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Updated Nov 25
Updated Nov 25

Meet your Posher, Candida

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Candida. I am a nurse from Fargo, ND. My greatest blessings are my 2 beautiful daughters. I'm a new Posher and am wondering why I didn't know about this long ago! This is so much fun!! I would love any feedback or helpful tips. I think the bundle feature is great! Please feel free to make offers. Sorry, I don't do trades at this time. Thanks for stopping by, I look forward to Poshing with you!! :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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iqclothessavvy Hi! I’m @iqclothessavvy .Welcome! We are glad to have you Poshing, it is very addicting!! Always follow the rules, Wearable Fashion & Accessories only, visit @official_forum for lots of tips and rules. Tips: don’t lose your password, login daily and to talk to another always use @ in front of their closet name! BUNDLE to save lots money! Tag me if you decide to list more items to sell, I'll share them to my followers! WELCOME and have Fun!
Oct 05Reply
cmlazorenk @iqclothessavvy thank you so much for the tips and for sharing my items! ☺
Oct 05Reply
iiannela Honey thank you for your purchase ... I'll ship out in the morning..,
Oct 06Reply
cmlazorenk @iiannela they are adorable. I'm excited to get them!!
Oct 06Reply
iiannela They are awesome and so soft... you are going to love them...
Oct 06Reply
cmlazorenk @iiannela great! Thank you!! 😊
Oct 06Reply
cmlazorenk @sizan1 Awe thank you very much! ❤
Oct 12Reply
verona2016 Thank you so much for all your likes and sharing my closet!,,,💕💕💕😍😍💕💕💕
Oct 14Reply
cmlazorenk @verona2016 Thank you for your shares as well! Your jewelry is beautiful!! 😍
Oct 15Reply
annnoe Cool quote. Thank you for the shares. I hope you have a great TUESDAY. Much love, Ann 😘
Oct 18Reply
cmlazorenk @annnoe thanks, and you as well! Love your closet! 😍💟
Oct 18Reply
katzkoz Hi. & Welcome to Posh! Its a very supportive & social community & if U have questions, there's always a Posher to answer them. Or... Visit my closet & Id be happy to help U! More questions? On anything specific U'd like to know? Just ask me....
Oct 19Reply
cmlazorenk @katzkoz thank you so much! That's very encouraging and greatly appreciated! I do have one do I put together a special priced bundle for one person?
Oct 20Reply
katzkoz @cmlazorenk Its really like making a new listing or editing one. U can use one of the listings the Poshers interested in and edit it. * RE describe the items in the bundle * Keep one of the Original pics of item & ADD a new one of other item they want (take a new pic if U don't have original) * Give as much detail on the items as U can * Set agreed upon price * List & tag Ur buyer * Delete other listing sold AFTER new one is bought
Oct 20Reply
missrochelles Welcome to Poshmark! I'm a veteran 2012 Posher who would be more than happy to let you in on tips it took me years to learn! I love mentoring! The rules can be confusing at first😥I made mistakes at first & wouldn't want you to make the same mistakes.😝This is the best site for sales and supporting each other! Once you start listing I'll introduce you to some great Poshers! Don't hesitate to ask me anything! Please visit my closets @missrochelles2 & @babyknits.
Oct 24Reply
cmlazorenk @missrochelles Thank you so much for taking the time to welcome me. I would absolutely love and appreciate any tips you are willing to share. I am so excited to grow with Poshmark. If you have a minute to look at my closet I would greatly appreciate your constructive feedback and suggestions. Have a beautiful day! 💟☺
Oct 25Reply
missrochelles Your closet looks beautiful with only a few needed alterations. Guidelines prohibit the sale of any lotion or liquid. These are rules set out by USPS. I'll just put "💃" on any items that are keeping you from getting more shares & host picks😘😘😘
Oct 25Reply
missrochelles No worries cause there are many sites that the perfume etc can be sold on. Just not on here. After that Lmk & I'll introduce you around and I'll be able to share your closet😘😘😘🎉🎉🎉💃💃💃
Oct 25Reply
cmlazorenk @missrochelles Oh no, so sorry I didn't realize that. How do I go about deleting them? Should I delete the ones that have sold as well? Thank you so much for taking the time to help me! 😚
Oct 25Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Hi Candida! I'm Vicky 🙋 just saying hi with some FYI! ☺️ 1️⃣ check the 'OTHER' category in my closet for info posts 👍 2️⃣ don't forget to share YOUR closet! 3️⃣ follow other PC closets👣 👭 IF you want to play the follow games, tag me on my follow game ( ex: @vicky_ymca ) 🤔 Questions? Go to... 🔹PM Support Center ➡️ Community Guidelines 🔹@poshuniversity
Nov 20Reply
cmlazorenk @vicky_ymcagirl Hi Vicky! Thank you so much for the tips. I would love to join the follow games. I'll head over to your closet ☺
Nov 21Reply
mtnninja @cmlazorenk -Hi Candida, thanks for the posh love 💝 and for sharing my closet!! 🛍 Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🦃
Nov 25Reply
cmlazorenk @mtnninja Hi there, Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! 😘
Nov 25Reply
moonwind75 Hey there POSHER!! Welcome to the World of Posh. Your going to love it here whether your buying or selling! It's a great community!! Check out my closet as right now everything in my closet $10.00 and over qualifies for $5.00 off price, including "ALREADY MARKED DOWN PRICES!!!" - HAPPY POSHING & hope to see you soon!! - de
Nov 25Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Nov 26Reply
cmlazorenk @moonwind75 Thank you so much, I already love it! I'll check out your closet for sure. Have a great weekend!
Nov 26Reply
cmlazorenk @jassieboo92 Thank you! ☺
Nov 26Reply
timothy1910 Hey! Me and my wife like your closet! I made a offer on some shoes I like but she also found a few things in your closet she likes! You also have a Steve Madden beanie she was into. Disregard my offer for the shoes and look at the offer for the carnigan and shoes! If you have any better ideas including the Steve Madden beanie also let me know! Thanks
Dec 21Reply
cmlazorenk @timothy1910 Hello ☺ so sorry I accepted your offer before I saw this message. You can cancel this bundle and start another one adding the beanie she likes to the order and submit an offer. Please let me know if you have any questions or problems.
Dec 21Reply
timothy1910 @cmlazorenk hey I tried and it will not let me cancel it. It's the blue Steve Madden beanie. How much could you just throw it in for?
Dec 21Reply
cmlazorenk @timothy1910 they let me cancel it now you should be able to start a new bundle. I'll throw in a little something extra too ☺🎁
Dec 21Reply
timothy1910 @cmlazorenk hey unless you can take like another $10 or something she said don't worry about the beanie! We like the two items we ordered! Thanks
Dec 21Reply
timothy1910 Oh gotcha!
Dec 21Reply
cmlazorenk @timothy1910 otherwise it would make you pay another shipping fee. Would 15 work?
Dec 21Reply
timothy1910 @cmlazorenk I see you canceled it! Working on creating a new bundle but that green shirt is still saying sold :/
Dec 21Reply
timothy1910 @cmlazorenk hey ive tried adding the items and including the beanie this time as a bundle but the shoes and the green cardigan still says sold. :/ any fix? Sorry!
Dec 21Reply
rawilson1 Beautiful eyes😉
Dec 29Reply
fivetenandahalf Thanks for following my closet, Candida! I hope you find things you love 💕
Jan 10Reply
aunttomany Hi. ty for sharing. I joined in Dec and omg I am addicted! have fun! ty Nancy
Feb 07Reply
cmlazorenk @aunttomany Hello Nancy, very nice to meet you! Thank you for all your shares and for sharing my sale sign! Welcome to the wonderful world of Posh, yes very addictive and fun!!
Feb 07Reply
aunttomany @cmlazorenk Nice to meet you too, Candida! This is a fun way to clear out my closets! It's finding the time to post, etc, that is hard. I think I am doing it in my sleep now! Good luck, and of course, I'm happy to share and help you in any way I can! Nancy
Feb 07Reply
skinnycatshop Hello my dear! I touched based with the original User I had held the WF jumper for - she said she is still waiting on her funds but it's been over a week and I can't keep holding the item for her. I can make a new listing for you and drop the price since CCO is still going on and hope for a shipping discount! If this sounds good let me know and I'll make you a new listing and price it higher so I can drop to $45!
Feb 21Reply
lo_kelly Thank you for the share! Lots of great items in your closet!
Feb 28Reply
poshwithpanache 🌹Nice to Posh you! 😄 Tx for the share! Come visit anytime 🥂💕XOXO 💄💋PWP
Mar 06Reply
cmlazorenk @poshwithpanache nice to meet you as well!🌞🌸🌞🌷 Love your closet and the name!💟💟 Thanks for stopping in to say hello!💋😚
Mar 06Reply
ihilani0008 Hi❣️ you have a beaatifuuuuul closet!! 👏🏼 I wishing you many sales and host picks!! 💕🥂💕👯
Apr 05Reply
luvclos I like that statement about raising your standards is that really true do you think? I have never compromise so much of my life with people. Haha Awww . And Your daughter is so precious!
Apr 19Reply
cmlazorenk @ihilani0008 sorry, I missed your comment. Thank you so much, wishing you much success as well!
Apr 19Reply
cmlazorenk @luvclos thank you so much, that's so kind of you! I do think it's true. I believe that you allow is what will continue. Thank you for stopping in to say hello, enjoy your evening!
Apr 19Reply
luvclos @cmlazorenk THANK YOU! I am going to work on it even harder❗️:D
Apr 19Reply
arasplayground Thanks for sharing my listing...😍
May 24Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Love your closet! Feel free to follow me! Open to all offers/bundle offers! Make sure to check out my handmade jewelry ✌🏻💎 Happy poshing 😀
Jun 02Reply
dressmi Hi! Thank you for sharing Floral Dress in my closet. I appreciate the Posh love❣
Jun 02Reply
tannyaustin Thanks a bunch ✌️🌸💐 🌺🌻✨for the follow 👣💃👣
Jun 07Reply
cmlazorenk @dressmi you are welcome, wishing you many sales!🌞💋🌹
Jun 07Reply
cmlazorenk @tannyaustin absolutely, wishing you many sales!!🌞💋🌷
Jun 07Reply
cmlazorenk @smysicka thank you, my daughter's name starts with M and she loves black, white and hot pink. Perfect for her, thank you!!!
Jun 12Reply
luv2dresswell Great closet!
Jun 13Reply
cmlazorenk @luv2dresswell thank you, that's so sweet of you!!
Jun 13Reply
finding_fab Love your closet!! 💗 please visit mine too.. If I can help you lmk😊
Jun 20Reply
cmlazorenk @finding_fab thank you Sam!!💕💕
Jun 20Reply
cmlazorenk @vyntagevibes thank you!🤗
Jun 22Reply
cmlazorenk @foxygreen wow that's quite a compliment Lori!! Thank you so very much!! Feel free to make an offer or start a bundle and I can send you a private discount. Let me know if you have any questions on anything at all, and thanks again❣❣❣
Jun 27Reply
wdp0618 Hi doll!! Thank you so very kindly for the follow!! I hope you enjoy the wonderful community of people here!! Happy Poshing and be blessed!! 🌺😉🌹⚘💕💞
Jun 28Reply
abir1977 Hi sweetie very nice to meet you 😘😘thank you for visiting my closet 🎉🎊please let me know if you're interested to buy any thing ⭐️😉I love to bundle it's the best and smarter way to save money 💰 so you buy multiple items with only one shipping fee. Thank you and happy poshing 🌹🎊💰💰😊😘🤗😍☺️😋💚❤️I'm going to one month vacation and I need to sell everything as soon as possible before I go ❤️😊😍🎉🎊
Jul 01Reply
callielives Hey 👋🏽 🍾🥂 Thanks for poshing around in my closet 💃🏽 I'll check your items out for potential host picks for my September party. 😘❤️ In the meantime, feel free to make offers. Or just take 20% off on bundles of 4. I'm always willing to give $7 Off for free shipping on single items over $35 or negotiating in some way to help my clients out. 😉
Jul 05Reply
2muchstuff3691 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 💚 15-20% off private bundles 💚 ❤️ LOVE OFFERS ❤️ ☀️ LA BASED ☀️ 💎 HANDMADE JEWELRY 💎
Jul 16Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon Candida. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jul 19Reply
bethybd @cmlazorenk Hi sweet lady, hope you have a great weekend!🌺🌻🌼🌷🌹🏵💮😘💋
Jul 22Reply
cmlazorenk @bethybd hi hun, thank you.💋 I hope you have a beautiful weekend!!🌞🌈🌸 My 9yr old Sheltie is sick so I'm hoping we turn the corner this weekend and not at the vet ER. We've been in to our reg vet twice in the last 3 days. It's so hard to see them hurting.
Jul 22Reply
bethybd @cmlazorenk oh no Candida! I am so sorry on your Sheltie! I understand on the vet trips and the difficulty watching them not feel well😳..I hope there is improvement now and that you dont end up at the vet this weekend !!🤞💞💖💓
Jul 22Reply
findingdoc1 I just want to tell you and everyone that will read this, that you are a Beautiful, Sweet, Helpful, and Patient Lady. I know Posh is aware of what a GREAT resource you are, and so am I. 💐💝 I appreciate your time and mentoring that I have abundantly received. 🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🌺⭐️🌺⭐️😘
Jul 23Reply
cmlazorenk @findingdoc1 awe Lynette, thank you so much!! 🌞🌈This just makes my day!!! It is my absolute pleasure to do what I can to help. I'm so happy we've met on Posh and I'm so excited to watch you continue to grow. Have a blessed Sunday my PFF!!❌🔴❌🔴💋💋
Jul 23Reply
findingdoc1 When can you create your own follow game?
Jul 28Reply
cmlazorenk @findingdoc1 you can start one anytime you want. If you do, tag me and of course I'll get the ball rolling for you😙
Jul 28Reply
findingdoc1 @cmlazorenk awesome and thank you for being you🌹💞
Jul 28Reply
cmlazorenk @findingdoc1 you are so welcome sweetie! Just remember to price it high so you can do price drops so people can check for new followers. Most importantly like your own game to make sure everyone follows you. 🌞🌈🌹
Jul 28Reply
piccadilly_posh Hello beautiful friend! I just wanted you to know that I'm not receiving your tags because you left the second 'c' out of my name. Don't know how long it's been that way, because I only caught it just a little bit ago, I never remember ever receiving your tags, so that's probably why. Thanks sweetie!! 😘😘❌⭕️
Aug 05Reply
cmlazorenk @piccadilly_posh oh my goodness MJ, I'm so sorry!! I feel terrible about this.😧 I just thought some got lost in your busy news feed. Thank you so much for letting me know!! I am fixing it right now love!!❤❤💋💋
Aug 05Reply
piccadilly_posh Oh no please don't feel badly!! I'm just glad I caught it, because you probably thought I was unappreciative. You're not the first who thought it was only one 'c'. No worries, honest. 😊😘🤗
Aug 05Reply
cmlazorenk @piccadilly_posh I'm so glad you caught it too! I would never think you were unappreciative, I lnow you better than that sweetie!!😙
Aug 05Reply
piccadilly_posh Thank you for that, my sweet friend!! Hope you're feeling better! 🤗😘❌⭕️
Aug 05Reply
alphonso13 Hey, nice place here you have! Gorgeous style!!!
Aug 07Reply
cmlazorenk @alphonso13 thank you very much!! So kind of you to take the time to comment!!🌞🌈
Aug 08Reply
Aug 11Reply
amwaves Hi! Thank you so much for helping me get my first follow game started! I really appreciate it!!
Aug 15Reply
cmlazorenk @amwaves you're so very welcome! I'm happy to help anytime!!🌞🌈🌹
Aug 15Reply
cmlazorenk @eightofhearts awe, thank you Debbie! So sweet of you to take the time to comment. Hope you have a great week!!🌞🌈🌸
Aug 22Reply
mitzi234 So sorry, but I didn't like the Pink Tourmaline ring. Received it on Saturday and took it to my jeweler on Monday for a closer inspection. He told me, in no uncertain terms that it was neither genuine tourmaline nor lab created. But instead colored glass, most likely from China. For the price, I wasn't expecting genuine tourmaline, but neither was I expecting colored glass. Also, the side stones are not white topaz, but cubic zircon.
Aug 26Reply
mitzi234 In my experience, boutique quality denotes an exclusive, high quality item. Perhaps fashion, costume or cocktail would have been a more accurate description of this ring's quality. I'm new to the Poshmark site, but am no dummy when it comes to jewelry. I managed a jewelry department and have bought better quality off of TV for less money.
Aug 26Reply
mitzi234 Unfortunately I didn't contact Poshmark for a return before payment was released. Thanks for offering a discount for future purchases, but I won't be needing that. Please be more mindful of your descriptions as I hope this doesn't happen to anyone else.
Aug 26Reply
cmlazorenk @mitzi234 This is now the 3rd place in my closet you have ranted. This is harassment and very immature!! I never claimed for the ring to be genuine. I stated it was boutique quality and that it looked red and not pink. As a jewelry dept. manager I would think that would send flares that it's not real especially for $20! I apologized for the misunderstanding and told you that you could open up a case.
Aug 26Reply
cmlazorenk @mitzi234 I said I wanted to try to make this a positive experience for you and offered the discount. I asked for your thoughts and you didn't reply at all until days later like this. The ring looks exactly as pictured because I took the pictures. Many poshers list their jewelry as fashion jewelry. To me that is a nice way to say costume jewelry and never once would think that meant genuine.
Aug 26Reply
cmlazorenk @mitzi234 You purchased the ring at the full listed price of $20 without asking any questions. I made the same mistake on a product I paid over $100 for, opened up a case and did not get my money back. I know how it feels and wouldn't want that to happen to anyone. I was trying to be nice by offering you the discount. I can't even imagine behaving this way. This clearly reflects on the type of person you are and take no offense to you making no further purchases from me. Have a lovely weekend!
Aug 26Reply
simplyme_toyou Hi! I just wanted to send a big THANK YOU for including me in some of your share lists!! It is sincerely appreciated!!!
Aug 31Reply
cmlazorenk @heatherm9779 awe, thank you so much Heather! You are so very welcome!! Hope everything is going well for you. Lmk if there is ever anything I can do to help you.🌞🌈💋💕
Sep 01Reply
simplyme_toyou @cmlazorenk May I ask how you make your closet/boutique successful? I've joined several share groups. I'm a SU. I'm on the waiting list to host a party hopefully, but yet I seem to buy more than I sell. Do you have any suggestions by chance? What would you suggest the next steps be to make more sales?
Sep 01Reply
cmlazorenk @heatherm9779 Hi sweetie, I'm so honored that you asked me.😚 The suggestions I have I'm always striving to improve on as well. I always try to make sure measurements are listed. Impulse shoppers may move on if they have to wait to get a question answered. I'm always playing witb my cover shots. I ask myself, if I came across my closet would it intrigue me and make me want to browse. I just try to have fun naming the items and describing them.
Sep 01Reply
cmlazorenk @heatherm9779 I also try to welcome in new poshers, follow them, share their listings etc. You could try doing the secret posher games to increase followers too. Off the top of my head that's what I find important. Hope that helps hun, lmk if you have any questions.❌🔴💋
Sep 01Reply
simplyme_toyou @cmlazorenk Yes, I share new poshers and send them welcome messages. I am not familiar with the secret games you reference? What is that?
Sep 01Reply
cmlazorenk @heatherm9779 check out the rockstar secret posher game in @shopofthemoment closet. There are several others who have them and she lists them all. Her new direct share group is having great success as well. She is the ultimate rockstar😎😎🎸🎸💋💋
Sep 01Reply
simplyme_toyou @cmlazorenk No one has been quite as helpful as you are being, so I'm not sure how to properly thank you. I've started following @shopofthemoment now. If I understand correctly - we share to each other's dressing rooms rather than closets - is this correct?
Sep 01Reply
shopofthemoment @heatherm9779 Candida is awesome!! Listen to whatever she tells you. She won't steer you wrong, I promise. But when you want to thank someone for what they do for you, shares are always appreciated and paying it forward to others is a great form of thanks!
Sep 01Reply
simplyme_toyou @cmlazorenk @shopofthemoment Shares to you both! And much love from TN!!
Sep 01Reply
cmlazorenk @shopofthemoment thanks my rockstar PFF!!❌🔴❌🔴💋💋
Sep 01Reply
cmlazorenk @heatherm9779 yep, you got it! It's been helping to get on the SU wheel more frequently. Thank you for the massive share bomb!!😍😍 I'm happy to help anytime!! Just lmk and I'll certainly fo what I can!!
Sep 01Reply
simplyme_toyou @cmlazorenk - Hi my dear! First off - I want to send a huge shout out that you have singlehandedly been the most helpful mentor my entire time on here. And also - forgive another favor - how do I find this magical "wheel" everyone is talking about? I promise I will try to quit pestering you, but you are so helpful with information. I keep coming back.
Sep 04Reply
cmlazorenk @heatherm9779 you are so welcome and seriously I'm happy to help, no trouble at all!!😚 The suggested user wheel usually changes every hour and when you are on the wheel you will get the new poshers that sign up as followers during that hour. If you go to news feed, in the upper right corner click on the people icon and scroll down. At the bottom are suggested users. You'll want to follow them as well.
Sep 04Reply
cmlazorenk @heatherm9779 well good evening sweetie! I received an email stating you added my closet to your favorites list on your blog. That's so awesome, thank you so much! Kudos to you for doing a blog!!! It doesn't give me a link to your blog though. I would love to see your work if you don't mind sharing?😍💐🌞🌈🌺
Sep 06Reply
findingdoc1 😊🌻
Sep 06Reply
fancytiger24 Lovely closet! Very well done! Thanks for checking out mine ⭐️
Sep 13Reply
fancytiger24 Hey Candida! Your package went out today! Also I saw your tag, thank you. I don't quite understand yet. If I join is there something I have to do every day l, like share a certain amount for each posher on the list? Or do I just do something if I'm tagged in like a share game? I'm sorry this is new to me. I've just been on my own doing my own thing. Thank you.
Sep 13Reply
cmlazorenk @fancytiger24 awesome, thank you!! The only thing you'll want to do to increase your odds of getting a host pick is to like and share the party announcement. I always usually share a few items from the party host closet as well. It increases the chance that they will go into your closet and look around. That's mostly what I'll tag you in. Occasionally there are follow games that I'll tag in and in those you like the listing, follow everyone else who like the listing and then share it.
Sep 14Reply
cmlazorenk @fancytiger24 the follow games help to increase your followers. Does all that make sense? I started tagging you so let me know if you have any questions.🎉🎉🌺🌺💋💋
Sep 14Reply
joliechic I love your closet and will come back to visit soon❣️
Sep 21Reply
martinpere Hi there! We've been commenting on a lot of the same follow games and parties. I am always looking for new things to tag my tag team into to. I am hosting a secret posher follow game. I'd love to DR share it to you if it's something you think your team would be interested in.
Sep 24Reply
cassmarie8406 @cmlazorenk Thank you so so much Candida for all your support, Posh ❤️ and tags! I truly and greatly appreciate it❤️🌺💐🌺❤️
Oct 02Reply
lee_7921 Hi. I just submitted a bundle offer. I kind of have a last minute bday party to attend next week so I just wanted to see if I could make this offer. If not I understand....I just thought my bff would love both. Thank you for such a great closet/boutique! 🛍😊
Oct 06Reply
cmlazorenk @lee_7921 ok, great! Let me take a peak and if I can’t accept I will counter my lowest.😘
Oct 06Reply
cmlazorenk @lee_7921 hi hun, I just counter offered. I could go down to 40 if I didn’t include nice jewelry boxes. Lmk your thoughts. I know it’s hard with shipping but posh also takes 20% from us.😔
Oct 06Reply
lee_7921 @cmlazorenk hi! Sorry it took me a while to get back to you. So $40 without the boxes? The bands on the rings are real solid gold not plated? I just want to be sure...if they are not plated then I will take that offer. I have some jewelry boxes here I could use for them. Let me know 😊😊 Thank you!
Oct 06Reply
cmlazorenk @lee_7921 sorry, I’m just seeing this now. The bands are gold filled, not solid gold. It’s very rare for any rings to be made of solid gold. Lmk if you have questions hun. Otherwise yes, if you’d like I would do both for $40.🙂
Oct 07Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!☺️💕
Oct 16Reply
jgbravo Thank you for sharing. Book marking your closet.
Oct 27Reply
cmlazorenk @jgbravo hi Jo-Ann, you're very welcome! See you on 11/28🎉🎉can't wait to hear the theme. Have a beautiful weekend!🌈🌞🌸
Oct 27Reply
hicoridee Thank you for the Posh love!! 😍😊
Nov 06Reply
3grandaughters Hi! I just had to say thank you, again for your thoughtfulness and generosity! All of the best to y'all! 💕⚘⚘
Nov 06Reply
cmlazorenk @3grandaughters thank you so much Sharon!😍 You are the sweetest, thank you for the amazing love note and review! It means the world to me!🌎💕 Have a great week!❌🔴💋
Nov 07Reply
la_bella_figura @cmlazorenk Hi! Need you to untag me in your posts. You're clogging up my feed with postings and comments to others
Nov 08Reply
pieces4you Please dont flood my dressing room. I just got 80 notifications from u . I do like some of ur items but it was very overwhelming
Nov 16Reply
cmlazorenk @pieces4you my apologies, I’m just responding to your style request I received. This is a new feature for Posh and I’m not sure I like how it works. Didn’t intend to bother you.
Nov 16Reply
pieces4you @cmlazorenk its okay i totally understand. I was not to sure how this was going to work either. But i did send a request, but was not sure if it was multiple people or just one. Im still confused lol. But its okay ;)
Nov 16Reply
cmlazorenk @pieces4you so out of curiosity did you send one request and get one response or multiple? I thought about doing it to see how they do it but after getting 40 of them to respond to I was a bit overwhelmed myself! Lol😘
Nov 16Reply
piccadilly_posh Hello there my beautiful friend! Sorry I haven’t been around as much, but hope you’re feeling well and that you’re ready for a nice Thanksgiving. Have a great day, sweetie. 💜💜😊😘😘❌⭕️❌⭕️
Nov 16Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my items. Have a nice day. :)
Nov 16Reply
cmlazorenk @piccadilly_posh hi my sweet and amazingly awesome M.J.😍 It is always so wonderful to hear from you! Hope all is well with you as well! I’m hanging in there....I have been pretty non-existent myself and am drowning in these style requests! I’m getting upwards of 20-30 per day and it’s seeming like a waist of time right now. How have they been going for you?
Nov 17Reply
piccadilly_posh Oh I know, me too, and all of a sudden. I think it’s Poshmark that is in control of those style requests, because I never used to get them until around 1 1/2 weeks ago. You’re right, too, hasn’t helped sales and they have been a waste of time. 😱😫. Glad all is well with you otherwise, sweetie! If I don’t talk to you by next Thursday, have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 🦃🥧🥖🍷😘
Nov 17Reply
jewelsa111 Thank you so much for accepting my offer on the vest !! I have been admiring it for weeks and decided it was time to buy something for myself ! I am so excited !! 💕💕😁😉👍
Nov 19Reply
cmlazorenk @jewelsa111 hi Julie, thank you so much for your purchase! I’m very excited for you to have it especially knowing that you’ve been admiring it. It is lovely and will be on it’s way to you tomorrow. Have a blessed Sunday!❌🔴💋
Nov 19Reply
bethybd @cmlazorenk hey Candida, just checking on you?! I know it's a busy time of year but wanted be sure all okay for you...and to wish you a beautiful and Happy Thanksgiving!! Thank you for all you do and have done for me here!! And thank you for your invaluable friendship also!!🌷🌺🦃🍭💜🤗🦃🌷🌺😍😘💋
Nov 22Reply
cmlazorenk @bethybd hi my beautiful friend!💋💋 Thank you so much for thinking of me, I appreciate you so very much and am truly grateful for our friendship! Sorry I’ve been MIA. I think my thyroid must be acting up as I completely slept thru yesterday and have hardly been awake much of today either. I hope you are well and have a very blessed Thanksgiving! You deserve the best my dear!!❌🔴❌🔴💋💋
Nov 23Reply
bethybd @cmlazorenk thank you so much Candida! You deserve the best also! Im sorry you were not feeling well! Hope you are recovering and feeling better. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your girls!🦃🌺🌷🦃🌺🌷❤💋
Nov 24Reply
julina1516 Hey love💜 I see you like many of the brands I have for sale in my closet 😊 I am accepting all reasonable offers and having a 15% off bundles of 3 items or more sale ! if you'd like to take a look , I would be more than happy to answer any questions you have 😁
Dec 02Reply
dressinglauren Hi Candida, I created a bundle of listings I’ve had my eye on! Would love you to send me an offer! 😘
Dec 18Reply
cmlazorenk @dressinglauren oh yay, thanks love! Let me take a peak 😘
Dec 19Reply
cmlazorenk @dressinglauren thank you for your purchase love!❌🔴💋 You put together an awesome bundle! Love that you went with the watermelon extender added to the Phoebe sweater like @bethybd and I. Also the Autumn Blush sweater is amazing!!😍😍
Dec 19Reply
dressinglauren @cmlazorenk Thank You! A shopping splurge for myself in the middle of shopping for everyone else! You have a gorgeous closet and those pieces are ones I haven’t been able to put out of my mind - can’t wait to wear them, but no rush here before the holidays, I know it’s a crazy busy time 😘💕⛄️🎁
Dec 19Reply
bethybd @dressinglauren Hi Lauren! Didnt you just love what you got from Candida? I didn't see the tag previously but I LOVE all my stuff from Quaintrelle Chic Boutique.🌹😘
Dec 25Reply
bethybd @cmlazorenk Hi Candida!! Just dropping by to say thank you so much for all that you do!! Ive sent you some Christmas shares, and I am going to send more later and tomorrow too, BUT no returns please!! I want you to have extra moments loving on your girls, and enjoying them!! Merry Christmas my precious friend! Our friendship starting in 2017 will always be remembered as one of my best moments in 2017 for me. You just are the best!! Xoxoxo 💋🎄🍭🌹💋
Dec 25Reply
cmlazorenk @bethybd awe, you are just the absolute sweetest! 💖😍 Thank you so much for being the amazing friend and person you are! I am so thankful for you!🙏🏼 You are such a blessing to all who get the pleasure to interact with you! Merry Christmas to you as well, hope you had a lovely day with your family! ❌🔴❌🔴💋💋
Dec 27Reply
treasures2luv Hi Candida! Found you through another Posher. We are all connected! Love that so much ❤️ I could use help with putting my small closet on a temporary hold. Have seen the NOT FOR SALE listings on others' boutiques and closets, but can't figure out how it's done. Thanks! Monica @Treasures2Luv
Dec 30Reply
cmlazorenk @treasures2luv hi Monica, I see you figured it out.😘 I'm more than happy to help anytime in the future. Enjoy your vacation!
Dec 30Reply
treasures2luv Thank you so much for your encouragement. I love all your femme fatale family photos, as well as your chosen quote. Very inspiring indeed 👩🏻‍🎨👩🏻‍🍳👩🏼‍⚕️😍😇 Do I sign my name "Monica" if I choose to? Wondering if "@Treasures2Luv" automatically populated any correspondence in this section. Your feedback will be great again. Have an awesome day!
Dec 30Reply
cmlazorenk @treasures2luv awe, thank you so much, very sweet of you!😙 Yes, if you'd like you can sign as Monica. At least initially if you'd like people to know your name. Otherwise, treasures2luv is what will show. Have a beautiful day as wel! Wishing you a healthy and prosperous New Year!🎉🎉
Dec 30Reply
treasures2luv @cmlazorenk Same to you my dear! Have not been to many of the states 🌎 , but definitely tried while driving from IL to CO when I was young, foolish, camping out with a gf! Is it below zero today? 🌡I know I can check myself, but people connections mean so much to me.
Dec 30Reply
cmlazorenk @treasures2luv we are actually in a wind chill warning. I call it the "peel your face off" temp lol! Current temp -18 with windchill factor it can feel like -50. 😨😝😘
Dec 30Reply
treasures2luv Wow! Since I've lived in N. California for 24 years now, and only visiting friends and family in IL I haven't myself felt anything colder than -23 with windchill down to -47. That's a great expression you use! Did you come up w/it yourself? Don't go out unless you have to. Do you bring car batteries in still? (I left in 1993.) If a vehicle is garage kept, do you need to start it daily, or is that old school mechanics?! Just stay as warm as you can.
Dec 30Reply
cmlazorenk @treasures2luv lol I’ve been saying it for so long I’m not even sure. If you’ve experienced that then you know exactly what it feels like. It all feels the same when it’s -10 or lower but it’s that wind that makes it so unbearable! We don’t bring the batteries in but many people use black heaters to plug them in or program their auto starts to start it every so often. I can remember once when the governor had to close down all schools due to real temps -40 with windchills down to -60 to -70.
Dec 31Reply
treasures2luv @cmlazorenk Just found this. That's incredible!! Hope you were young enough not to worry about keeping the house warm enough to survive -40 degrees 🏡 I'll bet it stayed closed for more than a day.
Dec 31Reply
andreafaye You’re closet is beautiful! Love so many of your items, killer job!! 😻
Jan 12Reply
cmlazorenk @andreafaye thank you so much Andrea! ❌🔴💋 Sorry, I’m just seeing this now. Hope you’re doing well. Lmk if there is ever anything I can do to help you. Have a wonderful day!😘
Jan 17Reply
kaycat16 @cmlazorenk Hi this is Karen @kaycat16, I just have to say you have such a beautiful closet!! How do you get such great pictures of everything? Do you use a special camera, or app? I just can’t get good pictures, yours really looks professional, bright, and fun, please tell me your photo strategy!!!!!!!
Jan 21Reply
cmlazorenk @kaycat16 awe how sweet, thank you so much Karen! I’m not sure if there are specific photos you’re referring to....but when you purchase wholesale many manufacturers will allow you to use their stock photos. So many of my cover shots are those but I always edit them by adding a complimentary background of some kind. I have many different apps but I use Pic Collage the most for adding fun backgrounds. I do have the new iPad Pro but prior to that my camera on my S7 Samsung did great.
Jan 21Reply
pattylynn22 Hi Candida! Thank you SO very much for keeping me on your tag list for Posh Parties...I really appreciate it! I think I need to come off the list now, however. My news feed is getting difficult to navigate, and I need to uncomplicate it. Please remove me when u get a sec....thx again 😍😍
Jan 22Reply
kaycat16 @cmlazorenk thanks for the tips! And again beautiful closet! I better get out of it before I spend my extra money I am trying to earn on more cloths!!!!
Jan 22Reply
pattylynn22 Hi there! I see I'm still on your tag lists...can you remove me please? Thx!!!
Jan 25Reply
cmlazorenk @pattylynn22 sorry, it would’ve been nice of you to go to the same listing where you signed up for it but done.
Jan 25Reply
pattylynn22 @cmlazorenk oh...i'm so sorry! I have no idea now where I signed up for bad. But thank you for including me for so long! (Hope u saw my prior message!). Have a great night 🙄
Jan 25Reply
cmlazorenk @pattylynn22 I didn’t, for some reason many of these comments don’t show up and are missed. Best wishes to you, take care!
Jan 25Reply
queenfish Congrats to being in the spotlight today! Wishing u many new followers and sales!!! 😊❤️
Jan 31Reply
pink_kiwi Really cute closet!😍🙂💚
Feb 07Reply
cmlazorenk @pink_kiwi thank you so much Jocellyn!❌🔴💋
Feb 07Reply
pink_kiwi @cmlazorenk You’re welcome!👍🏻💛
Feb 07Reply
lynda721 @cmlazorenk Congratulations on hitting 100K in Followers, Candida! What a great accomplishment! Wishing you continued success in the future. ~Lynda ❤️💕❤️💕❤️
Feb 18Reply
cmlazorenk @lhaag721 awe, how sweet your of you! Thank you so much my sweet PFF!😘
Feb 19Reply
piccadilly_posh Hi candida...just want to check in to see if you’re alright? I had been off posh for over 3 weeks, but have been back fo around a week. Haven’t seen your gorgeous face since, so I hope you’re feeling okay. 🙏🏻🤞🏻. Thinking of you, sweetie. ❌⭕️❌⭕️😘🤗💖
Mar 02Reply
fatty8 Hi, Candida! I noticed that your package arrived yesterday, and I hope everything was ok. Please let me know if there was an issue. Thank you.💕
Mar 03Reply
piccadilly_posh Hi gorgeous! Very worried about you and hope you’re alright. I left you a message about 1 1/2 weeks ago checking in on you. Just hope you’re alright, sweetie. ❌⭕️❌⭕️😘😘💖
Mar 20Reply
cmlazorenk @piccadilly_posh hi love, so sorry. I’ve been having the worst time with dizziness! I have been unable to do anything online as the scrolling activity makes it so much worse. It has been 3-4 weeks and yesterday was the first time I was able to Posh but after about 30 mins I got sick again. I used to love the mad tea cups ride as a kid but not as an adult....I want off, stop the ride lol!🤪🤢🙃
Mar 25Reply
cmlazorenk @piccadilly_posh I’ve missed you! I know you said you hadn’t been poshing as much prior to this. Hope all is well with you and yours and nothing serious. It seems it’s been one thing after another so I feel like I haven’t talked to you forever. Sending hugs and love❣️❣️ Thank you for checking in my dear friend. I appreciate you so much!❌🔴❌🔴💋💋
Mar 25Reply
piccadilly_posh I’m so sorry you’re dizzy, sweetie, but I’m just glad to hear from you and to know you’re alright! Maybe you need to get your eyes checked, because if you wear glasses, you may need new ones. If you don’t wear them, then perhaps you need them. Just hope whatever is causing it, that it goes away soon!! Sending love 💗, hugs 🤗, and prayers 🙏🏻 your way!! ❌⭕️❌⭕️😘
Mar 25Reply
jessyjosh 👀🤗Im kinda new here..Thanks so much for following, sharing, liking, commenting & supporting my business. I will definitely compensate back in either of those ways. Just be patient. As a reminder If I dont get back to you quickly am not ignoring you, I just cant keep up. I aprecciate everyone. TIPS TIPS to improve are always welcome👣
May 01Reply
neutralandcolor Hi doll! Just stopping by to say I looove your boutique!! ✨
May 04Reply
cmlazorenk @getse_aleks awe that's so sweet of you, thank you so much!! Have a beautiful day!!❌🔴💋
May 05Reply
libbyssc I ordered the pink/gold maxi dress in Sumter SC. I took it to my seamstress to have itvhemmrf. While looking at it she noticed it had a pull on the back of the dress. She also saw that the seams were about to come loose.
May 07Reply
cmlazorenk @libbyssc hi Libby, I record the condition and packaging of all items for the protection of both the buyer and seller. I just reviewed it and am unable to see any issues. Do you know where on the dress? Is it possible something may have happened when you tried it on?
May 08Reply
libbyssc I only tried the dress on one time. The seamstress noticed it as so as I went to go try on for her to hem. It is down the back of the dress.. She also noticed the side seams were about to come apart. To fix it like it should and it would still have runs/pulls. It would be 55.00 . You can see straight through the pink part as well as the bottom part, which is not a big deal to show legs. Thank you!
May 08Reply
cmlazorenk @libbyssc there is no seem down the back of the dress so that is very odd. How did the dress fit? I don't have another medium but could send you a large or small if you'd like.
May 08Reply
libbyssc @cmlazorenk the seams are on the sides not the back. I would rather not get the same dress. It was not made very well.
May 08Reply
findingdoc1 Hope all is wonderful with you!💝🦋
May 23Reply
kissedbycat Thanks for following me, luv. You have great items! 😍😘🌸👍
May 29Reply
bethybd @cmlazorenk Hey precious friend! How are you? I wrote you on the teal pom on my page but haven't heard back. Ive seen some party tags tonight so I hope that means you are improving?! I miss you!!xoxoxo 💐🌸💋
Jun 06Reply
unclaimed Candida nice closet and beautiful pics,thanks for your support,best wishes for your success
Jul 09Reply
andyr221 Beautiful family and Great closet!! Hope to get to your level one day . Sending positive vibes and energy your way for quick sales
Jul 20Reply
jenandchase Thank you for the follow & share! Beautiful daughters & your closet is great!!
Jul 25Reply
cmlazorenk @jenandchase awe, thank you so much!❌🔴💋
Jul 25Reply
keeli73 Congratulations on hosting your party!!🎉 Feel free to stop by my closet for a potential host pick! Happy Poshing!!🤗
Aug 06Reply
stylabration Congrats on EE hostess party; one of my fave themes😍I have many unique NWTS EE choices for you! Would be honored if you chose from my closet and pay forward! @cmadderom
Aug 06Reply
rainyday_resale Hi Candida! 🎉 I’m one of your co-hosts for tonights party! I just wanted to reach out and say Hi 😃 and Woo Hoo 🎉 lets party!!! So fun 🥂 Cheers!
Aug 07Reply
2017hw Hey friend! I was wondering if there was any possible way you could pick one of my listings to be one of your Host Picks. It would mean the world to me!! Happy Poshing!
Aug 08Reply
minkalamour @cmlazorenk You didn't used to live in Texas did you?
Aug 08Reply
aaaalllleeee @cmlazorenk Congratulations on hosting your Everyday Essentials Party! I hope you'll drop by my closet to consider my items for a possible host pick. Thanks very much!
Aug 08Reply
cmlazorenk @minkalamour no, Texas is actually one of the states I've never been to.🙃 I must look like someone you know?
Aug 08Reply
minkalamour @cmlazorenk lol. It was your name. Congratulations on your party! And thank you for the host pick!
Aug 08Reply
lee022018 Thank you for all the shares!! Wishing you many sales!! God bless 😃
Aug 09Reply
cmlazorenk @lin0620 well thank you so much! Sorry, I missed your comment. Please let me know if you have any questions or need help with anything.😊
Aug 12Reply
ejt2017 Hi Candida, just wanted to stop by and say I really like your closet! You have great taste. Have a great day💕
Aug 15Reply
uchelawrence Wow! Cool closet - check out my sneaker closet @uchelawrence. New sneakers posted weekly!
Aug 25Reply
awesomeposhn2 Thank you SO MUCH for all your shares!! I appreciate you!
Sep 14Reply
cmlazorenk @elkschherpride you're quite welcome Cheryl! Welcome to Poshmark!!🎉🎉 I hope you love it, such an amazing community! Please let me know if you ever have any questions or need help with anything hun.❌🔴💋
Sep 14Reply
awesomeposhn2 You are a blessing!
Sep 14Reply
patriciacb1 Nice closet!! ⭐️
Sep 23Reply
cmlazorenk @patriciacb1 awe, thank you so much for taking the time to comment! Have a Blessed Sunday!❌🔴💋
Sep 23Reply
patriciacb1 @cmlazorenk You too!! 🙏🏻❤️
Sep 23Reply
ykrohn Thank you for sharing my closet. I appreciate the posh love and support
Sep 24Reply
cmlazorenk @mmahansen1no problem at all Mary. I didn't even notice. 😀
Oct 14Reply
fraysfield Hi Candida I’m creating my first Follow Game. I’m pretty new at this. I’ve been added to a couple tag lists. I don’t know a lot of Poshers yet. The only thing I’m unsure about is how to tag others to add their lists or if I can add some of the lists myself to get the Poshers on it to share? I’m not sure and don’t want to make anyone angry. Can you advise me? I can’t find anything on YouTube or google that can answer that. Thank you 😊
Oct 19Reply
cmlazorenk @ligregoey hi! I will tell you it's a definite no, no to copy other Poshers pff lists. I would be happy to help you get it started by tagging some friends.😊
Oct 19Reply
cmlazorenk @ligregoey have you posted it yet or still working on it? I'd be happy to add you to my list as well if you'd like. I only mainly tag for partys.
Oct 19Reply
fraysfield Hi there I’m almost done working on it. Thank you 😊
Oct 19Reply
fraysfield Yikes glad I asked. I just read your first comment. Thank you lol
Oct 19Reply
cmlazorenk @ligregoey yes, many Poshers get quite upset about that. No problem. Just tag me when it's done.😘
Oct 19Reply
fraysfield Thanks I’m almost done I keep messing up the meme lol
Oct 19Reply
fraysfield Hi there the follow game is up. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it! 💝💕💗
Oct 19Reply
lee18 Hey Candida, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad & all the medical stuff . I do understand been not feeling well myself & neither has Heather. She fell on a wet bathroom floor & hit her whole face & inside of her mouth. It's been a nightmare with me not feeling well @ the same time. I hope everything goes well for u & your family I'll be thinking of u guys. 💐❤️👋
Oct 21Reply
good2bkind Hey there. Hope you had a great Halloween and preparing for the upcoming Holidays now. It comes so quick ya know. Anyway, just wanted to pop in and thank you for checking out my Closet. All Shares of course are always appreciated as well, so thank you kindly. Come on by anytime. Even if just to say Hello :)
Nov 04Reply
findingdoc1 Hello my Beautiful PFF! Hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving🙌🏻💝Love, Lynette🌻☮️😘
Nov 23Reply
skylargreene11 hey welcome to poshmark! feel free to check out my closet, i have TONS of affordable, quality items with more on the way 👼🏼 all of my prices are negotiable & i always agree on a fair price with my shoppers. thank you & happy poshing‼️💓
Nov 29Reply
lovelacegrace Hello just stopping in to share!! Hope you make some sales today!! I just started my first follow game in my closet. I would love if you can join! 💓
Dec 09Reply
lovelacegrace I absolutely love your closet!! 💓💓
Dec 09Reply
cmlazorenk @lee18 oh my goodness Lisa, I'm so sorry I'm just seeing this now.😢 That sounds terribly painful! I hope everything is going better for you guys now. Sending big hugs, love and Blessings your way this Holiday season!!❌🔴❌🔴💋💋
Dec 09Reply
cmlazorenk @findingdoc1 awe sweet Lynette, so sorry I'm just seeing this now.😔 I had a lovely Thanksgiving, thank you so much for thinking of me! I hope you are doing well Love! Wishing you all the best this Holiday season, you deserve it my dear! Love, hugs and blessings to you and yours!!❌🔴❌🔴💋💋
Dec 09Reply
cmlazorenk @allaboutglamour well thank you! How sweet of you to take the time to comment! I will definitely hop over and share your game. Wishing you many sales as well! Happy Holidays!!❄⛄🍭🎁🎄
Dec 09Reply
findingdoc1 @cmlazorenk May you and your family be Blessed this Christmas.❤️🎄☃️🎁🥰
Dec 09Reply
cmlazorenk @willysdee awe how sweet of you, thank you so much! Happy Holidays Hun!❌🔴💋
Dec 15Reply
jovigraham Hello beautiful can you read the first 2 slides in my party listing and tag me in one .. if you don’t hv one tag me in an dress skirt .. suit in your closet that hasn’t had a HP @cmlazorenk thank you 💕
Dec 16Reply
bulldogmom @cmlazorenk thanks for the shares🤗
Dec 17Reply
pretyposhmchne ✨Happpppyyyyyy new yearzzz✨
Dec 28Reply
matefeb Hi Candida, you're welcome. And thank you for the treat. Also, welcome to the club. I'm also a single parent. You're not alone. If I can do it, you can do it too. My daughter is already a CPA and lives alone in SF while I'm in NY taking care of my 97 year old Mom. Just pray hard to thank HIM everyday. One thing you know, your daughter is done. You're still young and you will find your lucky man sooner or later. Trust me.
Jan 04Reply
matefeb I should say "daughters". Sorry I did not read first.
Jan 05Reply
cmlazorenk @matefeb hi Tess, thank you for your encouraging words. You are so right! Love the picture of you and your mom! So sweet of you to go and take care of her.😍 Cherish your time together! Thanks again for your purchase, I'm so happy you like your top!
Jan 05Reply
matefeb @cmlazorenk. Thank you, Candida. You are a very beautiful woman and looks very kind too. You deserve everything in this world. Just stay positive and you will reach your goals. I envy you. How can you work full time as a nurse, take care of 2 beautiful girls and at the same time having a lucrative home business. Way to go. Take care. PS. I got so many compliment with my top yesterday. Thanks.
Jan 05Reply
darbymeads Blessings my dear. Your closet is amazing. Thank you so much for following mine. You had so many great items I just had to share some. I appreciate any type of guidance, educational pieces, or feedback that you may have that can help me out. Many prayers to you and continued success with your business. Have a wonderful day.
Jan 26Reply
nesaz95 Hi there I've been invited to a swim party and many others but when I try to post it doesn't let me even though I'm within the party guidelines I'd like to post for tmrw becauebits a swim party and I sell mostly swim stuff wondering if you can help me out🤔😞
Apr 11Reply
ladycrackerjack @cmlazorenk ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party !❤️Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕 - [ ]
Apr 11Reply
demonhunters Good Evening, Congratulation on co-hosting the upcoming posh party. I have just started my collection of swim wear, exposure would be greatly appreciated. Most important, you have lots of fun and wishing you many sales....
Apr 12Reply
aclosetdeposit 💥💥Thanks for hosting the Best in Swim party today! 👙👙👙🌞⛱I hope that you have time to check my closet for possible host picks and also the closet of my PFF, @foresttreasures. We will be here buying, following and sharing! ❤❤❤
Apr 12Reply
fancy_butterfly Good morning. Congratulations on co hosting the Best in Swim Party! 🍹I would be honored if you checked out my closet and chose 1 of my items. Wishing you many sales and a lot of fun tonight. 😎🌼🌻I will be around for sharing and liking regardless if chosen or not :) Parties are so much fun.
Apr 12Reply
closetshop617 Love the irony of you hosting a swimwear party and you're in ND. You must be dreaming of the sunshine and warm weather. I know I am. ☀️🏖🏝
Apr 12Reply
acelestialsoul Aloha! 🌸🌴🌟🌸 🌊T🌊H🌊A🌊N🌊K🌊*🌊Y🌊O🌊U🌊!🌊 for hosting the 🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏼‍♂️Best in Swim 🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏼‍♂️Party! I've got gorgeous 👙swimwear👙 in my Posh Compliant closet. Would you be a mermaid & take a look for 🏆Host Picks🏆 from me? Mahalo!! 🌸🌴🌟🌸I'm a 💕Top Sharer💕 on Poshmark, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler, Pinterest. Tricia, Poshmark Ambassador😊
Apr 12Reply
ashtan2017 Very cute pics and family. Posh love to you. 🥳🥳🥳
May 02Reply
uniquetochic12 Good morning! I'm the one whom received your pants from @dgburbridge I'm waiting for Posh to send me a shipping label so that I may get them out to you. If they don't send me one or you want them sooner I have no problem sending them to you via USPS First Class package service. I will keep in touch with you! ❤️
Jun 07Reply
cmlazorenk @shoptilyadrop12 hello Michelle! Thank you for being such a great Posher! Any word on that shipping label?❌🔴💋
Jun 11Reply
arweddle You have an adorable closet! 💕💕 Please check out mine when you have time!
Jun 11Reply
uniquetochic12 @cmlazorenk Hi I haven't received anything yet. Did you ask the seller if she has heard back from them yet? I was going to do that yesterday, but I didn't get to it since I was watching my 2 year old grandson whom was being a typical 2 year old, lol! I'll ask her now. I really don't mind just shipping them to you on my own. It's light enough to go First Class mail so it won't cost much at all. 😘❤️
Jun 11Reply
cmlazorenk @shoptilyadrop12 hey Michelle, it looks like dgburidge is no longer on Poshmark. Are you still willing to send those pants my way?
Jul 09Reply
uniquetochic12 @cmlazorenk yes! Just curious if you ever received a refund for them? I’m so sorry, I tried reaching out to her multiple times with no response! I meant to reach back out to you sooner to see if you e heard anything. I can send them out today for you! 😘😊
Jul 09Reply
cmlazorenk @shoptilyadrop12 no I didn't receive a refund. I was under the impression that Posh was sending new shipping labels. She didn't respond to my messages either. I know she was on vacation and then when I checked back she was no longer on here. Do you need my address?
Jul 10Reply
uniquetochic12 @cmlazorenk Even if you did receive a refund I wanted to send them to you. She seemed so nice & like a reputable seller. Yes, I do need your address. I'll send them to you right away!
Jul 10Reply
cmlazorenk @shoptilyadrop12 oh thank you! Yes, she was and I loved everything I received from her! Those pants are for my daughter so she has been anxiously questioning their arrival. Lol I feel terrible that you have to pay for shipping though!! I am going to tag you on a more private listing.😘
Jul 12Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Oct 16Reply
lynda721 Congratulations Candida for Hitting 200Kin Followers! How Exciting! ~Lynda 💕
Nov 16Reply
kfab333 @cmlazorenk Hello!🥰 We are so happy you popped in! I am Kimberly- Owner Of Kfab Designs. We are always happy to assist you in finding your perfect style! All orders are shipped with gifts 🎁 we look forward to working with you!
Jun 11Reply
kfab333 @cmlazorenk Hi there lady! Thank you so much for your order! 🥰❤️ I am actually packing up your goodies now! The Mosaic Ruffle Top just arrived- it’s our second order- I just opened the package- My rep sent me the Blush instead of the Green! I am so sorry! I think they must have run out of the Green! - Please let me know if this is ok with you! I am uploading the pics now!
Jun 27Reply
cmlazorenk @kfab333 hi hun, thank you for letting me know. 😘 I think it’ll be fine. I have been too busy to posh lately but was in desperate need for a few new tops! I know you have beautiful items! I look forward to seeing the mosaic one in person. It looks so pretty and unique!
Jun 27Reply
kfab333 @cmlazorenk Thank you so much! I actually really like it better in person 🥰❤️ I will have it out in the morning! Just wanted to make certain you were okie 😊
Jun 27Reply
danamariecre8 Hello beautiful🌺❤️ I have lowered all the prices in my closet because Im moving. Everything needs to go! Selling alot of great finds like cute tops, skirts, dresses, jeans, jackets, swim, purses, shoes, jewelry, kids, athletic, mens, etc.. I accept most offers and I will negotiate to reduce size of my closet. Im a posh ambassador with a 4.9 seller rating so I aim to please. Check my closet when you can🌸🙏🌺
Jul 07Reply
luvbodyboutique Happy Poshing! Have a great Labor Day Weekend! 🤍💙❤️
Sep 06Reply
littlepeachxo hello ^^ ! i’m spreading awareness & thought i’d let you know that 100% of earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. 🎗-peach
Jan 29Reply
mabarnes44 hey there, had to say you have the most incredible eyes! legit double take 😀. beautiful pics, hope the poshmark is going wonderfully.
Apr 02Reply

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