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Updated Jan 22
Updated Jan 22

Meet your Posher, Caroline

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Caroline. Thanks for stopping by! Here is a glimpse into the closet I have been curating for years. I love everything from Chanel and Hermes to Target and Zara. Good Fashion is Good Fashion! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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robertamc Hi Caroline! Welcome to Poshmark! I am a PoshMark Ambassador and Posh Mentor! I know the beginning can be a little confusing to figure out how Poshmark works, so follow my closet and feel free to ask me anything. I am here to help! 😉 Happy Poshing! 🌟
Nov 28Reply
closetshop617 @robertamc Hi Roberta. Thank you so much for reaching out. I’m adding items now. Any advice for a newbie.
Nov 28Reply
robertamc @closetshop617 just share a lot! Share your items and others closets items! That’s how they get visibility!!! And follow as many poshers as you can!! Good luck on your sales!!! 💕🍀
Nov 28Reply
closetshop617 Thank you. Silly question, how do I email someone? Do Ihave to select an item first?
Nov 28Reply
designerbeb Thank you!!! Love your closet too!! Happy New Year and all the best to you!!🌺
Jan 10Reply
designerbeb Hi it’s me again ... do you mind if I ask you a question? Do you think having a mannequin helps with sales? I see so many closets that just present the item with the white background and I like that as well... I just hope my mannequin encourages rather then distracts ... what do you think?
Jan 10Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb Hi Me. Good question. I wish I had a definitive answer. I have asked the sake myself and received a mix of responses. I prefer it as Im not great at the lay flat method. I purchased it rather inexpensively on Amazon. Not a great quality so it's kind of a pain but getting used to it. Not sure if this helps. Good luck.
Jan 10Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb Silly me. It's so early I didn't realize it was you. Your closet it amazing. Everything is styled so well and pics are clear and well lit. Honest;y I wouldn't change a thing. You have the best closet I've seen. If trying to increase sales I can't believe it has anything to do with your closet.
Jan 10Reply
designerbeb Thank you... you know we all wonder why when we put sooo much work into our closets why things don’t sale ... if it’s the prices then people who shop here don’t understand designer brands. Yes some may be labeled “vintage” but the quality, workmanship and detailing have a lot to do with the pricing
Jan 10Reply
designerbeb Not to mention the availability... but to have to explain all that gets tiresome. I just resigned myself to either they want it or they don’t. You’ll probably unfortunately run into some pretty rude and clueless people on here... but then there’s people like you and many others that make it all worth while!!! Best of luck and if
Jan 10Reply
designerbeb Ever you need to vent.. I’m here!! 🌺
Jan 10Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb Thanks for the offer but if I got started you would never get anything done. 😂
Jan 10Reply
closetshop617 What state do you live in?
Jan 10Reply
designerbeb You’re Great!!! Loved talking with you!!! 🌺
Jan 10Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb I’m from Massachusetts. You? Btw, I was sorry to read about tour mom. She was beautiful and very stylish. You clearly take after her.
Jan 10Reply
designerbeb I’m in Michigan... thank you.. yes she was beautiful inside and out... miss her dearly.. 🌺
Jan 10Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb Any luck. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
Jan 17Reply
designerbeb Did you mean that message for me? Doing wrong?
Jan 17Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb Yes. I’m not having any luck. Any suggestions on my closet.
Jan 17Reply
designerbeb Hi... your closet is fantastic!!! You should ask yo become a Posh Ambassador.. go to Posh support and request to become an Ambassador ... second share and follow as many people as you little fingers will allow. 3rd try and share your closet .. this is the tough one.. 3 times a day..
Jan 17Reply
designerbeb Once you become an Ambassador your following will grow.. your closet is great, your photos clear, oh I didn’t check your listings, try and give as much information as possible..that will cut down on questions etc. It’s the time of the year. Sales are slow everywhere. I’ve been
Jan 17Reply
designerbeb getting offers but much lower then I’m willing to go for price..
Jan 17Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb Thank you for the feedback. I’m much better at sharing other people’s stuff than my own.
Jan 17Reply
designerbeb Oops ... that’s the key... you must share yours otherwise it gets buried in the search engine.. sharing keeps you at the top! That’s why it’s frustrating almost infuriating when a buyer who doesn’t have a closet gives someone a poor rating for no reason at all.. there’s so much work involved in Poshmark
Jan 17Reply
bostoninsta Stunning closet, girlfriend!!!! Let's talk Posh at lunch soon!!! Xox
Jan 19Reply
closetshop617 @bostoninsta yes, lets do. How fun.
Jan 19Reply
closetshop617 @khm5 Hey, I know you!
Jan 23Reply
khm5 @closetshop617 Ha! yes! I had an email saying I needed to complete my I did!! Chat soon girl!!
Jan 23Reply
gradgirlmhs Hello! 🙋🏽 Thank You for following me 🚶🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️Happy Poshing ☺️☺️ and have a Wondrous Wednesday 🌺🌺🌺🤗🤗🤗
Feb 08Reply
designerbeb Hi my friend... thank you for all the shares.. I see you’re doing your expertise (sharing others closets) thank you so much.. I will gladly return the favor... hope sells are happening for you!! 🌺
May 28Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb I went dark for a while. It was getting tedious. I don’t know how you do such a great job keeping up. I can’t even get my mannequin to stand up long enough to take a pic. 😂
May 28Reply
designerbeb Hi nice to hear from you!!! Everybody experiences a “low” period once in a while... you have a lovely closet, great selection hang in there... I must say the advice I gave you has worked wonders for me... it’s still slow now and then but at least there’s a little action.. if anyone tells you this isn’t a lot of work... well they’re crazy.. if you run across anyone who has the magic formula let me know!!! Hang in there!!!
May 28Reply
designerbeb You are tooo funny... love the comment about the mannequin... when people ask me and what you do... I tell them I have an online business... they then ask how many employees do you have? I tell them 2 plus myself... my husband and mannequin... they start to laugh... got to have humor or you’ll start to tire from all the hard work and no reward. I always reward myself...usually cake and “specialty” coffee. Makes it all worth while for awhile.
May 28Reply
spamm1096 Thanks for the share.
Jul 10Reply
designerbeb We are both Posh Ambassador’s... I think that’s a plus ... I just don’t know what’s involved.. I’ve not researched it or even thought to do it.. Holiday glam... I’d have to look for some pieces .. I’m sure I can find some...
Oct 12Reply
guusje Thank you for the invite! I’m a FB addict & I just joined
Oct 17Reply
closetshop617 @guusje great. Can’t wait to hear about your experiences.
Oct 17Reply
bellabostonposh Ciao Caroline! I saw ur post in Instagram and would love to follow ur 50 and over FB page. Could u please tell me the name if that page? Thanks 😘
Oct 17Reply
closetshop617 @fashion1961 would love to have you join. The name is Poshmark Sellers Over 50. Not very creative but easy to find. 😁
Oct 17Reply
bellabostonposh @closetshop617 Thanks for the information. I must be showing my full over 50 I put in Poshmark sellers over 50 and get a bunch of other pages, but not yours :(. lol Could you possible send me an invite or add me to the page? My FB is under poshmark @fashion1961. Thanks :)
Oct 17Reply
closetshop617 @fashion1961 Not at all. We’re all youthful and fabulous. I just sent invite. Let me k ow if you get it.
Oct 17Reply
bellabostonposh @closetshop617 lol agreed we are all youthful and fabulous....however, my brain isn't functioning at full capcity Can you please send the invite to my personal FB account which is Maria Mirabella? Thanks so much for your patience and your time.
Oct 17Reply
closetshop617 @fashion1961 just did it. Will you let me know if you receive it. I’ve never set up a group before and I’m not the most technically savvy person 😂
Oct 17Reply
bellabostonposh @closetshop617 Hi there :). I did not receive it at either of the fb locations? Ill try to figure it out. When I search a whole bunch of other pages come up but not specifically this one. Can you describe the profile picture that is associated with the page? I may be missing
Oct 17Reply
closetshop617 @fashion1961 I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. The name is Poshmark Sellers over 50. When I searched I only found one group. Oh yes. Make sure you search group. There is a pic of folded clothes with eye glasses on top and next to it a pinkish square with the name.
Oct 17Reply
bellabostonposh @closetshop617 yay success! I was not searching under groups. Thanks so much for hanging in there with me. I look forward to contributing and to learning :).
Oct 17Reply
designerbeb Hi... I just checked Posh.. busy today... I was thinking about you.. how’s your group going?
Oct 28Reply
designerbeb Ok it’s the plaid cashmere sweater
Oct 28Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb ok. Seems to working just fine. Guess it’s my closet. If you have any tips I would love them. I have over $1000 pieces from mine and my mother’s closets. If I’m going to take the time I want to do it right.
Oct 28Reply
designerbeb Nothings wrong with your closet... it’s great.. Posh is hard work and time demanding... the only advice I can give would be share and follow as much as you can.. that will be your exposure and bring in sales.
Oct 29Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb I am not exaggerating when I say for 2 weeks now I have been sharing both self and others at least 4 hours a day and have been doing 3 parties. I’m exhausted but thought it would help. A lot of followers though. ❤️
Oct 29Reply
designerbeb Hi thank you for your offer.. but I used that to see if your closet was active ... remember? I’m so swamped with stuff to sell ... it’s going to take me forever!!! Hope all is well with you 🌺
Oct 30Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb NO. It wasn’t. Real offer. Read the comment wanted to send you a private message.
Oct 30Reply
designerbeb Thank you for your offer... but I’m not in the market for anything. I think I hit “like” to bookmark your closet .... Happy Halloween 🎃 I
Oct 30Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb Barbara, I wasn’t really sending you an offer. I wanted to send a private message to you and the only way to do it was send you an offer. ✨✨Read the comment with the offer!!!
Oct 30Reply
designerbeb That’s where the confusion is.. I don’t see a comment
Oct 30Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb oh. Sorry. I wonder why it lets you put one in. Join us at Platinum Poshers on FB and we can talk there.
Oct 30Reply
drewecoble Thanks for sharing from my closet...🍁
Nov 14Reply
appareltrends Thank you for sharing my listing.
Dec 17Reply
kllyjhnsn612 Welcome to my closet!! I’m offering 50% off bundles of 3 or more items. Up to 5 pounds. Now through Easter Sunday. Bundle and Save!!!!
Apr 14Reply
peachykeen_ga Hey Caroline!! Your closet is beautiful!! Thanks for all the shares!!! Hope that you are having a nice day!!! JennyLee @peachykeen_ga 🍑🍑🍑 #PoshLove
Apr 23Reply
closetshop617 @peachykeen_ga thank you. Happy to do it. Like your closet too!!!😁
Apr 23Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! Beautiful items! I hope you have a great evening and successful Poshing!😊
Nov 21Reply
closetshop617 @computershoptx Thank you for the lovely note. Happy Poshing!
Nov 21Reply
shopwith_ana Hi Caroline! I hope you're doing well! I purchased a Sisley bundle a couple of days ago and received it today. I wanted to know when where the samples acquired if possible..some of them looked odd (wrinkly packaging) so I searched for their expiration date online (check fresh and check cosmetic dot com) and 7 out of the 10 in the bag were expired :( I'm really disappointed that only 3 of them are actually good to use. I wanted to reach out to you first to see how this can be resolved. Thanks!
Dec 23Reply
closetshop617 @ana_rdz07 Ana, I’m totally embarrassed. My mom buys Sisley all the time and I received samples from her all the time. I honestly didn’t check the expiration dates. My bad. I am going to figure out how to issue you a full refund. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you reaching out to me. I assure you this will never happen again. I pride myself on everyone being completely happy with their purchase. Have a wonderful holiday and please let me know if I can assist in any other way.
Dec 23Reply
closetshop617 @ana_rdz07 I have just submitted the request for a full refund. I’m not sure how long it will take with the holidays. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Dec 23Reply
shopwith_ana @closetshop617 Hi Caroline! Thank you so much for your help! I completely understand, it can happen to anyone. Thank you so much for getting the refund process started, I truly appreciate it! I hope you have a Merry Christmas, and a wonderful holiday season in general. Much love, Ana💖
Dec 23Reply
closetshop617 @ana_rdz07 I am so sorry for the delay. I have not heard back from Poshmark so I will send you the refund directly. Thank you again for your patience and giving me a chance to resolve this personally.
Dec 28Reply
shopwith_ana @closetshop617 Hi Caroline! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas🎄 I’m so sorry for not following up but the refund was processed already! Thank you so much for all of your help💖
Dec 28Reply
closetshop617 @ana_rdz07 Oh I'm so glad. I didn't get notice of it. Wishing you a very Happy New year. I hope you'll give my closet another chance. All my best! ❤️
Dec 28Reply
shopwith_ana @closetshop617 thank you so much for your well wishes! And absolutely! If something catches my eye in the future I’ll definitely reach out! Have a good night! 💫
Dec 28Reply
designerbeb Hello there my friend.. how have you been? I’ve been thinking about you.. Your closet looks fantastic.. are you still as active in Poshmark as before?
May 29Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb OMG, Thank you for reaching out. You have no idea how much it means. Haven’t really been active but I have a room full that I need to post. Would love to chat. What’s the best way.
Jun 01Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb on Instagram but haven’t posted for a long time.
Jun 01Reply
designerbeb @closetshop617 I’ll make a listing of an Angel .. look for it..
Jun 01Reply
designerbeb @closetshop617 hi I posted the Angel in a bowl top left corner..
Jun 02Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb could you find me on FB
Jun 05Reply
designerbeb @closetshop617 no.. did you find me? ask to friend me if you do..
Jun 05Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb what is your profile pic.
Jun 07Reply
designerbeb @closetshop617 the American flag and eagle
Jun 07Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb it won’t let me friend you.
Jun 08Reply
designerbeb @closetshop617 ?... that’s strange.. I didn’t get a friend request.. I’ll look into it.. what does your page look like?
Jun 08Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb it would not let me friend you. The option wasn’t there. My pic is of my teenage son in a blue sweatshirt.
Jun 09Reply
closetshop617 @designerbeb I just commented on a photo.
Jun 09Reply
designerbeb @closetshop617 what photo? Where?
Jun 09Reply
momof2boys621 Salam beautiful! Welcome to Poshmark! Please check out my closet. I have gorgeous dresses and unique hijabs from the Middle East 🌍 Love your listings by the way 😊
Jul 08Reply
cutehosiery @closetshop617 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 02Reply

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Last Active: Feb 17

Mansfield, MA
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Last Active: Feb 17

Mansfield, MA
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