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Updated Aug 08
Updated Aug 08

Meet your Posher, Caroline

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Caroline. I'm from New Jersey and some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, CHANEL, kate spade, J. Crew, and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) Just a few things to note: I am super friendly and would love it if you say hello!!! I don’t trade (sorry!) I will do my best to give the best deal possible for you! Happy poshing!!!
  • Seller Discount: 25% off 2+ Bundle

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tarbear4 @cfotouhi hi! Welcome to poshmark! If you have any questions feel free to stop by my closet to ask! I also do amazing bundle deals if you see anything you like, happy poshing! 💕
Sep 03Reply
xtd Hello! If you like that purse and boots, you could bundle them and I'll send a private offer/deal 😊💕
Jan 08Reply
cfotouhi @xtd oh! I’m seriously considering it! I’ll let you know in a bit :-) I love your style and your items!
Jan 08Reply
xtd @cfotouhi Okay great! And thank you, I love yours too!😍
Jan 08Reply
yummyhandful Love your closet!!! 😘 wishing you lots of 💵💵💵 ❤️
Jan 21Reply
cfotouhi @yummyhandful Aw!! Thank you!!! I love yours, too!!! Wishing you all the sales in the world :-) you made my day!
Jan 21Reply
luvcoco888 Thank you for sharing - love your closet!
Jan 23Reply
cfotouhi @luvcoco888 thank you!!! I love yours too!! So many beautiful pieces that I am loving!!! And thanks for the share 🤗❤️
Jan 23Reply
tibird Not only do you have a fantastic closet Caroline, but you are very sweet as well!!! Thank you for the shares and kind words regarding my items:) I will revisit your beautiful closet and like and share your items. ✨💫💫💫 Ti
Jan 29Reply
cmhn7 Hi, thank you for the like and share! I hope you will consider purchasing! Please feel free to make a reasonable offer and I will probably accept or make a bundle for a private discount...thanks again :)
Feb 21Reply
cfotouhi @nikkiechong I absolutely will consider purchasing!! Love your items :) and my pleasure - I’ll share more of your listings now!! 🤗💕
Feb 21Reply
cmhn7 @cfotouhi yay!! And awww thank you so so much! I really appreciate it! ♡
Feb 21Reply
cfotouhi @nikkiechong of course girl!! 💕🤗❤️
Feb 21Reply
jmgruber22 Beautiful closet Caroline!! 😍😍😍😎😎😎
Feb 28Reply
cfotouhi @jmgruber22 AW THANK YOU!! So so much 😘🤗💕 Really appreciate the kindness and lovely comments from you!!! Xoxo
Feb 28Reply
posh22royale Thank you for the share!! I shared many of your things you have a great closet!! 😊🤟🏻❤️😇
Mar 07Reply
cfotouhi @twenty1pilot5 Oh my pleasure!!! I just shared a few more things from your closet, too!!! And I’m eyeing things for purchase...! ❤️💕😜
Mar 07Reply
posh22royale @cfotouhi oh thank you!! I’m finally starting to get some credit built up on here so I’m going to be doing the same, trying to bundle a few things of yours here in the near future! 😊 also I accept all offers so don’t be shy about making offers!! 😊😊😊😊
Mar 07Reply
cfotouhi @twenty1pilot5 aw awesome!!! I will give you a great discount when you’re ready 😍🤗😍 and don’t worry I’ll be buying from you, too!!! I’m trying to be good and pick and choose a few at a time 😂
Mar 07Reply
posh22royale @cfotouhi oh I totally understand!! There is SO much to choose from! I spend hours on here every day. Good thing I’m a stay at home mom haha
Mar 07Reply
cfotouhi @twenty1pilot5 hahahaha i am the same (minus being a mother!) but i’m on here all the time and luckily do work at home!!! Otherwise I’d be in trouble....!
Mar 07Reply
posh22royale @cfotouhi I know right! I still have SOmany things to list and still haven’t had the time lol. I try to post at least one thing a day I’ve posted more than that today though and I’m going to to post more in a minute. It’s so fun to me!
Mar 07Reply
cfotouhi @twenty1pilot5 oh me too!! Exactly the same situation. I have so much more to post and I can’t believe how much more I have actually! But it is a lot of fun - the process - i really enjoy it. So I look forward to listing things, too :) At first I did a TON of postings but lately I’ve been doing only a couple at a time now because it can be time consuming otherwise!!!!
Mar 07Reply
posh22royale @cfotouhi it is very time consuming when you do what poshmark expects like knowing the retail price, the brand listing what it’s made from. It’s taken mean entire hour once to find one of my listings online!!
Mar 07Reply
cfotouhi @twenty1pilot5 SAME. It took ages to find what I was looking for and I was exhausted by the end hahaha 😂 I also am a huge fan of twenty one pilots (I am assuming you are too!!)
Mar 07Reply
posh22royale @cfotouhi you are?!?!? Omg I love you! I saw them live and it was the best thing EVER. I’m 100% head over heels smitten out of my mind in LOVE with Tyler Joseph the lead singer 😍😍😍
Mar 07Reply
cfotouhi @twenty1pilot5 SO AM I. I just adore him. I’m also a lyricist so I’m obsessed with everything he does. I haven’t seen them in concert so I am SO JEALOUS!!!! I’ve been listening to them the entire night actually 😂
Mar 07Reply
posh22royale @cfotouhi omg that’s so funny!! My fiancé is legitimately like mad because if I could explain the mount of pictures, posters, clothes, you name it I’ve got it lol. And the concert .... 🤩 I was 10 feet away from Tyler when he comes out at the end on that platform I was sobbing like I was so happy but I was like I wish these people would get outta here(and his wife) lol so I can just have him hahahaha
Mar 07Reply
posh22royale Oh yeah I also have a tattoo as well!!
Mar 07Reply
cfotouhi @twenty1pilot5 you literally just summed up my thoughts perfectly 😂😍😂🤗 I’m sure your tattoo rocks as well! I love tattoos. Absolutely love them! And I’m sooooo jealous of you right now!!!
Mar 07Reply
craftcraze Beautiful photos of you ,..!❤️Especially the ones from Venice!!💕😌💕My favorite city ever!! ❤️❤️🌟❤️❤️I can’t wait to go back again!🤞 Have a beautiful night!🌹
Mar 07Reply
cfotouhi @craftcraze Aw!! Thank you so much!!! I absolutely adore Venice! I can’t wait to go back myself!! Italy was a dream to me 😍 I’ll let you know about the bag as well, thank you for being so communicative and helpful!!! Have a beautiful night yourself!!! 😘😍❤️💕
Mar 07Reply
posh22royale @cfotouhi we are like friend soulmates or something haha. I added a picture of my tattoo and a picture of Tyler from the concert we went to. You’re head will explode when you see how close we were. Lol he’s just so perfect 🤩🤩😍😍
Mar 07Reply
cfotouhi @twenty1pilot5 omg I’ll take a look!!! And we absolutely are it’s INSANE...!! Oh I love it too much.
Mar 07Reply
cfotouhi @twenty1pilot5 Omg you were so close I am actually dying...!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 07Reply
posh22royale @cfotouhi ummm... I was THERE!!! and I think I actually did die a little hahaha. This is no lie, the minute the concert was over I collapsed and had to go to the ER Because I was wayyyyyyy too overstimulated and dehydrated. They had to wheel me through the like “nice” part of the venue and all I kept thinking was please let them be back here!! But no I just went to the hospital and left about later cause I was having a panic attack the entire concert 😂😂
Mar 07Reply
cfotouhi @twenty1pilot5 ah!!! That’s insane!! I think the same thing would happen to me....that is my personality 😂 getting obsessed and excited and just dying. So I would have been right there with you!!!!
Mar 07Reply
posh22royale @cfotouhi mine too! I can’t just like something. Not possible. I OBSESS!! Haha! Where do you live? Your pics look like they’re in Venice, Italy but was that a vacation? I went to ibiiza, Spain w my sister last year. It Was so gorgeous ❤️
Mar 07Reply
craftcraze @cfotouhi Yes,...Italy is one of the most beautiful country ever!❣️I use to live in Milan and Rome and I miss those years so much!😔(I’m originally from Hungary and of course I miss my hometown even more!🙏😔❤️). I’m so happy to find poshers with similar interests and memories to share!!❣️ Have a wonderful return soon to Italy and a safe trip! 🇮🇹 Have a great night!❤️
Mar 07Reply
cfotouhi @twenty1pilot5 I haven’t been to Spain I am very jealous of that as well!!! And I’m the same - I obsess!!! And I’m from New Jersey! I lived in Boston but am back in NJ for now!! ❤️
Mar 07Reply
posh22royale @cfotouhi oh cool! It was the first time I ever had left the country ever so it was pretty much an eye opener like, ok there are a lot of places I need to see like NOW. I live in MD. All my life. Like 40 min northwest of Baltimore. I hate Baltimore 🙄 it’s not even cool w fun stuff it’s just plain dangerous and dirty. My sister was smart and loved to SAn Francisco years ago and that place is my favorite place ever 😊😊😊😊
Mar 07Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon Caroline. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Mar 09Reply
cfotouhi @hmsimon1 and thank you for following me!! And all of the shares!! I appreciate it ❤️
Mar 09Reply
ashleyfanderson Thanks for the love 💕 I’m having a great day and hope you are too !
Mar 12Reply
cfotouhi @ashleyfanderson absolutely doll! Love meeting new people on poshmark 🤗 and thank you! I am having a lovely day so far ❤️ the day seems to have disappeared in front of my eyes! Ha!
Mar 12Reply
jewelsie @cfotouhi hello hun I dint mind a bundle offer from you. Lmk 💖
Mar 13Reply
cfotouhi @jewelsie I will absolutely bundle when I’m ready to buy 😍 love your closet!!! 😘
Mar 13Reply
jewelsie @cfotouhi awe thanks. Well just for loving my little corner I will do reduced shipping. Haha thanks 💖
Mar 13Reply
ph_fashions I just had to stop by to tell you how beautiful your photos were! Such a gorgeous closet!
Mar 15Reply
cfotouhi @ph_fashions Aw thank you so so so much!!! You have made my day!!! 🤗💕😘😍
Mar 15Reply
kkvdesigns You have a great closet :)
Mar 26Reply
cfotouhi @ellyndiane Aw! Thank you so so much!! So do you :) Hope you’re having an amazing night!! Xo 🤗💕
Mar 26Reply
blckpicktfnce 😵Monday Blues?😵 Start the week of right! #BlackPicketFence has you covered! #SLAY #BUNDLE #SAVE 👑For a limited time all bundles get the #BPFVIP Members PERSONAL DISCOUNT👑 💜START YOUR PERSONAL BUNDLE NOW💜 👑#BlackPicketFence 👑#BPF
Mar 26Reply
italianintheusa Ciao! I’m from Italy and I love your pictures! 🇮🇹 😊 I really like your closet, I just spent a lot for clothes for this month but I’ll definitely buy something from you in the future! 😊
Mar 28Reply
cfotouhi @italianintheusa Ciao!! Oh I absolutely LOVE Italy. I’m already planning a trip back!! I fell in love with the entire country and the people. And thank you so much! My closet is always updating and I’ll be here when you are ready to purchase ❤️🤗😍😘 I totally understand, though, since I made several purchases myself this month 🙈
Mar 28Reply
italianintheusa @cfotouhi I teach Italian here in the States, so I’m always happy to find people who love my country! ❤️ I’m also going back for a month in September, I really miss my family and friends there, even if my husband is here and I made good friends. ☺️ You actually look like a gorgeous northern Italian! 🙌🏻 I’m from Calabria (near Tropea) but I lived 8 years in Pisa. I love a blue silk top in your closet, if it’s still there I’ll get it in two or three weeks! 😊😘
Mar 28Reply
here2bfitted Beautiful closet! You have great pieces!😊
Apr 05Reply
cfotouhi @treasurepieces aw thank you so much!! You made my day/night 🤗 your closet is beautiful as well - you have some amazing and unique pieces!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apr 05Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Apr 05Reply
cfotouhi @spreadlove hey!! I am always looking for new posh friends too so let’s be PFFs 🤗❤️ hope you’re having a great day!
Apr 05Reply
veluru Hi.....I have an offer like pick any 6 for $10 I’m moving out of country next week...its a great deal..Please check out my closet...Thank you 💕😊💕
Apr 07Reply
hummingbirdmama Hi Caroline!🙋🏼‍♀️ Thanks for the shares!🙏🏻💕🙌🏻 You have a beautiful closet!😍
May 27Reply
pinkcamellias You have a fabulous closet!!👚😍
May 29Reply
cfotouhi @tricitymerch thank you so much! And for the follow 🤗 I’m eyeing a few of your items for my brother 😊
Jun 01Reply
nitamac906 You have a beautiful closet!
Jun 08Reply
ksposh4u Thank you you do too, let me know if you are truly interested and I'll give you a bundle discount. I have to look at your closet ore. Can't now but I will later.
Jun 08Reply
lotus1234 Hi Caroline😄👍🏼 Your Closet is so pretty! And I love your “meet the Posher” pics! I shop and sell here too on Posh and I LOVE IT!!! Wishing you great sales and shopping!!!💋💋
Jun 17Reply
pineapple06091 I have just dropped all my prices they are rock bottom. Tons of brand name, new with tags items! I ship same day, 5 star reviews! Check out my closet on Poshmark! Happy Poshing!!!!
Jul 30Reply
lea_5504 Hey feel free to check out my closet!
Jul 31Reply
poshparent What beautiful pictures of in Italy! 🇮🇹 You are totally like the model on her Euro Holiday; & that sweater you are wearing in Volterra is everything!!! ♥️😍♥️
Aug 31Reply
lea_5504 Hey feel free to check out my closet!!
Sep 23Reply
mrparker1967 Greetings, Will you be shipping today?
Oct 30Reply
ladyagalux I enjoyed browsing your closet. Lots of cute items :) My sincere complements!
Dec 14Reply
trisha72679 Beautiful closet!!!!!!!!
Dec 15Reply
cfotouhi @trisha72679 aw thank you so so much for the kind words!!! You do too!!! I’m eyeing that owl you have. I love owls 😍 I have mugs and various other things across my desk that it would look lovely with 🤗
Dec 15Reply
cfotouhi @agamon66 thank you so much! I love your idea about your process for packaging and shipping. Very smart! 🤗
Dec 15Reply
ladyagalux @cfotouhi Thank you! There are so many wonderful people on PM but unfortunately there are some that are dishonest.
Dec 15Reply
originalmiissme Love your closet ,what a pleasure to browse it! 💕🎅
Dec 15Reply
ecloset_ Hi! I saw your comment about wholesale clothing and I just got a couple Mystery boxes ready of clothing! If you’re interested let me know and I can tag you! ☺️
Dec 17Reply
cfotouhi @ecloset_ okay! Yes! That would be awesome thank you! 🤗❤️
Dec 17Reply
threadsofcolors Thanks for the follow and shares! I Love you closet 😍✨
Dec 18Reply
cfotouhi @curatedapparel my pleasure!!! I love love love your closet too 🤗😍💃🏼 I’ll share as much as possible for you 🤗
Dec 18Reply
mehgan297 Hey Caroline! I'm super in love with your closet & boutique!!! Such great items and I love how you do your pics! So pretty! 💖🙂👋
Dec 27Reply
jshopmycloset Your closet is such a temptation for me🙈😄😁 I need to focus first on selling as I have done so much damage lately in & out of Posh. 😁Lol. But glad I found you're closet.😃 I bookmarked it for an easy shopping trip for me in the future. Hehe..Happy Poshing! 😊🤗
Mar 06Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Mar 08Reply
cfotouhi @vpl1116 of course 🤗💕❤️
Mar 08Reply
cfotouhi @jshopmycloset haha! I totally understand 😂 it is so bad! I can sell and then find something awesome on here and then impulse buy 😜 but thank you!!! Feel free to check back anytime. I have more things to post 🙈❤️💕 and good luck fellow posher 😎💃🏼
Mar 08Reply
vpl1116 @cfotouhi thanks so much for sharing!! If you like anything, please let me know, I’ll be happy to make a special private offer as a way to say thanks! ❤️
Mar 08Reply
hangbdao Hi...thanks for sharing 😆
Mar 13Reply
staceyray23 Hi! Love your closet! I wish you had some larger sizes, more in the M/L category. I have an athletic build, so most of the smaller sizes don't fit me. :-(
Apr 22Reply
cfotouhi @staceyray23 hey! Do you have brands you like or things your looking for? I have a fair amount of inventory I haven’t posted yet that may work for you. But I can check what i have if your looking for a certain style or item! If you create a bundle we can chat there too ❤️
Apr 22Reply
terbearco hi @cfotouhi congrats on hosting! I'm still pretty new here at Poshmark, I just started selling late in January, and I LOVE it!!! I hope you will check out my posh compliant closet for a HP. I have lots of great tops items in my closet. Thanks, and good luck
May 19Reply
demonhunters Congratulation on co-hosting the upcoming best in top posh party. I am currently redoing my entire closet and it is posh compliant, for dreaming of starting a small business here on Poshmark. I am wishing for a possible host pick to gain some exposure and new followers. Have lots of fun and wishing you many sales. Happy Sunday! (I wish you Ralph Lauren l/s shirt was an x-large, for I love it)
May 19Reply
demonhunters I have just recruited @702dragons, she is just starting to build her closet, but she does have some cute top, you may consider for a host pick. Thanks again, for your time.
May 19Reply
ladycrackerjack @cfotouhi ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party tomorrow !❤️Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕 - [ ]
May 19Reply
fourhanger I would love for you to consider one of my items as a host pick. It would totally make my day completely. ❤️😀❤️😀❤️
May 19Reply
tzack0317 Congrats on hosting the upcoming Best in Tops party 🎉 I have yet to have a host pick and was hoping you could take a moment to look at my closet. I’ve put some of my favorite tops at the top of my shop page for your convenience. Thanks so much 🌻🍉🌈
May 19Reply
grammytata2012 Hi, Feel free to check out my closet for a special bundle savings. Sending positive vibes. Happy Poshing! :)
May 20Reply
hannadiz Hi! I am @hannadiz I see you’re top rated seller!!! I am trying to declutter my closets...feel free to make bundles & offers that make sense for you to restock your inventory...everything is on HUGE discounts everything must go. HURRY visit my closet. Shipping discounts on bundles and ships out fast. HAPPY 😊 POSHING!!!!!
May 20Reply
angelakoerner Congrats on hosting the Jet Set Party!🎉 I love your closet! I’m a huge fan of J. Crew and Lululemon! ❤️ When you’re looking for host picks, I hope you’ll check my closet too! Have fun!! 😊💕
Jul 24Reply
catpvaughn Beautiful closet!! Wishing you all the best!
Jul 24Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope you’ll have great success. I’m fairly new to Poshmark (in the past 2 months) and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!!
Jul 24Reply
laramarie84 Hi! See you are Hosting a party tonight. Great closet you have. Trying hard to rid my personal closet & Poshmark Closet before purchasing more. Will be there tonight !🥿👗👚👟
Jul 25Reply
kfabdesigns_pm @cfotouhi hi there love! 💕I hope all is well - I am running a VIP SALE Today! I thought I would extend you an invitation- Today- Please accept Buy 3 Get One Free!! 🥰 Please let me know when you have completed your bundle and I will take off the lowest priced item.
Jul 25Reply
yourhotbuy Congratulations on being a host on Jetset Getaway Party!!! 😆 Happy Poshing!!!! 🤩🤩🤗
Jul 26Reply
happygolindsey Love your closet and how you stage your listings!! So posh!!! 💎💎💎💎💎
Jul 26Reply
lookwhatibought Congrats on hosting tonight 🎉🛍️Would love a host pick 🤗
Jul 26Reply
ricoarmario hola 😻😻
Jul 27Reply
wonderaa Hello!😊🌷 Please feel free to visit my closet to see amazing finds!🌺 I accept reasonable offers and give great discounts on bundles. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Thank you & Happy Poshing!😁😘🌸 XO Aireen
Aug 21Reply
thezelgoddess Hi there! I bought a bracelet from you on the 19th and it appears you haven’t shipped it yet. I’m really looking forward to receiving it; is there an issue with the item or some other reason for the delay? I’ve left you comments on the listing but no reply yet. Please let me know what’s going on. Thank you! 🙏
Aug 26Reply
thezelgoddess @cfotouhi Have you received my comments on my purchased item and here? I would like to know what is going on with the bracelet I purchased from you. If you don’t have it or can’t ship it for some reason, please let me know. I’ve been looking for this item for a while so I’m really sad it hasn’t been shipped yet and you haven’t replied to my messages. Please reply! 🙏
Aug 30Reply
thezelgoddess @cfotouhi Just got your response on the item. Thanks so much for getting back to me and letting me know it’ll ship ASAP! 💖
Aug 30Reply
thezelgoddess @cfotouhi You left me such a nice message before Labor Day Weekend saying you were shipping the next day. I messaged you on the item listing after Labor Day figuring you just hadn’t had time to ship before the holiday weekend. But the bracelet is still marked “Awaiting Shipment”. Is everything still okay? Please let me know. Thanks!
Sep 06Reply
thezelgoddess @cfotouhi I just left you a comment on the register item I purchased. It’s still showing Awaiting Shipment Scan in my account. Did something go wrong with shipping again? Please let me know! 🙏
Sep 28Reply
thezelgoddess @cfotouhi Hi Caroline, I’ve left multiple comments on both the original and relisted items— please respond and let me know what happened to the bracelet I ordered from you. Did the post office lose it? I’m really sad about waiting through two Item cancellations with no item and no explanation. Please respond. 🙏😿🥀
Oct 07Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Wishing you a very Happy Happy New Year 🤶 very much for following me and Sharing my closet. I returned Posh Love ❄ Get in your it's cold outside. A cup of hot chocolate and Enjoy. Poshing in your Pjs is the best. I'm having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale. Any items LESS than $15 are 3 for $20.Wishing you are yours a Fantabulous Holiday Season filled with all the blessings you so richly deserve❄⛄Sale ends 1/5/2020
Dec 28Reply
dragonstar5040 Thank you so much for liking my listing! Just so you know my closet is buy one get one 50% off all items with the ⭐️. Happy poshing!
Jan 19Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad I found your closet on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my (3) closets and give them a follow 💕⭐️🛍 🧡@luckijewelsla 🧡@rls3691 (My other 2 closets)
Feb 04Reply
free2beyou @cfotouhi Hi Caroline! I'm Michelle, nice to meet you :) I wanted to say hello & introduce myself, also, to thank you for liking the Rae Dunn espresso cups & the Dad sneaks. I just sent you an offer on each as I couldn't bundle & discount because of the sneakers being various available sizes. As always, feel free to accept, counter or decline. I'm fine with window shopping :) If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask :) Hope you have a fabulous week world traveler! :)
Feb 05Reply
bailey911 hello Caroline! :) how are you?
Mar 29Reply
stylesbysam728 Hi! I’d love for you to checkout my closet. I carry lots of brands like Brandy Melville, Lululemon, Aritizia, Ray-Ban, LF, etc. I try to post a new piece at least once a day, so def follow to keep updated. I am also very open to offers and if you make a bundle ill give you a great discount :)
Jun 30Reply
winstondunbar Hi Happy Poshing🏫🐯🏦🐘😁🐶🐽🐤🎠🏯🎈🐹🐷🐧🏤🌆🐱🌇🗽💝🏩🎑🎁🎉🎐🏣⛪
Sep 16Reply
nana29673 @cfotouhi hi there, I just wondering if you have the Lacoste sweater available? I left a message?
Dec 02Reply
watsonlilmommy @cfotouhi hello how are you check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers are accepted have some beautiful bracelets set you maybe interested in as well ❤️‍🩹
Jul 26Reply
charleshamil280 Your so beautiful
Oct 12Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales 📦
Mar 28Reply
cutehosiery @cfotouhi Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 12Reply
jujuone Hi Caroline👋 I’m Jason, It’s a pleasure to meet you! Wow you’ve got some most beautiful pictures while you were in Italy. Here recently in my little amount of spare time I’ve been checking up on Italian real estate. May you have a most wonderful rest of your day w/ blessings throughout!! Sending positivity and good vibes your way my friend…Happy~Poshing!!!👍👍
Aug 27Reply

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Last Active: Jan 31

Basking Ridge, NJ
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Last Active: Jan 31

Basking Ridge, NJ
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