Meet your Posher, Christina
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Hi! I'm Christina. Welcome to my closet! Let me know if you have any questions! Happy Poshing!

836 others
like this

hi there❣ thanks for the like! let me know if you're ever interested in purchasing anything so we can work out better pricing (:
Sep 27Reply

Hi Christina! It’s so nice to meet you! I hope you’re loving your Posh experience. Have a fabulous evening :D
Oct 04Reply

Welcome! Cheers to fall and having an eye for fashion and design! 🍂🍃🍂🍃✨✨✨ hope you have fun 🎉🎉🎉
Oct 12Reply

Hey girl! Congrats on the hosting gig! How fun 😊 Please take a look at some of my pieces for a host pick. All my profits go to saving for my sons college a new mama out?! Either way, best of luck to you. Hope you have a beautiful day! ☀️
Oct 12Reply

✨⭐️✨Congratulations✨⭐️✨ on co-hosting a party tomorrow!! I have a couple adorable Free People Pieces & would be honored if would consider them for a host pick tomorrow. Thank you for your time✨⭐️✨
Oct 12Reply

Congrats on your party! Check out my PC closet! Host picks!!
Oct 12Reply

@cmariemedina Congratulations on your hosting gig!👏👏👏. It's clearly well deserved - you have great taste! Please check out my closet and shares for some great HPS. I love Urban Outfitters and Free People. I have some great pieces and I'm so excited to see your HPs! Also
Check out some of my fav closets:
Congrats again and have so much fun!👯🎊🎉🎊🎉💗
Oct 12Reply

Welcome to Poshmark @cmariemedina and congrats on hosting! Stay fabulous! :-)
Oct 12Reply

Nice to meet you & congratulations on your 1st party! Woohoo! 🎉🎉💃💃💃🎉🎉💃💃🎺🎺💃💃🎺🎺🙆🙆🙆 Dee
Oct 12Reply

Congrats on hosting the Posh party today! 😃
Oct 13Reply

Congrats on hosting 🎊🍾🎈🎉
Oct 14Reply

Hey girl. Cute outfit👛
Oct 14Reply

Hi Christina if you get a chance would you mind stopping by my closet @tlude I'm still fairly new but I have a few items that might work for this party. I would really appreciate it! Have a great evening 💕❤️👛
Oct 14Reply

Congrats! I would love a host pic:)
Oct 16Reply

@cmariemedina Hi! Great closet!! I'm a bit of a Kate Spade addict & I've got some super cute pieces posted in my closet that would be great for the party- some of which posted are the only ones on Posh - would be thrilled if you'd take a peek!! Thanks so much 💞💞😘😘
Oct 16Reply

@cmariemedina Hey dear,nice to meet you. I love your listings and so could not help but share :)
Oct 16Reply

Congrats on another party!!👏🏻👏🏻🎉🎉
Oct 16Reply

Congrats on your party!
Oct 16Reply

@cmariemedina Congrats on hosting your upcoming Posh Party!!! I would absolutely be honored if you could take a peek into my closest. I have several Free People items listed. Thank you again for maybe considering an item as a host pick and a lots of Posh love and support sent your way. ✨💖✨
Oct 19Reply

Thank you everyone! @maddiem2b Morning posh parties don't have host picks as they're brand focused. Definitely share your items to the party though! Happy poshing!!!
Oct 19Reply

@cmariemedina Thank you much. I am very new to this, that's good information to know, I appreciate it. I love the parties though and had a great time. Thank you again! 😊
Oct 19Reply

@maddiem2b Of course! Happy to help! Parties are a great way to share your items and discover new items, so you're on the right track. Have a lovely day!
Oct 19Reply

Hi🙋🏼 congrats on hosting a poshmark party! I hope one day I get to do that too. You have a beautiful closet. If you are looking for a host pick I have lots of Lululemon and Nike items and would love to get a chance to get a host pick. I understand if you already have yours selected. Thanks and I hope you have a wonderful weekend💞💜🌺😊
Oct 21Reply

Thanks @lnation818! Morning posh parties don't have Host Picks since they're brand focused, but please continue to share all of your awesome listings!
Oct 21Reply

Congratulations on hosting! Wow! What an honor! Best wishes! ❤️Solange
Oct 22Reply

HI Christina - Congratulations on hosting a party.
Oct 24Reply

Congrats on hosting!! Please check out my closet :) I have some Urban Decay items that I would love to find a new owner for! Enjoy the party and happy Poshing!!
Oct 25Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I am hoping you would consider my closet. Thank you. ❤️
Oct 25Reply

Hi there... Trying to post Anthropologie items to the Anthropologie party. Getting message the items do not meet qualifications. Is it closed? They are Anthropologie women's items.
Oct 27Reply

@cmariemedina Congrats on hosting again!! Your closet is adorable.
Oct 27Reply

@sellerb Make sure your items are categorized as Anthropologie under the brand section when you create your listing. You can add this after by clicking the edit button! Happy Poshing!
Oct 27Reply

Thank you!!! I see now!
Oct 27Reply

@cmariemedina Hi I am kind of new to Poshmark and have a question about listing... if you will be kind enough to let me know how can I list all the current sale items on top of my listing and all the sold ones in the end will really appreciate!!! Thanks in advance 💕💕
Oct 28Reply

Congrats on hosting! If you're still looking for host picks, please take a few seconds to check out my compliant closet. Either way, thank you and have a blast! 🎉💃🏻👯💃🏻🎉
Nov 02Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. Thank you! ❤️
Nov 03Reply

Say hello to the new party host @cmariemedina! @christyw744
Nov 03Reply

@cmariemedina Congrats! Have a great time! Here are some fabulous closets @mbvaughn @janimack7 @kirabella35 @jaimee_mackey @erinctrent @matadora1978 @warrior04 @justice10forme @goodchic @bella_rose13 @pink_bee @sunnietrish @niftylisa @couturegypsy @paicar @samipoo24 @piksty @hsohailk @poshgirlsglam @clever102 @joyamarino @mmadonna40 @ankalo @rnicu00 @rrsanborn @christinejammo @califashtrends @dovesofashtrees @cnbalabro @michiv✨
Nov 03Reply

Welcom!! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask
Nov 03Reply

@goodchic thank you, E!!
Nov 03Reply

Please seek 🌺HP's 🌺from my PFF's 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺warrior04 @fairlygirly
@christineclem12 @herparallax @janimack7 @jmjla7
@hila808 @icat @jennfrn @lucirose2 @indigodiv
@luxyouries @fashionmellow @fionaspassion@caligirlinmn
@swankyplus2 @joiil0v @jetset_go @vintage_lass @bwhite2014 @nyc_apple @toryshop @stillfabafter3 @fashionplz
@awepickles @kfab333 @loriscloset01 @urbanbridle @skystrukfashion @couturegypsy @jellybean_aj @staubco1996 @mydealyoursteal @latriguenamela🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
Nov 03Reply

PARTY🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺@yvonnecordova @coutori @vintage_lass @tm_stuff @alyssatippett @sparrowsage @katwynne @jacqueray @reinem @giulssss @elsiebelsie @kayellejay @katia_closet @kclosetshop @deforrest5 @kirabella35 @dritty @dawn520
@muddypuddles @thrifthappens
@chibitotoro @marseille133
@sewdramatic @beccahall115
@myboutique71 @liveposhlove
@onetruelove @haitianglam 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
Nov 03Reply

PARTY🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 @angelnurse1003 @lyss91 @ttd2 @littlerobyn
@royalmeadow7 @dritty
@texasmommaof3 @entropycat @lovenotjudge @spookyheartsg
@destinycampa9 @halieking
@hollowseve @texascopywriter @danieblue82 @kourt115 @mydlen
@mikimakes @whiskeyandoj
@deniminiquities @jmc1978
@vmusto123 @annluggen
@jjyj2010 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
Nov 03Reply

PARTY🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 @51twenty @bellanblue @shiloh077
@kpnestle @jennymcnicol
@drizzymizzylove @katwynne
@hollowseve @zeusstevenson
@outlying0077 @tpmom
@peachtreeshop @kourt115 @vicky_ymcagirl @caldwellkelsie @dimndgrl @faith2bshared @larochelle @kasohio @tezza630
@kayellejay @reinem
@giulssss @elsiebelsie
@cgranados @tburg21 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
Nov 03Reply

@hellompenzi @goodcents
@nanacoups @turkoiculture @fabthreads @rnicu00 @treasuretoday @ymeadon13
@dearhope @queenofspaids
@justice10forme @joleneberg
@shiloh077 @yellowshadess @tsilva626
@coutori @urbanbridle @rrsanborn
@sneakergurk @cronutcouture @_rlpeterson
@angelabouzeid @dinofinder @onetruelove @jacqueray @amiboutiqueus @deborahrn @ginga69 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
Nov 03Reply

🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺N.B. I am very honored to be invited to your event and looking forward to being there to shop and share and to cheer you on🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺love
Nov 03Reply

Thank you beautiful! @goodchic
Nov 03Reply

CONGRATS ON YOUR PARTY!! WOO HOO!! @bellanblue @justice10forme @warrior04 @51twenty @aemoser87 @foxychica21 @janimack @frannyzfinds @myshoemate @ccprice74 @oceaneyes2010 @maddagirl @erickahowell @molleyy @starnapalm @coffeenips @katyyan25 @broriginals @samipoo24 @aishablake @pulseonfashion @ockhouse @jensharpphoto @swanagin @foxychica21 @annitac @ninascloset5 @napchagnon @ebnay_luv @ktbethworley @pschuenke @dreambigger11 @surfsun83 @ses54 @livsboutique @morgansundberg @meliian2016 X
Nov 03Reply

PARTY!! WOO HOO!! CONGRATS!! ~ @slaight @napchagnon @annitac @lindas303closet @bohocountrychic @altqueenie @ashjesh @jwang26 @carlyerica @bombdotcomme @kat0110 @jhyman8394 @daisydoodle323 @jodee21 @janetkorsmo @morgansundberg @flowergalim @disneykendall @faithngrace1 @thetrendykitten @jensharpphoto @soni50 @rysheets @chicbirdie @thumper16 @mvarner22 @beananomaly @bombdotcom @ryleescloset5 @chal21 @trinagburns @allaro X
Nov 03Reply

@warrrior04 xoxoxo
Nov 03Reply

Congratulations on your Posh party Christina!!! 🎉🎀🎉🎀🎉 So excited for you and ready to party! 💞 I'd be honored if you check out my and my pffs closets for HPs please. 🎉🎀🎉 @crystallavery @shoppermaj @romekey @skystrukfashion @annabananaesq @poshtessa @sf_gal @archandbow @tammyleetucker @deege65 @justice10forme @mtnhiker @tropicalmama @creitzel @sebastian22 @shiloh077 @fashiondiva382 @michiv @hazelandhope @cajt62 @treasuretoday @ashleycolwright 🎉🎉🎉💞💞💞
Nov 03Reply

@ankalo @cncalabro @anawat
@songlady @kemprada @efacha @josiiih @hopesparkles @matadora1978 @cpalmi01 @kmadeoy @jeren27 @mands13 @pandaears @playingblogger @anawat40 @twinkletoestoni @blackcherry7 @puddpudd0 @warrior04 @jays_boutique @justice10forme @christyntyler @pink_bee @allisonbates1 @sparrowsage @luxurygem @tfilip04 @jennfrn @shiloh077@poojajp
@meagannwilson @marhart @kirabella35
Nov 03Reply

WOOT WOOT! CONGRATS ON YOUR BIG PARTY! I’M BRINGING A FEW FRIENDS ALONG. @larochelle @miami_wife @herparallax @love4luxe @hopesparkles @gemsbyjoan @missrenee2 @tamarismom @ginap7777 @partymk999 @lauras_boutique @sammy @nyreecox @shethkh @delrosario1328 @sunnietrish @bamagirl017 @classyvintage @puddpudd0 @poshgarden @apriljerseygirl @kimmando @51twenty @matadora1978 @candymuse @boruka
Nov 03Reply

HOORAY! Congrats on hosting!!! 👏🎉🎈 you must be so honored and excited! I will be there to party and help share your fab host picks! 😀 @bellanblue thanks for the tag! 😘
Nov 03Reply

@cmariemedina Congratulations on your upcoming party!💥Please consider the following Posh compliant PFF's for HP's!😘 @matana @ejanbev @ktbethworley @poshgarden @rnicu00 @kewpiedoll @sunnietrish @savannah_slim @joyamarino @goldielocks1960 @mmadonna40 @pindaokane @teamaddison @rosieiscool @romekey @aulauni @candymuse @sandy_98 @thechoice @degotto @archandbrow @jayjune @julisdiamonds @ttd2 💐
Nov 03Reply

@rposen Ty for recommending my closet, I hope you get a HP!😍 @abandonedlove @shoppermaj @candymuse @justice10forme @tburg21 @califoxx @tchouseofstyle @loopholer @aulauni @closetoptimist @jomeem @saje317 @cassie20002000 @amyrocks66 @flutter_buys @beautynthings @peggyjean4 @lisabeththomas @genuinelyme @jetset_go @rebj1003 @apriljerseygirl @peppedup @turbokickqueen @squeakie @michstar777 @musemax @lala1211 @scarletemerald @thaicutie76 @aishablake @sassafras19 @ccprice74 🌺Party time girls!🎊💥🐬💥🎊
Nov 03Reply

Welcome and Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Sharing your good news and looking forward to it, CHA CHA CHA 💃 TY for the tag @savannah_slim
Nov 03Reply

Congrats on your party!🎉🎉🎉I'll be there to shop, share, and celebrate with you!💞💞💞
Nov 03Reply

Lets help welcome @cmariemedina Christina welcome to Poshmark 💕@jazzybeelove @schx4 @suzmeow @songae @alluck1210 @mandapanda83 @apriljerseygirl @blondeez @kwalden01 @shelbslovesyou @kirabella35 @ronda9756 @jmay4354 @azurebluecanary @cheriewaati @bellanblue @marcie0707 @laurabethm @melissa4atl @mdwhidden @jayjune @jill555 @cocobiel @wsp90 @newcreations06 @stran07 @dannystormborn @persuasions @setemberlover @abstractdreams @shoppingmunkee @dearhope @dawnmonique👑😘❤️🔐
Nov 03Reply

Hey girl hey! Welcome to Poshmark #!
Nov 03Reply

💛🎉I am so happy for you PFF!😘xoxo🎉💛Congratulations on co-hosting a fabulous posh party!🎉💛I will be there to share, cheer, and party with you!🎉💛I can’t wait to see your fabulous host picks!💞🎀I would be honored if you would take a peek in my closet, which follows posh rules, and see if there are any possible HP's that catch your eye! Laura😘💋 xoxo
Nov 03Reply

🎉Congratulations!🎉Party Time PFF's!🎉 (1)
💋 @myboutique71
💋 @alluck1210
💋 @mycurvyboutique
💋 @emscat78
💋 @goensshopping
💋 @classyvintage
💋 @swinefloozy
💋 @forever_chic
💋 @onnam
💋 @re_inspired
💋 @kroy2130
💋 @terrilynn70
💋 @kirabella35
💋 @_rlpeterson
Nov 03Reply

🎉Congratulations!🎉Party Time PFF's!🎉(2)
💋 @bootr
💋 @jat34d
💋 @warrior04
💋 @awd0866
💋 @katyyan25
💋 @crazyw5
💋 @sherrypd
💋 @star2733
💋 @camocrazy17
💋 @melissa_anne_83
💋 @supersineo
💋 @leminohp
💋 @mandriac
💋 @renaykee
💋 @gulperi4
Nov 03Reply

Congrats on your party!! 🎉👍
Nov 03Reply

Congratulations on your upcoming party.🎊 I know you must be over the🌙moon happy about co-hosting. 💃🏻 Please consider my PM compliant closet for possible host picks 💖 I'm looking forward to celebrating & sharing during your party!🎉🎉 ~Livvy
Nov 03Reply

Nov 03Reply

Congrats on hosting!!🎉💕🎉💕
Nov 03Reply

💐💐💐Congratulations on hosting tonight Christina 😃🎉. I hope you have a lot of fun. Could you please consider one of my listings as a HP? Thanks I really appreciate it 😘💕💕
Nov 03Reply

@cmariemedina Welcome to the fun posh community 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻TY @rposen
Nov 04Reply

🎉🎉Congratulations on co-hosting a Posh Party!!🎉🎉Woo Hoo!!🎉🎉Please take a peek at my closet got a potential Host Pick when you get a chance.🎉🎉 Lindy💕xx
Nov 04Reply

@cmariemedina Congratulations on hosting tonight's awesome party! 💕 🎉 💕 🎉! How exciting! & love the theme ❤ 👍! Will def be there!! Xo Michele :) 🎉 💕
Nov 04Reply

Thank you so much for the HP! You are the sweetest and I absolutely love your closet!
Nov 04Reply

CONGRATS ON HOSTING YOUR POSH PARTY!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉please check out my closet for a possible host pic, i would appreciate it so much. thanks for sharing the posh love. 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Nov 04Reply

Hi,CHRISTINA❣️👋🏽 I'm Jan! Great to meet you and your lovely closet!
Nov 04Reply

Congrats on hosting a party! I have some great free people blouses in my closet if you're still looking for some host picks 😊💕
Nov 04Reply

@cmariemedina Too Darn CUTE! 🦄💋
Nov 04Reply

Great party, but you forget to include Men's NF and Patagonia. That would have helped stimulate sales. :0)
Nov 05Reply

Silly question. Received invite to your party but not sure how to add items to closet? Help!!
Nov 08Reply

@cmariemedina Hi Christina! 😊 I'd love for you to check out my closet for a potential HP's for tomorrow's Kate Spade party 💕🎉🎁
Nov 09Reply

Congrats on your party! 🎉 if you are still looking for host picks feel free to check out my closet ❤️😊 thanks!
Nov 09Reply

Congratulations 🍾 have fun hosting!!
Nov 15Reply

Congrats on hosting an awesome party! I would love it if you would look in my closet I have some amazing Lilly Pulitzer and Kate Spade items! Here are a few poshers with super amazing closets:@bellanblue @shabbychic45 @promise65 @feelfree2016 @xo_jenny1 @gypsygirl77 @krysteenagem @purpleposher @jgmr @charmcity @aiayka42 @mvannoy1 @lillianvieyra @al907og 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Nov 17Reply

Excited to attend your party! Congrats :)
Having trouble sharing my Lilly Pulitzer items, it is not listed on brands, and help totally appreciated and let's keep partying 🎉♥️
Nov 17Reply

Trying to post Lilly Pulitzer to current party but it won't let me. 🤔
Nov 17Reply

The party you're hosting is supposed to allow Lilly Pulitzer but you guys forgot to put it on the list so it's not allowing me to share my Lilly Pulitzer items.
Nov 17Reply

Hi, I was trying to post Lilly to your party and is not letting me and I went and checked and no Lilly is posted in this party but is allowed
Nov 17Reply

Hi @hayleigh2199! Make sure your listings have the brand selected. Happy Poshing!
Nov 17Reply

Hi @kainkc! It should be fixed now. 😊 Happy Poshing!
Nov 17Reply

Hi @belleshell! You should be able to share all your Lilly Pulitzer items now! Happy Poshing!
Nov 17Reply

@cmariemedina it does no biggie but when I checked you had no Lilly listed at all
Nov 17Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks, I hope you will consider my closet. Thank you ❤️
Nov 18Reply

@cmariemedina hey girl🌶🚨😘 wondering if you could take a look at my makeup item and consider it for a host pick?
Nov 19Reply

Congratulations on your upcoming party hosting opportunity!! 💖
Nov 25Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host pick, I hope you will consider my closet. Thank you ❤️
Nov 26Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 💕🎉🎉 🎀🎀👠👠👗👗🎽👟
Nov 27Reply

Congratulations on hosting. You have s nice closet. I hope you can check out mine! 🎉🎉🎉
Nov 27Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are Still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. Thank you. ❤️
Nov 29Reply

Hi Christina! I'm a new closet on here but just want to say you have a beautiful closet and I'm taking notes on your displays 😆😂💕💕
Nov 29Reply

Congratulations on your party! Please check out my posh compliant closet whenever you have a chance for a possible host pick. I appreciate your time. Thank you❤️💛💚💙💜💗💖💓💕
Nov 29Reply

CONGRATS!!!!! Can't wait to party with you! :)
Nov 29Reply

@cmariemedina Hi I'm Kia! I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance 😊💞
Nov 29Reply

🎉🎉🎉🎉Congratulations!!!! Please check out my closet for host picks!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉
Nov 29Reply

hi!! congrats on hostinga party! it would be absolutely AWESOME if you could take a look at my closet and maybe chose one of my listings as a host pick? if not, it's all good! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!💘⭐️
Nov 30Reply

@cmariemedina ➕🎊CONGRATULATIONS on being a co-host for this evening's Posh PARTY!🎊✨What an amazing opportunity to connect with fellow Poshers‼️If you have the time, I would be humbled and appreciative if you were to select some of my closet as part of your Host Pick‼️ Thanks in advance for your consideration, and Posh on! ➕
Nov 30Reply

@cmariemedina great taste and photos. 😀😀😀
Dec 02Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow. In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤️
Dec 05Reply

Your closet is so gorgeous!! 💕👏🏼✨ Have fun hosting your posh party tomorrow - can't wait to see your host picks! 🛍🎀✨
Dec 05Reply

@cmariemedina Hey girly! Congrats on hosting the Insta Chic Party tomorrow night💜💋💜 If you are looking for any last minute Host Picks I would be honored to have you check out my closet.
Here's to a successful party for you and all the other poshers ✨💋🎉 I'm sure it will be a great time for everyone. Wishing you and all the other poshers lots of quick sales 👗🌟👑
Dec 07Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks, I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks❤️
Dec 07Reply

Hi Christina, congratulations on co hosting the party tonight. Please check out my closet for a possible HP IF if you have time and would like to. I am a designer and stylist and have some beautiful pieces in my closet you might like to share. Good luck with the party tonight ❣️😊🙃😊🙃💃🏼💃💃💃
Dec 09Reply

I hope you get this soon and I am not sure exactly if you want to help me. But it's going to be a challenge Little Caesars high-heel black shoes also I can look good for anything here's the catch $100 or under on this site shorts and pants sz 4 to 6 shirts medium shoes sz 8 I don't dress up but I want to make an impression on a gentleman caller he is a lot of fun I am sure he would like some skin in a tasteful way can you help me. I am sending it too a few of you....Thank you Maggie.
Dec 09Reply

@cmariemedina Christina would you mind checking out my closet for a possible host pick today? Thank you
Dec 10Reply

Hello Christina, I have received several INVITES from you gals in Ref. To your Posh-Parties. But I don't know how they work. Would you please take a few minutes of your time to explain.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dec 12Reply

Hi @trendy_jems! Posh Parties happen every day at 9AM, 12PM, 4PM, and 7PM PST and are a great way to share your items with fellow Poshers. The morning Posh Parties are brand focused and do not have host picks. The party title will let you know what the theme is, all you have to do is share your items. For more info, check out this post on the Poshmark blog:
Dec 12Reply

@cmariemedina Thank you❤️
Dec 12Reply

congrats on hosting. cute closet. happy holidays!
Dec 16Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤️
Dec 20Reply

CONGRATULATIONS 💥On hosting for an Anthropologie, FREE PEOPLE, AND urban party! Your host picks may be finished but if not, I would appreciate you giving my closet part of your consideration:) 💥All my best!
Dec 22Reply

Congratulations on your hosting today! I hope you enjoy my items
Dec 27Reply

Thanks for hosting this party! Super excited for it!
Dec 28Reply

💛🎉I am so happy for you PFF!😘xoxo🎉💛Congratulations on co-hosting a fabulous posh party!🎉💛I will be there to share, cheer, and party with you!🎉💛I can’t wait to see your fabulous host picks!💞🎀I would be honored if you would take a peek in my closet, which follows posh rules, and see if there are any possible HP's that catch your eye! Laura😘💋 xoxo
Dec 28Reply

Dec 28Reply

Hello and congratulations on being a host !!! Would you mind taking a look at my closet and possibly featuring as a host pick? Thank you I appreciate it !!
Dec 29Reply

Hello and happy new year! I hope this year brings you lots of happiness, good health, and fun poshing 😍 Good luck hosting the first workout clothes party of 2017. I bet with everyone's New Years resolutions, it is going to be an extra good one. I hope you like my items
Jan 02Reply

I love your closet and your spirit! ❤❤
Jan 04Reply

I love the hot pink shoes in your picture !💕
Jan 05Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤️
Jan 07Reply

If you still are considering HP for the Free People and Anthro party, please check out my top listings 😊💕 @hsshall
Jan 08Reply

🌷Congratulations, Christina, on Co-Hosting today at noon 1⃣2⃣Northface🍒Ugg,🍇,Frye,🍉Patagonia🍌! What a GREAT category! And with 2 daily hosts=wow! 👗👠your closet is amazing-I'm sure you attract many new followers and attain ⭐️⭐️Stellar Sales!💐💕Enjoy!! -debbi👑🐝
Jan 09Reply

🌷Congratulations, Christina, on 🌴Hosting🌴 today's NIKE ADIDAS LULULEMON under armour ELECTRIC YOGA Party! 🌹love your closet-beautiful! Wishing you continued success on Posh and everywhere! Much luv-deb👑🐝
Jan 10Reply

@cmariemedina love your closet!!!
Jan 10Reply

💜Congratulations, 🌷💐,Christina, on 🌴Hosting🌴the Party today at noon! -MK⌚️Coach,👜MissMe💙, Pink,🎀VictoriasSecret, LulaRoe⛳️-I hope you find yourself with many new followers by day's end and ⭐️️Attain ❌️️️Stellar Sales❌-Happy Thursday! -deb579💜👑🐝
Jan 12Reply

Hello! I was wondering if a person is interested in hosting a party how they can go about doing that? Thank you for your help!💕
Jan 16Reply

Hi @mamabearkp! Email hosting at! Happy Poshing!
Jan 17Reply

@cmariemedina Thank you!💕
Jan 17Reply

Congrats!! If you have any spots left I hope you will consider one of my listings as a possible host pick. I would love to make more sales! Have fun tomorrow ❤️❤️
Jan 17Reply

Just trying this app again! Love your energy!
Jan 22Reply

Hii, i love your closet! Come check out my closet sometime too...any helpful advice is welcome ...i am learning everything i can here PM. I'm kinda addicted! Lol
Jan 26Reply

@cmariemedina congratulations on hosting!! Please feel free to check out my closet as well as @kaileymunozz and @abbyhamer as well they have great stuff
Jan 26Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow! 🤗 Would love for you to check out the Michael Kors scarves in the closet for a potential host pick! 💘
Jan 28Reply

@sassesellr6 Hi! Welcome to Poshmark!!! Definitely share, share, share and get to know closets that you love! Feel free to ask questions if you ever have any! Happy Poshing! 💁🏻
Jan 29Reply

Do you have advice on how to become a host?! I think it would be so fun and I see you hosting often so you're a good person to ask 😊
Jan 31Reply

Congrats on your party, please check out my closet for a HP,😇😁💋
Jan 31Reply

@kaileymunozz Email hosting(at)! @jw2738 Morning Posh Parties don't have HPs as they're brand focused, but keep sharing!!!
Jan 31Reply

@cmariemedina cool! Of corse I'll keep sharing. Your closet is bomb
Jan 31Reply

@kaileymunozz Thank you! I've had a ton of inspiration from some amazing poshers! Your closet is #goals too! 🙌 Let me know if you have any other questions. Always happy to help! 💁🏻
Jan 31Reply

Your photo skills are terrific❤💜❤💜
Feb 02Reply

Hello, please check out my closet for possible host pick! Congrats on your party! I am new to poshing so, I am still not sure how this works.
Feb 04Reply

Hi 🌀🔹💙🦋 CONGRATS on the Honor of Hosting a Posh Party! 🦋💙🔹🌀 I have several items you might chose from to use as your Host Picks for the MK, Coach, and LulaRoe Party. Thank you for the opportunity. 🦋💙🔹🌀🔹💙🌀 I tagged you on several last night. I hope you can find great item to showcase!!
Feb 05Reply

Hi how can I host a party? Please check out my closet.
Feb 05Reply

Hi there! Congratulations on hosting the party tomorrow 🎉 Feel free to check out my closet for a potential Host Pick! I have tons of Kate Spade and Lilly Pulitzer listed! Congrats again 😃
Feb 05Reply

Hi Christina! Congratulations on your Party! I'd be honored if you'd check out my closet for a possible HP 😊 Have a wonderful evening!
Feb 06Reply

I would love to have a host pic!! I have great Kate, MK and Lilly prices! Check me out!
Feb 06Reply

@cmariemedina Congrats Posh Party Host 🎉 I am a brand new Posher and would love to get a Host Pick for the upcoming "Zara, Steve Madden, Rebecca Minkoff, Rag & Bone, ASOS & Tea n Cup Party." If you have time please 🙏🏻 take a look at my closet, I have many beautiful Zara pieces!! Enjoy the party 😉
Feb 07Reply

Hi! 🎉 Congratulations!! Looking forward to shopping and sharing at your Party!! May God bless you ❤️!!
Feb 08Reply

Good morning!! ☀️Congratulations 🎉on your upcoming party today!! 🎉 I have an item that fits this theme- Rebecca Minkoff 👠. I'd be sooo honored if you'd consider it for an HP!! See you there!!❤️
Feb 08Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow!! 🍾❤️Geri
Feb 08Reply

Hello! I recently shared my Posh Party items so they are first in my closet. It would be really awesome if you had a second to check them out to see if there's anything Host Pick worthy. 😊 Congrats on all your sales by the way. You take lovely photos to show off your items!! What kind of advice would you give for getting a nice photo?
Feb 13Reply

Hi there! Congratulations on hosting the party tomorrow 🎉 Feel free to check out my closet for a potential Host Pick! I have tons of Lilly Pulitzer, J. Crew, and Kate Spade. Congrats again 😃
Feb 13Reply

Hi! 💞 Congratulations on hosting!!! 🎊🍾 If you're still looking for Host Picks, I've moved theme appropriate items to the top of my closet. 👗🎉👢💐👚
Feb 15Reply

Hi Christina! Congrats on being a party host! This is my 2nd full month on POSHMARK, and I am having a ball. I have a few great Anthropology and Free People pieces in my closet that I would love to have considered for a possible HP! Thanks for considering! 😊😊😊
Feb 17Reply

Thanks for hosting!💐
Feb 17Reply

I would love to join your party at 9:00 am tomorrow. I have lots of LuLaRoe clothes for sale that I would like to add to your party but don't know how. Help, please?
Feb 20Reply

I'm sorry, the party I'm talking about is at 12:00 noon time.
Feb 21Reply

@aaamycreed Hi! To share to any party, all you have to do is share during the party time and select "Share to Party" The brand Posh Parties, don't have Host Picks, but all other parties do! Happy Poshing!!!!
Feb 21Reply

Thank you!
Feb 21Reply

I just tried adding my LuLaRoe clothes. And almost all of them said they didn't meet the parameters of the party. I promise they are all LuLaRoe with tags on them. Help?
Feb 21Reply

Congratulations on your Party tomorrow!!! If you have time check out my closet for possible HP 💗💗
Feb 21Reply

Congrats on hosting! Can't wait to party with you!
Feb 22Reply

@cmariemedina 🌲🌲🌲Congratulations Christina🌲🌲🌲It's almost party time!! Best Wishes for a Fabul-Moose Party❄If you are still looking for host picks, I'd be honored if you checked out my closet. Thank you for your time⏱
Feb 24Reply

Hi there, can you tell me how you got into hosting a party? I would love to be involved and know how to do so. Look forward to hearing from you💕
Feb 24Reply

Congrats on your Party! My fav Free People/Anthropologie!! Love your closet!
Feb 25Reply

Great pic 😝
Feb 25Reply

Contrats on hosting! You have a lovely closet :) Happy Poshing!
Feb 26Reply

Congrats on hosting a great party tomorrow Christina!🎉✨🎉✨✨🎉✨✨🎉✨ Id be so happy if you would consider some of my MK and VS listings for a possible HP! Thank you!🌸💕🌸🎉🌺🌸🎉
Mar 01Reply

🎉 congratulations on hosting todays upcoming party 🎉 I'm inviting you to come check out my closet for a host pick! I have Miss me, Coach, Michael Kors along with other amazing brands like 🎀 Kate Spade, Prada, and Gucci! 🎀 I've been on posh for a year now and I'm excited to be considered for my FIRST Host Pick! 🎊😘😊😚🎊
Mar 01Reply

Are the posh party times in your own time zone or what time zone do they go on? There is a Coach, MK, missme, etc party and says on mine it starts at 11:00. I'm CST. Thanks!
Mar 01Reply

Great closet!! 🎉❤
Mar 01Reply

Hi Christina 💐💐💐Congratulations on hosting 😃🎉. I hope you have a lot of fun. Could you please consider one of my listings as a HP? Thanks I really appreciate it 😘💕💕
Mar 04Reply

🎉Congrats on hosting today's upcoming party!🎉 I'm inviting you to come check out my closet and while you're there I would love to be considered for a 🎉Host Pick🎉! Much love - Elle 🤗
Mar 04Reply

so cute!!!
Mar 04Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow! 🤗 Would love for you to check out my closet for a potential host pick. I have a couple of MK listings :)
Mar 08Reply

@gabbiefashion Morning Posh Parties don't have Host Picks since they're brand focused.
Mar 09Reply

Hello👋🏼 I'm Vanessa!! 💁🏼🎀💋I love making new PFF's🥂 HAPPY POSHING DOLL🍾🛍🍭 Wishing you lots ok luck🍀and sales💸💸
Mar 13Reply

OMG! I love your closet!! Your shots are like eye candy!! Love it!!
Mar 15Reply

@astyleaddict Thank you! :))))
Mar 16Reply

@cmariemedina Congratulations on hosting tomorrow's party! If you have time to check out my closet for Host Picks that would be amazing! You have an awesome closet!! Happy Poshing!
Mar 20Reply

Hi. How do I share my stuff on the Zara, Rebecca minkoff, Steve madden, Jeffrey Campbell party that's going on right now? I have some Steve and Jeffrey shoes would like people to check it out.
Mar 20Reply

@huyenlyvo Click the share button and there should be an option to Share to the Posh Party. Happy Poshing!
Mar 20Reply

Hello thank you for your invitation to the posh party tomm...i am looking forward to it...
Mar 24Reply

@cmariemedina CONGRATULATIONS on hosting the party in the morning Christina! You have an absolutely gorgeous closet! I've only been on Poshmark for 3 weeks so I'm still learning lol. I love seeing such successful people like you on posh. It is so inspiring! :)
Mar 25Reply

Hi Christina! Congratulations on Hosting today!! 👍🤗 I have a Large black Michael Kors Dillion East West Satchel practically BRAND NEW that WOULD be so amazing if it were a Host Pick!! It's at the top of my closet if you want to take a look and consider it!! GREATLY appreciated!! Thank you!! Good luck in sales and Happy Poshing!! 💕😍🤗😒😍💥😄👜
Mar 25Reply

I love your closet. Congrats on being a host for today's party 🎉. Can't wait!!!
Mar 25Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow!! :) Please feel free to check out my closet for any potential host picks! I've been working super hard on my closet and would love to get it more out there! There are a few J.Crew items currently on sale! Thanks so much!!! Xoxo
Mar 25Reply

Hi I'm Lisa please check out my closet. I'm sure you'll find a hot pick for your party. Thanks
Mar 28Reply

Hi! Nice closet! 🤗 check out mine!
Mar 31Reply

Great photo!
Apr 02Reply

Apr 08Reply

Hi there! I'm new to Poshmark and see I've been invited to your party. Can you tell me how that works please? Angela (akdbenz1)
Apr 08Reply

Hi! Great Closet!!!🌹🌹👋👋 And Awesome Monday Morning 🎉 Party 🎉 Just what we need to kick the week off! Happy Poshing!!!!
Apr 10Reply

Hi there! I would love to join the party however it will not allow me to list my MAC cosmetics items. 😔
Apr 12Reply

@mediagal111 Hi! Only unused makeup can be sold on Poshmark. I think that's why you weren't able to share it to the party.
Apr 12Reply

@cmariemedina omg. I'm so so sorry! Thank you for letting me know! 🙂🌺☀️
Apr 12Reply

Your closet is awesome! I'm new to PM and looking for people to follow to be inspired! 🌸💕🙌🏻🙈
Apr 15Reply

@cmariemedina What a beautiful closet!!!
Apr 17Reply

Hi Christina, congratulations on your party! 👍👏🎉💜 if you have some time. I have a couple Zara pieces that would love more than anything to be host pics! 😁 Congrats again!!
Apr 20Reply

Hey thanks for the party 🎉 I never really shop anthropology (the one in my mall is kinda small and dark) I really like their stuff that I saw at the party def going to get some pieces thanks again it was a nice selection of things 😃❤️
Apr 22Reply

YAY! 😀🌻😀🌻😀🌻CONGRATS on hosting today! 🛍🌈🛍🌈🛍🌈
Apr 25Reply

@prettysuite Hello, I am new to poshmark and would like you to please visit my closet and make a hostpick. Thanks in advance!
Apr 26Reply

@cmariemedina Hello, I am new to poshmark and would like you to please visit my closet and make a hostpick. Thanks in advance!
Apr 26Reply

I hope that you are having a great time cohosting Christina! I'm going to assume that you work for Poshmark, but want to thank you for your service as a cohost tonight. It's is a lot of work; and the greatest service you can do for the Poshmark community. To thank you for the time and effort you have put into your planning, I'm going to share your closet to the party, just in case you didn't ask a PFF to do so. Thanks again! NO SHARE BACKS! ❤Amanda
Apr 26Reply

@cmariemedina 🎉🎉🎉🌹I'm so excited for the party Happening now 🎉 if you haven't selected all of your host picks, I ask that you please consider my Poshmark complaint closet. 🌹I'll be sharing and shopping 👛
Apr 26Reply

Looking forward to the "Kate Spade, J. Crew, Lilly Pulitzer, Tory Burch & Pastels Clothing Party!" Woohoo!!!🎉😜🎉😁🎉😁👜☑️
Apr 26Reply

Really nice closet! As a new seller it's inspiring seeing all the "sold" labels!
Apr 29Reply

Apr 29Reply

Hi Christina I'm Lisa &very new don't have a closet yet but I wanted to let you know that it was nice to meet you & I'll ttys thanks!
May 03Reply

Kudos pretty lady :)!!
May 04Reply

Thank you for hosting today ... Where was your photo above taken? ✌️🌸💐🌺🌻🌺
May 04Reply

congrats on your party today.......I am excited to hopefully host my own party one day. I am still looking for my first hostess pick. Any tips would be super helpful and much appreciated. Great Job on all your hardwork!!!! sarah
May 07Reply

Thanks for hosting ✌
May 07Reply

Love your closet, It would make my day if you would check out mine! Thank you :)
May 12Reply

Thank you once AGAIN for hosting this afternoon 💐
May 12Reply

@cmariemedina Congratulations on hosting Christina! I have a quick question. How can I browse host picks after the party has ended?
May 12Reply

Hi! I was wondering how I might get my UO dress as a hp for tomorrow's party?
May 15Reply

@cassie_sanders To browse host picks from past parties, go to and click on the party you'd like to look at. Then on the left you can click the Host Pick showroom.
May 15Reply

@cmariemedina Thank you so much! 🎀
May 15Reply

@zenobe Makeup must be listed as NWT to be shared to a Posh Party. @crzyfacegrl Hi! Morning Posh Parties don't have host picks as they're brand focused.
May 15Reply

@cmariemedina Congrats on hosting! Please consider my Steve Madden Muilticolor heels as host pick 💞 💞
May 15Reply

@cmariemedina gotcha! Thanks!
May 15Reply

Hi!!! 🤗 Congratulations!! 🥂 I'll definitely be attending! :-) I'd be incredibly honored ⭐️ if you took a few moments to check out my closet for some potential 🎉HP🎉!!! I have some unique pieces! 🎁🎁 Thanks so much for your time, and I hope you're having an awesome day!!! ❤️😘🎈xo Tiff
May 16Reply

Great party💙Thanks for hosting 💞
May 16Reply

Hi! Too cute of pic! Great Closet! Stopping in to check out your items! I'm working on my closet! Normally, it would be organized by items, but I'm working on that 😊 All my sales help towards my soon to be 16yr old Son! ❤️. Check it out, any advice let me know! God Bless!
May 17Reply

@cmariemedina hi! Nice to meet you! I see you are hosting the Lululemon party this morning and I just wanted to say I have some stop at nothing crops with 30likes - which is a ton for me!! Yet not one offer one them! Was wondering if maybe you would consider them for a host pick this morning :) Thank you!
May 18Reply

Hi, just tried listing Adidas and Under Amour listings in your party. I get the error message that they don't fit party requirements. Technology seems to be running amuck.
May 18Reply

Hi Christina! Congrats on your hosting. 😊 i would love to be concidered as a host pick😍 check out my closet and tell me what u think. Thank you 😘😘
May 20Reply

Congratulations on your party this morning !!!! Sending good vibes your way ☮️💗💟
May 21Reply

Hi! Congrats on hosting tomorrow! I'm sharing a few items from my posh compliant closet that I'm hoping you might consider for a HOST pick. Thanks :)
May 22Reply

@jsanchez8914 Morning Posh Parties don't have Host Picks as they're brand focused. Happy Poshing!
May 22Reply

@cmariemedina ooooooh- I didn't know that :) there's something new to learn all the time on here. In any case, I'll be there! :)
May 22Reply

SUPER STOKED FOR THE PARTY . i can't wait !!
May 23Reply

@somethingxgood Thank you! 😊💁🏻
May 24Reply

Hi Christina!! I have some awesome Lululemon pieces I'd love for you to consider for a hast pick for tomorrow mornings party! Thanks so much!
May 26Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, please check out my boutique! Let me know if you see anything you like, have any questions, or need help with sizes. Remember NONE of my prices are final, I LOVE to bundle and accept offers!
May 26Reply

Hi Christina!
I see you are one of the hosts for the VS party tomorrow. I'm new to Posh & would like to add my VS merchandise to the party! How do I do that?
May 27Reply

@juiealdigel Hi Julie! To participate in a party, simply share your items during the party time. There will be an option to share to the party. 💁🏻 Happy Poshing!
May 28Reply

Hi Christina! If you have time please take a peak at my closet! I collect authentic Vintage Coach and Dooney bags! Hopefully you may like one for your host pick!!! I'm a new suggested user, top rated seller and posh compliant! and all my bags are authenticated!
May 28Reply

Looking forward to the party🎉🎉💕🎈
May 29Reply

Love your page! Check out mine and follow me! Open to all offers/bundle offers!
May 31Reply

Hi there! Congrats on hosting today! I have some great Anthro items! Please check out my closet for HP! I would so greatly appreciate it! 😘
Jun 01Reply

Wooohoooo, Congrats on hosting such a cool Posh party. Gonna be fun. Can't wait. Would be honored if you chose my LV for your party.
Jun 03Reply

Congrats on Hosting!! 🎉🎉 I would love for you to check out my closet for possible host picks! Again congrats!! 🎊
Jun 05Reply

Hello Christina, you have very beautiful items in your closet!Wishing you tons of great sales!
Jun 08Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow! I have lots of UO stuff if you could please visit my closet to consider for HPs 😃
Jun 08Reply

@cmariemedina congratulations on hosting today!!! Xoxo! Can't wait!!
Jun 09Reply

Hey! Glad we connected! Hope you check out my closet and find things you love (I do really good pricing for bundles). 👀my handmade jewelry✌🏻💎 Happy poshing 😀
Jun 10Reply

Hi Posher Friend!!☺ Warm Greetings from San Antonio, Texas. Nice things in your closet, will come back and check again. Message me for new postings in your closet. Have a Great Day. Mari 😀
Jun 12Reply

Congratulations on cohosting today's party!
Jun 12Reply

Hey! Glad we connected! Hope you check out my closet and find things you love (I do really good pricing for bundles). 👀my handmade jewelry✌🏻💎 Happy poshing 😀
Jun 12Reply

Love your closet 👍👍👍👍👍👍
Jun 14Reply

🎉🎉Congratulations on your party Christina‼️🎉🎉 I'm a fairly new posher… Learning from all you veteran poshers📝 I want to be compliant, and a true PFF💕 I'll be inviting friends, watching , and cheering from the sidelines until I'm part of the game🎉💫❗️How Exciting‼️🎉💕🏆✨💥
Jun 14Reply

@cmariemedina Congrats on hosting the party tomorrow!! I have several pieces in my closet that would fit right in with this party! Thanks so much for your consideration! Have a great day!
Jun 16Reply

Hi, I've never been picked for a HP Item, so I'd love it you picked one of my items pls ✨🌸 happy poshing
Jun 17Reply

🎊🎉Christina Congrats on hosting the noon party today!!! 🎊🎉 Its almost here and I'm sure your excited!!! Please check out my closet when your considering your Host Pick- I have a few really cute NWT Asos Maternity tops. Thanks and enjoy 🎈!
Jun 18Reply

Hi🤗Christina,Hope you get a chance to check out my closet 💚👛👜👝👖
Jun 18Reply

I really hope it'a not to late but Congratulations and I wish you the best of luck on your party!! 🎉 I'll be there to shop and share! 💖 I'd be so appreciative if you considered one of my listings from my complaint closet as a host pick! I think I might have some great things that would fit the theme! I'd be so thankful and happy if you chose one of mine!! 💞💞
Jun 18Reply

@cmariemedina CONGRATULATIONS on your HOST PARTY. So excited for you! 🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎈🎈🎈👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🦄🦄 😍😍😍😍
Jun 19Reply

@cmariemedina Hi there! I'm a host today at the jewelry party. Perhaps you could make my nike shoes a host pick and I will return the favor for you!
Jun 19Reply

I Am new to poshmark about 3 days in how can I get my Gucci tote into the event today I see that you are a host
Jun 20Reply

congrats on being a host!!! Check out my closet for a potential host pick if you have a chance!💕
Jun 20Reply

Please consider one of my LuLaRoe items for a hp for your next posh party. Thank you and congrats 🎊🎉
Jun 21Reply

🎉🎉Congrats on Hosting today! I would be honored if you would stop by my closet for possible Host Picks!! Happy Poshing and Be Blessed 🦋🦋
Jun 21Reply

CONGRATS on hosting!! I would be so appreciative if you looked at my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks so much in advance! 🎀👙👒👛👠🌻💋
Jun 21Reply

I'm trying to list my Victoria's Secret bags that I have in the party you are helping to host but it continues to say it does not match the party theme yet Victoria's Secret is one of the items listed in the party guidelines. Can you help me figure this out? Thank you so much. 💞 Vickie
Jun 21Reply

You have a gorgeous closet!
Jun 21Reply

Jun 22Reply

Omg you are too cute. Love that pic 😝 Thanks for brightening my day 🌻
Jun 22Reply

@cmariemedina how do you add listings to a part? I have an asos dress I'd like to post
Jun 26Reply

🎉🎊CONGRATS on hosting POSH Party today. I shared my 2 Pink VS peices to your close to consideration for Host Picks.
Jun 29Reply

Jun 29Reply

Hey! Congrats on co-hosting the event! Feel free to check out my closet to see if there is anything you like/ would want to use as host pic!!! I absolutely love your closet by the way and I'm very picky. I just did more shares then ever before lol 😁😘
Jul 02Reply

hey girl! congrats on hosting! i have several items that fit the theme for your party and i would be so grateful if you chose one for a host pick😊 i have never had one before, so i am really trying to get one. best of luck & congrats again💖
Jul 02Reply

💙🎉💜🎉💚🎉CONGRATULATIONS ON HOSTING!!! 🎉💚🎉💜🎉💙. ❤️💕❣️LOVELY CLOSET❣️💕❤️. Please consider visiting my closet along with my PFF's @johnelem & @g_fashiondiary for their great closet collection of fashion and style, for possible HP's. Sharing & wishing you a speedy sale!!! HAPPY POSHING!!! 🌈ALOHA 🌸🌺🤙🏼
Jul 03Reply

Congrats on hosting the upcoming Free People posh party! If you have time, please check out my free people dress in my closet. It is so cute and I have reduced the price to rock bottom, and I can't understand how it hasn't sold yet! Maybe if it is a HP, someone will finally see what a great deal it is! Thanks for your consideration, and have fun hosting tomorrow!
Jul 03Reply

Congrats on hosting, can't wait for your party! Please feel free to check out my closet for a potential host pick 🌸🎉
Jul 03Reply

@cmariemedina Hi christina how are you Congrats on being a host- love you style . I would be Honored if you could check out my Closet and maybe one day I could be a Hot Pick.Please keep me in Mind -I steady work on my closet and Value My Customers-if you look at My 5-Star Ratings and I want it to Continue- Ok thanks have Awesome Day!
Jul 05Reply

Your closet is GORGEOUS!!!!!
Jul 06Reply

Hi there, check out my closet for host picks for the Victoria secret pink party tomorrow 💕🌸💕
Jul 06Reply

Congratulations on your hosting gig , well deserved🎉🙂🌸❤️ I love your cliset, you have great taste. Please check out my closet, I have alot of LulaRoe and an MK bag that I think would be great for HP. Thanks!
Jul 07Reply

@cmariemedina Congrats on hosting your upcoming Posh Party! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Please take a peek at my Posh compliant closet for a possible Coach host pick! 💋💄🎉🎉👛👜👚👙
Jul 07Reply

@cmariemedina I can't wait for your party today. I hope you can find a host pick in my closet.
Jul 07Reply

🎉Congratulations on hosting!🎉 Please check out my Posh compliant closet for HP, and these:
Jul 07Reply

🎉🎉🎉🎉 congratulations on your party 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jul 08Reply

Hi Christina🙋🏼 I don't have any Kate spade, Tory Burch, Lily Pulitzer or these other brands. However, my friend Heather @hmaek37 has an absolutely gorgeous closet filled with these.💕💗 If you still have host pick spots available will you please take a look at her closet. 🙏🏻Thank you so much❗️😘💗💕
Jul 08Reply

Please peek at my closet 😁for HP! I only have one Anthropology shirt and would love to get its time of fame 😉 Thanks and have a great time at your party! 🎉
Jul 10Reply

Tomorrow's the big day - Happy Hosting! I'd love for you to consider items from my closet as possible HPs! I have a handful of Free People and Anthro pieces :) Happy Poshing!
Jul 11Reply

congrats on hosting! come check out my closet for LOTS of Anthro and Free People listings!
Jul 11Reply

I see you are hosting a party tomorrow that includes Nike. I have a NWOB pair. Size 7. Can these be included in this party? If so, how? Sorry if this seems like an odd question, however, I'm kind of new to Posh & not sure how this would work. Thanks for the help!😊
Jul 12Reply

Hey girl gorgeous closet!! And congrats on hosting!! I have a fab Nike tennis/golf skort NWTs in my closet if your still looking for HPs;) wishes for fast sales and happy Poshing!
Jul 12Reply

Congrats on hosting! Please check out my closet for a possible hp. Thank you 💕
Jul 12Reply

Hello Christina 🎉congratulations on hosting 🎉🎊such a unique and exquisite closet you got. Please consider my closet for some possible HP's, I would greatly appreciate it so much!!! 😘🌈Aloha
Jul 14Reply

Love your closet!!! So beautiful and so are you!!! 💗 Nice to meet you!
Jul 14Reply

Congrats on hosting!! Looking first to the party!!
Jul 15Reply

Oops that should be "forward" 😀
Jul 15Reply

Congrats again on hosting how exciting!!! How do you get to host? I would love for you to review my closet I just have one item left of free people and would greatly appreciate your help in hopes of it being a hp. Thanks hun and ❤️🌈Aloha🎉
Jul 19Reply

Hey girl! I love your closet and I've been working hard on mine, I would really appreciate it if you checked out my lululemon postings for tomorrow's party and possibly host pick, thank you so much!!!❤️🌹❣️🍓
Jul 20Reply

OMG love your smile...GORGEOUS girlfriend 😍😘
Jul 21Reply

🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Congratulations on hosting your posh party 😘
Jul 22Reply

🎉CONGRATS on co-hosting!🎉. If you have a minute, please consider some theme-related items from Posh Compliant closet for a HP! ❤️ Happy Poshing!🎈🎀🎉😘
Jul 22Reply

Congrats on hosting the posh party 🎉 please check out my closet for a possible hp ☺️ thank you💕💕
Jul 23Reply

Thank you for hosting the Makeup Party today! I know hosting is a lot of hard work and time. I appreciate your service to make Poshmark a fantastic place! I am sharing your closet—no share backs! Have a wonderful day! 🌸🌺🌷🌸
Jul 25Reply

Congrats on hosting a posh party 💕🎉 please check out my closet for a possible host pick!!!💕 thank you!! 😊💜
Jul 25Reply

Hi Christina, congrats on hosting the party tomorrow🎉
I just started my closet and would love to have Host Pick! Please check out my closet for a HP. Thanks 🌺
Jul 26Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow morning! I'll be in attendance and sharing all morning long 🤗 If you have a few moments to spare, I would love for you to take a look at my closet for potential host picks ☺️ I do have a beautiful Free People dress listed! See you tomorrow AM! 🦋💙
Jul 27Reply

💚💚Congrats!!!! Sharing your items!! Loving the party!!! Hope you can squeeze one of my items into your party for a HP!!!💚💚
Jul 27Reply

Hi there! Congrats on hosting the posh party today!! I am hoping you will check out my closet to see if I have any possible host pick options! All my clothes are from a smoke free home, prices are negotiable, and in amazing (most barely worn or NWT) condition!
Jul 27Reply

hi there! congrats on hosting the nike, UA, lulu lemon party tomorrow! please take a look and consider my nike listing for a HP!! ✨
Jul 29Reply

Congrats on your party! Would love if you check out my closet for any potential HPs!! Thank you! 😘😘
Jul 29Reply

♡ⓒⓞⓝⓖⓡⓐⓣⓤⓛⓐⓣⓘⓞⓝⓢ♡ this is going to be a lovely posh party and deserves the poshmark lovin'! Definitely going to be a huge success!!! Have a great day babe and good luck 💕❤😘😊☺️
Jul 29Reply

@cmariemedina Hi! Congratulations on hosting your party! Please take a look at my closet. I have lots of DY and great reviews!🌷🌹🌺🌸🌻🌼💐
Jul 29Reply

Hi beauty! I RSVPed for the high-end designer party tomorrow. I don't know how the host pic thing works, or even for that matter how I share my stuff to the party. But you might want to check out a beautiful vintage Gucci 18 karat gold and lapis watch that I have on my page as well as some beautiful vintage Chanel bags and jackets.
Jul 30Reply

Hi !Just stopping by to say that I really adore your closet. I am very new to Poshmark and would dream of building a closet like your own. I am trying to build my posh and get more followers, share items, and like them also for my followers. I am a part of your party right now, first congrats on being the host of a party!!! That's where I would love to be with posh one day! If you could check out the LV bag I had just posted for the party, It would make my whole life to be a host pick!!!
Jul 30Reply

Hi there @cmariemedina ! 😊 CONGRATS on your upcoming Posh party! 🎉 I hope you'll take a look at my closet and considering some of my listing for HP's- I have quite a selection of LulaRoe skirts all NWT. Thanks girl! 💕
Jul 30Reply

Congrats on hosting a posh party 💕🎉 please check out my closet for a possible host pick!!!💕 thank you!! 😊💜
Jul 30Reply

✨✨✨✨✨Excited for party today! Lots of new listings!!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Jul 31Reply

💚💚Congrats!!!! Sharing your items!! Loving the party!!! Hope you can squeeze one of my items into your party for a HP!!!💚💚
Jul 31Reply

Hi! Congrats on your party! Is it too late to be considered for a host pick?
Jul 31Reply

Congrats! 💕
Jul 31Reply

Congrats beautiful page 💋
Jul 31Reply

✨✨✨✨✨Excited for party today! Lots of new listings!!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Jul 31Reply

Would love to be considered for host pick for the Kate spade dress I am selling!
Jul 31Reply

✨✨✨✨✨excited for the party today. Lots of new listings to share!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Aug 01Reply

Hi. I noticed you're hosting a makeup party tomorrow. I'm selling an Urban Decay limited edition Alice in Wonderland palette. It's in mint condition, I bought it and never used it. If possible would you please consider it for a hostess pick? Thank you for considering me.
Aug 01Reply

@cmariemedina congratulations on hosting your Posh Party!!! I'm wishing you quick sales and a fabulous party!!!! 💸💸💸💸🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Aug 02Reply

Congrats on hosting pls look at my closet for host picks 🌸🌸🌸. Thank you
Aug 03Reply

Quick question just wondering under brands on the current party Michael Kors is listed but you can actually post anything by that brand… Is that just a technical error?
Aug 03Reply

@cnusbaum13 Hi! The current party is the Rebecca Minkoff, Sam Edelman, Zara, Topshop, Steve Madden & Tea n Cup Party. That might be why you were having some issues sharing Michael Kors! Let me know if I can help with anything else!
Aug 03Reply

Phony thank you I was confused by one item marked MK but I understand
Aug 03Reply

Hey! i love your closet! The pictures are great. Congrats on hosting! well deserved. I've got a super cute, perfect condition dress from Urban I hope you'd consider as a host pick. I'm new to poshmark, so it would really help my closet get seen more. Hope you check out my closet and enjoy hosting!!
Aug 03Reply

Congrats on hosting pls look at my closet for possible host picks. Thank you 🌸🌸🌸
Aug 04Reply

Hi Christina! I just checked out your closet and I love it! I'm new to poshmark and hoping you can check out mine as well!
Aug 04Reply

Aug 06Reply

Congrats on hosting the posh party 🎉 please check out my closet for a possible hp ☺️ thank you💕💕
Aug 07Reply

Hi Christina - Congrats on hosting another Posh Party! If you're still looking for items from a 100% posh compliant closet, please check out my beautiful Coach and Michael Kors shoes, bags and sunnies. I'll be there shopping and sharing with you :) Best of luck and have fun! Thanks, Emilie - @emarvosa
Aug 08Reply

Congrats on hosting today!! Take a look at my closet for some cute host picks when you have a chance!! Happy poshing! ❌⭕️❌⭕️❤️🎉
Aug 10Reply

Hi!! Congrats on hosting!! 🤗🎊 I would love it if you considered choosing a host pick from my closet! 😁💖🙏🏼 your closet rocks btw! I'm obsessed with everything 😍
Aug 14Reply

Would love for you to consider my closet @kml0123 for your upcoming posh party! 🎉❤️🎉
Aug 15Reply

Hi! Congrats on hosting a Poshmark party! Cant wait to get to that point some day :) Would love if you checked out some items in my closet!
Aug 17Reply

@luna778 As long as you're sharing the items to the party, you're good to go! There are lots of people sharing at the same time, so you might not be able to see them in the party shares.
Aug 21Reply

Hi Christina!😃💐
Aug 22Reply

Girl yaaaaas so excited for this party!!! Please check out my closet! I have Michael Kors and Coach both in good condition. Have fun and congrats!😘💜🦄🎉😋
Aug 23Reply

@kaitlyn_b98 I'm very excited to see that you're hosting a party today! I've been trying to sell this MK bag in closet for a while and I'm hoping that today is the day. If you would be willing to put in in your host picks that would be amazing!! Have a great day🤗🌵
Aug 24Reply

@kaitlyn_b98 @cmariemedina super embarrassing so sorry I pressed reply instead of comment🙃
Aug 24Reply

@samanthajoanna you're fine!😊
Aug 24Reply

Congratulations on having such a successful closet and tasteful sense of style!! 🛍🎉
Aug 24Reply

Congratulations on hosting your PARTY!!!! I hope it's very successful. I would be honored if you had a chance to look at some of the LuLaRoe items in my closet. Thanks so much xoxo
Aug 24Reply

Congrats on being a party host. Please take a look at my closet. 💕👏👡👛🌺🌼✨🔥
Aug 25Reply

I just need someone to tell me if my closet sucks or not lol. Oh and the prices. I need an honest person to be blunt .. so if you are reading this.. thank you for your time. Check my closet and tell my what I need to fix.. I just want to sell so I can buy myself some tacos lol.
Aug 25Reply

Hi Kate. As a Posher and one who loves cosmetics I am really puzzled by the amount of "Used or slightly used" makeup both appearing at your party and on Poshmark generally. Aren't all listings required to have "new with tags?" I believe ONLY brand new makeup is Posh compliant. I also worked in cosmetics for ten years we would never accept a return of used make up. I am not the Posh police but perhaps this issue is worth raising with your party hosts? Thanks
Aug 26Reply

Looking forward to your Posh Party tomorrow - Please check out my Posh compliant closet. I've got a super cute Zara jacket that might be a good host pick💕. Thank you in advance for your consideration💕
Aug 26Reply

Hi there! Current party in title states it allows Adidas however it's not listed in the brands able to share to party. Can this be fixed please thank u!
Aug 30Reply

Yalls party going on now includes Adidas however y'all forgot to add Adidas to be allowed
Aug 30Reply

Party says Adidas but won't let me share adidas
Aug 30Reply

Thank you for hosting a party to help with hurricane Harvey relief. I was really hoping Posh might have hosted a party for us Houstonian sellers, that really could use sales now more than ever....🌻🌻
Aug 31Reply

@cmariemedina So happy to be part of a party that help those affected by Hurricane Harvey.
Aug 31Reply

@cmariemedina .❌Hurricane Fund Raising Party ❌
🙏🏻❌❌Posh party for a CAUSE ❌❌🙏🏻
👉🏻I'll be there & partying with you
🔥🔥@lgolivardia 👈🏻
🔥🔥@mtnhiker 👉🏻
🔥🔥@pinkflamingobtq 👈🏻
🔥🔥@lucksterlw 👈🏻
🔥🔥@califoxx 👉🏻
🔥🔥@shop_essentials 👉🏻
🔥🔥@warrior04 👈🏻
👉🏻 @graphi👈🏻
Aug 31Reply

Hi Christina, Thank you so very much for hosting the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund Party. We, personally, lived through Hurricane Sandy here in NY so we empathize & sympathize with what Texans in distress are experiencing right now. I am looking foward to participating in this event so that we can continue to contribute in assistance. Thank you for this opportunity.
Aug 31Reply

Congrats on hosting the Posh Party tonight it's a great idea my sister was severely affected by the storm😔 I would be so grateful of you would consider something from my closet as a host pick💕 My closet is posh Compliant ✌🏽
Sep 01Reply

Congratulations on hosting tonight!🎉🎉🎉Would love to be considered for a possible HP!💕
Sep 01Reply

Thank you so much for hosting the party. 🎉🎉hope you like my jcrew items😊😍
Sep 02Reply

@cmariemedina hi! Congratulations on your party tomorrow! Such a fun mix of brands🎊😁 I'd love to have you check out my closet for possible host pics? Thank you so much 🎉💖
Sep 08Reply

@adamsar94 Congratulations on hosting the party tonight!!! 💕💜❤️💙! Your closet is amazing! I would really be honored if you stopped by my closet & considered one of my Lilly Pulitzer items for one of your host picks! Thank you so much & I hope you have a wonderful weekend! 💕💜❤️💙!!!!
Sep 09Reply

Hi!! I love the makeup parties, but the app stopped recognizing the makeup brands I have listed. It keeps saying unable to share =(((
Sep 11Reply

@rowenaanne For the branded makeup parties, only the brands listed may be shared. For the other makeup parties (including the branded party) the makeup must be NWT. Used makeup is not allowed on Poshmark and can't be shared to a party. Hope that helps!
Sep 11Reply

Yes! Thank you! That helps!
Sep 11Reply

Hello, Thanks got inviting me to your party, I will be looking at many of the great items that you have to offer. I'm new on this site and am just learning how to use and understand Poshmark.
Question- Could You help me understand what's the benefit of following people (both new and established.?) Thanks!
Sep 11Reply

@cmariemedina congrats on cohosting another fabulous party☺️ I will be there supporting and sharing❣️❤️❣️❤️
Sep 12Reply

Congrats on hosting Christina! Looking forward to shopping your picks 🛍
Sep 12Reply

Congrats on the hosting! Love your closet!!
I just posted some NWT Anthro items that would be perfect for the party if you need some more picks. Please check them out! thanks!
Sep 13Reply

@cmariemedina CONGRATULATIONS on being a party host! Would it be acceptable if I direct-shared a listing for host pick consideration? I have a pair of Converse low-tops listed that are really cute, quite unique-looking and seemingly rare (have never seen those on here before). I understand if you'd rather not, but I figured asking wouldn't hurt. :-)
Sep 14Reply

Hi:) please consider my closet for a host pick item. Thank you
Sep 15Reply

Congrats on hosting today!!! Your closet has such gorgeous items!! <3 - ashley
Sep 18Reply

Hi...Im New to Posh...I see all my invites daily for parties...and have shared items to my silly question is....Where are these parties?? Is it a special feed..? Or just on my regular feed?? Does everyone see it??
Sep 19Reply

Love your closet! Would be great if you can consider one of my Zara or Topshop item for host pick 😊💕💞💕
Sep 20Reply

Congratulations on your Zara party today! I only have one item and would love to be considered for a host pick if you need to do any more. Thanks!
Sep 20Reply

Hey hey Christina! I have a question for you! Is it possible to add brands to this party? I have a bunch of brand new Asics workout clothes! I really don't know how it works as I am a newbie, but figured it didn't hurt to ask! Thank you so much!
Sep 23Reply

Congrats on hosting!! I shared two items with you that I think would be great for your party!! ❌⭕️🍾👌🏽
Sep 24Reply

“Congrats on hosting today!💕🛍🎉wishing you a successful party🎉💕🛍I would absolutely love for you to check out my posh compliant closet for a potential HP!!🎉💕🛍
Sep 25Reply

@cmariemedina ... Hello. I've got beautiful Tory Burch and J.Crew items in my closet for tomorrow's party. Please visit my closet. I'm sure the attendees would love what I got. Thanks. 👗👗 @babi_hustle
Sep 25Reply

Sep 26Reply

OMG! I want to be a seller like you. Any suggestions on how to become a success like you are? Just WOW 💞
Sep 28Reply

Congratulations on hosting tomorrow's posh party! I have been following you for a while now, absolutely love your closet and your style! I have a few listings that fit the theme, so if you could check out my closet for a potential host pick that would be amazing! Thanks!
Oct 03Reply

Love the old bus!! Beautiful pic!! Nice to meet you!!
Oct 05Reply

You go girl!!!! I will be here supporting!!!
Oct 06Reply

“Congrats on hosting today!💕🛍🎉wishing you a successful party🎉💕🛍I would absolutely love for you to check out my posh closet for a potential HP!! Thanks💕🛍
Oct 07Reply

Hi Christina: We're new and just getting started so I thought I'd stop by and say HI. When you've got a minute or 2, check us out. Take care and have a really GREAT rest of your day. Pete
Oct 09Reply

Hi cris. Good morning. Pls check my closet for possible hostpick. Thanks. Have a nice day ♡
Oct 11Reply

Hey Christina! Excited for your party today!! Have fun! If you get a moment, take a look at @teemiox, @cmadugu, @ggfisher and @mintcloset31 for some good ideas.
Oct 11Reply

So nice to meet you! I love your closet! Have fun at the party! I'll be there with my rule abiding closet ;)
Oct 11Reply

Trying to post my LuLaRoe items in the current party with the same name but it won't let me. Please help
Oct 11Reply

Congratulations on hosting today! 🎉🎉🎉 I would love to be considered for a possible Host Pick! I only have one Coach bag! 💞💞💞
Oct 11Reply

Hi! Congrats on cohost! Wanted to know you could check out my Tory Burch orange pants cute for fall, and Navy cardigan! Thank you!
Oct 11Reply

@cmariemedina Hi Christina...I am sorry for all the shares I have been sending you...they were for parties you were hosting and I just figured out your parties have no host picks! :)
Oct 12Reply

@cmariemedina Congrats on hosting!🎉🎉🎉I am a new posher and would be very grateful if you had a chance to take a peek at my PC closet for any possible HP!!!💕💕
Oct 19Reply

Congrats on hosting a posh party tomorrow!! I have a couple Lily items in my closet I'd love you to check out if you have a minute!! Have a great night 😊🎉
Oct 19Reply

Hi, @cmariemedina, congrats on hosting today’s party. How fun and just think—no clean up after a Posh party! 😉 I’ve shared a NWT ks♠️ bag from my compliant closet for HP consideration. Thanks for checking it out and hosting today’s party! Happy Poshing!👠
Oct 20Reply

Hi sorry to bother your but I have a quick question what is the RSVP button for if you can answer me the question it would be awesome thanks
Oct 23Reply

Congrats on your Posh party!!! ❤️🎉❤️❤️🎉
Oct 25Reply

Wow, Christina, your closet is gorgeous! No wonder you're a co-host. :-) Loving your pics especially. Looking forward to tomorrow's Burberry, Chanel party. See ya around! L
Oct 25Reply

It's just one word, but it sums up what I want to express. Congratulations on hosting your party!
Oct 27Reply

@cmariemedina Hi Christina! Congratulations on your party tomorrow! I would be honored if you could check out my closet and consider my Tory Burch boots as a host pick, if you are still looking. Thank you!😍
Oct 28Reply

Congratulations on hosting your party today!! 🎉🎉 I have some beautiful J . Crew and Madewell pieces for sale in my closet and a perfect 5 Star rating! I’d love if you’d take a look!! ✨🌟🙏🏻💙@guera459💙🙏🏻🌟✨
Oct 28Reply

Any reason I can’t post my Urban Decay And Sephora listings?
Oct 29Reply

@jpkurek Used makeup cannot be shared to a party. It is an unsupported item on Poshmark. Only new makeup is allowed.
Oct 29Reply

That crown 🌸❤️✨💕 love!
Oct 30Reply

Congratulations on hosting. Please check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thank you 😘
Oct 30Reply

Hey Christina! Congrats on hosting tomorrow! Have so much fun! If you have a moment, please eyeball @cmadugu and @teemiox for host picks. Enjoy the fun! xoxo Carrie
Oct 30Reply

Do you know if I can put my social media in my closet? Ask people to follow me on Snapchat, YouTube, instagram- they all promote Posh? Any insight would be appreciated! I have reached out to Posh but I haven’t received an email back!
Oct 31Reply

Congrats on hosting! That's so exciting! If you have time to check out my closet for host picks, I would be so honored! I have a good bit of Free People, Anthropologie and Lucky Brand items in my closet. 😊 Have a great rest of your day!
Oct 31Reply

🎈🎊 🎉 Félicitations! Félicitations 🎈🎊 🎉
🎈🎊 🎉 Congratulations! Congratulations 🎈🎊 🎉
If you have the time, please check out my closet. I have a lot of great items, many NWT from Hunter, UGG, Frye and many other brands for consideration for HP💥💥
🎈🎊 🎉 Merci pour votre temps 🎈🎊 🎉
Nov 01Reply

Hi... l just listed a made in U.S.A. Patagonia jacket and would love for you to consider it in today’s party. Your party represents great brands and I wish you success!
Nov 01Reply

@cmariemedina You have a beautiful closet; such awesome styling!👌🏻🐛🦋
Nov 02Reply

@cmariemedina, hi Christina! Congrats on hosting! I'm newer to posh mark, posh compliant and have never had a host pick. I have a Coach bag listed right now and would love to be considered for a host pick tomorrow, or in the future. Going to send the listening to your style room for you to take a peek. Hope you have a lovely Friday!
Nov 03Reply

CONGRATS ON HOSTING!please check my closet for a posible HP
Nov 13Reply

Hi Christina! Congratulations on Hosting another great party. Love your closet. You are an inspiration. Thank you!
Nov 13Reply

Hi Christina! I'd love for you to consider a few of my listings as possible host picks for tomorrow. I've shared them directly to your closet. Thanks for considering!
Nov 17Reply

Your party has the brand name athleta spelled wrong so it won't allow sharing items of that brand. In party details it is spelled athletica.
Nov 18Reply

@cmariemedina I’m unable to share my Athleta items into the party. Is there something wrong?
Nov 18Reply

Major typo in your current party... Athleta is listed but ATHLETICA is what someone posted under accepted brands :( #fail
Nov 18Reply

Hey doll! I'm sure the notifications are rolling in! It can be crazy, I know. Lol. I would love to be considered for a hp. Thanks! Happy Poshing 💋
Nov 19Reply

Please check out my closet for your hostess picks thanks
Nov 19Reply

✨🥂Super congrats on hosting! Please check out our Posh compliant closets for potential host pics! 😘 @madeleineh @ecru3 @msvix86 @sonjajvh
Nov 20Reply

@cmariemedina 😘Hi there, beautiful!😘
Congrats on hosting the Tarte, Urban Decay & Other Awesome Makeup Party!! That sounds like EXACTLY my kind of party! I want ALL our Poshers to NEVER forget they’re beautiful!! 🎉🎊
I have TONS of great Tarte & Urban Decay makeup in my ✨POSH COMPLIANT✨ closet.
I was just named a👸🏼👑POSH AMBASSADOR👸🏼👑last week!!! 🤗What a HUGE honor! 🤗💖I'd love to be considered for a HP! 💝🎁
Nov 22Reply

Congrats on party hosting!!! Check out my closet for some possible HPs !!!!!🌸🌸🌸🌸
Nov 29Reply

Thank you for hosting the Party today! I am so excited to share and shop along with other Poshers. Hope you like the J.Crew dress that I listed. Congratulations and thank you again on hosting the party! <3
Nov 29Reply

Hello and thank you for inviting me to my first PoshMark Party Im really excited, first please explain how this party thing work
Nov 30Reply

HI Christina - just shared an awesome pair of boots I'd love for you to consider as an HP. Thanks for considering!
Nov 30Reply

@cmariemedina 🤗I'll be supporting you from afar sharing and sharing 💞 in hopes of helping you have an amazing party!🛍. If you still need 🌠 Host Picks I'd welcome your consideration of my Posh compliant closet 💝
Dec 01Reply

Love your posh picture ❤️
Dec 01Reply

🙌🏼Congrats on your hosting gig!! If you still need host picks, I have something I would love for you to check out from my closet! I can’t wait to see what your host picks are. See you at the party!!🎉💗😘
Dec 10Reply

Love your closet. Great cover shots!!!
Dec 14Reply

Hi, Christina. Congratulations on your hosting gig tomorrow! Love your taste and would really appreciate it if you'd take a moment to rifle through my clothes closet--maybe even pick something out as a Host Pick?...I'm hoping my time has finally come! 😜❤️See you then!
Dec 15Reply

@cmariemedina Hi Christina congrats on hosting tomorrow's party, it will be amazing I am sure! Pls take a look for a possible HP, I have lots of nice Frye! Thank you so much. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas! 💖🌻🌲😃
Dec 18Reply

@cmariemedina 🤗 Wishing You All The Best w/Your PoshParty today!😘 I'll be supportive you from afar sharing & sharing 💞. If you are still looking for🎉Host Picks, I'd welcome your consideration of my Posh compliant closet. Thank You!💖. Your time & consideration is greatly appreciated 😍. Happy Poshing!🛍️
Dec 20Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow! So exciting! I'll be there and would love for you to consider looking at my closet!
These girls also have awesome closets! Thanks! 😊❤❤❤
Dec 22Reply

Hi Christina & Congrats on your upcoming 🎉 party. I'll be sharing your HP💕&&& Mery Christmas to you & yours🎄☃️🤶🎅
Dec 23Reply

Congrats on your party!! Fun!!🎉🎉🎉 Please consider my UGG clogs and Frye Boots😘
Dec 26Reply

@cmariemedina Can you please help me? I’m supposed to be hosting the evening party today. But Poshmark made a mistake & listed the wrong user. This person has the same username as me except their name doesn’t end in a ‘z’, like mine. My username is lauren4eventZ. Theirs is lauren4events. Can you please fix this? I spent the past few weeks searching for host picks and I didn’t make New Year’s Eve plans for this. Please help me!
Dec 31Reply

@cmariemedina The person listed incorrectly is not active on Poshmark. They have no listings and 0 shares. I have spent months preparing for this party. I received a confirmation email a couple days ago. My username was correct on that email. Please get back to me. I have sent emails to Poshmark support and to Barbara, reached out on your blog and Twitter... and Facebook. But no response anywhere. I’m so sad 😪
Dec 31Reply

@lauren4eventz Hi! Thanks for reaching out! It should be fixed now. Have a wonderful time hosting the party. Can’t wait to see your Host Picks! 🍾✨
Dec 31Reply

@cmariemedina I can’t thank you enough! You are so wonderful!!! 😪💕 Thank you!
Dec 31Reply

Congrats as party host, looking forward to your picks & happy Poshing!!! 💐💐💐💐
Jan 07Reply

@cmariemedina Thank you for hosting a great party. Happy Monday Christina! =D
Jan 08Reply

Heeeey ":) I shared a bit of your items in great hopes they ALL SELL ! :) I also followed you, i look forward to connecting with you often ! Much Success ! Happy Poshing !
Jan 10Reply

Hi Christina, so nice to meet you! I can't wait for your Free People, Brandy Melville, Lucky Brand, Anthropologie & Neoclassics Party today! I'd love to be considered for a host pick! Have a wonderful day!
Jan 11Reply

👠👗👛❤️ Congrats on your party ! I love the theme, it’s so fabulous! If you get a chance please look at my friends' closets @ambmommy @tsuchka @brittsy4 @rofarns
I would LOVE for them to get a host pick! Thank you! ❤️👛👗👠
Jan 15Reply

@cmariemedina, Hi Christina nice to meet you. I see you are hosting the J. Crew, Tory Burch Party today. If you are still looking for hosts picks, I would be honored if you check out my closet. Thank you so much for your time💕
Jan 16Reply

Congrats on hosting & looking forward to your Host Picks!!! Happy Poshing... 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
Jan 18Reply

Check my closet out for the Nike party! Lots of HP potential! Thank you.
Jan 21Reply

Congrats on your party this Tuesday!! Would you consider stopping by my closet and checking it out? Thanks in advance and have a fabulous time!
Jan 22Reply

@cmariemedina Hi there! 😊 Congratulations on hosting the PoshMark party happening right now! 🎉💕 Please consider nominating me for the host pick for today! I have two beautiful LuLaRoe Debbie's from the recent elegant collection. 😊 I have never gotten a host pick before and would be honored if you considered me! 💕
Jan 23Reply

@cmariemedina 💕 Sharing and sharing 🔄 in hopes of helping you have an awesome PoshParty today 💖 If you are still looking for 🎉 Host Picks 🎉 I'd welcome your consideration of my Posh compliant closet 💖
Jan 23Reply

Congrats on hosting a posh party 💕🎉
please check out my closet for a possible host pick!!!💕 thank you!! 😊💜
Jan 24Reply

Love your closet and the backgrounds you use!
Jan 25Reply

Heyy!! Congratulations on hosting the party!! 🤗
Jan 26Reply

Congrats on hosting! I have a sale for today only offering a bundle of two adidas or nike items from my closet for 50% off. See the listing in my closet for details. I would love if you could amplify.
Jan 29Reply

Hi Christina! Excited for the posh party tomorrow featuring LulaRoe items. Would love for you to consider this purple Azure LLR skirt as a host pick for the party! 💗🤗
Thank you! - Becky (new Posher) 🎀
Jan 30Reply

Hi Christina, I am a fairly newer posher & been having a blast join & sharing parties. I noticed you are hosting a VS & LLR party tmrw and i got so excited, lol. My entire PC closet is filled with Lularoe & Victoria Secret goodies & if by chance you had a moment to take a peek for a HP, that would make my day. Bit TY HUGS ~ Anna
Jan 31Reply

Hi Christina!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your PARTY!!! I see your face here often :). If you get a a chance if you could please take a peek at my closet. I have a bunch of LLR items, I would LOVE for you to choose as a HP!! Thank you so much in advance!!! xoxo
Jan 31Reply

LUCKY! Congratulations on hosting the best party of all. I hope I get a good one like this! Have so much fun!
Feb 04Reply

Too cute!
Feb 04Reply

Hi Chtistina🌟 Thank you so much for the invite and including me in your party tomorrow, Im excited! Best wishes for a successful turnout! Happy Poshing😊🌸
Feb 08Reply

In case you’re lookin for HP’s for this party or your next one! Here are some of my PFF’s great closets.. (I’m also curious: how do you get chosen to host a party? Might seem silly if I’m far from worthy, but I’d love to know what makes one worthy?). 😘💕❤️
@lilliankelley7. (Never had an HP!)
Anyway, you rock, as I may have mentioned😋. Thank you for all you do!
Feb 12Reply

Hi Christina! I’d love for you to take a look at my closet for a host pick!
Feb 13Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow! I’d love if your checked out my closet! I have a few cute Athleta items!
Feb 13Reply

Congratulations on hosting this morning’s party! I have a super cute pair of adidas I just shared that I would love to be a host pick!
Feb 14Reply

Thanks for the party invite! ☺️ I have some nice items in my closet that may be of interest for the party! 🛍
Feb 15Reply

Hello again Christina, Congrats on the party today! I would love if you could check my closet and pick an item to maybe be featured as a HP! I am just starting and need all the help I can get! Thanks again and have a blessed day! ❤️💜❤️ Elaine
Feb 16Reply

Please take a look at my closet and let me know if interested in anything. Prices can be negotiated! Thank you.
Feb 16Reply

🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Congratulations on hosting your upcoming posh party. If you’re still looking for host picks, I’d appreciate if you’d consider items from my closet. 😊I have a great selection of men women and children vans 👟👟👟🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Feb 18Reply

Would you consider my Steve Madden Boots as a host pick?
Feb 18Reply

Feb 20Reply

@cmariemedina Hi Christina, congrats on your hosting a posh party!! 🎊🍾🎉 I’m new to Poshmark and already RSVPd for your party. I have a LimitedEdition NorthFace Thermoball jacket in my closet...would you please consider it as a host pick! It will be my VERY 1st. Either way I’ll attend the party and looking forward to it. Congrats again!🛍❤️Elle
Feb 20Reply

Hi there! I am excited for the party you are hosting tomorrow! Would you mind looking at my closet to see if I have any host picks? Picked or not, say hello. 😊 Thank you!
Feb 23Reply

Hi. Omg. I was logged into poshmark on my iPad and my daughter accidentally purchased a dress from you. I am SO SORRY and totally freaking out right now. I just realized it. Is there any way to cancel?? You can have anything in my closet you want. I feel awful.
Feb 26Reply

@jennifersherrod Hi! Sorry for the late reply, your comment got buried in my news feed. I just packed it to ship, but thank goodness I checked my comments. Let me see if I can cancel it for you.
Feb 26Reply

@cmariemedina Thank you so much. I really do feel awful. I have since take all my apps off the iPad my 5 and 2 yr olds use. If you see anything in my closet you like, please feel free to message me and it's yours.
Feb 26Reply

@jennifersherrod Don't worry about it! 🤗
Feb 26Reply

@cmariemedina You are so nice. Thank you so much. Again, I'm so sorry. It's a gorgeous dress.
Feb 27Reply

Hello again and congrats on the party today! I have a Zara dress I am trying to sell and would love if you could choose that as a HP!!! Fingers crossed! 😍😍😍 Wishing you a blessed day! Elaine
Feb 27Reply

Thank you for the invite to your posh party 🎉 💃🕺 🎉 I will be there sharing and supporting everyone's closets 🙌🏻 please consider items from my closet for HP 🤗 🎉💃🎉🕺🎉
Feb 28Reply

Hello there. I just saw the invitation to a party tomorrow and in the top picture there is a pair of nikes. They look like an iridescent color. Is there anyway for u to send me info in those Nike’s???
Feb 28Reply

🌟 Congratulations on being a host for today’s party! I hope you have a moment to take a peek at my closet for possible host picks. See you at the party 💕
Feb 28Reply

Excited for tomorrow! 🎉 I have some LLR items listed. Would you mind popping by my closet to see if I have a host pick? Happy hunting and Thank you! 😊 Andreana
Mar 03Reply

Congrats on hosting !! I will be hosting my first party on March 24th and April 11th and I cannot wait! If you have a chance please check out my closet and I’ll be sure to do the same:) best of luck in selling and hosting!
Mar 03Reply

@cmariemedina wow I see you hosting alot! You must be doing something right! You go girl!
Mar 03Reply

Hey Christina! Excited for your party. I have some super cute Kate Spade and J. Crew pieces in my closet and would love for you to check them out. Thanks!
Mar 03Reply

Hi, I'm trying to share a Steve Madden boot I have in my closet during your party today, which includes this brand, but the app says I cannot. Help?! Thanks.
Mar 06Reply

💜💎💜💎💜💎 Congratulations on your Posh Party tomorrow 💎💜💎💜💎💜💎💜
Mar 07Reply

🎉🎉🎉🌹I'm so excited for Burberry, Gucci, Christian Louboutin, CHANEL & Louis Vuitton Party
🎉 if you haven't selected all of your host picks, I ask that you please consider my Poshmark complaint closet. 🌹I'll be sharing and shopping 👛
Mar 09Reply

Sexy and beautiful
Mar 11Reply

good morning Christina, congrats on co-hosting a party today👏👏wondering if you could take a sec to visit my closet for maybe a HP 🤗🤗
Mar 12Reply

Hi Christina! Happy Hosting!!! Cheers!!! -Colby 😊❤️🇬🇧🎉🎉🎉
Mar 14Reply

Please consider me for a host pick if you’re still looking!😍😎
Mar 15Reply

Congratulations on hosting today’s party! 🎉❤️ I’m a new Posh Ambassador and would love to be considered for a host pick! Have a great day! Happy Poshing 💌📦
Mar 17Reply

Is the party at 9 am Eastern standard time? how long does the party last? How many items can we share within the party time period?
Mar 17Reply

Hi there! Love your closet!!! 😍 I have skincare from Rodan + Fields for sale in my closet NWT....that allowed at the Beauty Party this morning?? Thank you so much💕💕
Mar 19Reply

Congratulations 🎊🎈🍾 on hosting the party!!! 🤗🤗
Mar 22Reply

When we rsvp to a party do we have to share our items pertaining to the party or they automatically get placed into the party?
Mar 22Reply

Congrats on co-hosting your party tomorrow!!! Lilly is a favorite of mine so I cannot wait to shop 😊😊
Mar 24Reply

Love your closet and wish you wore a size 7 shoe! LOL!
Mar 25Reply

@cmariemedina @katef Hello dear Kate & Cristina! Congratulations on your Posh Party!! 🎉💞
I hope you can consider checking out my closet for potential Host Pick and have a look at my very unique KS Scotty Tote. Lovelots, Issa ☺️💞🎉
Mar 25Reply

As always, thanks for hosting these fabulous brand parties!!! 🙏💞💗
Mar 25Reply

@cmariemedina You have a great closet! 😊❤️❤️❤️
Mar 27Reply

Congratulations on hosting today! 🎊🎉 please consider me for host pick ☺️
Mar 28Reply

Hey ☺congratulations on hosting a party tmrw morning! If you possibly have some time to stop by my closet, I have some new and vintage Victoria's Secret for sale. I have a beautiful pink Vera Bradley bag. A banana colored coach bag and a pair of lularoe leggings in kind of unique colors. If you would consider any of them as a pick for the party tmrw, I would be thrilled! 💜 thanks 💕
Mar 30Reply

Congrats on hosting today’s party!! 🎉 I’m new to spelling here on Poshmark. I joined the party and shared my Coach items to the party (I think) 🤪 - Now, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do next. 🤪 - total nOob. Any advice you can give? Am I supposed to share other Poshers’ listings from the party? 🤔🤔 I dunno? 🤷♀️💕✨
Mar 31Reply

Hi Christina! Congrats on your party! Looking forward to attending. I have an amazing Sam Edelman NWT Leather cut out top that I would love you to consider for a HP! Thanks in advance! @cheer317
Apr 02Reply

@cmariemedina Congrats on co-hosting🎉🎉 Happy Poshing✨✨💛🖤👑
Apr 03Reply

Hi! I just entered all my lucky brand tops, jeans and shoes/boots into your party. Then I looked for them & couldn’t find them. I looked from top to bottom. so I entered them all again and still don’t see them. Am I doing something wrong?
Apr 04Reply

Hi and welcome to poshmark 💐🌹I have a big sale. bundle of two or more 30% off for a few days, please visit my closet and let me know if you have any questions 💐🌹🌷
Apr 04Reply

Hi Christina! Congrats on your latest party! I’ve got Electric Yoga in my closet, I’d love to be considered! Thank you 🙏🌈❤️😀
Apr 04Reply

Beautiful closet! You have great pieces!😊
Apr 05Reply

🎉🎈Congratulations on your Posh Party!!!🎈🎉 I hope you have a great time and huge success with your upcoming sales! I would find it an honor if you would select one of my listings as a Host Pick👠👗🛍 I've moved some of my items into your dressing room for your convenience. 😉
Apr 07Reply

Congrats on hosting your Posh Party! Will you please consider my J Crew items for possible Host Picks? Thank you! 👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👖👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚👚💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾
Apr 08Reply

@cmariemedina Hi!! I’m unable to share any of my J Crew items to the party - J Crew Factory was listed twice under the accepted brands, but not the regular J Crew. I’m sure other poshers are having the same problem so wanted to let you & the other hosts know. Thanks!! 💕
Apr 08Reply

Hi! Can you do something about the settings for the party you’re hosting now? I can’t seem to be able to share any J. Crew items to a J. Crew party! I think only J. Crew Factory items are allowed. Thanks in advance! ❤️
Apr 08Reply

@cmariemedina your hosting, how exciting. Trying to post j crew items and it is not letting me. Is it just j crew factory?
Apr 08Reply

@cmariemedina Are J. Crew brand items allowed in the party that you’re cohosting currently? The party title implies that it is, but the specifics say J. Crew Factory. Please advise. I’m trying to join the party and share my items, but am reaching an impasse.
Apr 08Reply

Hi, you party right now is not accepting J.Crew listings...can you fix??
Apr 08Reply

Happy Sunday... FYI not sure who to notify but none of my J. Crew things are being allowed to post?? Any idea why.., lol not sure who to ask.
Apr 08Reply

Hey there... can not share the JCrew brand to the party...Jcrew Factory was listed twice and jcrew was left off list of brands allowed. Can this be fixed before the party ends? Thought you might want to know. Thanks
Apr 08Reply

Hey there! Congrats on hosting today! I’m unable to share any of my J. Crew items to the party however 😭 it won’t allow me because I see on the allowed brands J. Crew Factory is in there twice instead of J. Crew. Do you know if this can be fixed?
Apr 08Reply

Hi have you noticed problem with ongoing party right now? Thanku can’t share j.crew brand to j.crew party. Thanku
Apr 08Reply

Hi 👋 any idea why J. Crew items cannot be shared to today’s (Sunday, April 8th at 9am) party? Thanks!
Apr 08Reply

FYI the settings for the current Posh party you are hosting aren’t right. Can’t share J crew items. You have J crew factory listed twice in your requirements but no J Crew so unable to share any regular J crew to the party.
Apr 08Reply

new..this J crew Party is only allowing J Crew that right? My plain J Crew is being denied. Just wondering
Apr 08Reply

Is anyone else having trouble posting j crew to the party?
Apr 08Reply

There is a party going on right now that has a glitch. Someone put J.Crew Factory twice in the details and it only allows J.Crew Factory and not regular J.Crew. Someone should correct this error. There is still an hour left of the party. Thx
Apr 08Reply

Hi, wasn’t sure how else to share the feedback but for the current Kate Spade, J.Crew etc. party, J.Crew Factory brand is listed twice. I cannot share my items from J.Crew because it’s not listed. Appreciate any help fixing that. Love this party idea! Happy Poshing! 🛍💗
Apr 08Reply

Hi Kate, the party has j crew factory listed twice and no regular j crew so it isn't allowing me to post j crew items. Not sure if that is something you can fix as host. Thanks!
Apr 08Reply

Sorry mean Christina!
Apr 08Reply

✨❤️💕🎉Congrats on HOSTING✨❤️💕🎉 I’ll be at the party with you to support you on your host picks❤️💜💙💚🧡 I even share some items for you to consider for host pick😍💛 Have a Fabulous time hosting💃
Apr 08Reply

Hi Christina - love your closet - great styling! Happy Poshing•.¸¸.✿
Apr 10Reply

@cmariemedina Congratulations on Hosting 🎉🎊🎉🎈 You have a awesome closet.
Apr 10Reply

Congratulations on hosting another great party! Please consider my closet when choosing today's host picks! Happy Poshing!
Apr 12Reply

🎉🎈Congratulations on your Posh Party!!!🎈🎉 I hope you have a great time and huge success with your upcoming sales! I would find it an honor if you would select one of my listings as a Host Pick👠👗🛍 I've moved some of my items into your dressing room for your convenience. 😉
Apr 15Reply

Hi. I noticed youre hosting a party tom. And if you dont mind I have a quest. for you. How do we send items for possibly host pick, etc. For a party? Is that just sharing to party from our closet? Thanks!
Apr 17Reply

Love your closet! Much inspiration 💜
Apr 19Reply

Hey Christina, I love your photos and your personal style shines through. I enjoy your parties. 😊
Apr 20Reply

Congratulations on hosting!! It would be an honor if you would pick an item from my closet for a Host Pick! Have a great afternoon!! 😃
Apr 21Reply

Congratulations on hosting a party! If you are still looking for a Host Pick please check out my closet!
Apr 22Reply

Good morning!! I have 3 brand new Kate spade wallets/bags to take into consideration for a host pick !
Apr 22Reply

Hi. I am trying to list cosmetics from Sephora. Listing is new with tags. It will not allow the listing... does not meet party guidelines. Could you guess why????
Apr 23Reply

@cmariemedina Congrats 🎊 on hosting!! We’ll be honored if you include our closet for a hot pick! Thank you 💕 🎉 Have fun and many sales!!!
Apr 24Reply

@savyshopp congrats on hosting tomorrow! 🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈I would be honored if you would consider items in my closet!! 😘💕💕💕🛍🛍
Apr 28Reply
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