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Updated Nov 30
Updated Nov 30

Meet your Posher, Carolyn

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Carolyn. All clothes for sale are from my home closet! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) This is my self portrait and more of my works in various mediums. it’s what I do in my spare time when I am not poshing!
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areathriftyone8 🌺 Welcome to Poshmark!! 🌺
Aug 24Reply
pipersshoppe Hi Carolyn! You have captured my heart through your artwork. Wow. 🥰 It's a pleasure to connect with you. Greetings from Ga.
Oct 06Reply
keisha_i Thank You! 💙 I'm just A big kid at heart.
Oct 09Reply
poshtou @keisha_i Me Too!!!
Oct 09Reply
stormiesposh Welcome to the PoshMark Community❣️👍🎊
Oct 14Reply
poshtou @stormiesposh thank you!!
Oct 15Reply
adiel1949 Thank you so much for sharing. Blessings!
Oct 30Reply
maryjay002 Hi! My name is Maria. Just wanted to welcome you to Poshmark!! 🎉🎉 Hope you enjoy this wonderful platform with lots of amazing people and awesome deals!! 🛍😃 Btw, thank u for the shares!! 💛💛
Nov 04Reply
poshtou @maryjay002 hi Maria thank you and thank you also for the shares!!!❣️
Nov 04Reply
arianamalm Hey there🤍 beautiful artwork 😻 Thanks for the follow on my closet ! I just wanted to let you know that I’m having a huge holiday sale right now, buy one item get a second item of lesser or equal value for free from my closet 🎄🎅🏻🥰! Let me know if I can do anything for you! xoxo happy holidays ❤️💚
Dec 15Reply
poshtou @arianamalm hi thank you! Happy Holidays! If there is anything I can help u with let me know!
Dec 15Reply
jackiesthreads1 Hello and thank you for following and sharing my closet. Enjoy and much success to you!💖
Dec 19Reply
jackiesthreads1 Oh my, such talent! May God continue to bless you and family richly today and forever.💖✝
Dec 19Reply
poshtou @jackiesthreads1 thank u Jackie! I am still trying to get the hang of selling on here!!! Good luck to you too!!!
Dec 19Reply
jackiesthreads1 I am also. Lots of people willing to assist including me. It's a very friendly community. All the best!🙏
Dec 19Reply
poshtou @jackiesthreads1 thank you! If I ever get my Mother and my my closet cleared out I want to start posting my artwork for sale! Have a great Christmas and Happy New Year!
Dec 19Reply
sweetpeacin Hi Carolyn. Welcome to Poshmark. Thank you for the follow and all of the shares. I really appreciate it. Your artwork is gorgeous! Happy Poshing! 🙂
Dec 24Reply
poshtou @sweetpeacin Hi there! Thank you! And you’re welcome. We all have to try to help each other out! There are so many people on Poshmark sharing is the way to go!!!!
Dec 24Reply
sunnybear66 Your artwork is beautiful! Have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Dec 24Reply
mistollie_vint Oh my what precious renderings of cats… do you do commissions or sell your work? Merry Christmas 🎄 and a blessed New Year
Dec 25Reply
poshtou @scentedlingerie Hi Merry Christmas!! Happy New Year! Thank you for your comment on my work. Yes I do commissions and at some point I want to start putting artwork on Poshmark to sell if it is allowed. Looks like you are a cat person too! See you are in Brooklyn. I am from Staten Island!
Dec 25Reply
poshtou @sunnybear66 thank you! Happy New Year to you too!
Dec 25Reply
mistollie_vint @poshtou hi yes love cats. If you decide to do commissions and can remember let me know … thanks xo
Dec 25Reply
saphfire2144 Happy New Year Carolyn, and A BIG Welcome to POSHMARK it's a great platform to buy / sell. Here's what to expect should you support my closet. Quality items, quick/reduced shipping, 15% off 2 or more items, and great customer service. LMK if you have questions about the Poshing process, I'd be happy to help. Saundra
Jan 02Reply
mmimmalove Hi, welcome to Poshmark! Hope you are enjoy the experience at Poshmark. Just open your closet and sell all items you actually not use. Hope a good luck and best wishes! Thank you for follow, like or share my closet. Hope you are enjoy Poshmark. Good luck and many blessings!😉
Jan 04Reply
basilannie You are super talented,thanks for sharing
Jan 08Reply
poshtou @basilannie thank you and thank you for sharing!!!
Jan 08Reply
nylifeaccess Hi gorgeous , thank you very much to check out and following my closet. Just to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Jan 18Reply
poshtou @nylifeaccess thank you I will check it out
Jan 18Reply
poshtou @nylifeaccess and hello from across the bridge in Staten Island!
Jan 18Reply
nylifeaccess @poshtou Hello, Good Morning 🥰
Jan 18Reply
iejewett Thanks for checking out my closet. I love your art . Hope you will visit my closet again , I am open to all reasonable offers and also have been known to counter offer at times!😁
Jan 22Reply
poshtou @iejewett thank you I will check your closet out I just shared a bunch of your listings.
Jan 22Reply
iejewett @poshtou thanks for sharing so many things from my closet… I’m fairly new to PoshMark and I keep hoping there are more poshers that will see what I have so thanks again for helping to get the word out!😁
Jan 23Reply
mcdanielsue2 Thank you for the all the shares! I approximate this.💋
Jan 25Reply
richmondsrelics Hello, If you see anything you want in my closet feel free to make an offer. Best bet is to build a bundle for best discounts 😉 I have another closet for baby and kids stuff. It’s called kids_poshshop
Jan 26Reply
sweetpeacin Hi Carolyn. Thank you for all of the shares. I really appreciate it. Happy Poshing! 🙂
Feb 16Reply
poshtou @sweetpeacin thank you also for the shares!!!
Feb 16Reply
its_crystal28 @poshtou Hi🌹 Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 👗👗speedy sales to you
Apr 29Reply
kinnies Thank you for all of your shares. Your work is beautiful!
Apr 29Reply
poshtou @kinnies thank you and thank you for the shares also!
Apr 29Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
May 03Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 and Welcome to Poshmark🎉🎊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a great deal I’ll accept anything
May 05Reply
poshtou @candy258 same to u happy Poshing
May 05Reply
poshtou @sprinklesbaker hey thank u Happy poshing Days!!
May 05Reply
curlygirlyx3 Thank you for the shares. Hope you have a great rest of the day. Happy Poshing 😊
May 07Reply
poshtou @curlygirlyx3 thank you too! Have a happy weekend!
May 07Reply
purplebubblekt Beautiful drawings! You are so talented!!
May 20Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. We're having an overstock sale and accepting offers at 20% less than our listing price on most items.  😍
May 21Reply
5catmommy Hi Carolyn, You are very talented! Of course I especially love the work with cats!!😃 Blessings and Best Poshing to you. ❤️😻🐾🐈‍⬛🐾😻❤️
Jul 02Reply
poshtou @5catmommy thank you! I have 5 cats now also. Used to have more lost a few to cancer recently😢
Jul 02Reply
5catmommy @poshtou So sorry to hear that! My kitties are my very best friends and it is so difficult when they get sick! We just got two new kittens a few months ago and they sure liven up our home! May God Bless You. ❤️😻🐾🐈‍⬛🐾😻❤️
Jul 02Reply
poshtou @5catmommy I had a 22 year old cat pass last year. I have a 21 year old now that has more energy than I have! God bless you too! Have a great Fourth!
Jul 02Reply
annabelturk Hi Carolyn!🌺 Beautiful artwork!! Happy Poshing!! Annabel
Jul 02Reply
poshtou @annabelturk thank you. Happy poshing and happy fourth to you!
Jul 02Reply
annabelturk Happy 4th to you too!😀
Jul 03Reply
gladyssanche496 Thank you for visiting my closet and stopping by. I appreciate your kindness. Thanks for sharing. Feel free to make any reasonable offer and it will be accepted… Best regards.🫶
Jul 03Reply
poshtou @gladyssanche496 hey Gladys same here! Happy poshing!
Jul 03Reply
bohonana7 @poshtou Hello! Thanks for the follow! I appreciate it!! Happy Poshing! 🤩⭐️🤩⭐️
Jul 08Reply
southpawz You're artwork is beautiful! 🥰
Jul 20Reply
poshtou @southpawz thank you
Jul 21Reply
sellonline907 Thank you for sharing 💖 I appreciate your support 🙌💖🌷
Jul 24Reply
tlrlcox1962 hey great closet but love these photos and drawings they're beautiful.Wishing you much success Trish
Aug 28Reply
poshtou @tlrlcox1962 thank you Trish. At some point I want to try to sell some of my paintings on Poshmark. I followed you and am sharing your listings. Much success and good health to you!
Aug 28Reply
tlrlcox1962 @poshtou you should have much success and thanks for sharing my closet I need to add more it's just not selling good lately.
Aug 29Reply
poshtou @tlrlcox1962 you have to build up your followers so they follow you and share to the posh parties. Sometimes i don’t have a sale for weeks and then I will have 2 sales in 2 days. But you really have to follow people so they follow you and share their listings so they share your listings to their followers. Concentrate on sharing listings of people who share a lot.
Aug 29Reply
tlrlcox1962 @poshtou yeah I made it before but can't remember how hard it was to start over .
Aug 29Reply
artbykristina 🦜 Your Art is beautiful and so realistic! I personally prefer your style over so much of what I see today. You are extremely talented. 😎
Aug 30Reply
poshtou @ksgourds thank you I wish there was a way to have a folder on Poshmark to keep special closets I follow because you would be in mine!
Aug 30Reply
artbykristina @poshtou 🫶🏽 I put yours in my ♥️ ‘s. That’s what is referred to on Posh as Bookmarking. They stay there until you remove them. Since the Meet your Posher page can’t be listed as Available for Sale. It works out. I just go thru and unLike items I have purchased or don’t have interest in but my Favorite Closets stay😎
Aug 30Reply
poshtou @ksgourds I will do that also thank u
Aug 30Reply
pjhb Hi Carolyn! Thanks so much for sharing my listings! Would love to make you a great deal! I do take reasonable offers! Check out my closet! for more treasures and deals in the future! I am a 5 star ⭐️ Ambassador!
Sep 12Reply
pjhb Hi Carolyn! Thanks so much for sharing my paper dolls! Would love to make you a great! I do take reasonable offers! Check out my closet for more treasures and deals in the future! I am a 5 star ⭐️ Ambassador!
Sep 13Reply
bonair Beautiful works, I used to live in Staten Island, family still does
Sep 16Reply
poshtou @bonair thank you. Funny I was talking to someone from a company I was dealing with and they said they were from Staten island and that they had family still here!!! Small world!
Sep 16Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same. Thank you. Happy Poshing!
Sep 17Reply
jamiecmontes1 Thank you for the shares keep on sharing as I do the same. Thank you 🙏
Sep 17Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with your extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Sep 23Reply
zardiva1 You’ve got *SKILLS!* 👍😃👏🙌👌🤘🥇🏆
Sep 23Reply
poshtou @zardiva1 thank you!!
Sep 24Reply
zardiva1 @poshtou You’re welcome! 👍🙂
Sep 24Reply
leorio98 nice cats
Sep 26Reply
poshtou @leorio98 thank u. You have a nice looking cat too! I had one like that a long long time ago
Sep 26Reply
shirlscreations What a beautiful cat! Happy Fall to you. Sincerely, Shirley
Sep 26Reply
poshtou @shirlscreations thank you! it was a commission. Happy fall to u too!
Sep 26Reply
jany715 Amazing artist! God Bless your talent!
Sep 26Reply
poshtou @jany715 thank you! God bless you and your family too!
Sep 26Reply
shuristreasures Beautiful Portrait of your Mom🥰
Oct 11Reply
poshtou @shuristreasures thank you how’d you know it was my mom!!!??
Oct 11Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Oct 13Reply
carol55628 Hey Carol, I have the charcoal set that originally cost 80$ ;!!! As u know that art supply's are very expensive!! I can do 26$ but no lower!! Carol
Oct 23Reply
poshtou @carol55628 hi thank you for the offer but I am not using the charcoal I have. Been doing color lately. But again thank you for the offer.
Oct 23Reply
carol55628 How bout say then just 20$?...💐
Oct 23Reply
floridaeclectic Thank you for all the shares Carolyn!! I love your kitty pics!💕😉
Nov 04Reply
poshtou @floridaeclectic thank you… thank you too for the shares!!
Nov 04Reply
thebears333 Thank you for sharing my listings. I really appreciate it! Your artwork is fantastic.Power to the 🎨 palette!!!!!!!!
Nov 12Reply
poshtou @thebears333 thank you and thank u for sharing my listing too
Nov 12Reply
poshtou @beautifynails hey there you share I share!
Jan 27Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Nice artwork! Happy Poshing!
Feb 21Reply
poshtou @polka5dots thank u too! All the best to you and much wealth and happiness from a fellow posher!
Feb 21Reply
cutehosiery @poshtou Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 04Reply
poshtou @cutehosiery thank and thank u for sharing!!!
Jul 04Reply
mcherkasov Thank you for your purchase. Normally I mail next day, but I’m out of town till Sunday night. I’ll mail it on Monday. Thank you for your patience. 🙏
Oct 27Reply
poshtou @mcherkasov that’s ok thank you for letting me know! Stay safe!
Oct 27Reply
poshmf Hi , feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a huge selection something for everyone. Woman's, men's, kids, pet, shoes, purses jewelry and more. Find a few items you like bundle them and make a reasonable offer (pay only 1 shipping price for all). Trying to add new stuff weekly so stop by often. Thanks and Happy Poshing! Beautiful art work you have a great talent
Nov 30Reply
cheyennen189 Thanks for sharing my listings!
Jan 07Reply
plsbkind Hi Carolyn 👋 Thanks so much for all of the shares 🛍️ I really do appreciate it! Have a great summer and best of luck with sales 😊
Aug 05Reply
poshtou @plsbkind Thank you! Same to you!!!
Aug 05Reply
plsbkind @poshtou My pleasure 😊🌸
Aug 05Reply
mamabrit52 These drawings are fabulous! Such talent. Good poshings.
Oct 20Reply
poshtou @mamabrit52 thank you! Good poshing to you too!!
Oct 21Reply

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Staten Island, NY
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Staten Island, NY
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