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Updated Jul 08
Updated Jul 08

Meet your Posher, Cassie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Cassie. Some of my favorite brands are kate spade, Coach, and PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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meganeliz0811 Hi! Welcome :)
Jun 21Reply
cassiegro @meganeliz0811 Hello! Thank you :)
Jul 08Reply
shop_anarae Welcome to Posh! 💜 I am a top rated seller, so feel free to stop by my closet with questions anytime, can't wait to watch your closet grow! 👗
Jul 08Reply
sasada4 Hi. I am Linda...welcome to posh. Your closet looks good! Check out my daughters closets...Noose & Nail and Nicole Sasada. Good luck
Jul 16Reply
rumistyle Welcome 💕💕💕
Jul 16Reply
stephxred Hi Cassie! Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you're having a fabulous time here :)
Jul 16Reply
sweetabell Welcome to my Followers of PoshMark ! I've been here since 2013 and have been very pleased with all my fellow Poshers, buying or selling. I am a Suggested User, I have a 5 Star rating. I ship next day, always take pride in my packaging. I Invite you to visit my closet. I have more than 460 listings, all sizes and styles @ 25% off bundles of 3 or more items. And I'm always happy with making offers. If I can get measurements? Just ask. Thanks for the Follow M'Lady 😘😘
Jul 17Reply
poshgarden Welcome to Poshmark 🌹🌻🌷
Jul 17Reply
ginabobina24 @cassiegro Nice closet!! 😘
Jul 20Reply
1might Cute closet!:)
Jul 22Reply
cassiegro @1might Thank you! :)
Jul 22Reply
sandralee6 I really liked a lot of things in your closet especially that green dress that I shared it's a little bit too small for me yet I'm on a diet and have to lose some more weight I'm brand new started the beginning of July and I've had one sale so far but I'm really anxious to sell some more spread the word try to check out my closet if you can Sandralee6
Jul 30Reply
aishablake Welcome to Posh, doll!!!! I hope that you are loving it here!!!!!🤗💖💋
Jul 31Reply
cassiegro @aishablake I am, thank you!! :)
Jul 31Reply
cizzlespice @cassiegro Cassie, you're my hero! Thank you for sharing my listings. Will do the same ❤️
Aug 04Reply
studioitera @cassiegro Thanks for the shares!
Aug 06Reply
sheer_fabulous Thank u 4 all ur shares!!! I appreciate it😘
Aug 07Reply
sdnyyn Hi Cassie! Come check out my closet! I have lots of VS pink + many other cute brands and pieces! Right now, I'm accepting all offers on my listings, except for VS items. All VS items are listed cheaper on Merc though! if you find something you like, it will be shipped ASAP! 🦄💓 Plus, if something doesn't work out, you can always resell it so why not take a chance! 😉
Aug 08Reply
slkrogull Thanks for the Posh-love!! ❤️
Aug 09Reply
aerogirl85 If you have any vs pink yoga pants and or leggings tights and or pantyhose size medium I'll be definitely interested in a couple weeks from now Hun
Aug 11Reply
katkit21 @cassiegro Thanks for the shares!! After you shared my closet the shares really popped off! ✌🏼️
Aug 12Reply
keezey_ Hey doll! 💗 Thanks for the follow, and welcome! Check out my closet! My seller discount is 30% for 2 or more items! 💋 And ALL prices are negotiable. 👏🏽 I also like to trade! ♻️ Let me know if you are interested!
Aug 13Reply
lorechico Hi,thank you for sharing 😊
Aug 17Reply
foofangirl Thanks for all the shares!!
Aug 20Reply
franmajors @cassiegro Thank you for all of the sharing! 😊 I also love your closet! To much great stuff to chose from!
Aug 24Reply
cassiegro @franmajors No problem! :) I love your closet too!
Aug 24Reply
netta06 Hey Cassiegro thanks for following, my friend also is a poster her poster name is Rucute2 follower her she has items as well as you do. THANKS
Nov 17Reply
teachme123 Thank you for all your shares from my closet.🌸🙋🏼🌺 happy holidays to you and your family.🎁🎅🏻🎄 and happy poshing to you💞
Dec 14Reply
cosmosherry @cassiegro Hello Cassie, I'm Sherry (15 month posher), you have an amazing closet filled with beautiful clothes! I took my time looking at all your items and I'm sure I will make a few more passes until I come to form a bundle. You have great taste and I like your style. Your closet is a pleasure to look through. 😊🌴🌹
Jan 20Reply
cassiegro @cosmosherry Thanks so much!!
Jan 20Reply
parramore99 Hi Cassie. Wanted to thank you for all the shares you've given me. I greatly appreciate it. Means a lot. Have returned by sharing your gorgeous closet! Nice to see a fellow neighbor on here. I'm in your area all the time, have friends there. Posh Love to you 😘-Holly
Jan 27Reply
ashlynrobb Sorry to bother you but did i sent your pakage in a cole Haan box? I had something in there that i did not take out and it is very important it was a gift for my husband! I WILL PAY SHIPPING if you have it!! Please let me know asap!
Feb 01Reply
cassiegro @ashlynrobb I will let you know as soon as I receive the package!!
Feb 01Reply
cassiegro @ashlynrobb Just got the package! It wasn't in a Cole Haan box and there was nothing else inside, so I'm guessing it was sent to someone else!
Feb 02Reply
ashlynrobb Thank you very much for checking for me! What was wrong with the bag that you gave it a low rating? I apologize if there was something wrong with it??? I only used it like twice!
Feb 02Reply
ashlynrobb Is there any possibility that you could please change that? It is really going to hurt me and this is my main source of income.
Feb 02Reply
cassiegro @ashlynrobb You described it as new without tags and it's quite obviously used. It's a cute bag and I appreciate your quick shipping and cute packaging, but I just wish you had been more honest with me since I traded a lot for it.
Feb 02Reply
ashlynrobb @cassiegro yeah I really only used it like twice! It is in very good condition no?
Feb 02Reply
cassiegro @ashlynrobb The straps are ripping in 3 places, the MK hang tag is really scratched, the zipper on the top it really discolored and scratched, and the bottom knobs are super discolored and scratched. It's not in terrible condition, but it's not even close to being new without tags. I just wish you would have been completely honest with me, and if it's not new without tags then don't say it is.
Feb 02Reply
ashlynrobb @cassiegro would you like to return?
Feb 02Reply
cassiegro @ashlynrobb I'll still keep it! I think it's cute and I'll still probably use it. I don't mean to sound rude or mean. I just want to be honest with you about my rating so you know to check things over really carefully and be honest about the condition of the items. :) I hope you enjoy your items! Looks like they were delivered today!
Feb 02Reply
fabulous_frugal Thanks for sharing and viewing my closet!❤
Feb 03Reply
gauthier1994 Whats good shawty
Feb 13Reply
cassiegro @lisanaumann Thanks! Love yours too! Thanks for the shares 😘😘
Feb 18Reply
yvette3383 Thank you, I will update my payment as soon as I get off work later. We finally agreed on a deal. Lol! Thanks 😘
Feb 20Reply
cassiegro @yvette3383 Lol, sounds good! 😁😁
Feb 20Reply
kimmiegm1 OMGosh! Love so many things in your closet! I'll be back soon! Happy Monday😘💜
Feb 21Reply
cassiegro @kimmiegm1 Thank you!! 😘
Feb 21Reply
fivetenandahalf Thanks for sharing from my closet, yours is great!
Feb 24Reply
cassiegro @fivetenandahalf Of course! 😘
Feb 24Reply
eydiemichelle You've got such a great closet! It makes it so easy and fun to share!👍
Feb 26Reply
cassiegro @eydiemichelle Thank you!! 😘
Feb 26Reply
braziljen05 You have a fabulous closet! Glad I found you! ❤❤
Feb 27Reply
cassiegro @braziljen05 Thank you so much!! I love your closet too! 😘😘
Feb 27Reply
my2munchkins Thank you so very much for sharing my listing. I just started my Posh closet and I truly appreciate it!! 😍
Mar 01Reply
cassiegro @my2munchkins Of course!! 😘
Mar 01Reply
giftsgalore51 You are adorable! !! And you would look so beautiful wearing some of my jewelry! !! Feel free to make an offer! !! Sally I shared some of yur great looking closet!!!
Mar 05Reply
giftsgalore51 We go through yur home town every time we drive up to Chicago from St. Louis to see my son and daughterinlaw! !! Sally
Mar 05Reply
modelbaeshop Thanks for sharing my listing 💛
Mar 06Reply
cassiegro @sparkletidy Of course! 😘
Mar 06Reply
tricegirl Thanks for the shares 🎊HAPPY POSHING 🎊😄
Mar 07Reply
rachymyers Whoa, I just had to stop by and say- your closet is amazing!!! Probably my favorite I've see in Poshmark so far! I'm mostly here to sell, but I am so tempted to go on a shopping spree! 😄
Mar 07Reply
cassiegro @rachymyers Thanks so much!! 😗😗
Mar 07Reply
tyswardrobe thanks for sharing my listing😊
Mar 11Reply
stylefrenzii Thanks for sharing my page!! :))) Love your closet!
Mar 15Reply
cassiegro @stylefrenzii Of course! 😗 Thanks!
Mar 15Reply
mandm2011 Aww....thank you for all the shares!!!! Very sweet of you. Take care!! 💖😊
Mar 30Reply
cassiegro @mandm2011 Of course!!
Mar 30Reply
cseaswagger Your closet is awesome! That backround is so cute ! Is that your actual wall ?
Apr 05Reply
cassiegro @cseaswagger Thank you! 😘 My husband's a part time photographer and has this lovely backdrop mounted on our wall. I thought it would be a cute showcase for my clothes too! ☺️
Apr 05Reply
cseaswagger @cassiegro It really is ! (Nice)
Apr 05Reply
cassiegro @kims_closet Thank you! 😘
Apr 20Reply
kelprn Really NICE closet!!🦋
May 13Reply
cassiegro @kelprn Thank you!! 😘
May 13Reply
sheepiepups Hi, just bought candy heart leggings. Do you have tc bigfoot?
May 30Reply
cassiegro @sheepiepups I don't, sorry!
May 30Reply
sheepiepups Looking desparately
May 30Reply
cassiegro @sheepiepups I'll tag you if I ever see any! I know I've seen a lot on eBay in the past, so you could check there!
May 30Reply
sheepiepups I have. Way too much money. I have bid but too high. Bought a slightly used pair. Returned them, they were worn a little more than a few times.
May 30Reply
cassiegro @sheepiepups I'll tag you if I ever find a good price on Poshmark ☺️👍
May 30Reply
sheepiepups Thanks
May 30Reply
urstyl Thanks for the share 💋 XOXO
Jun 04Reply
ashleyandme01 Hi Cassie, you have a very very cute closet!! And your style too, the clothes are amazing! You've got so many good brands I like ❤❤ Your pictures are very nicely taken too, all them have such good lighting and brightness 😊
Jun 27Reply
cassiegro @ashleyandme01 Thank you so much!! 😘
Jun 27Reply
ejaeyoung2001 I did decline your offer because I saw lots of pretty stuff your closet. Haha. So restart again!!!
Jun 30Reply
cassiegro @ejaeyoung2001 Haha sounds good! 😘
Jun 30Reply
cassiegro @deenas47 Thank you! 😘
Jun 30Reply
annahanoom Hello dear Cassie. Please so kindly accept 40 dollar offer for both dresses. I would appreciate it
Jun 30Reply
annahanoom I actually meant 45. thank you dear
Jun 30Reply
cassiegro @annahanoom That's still quite a bit lower than I'm willing to go. My counter offer is the lowest I'll go which is still an excellent deal!
Jun 30Reply
annahanoom @cassiegro can you kindly do 47?
Jun 30Reply
cassiegro @annahanoom sorry, that's my lowest
Jun 30Reply
annahanoom @cassiegro are they both brand new?
Jun 30Reply
cassiegro @annahanoom They aren't brand new, but they're both in like new perfect condition.
Jun 30Reply
cassiegro @annahanoom Please be respectful of what I'm saying. If you aren't able to purchase for that price, that's totally fine. But that's what I'm asking and I can't go any lower.
Jun 30Reply
tammystone Hello I noticed that my order is waiting to be shipped .not sure why? What do i need to do
Jul 20Reply
cassiegro @tammystone You don't have to do anything on your end! I brought it to the post office today, so you should receive an email tonight or tomorrow with tracking info! :)
Jul 20Reply
tammystone K..thank u
Jul 20Reply
dianesteinberg Wow - what a closet - flowing with fabulous items - so very impressive....and, one more thing that I love about Poshmark - the kindness of everyone here - just love it!.....Happy Poshing!
Aug 03Reply
xtd Hello! I do same day shipping if you're interested in anything I have listed on my page.😊💕 Also it's nice to see someone from IL, I was born about an hour from you in Joliet 😊
Sep 27Reply
cassiegro @xtd Awesome! I'll definitely check out your closet! 😘
Sep 27Reply
tetullis Hello and thanks for following. Happy poshing
Oct 20Reply
sarahmindelli I love your closet! So neat! 💜
Oct 28Reply
cassiegro @haekeg Awesome, thanks! You're so sweet! We're having a girl 😍
Jan 16Reply
drippner If I ever receive my package I will change my rating.
Jan 18Reply
cassiegro @drippner The tracking says it was delivered on January 11th and accepted by front desk/reception?
Jan 18Reply
cassiegro @drippner If you still haven't received it, I suggest you contact Poshmark directly about the issue. It doesn't seem fair to give me a bad rating when I promptly packaged and shipped it out and the issue didn't occur until delivery which is completely out of my hands at that point.
Jan 18Reply
drippner @cassiegro they don’t have it. I’ve contacted posh.
Jan 19Reply
cassiegro @charity_e Awesome, thanks!
May 06Reply
jaxbnice Hi! Your bundle is shipping out today, thank you very much for your purchase! I've also included a new polka dot dress, its never been worn, its the same style as the maroon floral dress you purchased :)
Aug 21Reply
cassiegro @jaxbnice Thank you so much! You're so sweet!
Aug 21Reply
luckeelady25 I’m so flattered for the Like! 😊 I’m currently having a 🏠MOVING SALE🏠, everything is on sale so the more items you buy the bigger % you save (up to 40%) no matter the cost. I do have all budget and sizes too! So check it out cause you may find something else you didn’t know you really needed 😁. Be sure to check out the sale listing for info and bundle your likes and send me a corresponding offer 🙃
Jan 01Reply
digitalsandy Cassie. Many thanks for following the path to my closet.🍀 I looked at the things in yours, as well.✌️ A great percentage of your things have Sold, haven't they. Congratulations✔️
Jan 20Reply
greenbaypackers Hi Cassie:) Thanks for the follow. Following you now too:) Will check out your closet. Cute pic. you have up of yourself & a friend. FYI...if ever interested in anything in my closet, I'm always open to offers & give 20% off a bundle of 2 or more items. Hope you have a restful evening & a great Wed.!!! Happy Poshing!!!
Apr 24Reply
hollylove8 Thank you so much for sharing my closet! ❤️
Apr 25Reply
cassiegro @hollylove8 Of course! 😘
Apr 25Reply
excellent_finds Nice closet! May I ask where you found your backdrop? I'm new to Poshmark, but looking for something to help with lighting. Thanks❤
May 19Reply
cassiegro @excellent_finds Thanks! I got the backdrop from and I got the stand for it on Amazon. I also got the lighting kit and mannequin on Amazon!
May 19Reply
excellent_finds @cassiegro Thanks! I got my mannequin and lighting kit from Amazon, but couldn't find a nice backdrop so I'll check it out! Gotta spend $ to make $!
May 19Reply
cassiegro @excellent_finds Awesome! For sure 👍👍
May 19Reply
jpazdesign Thanks for the follow
Jun 06Reply
liplindy Thanks for following me. Pretty makeup. What brand do you wear?
Jun 06Reply
mtwayland14 You Have a Beautiful Closet! Thank you for Following me!😊 Happy Poshing!!!
Jun 25Reply
bobbett328 Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 😊🌺🥰 Happy Poshing🛍🛍
Aug 27Reply
cassiegro @tiersal Ugh, I just noticed that today! I have no idea what's going on. 😣 Hope it makes it's way to you soon! So sorry this is happening!!
Mar 05Reply
cassiegro @tiersal Okay, awesome! Hopefully they give you your money back either way at this point! Keep me posted!
Mar 06Reply
cassiegro @tiersal For sure! It'll all work out. 😄
Mar 06Reply
cassiegro @tiersal Yeah, for sure! Still hoping it randomly shows up for you at some point. 😞 But glad you got your money back!
Mar 11Reply
cassiegro @tiersal Bummer! I'm so sorry! Thanks for being so understanding!! 😘
Mar 11Reply
parker182 Are you able to ship items out today if purchased by a certain time? Thanks
Mar 20Reply
cassiegro @parker182 Yes, I can ship out today if purchased by 4:00pm Central Time. 👍
Mar 20Reply
monolidi Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Aug 10Reply
cheyanne_79 Hello there, welcome to check out my closet. FYI, I am having jewelry, skincare, makeup products, nail care system, bags, baby stuffs, beautiful coral jade, home decor and accessories etc.! Let me know if you are interest, I can provide you a good discount! 😉
Aug 13Reply
yizzie74 Thanks for following 👍🏽
Aug 28Reply
caninowbe hello my name is Katherine and I love to shop. I buy for everyone.. I presently have some new baby clothes. and have some woman plus clothing from woman within and Roamans.. have some smaller younger clothes.. and even some miscellaneous items. come on by check out my closet. 😜. you have a wonderful day and enjoy having friends 💗
Aug 30Reply
byrdemily Thank you for checking out my closet! 🧡💙***BUNDLE YOUR PURCHASE FOR A GREAT DISCOUNT! I AM OPEN TO ALL REASONABLE OFFERS. ***💙🧡
Sep 05Reply
closet4crystals ☆ cεℓεвяαтε ωιтн мε ☆ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♡ it’s my 𝕓𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕕𝕒𝕪 month!!!!!! ♡ i don’t want to celebrate alone!! ♡ just kindly bundle up 2 or more of your favs & receive a 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓫𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓭𝓪𝔂 discount!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sep 15Reply
cliffordbbailey 💜 LOVE YOUR CLOSET SO MUCH THAT 👔👕👖🧥🧦👗🩱🩳👚👜👞🥾💄💍👡👢 💚💚I shared a few items 💚💚             "Sharing is Caring " I also FOLLOWED you thanks Cliff 💞
Sep 23Reply
mckaylaboyd94 Sorry you were unhappy with your order! I have bernese mountain dogs and had it washed before sending but their hair gets on everything!
Oct 19Reply
cassiegro @mckaylaboyd94 No worries! I don't have a dog, so I don't know what that's like. I'm still still very happy! Giving it a wash right now and should look great again. 👍
Oct 19Reply
blingurnewfashw Thank you for stopping by and the follow! Happy selling and or buying! 🛍😁🌟
Oct 27Reply
shannon041604 hi!! come check out my closet for great deals from brands like american eagle and forever 21! i also make one of a kind, cute earrings! have a great day:)
Jan 26Reply
littlepeachxo hi i’m having a huge sale! everything is under $10 + discounted shipping! and all bundles are 50% off.
Mar 26Reply
holliep55 hello! Hope all is well! I dont really specialize in kids clothes I just happened to get this bundle of stuff that I have now. So i saw that you liked some of my things. If youd like to pick out ten items I will give them to you for 20 bucks. Lemme know!
May 04Reply
holliep55 Hello I I was just writing to let you know that there were two shirts that were on the list that I couldn't find. So I added two different but really cool shirts and I think two other pairs of pants. So there are 14 items total. I'm going to wash and sanitize them one more time. And box them and send them out in the in the a.m.
May 05Reply
cassiegro @holliep55 Okay, thank you! I'm hoping the Looks like Daddy but an attitude like mommy shirt is still one I'm getting?
May 05Reply
cassiegro @holliep55 Awesome 🙌🙌
May 05Reply
holliep55 And actually there are 15 or 16 items total.
May 05Reply
cassiegro @holliep55 Thank you so much! 😘
May 05Reply
holliep55 @cassiegro your welcome!
May 05Reply
misterposher thanks for the follow 😊
Aug 18Reply
oliviaami Dear @cassiegro , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Oct 28Reply
tatnaples Hi Cassie! Thank you for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Oct 28Reply
thrifted_books Hi! Thanks for following! Please feel free to shop my closet and make me a reasonable offer on anything. I have a 4/$20 sale going on books, toys, jewelry, and ornaments. I have items available from Barbie, Thomas Kinkade, Avon, Coca Cola, and more! I mail ASAP! Happy shopping!
Feb 08Reply
sunnydaystyles Hi Cassie! I am new to Poshmark and excited to be a part! Love your closet!
Feb 17Reply
cassiegro @sunnydaystyles Welcome!! Just shared your stuff. 😘 Happy poshing!
Feb 17Reply
richmondsrelics Hello, I have 2 closets; richmondsrelics and kids_poshshop. I’m listing new and Preowned clothes in my closet everyday. And toys, home goods, electronics and collectibles! I don’t make offers other than my bundle discounts, but I welcome reasonable offers from shoppers.
Mar 03Reply
kimberlie_ann thanks for the bundle offer. didn't know that was a thing! that was my first Poshmark purchase ☺️
Mar 12Reply
cassiegro @kimberlie_ann Yes! Welcome to Poshmark!! I'll ship out first thing Monday 😘
Mar 13Reply
tombrandon You made an offer on a bundle yesterday for $45. Lululemon pull over and Patagonia fleece. The sale of the fleece did not go through. If you’re still interested I can bundle the fleece and the lady the pull over for $50.
Mar 14Reply
cassiegro @tombrandon I appreciate the offer! I actually ended up finding a similar Patagonia instead, so I think I'll pass. But thanks for reaching out! Both pieces have great prices and should sell fast. I'll share them for you!
Mar 14Reply
tombrandon @cassiegro Awesome! Thank you!
Mar 14Reply
christibritt Thank you for following my closet!! I can’t wait to look at yours!! Please feel free to make me an offer on anything you like, plus I offer discounts for bundling. Hope you’re loving Poshmark as much as I do. Have a wonderful day!!! ❤️
Mar 14Reply
greatbuy10 Hi posher I enjoy selling on Poshmark i have lots of Nike brands and other name brands check out my closet and if you have any questions on getting started on Poshmark let me know have a great day and stay safe 🥰
Mar 18Reply
jethomas52 Thanks for the great offer!!!! I just don’t want to spend that much at this time!!”love your closet!!!
Apr 02Reply
cassiegro @jethomas52 No problem! Thanks!!
Apr 02Reply
resalemonkey Hi Cassie 👋 Thank you for following ResaleMonkey 🙉 🍌 I’m new to Poshmark 🌟 💫 and I’m so excited to learn about this platform 👽 Because I’m new here, I tried to list my items on a huge discount 🍌 🙊 if you haven’t checked out my page yet I’d highly recommend doing it If you have any questions, offers or anything you want to ask please don’t hesitate 🥰
May 08Reply
cassiegro @resalemonkey Unfortunately you're in Canada so I'm not able to shop your closet. But welcome to Poshmark and happy sales!
May 08Reply
garydavis809 Thank you Cassie for the follow… such a great smile btw.
May 23Reply
scholtzy88 Hello ! How low are you able yon Go on the black coach told with the flowers
May 25Reply
cassiegro @scholtzy88 Please make an offer and I will counter with my lowest!
May 25Reply
cassiegro @scholtzy88 The offer I currently have sent out to you is the lowest I'm willing to go.
May 25Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Jun 02Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jul 18Reply
cutehosiery @cassiegro Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 16Reply
windy4 Thank you for the share 😀
Feb 12Reply
gizmo_84 I have only 20$ gift card would you 10$ and 10$ tax shipping thank you
Mar 08Reply
cassiegro @gizmo_84 Sorry, my counter is the lowest I can go.
Mar 08Reply
alowis46 I am trying to buy for the 20.00 and 5.95 shipping, but won't let me , any ideas?
Jun 03Reply
cassiegro @alowis46 Unfortunately it won't let you purchase for that price anymore because you countered with a different price. If you offer $18 to make up for the difference of discounted shipping then I will accept.
Jun 03Reply
alowis46 @cassiegro ok thank you
Jun 03Reply
alowis46 so I offered 18. I'm sorry for messing this up.
Jun 03Reply
cassiegro @alowis46 No worries!
Jun 03Reply
hollyhobby669 Thank you I will ship tomorrow 😊
Sep 16Reply

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Last Active: 7 hours ago

Holland, MI
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Last Active: 7 hours ago

Holland, MI
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