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Updated Jul 07
Updated Jul 07

Meet your Posher, Cayla

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Cayla. Some of my favorite brands are J. Crew, Free People, and Tory Burch. Feel free to ask me any questions regarding the merchandise in my closet! I will try my best to answer your inquiries as fast as possible! Also, feel free to make me an offer:) Thanks for stopping by!
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 3+ Bundle

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chooseyougirl @caylaherd Hey Cayla, I saw you liked a few of my posts. I deleted alot of posts last night to take better punctures. Ill be reposting shortly and if you create a bundle with your items im open to offers on top of the extra 20% discount I give for 3 items of more xoxo
Jun 01Reply
caylaherd @chooseyougirl thanks so much girl! I’ll take a look:) feel free to make a bundle in my closet as well!
Jun 01Reply
chooseyougirl @caylaherd absolutely ♥️♥️
Jun 01Reply
marcelahasani Congratulations on your prize 😊 I hope you can find items of interest in my closet, your $50 credit will get you a lot, all offers accepted and every item comes with bonus. Have a great day!
Jun 05Reply
caylaherd @marcelahasani thanks so much! This is so exciting:)
Jun 05Reply
2ndhand_seller Congrats on your Make a Deal Days win! 🏆
Jun 06Reply
caylaherd @2ndhand_seller thanks so much :)
Jun 06Reply
caylaherd @2ndhand_seller thanks for sharing my stuff too :)
Jun 06Reply
effibabe Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🎈🎈Could you help to share more items of my closet. Really appreciate🙏🙏🥺🥺
Jun 23Reply
caylaherd @effibabe no problem!! Feel free to share mine too:)
Jun 23Reply
glamfriperie Hi! How are you? I just saw you shared few of my articles😍! Thank you🥰. Let me know if you are interested in some of my articles or if have any questions... i am giving a 15% off on all your articles when you purchase 2nd and + articles. i pay your shipping when you buy for 125$ and more!! Thank you! Enjoy your shopping!! ❤️
Jun 23Reply
caylaherd @glamfriperie thanks girl!!! No problem I enjoy sharing articles I like:) I love your closet! I am not shopping for myself right now but when I do I’ll keep your closet in mind. Feel free to share and take a look at mine too xx
Jun 23Reply
glamfriperie @caylaherd thanks🤩! Sound good i will! Have a great weekend ☀️
Jun 26Reply
kimberlee_dee Hi Cayla !! Just wanted to say “ I love your closet “. ! Happy poshing ! Stay well 🌻😊🌻
Jun 28Reply
caylaherd @kimberlee_dee aww thanks so much girl!!! I love yours too:) get it queen xx
Jun 28Reply
kimberlee_dee Thanks Cayla 😉
Jun 28Reply
intel4minside @caylaherd sorry about the brief greeting. I'm Mario and I'm new to the posh movements and seeing that you are a posh ambassador was hoping for a few of your knowledgeable tips.
Jul 03Reply
caylaherd @intel4minside welcome to posh! You’ll do great:) share as much as you can, offer great deals, and enter as many of the parties as you can to share your closet! Your closet looks great! Happy Poshing and Goodluck! You’ll do great!
Jul 03Reply
annabelle_knorr check out my closet first time you get buy one get one free just make a bundle and message me
Jul 05Reply
caylaherd @annabelle_knorr thanks so much! I’m not in the market for myself right now; but I’ll be sure to share all your stuff:) Goodluck!! Xx
Jul 05Reply
lynnr1960 Hi , welcome to Poshmark. My name is Donna , I am a Poshmark Ambassador. Thankyou for the follow . Take a moment to check out my closet . I am always open to reasonable offers. Happy Poshing 🛍
Jul 16Reply
caylaherd @lynnr1960 thanks so much! Same to you girl:)
Jul 16Reply
nathanround Appreciate you doing your best to work with me, if you get any dress pants/khakis in men’s 34 LMK ! Thank you
Jul 19Reply
caylaherd @nathanround hi! No problem! Unfortunately, I only have a pair of jeans in 34. But go to my closet, under category select all men’s apparel and let me know if you’d like to make an offer! Thanks and happy poshing!
Jul 19Reply
metisangel I'm new to Poshmark. When a person puts "like" on item & then puts "into bundle" but no more of my items, what action(s) do I do?
Jul 23Reply
caylaherd @metisangel hey you! Welcome to Poshmark! So when someone adds something to a bundle you can always offer them a discount for that item! Or you just wait to see if they are more items to the bundle down the line! Hope this helps!
Jul 23Reply
metisangel @caylaherd Thanks so much!
Jul 24Reply
caylaherd @bonitasloft hey girl! Welcome to Poshmark! If you go to settings then edit, you will be able to change your name:) you can add more letters/words in the first name box. Simply add the Canada emoji in the beginning or end of your name in the same fashion you would as a text. Remember the majority of your words must be in the first name box as the second name box does not allow for that many letters. Hope this helps:) Happy poshing!!!!!
Aug 10Reply
sj1726 Thanks for the shares😀
Aug 12Reply
dianahd06 Hi there! I wanted to invite you to check out my closet full of beautiful clothing and accesories! I have various luxury and designer brands, as well as everyday amazing clothing! There is something for everyone! I am open to any offers, and have great deals on bundles:) Please let me know if I can help you with anything😊 Happy Poshing!!
Sep 09Reply
bmartel88 Seriously! What soap are you using!!! Lol I love it
Sep 11Reply
caylaherd @bmartel88 haha! I love you! Thank you for the love note:) it’s all in the bounty dryer sheet! I rub it on all the clothes before sending them. I’m sneaky!
Sep 11Reply
alisonluvs2shop @caylaherd - Thank you for sharing my closet. I am fairly new to Poshmark and I am absolutely loving the community. You just made it even better. Be well and stay safe 💜🙏✌️🛍
Feb 28Reply
linamaged Hi there! I am having a HUGE buy one get one free sale this week, so let me know if you see anything you like in my closet and I'll send you an offer discount 😊
Apr 18Reply
punkyinpink Cayla, I adore your closet !I’m a Posh Rookie but already very active ! I hope I can get on your level girl !!!🎀💋
May 19Reply
caylaherd @punkyinpink thanks so much!!! Feel free to get in their and purchase some stuff! Bundle and save. Let me know if you would like any tips! Happy Poshing!
May 19Reply
call_me_momo Hi Cayla, ☺️ I’d like to invite you to visit my closet and have a peek. It’s always great to connect to another Posher & show support where I can. Currently, my closet contents is made up of all my own personal things. Some brands you’ll recognize and some you may not. When you shop my closet, you’ll receive a 15% discount if you buy 2 items or more. The more you purchase & bundle, the deeper the discount I can offer 😉 Hope to be in touch with you soon. Momo 🫶🏻💕
Mar 14Reply

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Last Active: Mar 05

York, ON
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Last Active: Mar 05

York, ON
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