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Updated Jul 09
Updated Jul 09

Meet your Posher, Christi

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Christi. Some of my favorite brands are Nike, Free People, PINK Victoria's Secret, and American Eagle Outfitters. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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reeree82 Hi Love!! Welcome to Poshmark!! Happy shopping ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Jul 19Reply
mmzfoy Hi, welcome to POSHMARK! Let me know if you have any questions, I can try to help you out! Also feel free to shop my closet and add your likes to a bundle and I’ll send you a special discount :) Happy Poshmarking!
Jul 19Reply
christiha4 @reeree82 Hi!!! Thanks! Excited to try this out :)
Jul 19Reply
christiha4 @mmzfoy Hi!! Thanks!! I'll have to check out your closet too!
Jul 19Reply
eighthandfife Hello there, and welcome to Poshmark! Based on the brands and style that I see you like, I think I have some items in my closet that will interest you 🧡 I am offering a 10% discount when you bundle two or more items, and am always open to offers! ☺️ Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions, and consider giving me a follow. Happy Poshing! 🌵🌻✌🏻
Jul 19Reply
divasale Hello 😃Welcome to the Poshmark Community 🤗😁!!
Jul 25Reply
dkayscloset Welcome to Poshmark! Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions 😊 Have fun & hope your sales are many!! 🌼🌷
Jul 30Reply
niknak661 Thanks for stopping by and visiting my closet… don't be a Stranger…HAPPY POSHING!!💋💋
Jul 31Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Aug 01Reply
beautyliveshere Thanks for the share!! I wanted to return the share, but everything in your closet sold. 😊 WOW!! What's the secret? I would love to know how that feels!! You are doing a GREAT job!! 💗
Aug 17Reply
christiha4 @beautyliveshere thanks! It's actually not all sold (I wish!). I'm just on vacation so I have a "vacation hold" on my closet. I'd hate for someone to buy something and not be able to ship. I figured this was the perfect time to share other people's closets though!
Aug 17Reply
beautyliveshere Oh ok @christiha4! 🤣🤣 I was like, wow that's amazing!! Well thanks again for the share and have a great vacation! 😊
Aug 17Reply
key2happiness Hi there! I’m really curious how you bundled those two items for me and send it to me. Can you share with me how you did that? It’s such a great tool I would love to know How! Thank you so much!
Oct 17Reply
christiha4 @key2happiness hi! It really is such a great tool! What I do is when I see that someone has like a 2 or more items I click on the item and hit the share icon. Under share to followers is a search circle. I type in the username of the person who liked the item and it automatically starts a bundle!
Oct 17Reply
christiha4 @key2happiness Then to get to the bundle click on the box icon at the top of your closet and you'll be able to access the bundle. I love it because you can have a private chat with the person and you can make the offer on both items. :) Ps I'm actually at the post office right now sending out your package!!
Oct 17Reply
key2happiness @christiha4 Thank you so much for your help! I can’t wait to get my package! I’ll try to figure the bundle out when I get home tonight. Appreciate your help!😊
Oct 17Reply
christiha4 @key2happiness You're welcome :) Always here to help a fellow posher!
Oct 17Reply
ghsmermaid Thanks for the follow! You have some great items that I shared. LMK if I can help or possibly discount anything for you.♥️
Nov 18Reply
antartic_stylez Your closet is fantastic! Very cute :)
Nov 29Reply
christiha4 @antartic_stylez awe thank you do much!
Nov 29Reply
nakamoto88 Thanks for all the shares and Following, Happy poshing! 💕💕💕
Feb 02Reply
crb12344321 hi hunny thanks for cleaning everything up for me just waiting on bank of America dont worry there is money there
Feb 02Reply
christiha4 @crb12344321 sounds good! Keep me posted! 💜💜
Feb 02Reply
crb12344321 i got to update info I will do this by morning iam trying now
Feb 02Reply
eakau I can’t figure this out, but will you be sending the correct white shorts still? I’m a little confused on how it was resolved.
Jul 08Reply
christiha4 @eakau hey! Ya I was a little surprised with their response too. I will reach out and try to get a new label so I can send them :)
Jul 08Reply
christiha4 @eakau I just messaged them to ask for a new mailing label. I got an automated message saying they should be back to me within 24 hours
Jul 08Reply
eakau @christiha4 okay, sorry to message you on here, but it doesn’t seem to let me respond to the other. I guess they sent me a return label? I have to check.
Jul 08Reply
christiha4 @eakau oh no worries! It was my mistake.. I just want to make sure you get your shorts. :) I still feel so silly about that.
Jul 08Reply
eakau @christiha4 no problem. Mistakes happen. Glad we can hopefully resolve it easy. Not sure how soon I can make y to the post office for the return, but will try soon.
Jul 08Reply
christiha4 @eakau not at all worried about when I get it back. I'll get your shorts sent out right away when I get the label though
Jul 08Reply
eakau @christiha4 thank you. Please let me know as soon as they’re sent. 😊
Jul 09Reply
eakau I sent the wrong pair I was sent back to you today. When will you be shipping me the right pair?
Jul 12Reply
eakau @christiha4 will you be sending me the correct American Rag shorts I bought from you? I returned the other whites ones you accidentally sent.
Jul 13Reply
msuppes1 Thanks for posting the Best In Makeup Party yesterday! I got a lot of traction from it.
Aug 29Reply
christiha4 @msuppes1 so glad to hear that! I was hoping so :)
Aug 29Reply
brinkmana504 @christiha4 Hi just shipped out your bathing suit! Saw that you liked another suit from my closet that has been listed for some time, so I shipped you out both! Sorry for the shipping delay again!
Oct 25Reply
christiha4 @brinkmana504 omg no worries at all. You are too sweet ❤️❤️ thank you
Oct 25Reply
kathysingz Hi Christi 🎄Thank you for stopping by my closet. I see that you liked my Christmas nutcracker. Thanks for the Posh love 🙏❤️. I offer 15% off bundles of 2. If you bundle 4 or more, I can offer a larger discount. 💖
Dec 05Reply
jackie_khensley I am so sorry about the olive puff sleeve dress I didn’t see you purchased it! I am packing it today and I will ship it first thing in the morning! Sorry for your wait!
Dec 16Reply
christiha4 @jackie_khensley no worries at all! I'm hoping to wear it for a trip end of February so no rush. 😀 it's a little too cold to wear it in North Dakota right now anyway 😂😂
Dec 16Reply
jackie_khensley @christiha4 lol 😂 you would be a popsicle, a super cute popsicle but a popsicle non the less lol I will pack it up today! Happy holidays to you and thank you again for your patience!
Dec 16Reply
christiha4 @bstirling I try my best! looks like you are actually only a few hours from me (I'm from Fargo ND). I'll ship tomorrow morning and you should hopefully have no later than Thursday 😀😀
Dec 16Reply
christiha4 @bstirling I try my best! looks like you are actually only a few hours from me (I'm from Fargo ND). I'll ship tomorrow morning and you should hopefully have no later than Thursday 😀😀
Dec 16Reply
bstirling @christiha4 Awesome! Thank you!
Dec 17Reply
christiha4 @stephen42748 oh no! I was wondering why that wasn't tracking 😬 let me contact poshmark and see if they can shoot you a label to send it to the right address. I'm so sorry for the inconvience
Dec 28Reply
jillei808 Congratulations on hosting this party tomorrow! I've RSVP’d and can't wait to participate. I would really appreciate it if you looked through my closet and considered something for a host pick. It would mean a lot. Thanks!
Feb 16Reply
yogagirl4ever 🎉🎉Congratulations on hosting a party!!! 🎉🎉 Please check out my closet for any host picks. Thanks!! 😘
Feb 16Reply
tpk95 Hi Christi! I’m Tobi! @tpk95 !👋🏻 Beautiful closet! Congratulations on Hosting The Style Crush Posh Party!🎉 I’d be so grateful if you’d check out my closet for any potential Host Picks!💕 If I may tag PFFS.. @empirez_sun @minkalamour @fryemeup @modig @eceltic_threads @808classysassy @littlejaka @fock_of_ages @dimplekrist @merri_graceland @taa22 @fashionwonders @brunomars90 Thank you! Have FUN!💝
Feb 16Reply
vmjohnson95 Hi and congrats! If you had time to look at my closet as well as my sister’s @erinpenny we would be so honored! Thanks and have fun!
Feb 16Reply
beoirem 🌏📀🌎📀🌎CONGRATS on your Party Pff💋💋💋I’ll be there sharing your awesome HP’s🌏📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌍📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌍📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌏📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌍📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀💋💋💋📀📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎💋💋💋📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌏📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🧚‍♂️📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀📀🧚‍♂️🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌏📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌏📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎 .
Feb 16Reply
mommeandmore @christiha4 Congratulations on Hosting a Posh Party!🤩♥🎈 Your closet is awesome! I have shared a few listings. 👕🎽👚 If you still need a Host Pick please consider any item from my closet. I have all NEW boutique fashions and would be so honored to be picked. 🙏🤩🎉Thanks and I wish you so much luck with your party and hope you sell everything in your closet.💥💞🔅 Have a GREAT party! Pamela, MomMe And More Boutique
Feb 17Reply
tjd8000 💕💕congratulations on co hosting tonight. So happy for you!! Please consider one of my items for a host pick! 💕💕. Good luck with the party, looking forward to it.
Feb 18Reply
mistyc1212 Whoo Hoo!!! Getting excited for party time!!! 🤗💜🤗💜🤗💜
Feb 18Reply
amg27 Congratulations on hosting! If you have time to peek in my closet for a host pick, I would love it!💜🦩💜
Feb 18Reply
raghidahalabi Hello, congratulations on your party. Happy poshing and good luck tonight.
Feb 18Reply
christiha4 @aslomowitz Hi! It will be a few hours but I can drop them off later tonight
Mar 17Reply
theglamourforum Sure! Thank you!
Mar 17Reply
thelillyjoyce Hey:) love your closet!!! All orders on my Items usually go out same or next day!!! If you bundle you get $2 off each item!! Make me an offer and I will most likely accept. Stay safe xoxo free gift with all orders:)
Jun 14Reply
christiha4 @stephanie3854 hi! I shipped that weeks ago. let me reach out to Poshmark and see what's going on. thanks for your patience :)
Jul 25Reply
christiha4 @stephanie3854 I will ask them to refund you.
Jul 28Reply
stephanie3854 @christiha4 thank you so much 🥰
Jul 28Reply
christiha4 @stephanie3854 might take a day for them to officially do it but should happen by tomorrow I would think
Jul 28Reply
springlingle09 @christiha4 posh sent u about sending i got. please need this kid for Christmas please dont let get cancelled..tks
Nov 30Reply
christiha4 @springlingle09 I just got back yesterday from Thanksgiving out of town. I plan on shipping today
Nov 30Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Sep 03Reply
mackluxury Thanks for following! 🦋 Would you like any 💯 Authentic designer bags please make and offer, i can do best for you! Don’t miss out bcz off price.. 👜
Sep 20Reply
misserin7 Just stopping by to say hi and introduce myself. Loving your closet!! :) I hope you’ll check my closet out too!
Jun 13Reply

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Last Active: 14 hours ago

Fargo, ND
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Last Active: 14 hours ago

Fargo, ND
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