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Updated Jan 12
Updated Jan 12

Meet your Posher, Carla

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Carla. Some of my favorite brands are Fendi, Gucci, and CHANEL. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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colesand Hello and welcome, take a look at my closet. If you see something you like or have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!
Jun 07Reply
gemsbyjoan Hi, welcome to POSHMARK. Hope your experience here is a great one as you move forward. Lots of folks on here willing to help and assist you. Be sure to check out the "Your Guide to Poshmark" under the main menu tab. LOTS of helpful info there. 😃 HAPPY POSHING!
Jun 13Reply
kprattc Welcome to Poshmark! I have been buying and selling for over a year and I love it! Feel free to ask me any questions!
Jun 13Reply
shengross2016 Hey Beautiful🌼🌷🌷🌼..interested in that beauty please free to bundle and I will send you a discount offer..happy poshing😊😊
Jun 13Reply
mbpuravida 🌟🌟🌟 Welcome to Poshmark! 👠👗
Jun 14Reply
luvluckylou Thank you for your purchase! Do u want the box ? Easier if u don't !
Jun 18Reply
nsense @luvluckylou hi, if you give me the measurement of the length then I'll let you know. My fear is if they're not long enough then I'll have to resale and need the box. If the measurement is good then I won't need the box. Btw I have a Maltese shitzu mix that looks kinda like your dog!
Jun 18Reply
luvluckylou @nsense 9AND 1/4 to be exact!
Jun 18Reply
nsense @luvluckylou ok, you can send without the box. I believe they will just fit 😃. And thanks for asking about the box!
Jun 18Reply
luvluckylou @nsense ok great ! Will get them out first thing Monday morning for you ❤😍❤
Jun 18Reply
nsense @luvluckylou 😃 thank you!
Jun 18Reply
luvluckylou Thank you for the 5 stars and really nice comments ❤😍❤I really appreciate it 😁hope your having a nice day 🌺🌴😎
Jun 21Reply
ppamprrd Welcome to Poshmark. I hope that you are having a wonderful experience.  😊😉😙
Jun 28Reply
nsense @ppamprrd thank you so much!
Jun 28Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon Carla. Thanks for the likes and hope you will continue to follow my creations 🌹
Jun 28Reply
nsense @hmsimon1 oh, thank you! And I definitely will, your jewelry is exquisite!
Jun 28Reply
hmsimon1 Thanks💐
Jun 28Reply
prcs841 Feel free to make an offer on the bundle hun
Jul 03Reply
iuliiahayek Welcome to my closet hun ❤️ if u like something just make an offer with your price and I will accept ! Have a wonderful day ✌️🌹😀
Jul 05Reply
vanyataycoon Ohhh my dear late night online friend u look beautiful !!!!!!!!
Jul 13Reply
nsense @vanyataycoon oh thank you, you are too kind! And guess what?!? Got the jacket just now 😍😂😍😀
Jul 13Reply
vanyataycoon Funny I was just checking on my ok meant your jacket now & was worried about rain since I didn't put bubble wrap but gift paper and said delivers to front porch & as I'm typing I see u just excepted it a little sad I must admit I really love that jacket don't let it sit in closet please
Jul 13Reply
nsense @vanyataycoon I'm so glad Jen is ok, thank you for keeping me posted
Jul 13Reply
vanyataycoon @nsense we were chatting till after 3 am I had to get up @ 9 lol between 2 of you I'm one cranky Vanya today did u see info on the back.
Jul 13Reply
nsense @vanyataycoon won't sit in closet except for summer, Texas is sooo hot! But will wear all winter with my boots!
Jul 13Reply
vanyataycoon @nsense head from from her today sent her pict from my dress rehearsal since Sarah loves fashion & pict of Madison sq park lol
Jul 13Reply
nsense @vanyataycoon lol I got up at 5:15 so I know I'm was sleepy today
Jul 13Reply
nsense @vanyataycoon yes, I will be texting and sending pics soon. Gotta pick up my angel now
Jul 13Reply
vanyataycoon @nsense did get digits in back. Let's switch text lol
Jul 13Reply
vanyataycoon @nsense ok just text so happy we can switch to private now lol
Jul 13Reply
poshplease17 Thank you for the shares!! 😇
Jul 15Reply
nsense @christasclothes anytime! And you as well 😊
Jul 15Reply
omi_omy Hi, Carla! I'm Naomi and my friend, Vanya, passed along your info. I've been having so much fun on PM but never realized how many great people I'd meet! Vanya is amazing and she always brightens my day! Good luck with your sales this weekend! 🌈✨
Jul 16Reply
nsense @omi_omy just saw this, I'm really glad to meet you! Vanya is absolutely amazing!!
Jul 16Reply
omi_omy @nsense She sure is...and she says the same about you! 😉
Jul 16Reply
nsense @omi_omy she is just so kind. She speaks highly of you also. So nice to meet such wonderful people on here!
Jul 16Reply
omi_omy @nsense Yes, that's for sure! It's an added bonus!
Jul 16Reply
vanyataycoon Back online but forgot to charge my phone movie was great u should see it Vanya
Jul 16Reply
vanyataycoon I just knew u would like my fendi sunglasses only time I wore them was with jacket Andrew Marc jacket u got lol
Jul 16Reply
vanyataycoon Looking at your head lol trying to figure out if those fendi would fit don't think my head is any bigger or smaller I wore them but will have to mesure any way try to find pair of your Sunnglases that fit well so we can mesure how wide from handle to handle & nose bridge
Jul 16Reply
vanyataycoon Hey girl u should bump up that black shirt dress with tags to like 35 just my opinion much love my friend
Jul 18Reply
arshmani Dear Carla, you have a lovely closet 😍thank you so much for all the Posh love 🤗😘
Jul 20Reply
vanyataycoon Hey girl I'm still in car service then will have anther 20 train ride lol
Jul 22Reply
zanabrooke Thanks for all the shares! Glad @vanyataycoon introduced us! Beginning of a great posh friendship!
Jul 27Reply
nsense @zanabrooke you're welcome girl, and you as well! I think you should raise your prices dear!
Jul 27Reply
omi_omy Hi, Carla. Vanya asked me to contact you and let you know she's having trouble with her PM account and will contact you as soon as she can. Thanks, Naomi
Jul 28Reply
nsense @omi_omy I know girl poor thing! She is still watching out for her friends though! She sent a message by me to ally. She is the best!
Jul 28Reply
omi_omy @nsense Okay, great! I love, Vanya...she's awesome! I'm glad you got the word! 🌈✨
Jul 28Reply
jacaranda1831 Thanks for likes <3<3<3
Jul 28Reply
ally_marc Dear Carla, you are too sweet 😍 I'm really happy you liked the Fendi bag, because I still feel so bad that you were forced to buy it. Vanya says she paid for it so I wouldn't sell it to the other... makes me feel bad. Honestly, It's a very beautiful and classy bag I hope you will keep it & use it in many happy occasions. Yes, Armenians are very warm, hard working, very close family oriented people.
Aug 02Reply
ally_marc Most of them, there's good & bad in everyone 😂 we were the first Christian nation. We all love to cook & provide for our family. Its not unusual to live together in one house, 3 generations. Carla, what do you do? You know Armenian in business or neighborhood. I was in banking & finance for 30yrs & my husband is an architect. 🌹
Aug 02Reply
nsense @ally_marc I am a nurse in the Texas Medical Center. Houston is what we call a big melting pot. Meaning we are a very diverse city. I love it! I work with people from all over the world! I meet so many good people and get to learn their culture. Not many people get that opportunity. And yes there is good and bad in every culture. I'm glad you are here!
Aug 02Reply
ally_marc @nsense I was 12 years old when we came to California with my family. I went to high school, university got married worked had kids, and still are living in the same city since 1974, my parents my brothers in laws, work place, all within 5 miles f😂😂
Aug 02Reply
nsense @ally_marc that is so nice when families look out for each other! You truly blessed to have so much of your family here and surrounding you!
Aug 02Reply
ally_marc @nsense Yes dear, it sure is a blessing, but we are also in each other's business & that's not healthy 😂😂 you know what I mean😍
Aug 02Reply
nsense @ally_marc so true! That can get messy but hey that's what family is for lol😜
Aug 02Reply
ally_marc @nsense Carla , you are so beautiful & you deserve to have beautiful things. Anything you want from my closet is s yours with a big discount. A lot of my clothes & money, I send it to women s shelters & orphanage in Armenian villages
Aug 02Reply
nsense @ally_marc that is truly sweet of you but if you are sending to charity that is so much better! There are so many in need out there, I'm glad to hear you are doing such a kind deed! May it come back to you double. Our true treasures are our family! You are such a beautiful person inside and out!
Aug 02Reply
ally_marc @nsense Please tell me about yourself, do you have any family? If you like 😜
Aug 02Reply
ally_marc @nsense The picture is of my daughter my mom & I.
Aug 02Reply
nsense @ally_marc yes, I have a lovely family, I'm blessed with 3 boys!
Aug 02Reply
nsense @ally_marc yes I love that picture! You all look so happy together! What a beautiful family!
Aug 02Reply
nsense @ally_marc well dear I'm falling asleep but hope to chat with you again sometime soon! Goodnight!
Aug 02Reply
ally_marc @nsense Nice, blessings 🙏🏻🙏🏻 My son always wanted a brother. Dear Carla, you are also beautiful inside & out, and being a nurse is such a rewarding & inspiring job. Bravo!! I'm glad we got to know each other. Good night for now, I have to go help my daughter to pack, tomorrow, she's going to Miami for a bachelorette party. In the morning she's taking her California state exam for Pharmacy. We're all praying.
Aug 02Reply
hautemarket hey hun! did you get your boots yet?
Aug 02Reply
nsense @crystal17044 not yet but, they will probably get here today. Can't wait 😁
Aug 02Reply
hautemarket hey hun i'm glad you loved the boots and thanks for the super sweet love note, I really appreciate it. you're so super sweet--glad to have met you!!
Aug 03Reply
omi_omy Hi, Carla ~ I just wanted to let you know that today's Vanya's b-day! Not sure if she mentioned it to you or not. 🎉
Aug 04Reply
whitebutterfly1 Congrats on your sales! Happy for you! :-)
Aug 04Reply
nsense @omi_omy yes, thank you though 😄. I hope she has a lovely day! How have you been?
Aug 04Reply
nsense @whitebutterfly1 hi, and thanks so much! I wish you many more sells and lots of blessings! Happy poshing 😊
Aug 04Reply
omi_omy @nsense That's good! I've been really husband and I are trying to sell our own home and I've been trying to get it ready for a showing. Really hoping to get it sold this summer. How are you doing?
Aug 04Reply
nsense @omi_omy oh I feel for you! That's a lot of work, we sold our home a few years back. I'm doing good, long tiring week but, all is well!
Aug 04Reply
omi_omy @nsense That's great! At least it's Friday! 🤗
Aug 05Reply
classyshop Hello and Welcome to Poshmark Carla 💕
Aug 10Reply
nsense @classyshop thank you! You have a lovely closet 😍
Aug 10Reply
classyshop @nsense Aww! Thank you hun. Please do not hesitate to make an offer. ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 10Reply
itsajonesthang HI there, I'm Brandy🤗. Nice to meet you😊. I'm a Posh Mentor ,SUGGESTED USER, and a Party Co Host💋, so if you have any questions or you need anything at all, please feel free to ask😉. Until then, HAPPY POSHING💞💞
Aug 12Reply
nsense @spoiledpff Thank you so much! I'm sure I will have plenty of questions. I've learned some things from people I've met on here, everyone is so nice and helpful. But I still have a lot to learn. You have a lovely closet! I will definitely keep you in mind when questions arise. 😃
Aug 12Reply
nsense @lollipopkissies Oh thank you! It my pleasure to,share, and thank you as well!
Aug 13Reply
mysticalblue 🌹Hello 🙋🏻 I'm Carolyn. Welcome to Poshmark‼️You'll find a community of Poshers willing to help, encourage you & share their Posh 💕Love. Remember to Follow 👠👠other Poshers & Share their closets👗which will grow followers to your closet. Check out 🌸YOUR GUIDE TO POSHMARK & POSH ETIQUETTE for Posh compliant closets & other info for Beginners. Also 🌸 for answers to many questions. If I can help, just message me 🦋@mysticalblue🦋. I wish you much success & Happy Poshing‼️👗🛍
Aug 15Reply
cmscordato thanks for your interest. moving sale. open to offers. thanks
Aug 15Reply
hautemarket Thanks babe! Hope you'r having a good week on posh!
Aug 17Reply
nsense @crystal17044 I am 😃 thanks and hope you are too! Did you change your handle pic? I didn't recognize you but I like it!! I recognized your closet though looks nice
Aug 17Reply
hautemarket @nsense Yes I did change my handle pic and i'm not sure but I think it brought me more sales. It seems everytime i change my handle pic it's like a have an influx of sales. IDK if its in PM algorithm of if i'm just crazy lol. But if you try it let me know what happens lol. You'r closet is awesome as usual too love!
Aug 17Reply
nsense @crystal17044 that's so cool, if I change and it works I'll definitely let you know.
Aug 17Reply
vanyataycoon Wow girl I didn't know u liked Tory burch lol 😂 sorry guess should have asked lol Vanya nyc
Aug 22Reply
donnastreasures Hi, my name is Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to ask!😊
Aug 22Reply
nsense @donnastreasures thank you so much, you are so kind. I'm sure I'll have questions, lol. I'm learning slowly but, still have much to learn.
Aug 22Reply
donnastreasures @nsense If it helps, I have tips sprinkled throughout my closet & I'm always happy to help
Aug 22Reply
nsense @donnastreasures nice, I'll check it out and definitely will have questions. Thanks so much!
Aug 22Reply
minromano Thanks for your interest, this style is my favorite, easy on hand. Look. $4 doesn't make difference. Offer again, I will accept, thanks for your interest and patient.
Aug 25Reply
jacaranda1831 Thanks so much. I was just about to contact someone who purchased a pair of boots just before the storm hit and there is no way I can get it to USPS and when. All is ok. Very worrisome. Stay safe.
Aug 27Reply
ally_marc Hi Carla, how are you doing? Are affected by the storm? I know you live in that area but I'm not very familiar with the area. I s there anything you need? I hope you & your family are safe. Vanya mentioned but didn't go into detail
Aug 27Reply
wyndchasrborzoi Thank you for all the shares 💕 Happy to return the Posh Love. Happy sales! 🛍💗🛍
Sep 13Reply
nsense @wyndchasrborzoi and thank you as well! 😍😃😍
Sep 13Reply
nanamarie95 Hi Posher Friend!! Congrats on your closet, nice things. Best wishes on future sales. Have a awesome Day, Take care. ☺ Mari
Sep 29Reply
nsense @nanamarie95 Hi, thanks and Wow, you have a beautiful closet too!!😍😍😍😍
Sep 30Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!☺️
Oct 02Reply
nsense @ashlyn_bekah Thank you, you're welcome! Wishing you many sales! 😃
Oct 02Reply
sandie8034 I had to drop a quick note... You have an Amazing Closet. The selection is fantastic. Every price point seems to be acknowledged by your pieces. People such as yourself make it worth being part of this site. my opinion.. Be Safe and Be Fabulous.
Oct 03Reply
nsense @sandie8034 Wow! You have an Amazing closet also😍😍❗️Thank you so much for your kind words, I love your attitude, so glad to meet people like you on here 😃😊
Oct 03Reply
sandie8034 Awww thank you.. You're too sweet. I just started this to it's all work in progress... Stay beautiful..👠👠👜👜👜💼💼👢👢👡👡👡👗👗👖👖👓👓👛👛🎉🎉🎉🎉 Be Safe Be Fabulous...
Oct 03Reply
dianesteinberg Your closet is just fabulous - my computer is freezing up so I'll try to see the rest of your things - but I believe I saw almost everything and it's great - Happy Poshing!
Oct 03Reply
nsense @dianesteinberg Hi, thank you so much 😊, you have a lot of nice items in your closet as well 😍😍😍😃
Oct 03Reply
taliastokes Cute closet!!
Oct 03Reply
nsense @taliastokes a Thank you, yours too‼️Love the black lace up boots, wish they were my size 😍😍❗️
Oct 03Reply
ctrwriter5 Many thanks for the follow - here's to happy Poshing!
Oct 04Reply
nsense @ctrwriter5 Thanks hun, I love your closet😍😍 Especially the beautiful bags and jackets‼️😃
Oct 04Reply
nsense @pow4430 Thank you, you have an amazing closet too😍 Love all the beautiful boots in your closet, perfect for the season🍁❄️👍
Oct 05Reply
cjsvintagevibes Greetings from Temple, Texas!! So nice to meet you🌹🌹🌹Happy poshing!!
Oct 06Reply
nsense @angyinpink79 Hi neighbor, nice to meet you! You have a nice closet, and I wish you many sales 😍😃 I went to college with a pianists who had osteoarthritis at a very young age, glad to see you are raising awareness!!
Oct 06Reply
cjsvintagevibes @nsense thank you!! You as well 🌹
Oct 06Reply
spreadlove Hello, I know there are many closets on posh but I would be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I was just stopping in to say hello, have a wonderful day!
Oct 09Reply
nsense @spreadlove Hi, nice to meet you❗️Love your closet, it looks like you've already sold a lot. Wishing you lots more sales 😍😍👍👍😃
Oct 09Reply
zuzumarket - Howdy Neighbor!🙋🏻👋🤠 Happy Friday and Happy US Navy Birthday!!!🇺🇸🌊⚓️🚢✈️
Oct 13Reply
nsense @zuzumarket Hi back to you neighbor‼️😃 so awesome to meet someone close. I've looked at your lovely closet several times and didn't realize you are from H- town 👍I hope you survived the flood without any damage
Oct 13Reply
cesca56 Hi Carla, very nice closet 😊
Oct 16Reply
nsense @cesca56 Hi and thanks 😊 you have a very nice closet as well, love the jewelry and watch 😍😍😍
Oct 16Reply
sonia9488 @nsense Thank you so much for following my closet!!💜🌹
Oct 23Reply
nsense @sonia9488 Hey neighbor 😃 Your closet is awesome‼️😍😍
Oct 23Reply
sonia9488 @nsense Thank you. Your closet has great pics .I am still learning 😄👍
Oct 23Reply
tbyrd331 Awewwwwwwww your fur baby is PRECIOUS!! I have a cat named midnight I'll post some pics. She's my heart and she knows it.☺☺
Nov 05Reply
nsense @tbyrd331 thanks 😍, it's my hubby's cat. She has beautiful eyes and long shiny hair. I'll check back with you later to see your babies pics 👍
Nov 05Reply
tbyrd331 @nsense She's beautiful!!!
Nov 05Reply
msteestreasures Hello lady, I️ absolutely LOVE your closet!!😊
Nov 08Reply
nsense @lewisntee16 thank you 😊 you have a wonderful closet as well 😍😍😍👍
Nov 08Reply
bluesea38 Hi Carla, I just counter your offer,could you please accept or decline? is because I’m not able to sell when the item is in offer option, I hope you understand, many blessing 🙏🙏
Nov 20Reply
bluesea38 Hi Carla, is me again,please,declined or accept the offer for the Prada bag my dear, until the offer is pending, I’m not able to sell it or accept others offers,thank you for your understanding
Nov 20Reply
nsense @bluesea38 so sorry was out of pocket for a bit 😊😍
Nov 20Reply
bluesea38 @nsense no problem dear, next time 💝
Nov 20Reply
bagobsession1 @nsense Hi Carla my name is Sharon, my posh friend Vanya sent me 2 c ur beautiful closet
Nov 30Reply
nsense @azromero45 Hi Sharon, so nice to meet you 😊, you have such an awesome closet 😍😍
Nov 30Reply
bagobsession1 @nsense Thx so much urs is awesome
Nov 30Reply
agrice67 GM and yes the holidays have everything jacked up!! Lol the jeans looked GREAT!!! But they didn’t fit😒😒🙄🙄😩😩 no worries tho, I’ll be sure to bless someone in my family with them... thank you for assuring I received them and Happy Holidays Love 💗
Dec 10Reply
nsense @agrice67 oh I'm so sorry they didn't fit, 😩 I know you were disappointed. I hope you find someone they will fit. If not maybe sell for a higher price, they look brand new. They are very flattering jeans! If there is anything else in my closet you are ever interested in I'll give you a special discount luv, I feel so bad
Dec 11Reply
agrice67 Do NOT feel bad u were an EXCELLENT POSHER that showed u really cared, ur empathy is A1👌🏾👌🏾😏😏😏 I’ll find someone to bless I was already blessed by meeting a person like urself ur very cool and thx I sure will take a further look in ur closet lol and thx again!😘😘
Dec 11Reply
ebkenterprise Hi! Great closet! I think you'll enjoy my closet! Come by and check it out!
Dec 18Reply
nsense @mrsb7k Thank you 😃, you have a lovely closet😍😍
Dec 18Reply
d2ico Oh heyyyyyy Houston!! I’m up North in Spring! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dec 27Reply
nsense @d2ico Hi, so nice to meet a neighbor! You have a lovely closet 😍😍😃
Dec 27Reply
d2ico @nsense Thank you so much!! I absolutely love yours as well.
Dec 27Reply
cwatts333 Your closet is gorgeous too!! And you’re a Houston girl? I just moved to the area month or so ago from FL.
Jan 01Reply
nsense @cwatts333 Yes, I'm a Houston girl, welcome to Houston 👍😍 It sounds like you at least missed the flood. Those Minxx Issachar leggings in you closet rock ❤️❤️
Jan 05Reply
cwatts333 @nsense girl, I ain’t kidding..... Harvey did set the move back a month or so. That was craziness. And those MINXX leggings. Holy moly, they’re legit amazing. The designer is actually a friend/client of mine and it’s cool to see how well the brand is doing. Lady GaGa has a pair🤩
Jan 05Reply
nsense @cwatts333 oh that is so cool❗️well I will try to remember share them often, they are amazing and you have such a good variety in your closet❗️is that you playing the drums on your meet the posher post?
Jan 05Reply
cwatts333 @nsense why thank you! That means a lot coming from someone with one of the chicest closets🤩 Yes, I play the drums (and that is me in the picture) & my husband plays guitar. We mostly play the blues, but I also play for friends bands when they need some BOOM😂 the move has been a tad rough on our practice space (we are in process of selling our house back in FL & temporarily in apt) music & fashion are my 2 favorite things😎
Jan 05Reply
nsense @cwatts333 wow, that is so cool, do you have any recorded music I could check out?
Jan 05Reply
dawnandgray @nsense Thank you so much for stopping by my closet! I am pretty new to posh so you “likes” and “shares” are very much appreciated! If you have any questions about the Burberry dress feel free to ask! Thanks again!!!
Jan 07Reply
nsense @dawnandgray Hi, thanks and welcome to posh 😃 I've only been here a few months longer than you. So nice to meet you, you have a lovely closet 😍😍😍
Jan 07Reply
claudiasdeals Great closet 💃🌺
Jan 10Reply
nsense @claudiasdeals thank you 😃😃 you have a lovely closet as well, I love the chanel flats in your closet 😍😍😍😊
Jan 11Reply
claudiasdeals @nsense thank you 😊
Jan 11Reply
paulawm Great closet! Can I ask where you are able to get such expensive shoes?
Jan 15Reply
nsense @paulawm Thank you 😃😃, I see you have lovely shoes in your closet as well 😍😍😍
Jan 15Reply
jacaranda1831 Thanks for mega $haring.
Jan 15Reply
jennfern11557 @nsense did you receive the cc leboy
Jan 21Reply
vtgcovergirl Hey there! I don’t know why your boots aren’t tracking yet but they have been shipped. I actually took them to the P.O. yesterday in person. (Mail “lady” refuses to pick up or deliver here/i.e. big stink after she got her mail truck stuck in my yard last week after the snow 😒😒. Anyway, working around her and wanted you to know they’re on the way! Thanks again 🤗🤗
Jan 30Reply
vtgcovergirl LOVE the fur baby!
Jan 30Reply
nsense @riglem65 no worries, the post office has been slow lately. Thanks for the update though.
Jan 31Reply
nsense @riglem65 thanks 😃 love your fur baby also 😍😘
Jan 31Reply
vtgcovergirl I am sure it’s on the way. Sometimes they just neglect to scam them but I’ve turned it in twice so that it’s being paid attention to, so to speak.
Jan 31Reply
vtgcovergirl @nsense He says thank you 🐾🐾
Jan 31Reply
maddiegreennn Thanks for the like!!💓 I hope you’ll consider purchasing, let me know if you have any questions
Jan 31Reply
nsense @auliidesigns Thank you 😊 love the jewelry 💎 in your closet ❤️😍
Feb 05Reply
veluru Hi..I have an offer like pickup any 3 for $10’s a closet clear out...Please check out my closet..Thank you 💕💕😊
Feb 09Reply
evolvesquared You have a bad ass closet! Love it!!
Mar 16Reply
nsense @evolvesquared Thank you so much, I really love your closet you have amazing shoes and clothes! I wish you many sales 👍😍
Mar 16Reply
evolvesquared @nsense Thank you! That is very sweet of you to say. I wish the same for you!
Mar 16Reply
vanyataycoon Hey girl my phone died check posted shoe
Mar 17Reply
tlav Happy nurses week!
May 09Reply
nsense @tlav Thank you so much 😍, are you a doctor? I couldn't read your lab coat 😜
May 09Reply
tlav @nsense I’m a PA in the ER, and the nurses I work with are amazing and I would die without them haha
May 09Reply
nsense @tlav oh wow, you have an incredible job as well and it's national hospital week also. So, Thank you for your service and thank you for appreciating my fellow nurses😃😘
May 09Reply
andine Always love visiting your closet! So many BEAUTIFUL items for sale...❤️😍 Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend! XOXO
Jun 02Reply
nsense @andine Thank you! You have such a lovely closet yourself 💕. I'm having a great weekend but it's getting so hot here 💦 and humid. Hope you are doing well!
Jun 02Reply
bootssneakers You legit have such a great closet! I love looking at It. I’m a seller but can CERTAINLY appreciate a good closet. ❤️💖
Jun 08Reply
nsense @bootssneakers Thank you 😘 you have a lovely closet as well! Beautiful jewelry and I love 😍😍😍 the Chanel sunglasses 😎
Jun 08Reply
atomicbubble @nsense Howdy, neighbor! I’m seriously lovin’ your vibe! And, super stoked to connect with you today!
Jun 09Reply
cindypruet1264 Oh my you have beautiful things love it all 💕 I like your fur baby too
Jun 16Reply
nsense @cindypruet1264 Thank you so much 😘 I love the Tory Burch cardigan in your closet 😍❤️😍
Jun 16Reply
cindypruet1264 ☺️ thank you
Jun 16Reply
fineqfinds If you like to dress up for occasions or not feel free to view my closet
Jul 04Reply
modifiedmon Adorable picture precious
Jul 05Reply
nsense @finelabels thanks Hun you have a lovely closet 😍
Jul 05Reply
nsense @modifiedmon thank you so much neighbor 😘 you too, love all the beautiful shoes in your closet 👟👞👡👠. Are you going to poshfest this year?
Jul 05Reply
denadenn Hi Carla I’m Dena. Check out my closet sometime!
Aug 04Reply
nsense @denadenn Hi neighbor! Love your closet, it's huge with lots of nice things 😍😘
Aug 04Reply
denadenn Thank you Carla!
Aug 04Reply
nsense @kugelschreiber I love shopping your closet, what you don't realize is that I secretly read some of your amazing comments 😊 it makes me feel not so alone ❤️ thank you for being willing to expose your layers. I wish you would write a book... well maybe not physically as your thumb will never heal, lol (dry humor) I wish you a healthy recovery 😍😘
Aug 24Reply
nsense @kugelschreiber sorry I got so crazy busy just settled and I'm exhausted. I hate that your hand post is down but I totally understand it's not worth dealing with, and it's always the same ones grrrr. Anyway, please let me know when you get your book published as I'll definitely purchase one for me and probably a few to give out.
Aug 25Reply
nsense @kugelschreiber I so enjoyed opening up posh to read your postings. It's refreshing to see how strong and goodhearted you are after all you've been through. I will treasure the hoodie and take good care of it and of course think of you. One of my favorite pics in your closet was of you and your son on a doorstep, so adorable. You looked so tiny upside him, he has gotten so tall, lol. I was thinking wow he truly fulfills his name now.
Aug 25Reply
alexsannex You have the most amazing closet. I just wanted to pause and appreciate it for a moment. 😊
Oct 14Reply
nsense @alexsannex hi, thank you so much! You have a lovely closet as well with lots of sweaters and items for upcoming seasons 🍁 ❄️😍😍😃😘
Oct 14Reply
llawela Thanks for sharing ! It really helps us newcomers. Your taste is exquisite by the way— most of your closet is too skinny for me or I’d buy so much :)
Jan 19Reply
listings101 Hi Carla, thank you for your shares. Your closet is Amazing!
Feb 04Reply
nsense @listings101 Hi, thank you for your shares also, your closet is amazing as well 😍 I love the Burberry wallet in your closet ♥️♥️😃👍
Feb 04Reply
jaguar05 @nsense hello your purchases will be sent out Friday AM, just wanted you to know. Thank you
Feb 13Reply
natalie90654 @nsense Hello I appreciate you for sharing my closet . I love your closet, you have beautiful bags and clothes . By the way your dog is adorable.! thank you for your friendship. Have a great day
Mar 18Reply
nsense @natalie90654 thanks hun, you have an amazing closet as well!! I love the LV 👜 👛 in your closet 👍 you have great taste 😍😍
Mar 18Reply
natalie90654 @nsense Thank you ♥️
Mar 18Reply
mychicwardrobe Thanks for sharing my list 🤩
Oct 27Reply
nsense @mychicwardrobe And thank you for sharing mine 😃, you have a really nice closet ❤️❤️
Oct 27Reply
mychicwardrobe @nsense thank you sweetheart, I have many more items to list after I'm done with my vacation. Wishing you the best of luck!
Oct 27Reply
mychicwardrobe Thank you for the support 😍🌷
Oct 28Reply
nsense @mychicwardrobe anytime, thank you 😍
Oct 28Reply
tbonencredible Hello! Thabks for stopping by. Unfortunately I cannot go that low. They r over $1000 without taxes and brand new. If interested please let me know
Nov 29Reply
tbonencredible I send pictures to your email
Nov 30Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad I found your closet on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my (3) closets and give them a follow 💕⭐️🛍 🧡@luckijewelsla 🧡@rls3691 (My other 2 closets)
Feb 03Reply
nsense @imjenchen okay, thanks so much! I liked the item so I could mark your closet and come back and shop later. I was looking for something specific when I ran across your closet. You have a lot of great items and I want to look through and possibly purchase when I find a couple to bundle.
Feb 06Reply
kealohi07 Thank you for your honesty!! Appreciate it.
Feb 10Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Mar 08Reply
highthreadcount Hi Carla! I have some kinda bad news….the minimized you purchased is nowhere to be found. 😣😩 i wanted to check with you to see what you’d like me to do. I can throw in something else of greater value (jewelry or another top) or I can cxl the order snd you can read-purchase without the makeup. I am SO SORRY! I have no idea what happened to it.
Aug 28Reply
highthreadcount The luminizer.
Aug 28Reply
nsense @highthreadcount okay, no worries. How much for just the 2 items?
Aug 28Reply
highthreadcount @nsense would $330 work?
Aug 28Reply
highthreadcount @nsense or, like I mentioned, happy to put 1-2 items in there’s in place of the make up which would be of greater value.
Aug 28Reply
nsense @highthreadcount okay sure, we can keep it as is and you can toss in replacement, thanks
Aug 29Reply
highthreadcount @nsense what’s your style? Jewelry, clothes….let me know and I’ll add some goodies. 👍
Aug 29Reply
nsense @highthreadcount whatever is easier for you, surprise me 😊
Aug 29Reply
highthreadcount @nsense I won’t disappoint you! 😉😊 Also, you appear to be in the healthcare profession so, in that case, THANK YOU for all you do. 🙏
Aug 29Reply
nsense @highthreadcount yes I am and thank you so much, you are too kind!!
Aug 29Reply
highthreadcount @nsense we are so grateful for you and know this past year + has been extra challenging for anyone in healthcare. Cheers to better days moving forward. You’ll love the news goodies and I’ll drop them in the mail first thing tomorrow. Again, thank you! 🙏❤️🤍💙
Aug 29Reply
alexuga Hey there, I wanted to accept your counter-offer (on the figs scrub cap), but it looks like it expired an hour ago 😭 (sorry, I was at work, so I didn't even see my phone all day LOL) Anyway, I sent you the offer for the amount of your counter offer. Could you please complete the transaction? Sorry, I coudn't seem to find a way to private message you.)
Apr 09Reply
lila316 Yorkie Mama here and So Many Beautiful Nurses in my Family also ❤🙏🥰🐾 Hugs to You and Yours and Thank You !!
Apr 10Reply
nsense @lila316 aw, thank you, you are so kind! I love my job!! My Yorkie is 3.5lbs and so sweet!
Apr 11Reply
cutehosiery @nsense Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 19Reply
joeyconte1985 Thankyou for your service! ♥️🙏
Nov 03Reply
nsense @joeyconte1985 thank you dear! That is so sweet and I appreciate your comment😘
Nov 03Reply
joeyconte1985 @nsense Your very welcome! My daughter & hubby are Chicago police 👮‍♀️ A cousin as a judge & lawyer and firefighters 🚒 so I totally understand we need you all we are blessed to have such great service in this world we life so actually I appreciate human nature and people God bless you ♥️♥️🙏🙏
Nov 03Reply
nsense @joeyconte1985 your family sounds a lot like mine! I count it a blessing to serve, May God bless you and your family my dear sister ❤️ ❤️
Nov 03Reply
joeyconte1985 @nsense Yes sister from God very nice to meet you ! What kind of doctor 👩‍⚕️ are you just curious! I always wanted to be a nurse cause my first child 1980 daughter born passed at 22 months old I tube feed her He has Sarabel palsy because of the Santa came out first and cut her oxygen she’s in gods hands not suffering anymore just shared she’s a sweetheart angel enjoy the rest of your day God bless Tammy
Nov 03Reply
peanut_09 🦋Welcome to Posh🦋 Thank you for visiting, liking and sharing the love💜. Wishing you tons of fun, luck and overall great experiences on here. Visit my entire closet - will visit yours as well. Good luck 🪷🌟 Mire’s Closet
Nov 19Reply
nsense @mng_03s thank you, you have a lovely closet ❤️❤️😍
Nov 19Reply
brimstonesales Hello my fellow posher, It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Lilith🌺. My closet has all types of clothing for your viewing pleasure. Stop by any time. Who knows? Maybe you will find something you🥰.
Jan 28Reply
nsense @brimstonesales thank you dear, I’ll go check it out, happy poshing ❤️🥰💕💖
Jan 28Reply
lizzykatscloset Oh noooo, just logged on and saw your notice, been at work. Connection at work sucks, I think they do it on purpose so employees don't go on internet. Every time I try to go on Posh it buffers...UGH!!! Anyhow, I'll keep watching out for your next show. 😍❤😊
Apr 13Reply
jdapice1 Hi, thank you for your purchase. If you are still interested put in bundle and I will offer it to you for $8 free shipping with the trousers. No pressure.
Jun 26Reply
nsense @jdapice1 hi, thank you but it is fine to keep it with the shipping charges 😊, be blessed!
Jun 26Reply
jdapice1 I sent you a gift. I hope you like them. Mailed out this am.
Jun 26Reply
nsense @jdapice1 thank you so much!
Jun 26Reply
jdapice1 @nsense You are most welcome. I am not sure if they had charged you so i wanted to give you the shirt because of the mistake. I can’t see on my end so I wanted to give back. They are coming in the same package. Have a happy 4th. Let me know how you like the pants. 🙂
Jun 26Reply
jdapice1 It was my pleasure.
Jun 26Reply
nsense @jdapice1 oh you are so kind, but it was just the pants I purchased. I look forward to getting them!
Jun 26Reply
jdapice1 @nsense I know but I saw you had liked the shirt and wasn’t sure if they charged you shipping. I can’t see it on my side so I thought you may like to have it.
Jun 27Reply
jdapice1 Hi, I see you received your package and I was checking to see if everything was ok. If not I want to make it right. Please let me know or leave a rating how I did. Thank you.
Jun 29Reply
mollys3 Love ur closet! I assume ur either a nurse or a dr? I’m a Ped’s Trauma RN. We have 2 docs and 2 nurses in the family, so I will definitely be back when we all need to invest in new scrubs. Do you carry men’s scrubs, as well? I will definitely be back and in the meantime I’ll be sure to follow you (I follow very few closets, have to love them and want to buy from them to follow. Easier to find the closets I love) and share with all my followers. Have a great day!
Feb 15Reply
mollys3 BTW.. you’re absolutely beautiful. 💕
Feb 15Reply
nsense @mollys3 oh thank you so much 🥰😘, you’re so kind! Yes, I’m an RN, I love my job!! And yes, I do have some men’s scrubs I just haven’t posted them yet. Your closet is endlessly amazing, and I’m already following you. I’m so happy you reached out, I’ll be sure to shop your closet 💖💜 Be blessed!
Feb 15Reply
mollys3 Perfect! So glad you have mens scrubs. So glad to hear that you love ur job! Makes for a much happier life! 😁 May I ask what area you work?Anderson? Oh my gosh! I’m so nosey! I’m sorry!! 🤪 I appreciate ur following me and for the shares.. we nurses need to stick together, girl! 😁 Be blessed, as well. 💕🩵
Feb 15Reply
nsense @mollys3 no worries, I work in clinical research. Neurology is my specialty but in research I see a bit of everything 😁
Feb 16Reply
missink3383 🎉 🥳 🎉 Happy January Carla 🎉 🥳 🎉 Love your closet, & the artwork on profile pics 🥰 Wishing u many wonderful $ales😀 🛍️ Happy Poshing 💕 Missinks 🥂 Serah
Jan 10Reply

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