Meet your Posher, Clarisa
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Hi! I'm Clarisa. One of my favorite brands is PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

Hi lovely, thanks for poshing my closet. I'm so happy you found something you like!!! Did you know the Ashley Stewart Denim Sleeveless vest is a set and can be bundled with the Ashley Stewart Denim skirt. Are you interested in the set? Feel free to bundle them if so.
Jul 27Reply

I accepted you offer but there was an issue with the payment.
Sep 15Reply

Hola Lorena, el paquete aparentemente se perdió en usps (la agencia de envíos). puse una queja porque no es justo para nosotras esperar por descuido de ellos, actualmente están tratando de localizar el paquete. Si gustas puedo o puedes cancelar el paquete y cuando lo encuentren te las puedo volver a mandar o también puedo enviarte otro par muy similares si gustas ya que muero de pena por este acontecimiento. Nuevamente mil disculpas.
Dec 19Reply

@manelie. Ok. Si gustas. Me mandas. Otras. Por favor. Grasias. Dios te. Bendiga
Dec 19Reply

When you send the boots
Dec 26Reply

1 month. No send bott way
Dec 31Reply

Hello, I did accept your offer of $15 for the boots, however there’s a glitch somewhere in there system and none of my sales went through in the last week. It just says “error”.
Please make the offer again and I’ll accept and get them right out to you. Thanks Laura
Nov 29Reply

Thank you so much for your purchase! I will get these boots out in the mail to you tomorrow! Have a great day!
Dec 04Reply

Good Morning! I accepted your offer for the shoes, but there was an issue with payment and it needs to be updated.
Jan 12Reply

@lorena820 Thank you for visiting my closet and making an offer Clarissa! I’ve sent a counter offer. I can get these to the post office this morning this morning if you like. 💃🎀🌷👡
Jan 21Reply

Hi there and thank you visiting my closet! I have send you an counteroffer. If you are still interested and would like the MK handbag. I can also ship out today if we agreed on a price.! Thank you and Happy Poshing!
Jan 28Reply

@sweettealu price. bag
Jan 29Reply

@lorena820 hi I sent you an offer yesterday which as expired by now. Please re offer if you are still interested. Thank you.
Jan 29Reply

mandame. la. foto. cuales. son
Jan 30Reply

@sweettealu ok
Jan 30Reply

Hi Lorena , how are you? I would happily accept your offer for that wallet at a slightly diff price, I lowered it last night 2x as I am sure one of the likers will want it, but bought it new, and can actually still use it, it's been in my drawer so it is not perfect but not used yet. If you'd like to send an offer for 18$ Ill be happy to ship out today! I also have a deal for my new poshers on any 2 or more items, for 25% off entire bundle at checkout!! You can bundle and send that as well dear
Apr 08Reply

@jakesheart send picture
Apr 08Reply

@jakesheart espanol
Apr 08Reply

Hi Clasrissa, I tried to gove you the Michael Kors wallet with gift but not sure what happened. I can sed the chats, you can read this or not really :) Thanks! Adrienne
Apr 09Reply

@jakesheart ok
Apr 09Reply

Hi! I’ll ship out those MK duck boots today if you can update your payment info 😊
May 29Reply

Were you still interested in the MK wallet? Please let me know! Thank you! 😃
Jul 20Reply

I accepted your offer on the boots but it shows a payment issue. If you still want them please correct issue and I’ll be able to mail out soon!
Dec 22Reply
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