Meet your Posher, Candace
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Hi! I'm Candace. Some of my favorite brands are Coldwater Creek, St. John’s Bay, and Aries and Taurus (very hard to find A and T items). Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

16 others
like this

Hello, I see that you got a notice from usps about the package I sent you. I wanted to know if you have received it yet. If so, would please accept and rate it? I need that In order to get paid for it. Thanks in advance.
Apr 04Reply

@vwisemama Coujd you please tell me what I ordered from you?
Apr 04Reply

@vwisemama Never mind! I just opened it! All good!!
Apr 04Reply

@gramakaikai Thanks a lot!
Apr 04Reply

Hello. If you are still interested in my CWC white jeans, please make your original offer again. I have reconsidered and will be happy to accept it. Thank you! 😀
Apr 12Reply

Hi, welcome to my closet. I just listed the black Coldwater Creek athletic pants. Sorry I missed your offer on them. I'll meet you 1/2 way at $10 if still interested.
Apr 13Reply

Thank you for your 6. I will package and drop it off at post office in am. Happy, Healthy Easter 🐇
Apr 16Reply

@gramakaikai Hi Candace! yeah I can't do anything about the shipping. Poshmark doesn't even give me an option to have my own shipping. Since you live near by me... I can set up a cheaper 3-5 day shipping for you on my website. If you want... you can get the bundle off of my website and plus I can give you 15% off. Let me know if you want to go that route. I can set up a discount code for you and I can also set up a cheaper shipping.
Apr 16Reply

Sorry I had to cancel your order. When I was packing it I noticed a tiny hoke. If you see something else in my closet, please let me know. Again I apologize.
Apr 16Reply

Hey did you get your package okay? I included a free shirt for you!
Jun 22Reply

@hxnnah Yes! Just today! Thank you so much! All the shirts look good! Gave you a good review too!
Jun 22Reply

@nanadeb1957 Just got it today! Good review for your bundle...thank you!
Jun 22Reply

@nanadeb1957 Will do, Debi! Thanks!
Jun 23Reply

@paulaschaller The pleasure was mine! Thank you!
Jun 24Reply

@hxnnah Thank you so much for the extra shirt you threw works great too!!
Jun 24Reply

Thanks for your order!!! Happy poshing 💖💖💖
Jul 10Reply

@darlingstewie Thank you, Leslie!
Jul 10Reply

Sorry, in a rush and hit the decline button, resubmit and I will accept $25.00 for the bundle. Thanks!
Jul 20Reply

@4608little No problem...that happens! I will resubmit my offer. Thank you! 🌸
Jul 20Reply

@denise_family Thank you! I'm looking forward to receiving them! 🌸
Jul 25Reply

@denise_family It was a wonderful...and so are you!
Jul 28Reply

@denise_family 💕
Jul 29Reply

Hello Candice, thank you for visiting my closet. You have liked about 9 items you can bundle as many items together as you would like and I will give you a 20% discount and more on all bundles of two items or more. I will make you an offer you cannot refuse !! LOL !! Have a great weekend!
Aug 05Reply

@belotek Thanks, Karen! I will be seeing where I am soon! Love your closet!! 💕
Aug 06Reply

@gramakaikai Hi- it's Sara- you just purchased the Coldwater Creek skinny jeans from me. Before I ship them out, we should double check your height. The inseam is only going to hit at your ankle if you are 5'3" or under. I'd hate for you to be disappointed if you happened to be taller than that. Please let me know!
Aug 07Reply

Why don't you bundle the other 2 items without the V.B. bag. All you have to do it just bundles the other two items and I'll give you the cost for you. Thank you for visiting our closets!
Aug 07Reply

@retrosaurusrex oh wow....thank you for your concern. I'm 5'4"....will they be too short?
Aug 07Reply

Thank you for your purchase Candace! You will not be disappointed in the Vera Bradley bag! The t-shirt is so cute as always with the Disney characters! I will ship those out today and we certainly appreciate your business! Many Blessings to you and your family!
Aug 07Reply

@belotek Thank you!
Aug 07Reply

@denise_family Thank you, Denise! I'm glad that I was your first Poshmark sale! And thank you for sharing my listings...I will be adding more soon. Unfortunately, I've been buying a lot but not selling!! I wish you all the best❣️
Aug 08Reply

@denise_family Thank you, Denise! Best to you and yours!
Aug 08Reply

Thank you for your purchase! your items will be shipped first thing in the morning:)
Aug 11Reply

@abby101800 Thanks, Abby! 🌸
Aug 11Reply

@gramakaikai I'm soooo sorry! This is super embarrassing but I can't find the necklace anywhere! I have been searching my room for over an hour. I can throw in three different necklaces in the bundle because of my mistake. If you would rather you always have the option to cancel the order! So sorry!!!! Just let me know.
Aug 12Reply

@abby101800 Awwwww! I'm so sorry you had to spend so much time on it! Could you send me pictures of the other necklaces?
Aug 12Reply

thats fine i just canceled your order. would you like to re-bundle the rare disney wrap ring and the two natural lavendar soaps?
Aug 12Reply

@abby101800 Not at this time, but thank you, Abby!
Aug 12Reply

Candace, thank you much for purchasing. I know you will love your items. Will ship out tomorrow. The jacket is going to look stunning on you! XOXO
Aug 27Reply

@twbonds Thank you, Trish! I look forward to receiving them!
Aug 27Reply

Hi there, hope your summer went well. How did the Mickey shirt work out? I'm sure you guys had a magical time at Disney.
Aug 27Reply

@chiquita926 Thank you, Kelly! Everything you sent worked out wonderfully! And yes! We had two awesome trips to Disneyland while my Florida grandbabies were here. Thanks again for helping me have everything ready!!
Aug 27Reply

@gramakaikai yay I'm glad :)
Aug 28Reply

@chiquita926 Thank you! And how are you and your little guy doing?
Aug 28Reply

@gramakaikai , we are doing very well, he's an energetic happy little boy. Getting him ready for schoool next month and preparing for the cold winter, he's outgrown some of his clothes from the beginning of the year, already. But we are doing good, thanks for asking :)
Aug 28Reply

@chiquita926 So happy to hear!! Hugs to you both!!💙
Aug 28Reply

@denise_family Yes! Of course I remember you! I was honored to be your first customer! I hope your sales have continued one-hundredfold! ♥️ Thank you for remembering me! 😍
Sep 01Reply

@denise_family Thank you, Denise! I hope you and yours are all doing well too! 😍
Sep 03Reply

@gramakaikai You are so Pretty! Are you sure you want to do the offer instead of one of the smaller sweaters from my Mom? I am going to just give you the Baby Blue one for Free. Sound Good?
Sep 04Reply

@kitty2528 I'm so sorry!!! I was out feeding my critters, and didn't have my phone! We had a cloudburst yesterday, which left some standing water....had some extra work to do this morning. I'll check the additional listings. Your mom sounds as sweet as you!!! Happy Labor Day!🇺🇸
Sep 04Reply

@gramakaikai Candice, They are just Descriptions~ Mom lives on the other side of the "Rivah" hahaha...So I prob won't get there till tomorrow. They are all under the Blue Sweater of mine.
Sep 04Reply

@gramakaikai Thanks for your order! I hope you are having a fabulous holiday weekend and staying dry. I will ship your items (along with some extra goodies) tomorrow. I know you will love your order. Those were some of my favorites lol. You have great taste and they need a good home :) Thanks again and have a lovely day. :)
Sep 04Reply

@creativeangel19 Thank you, Gabby! I look forward to receiving these items! Happy Labor Day to you too! 🇺🇸
Sep 04Reply

@gramakaikai I got your other sweater from my Mother. It Is Absolutely Beautiful!!! It is a Bluer Blue and Baby Soft. I am taking everything to the Post Office first thing in the am! I had to go to the Hospital today for tests, so I Sincerely Apologize. But I really Believe you are REALLY going to like Everything! I am Excited! 🤗🤗
Sep 07Reply

@kitty2528 Thank you so much! I can't wait to see these items!! Are you ok, dear? I hope the tests revealed that you are great!
Sep 08Reply

@gramakaikai I have to wait until the Cardiologist reads them😔. Heart Disease runs in the Family....Not Fun. How are You!? Hope you are Great~ it has been a loooooong day, so I am going to start getting ready for Beddy bye! ☺️😔😔😕🙁🙁🌹
Sep 08Reply

@kitty2528 Sending prayers 🙏🏻 Rest well💕
Sep 08Reply

@gramakaikai I meant to get by earlier to personally thank you for the kind words in my love note you left me. I am in Florida and have been busy with Irma cleanup. T
Your words really made my day. I am thrilled to hear that you love everything! I did go through your listings to see what I had that might fit your stayle/taste. Thank you so so much for taking the time to write that review. And thanks for shopping my closet. Have a wonderful week ❤
Sep 17Reply

@creativeangel19 You are very welcome, Gabby! You are very deserving of the praise! I hope you and your family and your home are all back to normal, since Irma. My daughter and her family evacuated from Jacksonville to Georgia!! They came back to pretty much everything ok at their condo. Good they left, be without power with two little ones would have been tough! I do hope and pray you are well and safe. 🌺
Sep 17Reply

@denise_family Thank you, Denise! Nice to hear from you! Thank you for sharing my items!! I’ve got so much more to list, but no time to do it! How are you doing on Poshmark these days? Sending hugs❣️
Sep 22Reply

@denise_family Good! Glad to hear that you are enjoying Poshmark! Your day sounds delightful! Have a wonderful weekend! 🌸
Sep 23Reply

@denise_family Thank you so much for sharing!!💕🌸
Oct 20Reply

@tara_1031 Yes! Finally! Thank you so much!
Oct 29Reply

@tara_1031 You are a great Seller! Thank you for your patience! 🍂
Oct 29Reply

@denise_family Thank you, Denise! Yes! I was so excited when I saw the sale last night, that I couldn’t sleep until I had gotten it all ready to go!! It’s a beautiful athletic suit....I hope she loves it!! (Now I know what you were feeling when I gave you your first order!! 👍🏻😍.)
Nov 04Reply

@denise_family I sure hope so!! 😍
Nov 05Reply

@denise_family Thank you, Denise! You too! 💕
Nov 10Reply

Welcome from the puppylove8@angela vintage/contemporary closet! ;-)
Nov 11Reply

@puppylove8 Thank you! Great closet!!
Nov 12Reply

@gramakaikai Hi Candace- Happy Holidays. I have new items for you or for gifts. . Special discount for preferred buyers 25% and Free Shipping this month ☃️Come take a 👀 kat
Dec 18Reply

@chat3388 Thanks, Kat! Great hearing from you! I’ll check it out! Merry Christmas! 🎄♥️🎄♥️🎄
Dec 18Reply

@gramakaikai Hi Sweet lady- thanks for browsing my closet. For your 3 likes I will offer 30% discount and Free Shipping. Just for you. Have a great holiday 🤶🏻☃️🌹Kat
Dec 19Reply

Did you ever find that necklace, Abby?
Jan 07Reply

@gramakaikai Hi Candace just saying hello, I have lots of new items, come take a look. As a preferred customer you get an automatic discount and discount shipping, just bundle and send for offer 🌺happy weekend ❤️Kat
Feb 09Reply

@chat3388 Thanks, Kat! Thoughtful of you to think of me! I’ll take a look!! 🌸
Feb 10Reply

@gramakaikai you’re welcome- I remember my really nice customers 😎🌹
Feb 10Reply

@chat3388 Awwwww! Thanks, Kat! 🌸
Feb 10Reply

Thanks for all the ❤️❤️❤️of you are really interested in something let me know and we can work it out!! 💵💵💵
Feb 26Reply

thanks for such a sweet comment!!! i am so glad you like the bracelet💓
Mar 17Reply

Hey sweet lady! Thanks for following me and the purchase- will mail on Monday 🌹enjoy your weekend ❤️Kat
Apr 21Reply

@chat3388 Thank you, Kat! Love your closet and the special discounts you give me for my Likes!! 😍
Apr 21Reply

@gramakaikai you got it sweet lady , just wish I could wear the sizes in your closet- lovely clothes. enjoy the weekend 🌹❤️😎🎶
Apr 21Reply

Your package has been mailed🌹have a great day 💃🏻💥😍⭐️
Apr 23Reply

Hello, you recently purchased an item from me and I see you received it. If you are happy with your purchase could you please accept it and leave feedback? Thank you Laura
May 12Reply

@lauralee19 Sure....I just this very minute received my purchase, as I was called away to a family emergency and just got home.
May 12Reply

@kellybalderas4 You too, Kelly! 🌸 Thank you!
Jun 18Reply

@clw911 Thank you! 💕
Jun 20Reply

Hey Sweet Lady . Time for another special discount for you . This weekend -purchase 3 items or more get 45% discount and Free Shipping. Your free gift can be the Patterson books and silver hoop earrings. Just bundle and send for private offer 🌹❤️😎⭐️
Jun 22Reply

hey sweet lady your books and other goodies have been mailed - The converter will be a separate mail you should receive in a few days will send tracking number soon. Have a wonderful day thank you🌹
Jun 29Reply

@chat3388 Thank you! You are so sweet! Looking forward to my new things! 💕
Jun 29Reply

Happy 4th🇱🇷🌟thanks for the kind words and great rating! Hope you enjoy everything! You’re a great Posher also!!!🌹❤️😎🇱🇷
Jul 04Reply

@gramakaikai Hi Candace! I wanted to let you know that I just listed some fall/winter 2T items. I wasn't sure what size your grandson will be in but wanted to let you know in case you are interested in anything. Have a great day!
Sep 04Reply

@julez09 Thank you!! I’ll take a look!
Sep 05Reply

Thank you! I’m glad you liked everything! Have a fantastic weekend! 👍🏻🌟
Sep 29Reply

@teresamk007 You too! Thank you, Teresa! 🌸
Sep 29Reply

@gramakaikai I made a counter on the bundle. The bundle was already discounted 20% so I don’t have much more wiggle room than that. Thanks for shopping in my closet!
Oct 08Reply

@gramakaikai Hello again Candace! I hope you had a great day! If you are interested in a bundle I can offer you $105 for all items and throw in the Vera Bradley purse for free! I think shipping may cost more if you decide to do this but let me know! I sure do appreciate you viewing my closet! I have so many things I haven’t had time to list still! 😊
Oct 17Reply

Hi hun... I hope you received your shipment and everything was okay with your purchase. And I really hope whomever you purchased it for loves it as much as I love The swaddles.
Oct 17Reply

@thebikinioutlet Thank you! 🌸 I am out of the state right now, and won’t be home until Friday. Please forgive me for not being able to rate the order until then. 💕
Oct 17Reply

@trishswishes Thank you! 🌸 I’ll take a look. I look forward to seeing your other items too! 💕
Oct 17Reply

That’s ok... I just wanted to make sure you received it. Enjoy your trip :)
Oct 17Reply

@thebikinioutlet Thank you! 💕
Oct 17Reply

@gramakaikai hello! You recently purchased a bundle of Vera Bradley items from me, I’m SO sorry to say that I have searched my house top and bottom and can not locate the ear warmer. I was waiting for my sister and parents to let me know that they didn’t find it at their houses either before I told you this. You can look and see if there’s anything else from my closet that you’d want instead, or I will cancel the order. I am so sorry!
Oct 17Reply

@madison15smith I’m so sorry to hear that! Well....I went through your closet again, and I’ll give that XL Seven7 long-sleeved blue top a try (although I think it may be too small)! Thank you for the heads-up!🌸
Oct 17Reply

@gramakaikai sounds good!! I’m so sorry again!! Your package will be dropped off in the after hours box tonight and will be tracking in the morning!!
Oct 17Reply

@madison15smith Ok! Thank you! 💕
Oct 18Reply

Good Morning Candace, Thank you for your purchase and Five Star Rating. Your business is appreciated. I hope you have a great rest of your morning and day, Janice
Oct 30Reply

@finrin6 Thank you! 🌸 Very thoughtful of you to extend your appreciation! 💕
Oct 30Reply

Hi Candace ;-) We sent you an offer of $53 + $4.99 Shipping for a New with Tag Disney Couture Mawi Earrings you liked (2 Pairs Left). We've marked down the prices on our Entire Inventory (Including DISNEY COUTURE, LAURA MERCIER, LUCKY BRAND, VICTORIA'S SECRET, WILDFOX COUTURE & More!) plus we're offering BUNDLE DEALS! Bundle 3 to 4 items = 10% Off + FREE SHIPPING! Bundle 5 or more items = 20% Off + FREE SHIPPING! Perfect Time to purchase Holiday Gifts! ❤️ Best, Unique N Chic Boutique
Dec 15Reply

Following up this morning with people who are interested in items in my closet. I’ll be shipping this evening and in the morning tomorrow, if items are purchased by 3pm today. After that, I won’t be shipping until I’m back on Jan 2.
Dec 21Reply

@gramakaikai Total if you go with all of the Lilly Belle pieces and ornaments will be $97. Just put all of the items you decide you want into a bundle. I’ll go into bundles and make an offer with the discount included, and mark down the shipping as well. If you can do it this morning, I’ll make shipping FREE, because the sooner I can ship my orders, the less stress before my holiday break LOL
Dec 21Reply

@teresa_rm I’m so sorry that I am just now seeing this. I’m out of state, and reception is poor. Thank you for your offer. I will go through and see where I am.💕
Dec 22Reply

No need to rush these items...I will let you know my choices after the new year. Enjoy your break! 💕
Dec 22Reply

@gramakaikai No problem. I’m out of town now. But if you need any of it for Christmas, I’ve left all of the items you may want out, and I have someone who will go over and pack it up, print the label and get it mailed, if you let me know over the weekend. But getting it to you in time for Christmas will be cutting it close, and it might be late. Hope you are enjoying your time out of time
Dec 22Reply

@teresa_rm That’s very sweet of you, Teresa....thank you! It can wait until after Christmas. No problem! Have a Merry Christmas! ♥️🎄🌺
Dec 22Reply

@gramakaikai Hi Candace - Just stopping by with a heads up that if you're looking for a pair of low heel, mules/clogs, I have a super comfy pair in my closet. They have extra cushy insoles for heavenly walking. I'd love for you to see them. I ship from a smoke free, clean home and will consider offers.....thanks and have a blessed day :) :)
Mar 10Reply

@steelcurtain74 Thank you for reaching out! And for sharing my items! I’ll check out your closet! 💕
Mar 10Reply

Hello! Thank you for your purchase.
I will send out your Vera Bradley bag in a couple hours & I will update you with the Day & Time your item will arrive to you once it's scanned.
Thank you
Hope you have a wonderful Day
Apr 05Reply

@mariposa1370 Thank you!💙
Apr 05Reply

No problem. ☺
Apr 05Reply

Hello, I have sent off you Vera Bradley Large Bag also I wanted to let you know i had out the Shoulder strap inside the bag on the side pocket.
I will let you know once it's scanned when it will be arriving to you.
I hope you have a wonderful Night
Thank you
Apr 06Reply

@mariposa1370 Thank you so much for being so attentive! Looking forward to my new bag!!👍🏻♥️
Apr 06Reply

Your Welcome, The bag is Awesome!
I love it
Thank you.
Apr 06Reply

Hello! I wanted to let you know for some reason the package is still pending, looks like it hasn't been scanned yet, I'll have to go down there tomorrow and see what's going on and why the package wasn't scanned. I'll let you know tomorrow for sure.
Thank you
Apr 08Reply

@mariposa1370 Thank you for checking up on it. 💕
Apr 08Reply

No problem. I'll let you know what's happening
Apr 08Reply

Hello! I wanted to let you know and I'm so sorry about this, your package was not scanned. I've spoke with Ups & they said sometimes it takes longer and to wait a couple more days. I will be filing a claim this is not the first time it's happened. So sorry about this. April, 5 11:24 I dropped the package off
Here's the tracking number just in case
# 9405 5108 9935 9722 860213
Thank you
I'm so sorry about this
I will call back tomorrow to see if any change has been made
Apr 08Reply

@mariposa1370 Thank you for being so attentive to this order! You are one-in-a-million! Thank you for keeping me updated. 💕
Apr 09Reply

No Problem. I've called and checked online and still haven't been scanned and all they keep saying is maybe it will be. I'm sorry about this.
I will update you unless I hoping the bag has gotten sent to you and they just didn't scan it. I hope & pray for that.
Thank you 💗
Apr 09Reply

Yay! Oh Goodness! I finally got an email with the date that your item will be to you.
Finally😊 I dey Feel better now. Lol!
Your item will be to you today April, 10th by 8pm Tonight. Yes, I'm so happy your getting your item. Thank you for all your patients with this whole situation, you have been Awesome!
Enjoy your bag & Let me know if there's any problems at all.
Thank you again
Apr 10Reply

Hello! I was just checking in to make sure you received you Vera Bradley Bag.
I hope you have a wonderful Day
Apr 12Reply

@mariposa1370 Yes! Thank you! Just got it yesterday....sorry these days of caring for my grandchildren are melting from one into the next!! It’s wonderful! I love it! I’m sorry I haven’t rated it yet...🌸
Apr 12Reply

No Problem. Thank you for your patience and kindness. I'm sure you have a blast with the kids. My kids are going to there Gmas today so there gonna have fun cause GMas are always fun Lol!
Thank you for the Rating 💖 I appreciate it.
Have a wonderful weekend
Apr 12Reply

Hi Candace, thanks for stopping by my closet! you asked about the purse it measures 16 inches from top of handle to top of purse, it is a shoulder bag, if you do it as a cross body is falls right under the breast FYI. Also yes it is green color like avocado green, it's a nice tone, sorry I guess the lighting was off. Let me know if you are interested and I will bundle it and will give you a discount. Thanks so much! 😊💕
May 30Reply

@alicefarinas123 Thank you for responding! I appreciate the added information. Although I really like this one, I am looking for a cross-body bag. Again, thank you! 💞
May 30Reply

HI Candace no worries! I just shared with you the Charming Charlie gray this one is definitely a cross-body, and it is very roomy take a look at it see if it works for you. Also, if you want to bundle 3 you'll get my 10% discount and I usually do a little more. Let me know and I will get it out to you if you like. Thanks again Candace nice to meet you! Stay Beautiful
May 30Reply

@alicefarinas123 Really cute gray purse....thank you for sharing it with me! Unfortunately, I already have a gray cross-body. Again, thank are a very attentive Posher...exceptional! 💕
May 30Reply

You got it Candace of course my pleasure! Communication is key to me, I appreciate you visiting my closet, please stop by again I have makeup and skin care as well. I enjoy connecting, it's nice to get to know one another. Have a great rest of the week! Happy Poshing! 😊💕
May 30Reply

@alicefarinas123 Thank you, Alice! You too! And thank you for being an exceptional Posher! 💗
May 30Reply

Thank you again for your purchase. Your box has been scanned and accepted, but for some reason poshmark hasn’t updated.
Just wanted to make sure you knew it was on its way!
Jun 26Reply

@chipchopsmom Thank you so much!💗 I look forward to getting my items!!🌸
Jun 27Reply

@gramakaikai I’m excited for you! The backpack you bought is amazing! I have one I use in black, and it’s awesome for every day!
Jun 27Reply

@chipchopsmom I’m so glad to hear that, Emylee, as I was concerned about it....I bought a beautiful Fawn Design diaper bag on Poshmark several years ago for quite a bit of money, and it arrived with a broken zipper! I was new to Poshmark, and instead went to Fawn Design....bottom line, I still have the bag!☹️ You seem very conscientious, and I am confident your items will be awesome! Thank you!💗
Jun 27Reply

@gramakaikai thank you. I do my very very best.
I used my black one for a diaper bag, but now I just use it for everything 😂😂😂😂
Jun 27Reply

@chipchopsmom Good to know! I’m a grama of six, with the oldest six years, so I need all the good bags I can get!!👍🏻🤗😳😆
Jun 27Reply

@gramakaikai wow!!!! That’s a big family! I think this one will serve you well. Don’t forget about the neat zipper pocket in the back—- that’s where I kept my wallet. Worked great!!!
Jun 27Reply

@chipchopsmom Good to know! I travel a lot (to see my grandkidlets!) and this will come in handy! Not to mention, weekly trips to Disneyland!! 🤗🏰🥰
Jun 27Reply

@gramakaikai you’ll be happy to have it 😍😍😍
Jun 27Reply

Thank you so much for leaving such a nice note on my sale! I’m so glad you’re happy!
Jun 29Reply

@chipchopsmom Thank YOU, Emylee!💕
Jun 29Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jan 17Reply

@gramakaikai Hi Candace! I’m having a Mother’s Day Sale in which ALL 925 SILVER JEWELRY is BOGO FREE! I would love for you to visit whenever you get the chance. I would love to give you a great deal. Thanks! Hope you and your family are safe and healthy!
Apr 12Reply

@poshiemeg Thank you! I’ll take a look!!
Apr 12Reply

Hello! Hope all is going good with you 💕 just wanted to let you know I have more items listed on my closet if you’d like to check it out!
Apr 29Reply

@quel_ox Thank you! Will do! 🌼
Apr 29Reply

@gramakaikai awesome! Hope to make you an awesome bundle at a good price 💕❤️
Apr 29Reply

Hi, I posted more items today. You can still bundle 3 listings for $15. Free gift included. Thank you so much for your last purchase.
May 07Reply

Hello dear! Hope your weekend was amazing! I just wanted to touch base and see if you were interested in any of the stuff you had bundled from my closet. I’d like to give send you a deal. ❤️💛😉
May 11Reply

Hey doll! I commented on the cars you had questions on 💛♥️
May 12Reply

Let me know if we should work out a deal?
May 12Reply

Hey girl! Hope you’re doing well. I know you like the mini mouse salad plates that I am selling and since I need my stuff sold as soon as possible I’m willing to sell them to you for cheaper if you’re still interested please let me know, thank you 💜❤️
May 19Reply

@quel_ox ok....thanks! I’ll re-visit!
May 19Reply

@gramakaikai awesome!
May 19Reply

Love your closet!
Jul 11Reply

@anx1 Thank you! Let me know if you are interested in any items!! 🌸
Jul 11Reply

@nick21222 I don’t see it...was your offer recent?
Jul 11Reply

@gramakaikai Thanks for the offer, but I'm looking to get more things out that in at the moment!
Jul 11Reply

Hello there, welcome to check out my closet. I am having nail tools, DIY jewelry, skincare, makeup products, decor and accessories etc. on sales! let me know if you are interesting, I will provide you a good discount!😊
Aug 06Reply

Hi there, I'm selling beautiful jewelry. Stop by when you have a chance. Reasonable offers accepted.
Oct 08Reply

Hi Candace thanks for visiting my closet again, it has been awhile. Hope you are doing OK I just made you an offer on your likes, thank you😍
Oct 15Reply

I think I may have some potential items in my closet that you may like, hope you can check it out Have a Good Day✨
Dec 13Reply

Hi Candace
Thank you for liking my item - L.L. Bean fleece vest
I am shipping next on April 29th
Buy tonight - I can ship in the tomorrow Morning
Note if you buy 2 items you save 15% and get combined shipping
If you only want 1 item feel free to make a fair offer
Stay safe and thanks for being on POSHMARK
Apr 28Reply

Hi Beautiful. Thank you for liking all the items in my closet. Whenever your ready for a offer contact me and I will send you a Very Good one! Have a Wonderful Day! 👍🏻💞
Aug 10Reply

@cindyloo59 ♥️
Aug 10Reply

Hi Candace! 🙋 I'm Cindy from the mountains of NC! WELCOME to POSHMARK & WELCOME to my closet! I saw you liked the pretty soup /chip dip bowls, so I sent you an AWESOME offer & hope that makes you LOVE them even more! Like a few other items & we can bundle for an even better deal & the other items SHIP FREE in the bundle! 🤗 Happy Poshing! ❤️ Cindy from the 🌳🐻🌳 Forest
Sep 16Reply

@foresttreasures Thank you, Cindy! Nice to meet you! I’ll check out your offer!
Sep 17Reply

@gramakaikai Hi there and thank you so much for your purchase! I will have this shipped tomorrow during usps hours. Thanks again! ✌️❤️☺️🤞😊📦🕊👋
Dec 27Reply

@dmariabella Thank you!♥️
Dec 28Reply

Have a blessed year!
Jul 09Reply

@rhonda_anne Thank you! You, too!♥️
Jul 09Reply

Just popped in to say hello. Have a great day and happy poshing. Why not check out my closet too?
Aug 29Reply

Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! 💛🌻
Oct 15Reply

@gramakaikai Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Feb 21Reply

Hello Candace! Thank you visiting my closet and for liking the leggings. I find the leggings from LuLaRoe are really comfortable. They also hold their shape. If you really love these plea see see make a bundle/offer and I will send them out asap. Take care.
Mar 24Reply

Thank you for all the new likes! I sent out a bundle offer for some of the lighter items and can ship out bundles under 5 pounds. If you have any questions please let me know. I hope you can find some more great goodies in my closet ✨ Happy Shopping
Jun 01Reply

@adoringstyles I love your closet!! Your presentation of each scarf is exquisite! I’ve never shared before, but I’ll do my best!! Have a great day!
Jul 02Reply

Nov 16Reply

thank you for the purchase. if you like the men's tshirts I can send them as a bundle. I have to cancel the hat order so you aren't charged for 2 shipping. I will give you a great deal on it all
Feb 09Reply

Great job on ALL of your sales!
Feb 03Reply

@boopboutique Thanks! I seem to buy a whole lot more than I sell!! I have three items in a bundle with you… A couple of them say free with purchase… Please advise!
Feb 03Reply
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