Meet your Posher, Chelita
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Hi! I'm Chelita. Some of my favorite brands are J. Crew, Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors, Coach, and CHANEL. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

Thank you for your purchase! If I don't get it in the mail tomorrow because of work and Zumba Gold Boost Training, I will ship it Monday. Thanks again! 😉
Mar 11Reply

Your packaged has been mailed out. 😉
Mar 12Reply

Hi, thanks so much for the offer, I just lowered it. It's in great condition, if Posh didn't take 20%, It would be no problem selling it for less. Thank you! Good. Day!
Mar 16Reply

I'm😡that USPS is taking so long to deliver your package. Ugh... It's been a week already, since I mailed it out. Hopefully you receive it on Monday.
Mar 19Reply

With the items you want from my store, did you know if you bundled them together you could pay one shipping price vs one per item? When you scroll to the bottom of the item click "add to bundle". That will save you a lot of money.
Mar 31Reply

@chelita_1969 would you like to turn your items in to a bundle, so that you don't have to pay three shipping prices since it's all coming from one place? (Regarding the Zumba items you put an offer on)
Mar 31Reply

Hey! I apologize, some of your offers expired because I didn't get a response from you. Let me know if you wanted to bundle those items.
Apr 01Reply

Hey there! I was checking to see if you rec'd your notice from the post office regarding your packages! They've been available for pickup for a few days now and I was worried maybe you didn't get the notice!
Apr 10Reply

How was your second order? Do you love the shirt?
Apr 10Reply

thank iuuu so muchhh yes superrr
Apr 11Reply

@chelita_1969 hey!! I was just checking to see if you picked up your packages? I was worried something happened since they are still pending pickup according to Posh?
Apr 16Reply

@bndorr2130 were they gray tshirts of zumba ?
Apr 17Reply

@chelita_1969 yes...3 packages. All ploka dot boxes!
Apr 17Reply

@chelita_1969 one says still pending scan and I have no idea why!! I mailed all the same day! Actually 7 in total that day and all delivered except yours..thats why I was asking if you had rec'd the notice?
Apr 17Reply

@chelita_1969 now one package says out for delivery on the 8th? I'm so confused!
Apr 17Reply

@mjbp🌹🌹🌹 welcome to Poshmark I hope you're selling and buying experience is a wonderful one🌹🌹🌹as my mentor and suggested user please feel free to ask any questions you may have🌹🌹🌹I invite you to visit my closet as I have great fashion at affordable rates I do take their offers and I do Great bundle packages hope to see you thank you so much@mjbp🌹🌹🌹🌹
Apr 18Reply

hello i pay in the mail $7:42 you need you payme back 7:42 was 2 boxes and the leggins im not receved
Apr 19Reply

blue leggins im waiting
Apr 19Reply

@chelita_1969 I shipped all of your items the same day. And I tagged you in a post where it says the leggings have been delivered to you already and that you have a package waiting at the post office. I understand you've paid for them but I haven't rec'd my earnings bc the package hasn't been picked up!
Apr 21Reply

@bndorr2130 i just want to know when the blue leggings i ordered from you will arrive ....will it be on the 8th you said ?
Apr 26Reply

@chelita_1969 I don't know what's happened to your packages. It says the blue leggings were delivered to you. I know you have the 2 shirts yet posh cancelled one order...for the gray one. So I lost the earnings on that shirt even though you have it. I haven't been paid for the other shirt that you have either. I suggest you contact posh support bc there is nothing I can do. My earnings for the leggings were released to me bc it says they were delivered.
Apr 26Reply

@chelita_1969 Thank you so much for the purchase of my tank...:: if you would still like the other 2 "Instructor " tanks I will go ahead and take your offer of the $17 thanking you for your purchase! Please go ahead and counter offer $17 again and I will accept! Thanks so much! Your other tank is boxed and ready to go! Can't wait for you to get your goodies!! Let me know if you have ANY QUESTIONS! #zumba❤️
May 11Reply

Hello! Can you Please accept the order that way we can complete the transaction thank you so much.
May 20Reply

im not recived the blue leggins soo bad
May 21Reply

never almost 2 month
May 21Reply

gove my money back
May 21Reply

i didt
May 21Reply

@chelita_1969 sorry, someone purchased the Zumba stickers first. I'm not sure why it was not marked sold and allowed another person to purchase them.
Jun 04Reply

Chelita, check my msg to you hun under the capri leggings! I dont want you to think im ignoring your offers! So sorry, for some reason this app doesnt allow me to delete or mark as no longer available😗
Jun 16Reply

im very costomer plizzz
Jun 16Reply

hiii im order a capti pant , for in case cant i retur la merchendise .... thank uuu
Jun 18Reply

im sorry its' not for youu im sorry
Jun 18Reply

@chelita_1969 Hi I saw that you sent me an offer for a Zumba bag. Before I accept it I want to let you know that I'm out of town on vacation and won't be back till July 5th. Let me know if its ok to ship it by July 6th then I will accept the offer. Thank you!
Jun 22Reply

@raqueluz ahhhh ok no problem
Jun 22Reply

@chelita_1969 Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I'm back from vacation and I will pack your Zumba bag today and ship it tomorrow.
Jul 06Reply

ThN k uuu👍👍♥️♥️
Jul 07Reply

Gracias Chelita ¤☆¤☆¤☆¤
Aug 05Reply

🌷Hi! Thank you for your putchase, I will send it out on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Nov 11Reply

Hi welcome to poshmark, a fun community 😀 to buy and sell fashion👚👠💍👢 THX for the follow‼️ Happy Poshing💕🧤💐🧣
Nov 24Reply

Hola si quieres cancela las leggings y mejor as un bundle para las dos cosas... (Leggings y blusa) para q pagues u n sólo envío
Nov 30Reply

Ahhh ok.perfecto.gracias
Dec 01Reply

Gracias me parece perfecto
Dec 01Reply

@chelita_1969 te voy a hacer una lista nueva para las dos cosas y compres junto....
Dec 01Reply

@chelita_1969 publique más cosas por si te interesa algo mas
Dec 01Reply

Hi Chelita....thanks for the offer:-) Did you see my other Zumba items available? If you would like to take a look and bundle any of these with the pink crop pants let me know. If not, that is OK I will accept your offer on the pants and get those shipped out to you:-)
Dec 02Reply

Dec 03Reply

@chelita_1969 chelita Sorry pero no encontré las leggings como tengo tantas cosas en venta .... Sorry si las encuentro te digo.... por lo pronto tuve q cancelar la orden.....
Dec 06Reply

Hi Chelita....I see that you have already received your package for the Zumba Pink Crop pants...when you get an opportunity can you "Accept" and if you think I did a great job on the item please leave a comment. Thanks again and please visit my closet again soon:-) Happy Holidays:-)
Dec 07Reply

Ahh ok gracias
Dec 10Reply

@chelita_1969 ya encontré las leggings , mi hija las puso en su cajón..... por si kieres comprar de nuevo o kieres hacer un bundle puedo ponerte junto
Dec 10Reply

Cuales leggins los morados?? O color lavander
Dec 10Reply

@chelita_1969 los q compraste con la blusa y q cancele porq no las encontré
Dec 12Reply

@chelita_1969 hola de nuevo publique Las 3 cosas juntas POR si Kieres comprar.... Y la pregunto a mi maestra y me dice q ya no tiene CD....
Dec 14Reply

Gracias tu eres instructora???? Mucho gusto
Dec 18Reply

@chelita_1969 Hola chelita como estas?? Disculpame por no enviarte tu compra pero salimos de casa y aún no hemos regresado... Pero el sábado creo q te la envío temprano ....
Dec 22Reply

@chelita_1969 hola chelita voy llegando a mi casa de mi viaje Sorry por la tardanza hoy mismo dejo el paquete en l caja ...
Dec 27Reply

Thank you! Your package will be sent tomorrow morning!
Apr 11Reply

Thank you for the offer on the Zumba capris. I have accepted. I also combine shipping
Feb 22Reply

Hi did you receive your package
Feb 28Reply

Can you please rate
Feb 28Reply

If you create a bundle for the orchid Zumba burnout t-shirt, with more items from my closet, I can give you a quantity discount.
Jun 13Reply

Thank you for your purchase! I am out of town through next Monday for the holiday and will be unable to ship the item until the morning of Tues 7/9. Thank you for your patience in advance and enjoy the long weekend!
Jul 03Reply

Welcome and nice to meet you! If you have any questions, just stop by. Cheers!
Sep 07Reply

Hey I’m having a huge closet clear out! I’m open to all offers so give it a try - you might be surprised! I’m also giving out great bundle discounts and free shipping so you’re invited to check out the rest of my closet to see if you’d like anything else 💕 Happy Poshing 💝
Feb 29Reply

🙋♀️Hi 🧤It’s nice to meet you🧤 🛍Hope you find everything you ate looked for on Posh🛍
I’d love 💕 it if you would consider stopping 🛑by my closet and following me. 💫✨Wishing you all the very best✨💫
Feb 17Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Feb 27Reply
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