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Updated Jan 27
Updated Jan 27

Meet your Posher, Carol ann

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Carol Ann. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Sam Edelman, and Antonio Melani. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

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sjcgreen Hello and welcome to Poshmark! We hope you love it like we do. Please feel free to ask any questions and check out our “closet”.
Jun 11Reply
denimmunkies Welcome to Posh I'm Mel Your new P.F.F. + Posh Ambassador + Plus Size Stylist! I know being new to anything can be overwhelming so please DONT hesitate to reach out if you have any ?'s & come check out my trending 7 in 1 closet when you have some down time!
Jun 11Reply
carolannsewell @sjcgreen I’m not really understanding how much of this works.? Thanks for the reply. ( smile)
Dec 19Reply
carolannsewell @denimmunkies Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I really am not sure how all this works although I have placed some items for sale.
Dec 19Reply
denimmunkies @carolannsewell would you like some help??? I have plenty of time if you need some step by steps or tips I will always make time for someone just starting I Am blessed and I started selling a year ago last August 2018 .... I made 52K$ my first year and half the time I wasnt sure what I was doing lol but with time I have learned a thing or two just let me know!!!!!
Dec 20Reply
carolannsewell @denimmunkies Oh dear lady! I would LOVE LOVE some help. I have no idea what to do other than putting my listings on. I have several more to list . I don’t know how you follow or anything about the posh parties or anything.
Dec 20Reply
carolannsewell I substitute teach but won’t forever as we are retired and I’d love to get into this to supplement our income. I have sold a few things on another site which seems easy to maneuver through but I think I would prefer this if I knew how to do it. I live in Wichita, Ks., so not far from you. Be blessed and Merry Christmas!
Dec 20Reply
denimmunkies @carolannsewell so easy you want to share your listings asthey dont appear at all unless you share them the follow thing is just the people you are following share your listings to their followers..... and in turn their followers share ypur listings to all their followers like a chain reaction when you share your items it shows up in their feeds or return shares for sharing yours it tells them you shared back
Dec 20Reply
denimmunkies @carolannsewell i will begin sharing all your items until we get you some sales
Dec 20Reply
denimmunkies @carolannsewell now all 140K of my followers have seen your items you have an amazing closet great job we also have a private share group and will continue to share you stuff with all those followers!!!!!
Dec 20Reply
carolannsewell @denimmunkies I don’t make tears very easily but I think something got into my eye and sparkled down my cheek for a minute when I read your precious note. Thank you!!!( Big smile)
Dec 20Reply
denimmunkies @carolannsewell we will always make time for our poshers you did the hard part the listing and you did a great job the sharing part is just the repetitive lol we can deff help with that a family with i kids we have a chore schedule lol if they get to reap the BENIFITS of extra fun money they too can contribute an hour of their time:0) they receive an allowance for such we will be adding your name to our group they are each to share throughout their hour:0)
Dec 20Reply
carolannsewell @denimmunkies Thanks so much! I’m feeling pretty naive and overwhelmed. I have several following and I pushed follow on several back but I am unsure what buttons to even push or what to do. There are up and down arrows and arrows going in a square and I guess I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do. I do not understand about the parties either! Yikes! I feel like a dummy!!!
Dec 22Reply
denimmunkies @carolannsewell when you there is a blue follow from your page from your closet under follows.... those are people who chose to follow you I only follow back after reviewing each as many poshers do break rules .. and unfortunately it leave a person to screen who they promote we all make mistakes but a constant rule breaker isnt someones closet I want to share
Dec 22Reply
denimmunkies to each their own I like to play by the rules ... some may not I enjoy a bit more structured platform & also recruit I dont dare set anyone up to fail and feel like the easy way isnt always the smartest
Dec 22Reply
denimmunkies when someone likes my item I say Hi I let them know what they can find in both our closets we have the separated our closet just a few months ago from our reg sizes Stacy manages that one and I manage our Plus and Mens... I adore every aspect or it was but is confusing.... I would rather explain to much then to leave anyone feeling left out ot unnoticed.... I am blessed
Dec 22Reply
denimmunkies @carolannsewell I will be forever indebted to the many poshers who took a chance on me my photos and my word.... for without them I wld not be here
Dec 22Reply
carolannsewell @denimmunkies Hi! I didn’t understand well about the posh parties, but I thought I signed up ( RSVP) to a Luxury one at 4:00 today. Now I don’t seem to be able to find it. Advice for next time please? Thanks! Carol Ann
Dec 22Reply
denimmunkies @carolannsewell everone is invited to every party I am in Oklahoma so mine start at 11 2 6 and 9 every chane you get you can share a ton og others after you have entered all your items in !!!! i like going to the I dont have items in as well as others will share your items back but to their followers if you dont have items that apply to party theme
Dec 23Reply
carolannsewell Thank you! You are so helpful!!👌🎁🎄
Dec 23Reply
carolannsewell @denimmunkies Hello! It’s almost “ Happy New Years!” Hope you have a great one.!🎉 I can’t figure out how to get into the Posh Parties unless I have posted things there, then it seems if I have been able to get in, I cannot find my listings and if I click on anything else, I can’t get back in to look to see even what is available. On to another subject, I get all these “ followers and I try to follow back ; also if they share something of mine, I return the favor by sharing something of theirs.
Dec 31Reply
carolannsewell I just don’t want to just have followers, I am in it to sell something. Is it more of a popularity type of club or something? I see that some people have over 100K thousand people following. I just don’t know how the selling works. Can you please help me understand how this works? Thank you! ❤️ Also I think I’ve shared things to the parties that are relevant to my closet .
Dec 31Reply
denimmunkies @carolannsewell followers mean more people sharing your items the more followers you have the more you share the more they share your items everyonebis invited to every party jist simply log into the app and enter party or the pc
Dec 31Reply
denimmunkies @carolannsewell I have 140K so everytime I share your items they are seen in the feed of all my followers
Dec 31Reply
carolannsewell Where is the “ Offer to Likers” button??
Jan 08Reply
carolannsewell @denimmunkies I do not know where the “ offer to likers” is?? Also I offered a 10% discount for bundles and some people put photos of some of my items together but I’m not sure how I’m supposed to respond?
Jan 08Reply
denimmunkies @carolannsewell it's under offer you have public or private... private is to likes you know what if you have about 30 min anytime soon I would like to reach out via phone & maybe explain all the gray area I can walk you through and let then send you notes on all the questions you have we discuss it may easier if that's ok I have most evenings free just let me know if that's something you have some time for
Jan 08Reply
denimmunkies @carolannsewell if not I understand but I want you to succeed and gosh darnit posh is losing slot of really amazing poshers with all the gray areas your pff Mel
Jan 08Reply
carolannsewell @denimmunkies Thank you. I would appreciate being able to talk to you an evening when it’s convenient. Would tomorrow evening work? Time? Do I put my ph. no. here or elsewhere?
Jan 08Reply
carolannsewell I don’t see anything about public or private?
Jan 08Reply
carolannsewell I also just now found some videos about selling on Posh that I will watch as soon as I can which may be of help. I have saved them.
Jan 08Reply
carolannsewell @denimmunkies I think I found some of the likes that I just hadn’t seen before. Maybe I’ll get it figured out?!
Jan 08Reply
denimmunkies @carolannsewell ill add an item to a bundle so its private tonight qpuld be fine dear heart I am in Oklahoma central standard just just me know what time is good for you !!!!
Jan 08Reply
carolannsewell @denimmunkies Hubby fell and broke several ribs so I’m going to pass on our call tonight but hope to get back to you soon. Ok? Thanks Dear! ❤️
Jan 09Reply
denimmunkies @carolannsewell I will be hosting best in bags on 1 20 20 :0) I know a really sweet posher who could also use their first host pick the same month as her first amazing sale!!!! with many more to come
Jan 10Reply
carolannsewell @denimmunkies 👠😜😘🥰😇💋👼💃🏻💅🏻👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👠🥿👡👗👙💍👑👓👛👜🕶👒👠👚👖🧥🩱🎒🧢❤️
Jan 11Reply
no_smoke_here Hi, Carol Ann. Thank you for following me. I hope u will follow my friend, too. Her closet is shbk5600. Too, I wanted to let you know that, I order to gain sales, u must share each of your items 2-3x a day. As well as, share some of the other Poshers' items. And, find new ppl to follow, on a reg basis. Thx & God bless you.
Jan 12Reply
carolannsewell @no_smoke_here Thank you so much!! I appreciate any tips as I certainly don’t understand it all. @denimmunkies has been very helpful. I didn’t realize you should continually share your items in you closet. Do you mean all of them? Thank you! Carol Ann Sewell
Jan 12Reply
no_smoke_here You're welcome! Yes, share each item, at least twice a day. I take Saturdays off, but I share on the other 6 days, several times a day.
Jan 13Reply
nyrosee Hi, thanks for the follow 😻 Please check out my closet🌸 Anything marked with a 🌸 is 3 for $15🌸 Just make a bundle and I will give you a discount! :)
Jan 13Reply
no_smoke_here I shared several of your things to the party, just in case you weren't on PM at that time.
Jan 13Reply
thepinedoor Hi there! 💜💜 I’m having a HUGE sale in my closet this weekend! I discounted all items 30%, but if you want to make a bundle, I’ll take another 10% off! 🛒🛍 Hope you’ll take a peek! Lots of goodies from great brands and many sizes and styles! Happy shopping! 🥳
Jan 18Reply
soriag Thanks for following my closet 😊 let me know if you find something you are interested in
Jan 19Reply
flo50 Thanks for the shares😘 I could live in your shoe closet🥿👠👡❤
Feb 04Reply
anniescloset18 Hi! Thanks for all the great shares! I appreciate the boost. Your closet is full of wonderful buys. Happy poshing! xAnnie
Feb 04Reply
carolannsewell Thank you so much!!!❤️😘❤️
Feb 17Reply
eleniluvs2shop Thank you for sharing! 🤗 Love your pics too!
Mar 01Reply
beachball66 Thank you for sharing my shoes!
Mar 07Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Mar 18Reply
digitalsandy Welcome to Poshmania! Friends 👩‍🎤👨‍💼will answer your questions❓and cheer 📣you on! Posh is all about sharing items from your closet & from the closet(s) of others. At bottom of 'About' page, on R, click 'See All Closets.' Touch ea. blue 🅿️bar. It changes to white, meaning U are following that closet. Share 5-6 items 👗👔from it. Continue. A large number of Poshers you follow 👣will follow 👣you back & share items from YOUR 👜👠closet. Please ✓☞MY closet. ❣Saundra, Posh Ambassador
Mar 26Reply
digitalsandy Thank you so much, Carol Ann, for sharing the gown from my closet.
Mar 26Reply
merlekb Thank you for following my closet. I had a chance to browse and share your closet too. Hope I get a share back. Stay safe and have an awesome day!
Mar 29Reply
merlekb Hey Carol Ann, Thank you so much for sharing.
Mar 29Reply
merlekb You are awesome, thank you for sharing....
Mar 31Reply
themintdaisy hey there. Saw that you liked a couple items in my closet. if you put them in a bundle I can send you a offer for 20% off your purchase. thanks for stopping by and happy poshing 🌼
Apr 06Reply
carol_godzieba Thank you for the consideration you take care and like I said before my name is Carolann To you don’t hear that name around a lot anymore
Apr 18Reply
welcomeyou Hi please feel free to send a offer for the brand new never worn 100% guaranteed authentic Cazal sunglasses with all accessories I have that you like. Thank you! Stay safe
Apr 18Reply
primpinposh Wow! What a fabulous closet!! Love your jewelry! So much fun to go through all your items❤️❤️❤️🎉🎉🎉
Apr 27Reply
carolannsewell @primpinposh Thank you very much! Loved your closet too! Did you see my “ not for sale” hats with the prettiest feathers you could ever have on a hat for either an Easter Parade or for a Kentucky Derby? Ha Be blessed ! I may get back with you on those Kurus. ( and possibly boots)🌹❤️💃🏻👠😘💕👍😍
Apr 27Reply
babebear57 Hello Carol Ann,🤗 Nice to meet you, I'm Brad😁. I've only been on Poshmark for several months so I don't have a lot in my closet. Maybe soon I will have something you can't live without. LOL 😂. If you could please share my closet and I'll do the same for you! And thank you for following my closet 😋. Be safe, be cool and be happy. Sincerely Bradley A Gill.
May 07Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Carol, thank you for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💰📈 Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a SAFE & prosperous 2020! Be kind & have a blessed day! 🙏✝️🕉️☮️💞
May 19Reply
mncohen Hi!Shared 15 of your fabulous pieces! I hope you will check out my closet when you have a chance 😎
May 19Reply
carolannsewell Thank you for your shares and I will plan to get back to yours! It’s nice. Thank you🌹❤️💃🏻
May 19Reply
sarahlittle062 What a small world! I teach 5th grade and am actually from Chanute, KS. I grew up in Topeka. I've lived in Kansas City, MO, and Manhattan, KS as well. My sister and brother live in Derby and my grandparents lived in Belle Plaine when they were alive. Love that! Lots of family that way.
Jun 18Reply
get_thrifted Thanks for following me!! Feel free to look around and check out my closet!! Let me know if you have any questions! Feel free to share as well if you want! I am a new seller so it would be appreciated! Happy Poshing!
Jun 18Reply
lilac_and_daisy Thank you so much for sharing my listing!!!❤❤❤
Jul 08Reply
fgchs Hi Carol Ann!!!! Gaby here and I would love for you to check out my closet, I hope you find something you like, I’m a same / next day shipper and looking forward to do business with you, have a great rest of your day and happy poshing 👍😊
Jul 15Reply
amybuck3 Hi there! I just came across your closet and I really like it! 👍💕 I shared my favorites! You should come visit my closet @amybuck3 I have a good feeling you might find something you like! Happy Poshing!
Jul 22Reply
brandisstyle7 Good evening, thanks for the follow! Hope your day was bright :) feel free to check out my closet I have a few sales going on. Bundle and save + fast shipping
Jul 27Reply
fgchs Hi Carol Ann!!! I would love for you to check out my closet, if you see something you like please don’t hesitate and send me an offer, I’ll either accept it or counter to a price we both can happily agree on, I’m a same/ next day shipper and looking forward to do business with you, have a great rest of your day and happy poshing 👍😊
Aug 10Reply
barbaraespos261 Hi Carol Ann, Thanks for purchasing the pearls. It’s a lovely set, Enjoy!
Sep 02Reply
carolannsewell @barbaraespos261 I am purchasing them for my 31 yr. old granddaughter’s birthday! I have several lengths of real pearls but I’m saving them for my daughter. I know my granddaughter will be so excited!!! Thank you!!❤️ Be blessed! ( Im sure you know how to identify real pearls by them having a “ grit “ when you run your teeth over them) ( smile)
Sep 02Reply
barbaraespos261 @carolannsewell Yes for sure they are real pearls, they are perfect for a younger woman. I haven’t worn them for about 20 years. I’m 59.
Sep 02Reply
carolannsewell @barbaraespos261 Thanks! Im 76 and my late husband passed 25 yrs ago and he had bought me my pearls , which. Although i havent worn them for years, I havent been ready to hand them down yet. My granddaughter who does modeling , will be so happy to get them! 👌🥰😍
Sep 02Reply
barbaraespos261 @carolannsewell No way, you look fantastic! I’m sorry for your loss. I wish you well and your family. Stay safe🌼
Sep 02Reply
fjora2007 Hi Carol Ann Happy Poshing Enjoy the experience and the great community, Nice to meet you 💐🥰Fjora
Oct 14Reply
alohasunnybeach thank you for the Shares!!💖💖🙏🏽🙏🏽aloha🌺🌺🌺
Oct 23Reply
carolannsewell @alohasunnybeach you also!❤️👍😍😍💕👠👗🎀🦋🎉
Oct 23Reply
no_smoke_here Carol, Thanks for all the Posh love ❤️ BTW I like the purple eyeshadow on you, in that one picture. Love you, my friend.
Dec 04Reply
carolannsewell @no_smoke_here Thanks! I think that was some kind of glamour shot thing . I’ll have to try this purple?! Have sure enjoyed getting acquainted and finding such a special wonderful friend. I’m thankful to Posh for that.!!! Love ya❤️🎁👍
Dec 05Reply
no_smoke_here @carolannsewell You look glamorous in that picture! I am very thankful to have you as my friend, too! It's the best thing that has come from Poshmark, for sure! ❤️🎀💃
Dec 05Reply
carolannsewell @no_smoke_here oh I don’t know, that $1,000.00 pair of shoes 👠 that I talked them down to selling for $5.00 might have been the best thing! Ha ha Not really! Your friendship, support, and prayers, have been invaluable to me!!! Thank you!!🎁🙏❤️
Dec 05Reply
no_smoke_here Hey, sister Thank you for all the Posh love! ❤️😘
Jan 12Reply
carolannsewell @no_smoke_here Hey Sister! Thank you for being such an awesome friend!! I appreciate Posh ( and God) so much for helping us to find each other and share our similar issues, laugh and cry and pray together. May God bless your closet and bring you many many sales. Love you Girl! ❤️👠💃🏻👌🙌🙏😇
Jan 12Reply
no_smoke_here @carolannsewell I feel the same way about you! (Everything you said) Love you! ❤️😘🙏😃💐🌹🎀
Jan 12Reply
carolannsewell @clotheswhore2 whydid you get blocked. Are the ones over $500 only , the authentic ones?
Feb 09Reply
carolannsewell @clotheswhore2 Thank you so very much! ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 09Reply
sandra_hairston made you an offer on what I can afford
Mar 24Reply
sandra_hairston I offered again
Mar 25Reply
sandra_hairston thanks you so much I really love this outfit. I will definitely be watching your wardrobe....🙂🙂🙂
Mar 29Reply
no_smoke_here Thank you my friend for all the Posh love ❤️
Jun 09Reply
rcabrera42 Thanks for accepting the offer. I didn't know it would automatically get ordered! So I need to know if I can get them before 9/15? I have a black tie event on 9/15!
Sep 06Reply
carolannsewell @rcabrera42 i will get them out as soon as I can Tues. i would mail them tomorrow but the Post Office will be closed since it’s Labor Day! Thank you!❤️💜💃🏻👠😍
Sep 06Reply
uneekfinds Thanks for the follow, and welcome to UNEEKFINDS. I try to keep something for everyone. Always open to reasonable offers. 💵💵 I ship as quickly as I can.🚚🚚 Feel free to browse and like because I send early notices to my shoppers when I run specials. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing!🛒🛍🛒🛍😃 Check out my Sale on red and black pieces!
Jan 31Reply
martinez_margie Hello, I'm selling beautiful Jewelry. Stop by when you have a chance. Reasonable offers accepted. 💛🍷💛 HAPPY POSHING 💛🍷💛
Feb 07Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous , how are you? You got a lovely pic :) Here I would like to say Hi, invite and welcome you to stop by at my store to check out if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 600+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Feb 20Reply
carolannsewell @nylifeaccess You have some lovely things also! Thank you!!!❤️😍😘
Feb 21Reply
cutehosiery @carolannsewell Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 16Reply
eyesonposhrags Hello Carol Ann, thanks for stopping by my closet so glad you found something you liked. I will get it wrapped up and in the post tomorrow. Have a great day.☀️
May 26Reply
shopaholic100 @carolannsewell Hi there! 🙋🏼‍♀️ I saw that we have similar tastes! 💎 I’m offering killer deals on 5 LB MYSTERY BOXES, due to not having time to stage items. Also you can add $10 to any item and turn it into a Mystery Box! I’ve been marking my items down over the last few weeks. I’m having a BUY 1 GET 1 on select items under $80! Please browse my closet when you can! Have a great day! ☺️✈️🎁💰
Apr 04Reply
free_woman Hello, hope you are in a great spring mood and have a Sun-filled day))) please find a min to check my little bohemian closet. Thank you, and I appreciate your time 🌺 Iva
Jun 10Reply
hillhouseshop Hello, I'm Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet! We have handmade jewelry my husband and I make and beautiful affordable boutique jewelry, headbands and handbags. We have lots of gemstone jewelry and some sea glass pieces as well. Happy New Year!
Jan 07Reply

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Wichita, KS
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Last Active: hours ago

Wichita, KS
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