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Updated Jul 04
Updated Jul 04

Meet your Posher, Carrie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Carrie. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

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007laurenm Hey Carrie! Welcome! Have fun, posh on! Questions? Just ask 😎! ✌️🌷🛍🍃😉 Elle
Jul 04Reply
posh_birdy415 Hello ! Since it’s closet clear out today, I will drop the price of the Patagonia down to $55 and you will get discounted shipping ($4.99) , Please confirm this price is good with you because I will have to drop the price publicly in order for you to get discounted shipping.
Jul 05Reply
poopicito @birdybird415 it in good shape?
Jul 05Reply
posh_birdy415 @poopicito yes, it’s in excellent condition- no piling, holes or stains
Jul 05Reply
poopicito I am new at do I confirm the price at 55?
Jul 05Reply
poopicito Thank do you like selling on Poshmark?
Jul 05Reply
lamillerfit Thank you for your purchase! Will ship today:)
Jul 05Reply
superjess7 Welcome to posh😊💜🌸
Jul 09Reply
jayke95 You have the best taste in shoes! ☺
Jul 09Reply
poopicito @jayke95 lol thanks!! Just have too many...if that is possible:)
Jul 09Reply
phylliswill Hi Carrie. Thrilled that you love the shoes and thank you for your comment! Phyllis
Jul 10Reply
pattyshops Hi Carrie! sorry I missed your offer on the Prana jacket. I'd signed off for a while to get caught up on bill pay and other mundane stuff after being out of town for a few days for my Dad's 95th birthday! Would be happy to send you a counter-offer. Thanks for checking out my closet!
Jul 12Reply
pattyshops Carrie, I'm going to send an "offer to likers" so I can reduce the shipping. It will go to 21 "likers", so watch for it. I'm really underwater on this cute jacket, so hope you'll consider!
Jul 12Reply
poopicito @pattyshops I totally get it!! I love it, just don't need it. Have been trying to reduce and not expand my closet...but it is hard with this one!
Jul 12Reply
pattyshops @poopicito Oh heavens - I'm trying to do the same and it is tough with all that's here! This one is pretty unique though, more!
Jul 12Reply
poopicito @pattyshops thank you. I looked at the pics online. Just curious how cropped it is..if comes to waistline that is great...just don't want midriff at my age lol! I am fairly short. 5'4" 115 lbs
Jul 12Reply
poopicito @pattyshops hope I am not bugging you with too many questions. I promised myself this would be my last purchase for a while:)!
Jul 12Reply
pattyshops @poopicito No! Not at all! Give me a few minutes and I'll check it, but I do remember it hit my waist, but I'll measure it. I'm 5'5" and....heavier! Since my closet is full of things I bought online that don't fit me, I'm happy to make sure this would work for you!
Jul 13Reply
poopicito You are so sweet. Thank you. I am accepting and really think it will work. I am new to this and have definitely bought too much but everything has been so perfect. I would appreciate any posh selling tips you may have...I know my pics could be much better....Thank you!
Jul 13Reply
pattyshops @poopicito Oh gosh, just saw you bought it! I do think it will fit you fine! And thanks for shopping with me - this place is crazy for temptation. I started here last March to "clear out my closet" - sigh, can't tell you how much I've bought! But I do try to add something here when I do, if I can keep up with it. (Lots of time away with my Dad). (con't)
Jul 13Reply
pattyshops But it's such fun meeting people here. The most important thing to remember is to SHARE! Share your own closet to followers, to any relevant parties, and share from others' closets. When you do the latter, you'll usually get shares back, and your exposure increases. We're all helping each other here!
Jul 13Reply
poopicito @pattyshops thank you so much! Yes...I have found I spend way to much time doing this and with 2 jobs I have to cut back...but yes...I started sharing other people's stuff and it is fun. Thank you again!
Jul 13Reply
poopicito @pattyshops oh...and please don't worry about rushing to send it...just when you have time:)
Jul 13Reply
pattyshops @poopicito No worries - it will ship out some time tomorrow! (Another goal I try to make - ship same or next day! 😃) Since I don't work two jobs (yikes!), or one, I can generally do that! I'll be following you and watch your progress, so please ask me any questions you have along the way! And I'll be sharing your closet! 💕
Jul 13Reply
moonymood @poopicito cute closet! I like your style 😘👍 Feel free to make offers in the future! I'm open to negotiating 💕
Jul 13Reply
poopicito @happy_hanger oh...not to worry! Those were the items I really wanted. Thank you I hope the pants fit lol!
Jul 13Reply
boutique2019 ✨Thank you for your purchase, Carrie! It’s shipped & started tracking. I included all my grandma’s paperwork from the ring & the Swavarski double tear drop necklace that I sent as your gift 🎁 ~ if you didn’t notice it disappeared because it’s in your package 📦💌📬! Hope you 💗 both items! Enjoy your weekend!
Jul 15Reply
poopicito @glamorous_1210 That is so sweet of you!!! Thank you so much!
Jul 15Reply
ahineg Hi! You purchased some items from me and I discovered a discoloration on the PrAna shirt. I can ship if you still want it and I have offered to include another top that you liked at no charge. Additional notes are under the PrAna listing. Let me know if you still want the bundle, thanks!
Jul 15Reply
poopicito @bunnysbodyshop thank you so much!!! Yes, I feel like I have been too busy in life and need to slow down. I had no idea how many things I needed to get rid of before I started this. I promised myself I am not buying anymore until I sell more. Thank you for everything again!!
Jul 16Reply
poopicito @ahineg sorry I missed this message! That is totally fine. Thank you so much!!
Jul 16Reply
ahineg @poopicito great, thanks. I will get your things to the post office tomorrow.
Jul 16Reply
poopicito @ahineg thank you again!:)
Jul 16Reply
pattyshops Hi Carrie! Just wanted to say how delighted I am you’re happy with that cute PrAna jacket! Know it looks great on you, so wear it for fun times!
Jul 19Reply
poopicito @pattyshops thank you so much! I am not used to the style in the shoulders but I certainly plan on wearing it when it cools down:)
Jul 19Reply
poopicito @bunnysbodyshop Thank you for everything! Again, I am so sorry for what you just went through! Hugs, Carrie
Jul 23Reply
lcollard Hey! I am interested in the Patagonia River jacket? Would you do 100? If so, lower it there and I will buy now:)
Jul 26Reply
poopicito @lcollard I really wish I could but I am already losing money on it and even though it is past the return date for the store they said they would give me credit. So I posted this last price first and have to take the listing down by the weekend. I really am is a cool jacket. I am in love with my older one so this one can't just sit in my closet. Thank you for reaching out and your interest and I completely understand if this doesn't work for you Carrie
Jul 26Reply
lcollard @poopicito ok. I am going to give it some thought. Before you take it down will you check in with me?? Thank you!
Jul 26Reply
poopicito @lcollard absolutely. I am sorry it is so much.
Jul 26Reply
slc81 Thanks for your purchase! I will ship the jeans tomorrow!
Jul 27Reply
loves2hike Love your colourful closet with all the great outdoorsy brands 😎🌲
Jul 27Reply
ligiatracy Hi there, I hope you're well! Just noticed you had liked an item in my closet and I wanted to let you know that my prices are negotiable!! I like to try and save my buyers some money, so I'm open to offers! Just thought I'd give you a heads up. Happy Poshing! 🎀💗
Jul 30Reply
5754 Your closet is so fun. Will you by chance be putting more out anytime soon.i have already ordered from you
Jul 31Reply
poopicito @5754 Thank you so much for looking and for ordering! Yes I have a lot to put out hopefully in the next couple days when I have time:)
Jul 31Reply
poopicito @loves2hike Thank you so much.
Jul 31Reply
5754 Is there any way you can let me know ahead of time are we not supposed to do that. It looks like it's cold where you live cuz you have a lot of jackets on your side. I am from Barnhart Texas and we are in a severe drought period for the last 2 weeks we have had over 100 temperatures some reaching up to 110. Have a blessed day
Jul 31Reply
poopicito @5754 No problem. Actually it's hot and smokey here. I do have a bunch of warm weather stuff to list probably tonight or first thing tomorrow. Thank you for your interest! Stay cool down there:)
Jul 31Reply
5754 Just wanted to let you know that I need winter clothes also in November it'll start getting cold here
Jul 31Reply
5754 I also can wear some of your shoes anywhere from six six and a half or 7. I don't wear heels because I had gotten too old for that. I would fall down and kill myself. We run a ranch so boots are always nice. I have snake boots cuz we have a lot of rattlesnakes here
Jul 31Reply
btolliver1130 I can accept your offer if you're still interested!
Aug 01Reply
poopicito @btolliver1130 Another one went through first...I am so sorry and wish I could do both. I can check back in a few days after I hopefully sell something and see if your listing is still available
Aug 01Reply
btolliver1130 @poopicito ok, please do!
Aug 01Reply
justp28 @poopicito Hi Carrie😊 Such a great choice, it’s beautiful in person and great quality! Perfect for outdoorsy girl! I hope you love it!❤️ I’ll get it shipped to you today!👍
Aug 04Reply
mignione Hi Carrie! Thank you for your shares. Loving your closet! I’ll definitely keep a close eye at what you have to offer in the future :)
Aug 09Reply
poopicito @mignione Thank you! Also for the shares:). I know I will be shopping your closet! It's great
Aug 09Reply
lcollard @poopicito did it sell or did you take it down? Still so interested, just need to save some money!!
Aug 09Reply
poopicito @lcollard the Patagonia ski jacket? I took it down. Was going to try to return for store credit but can hang on to it for a bit if that helps.
Aug 09Reply
lcollard @poopicito I think? It was a shell that was waterproof...grey? I am super interested, but would need a couch or weeks, so I get it if you don’t want to wait!
Aug 10Reply
poopicito @lcollard I can wait a bit:). Yes it is a Patagonia version of waterproof shell. I was going to use it as a ski jacket but decided to keep my older one. I will list it again as "not for sale" for now. I think I have until the first week in September to return. Hopefully everything works out
Aug 10Reply
ladya2gotthis Hi Carrie, I was notified that you put an item in a bundle from my closet. I've a 10% discount on 2+ items. Please Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks
Aug 23Reply
trashbanshee Hope you’re having a great day <3
Sep 01Reply
btob529 Thank you for your purchase and the kind words you left! Thanks again!
Sep 02Reply
poopicito @bunnysbodyshop thank you. I am not really ok but hopefully will be soon. Hope all is well with you. Thank you for checking in
Sep 12Reply
ashleygraumann Hey so sorry for liking all your sold items. I thought it might help if you list anything. Im really in need of workout clothes Fall stuff. I love your closet! I mean it. 😍😎 shoes the jewerly the jeans the tops the athletic items! So happy to have met you! I'll put some surprises that you liked in your order. Will be sent out by 9am. Xo
Sep 25Reply
poopicito @ashleygraumann You are so sweet! I love your closet and will definitely be back! No rush on the mailing:). Thank you so much!
Sep 25Reply
ashleygraumann @poopicito thanks for sharing my closet! It's the little things in life that mean alot to me.
Sep 25Reply
hellsbellsak You have a great closet! Are you adding more items soon? I just started following you:))
Sep 27Reply
lcollard @poopicito do you still have this?
Oct 06Reply
lcollard The Patagonia shell that is..
Oct 06Reply
lcollard Ready to buy now if still available 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Oct 07Reply
mmdell11 Hi! I wanted to let you know that I am having a closet clear out sale which also includes a 3 for $20(or less) sale! Feel free to stop by! I'm very open to bundles, offers, and shares! Good luck with sales and HAPPY POSHING (:
Oct 09Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Oct 21Reply
vicksfinds Hi WELCOME to poshmark! Check out my sale!😀
Nov 15Reply
ldmtreasures Hey I’m Linda, Buying or Selling..... New to Poshmark or Been here awhile..... Best of Luck to you.....💖 “Give the Gift of Jewelry this year🎁” Jewelry Makes the Outfit..
Nov 22Reply
lovingpurple Hi there!😊Just wanted to stop by to say hello, hope you are having a great time here on posh 🤗 Hope you can have some time to visit my closet 😶 Blessings! -Liz💜
Nov 27Reply
cloud9575 Hi Carrie. ⭐️ Thank you for liking my necklace! I’m a newbie btw. 👩Nice dog - a cutie.💕 We have something in common I like the outdoors too. Just thought I’d stop by and say hello. 🌺
Dec 18Reply
passifloravtg Hey, if you're interested I can do $53 shipped 🅿️🅿️ for the Mountain Hardwear jacket!
Jan 05Reply
poopicito @bunnysbodyshop Oh that is so cool! YOU are the one with great taste!!! Hope all is well:)
Jan 05Reply
gr8day2posh Omg! So many beautiful things! I missed out on all of them! So bummed☹️
Jan 11Reply
kas987 @kas987 Hi there! I noticed that you like 3 items in my closet - especially the cute Dog Jacket! If you would like to bundle, I am happy to work with you!
Jan 24Reply
jennifer0h Hi, #1, your dogs are adorable 😍, #2, I will get that sweater packed up today and possibly out before mail pick up this afternoon, if not it will go out tomorrow. Thanks for your purchase!!
Feb 27Reply
shebrewtrading Peace and good morning.☀️ Welcome to our closet! ...beautiful dogs! We ship immediately, so you will receive your order quickly. Thank you for shopping with us. Have an outstanding new Spring! 🌺
Mar 31Reply
dovedarby Thanks for liking the Athleta Smocked Bikini Bottom in my closet! Please let me know if I can assist you in any way. Happy Poshing!
Apr 01Reply
seeleeshop Hello posher! We hope you are having a wonderful day...we would like to invite you over to our page where we carry a variety of items including right now we have 4 North Face jackets in time for fall or winter...if you like something don’t be afraid to make an offer and that’s true for our closet and anyone else’s!
Sep 14Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Lululemon, Nike, Kate Spade, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Dec 17Reply
riverkimmy Awww, cuddling with the dogs, my favorite thing to do! They’re so cute!! 💕
Mar 12Reply
cutehosiery @poopicito Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 23Reply

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Last Active: May 22 2022

Sparks, NV
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Last Active: May 22 2022

Sparks, NV
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