Meet your Posher, Chanda
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Hi! I'm Chanda. Some of my favorite brands are Victoria's Secret, Vera Bradley, and Forever 21. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

4 others
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Welcome to Poshmark! A great new way to shop. Enjoy!
Sep 01Reply

Hello, i saw you started a bundle yesterday for the Me Too boots. I wasn't sure if you wanted to add something else and make an offer or if you added by mistake. Please let me know. I would love to make a deal🤗
Oct 16Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark !!!
I see that you liked a bundle of some shoes from my closet, more than willing to help you make them yours! Let me know if you have any questions 🙂
Oct 22Reply

Hi hun! Thank you for your purchase. Sweetie did you see the same sandals nude color? I tagged it to you before. Thank you 🙏🙏🙏👌👌👌
Oct 26Reply

I already sent your order out 2 days ago. I’m unsure why it’s saying I haven’t. But it should already be on it’s way😊
Oct 29Reply

Hi sweetie! Thank you for your rating, please continue to shop from my beautiful wardrobe, Thank you 🙏
Oct 31Reply

🌻Welcome to Poshmark🌻🌼Thank you for your purchase🌼🌷Will be shipping out tomorrow 11/7/2018 Wednesday.🌷
Nov 06Reply

The black dress is a size 9. Size is shown in picture 8. Seen the ad said size 8.
Nov 07Reply

@jmgd19711989 I'm okay with that
Nov 07Reply

Just shipped out thank you
Nov 07Reply

Your puppy is adorable !
Nov 08Reply

@chandacooney Hi Chanda, I see you are making a bundle, thanks for taking advantage of my 5/$20 10/$35 SALE. Just let me know if you have questions. When you are done you can send me the offer ($20 for 5 items $10 or less or choose 10/$35 and save more) Just pay 1 shipping for all. Or I’ll send you one. Have a great day 🦋💕🐸🦊🎁
Nov 09Reply

Hi, i am so sorry but upon searching i cant find the dress anywhere. I have the bcbg shirt. Is there anything in my closet that you would like to substitute the dress for??
Nov 09Reply

@Chanda Cooney Good evening Chanda, did you see my bundle offer to you? Are you interested? I can ship tomorrow and I’ll add you an extra or two. All good stuff. Thanks, Edie
Nov 10Reply

Nov 11Reply

@gigikposhmark Yes, he is!!
Nov 12Reply

Sorry I didnt accept ur offer on the sun dresses. Id only be making $3.00. I may as well give them to the womens shelter at that point. Theyre already cheap enough sorry.
Nov 13Reply

Hi! I have shipped bundle. I don’t know why it’s not showing as shipped. I just wanted you to know. Thank you.
Nov 14Reply

Hey girl! I had to cancel your order for the five dresses, because I no long have 3 of them. I will do a discount on the dresses I do have if you’re interested still!
Nov 15Reply

@kalynfedro Which dresses do you still have??
Nov 17Reply

@chandacooney @chandacooney I have the greenish lacy one, the red and black flowery one, the longsleeeve pink one you just added to a bundle, the orange one and a few others. I put “no longer available” in the comments of the ones I no longer have.
Nov 17Reply

@chandacooney if it won’t let you add the ones that say “sold” then I can relist them for you. Just let me know if it’s not letting you. Since I cancelled the order it should put them back up for sale but it didn’t.
Nov 17Reply

I can't find the blue floral skirt. I have emptied my totes 3 times. I'm so sorry. Can I exchange a couple other items from my closet to make up for it?
Nov 19Reply

@kkbaker24 I would be interested in the long pink floral dress and the purple tie die top
Nov 19Reply

@kalynfedro is there a way for you to add them to my bundle?
Nov 19Reply

@chandacooney I will re-list them for you to add.
Nov 19Reply

I am very sorry to hear that you felt the belts smirked of smoke. They come from my home (not bought elsewhere) and no one in my family smokes. I have a smoke free home. I apologise if they didn't smell as pleasant as you hoped. I hope you are able to air them and still enjoy them. Happy Thanksgiving! 😊
Nov 22Reply

Hello! Thanks so much for your bundle purchase from my closet! I have the three dresses you purchased packed up but think I might have donated the blue sparkly tank top. Is there something else I can send you from my closet as a replacement?
Nov 24Reply

Hi! If I don’t hear from you today I will send the package with the three items and a refund for the fourth item.
Nov 26Reply

@aloopner430 I live in Ohio, so I totally understand. Mail it only if it’s safe to drive. 😁
Nov 26Reply

@aliafashion I missed your comment, I’ll check now
Nov 26Reply

@chandacooney great!
Nov 26Reply

@chandacooney I will add in the hot pink pants!
Nov 26Reply

The black patterned belted dress is nice. I put it in a bundle so you know which one I am referring to. Thank you
Nov 26Reply

@chandacooney would you like the dress and hot pink pants? Happy to give you both at no extra charge.
Nov 26Reply

@aliafashion That would be nice, thank you!!
Nov 26Reply

@aloopner430 I’ve added two items in a bundle
Nov 26Reply

Hi sending Posh 💜💙💜 your way .please feel free to check out my closet when you have a minute . Happy to answer any of your questions and please don’t be shy to use the offer button if you not happy with the price of an item, sure we can agree on a fair and reasonable price for both of us 😊. Thanks and Happy Poshing 🛒🛍🤗
Nov 28Reply

@aloopner430 I did receive your package, I thought I accepted, did I not?
Dec 03Reply

hi, the belts you ordered from me have been delivered to you! could you accept the item on here when you get the chance? thanks 💗
Dec 03Reply

Cute pup!
Dec 05Reply

hi. jst packed up. belts in the mail. i think u’ll b pleased. thx for shopping w me! ☮️
Dec 06Reply

do u want the belt pkg? im not getting a label ??
Dec 06Reply

@lauriea393901 I’m not sure why, I paid for the bundle.
Dec 06Reply

@chandacooney ill contact them again. your all packed up w no label lol?!😧id like for it to go out today😰lol
Dec 06Reply

still working on reaching them. ☮️
Dec 06Reply

Chanda, how dare you accuse me of scamming you! The dress was sold years ago and the item description was changed to SOLD then. I offered the 2 remaining items to you for$6. I messaged all of this info on 12/25. You ordered on 12/26. If you failed to read either item description or message, NOT MY FAULT!
Jan 10Reply

If you go back and view the bundle comments you will see that I am telling the truth. You owe me an apology! You put these UNTRUE STATEMENTS out there for all of poshmark to see. I take this very seriously. You can't just go accusing people of things that simply aren't true!
Jan 10Reply

@redxfire if it were sold, I would not have been able to put it in my bundle. That is how Poshmark works.
Jan 12Reply

It was clearly marked SOLD IN BUNDLE. It was so long ago POSHMARK didn't even have the bundle system the way it does now. Can't you just concede that you did not read the item description or the comments I sent you the day BEFORE you placed your order? THAT'S WHAT REALLY HAPPENED AND YOU KNOW IT!
Jan 13Reply

You just recently joined POSHMARK. I have been a member for years. That's how we did it back then...before there was a bundle system. You are human aren't you? It's ok to say you made a mistake. Bottom line is that you should have read both the item description and the order comments BEFORE placing your order. You didn't. THAT'S WHAT REALLY HAPPENED AND THAT'S THE TRUTH!!!
Jan 13Reply

@redxfire Your screaming at me shows your lack of maturity. I made no mistake and all notices from Poshmark CLEARLY state I purchased a three item bundle. I'm not apologizing for anything. Period!
Jan 13Reply

I just wanted to make sure that you received your bundle and everything arrived ok. Let me know if there is anything further you need from me and thank you so much for the business! ❤️
Jan 20Reply

I am glad that you liked your bundle because you received a $25 bundle for $10. So you took me for $15. I stated on the bundles comment section what the prices would be and how you could receive a free item if you liked. When I was dealing with your bundle I was in the middle of a family crisis and when I looked back I thought u had deleted the $15 dress and added a $5 to get the free item (3 $5 items for $10) it was my mistake, but if someone would have made that big of a mistake with me
Jan 21Reply

(after I knew what my options and the total would be of my bundle) I would have left a comment about thinking the price is to low and not what was quoted earlier, because I’m honest and fair. I read through the above comments and it looks like you have been difficult and ugly to deal with with other people as well. I’m going to block you from being able to purchase anything from me again
Jan 21Reply

. I don’t want dishonest people who will take any chance they can to get one over on you. I also would not recommend this seller, because of what she did to me and how she has treated others in the past.
Jan 21Reply

As it appears she doesn’t sell
Jan 21Reply

@therosehiprebel You are very. Presumptuous the only difficulty I’ve had is not receiving items that I purchased. In one case I was sent a bunch of junk that was not even my size, and not one single thing that I’ve purchased. I appreciate you blocking me, I would not support anyone with your moral compass
Jan 21Reply

@chandacooney Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I ship next day after purchase. Buy with confidence at my store👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Mar 06Reply

Hey ! I cancelled the order you placed because as I was packing the shoes to send to you i noticed the shoes now had a black stain on the left side of the wedge and i am so sorry they got damaged.
Apr 26Reply

Hi: I still have those beautiful dresses you once have put on a bundle....I’m now giving 50% off and half shipping❤️ Happy poshing🎊
Apr 30Reply

Thanks for your purchases
Aug 22Reply

Welcome to my closet of great deals....let me know if you have questions. Thanks!
Aug 22Reply

Thanks for your purchase it should start tracking Monday!😂
Aug 25Reply

Meant to send a 😃 not a crying face! Lol!
Aug 25Reply

Happy Labor Day!! I'm checking in to see how things are going with your loot?
Sep 02Reply

Hi I like to thank you for your purchase first of all "THANK YOU", Second I am still looking for the reversible skirt ..this is why you are not seeing your order tracking yet but lam quite sure that I still have it crossing my fingers I'll find it today ..ND thrid in the case that I don't locate it would there happen to be something else thT you may like???
Oct 18Reply

ND if so plz like it for a replacement item ,ND FYI IAM have a sale on dresses ,skirts,ND foot wear .So if you would find a replacement item jus in case I can't locate ,ND if it's a skirt ,dress,me foot wear plz like that items along with another one for your free ok.but I will look again today ND try and locate ok??
Oct 18Reply

ND if I can't find it ND you see nothing else to replace the skirt with I would beore thn happy to issue a refund ok
Oct 18Reply

Hi so I take it that your no longer interested in the bundle ..beings though I cancelled the other order ND I can't add it to the list of new items I was jus going to gift you the outfit ND the picture since I can't repost it not unless I rephoto it I was going to jus gift it
Oct 22Reply

Um I don't know what to say..but I wish you would have jus let me know that you were no longer interested ..cause I wrapped and package everything ready to shipp.Sorry if it seems that IAM complaining but it takes a lot of time to look for ND prepare items to be shipp ..IAM Jus a bit busy at times ND it's a wast of time to go through the montions when it's not necessary
Oct 22Reply

@annmobley I’m certainly not understanding where this is coming I have said nor have I indicated that I am not interested
Oct 22Reply

@annmobley I have not been on Poshmark much as my sister had an emergency hysterectomy due to having ovarian cancer, I did take that as a priority and was not thinking about purchasing clothing
Oct 22Reply

Oh I am so sorry dare about your sister and I apologize also for being a bit overwhelmed myself I know what you're going through and your family and I'm sorry to hear that now it's not a good time I do understand and I'll just be ready for whenever you are I hope things work out well for your sister and your family I pray for you guys my apologies for being such a nuisance
Oct 23Reply

@annmobley I just went to purchase these items and it said it expired an hour ago, I really would like to purchase this package, I will keep an eye out today
Oct 24Reply

Hi how are you ? Well I must say that I've looked ND looked for the flower halter dress ND I jus can't locate it ND my apologies for still having it up I must have all ready given it away 🙁 So I like to ask you plz find another dress to send in its place ND not a dress then you can choose anything other then the jewelry lots . But everything is up for grabs
Oct 28Reply

ND I hope your sister is doing ok my sincere condolences
Oct 28Reply

@annmobley I just liked a dress in your closet, let me know if that works. Thank you
Oct 28Reply

Yes I'll pack it with your other I will be sending you 2 packages tracking number 9405510899359914031643 ND second num 9405510899359916516018
Oct 28Reply

Reaching out to you since you have bought from my closet before! Please feel free to like items and I can create a bundle for you with a discount AND discount shipping! Happy Thanksgiving. Let me know if you have any questions :) and thanks again so much for the previous buy
Nov 26Reply

Hope you’ve liked my offer😉🙏🏻❤️
Dec 12Reply

I shipped your package and sealed the box before I enclosed the card. I just wanted to say thank you so much and happy holidays!
Dec 17Reply

Would you like to make an offer on the bundle you created in my closet? I sent you 2 offers just checking to see if you were interested in the items still.
Jan 02Reply

Hi there! At one point you had a pair of PJ’s of mine in a bundle. I got locked out of my account and couldn’t find some of the things I had listed and deleted them. They are back. They are black and red with hearts on them. I just wanted to let you know and apologize for the mishap. ❤️❤️❤️. I’m so sorry!
Jan 19Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Lululemon, Nike, Kate Spade, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Oct 18Reply

Jan 23Reply
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