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Updated May 11
Updated May 11

Meet your Posher, Christine (DYT 4)

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Christine. I'm from Paso Robles, mid coast California, and some of my favorite brands are Coach, J. Crew, Chanel, Chaps, J.Jill, Joan Rivers, Jones NY, Talbots, vintage Weekenders, Liz Claiborn and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! I GIVE AN ADDITIONAL 10% DISCOUNT FOR "DYT" MEMBERS. Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. I will gladly share your closet. * Top rated seller * Poshmark mentor * Poshmark rules compliant * Top 10% sales
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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kristyblocker I would be happy to take 20% off the Michael Kors top. Please keep in mind that poshmark takes an additional 20%
Nov 11Reply
movies42 Thank you.
Nov 11Reply
iqclothessavvy Hi Christine!! I'm Julia. We are glad to have you Poshing, it is very addicting! Always follow the rules, women's fashion only, visit @official_forum for lots of tips and rules. Join some of the Follow Games (FG), Share Games and participate in the evening Party often. Share, share and share. Have Fun, make new friends while cleaning out your closet and making some money! LMK if you have questions! I'm here to help. see Break Room post at bottom of my closet! WELCOME!!
Nov 20Reply
movies42 @iqclothessavvy Thank you. I'm very excited with this project. I have a lot to post, so will be at it for the next month. 😊
Nov 20Reply
iqclothessavvy Well, it looks like you are doing a great job and having fun! Your closet is coming along very nicely! Tag me on a couple of your new posts and I will blast them for you with love :) Let me know if you need anything. Have a beautiful and blessed Poshing Day! Please keep in touch!
Nov 20Reply
nvdesigns @movies42 Hi, I'm not too far from you...down the 101 in Santa Maria. Let me know if you have any questions...happy to help with what I can!
Nov 29Reply
movies42 movies42@nvdesigns, Thank you for sharing my closet. Very much appreciated. I really like shopping your closet but I am a an XL kinda gal. Will enjoy sharing closets. Happy holidays. ....It is really getting cold in Paso. Berry.
Nov 29Reply
nvdesigns @movies42 keep checking...although I have a lot of small sizes, my closet partner and I are L and XL, so you'll find those sizes as well, and most items in like new condition. Thanks!
Nov 29Reply
treasuresbytrac @movies42 Hi Christine, thank you for all your wonderful shares! 💕💐🌹😄💐🌹💕So fun to me a fellow posher from Paso😄too!
Dec 15Reply
movies42 @treasuresbytrac I love your closet. Nice taste. Can you share where you get your fashions to sell?
Dec 15Reply
treasuresbytrac @movies42 Thank you so much! 💕💐🌹😄💐🌹💕 I love how creative you are with your graphics👏🏻👏🏻 My sons girlfriend, my daughter and sister n law all have wonderful things for me to list😍 The retail in our closet is from Posh- the "Moon Collection" that Posh just launched last week. Did you recognize a few of my cover shots as being from Paso?
Dec 15Reply
movies42 @treasuresbytrac Yes, I see that those scenes are Paso. Cool. I will have to look into the retail arena. since I am "mature" and an XL, I want to offer a selection for that geography. Have a wonderful Christmas. Stay warm. It was too cold last night. Brrr. 😊🎄
Dec 15Reply
treasuresbytrac @movies42 Christine, there is a huge market in that size Range- I think you would do really well! 👏🏻👏🏻I'm a tag away if I can help 😊Yes, it was SO cold last night😁 Have a wonderful Christmas!🎄🌟🎄
Dec 15Reply
treasuresbytrac @movies42 My beautiful friend Saundra, from Texas @saundie2_plus has an incredible closet in that size range. Wait till you see all of her fabulous treasures! 👏🏻👏🏻😍 This is her 2nd closet as she has another @saundie
Dec 15Reply
saundie @movies42 hello so nice to meet you! Let me know how I may help you in my other closet @saundie2_plus. Thank you sweet @treasuresbytrac 💋💋💋😘😘💐💐💐💐
Dec 15Reply
blingnthings Hey Christine! I hope you're meeting lovely ladies and finding great items on Posh!!! Have a wonderful evening :D
Jan 15Reply
poshgarden Welcome to Poshmark 💟
Mar 02Reply
foreverfortyone Greetings to you from South Carolina. Please stop by and visit my closet anytime. I offer great bundle discounts and I always accept any reasonable offers.
Mar 31Reply
verona2016 Thank you so much for likes and shearing!❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 25Reply
tnrranch1437 Greetings, Christine! I am Patricia from north Texas....I like your closet! I will definitely stop by to SHARE, SHARE, SHARE....Take Care!
Jun 10Reply
theducks Thanks for the wonderful comments! My Poshing Pleasure to You!💞
Oct 16Reply
movies42 @carlacarlacarla Thanks for visiting my closet. Have a wonderful day.
Nov 06Reply
amythecrafter Hi thank you for the like😊
Dec 08Reply
theducks Christine, So very sorry of your disappointing order.. clearly was an over sight. I will gladly refund you for your order when you ship the items back to me. I apologize for the inconvenience. Take Care, Lee Ann I will gladly refund you for your items when you ship them back to me ... once again I apologize for the inconvenience. Lee Ann
Apr 25Reply
twh1964 Thanks for the offer but there is a 20% discount on the bundle😉
Jun 23Reply
movies42 @twh1964 Kindly counter my offer so I can buy. Thank you.
Jun 23Reply
lorac2015 Hi! If you love Vintage bags please visit my closet for Coach, Dooney,& Fossil Vtg Bags!! Suggested user, top 10% seller, fast shipped!
Jul 06Reply
pmangus Thank you for the like on the Bracelet! Let me know if you have any questions. Wanted to let you know that 2 or more items bundled gives you 10% off!👍 Have a great weekend!🌸
Sep 10Reply
resellkell I will preform the pre-shipping inspection and ship your order tomorrow because the local post office is closed today.
Dec 11Reply
resellkell I just dropped your order off at the post office a bit a go.
Dec 12Reply
tannerlc60 Hi 🤗, Thanks for sharing my closet and liking and I offer discount bundle and offers welcome 💙💚
Feb 28Reply
blckpicktfnce Oh No! My belly has dropped so this baby is coming any day! That means PRICES ARE DROPPING to all time lows! Bundle all your ❤'s now & SAVE before they are gone! #BlackPicketFence 👑
May 09Reply
zoewilmont Good morning Christine! Thank you for the shares and the likes in my closet. I’m sure you know that you can bundle things, but wanted to throw that out there anyway! I loved looking through all of your goodies; what a nice closet! We just drove through Paso Robles on our way back from Cambria. We always come home jealous of you folks living out so close to the ocean with such great vineyards nearby!
Jun 27Reply
janmorris01 Thank you for the love note! I’m so Glad your bundle arrived in good order. I was worried about that basket!! Happy posting. Stay safe.
Oct 10Reply
janmorris01 Poshing!
Oct 10Reply
blondekmom Thank you for the great review and the sweet note! I hope the coat keeps you warm and toasty this winter.
Oct 24Reply
cutehosiery @movies42 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 15Reply

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Last Active: Mar 25

Shelton, WA
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Last Active: Mar 25

Shelton, WA
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