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Updated Jul 18
Updated Jul 18

Meet your Posher, Cheryl

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Cheryl. One of my favorite brands is CHANEL. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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summerain364 Thank you very much for your purchase! 😘 I'll be shipping them on Tuesday (Monday-Columbus Day)
Oct 07Reply
bluemoonfey Thank you! It looks beautiful. Have a nice weekend!
Oct 07Reply
summerain364 @bluemoonfey Thank you very much for great review! 😘 I am so so happy that you love it! Please come back to my closet soon (and receive your 20% discount) 😉💝😍
Oct 13Reply
newclosetnewyou Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to check out my closet. Love an item? I do accept reasonable offers. I would love to work together to come to an agreed price. Tag me @newclosetnewyou if you have any questions. Happy Poshing!✨
Feb 26Reply
raebro20 Hi! Thanks for purchasing the House if Sillage lipstick case. I need to tell you while removing lipstick from case this am I managed to get a lipstick smudge on the little white baggie it comes in ( inside the case). Feel free to cancel if this is a deal breaker but I can’t reduce price anymore so please don’t ask. I apologize.
Jul 10Reply
bluemoonfey It’s fine, no problem.
Jul 10Reply
cameosclosett @bluemoonfey Hi i see that you recieved your sunglasses i appreciate your purchase abd your positive feedback. They are beautiful enjoy them thank you.
Jul 25Reply
mayangogogo Thank you for the quick rating😘😘😘
Aug 01Reply
tobyoshi1028 Hi Cheryl thank you for the rating ! I'm so glad you love the bracelet ! I love chanel too! I have a chanel white silk blouse but it's too small for me so it might be too small. Cheryl when you are tired of your chanel sunglasses I would love to buy a pair or two. I love your fur capes too but it's too warm in calif to wear them. You have such excellent taste,it would be so much fun to go shopping like the old days! I miss my gfs for xmas shopping in San Francisco .sigh XO Nancy
Sep 18Reply
bluemoonfey @tobyoshi1028 Hi Nancy, nice to hear from you. Thank you for the lovely comments, I’ll let you know if I sell. I used to sell on a different site but I’ve moved so I’m not near a PO plus USPS doesn’t deliver to my house so they don’t do pick ups. It became a hassle. It would be nice to go shopping and to visit CA but I don’t know when that will be. I really love my bracelet and I got to meet you so it’s all good! Big hugs my friend. Cheryl.
Sep 19Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 16Reply
paizic Thank you for shiping back DY bracel. Agsin, apology for mixed up. Btw, the buyer of yhis DY just opened a Return cade, becaude she hot your Shell bracelet, indtead of DY. What a mess. Hope ykur Shel pendant /brooch/necklace will finally arrive todsy. I follow tracking, but it is stil In transit. Bit too long, i think.
Jun 28Reply
paizic Thlod, dislexia ud worst when i am upset. And thid has been very unpleassnt situstion for yku, me, and her. But i contscted her, immifistely, before she got the psksge, explaining that i shiped her wrong item. Dhe was ok, judt said Thanks for letting me know. So i will djip her DY ehen get it back from you. Thanks
Jun 28Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic I live in the mountains of N GA, we don’t get mail delivered to our homes. The mail goes to cluster boxes where there is no one present. Since there was a signature confirmation on the package it was not delivered. I will probably have to go to the PO to pick it up. Thanks for your messages. I’ll let you know. Hopefully you’ll see this.
Jun 28Reply
paizic Oh, I see. Tnx for explaining. I wss freaking iut, again like something went wrong. Ok. Please leat me know when you get it, and hope you sre mesmerized with joy. Its dtunning collection. I wouldn't sell my jewrks, unless had to fownsixe. Selking almost evetything i bought, wss gifted. Apology agsin for thid mess.
Jun 28Reply
paizic Sirry typos. I need to explain my buyers i have bad didlexis so they font tjink i am spamer from foreign country.
Jun 28Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic Sorry for overreacting.
Jun 28Reply
paizic NAa, can't blame you. Coz i kinda disdapesred, my lustings vanidhed. My buyers couldn't communicate.... Durething. I woukd be same mad. All good.
Jun 28Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic Thank you.
Jun 28Reply
paizic Thsnks. Just got DY bracelet. Fewf. Going to dhip it to thst buyer on Monday. Thank yiu 🌹🦋🌹
Jun 29Reply
bluemoonfey Oh good. Did you initiate the refund? I don’t know how this works. Thanks for letting me know.
Jun 29Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic Oh good. Did you initiate the refund? I don’t know how this works. Thanks for letting me know.
Jun 29Reply
paizic Posh refunds ince package is Accepted, so you will get all yiur money ASAP. Sutomatically, unless DY artived damaged, or never arrived, or sonething is wtong, snd i contact ed Pish, open Case....same ptotection fir both buyer Abd seller. Thsts why i like Pishmark. Yes, the fees sre huge(20%!), and also selker pstes taxes.... Tbetefire, many ppl sell used staff, wholesale cheap stsff. I am not either. Just need to sell my stsff coz miving into smaller place. So hope to brake even. Tnx🦋
Jun 29Reply
bluemoonfey Oh okay. Was it accepted?
Jun 29Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic Oh okay. Was it accepted? I keep forgetting to hit reply. 😂😂😂
Jun 29Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic My husband went into town to sign for the pendant. We don’t live close to the PO up in the mountains.
Jun 29Reply
paizic @bluemoonfey oh, how cool. Never been there, but can imsgine mountains, Apslacua.... Horses. Enjoy thus Necklace/pendant /brooch. Drama.... I am so mych in away with SW new collecyion from. Tbe ocean: Shells, Starfish, Seahorse. Very classy, yet stylish, vetsayile, unique. Esp the way its all syacked up (on their models). European.
Jun 29Reply
paizic I just Wrote to podh support, asking to release your money becaude DY arrived nicely, and all good. Hi Poshmark team, I received tbe DY bracelet, thst was sent by mistake to the wtong buyer. Please release her funds back. Thank you so much and again, apigy for all the meds swappng packaging. Anna That's whst i wrote to them.
Jun 29Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic Hi! I tried to accept the necklace but it says I can’t because there is an open support case???
Jun 30Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic Maybe the refund for the bracelet has to go through first??
Jun 30Reply
paizic @bluemoonfey oh, have no idea. Udualy, when ghe paksge is Delivefed, onlh then buyer Accepts, if all good. But thr status still says In Transit.
Jun 30Reply
paizic @bluemoonfey its case by case. Takes few days before Poshmark refunds. No worries. You'll get your refund 🦋🌹🦋
Jun 30Reply
paizic Hi. Yea, still status In Transit. You can only Accept pakage after its marked Delivered. So seems you didnt go yet to post office to get it? You must be so far away from the town. Wow. Mountains... Sounds so cool. We are planning to go Colorado...
Jun 30Reply
paizic Hi. I contacted Poshmark support, again, and got feslond that you wete refundef(coz i accepted yiur return DY bracelet, and and emsiled them, yedtetday, asking to Refund you. But i think it didnt matter, coz once i accepted refund, and msrjef Relesde psyment, yiur refund was processed. Check oyt yiur bank, or cc yiu payed with to confirm you got yiur $&& back.). Hope all good. 🦋
Jun 30Reply
bluemoonfey Hi! I have reached out to support. Haven’t heard back yet.
Jun 30Reply
paizic Hi. So i see it wss not Delivered, still in transit? Dud you change yjyr mind? Or just didnt go to posy office. Lol. Please advise. Tnx
Jul 01Reply
bluemoonfey I did go to the PO. Why it still says that I don’t know.
Jul 01Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic Went to the PO. Why it still says that I don’t know.
Jul 01Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic Have necklace in hand. I tried to pay but it wouldn’t let me because of our dispute. Contacted customer support. Let me try to pay now. I just woke up. Sorry I have a sick child who isn’t sleeping much.
Jul 01Reply
bluemoonfey It still won’t let me pay. I have contacted support again. HONEST.
Jul 01Reply
paizic Oh, sory your kid isn't erll. Hope for speedy recovery. Idk why it's says In Transit. You can only accept it afyet it marked as Delivered. Only then, Acceoted, seller gets payed. Never happened to me. So idk. But tnx for going to PO.
Jul 01Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic I figured since I got my refund it would let me pay but because we were not able to message each other on both purchases maybe that’s why??? Can you turn that off somehow?
Jul 01Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic I paid for something else awhile back that said still said in transit and it went through so I don’t think it’s PO issue.
Jul 01Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic If you want to contact support also maybe that will help?
Jul 01Reply
paizic Poshmark only pay the seller when its marked Accepted, sfyet Deliveted, or it's just automatically release pay, sfter tbree full days of msrked Deliveted. You, as buyer, doesn't pay Poshmark, its done only after Deliveted.
Jul 01Reply
paizic @bluemoonfey hi. I just contacted Poshmark support also. So lets see wjat hsppenes. I just font undetdtand why it still says In Transit, not Deliveted, uf you actualy claimed ut st post ofgice, with yiur ID. Tnx
Jul 01Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic Yes I do have it. 🤷‍♀️
Jul 01Reply
paizic Enjoy it. I thimk it's not avsilable anymore. Have no idea, but tbe new Ocean collections are getting harder to get. Like the starfish ring. Dtsrfidh cuff bracelet. I was so lucky to get sll tbree collecyions. Now selling some, coz we moving
Jul 01Reply
paizic Oh, its Poshmark, i cangs turn on our Conversation.
Jul 01Reply
paizic Oh, Poshmark emailed me saying its Deluveted, And they released the funds. So all goid. Gee. What a mess. Sorry. Tbx, abd enjoy. Now, the ither buyer didn't even shiped back ykur beautuful sw shell bracelet!!!, so perhaps she is happy to keep it?! Hope not.... Its rare, not in stores.... Agrrrr
Jul 01Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic Good. Glad you were paid. Thanks!
Jul 01Reply
paizic Oh, tnx 🌹🌹🌹again, alology, enjoy this cool pendant brooch, and most impiryanetly, speedy recovety for your child. Ann P. S. If the ither buyer evet dhips me back the sw shell bracelet, will you be still intefested? I can ket you know, as Reserved
Jul 01Reply
bluemoonfey Thank you. Actually it’s my 28 year old daughter. She is severely disabled so I call her my child because she is totally dependent on my husband and me. If she knew she would be so mad at me! When I say it in front of her she says “no, big girl!” But I tell her she always be my baby!
Jul 02Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic I keep forgetting to hit reply! 🤪 See above.
Jul 02Reply
paizic @bluemoonfey of course, know ds sre alwyas our baby. My son, 30 next month, and my daughter, 26 next months, sre my babies, lol. Well, jooe your baby gets well soon🦋🌹🦋
Jul 02Reply
bluemoonfey @paizic Thank you! Have a wonderful 4th of July!
Jul 02Reply
paizic Msny thanks Cheryl, likewide, and hope your baby full recovered 🦋🌹🦋
Jul 02Reply
paizic Hi🦋hope your chold id well. So she finally returned the sw shell bracelet. If you still want it, pls let me know. But, returned without bracelet sw box, just regular octagon box. The bracelet insert wasn't there. Strange.... I got partisl refund for this. So, if you want it, stil, i will sell discounted, like 20$. Pls let me know. Ive got few buyers interested. Asked me to reserve. Just thought to ask you forsts. Tnx Ann🌹🦋🌹
Jul 03Reply
bluemoonfey Hi! She is doing better. Finally getting some good sleep. Thank you for asking. I’m going to pass on the bracelet but I appreciate you offering it to me first. Take care!
Jul 03Reply

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Last Active: Feb 18

Jasper, GA
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Last Active: Feb 18

Jasper, GA
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