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Updated May 03
Updated May 03

Meet your Posher, Claudia

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Claudia. Some of my favorite brands are Old Navy, Nike, and Forever 21. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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junebugnewtoyou Welcome to Poshmark!🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
May 03Reply
my2cuties I just got a message from poshmark to ship your converse. I did ship them the other day but there is no tracking information online. Please let me know as soon as you get them. I am concerned. I have the receipt from the post office so I'm sure things are okay but please keep me posted. Thank you
Jun 05Reply
red55red77 @my2cuties ok thank u .I will let u know when I receive the converse.
Jun 05Reply
red55red77 @my2cuties just wondering when u shipped them?
Jun 05Reply
my2cuties I am looking at the shipping receipt. I dropped them off at the post office on 6/2/2020 @ 10:43 am. The last poshmark sale that I sent never shows any tracking through poshmark or my email. I can send you a picture of the receipt if you would like. I would need your # or email. Keep me posted
Jun 05Reply
red55red77 @my2cuties no I think it’s ok I just wanted to know more or less when I sent them cause I hoping they would drive before my kids birthday.But no worries 😊
Jun 05Reply
red55red77 I meant when u sent them
Jun 05Reply
red55red77 Sorry I’m not very good at texting
Jun 05Reply
my2cuties awe, I sure hope they arrive on time. I am not happy that I haven't gotten communication as to them shipping them out. your texting is fine
Jun 05Reply
my2cuties Good evening! I was just wondering if you have received the converse yet? We are going to the post office tomorrow morning at about 10:30 a.m. eastern time to check on this item. I am pretty upset with the post office right now. I am so very sorry!
Jun 09Reply
red55red77 @my2cuties no I have not received them yet
Jun 09Reply
red55red77 Please let me know what you find out at the post office.Thank you very much
Jun 09Reply
my2cuties I will go today
Jun 09Reply
my2cuties Is there any way that I can call you later today?
Jun 09Reply
red55red77 @my2cuties what’s going on ?
Jun 09Reply
my2cuties I printed off a label to someone that lives in Texas that I shipped to over a month ago. The shoes went to Texas. I got a hold of her today and she said yes they were delivered to her house. Obviously she had no intention of finding out where they came, with my address on the box. I texted her and asked her how I could get them shipped to you if you still wanted them? She has yet to get back to me. I have no idea how this happened? I am so sorry let me know what you want me to do?
Jun 09Reply
my2cuties I am so sorry for this inconvenience. If you still want them, I will get them shipped to you at my cost. I contacted poshmark and I'm waiting to hear from them
Jun 09Reply
red55red77 @my2cuties I’m just gonna wait to June 11 and get my money back.Its ok things happen
Jun 09Reply
my2cuties I don't know how to get them to you? How can I get a shipping label to her? I don't think she will get them out to you before then. The other person doesn't seem to want to help me
Jun 09Reply
my2cuties I am convinced that she was going to keep the shoes. She made no effort to get in touch with me
Jun 09Reply
red55red77 @my2cuties I can cancel the order on the june 11 hopefully i can get my money back
Jun 10Reply
my2cuties I am so sorry. If you want to cancel the order, you can . If you want the to get them shipped back to me and then shipped out to you, or shipped from her to you I will. just let me know
Jun 10Reply
red55red77 @my2cuties I not understanding.I thought the person in Texas keeped the she shoes??
Jun 10Reply
red55red77 I thought they keeped the shoes
Jun 10Reply
my2cuties I contacted the person in Texas. She said they are there. I am trying to find out if I can get a shipping label to her to ship them back to me or to you. I need to know if you still want them? If not just let me know. I totally messed up and I am so sorry
Jun 10Reply
red55red77 @my2cuties can you let me know today or tomorrow if she can ship them to me.If she dose not respond to you by tomorrow night .I will get my money back .Hope that ok with u .Thanks
Jun 10Reply
my2cuties I'm going to contact her and see if she would ship them for me to you. If she can ship them tomorrow, do you want me to do so? If she can not get them out tomorrow, we can get your money back. Let me know
Jun 10Reply
my2cuties I just texted her to see if I can send her the shipping label by email to have her print and send them out tomorrow
Jun 10Reply
red55red77 @my2cuties ok I can wait and see if she sends them out tomorrow to me. But if she doesn’t I will request my money from Poshmark on June 13 .Thanks
Jun 11Reply
my2cuties Hello, I just got a notice that the Converse shipped 8 minutes ago. It is now 1:38 pm on June 11th. I don't know how she got a shipping label, maybe Poshmark sent her one, I'm not sure. I will text her and ask her.
Jun 11Reply
my2cuties The other person texted me ant said she would ship today or tomorrow am. I don't understand why it is telling me that the package is tracking?? Please keep me posted
Jun 11Reply
red55red77 But your not sure if she shipped to me or to you right?
Jun 12Reply
my2cuties I just got an email that says that they sent a shipping label to forward this item. I am hoping that means to you
Jun 12Reply
my2cuties I just got text that she sent the shoes to California.
Jun 12Reply
red55red77 @my2cuties cool thanks 😊
Jun 13Reply
my2cuties Claudia, I am so glad the you got your package. I hope that you love them and they are what you wanted. Once again, I am so sorry!
Jun 16Reply
red55red77 @my2cuties no worries thank you they are perfect ☺️
Jun 17Reply

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