• Meet your Posher, C A T H E Y •
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- from Alaska
- been selling online for a few years now, i also sell on various websites.
- all items for sale are either brand new or pre-owned, but always with a detailed description.
- [NO] pp or outside transaction pls.
- i ship all sold items in a 2-4 time frame after purchased, 5 days a week.
- i do work a midnight shift so i might not answer back asap, but will get back to you when i do get a chance.
- any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to comment... ty!
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@cbarb19 aww thank you! You are too sweet :)
@helloxcathey 🌺Hi! What's it like to live in Alaska? It looks really pretty there. I love the wildlife shows about Alaska🐕🐳🐋🐇🐻❣️
@vynyssa hi. how are you? Hmm.. well besides the cold, wet winters (which also makes the temp drops to -20), 6 months of winter season so its always dark out because sunsets at 7 or 8 pm, summers are only 2 1/2 months but still very cold but sunsets around midnight. If the temp is 60 outside, I can still wear a hoodie lol, very expensive on just about everything (i.e. a gallon of milk costs $6 maybe $7)... I wouldn't move out of state at all. Been here since 90s and this is home to me...
@vynyssa I live in the city but if i drive for 5 hours out to the valley, it's like those nature shows. Very very gorgeous views and yes I've seen wild life about 10 ft apart... lol sorry not very detailed but hope this kind of give you an idea. Any questions feel free to ask. I might not answer you asap since I work the midnight shift but I will when I can.
@vynyssa that 3rd picture was taken at a waterfall. Its very beautiful and relaxing. Cant really jump into the water since its freaking cold lol. The fourth picture was at the Seward pier. Lots of fisherman very hot fisherman lol
@helloxcathey 😜Yeah, I guess it would be cold. It's weird right? In San Francisco I could be freezing at the bus stop in a leather jacket in July! Not like where you are of course. Ugh, I've worked midnights, very hard, especially if you live with other people. 🐶I hope you have a nice summer🌻
Hi! I know there are lovely closets on Posh but I'd be thankful if you'd check out mine! Either way have a nice day.
Hey Cathey! I recently listed a Diamond Supply Co. t-shirt and was wondering if you would be interested in purchasing it. Fee free to take a look as I am open to offers:)
Can you please ship. Coat. I bought so my son is not cold. If not stop the order so I can purchase elsewhere. Thank you
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