Meet your Posher, Clara
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Hi! I'm Clara. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

30 others
like this

Welcome to PM! I hope you are having fun browsing closets and finding some great bargains! Thank you visiting my closet 😊😊. Enjoy!
Apr 07Reply

Welcome!! Thanks for stopping by my closet!
Apr 07Reply

Hi, welcome to Poshmark where you will find great people and awesome deals. Thank you for liking my listing and visiting my closet. Happy Poshing.
Apr 08Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 😊
Apr 24Reply

Thank you so much for checking out my closet please let me know if i can help you with anything. 😀
Apr 26Reply

Hello, I have lowered the price on the shoes you bundled. How does $75 sound for all 4 pair?
Apr 27Reply

Hello! Welcome to Posh! Im newer too! It's really fun to Posh ! Make an offer if you love my clogs! 🌼🌺💝
May 18Reply

Thanks for the follow and bundle start!
May 19Reply

@harpc Hello, Clara! Thank you so much for checking out my closet! Have fun Poshing! ;-)
May 20Reply

@harpc 😃 good morning...
May 20Reply

@harpc hi thanks for stopping by a liking in my closet. Welcome. I hope you love it as much as I do.
May 21Reply

Hi Clara, I see you've bundle the set of sandals from my closet a couple of times. Let me know if you'd like me to take any add'l pictures. Thanks for your interest...
May 21Reply

Hello welcome to the posh family happy poshing.
May 22Reply

Hi Clara, welcome to Posh! You're going to love it! Thanks for visiting my closet and liking those cute shoes.
May 23Reply

Hello. I noticed for a few days you added the gold shoes into a bundle. Are you looking to buy them?
May 30Reply

LOOKING FOR TRENDY❓Like new designer jeans, jackets and dresses for a fraction of the original price😊. Buy multiple items using the (bundle feature) and receive % off 😉. My loss your gain😉. Happy Poshin'😍😍😍💄👗👠👛
May 31Reply

Let me know which shoes that are running small. Am having knee problems so none of those hot heels like the olive ones which I will think and obsess about.
May 31Reply

Welcome to Posh, doll!!!! I hope that you love it here!!!! 😊💖💋
Jun 01Reply

Jun 01Reply

@barjos I listed lower heels that u may like. Take a look.
Jun 01Reply

All my shoes are true to size. Non of them run narrow width. Thanks
Jun 02Reply

Hi harpc, I not sure if I replied to you correctly from my closet page, so I will answer here - the boot heel is approx. 3.5 to 4"
Jun 03Reply

Thanks heel to tall..
Jun 03Reply

wow i love your shop i will see you soon. :-)
Jun 04Reply

Hi Harpc, I see you have been eyeing these shoes 😆 in my added to a bundle now push the buy button Ms. there great shoes. I have taken them out ready to be pack/ to you. Happy Poshing!
Jun 04Reply

Did you get your bag yet?
Jun 04Reply

Yes, Thank u, I'll confirm now
Jun 04Reply

Hope you're always as happy as you look in your pic! ♡
Jun 06Reply

@harpc ....Welcome to Poshmark! This is a great shopping / supportive community! Happy Poshing! 😉 ❤ 💙 💖 💕 BTW...You favor the comedian Laura Hayes!! Wow! 😉 😍
Jun 09Reply

@harpc hello clara thank you for all your shares. have a nice evening.
Jun 09Reply

You have the most beautiful shoes !!
Jun 11Reply

@pfarrell Thanks feel free to make offer on any of my shoes. I've added more shoes .
Jun 17Reply

@nikkomitoma You are welcome.
Jun 17Reply

@kmcnett I'm a pretty happy person. I love life and try to live it to the fullest. What about you?
Jun 17Reply

@uniquelysherrie Thank u
Jun 17Reply

@tashastouch Hi I've lowered price on most of my shoes and added more shoes for viewing.
Jun 17Reply

@aishablake Thank u
Jun 17Reply

@barjos Hi all my shoes are true to size. I do not have any narrow width shoe. I have added lots more, take a look. Thank you
Jun 17Reply

@sanness Thank you
Jun 17Reply

I'm very happy. ♡ I have a beautiful wonderful daughter who gave me 3 beautiful wonderful grandkids & have 9 more thru 2nd marriage. Life is goo5!♡ Enjoy your weekend! ♡
Jun 17Reply

Thank you ~ I will check them out :)) did you receive your package ?
Jun 17Reply

Jun 18Reply

Hi if your interested in a bundle please let me know! Take care!
Jun 18Reply

Hola Ms. Clara!! You are surely shoe person! Love the styles..
Jun 25Reply

I usually wear 8-81/2wide or 9 ish, any of ones I liked, do you think they'd fit? Comfortably?,
Jun 25Reply

I will post from your closet always😍
Jun 25Reply

Thank you
Jun 26Reply

@harpc 😊Hi There🌹I have dropped the J Macowski purse in price several times and this is a beautiful purse and need to sell it at no lower than it is. I am sorry as it is only $5 difference I need to decline. But if you choose to purchase please let me know and I will get it out today💐Thank you🌺
Aug 30Reply

Girl! It's time for a shoe intervention for you lol
Sep 27Reply

@janemacann Thank you, I have different sizes available. From 6.5--11, but more Sz 9-10 shoes.
Sep 30Reply

Thank u so much!!
Nov 10Reply

@lindalou2014 Thank you
Dec 15Reply

@harpc np 😉✌
Dec 15Reply

Thank you again for visiting my closet. Don't forget that when you add 3 items with star to bundle make an offer of$15 so those will be$5 each. Thank you again.
Jan 30Reply

Good morning Clara🌞. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Mar 08Reply

Hi Clara, I saw you started a bundle. Let me know if you have any questions or when you are all set, so I can discount. Ty😊
Apr 11Reply

Hi, Thank you for your purchase. Huge Markdown Sale. Let me know if you have any questions. Love to bundle & save you money. Your package will ship today at 4pm. Ty😊
Apr 13Reply

I just lowered the price on the blue bag if you are interested. Thanks
May 04Reply

✨15-20% off private bundle offers✨
❤️FOLLOW ME for $1 OFF 1st order +20❤️
💜SHARE 20 items for $1 OFF 1st order +20💜
🎀Happy Poshing🎀
Selling new never worn beaded sandals for 15.00 in your size!
Jun 24Reply

Hi Clara. Thank you for your purchase. I will mail these out today. My Gmas name was Clara,and I just spoke to my good friend Clara today!.... yesterday! It was meant to be. I hope u like the shoes, as they were my Moms! She loved Brighton. Blessings from Mn. Amy
Oct 13Reply

@ahove Wow thanks
Oct 13Reply

Hi please check out my closet 🌺
Oct 16Reply

Hello Clara, my name is Michelle. I just wanted to say thank you for shopping my closet. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I would be happy to help.
Oct 27Reply

Thank you so much for your purchase . I will get it in the mail on Monday. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and happy poshing.
Oct 29Reply

Thank you for sharing!!😍
Nov 05Reply

Thank you for following me and all the shares😘
Nov 13Reply

I just received a bundle notice from you I am new to this what is this? Did you sell the bundle or what? Thanks Kim
Dec 06Reply

@kneipkr I may have shared some listings with u. Not sure, sometimes Poshmark rep will ask u to make an offer to that person if they put some of your items in a bundle. Hope this helps. Clara
Dec 07Reply

@harpc ok so If U accept the offer it will be sold to you for your bundle? Then I ship to you?
Dec 07Reply

@harpc or if I accept the offer do I just wait until you sell it?
So sorry I an new to this and I don’t know how this works! Thanks
Dec 07Reply

@kneipkr When you want to purchase something, you may want to offer a lower amount and the seller may accept your offer, you pay shipping for your items u bought. If you are the seller and offer a lower price to someone maybe liked your item and if they accept your offer, they pay shipping fees. Hope this helps
Dec 07Reply

@harpc ok you are the one that bundled a pair of my shoes 3 days ago. I just today received a sell request to complete the bundle sale?? What is that? Did you sell something that you had my shoes bundled into?
Dec 07Reply

@kneipkr I see where I like some blue shoes, but I do not wish to buy anything at this time. Thanks
Dec 07Reply

@harpc No problem you sent me a purchase request or poshmark did because you added them to one of your bundles so I was only responding!!
Dec 07Reply

Hi there if you are interested I have an additional discount going on if you buy two pairs or bundle items . Check it out and let me know your thoughts . 😃💕
Jan 20Reply

Thanks for the like!!!😊 There is a 10% discount if you bundle 2 or more items.
Feb 14Reply

Hi Clara thank you so much for the bundle purchase I will drop at the post office this morning! Have a great weekend, Mary
Feb 23Reply

Thank you for the rating and I'm glad you liked everything!! Mary
Feb 28Reply

Thank you so much for accepting offer. I'm so excited .. Have a pleasant night.. Sincerely, Francine Roberts~ Precious505 😊💖🤗💖👍💖🙋♀️
Mar 05Reply

Just wanted to tell you I 💖your closet . Great taste in fashion ..SO AWESOME !!!👍~👛👜👝~😊~👢👡👠👟~🤗~👞👚👗👖👕~🙋♀️
Mar 05Reply

@precious505 Thank you for liking my closet and thanks for your purchase. Clara
Mar 07Reply

Hi , I received my package but one of the items is different than what I ordered . I received a dereon sweater instead of Apple Bottom pullover .
Mar 09Reply

@precious505 I’m sorry. Which Top was the wrong top. Can u take picture of it and email pic so I can start looking for correct top. Thanks
Mar 10Reply

@harpc yes I can , thank you so much .,
Mar 10Reply

Your email is ?
Mar 10Reply

Hi my gmail is . Send me a message and I will send pic thank u
Mar 10Reply

@precious505 My email
Mar 10Reply

Hi Clara , I sent the pic of the dereon sweater . The Apple Bottom pullover 1x was what I ordered . I totally understand things happen , I am not upset at all . We are good. 😊💖🤗💖💖💖👍
Mar 10Reply

Hi Clara, I have tried 3 times sending pic through your yahoo email but it keeps coming back as failed to send . Can u send me a message through my gmail and I will reply with a pic attachment.. Thank you, Francine Roberts Precious505
Mar 11Reply

@precious505 Thanks just not sure if the misunderstanding. Hope u like items you received. Thanks again.
Mar 11Reply

OMG Clara , I really really love your closet.. awesome style of fashion you have.. If I could , I would buy your whole closet😉......🤔humm , I just need to find me a sugar daddy, then I can buy everything I love in your closet....😃💖😄💖😂💖😁.....IM JUST BEING SILLY 💖😊💖🤗💖👌💖🙋♀️
Mar 13Reply

@precious505 Thank u
Mar 13Reply

@harpc your welcome 👌💖😊💖🙋♀️
Mar 13Reply

Hello I at work and don't get off until 7pm today. The purse has a small ink spot on the front.
Mar 19Reply

Hi, Clara just wondering if you received the jacket ?
Mar 22Reply

Hi there, thank you for your likes. Any interest to make offer? Big discount on bundle sale 😀
Mar 23Reply

@harpc Thanks for the rating! Enjoy your bundle of shoes!!! Much Posh Luv goes out to you! 😘💕💕 Carolyn
Mar 29Reply

@harpc I made a few comments in your closet because I love the way you display items! I am not selling yet, but a bunch of people are following me so I will share some items. I will be watching your closet for sure!
Jun 12Reply

@naimat Hi Thank You
Jun 12Reply

@precious505 Hi I added more items to my closet. Take a look when you get a chance. Thanks
Jun 12Reply

@precious505 Hi I have added more items to my closet. Take a look when you get a chance. Thanks
Jun 12Reply

Thank you for accepting my offer . My package is almost here so I will accept delivery soon once mailman comes. Have a wonderful sweetheart . Sincerely, Francine Roberts Precious505
Jun 21Reply

@precious505 I accepted low price because u have purchased other items from me . Thank u for your purchases. Clara
Jun 21Reply

Thank you so much , I will be buying more from you . But I will pay full price next time. I only had $110 on my card . But I really appreciate you helping me out.. Have a pleasant evening , Clara .. Sincerely, Francine Roberts Precious505 😊💖🤗💖🙋♀️
Jun 22Reply

I have 2 size 12 cute summer shoes and I would sell them both for $15 if you are interested. Happy Poshing! Thank you for your inquiry 😊
Jul 09Reply

Hi Clara! You have put a number of my items in a bundle. I sent you an offer but you didn’t respond so Poshmark won’t let me send you another offer until you do! I’d love to work with you on a fabulous deal as I’m heading out for vacation after Friday. Please let me know if you are interested! Thanks so much.
Jul 19Reply

Good morning Clara, kindly let me know if you’re still interested in the Michael Kors dress. I can ship it out today. Thanks
Jul 26Reply

Hi sweetie, I am not able to send you an offer on the two pair of shoes, check to see if I already sent a different offer.🌹
Aug 08Reply

Hi Clara: one item of your bundle just sold so feel free to purchase the remaining one or bundle it with something else! Everything is going because I dropped my prices tremendously! Happy poshing my friend 🤗🤗
Aug 15Reply

Hello Clara, Thank you for the follow! I am already following you. I hope you have a great weekend! 😊
Sep 08Reply

Thank you!
Sep 08Reply

Thank you Clara!
Sep 08Reply

@harpc PSST…. Your bundle got you an additional discount , + $4.99 SHIPPING, I would love for you to Snatch these awesome items! they are new with tags sealed in their original poly bags are from Blommies and macys . let me me know is I can help with anything else. 🙋🏼♀️
Oct 08Reply

Hi Ms, Harpc! I don’t understanding how the bundle offers work. I see were you offered to bundle the jumpsuit, but I don’t know how to receive or move on....
Oct 09Reply

Hi Clara, I just saw that you put something in a bundle last night. I am so sorry for the delay in responding. Are you interested in a discount? Please let me know if you have an opportunity. It has been a bit chaotic for me today. Rosanna
Oct 10Reply

Thanks for adding the Brighton mules to a bundle. I offer 20% off bundles of two or more items. If you’re interested in the Brighton mules only, I just sent an offer out for $18. Thanks so much. I appreciate you stopping by my closet. Have a great day!
Oct 28Reply

Thanks for purchasing the Brighton shoes. I will ship them first thing in the morning. 😎
Nov 10Reply

@pagliawebb ok
Nov 10Reply

Hi there. Thought you might be interested - Spense maxi dress sleeveless with beaded neckline - L. Check out my closet........thanks and have a blessed day.
Nov 17Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my listing!!
Dec 10Reply

What a beautiful closet!! Wow 😍
Jan 22Reply

@harpc Hi Clara - Just a heads up that I have a gorgeous black formal dress that you might be interested in, plus size. It's embellished with beads on the neck, sleeves and hem. Measurements are listed for perfect fit. I ship from a smoke free home and I'm open for an offer......thanks and have a blessed day :)
Jan 30Reply

Hi thanks kindly for your likes ... please bundle for better savings. I also sent you an offer on the Stuart Weitzman shoes. Have a good evening
Feb 12Reply

Hi, when are you shipping? Thanks.
Mar 13Reply

@kenyattacolon Will mail today. Thanks
Mar 13Reply

Thanks for the shares@harpc ! You have a very nice closet! I’lm newer to poshing...any quick tips? Have a great evening 😊
Mar 16Reply

Hi! Great closet! I will certainly be shopping soon! Have a great weekend!🤗🌺
Mar 23Reply

Hi Clara , Hi there ! I am Debbie . Happy to have you here ! 😚😙💕💕💕💖💗💟💖💔💝💞💝💔💞💝💕
Apr 02Reply

Thanks, Mrs. H. I Love all the items I purchased and my niece thanks you also. If you come across any size 12 shoes let me know. Have a very Blessed Day and 4th of July be safe n Your Family as well...
Jul 01Reply

@sheblaq Thank u and enjoy your 4th also. Clara
Jul 01Reply

Welcome happy poshing, 😀
Sep 19Reply

Hey Clara, So glad you found my closet and even better some things you have loved ❤️ enough to like 👍🏻. I went ahead and sent you a 10% off offer on the item but I want to mention I am offering an automatic bundle discount of 25% off 3 or more right now so the more you bundle the more you save💲 I’d love to see you save even more 😉. Plus I send a free gift 🎁 with every order $20+ and Free Shipping $100+. Happy Poshing and I hope you find something else you didn’t know you really needed 😋
Nov 20Reply

Hi, that's my final offer on the Jean's. Thanks Again and good luck with your sales.
Nov 27Reply

Hi Clara, Thank you so much for stopping by my closet💗
Jan 08Reply

Hi Clara. Please see the comment I left you on the sandals in my closet that you added to your bundle. Thank you. Diane
Jan 31Reply

Clara, I lowered the price on the sandals you were interested in. Let me know if that price is good for you. Also see the comment above. Thank you. Diane
Feb 01Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Feb 11Reply

I love your pretty curlies! 👍😃😍😘
Feb 27Reply

Hi it has no flaws it’s in good pre-owned condition. Thank you for stopping in my closet it’s so appreciated. I just reduced it and it will ship out on Monday because post office has just closed at 1pm today. Blessings!
Feb 29Reply

Just wanted to thank you for the likes!🥰
Apr 04Reply

Hiiii!! I’m listing some American Eagle, Lululemon, Loft, Nike and Pink!! Feel free to check out my closet and do some shopping! I love when people give me offers and bundles!
Jun 19Reply

Hey there , I’m Ashleigh. I have a closet with sizes ranging from small through 3x. Dresses, Pants, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Swimsuits, boots and more. I’d appreciate if you checked it out 🚪. I LOVE offers & bundles get 10% off! I share back 🔄 🛍 HAPPY POSHING 🛍
Oct 11Reply

Thank you for sharing 😊
Nov 09Reply

Thank you so much for stopping by 😊 Added you for today's Offers on a few liked items 🙂 Please feel free to make a bundle to ask any questions 🤗or for better Offers ☺️. Have a great evening and Happy Poshing 🤗
Dec 30Reply

Thank you for the like!We are open to reasonable offers(even have a helpful chart on our main page to help buyers have their buyer accepted more often) so feel free to make an offer on this item it would ship same day/ nxt.We sell mainly mew with tags,but do carry some gently lived,and vintage/rare.If looking for something you dont see just send a "request to be styled card" or ask.Continued...
Jan 08Reply

cont... Bundle 3 of more items (over $15 ) to receive 10% off our already 30%coff retail pricing,and all orders $100 or more shik free.There is also a flash sale til Sunday bundle 5 items($15 or more) and receive 40% off your total(create the bundle and we'll apply tje discount for you to accept)Thanks for stopping by!
Jan 08Reply

if your interested in the Michael Kors Dress put in an offer. I do not respond
Jan 21Reply

Hi, I didn’t mean to rush your bundle, my apologies. You can decline and Re bundle to add more things. 🙏
Mar 18Reply

Thanks for the 5 stars!
May 07Reply

Hi I just placed an order and want you to cancel it so I can buy the white pair of clogs too, so I don’t have to pay double shipping. After you cancel it I will purchase both.
Jun 07Reply

hi! I've reduced price so they should offer discounted shipping.
Jun 27Reply

Hi Clara let me know if we can work out a deal.
Jul 26Reply

@harpc @sweet hi! I made an offer for ur Levi's jeans . Please let me know if the offer is ok with you. thanks
Sep 08Reply

Hi there! I just wanted to thank you for your previous purchase from my closet and invite you to check out my new inventory! I love repeat customers and I accept all reasonable offers! Hope all is well! Thanks again!! :)
Sep 15Reply

Wishing you many sales. Thank you for browsing my closet. Happy PoShInG 🌺🐝🌺🐝🌺🐝🌺🐝
Oct 25Reply

You have the cutest little face!
So sweet! 🥰 Happy Poshing!!
Dec 06Reply

@sandikennedy Thanks
Dec 14Reply

Hi Clara, thank you for your like and I sent you a nice offer back with discounted shipping!!
Jan 27Reply

Thank you for liking one of my items. Wanted to let you know of my Bundle 6/$20🐞 Sale. The item you liked is part of the sale. There's lots to choose from. Just bundle six items marked 6/$20🐞 and send me your offer of $20 and I will accept. Happy Poshing!🐞😊🐞
Jan 28Reply

thank you so much for sharing my posh! I am brand spanking new to this and am trying it all out. So much to learn! 😊
Jan 29Reply

Hi, and thank you for visiting my closet I see that you started a bundle and I would like to offer you the opportunity to add a few more items to your bundle. You may have noticed that I have 15% off three or more, if you are interested in more of the items you like or all I will make you a sweet deal and include free shipping. Please let me know what you would like to do.
Thank you again for looking in my closet, and God bless
Feb 19Reply

HI Clara, Thanks for taking a look at the Calvin Klein jacket in our closet. In case you're interested........BOGO free of equal or less price, also all $10 & under are 5/$20 when bundled. hope you look around! & if you have any questions feel free to ask.
Feb 27Reply

Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Mar 18Reply

Hi, you have a terrific closet. My favorite thing is that your selection of shoes are mostly my size. I also love the variety of bags you have. Great stuff and fun to look at.
Apr 15Reply

Hey there Clara , I just wanted to let you know that for today and tomorrow I will be accepting all offers in my closet 💜
Sep 08Reply

Hello! Thanks for the like and visiting my closet! Please feel free to ask questions. Happy Poshing! 😊
Sep 30Reply

Hi Clara I noticed you liked a lot of things from my closet I live in Rochester Hills, michigan if you wanted to stop by. I have much much more that’s not listed yet. Please let me know.
Dec 28Reply

@anix44 Hi will contact you when I get back from vacation. Thanks
Dec 29Reply

Hello there,
I stopped by your closet today and missed you. When you have a moment,
please stop by mine – You may see something you like.
Ciao Bella...and Thanks
Mar 12Reply

@harpc Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 22Reply

Hi Clara, thanks for the likes & bundle on the Chico's tops. I offer 15% off on bundles of 3 or more items. I have another white Chico jacket listed for $15. If interested & you add it to your bundle I can send you a great offer over & above the 15% discount. If just interested in the 2 items you bundled I can send you an offer of $12. for both if interested. Just let me know. Thanks again for your interest.
Mar 28Reply

Hello! Hope you have a min. to check my Artisan Closet 🙏 Thank you for looking, and find your little Treasure here 😘 Albina @modnaya_koshka
Mar 30Reply

I’m just stopping by to say Hello and missed you! Whenever you have a moment, please check out my closet as you may see something that catches your eye. (We have a few smaller sizes too!!!) Open to ALL reasonable offers.
Thanks again and Ciao Bella
Aug 06Reply

Good Morning I see you added a dress to your bundle late last night; I made an offer with a 10% discount.However I see you liked several other items. If you add more items to the bundle I would offer 20% discount on a bundle with 3 items. This would also save you on shipping.
Happy Browsing!
Oct 14Reply

Hi Clara.thanks for visiting my closet and liking this beautiful cape, you're welcome to purchase it, if you would like. Have a Blessed Day.
Oct 23Reply

Hi I do bundle if you like. It more cheaper to bundle. Thank you much for the likes.
Jan 11Reply

@harpc Thank you for visiting my closet. Please check the listing you like for an offer. Happy Poshing 😁🛍🛍
Jan 19Reply

Hi Posher! Happy February ❤️. We wanted to invite you to stop by our closet. We have quality kids clothing from stores like Janie and Jack and Burberry. If you know toddler parents, ask them to stop by my closet. We also have items for women (shoes from Ferragamo and Christian Louboutin) and men’s clothing. Let’s get together and posh soon<3
Feb 13Reply

Hi Clara thanks for dropping by and liking my hat! I'd love to help so don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions or interested in bundling or making an offer.🙂❣️
Feb 15Reply

Thanks for the likes. If you are interested in the Lafayette 148 blazers let me know. I can bundle them for you. Have a good evening.
Feb 19Reply

Hi Clara 👋🏾 my fellow Posh Ambassador 🫂. Thank you for visiting my closet.
Mar 14Reply

Hello Clara, Thanks for visiting and liking my closet. Would you like to make an offer on the hat? I'm open to offers, so please proceed with yours. Cheers and happy poshing.😊
Mar 19Reply

Hi Clara, nice to see b you again. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, wishing you many sales and more. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I sent you an offer. Stop by on Saturdays at 8 am. EST for one of my live shows. This week $3.00 tray. Happy Poshing! 🌻 ✌️
Mar 26Reply

Hi! I saw you made a bundle with the hats I have listed…I wish I could offer more of a discount for a bundle, but I have them all marked SO cheap, I’ll only be getting $13 for all 3. Hope it works for you!
Apr 06Reply

Hi Clara, I’m Resie and I love your smile.⭐️I just saw that you “Liked” the black 2 pc skirt suit w the detachable collar. Please make me an offer I can’t refuse so that it goes in the mail to you tomorrow 🌻⭐️Thank you
Apr 15Reply

Clara , Amazing beautiful picture. Nice closet. Wishing you health, happiness and prosperity'. Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50+. Free shipping on a $25 purchase. l also wholesale purchase any items priced $20 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $50. Start your closet for $50 or replenish your inventory. Check out the Poshmark videos on the YouTube channel: Great ideas to increase your sales !!
May 26Reply

**HUGE CLOSET DISCOUNTS ** In honor of Independence Day, we are offering up to 35% off of most items in our closet. Send us your best offer today! Sales event ends on 7/5/2024 @ Midnight CST. Happy Holidays.
Jul 04Reply

@harpc Thank you for checking out my closet and finding the Vaneli Heels that you liked! I just wanted to let you know that I left you a message regarding it in your bundle! The offer is good on any Friday or Sunday - just reach out to me!
Jul 07Reply

Hello Clara, Thanks for visiting and liking my closet. Would you like to make an offer on the pair of pants? I'm open to offers. Please proceed with yours. Cheers and happy poshing.😊
Aug 26Reply

Hi Clara! I’m sorry we weren’t able to come together on a price for a large bundle of women’s blazers and tops. But I would really love to make a deal to help clear out my closet. Feel free to make a new bundle and make an offer!
Feb 09Reply
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