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Updated Nov 02
Updated Nov 02

Meet your Posher, Christie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Christie. Some of my favorite brands are harley-davidson, Michael Kors, PINK Victoria's Secret, and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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closet_picks @christiestrusz thanks for the ♥️ if you bundle 3 items for my closet I’ll mark to 25$ as a special I’m running 🤗have a blessed day!
Aug 20Reply
aliss723 Hi! Just saw you purchased my NIke air max. I’m away this week, but can ship first thing Saturday morning if that is okay??
Aug 20Reply
christiestrusz @aliss723 yes that's fine
Aug 20Reply
aliss723 @christiestrusz thanks christie!!
Aug 20Reply
shopper411411 Thanks for the on the Harley Davidson t-shirt. Feel free to bundle or send me a reasonable offers.
Aug 24Reply
shopper411411 Are you interested in bundling the Harley Davidson t-shirt and the Alice in wonderland t-shirt?
Aug 25Reply
kchern1442 Hi there! I saw you like the bundle tank tops. I am closing my closet soon as I’m a teacher and going back to school. Make me offer and I can send them out first thing tomorrow morning! Enjoy your last weekend of summer and your long weekend.
Aug 31Reply
alma4posh Hi Christie thanks for visiting my closet. Pick 3/$10 make the offer it's yours
Aug 31Reply
jensdeals37 @christiestrusz Hi Christie! Just wanted to let you know that your order was mailed this morning! (Sunday and Labor Day got in the way, with no mail going out.) It's on its way!! Enjoy! :)
Sep 04Reply
daniellesshoes @christiestrusz you made an offer on a Harley shirt of mine but its missing from my inventory. I do have more though
Sep 05Reply
piano_lady What a cute pup!!!
Sep 05Reply
renae100 @christiestrusz thanks for your purchase I will ship out Monday for you. 😍 Happy Poshing!!!
Sep 09Reply
ducatidiva2017 Hello , you made an offer on 2 shirts if you go 20 I will throw in the green shirt also or we can do 17 on the other 2 you picked, i meant to hit accept accidentally fat fingered the keys , let me know , Thanks, A.J
Sep 11Reply
asburymayjune Thank you for your purchase. I will be mailing it out tomorrow.
Sep 17Reply
erinicotrenz Hi there! WELCOME to Poshmark and hope you are enjoying the app! Thanks for the like! If youre still interested please let me know as its easier to ship on weekdays! Enjoy! 🌞
Sep 19Reply
sleighanne1 Hi I wanted to drop by and tell you welcome to Posh😊
Sep 21Reply
shopper411411 Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions. Happy Poshing!
Sep 21Reply
jschollard What a cutie pie. Love your baby 💜
Sep 21Reply
afurtz I’m so sorry it took me so long to ship out your shirts. I got buried in a remodel my husband decided to start. I threw in an extra shirt for the inconvenience. Thank you!!
Sep 21Reply
rixpup1956 Hi, I love this pic!!! Cute dog!!! I see you show! I have shown collies for 30+ years. I also have a min pin I have shown.
Sep 21Reply
christiestrusz @rixpup1956 thank u...that's our peppa or Sargent pepper
Sep 21Reply
christiestrusz @afurtz its not a problem
Sep 21Reply
momoasaro Hello❣Thanks for visiting my closet. Please let me know if you have any questions. Take care
Sep 22Reply
totopuff How absolutely beautiful!🐶😘
Sep 23Reply
momoasaro Hello and welcome❣ happy poshing..enjoy all things pretty in a grand world of beautiful closets
Sep 23Reply
harleyschopshop Hey there 👋welcome to Poshmark🙏happy poshing 💜
Sep 23Reply
amythecrafter Hi welcome to Poshmark ❣️ Thank you for the like 😊 💕
Sep 23Reply
madmansgarage welcome to Poshworld!
Sep 25Reply
thehappyrack Welcome to Poshmark
Sep 25Reply
montanasoul Thank you for liking my listing
Oct 02Reply
ozeyes Hi there 🍁Welcome to Poshmark🍁
Oct 05Reply
dianejohnson707 Hi welcome to Posh happy Poshing happy shopping and Many sales
Oct 05Reply
angelsent Hello a green suit was shipped out to you A few weeks ago. I was informed by poshmark they reached out to you. Can you please tell me if this irem was shipped to the right buyer? Thank you. Shirley.
Oct 14Reply
cathyfrangos I just wanted to say hello and welcome you to both Poshmark and my closet. Feel free to take a stroll through and if you find anything of Interest just let me know I'd be happy to work with you on both price and shipping. Being new to Poshmark can be overwhelming at first. I'm here for you if you have any questions. I am a five star posh ambassador along with a one-day shipper. Again just give me a shout out as the whole process can be quite intimidating at first!
Oct 16Reply
cathyfrangos I just wanted to say hello and welcome you to both Poshmark and my closet. Feel free to take a stroll through and if you find anything of Interest just let me know I'd be happy to work with you on both price and shipping. Being new to Poshmark can be overwhelming at first. I'm here for you if you have any questions. I am a five star posh ambassador along with a one-day shipper. Again just give me a shout out as the whole process can be quite intimidating at first!
Oct 16Reply
cathyfrangos I just wanted to say hello and give you a heads-up that I just sent to a price drop on both of those t-shirts bringing them down to $6 each or $12 for the pair I also gave you a shipping discount. Hope you can find a new home for them they are new never worn
Oct 16Reply
tunas_treasures hi! so sorry about having to cancel the purchase, i went to ship this out yesterday to you and somehow there were several rips in the leather now, i couldn’t ship it out like that.
Jan 20Reply
aaablest My apologies I hope you will accept my offer I just cannot do odd numbers, and I missed the offer by 28 minutes.
Feb 13Reply
sophiesue516 What an adorable dog. ♥️🐶♥️
Mar 01Reply
christiestrusz @sophiesue516 why thank you...that is our peppa.
Mar 01Reply
sophiesue516 @christiestrusz. What a sweetheart♥️
Mar 01Reply
kshackle723 Thank you for your purchase of the Harley Davidson shirts.. I will get them in the mail tomorrow.. 🙂
Mar 07Reply
rick1213 I will ship your Harley tops on Monday. I'm out of town right now. I hope that's not a problem! Thanks for your purchase! Enjoy your weekend!
Mar 09Reply
rick1213 Good morning Christie! You bought two Harley Davidson shirts from me on March 9th. I took them to the post office and shipped them. I opened case because it says they were never delivered. I wondered if you ever received them and they just didn't scan them?please update for me if you can because I need to know if I should go to the post office and find out what they did? Thank you!
Mar 18Reply
christiestrusz @rick1213 good morning. No i have no received them. Im not sure what happened! I accept parcels in same time i grab them from the mailbox.
Mar 18Reply
glitzglampam Thank you for the rating! I really appreciate it very much. 😃
Mar 18Reply
g1arlock Check out my closet I have some cool stuff for dogs
Mar 27Reply
blobfishy Thank you for liking the Coach wristlet! Let me know if you like anything else. I’m trying to clear out my closet because we’re moving so I’m offering steep discounts on bundles.
Mar 28Reply
danasdoings 💍Hello Christie thanks for the Follow I took a few minutes and looked through your closet I loved your items so I shared a few . Come by anytime HAPPY POSHING💍
Mar 31Reply
werthetippits Glad you loved your HD shirts. Would you be so kind to leave a note too? Thank you, Ivy
Apr 04Reply
willowpuppy Beautiful Dog❤️
Apr 06Reply
christiestrusz @willowpuppy thank you! U as well!
Apr 09Reply
thisfarbygrace Ty 🙏🏽🙏🏽 so much for all the shares! I appreciate the Posh ❤️❤️❤️Happy Poshing ❤️
Apr 09Reply
willowpuppy @christiestrusz thank you ❤️
Apr 09Reply
moesig 🌻 hi! My name is Maria! Please feel free to check out my closet and make an offer on any likes and bundle to save even more! Bigger the bundle the bigger the discounts! I am a posh ambassador, fast shipper, and top rated seller! I am always posting new items so keep a close eye on it! Hope to see u soon!😉 thanks again!🌻
Apr 12Reply
cdub1979 Thanks for all the shares!! Love your closet! :) :)
Apr 20Reply
sandiegosales Sweet puppy 🐶 ❤️️🐾😍!
Apr 24Reply
beirutbeutifull I need ur help I haven’t sold any thing in almost 2 month is there anything that u can help me thanks
May 06Reply
christiestrusz @beirutbeutifull u want to build up your followers. I do this thru the news button n go thru each idividual that comes every day n add them as a follower if they are not. Advertising i like putting the brand name first n follow that w details. Hope this helps!
May 06Reply
pameplace Adorable dog. Super cute
May 06Reply
zerestyle19 Thank you for the Shares ! Great closet Wishing you many sales!
May 30Reply
gntschnz Thanks for stopping by my closet. If you bundle 2+ of your likes automatically save 15%, reduced shipping and I will give you an extra discount in my offer.
Nov 25Reply
haertfelt1 Hi Christie. Thank you for liking an item in my closet. I have made it a kind of habit to check out the closets of those I come across while on the site. I viewed your closet and sent out posh love❤. I provide discounts on 2 items or more bundle order. Happy poshing.....
Dec 01Reply
mpsore @christiestrusz thanks for your purchase ! I will get this ready to ship out to you
Dec 02Reply
mpsore @christiestrusz thanks for the positive ⭐️ feedback! Enjoy the jacket!
Dec 06Reply
vanessann1981 Your so very welcome 😊
Dec 12Reply
jcjones46 Thank you for visiting my closet. Whether you sell, or shop, I wish you much success and fun, as well as peace and happiness at the holidays, and throughout the New Year. God Bless
Dec 20Reply
spanishluna thanks for the like have a safe and blessed week be careful out there
Apr 21Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hi there pretty girl, thanks for stopping by for a look around. If you c any 2 or more items you like I will give u a automatic 15% off your entire order plus give u a FREE GIFT valued at $5-$10 just for shopping with me.No orders under $10 at this time. Get a $3 credit for your next visit TONIGHTS DEAL GET ANY 3 YELLIW TAG ITEMS FOR ONLY $18. OFFER ONLY GOOD FROM NOW TILL MIDNIGHT
Sep 09Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hi there, just wanted to invite u to stop by my closet for a quick look. I'm having a GIRLS NIGHT OUT DEAL. ANY 2 ITEMS IN MY CLOSET FOR ONLY $25 YES ONLY $25 ...ANY 2 ITEMS.You can only purchase 2 items per order but a deal is a deal. I will also be throwing in a special gift just for you shopping with me. So get you offer in quick to get the best items.
Oct 16Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 Items must be listed $40 or less;)) ACCEPTING ALL OFFERS Thank you for your interest:)))
Jan 29Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Feb 05Reply
waliydah ❤️💕 your closet Harley Girlllll !! really awesome 😎😉 me too, but gave-up riding… gave my 1996 Heritage to my son. I am 71yr young -female stop riding after back surgery, but still in my blood. I started riding at 14 yr old. Enjoy your rides, be safe. Rubber side up!!! 😘
Feb 11Reply
nicholepruitt73 Haven't heard from u in awhile friend, hope all is well. I'm having a buy one get one free sale, and of course u will get lots of Free Goodies just for being a return customer... hope to hear from u soon. Be well.
Feb 19Reply
christiestrusz @waliydah hey there harley lady!! I started riding at 12. dirt bikes at first did I've got a harley nightster all black. I'm 50 years young n still rocking life like you! I hope all went well w your surgery...stay young n keep having fun.
Feb 22Reply
born_moxie Thank you for following my closet @Born_Moxie. I am currently running a 3 For $20 sale on items with this symbol 🎀. I also do my best to accept reasonable offers. Happy Poshing!
Mar 25Reply
avina1974 (✿ ͡❛ェ ͡❛) Hello 🖐 welcome to the closets of all poshmark, if you see 👀 something flirtatious 🛍 before your eyes, let me know from my closet, Happy day.
Mar 31Reply
cutehosiery @christiestrusz Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 16Reply
gracie607 @christiestrusz Hi! Come check out my closet ✨👗🙋🏼‍♀️✨
May 21Reply
farahscloset_ Hi Christie, nice to meet you. I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I believe there is a little something for everyone. If you see something you like, please feel free to send me an offer as I accept most reasonable offers. Have a blessed day and happy poshing 🙏❤️😊
Feb 12Reply

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Last Active: Mar 21

Binghamton, NY
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Last Active: Mar 21

Binghamton, NY
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