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Updated Jan 02
Updated Jan 02

Meet your Posher, Christina

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Christina. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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julissazelaya likes this
rocknroxc Hi, welcome to Poshmark!😊
May 12Reply
skyblu7 Hi, welcome to poshmark! 💜
May 14Reply
tysonrweiand Hi! If there is any way the New Balance cleats can be shipped today. Really hoping to have them by Wednesday, 10/30 at the latest. Thank you!
Oct 25Reply
inaschoepp @tysonrweiand yes, they absolutely will be shipped today :). They are all packed up and i am headed to the post office in just a second here. I hope they reach you promptly.
Oct 25Reply
tysonrweiand @inaschoepp thank you so much!! 😀
Oct 25Reply
inaschoepp @tysonrweiand You’re welcome; thanks for purchasing. Tracking says you should have them Monday :)
Oct 26Reply
tysonrweiand @inaschoepp Awesome! Really appreciate it!
Oct 26Reply
inaschoepp @tysonrweiand No problem, I always ship same day unless it is Saturday past the time the post office closed or Sunday. Have a great rest of your baseball season; much luck to your son’s team!
Oct 26Reply
tysonrweiand @inaschoepp thanks again! 😀
Oct 26Reply
huliawolf Hi! I just received the ski boots today! I appreciate how quickly you shipped them out! The only issue is that they don’t fit around my calf. I didn’t think this would be a problem since they are the correct shoe size, I am a very average sized person and also they are adjustable. Did you notice the calf size was so small when you wore them? Thanks!!
Jan 19Reply
inaschoepp @huliawolf Oh no, I am sorry I did not have this issue. Bodies can be so different, they were worn by may daughter and she never complained of that, she really liked them and was sad to grow out of them so quickly.
Jan 20Reply
inaschoepp @huliawolf Will you need to return them then?
Jan 20Reply
inaschoepp @huliawolf I am not sure how returns work on Poshmark.
Jan 20Reply
huliawolf @inaschoepp No worries! I’m so glad that your daughter enjoyed them! ☺️ I can try making the return through Poshmark but i’m not sure if it will be accepted. I will try, and let you know if it doesn’t work!
Jan 20Reply
huliawolf I am not able to return the boots.
Jan 20Reply
huliawolf I can send them back to you!
Jan 20Reply
inaschoepp @huliawolf Oh, I feel so bad that they aren’t the right fit for you. I know “re-poshing” is a thing. I think you can even use my listing to reposh.
Jan 20Reply
inaschoepp @huliawolf I noticed it for a purchase I go to the order details and at the bottom is a button to “reposh” which basically reposts it to your closet without having to take new photos or write a new description. I hope this helps.
Jan 20Reply
huliawolf @inaschoepp Is sending them back to you not an option? Can we talk outside of this website?
Jan 20Reply
inaschoepp @huliawolf Well, it seems to be against posh policy, but also considering their weight the cost of shipping is high, and How would we even do that with the refund? Plus then I wouldn’t be allowed to repost them and would, at the very least have to take new photos and create a new listing.
Jan 20Reply
inaschoepp @huliawolf Many people buy ski boots (and pay full price) where they can try for this reason. I sold these at a extreme discount for this is a risk to buy without trying on. Packaging these up, driving them to the post office, having them “not for sale” for like 3-4 weeks of the ski season while they take a journey to WI and back are not small inconveniences, which is why poshmark has a no returns policy.
Jan 20Reply
huliawolf @inaschoepp No problem!
Jan 20Reply
laurahowell86 Hi Christina, I sent an offer for one of your items. I know it's Mother's Day and you are probably spending it with your family and not on Poshmark. I just wanted to send a note to let you know. I hope you have a special day weather you are a mom or celebrating your mom.🥰 Laura Howell
May 08Reply
inaschoepp @laurahowell86 Thank you for your kind note. I hope you enjoy your mother's day also. I will send your Queen Tour Shirt out first thing tomorrow, enjoy!
May 08Reply
laurahowell86 @inaschoepp Thanks so much. I have been eyeing that shirt for a week and I justified my purchase buy telling myself it's Mother's Day and get something for myself.😁 It's such a cool shirt. Did you go to the concert? 😊 Laura
May 08Reply
inaschoepp @laurahowell86 Unfortunately I did not have the privilege to attend...I was not around until the following year, I was selling it for my mom. She was very happy to hear it found new life with someone new to enjoy it. 😀😀😀
May 09Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. We're having an overstock sale and we're accepting offers at 20% less than our asking price on most items.
Sep 10Reply
inaschoepp @beautifynails nice, thank you! I'd be happy to do the same for you. Looks like you have a lot of excellent items too.
Dec 04Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Sep 21Reply

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