️
Jun 10Reply

@dshively86 armpit to armpit is approximately 20”, waist is approximately 15.5” and the arm opening is 7”
Jun 11Reply

Hi Britt. I would love for you to visit my closet. I have new, retro and vintage items in various sizes. Thanks so much for spending a few minutes with me.
Jun 25Reply

Oh my god I love your dogs little costume!! That’s so cute, Luna is a lovely name btw.
Jul 22Reply

@lunarclothing thank you so much!! 💜 she’s my little pain in the butt 😁🥰
Jul 22Reply

hey! i’m alesia!! ❤️ i hope u love this community as much as i do! feel free to check out my closet n make offers, im closing my closet soon so i’d love to give u a couple steals on anything that catches your eye! have a wonderful day, and happy poshing! hope ya treat yourself to something nice!🥰
Dec 08Reply

Hi! If you like emo/alternative clothing, I have a lot of items from brands like Tripp, Rude, Blackheart, and Hot Topic! Please feel free to check out my closet. If you like what you see, I have a listing that you can like to be notified when I drop new alternative clothing! Let me know if you’d like me to tag you in it. Happy Poshing!🤟🏻🖤 :)
Feb 02Reply

Great 👍 pictures! I ❤️ your pup, little jailbird.
Feb 23Reply

Hello ! U just purchased jeans but I am away on vacation until 3/6...... sorry hope that is not a problem . I will mail out by 3/8 as soon as i get back!
Mar 01Reply

@jmile no that is totally ok! Thank you! :)
Mar 01Reply

@appletree94 thank u!
Mar 01Reply

@appletree94 hi!!!! I am so very sorry I literally just got off plane and went to get ur oder ready and can not locate the jeans - my daughter may have donated them by accident !!!!!! I had to cancel order so you get ur money back - i will let u know if they pop up! Again i am very sorry!
Mar 06Reply

@jmile that’s okay! Thank you for letting me know! (:
Mar 06Reply

@appletree94 :)
Mar 06Reply

your pitty babies are precious! Thanx for the shares love🖤☠️
May 20Reply

@loni666 thank you so much! 🥰🐾 and of course thank you for your shares! 🖤
May 20Reply

Hey girl, I think you may love some of my vintage denim or tops ☺️ huge sales going on right now, as I’m moving the first week of august and need inventory out.
Jul 20Reply

🕸️ Hi Darlin🖤Luna & Tank🐾🫶🏻
🕷️ Such a Unique & Fun Closet
🌠Wishing u many speedy $ales🌠
Mar 21Reply

💟Thank u for Follow & Shares💕
Miss-Ink's cordially invites u to
🛍️ Shop w/Confidence with a...
5⭐Seller & Posh Ambassador 2
🥰❤️Many brands & sizes to choose from. Love giving deals~
💌Bundle 2+ $ave on shipping📬
😊 Thank you 💕
Mar 21Reply

Hey sweets! come check out my Diggs! I am a 5 star rated top 10% seller on here & I think you'll like my shop a lot!💝
I sell y2k revival👻 goth☠, fairy grunge🧚♂️💀 alt😈 egirl⭐ mall goth🕸 Victorian goth💋🖤 cybery2k💌 kawaii🍓 punk😵 trippy hippie 🍄 boho ✌️ and trendy🔥 styles as well as custom RAGE products like OOAK festival skirts🤖 dark humor tees🤬 & fandom themed embellished jackets!🤌 men women and kids! check me out doll
Apr 06Reply

@appletree94 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Apr 25Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Jun 26Reply

Squeeee! OMG your furbabies remind me of my beloved Piglet! No love like that of a blue nose pitty! Enjoy them for me, my boy passed 2 years ago & I will never be the same..
Aug 29Reply

Your kiddos are adorable! 🐾💕🐾
Oct 16Reply

hello my name is Tammy and I just wanted to invite you to peek at my closet I post weekly KILLSTAR DOLLSKILL Torrid Hot topic and others I hope you can peek soon and all prices are negotiable bundle a few and let's make your likes YOURS 👍 thank you and with the purchase of two or more pieces I will send you a piece of your choice up to 25$ just to say thank you 😊 I hope you have a great weekend
Nov 17Reply

I loooove your pittys! I have a 6 month old chocolate girl I just rescued from the park she was dumped at and she's ADORABLE and legit the best behaved most precious pup we've ever had here, our first pitty. I call her a pitty-pie-thicky-thigh hahahaha the underbite and pouty bottom lip kills me tho. we're calling her baby angel. yours are sooooo cute I love the upside down smile hahaha ♥ thanks for sharing this bright spot!
Jun 20Reply

@radjacketsareus thank you!! Idk what I would do without them! They’re my babies 🥲💜🥰
Jun 21Reply
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