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Updated Mar 19
Updated Mar 19

Meet your Posher, Cristina

Meet the Posher



Not for sale

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Hi! I'm Cristina. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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bargainswithmv Welcome to Poshmark ❤️ thanks for the like! Please feel free to look around my closet and make offers on anything you like ☺️
Feb 23Reply
aimeedlou Hi! I just wanted to update you on the Free People dress you purchased from me. I've been tracking it & it looks like it hasn't moved from Cincinnati since March 1. I called them & they gave me a case number & are suppose to call within two days to let me know where your package is. I've never had this problem before so hopefully we will know something soon. I've very sorry. I don't know what's happening.
Mar 07Reply
spicebeige22 Thx for dropping by luv💄👠💄
Mar 08Reply
aimeedlou Just wanted to keep you updated on dress, the post office called me today & said it may have accidentally went to the wrong office so I just have to wait. I'm so sorry but I have no control over this unfortunately. I will continue to keep you updated as I receive more information. Once again I'm so sorry this is happening.
Mar 09Reply
aimeedlou Hi! I'm very excited to see you finally received your dress. It took long enough but I'm just glad it's there :)
Mar 09Reply
mgstahl Thank you for the 5 star rating and nice comments!
Mar 09Reply
jessica__k Welcome to Posh! Please check out my closet! I offer bundle discounts and I am open to offers!
Mar 18Reply
poshgarden Welcome to Poshmark 💟
Mar 18Reply
stacey9394 Welcome to Posh💜💙💚. I am sure my addiction will soon become yours👠👢👜👗. Please be sure to check out my closet!!!! Happy Poshing💋
Mar 18Reply
croweart Hi! I'm Lisa. Nice to meet you! Just welcoming people today, and hoping you're having a fabulous one!!! Enjoy!
Mar 29Reply
createambiance @cmbillick1981 Hi Cristina, welcome to Poshmark and thanks for visiting my closet! As a welcome gift please, feel free to take 15% off any bundle of two or more items! Just add yhem to a bundle and comment your ready and I will change the % from 10% to 15% for you! Let me know if I can answer any questions for you : )
Apr 03Reply
vivacouture Welcome to Poshmark nice to meet you😃
Apr 08Reply
abbyerose Hi there! U made an offer on my dolce vita sandals-sorry, just moved and have been busy and not really sure where most things are lol-I'll tag u when I find them and put them back for sale-thx4understanding n happy shopping:)
Apr 14Reply
cmbillick1981 @abbyerose if you are willing to lower the price on your listing I can just purchase them so that no one else does before hand....will that work?
Apr 14Reply
cmbillick1981 And are they free people sandals cuz I didnt recall the listing saying dolce vita
Apr 14Reply
abbyerose Hello! Yes, they were sold@the free ppl store (which is where I got them)n website but are dolce vita-was listed in the 1st words of the title free people dolce vita lol-if u only go free ppl brand I understand-sorry, as low as I can go but will think@it when I put back4sale-thank u for looking:)
Apr 14Reply
confidentcloset @cmbillick1981 Hi love your closet☺️ thank you for your purchase. I apologize the kimchi lace top your purchased in the bundle sold on eBay a week ago. I forgot to mark not for sale completely my fault. Would you like me to cancel that order and re list just the sandals for you to purchase? Let me know I can ship them today(:
Apr 15Reply
confidentcloset @cmbillick1981 Hi just checking to make sure you saw my comment^^
Apr 15Reply
class_flirt Hey I'm a bit new at this, does you bundling the 2 pieces mean that you plan to make an offer for both or that I'm to figure out a discount for you. If it's the latter, you can take both the skirt and the slip for $30. Plmk. And have a lovely Saturday!
Apr 16Reply
confidentcloset @cmbillick1981 I have canceled the order since I have not been able to get in contact with you.
Apr 20Reply
poshmark8530678 LOOKING FOR TRENDY❓Like new designer jeans, jackets and dresses for a fraction of the original price😊. Buy multiple items using the (bundle feature) and receive % off 😉. My loss your gain😉. Happy Poshin'😍😍😍💄👗👠👛
Apr 26Reply
annemarz Hi Cristina, I just shipped your shoes! I hope you like them and everything arrives smoothly. Ty ty 😘😘💋
May 12Reply
welcome2holland @welcome2holland Hi Christina Just came across your name & we might be related. My maiden name is Billick. Family is from Pa.
May 14Reply
88megan88 Hi hi thanks for your purchase :) I will be shipping it on Tuesday the 31st!
May 29Reply
jmaravilla Hello! Come browse my closet sometime. Happy Poshing!🌻🌻🌻
May 30Reply
shopaholicsss hi there❣ thanks for the like! let me know if you're ever interested in purchasing anything so we can work out better pricing (:
Jun 02Reply
dejavuapparel @cmbillick1981 Hi Cristina!! Welcome! 😊💞
Jun 02Reply
posh_sid Thanks for the like on the bracelets :) I'm open to offers and do 15% off bundles! I can also sell for less on mmercari, it's just like posh but you get to keep the whole profit. If you don't already have an account use code EMUEXT when making one and you'll get $$ off your first purchase! Let me know if you have any questions!
Jun 08Reply
songbird722 Hey there my fellow posher😆 i just checked out ur closet and i can see you like Free People a lot and your tiny...i wanted you to check out a few Free People things in my closet cuz theres a couple real cute summer dresses size small that you might like 🎵🎶😆😎🤗
Jun 17Reply
hacsince91 Welcome babe!!
Jun 18Reply
ddz 🎉😁🎯Steals and deals with timeless trendy items-->> check out my closet it's soo Mint to be fashions🎀❤️😉
Jul 27Reply
jonescrew2 Hi! Thanks for the likes on my J. Crew tops. I will discount then if you would bundle. Thanks again! Kim
Aug 21Reply
sunflowergirl53 Welcome to posh!!! A little late lol Should you have any questions about posh, please do not hesitate to reach out!! Also feel free to browse my closet, and feel free to make me and anyone else an offer! If people say no, no risk no reward. If they say yes, all the better! Also if you like someone's closet, like something in their closet so you can go back thru your "likes" and see what's new in their closet! Well enjoy and happy Poshing! 😉😊🌞🌻🌻🌻
Aug 26Reply
xoxkisszmex3 I have some pieces you might be interested in! Feel free to make an offer on anything that catches your eye! :)
Aug 26Reply
malvarez1210 Any other Free People clothing or shoes you haven't posted??
Sep 06Reply
loopholer Girl look at you hottie!!!! 😃🌟🌟🌟🎉you don't even think about it with the people you work with on here you are a nice looking lady you look happy to I guess when we're on here we don't know or try that if there's anything you're looking for to let me know I'm gonna make a master ISO I'm working on it and I'll be back
Oct 06Reply
cmbillick1981 @loopholer awww...thank you luv!! Your a beautiful lady as well and a super sweet one too!!
Oct 06Reply
beasmama Do u have the Ⓜ️erc🅰ri app?
Oct 06Reply
cmbillick1981 @beasmama I tried it before but just couldn't get into that app much....maybe I will try again to give it another chance when I have more free time...why do u ask?
Oct 06Reply
loopholer It's funny to you look very familiar to me and I can't think who it is it'll come to me though I was a wrestler for years and also within vans for like 15 years and traveled so there's no telling it could be anybody. Oh did you see the Kyoto that was mushroom in XL? It seems to be hidden but it looks brand-new I didn't tag anybody else you were already there but I didn't know if u lost it (38) seems like they were still active to maybe I'm wrong
Oct 06Reply
beasmama @cmbillick1981 BC I can accept ur offer for my FP top thru there plus shipping will only be $4😊Would u be interested in purchasing thru there?❤️❤️❤️
Oct 06Reply
beasmama Were u still interested in my FP top?👍🏼
Oct 07Reply
beasmama Hello?
Oct 07Reply
devseb Hi Cristina!! I wanted to tell you about some recent items that I've added to my closet, including a bunch of Hollister hoodies! If you're interested in any, please let me know! I offer a 20% discount on all bundles and am open to offers :)
Oct 31Reply
officestyle Hi friend, I can sell that free people dress for $65! Just make the offer and I'll ship out tomorrow 🙂
Nov 15Reply
dragonflygirl58 Thank you for all of the "likes"..
Dec 01Reply
biancachan hey, Cristina 💕 happy holidays! thanks for the like on my FP blouse. price is highly negotiable so please don't hesitate to make an offer :)
Dec 08Reply
sunflowernomad Hi, there! Thank you for all the likes!! You have a lovely closet ♡♡
Dec 08Reply
thwelshbohemian HI Cristina, thank you so much for stopping by my closet. Let me know if I can give you a bundle discount on anything you liked. Have a great day 😀✌🌈
Dec 09Reply
thortam Hi Cristina! Welcome to my closet! Thanks for the LiKE! I’m always willing to negotiate price through the Offer Button. Questions??? I am always happy to help in any way I can, so please don't hesitate to ask. Happy Poshing!
Dec 13Reply
aries_boutique Hi Cristina, Thanks for the like. Love feedback. While I was visiting I shared all the items in your closet with my followers. Love your sense of style, awesome. Best wishes for a Happy New Year!!!
Jan 02Reply
aries_boutique Hi again Christina, Thanks for liking another of my items. I love fashion and my closet. I take great care in selecting each item, choosing only those that I feel owners will truly enjoy wearing. I shared your items with my followers, hope it all helps!
Jan 11Reply
ohbabycakes @cmbillick1981 Hi, you bought the free people animal print shirt from me. I got it out over the weekend to send on Tuesday, and for the life of me I can't find it now! I am sooo sorry that I haven't shipped it yet. I have looked everywhere. I am continuing to look and re-look. I just wanted to update you and apologize for the delay!
Jan 19Reply
officestyle @cmbillick1981 also… For the free people a Astoria Bluetop I can ship out for $65. Just make the offer
Jan 19Reply
bethdonida You have great stuff for great prices ♡♡♡
Jan 27Reply
findzbyapril Hey HUN wld u be interested in trading any w me I'm really wanted to build my free people collection and you have some incredible items I really want. Wld u consider doing a trade w me a excellent trade history and stats. Plz lmk when u can you can tag me@findzbyapril so I'll see asap. Thanks doll!! Be blessed 👗😍❤️💕🤞🏽👍🏽👌🏽👏🏽🙏🏽😇💝💘😘😉✌🏽🤞🏽
Feb 03Reply
shopwitheileen Welcome to Poshmark! You are going to LOVE shopping in my boutique! Please let me know if you have questions as you are shopping! Things go VERY QUICKLY from my boutique! Grab them fast or make me an offer! I'm always adding new goodies… So shop again soon and often! 😉 Happy Poshing! 💗
Feb 05Reply
livelovethanks Hi Cristina, thanks for the like. I love the free people selection in your closet, specifically. I'll keep an eye out for xs/0. :) wishing you well!
Feb 05Reply
bethdonida Hi Cristina. For the 2 black FP you like, I'll give them to you for $60 that's already more than 20% I give for 2 or more items. Let me know if I can bundle for you.
Feb 09Reply
flipyeahandrea Hi Cristina, it's nice to meet you! 😊✨
Feb 18Reply
dotseyqueen I want to thank you for liking my items I am flattered. Wow four children how do you do it? I'm sure it's a lot of hard work but very rewarding too
Mar 05Reply
sylvania777 Thank you for the like!! Open to offers!😁
Mar 06Reply
silvergemdeco Hello my name is Kelly . I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance .
Mar 31Reply
greatbargains1 Hi, Thank you for liking the Sterling Silver 💍. Very nice ring & great quality. Let me know if you have any❓I offer bundle deals and a Free 🎁ships with orders. Ty Have a great weekend😊
Apr 08Reply
una1021 I accidentally deleted the amber ring. I posted it back up with pictures of the markings.
Apr 11Reply
cmbillick1981 @cassideeee @woodme1I have had enough of your "bullying" to me as it's apparent that your the one bullying anyone here on Poshmark doing things that are against posh rules all the time... slandering myself to other poshers for example saying things about me and who i am when you don't know me whatsoever nor  do you know anything about me except what you seek to involve yourself in that has nothing to do with you at all..
Apr 12Reply
cmbillick1981 @cassideeee @woodme1 for example searching through old sold listings that you were not apart of at any point and interjecting yourself right in such as this post right here. You are telling me not to bully anyone yet you are the one doing it time and time again and this will stop.
Apr 12Reply
cmbillick1981 @cassideeee @woodme1 You will not continue trying to get poshers to not work with me when I have never done anyone on posh wrong ever and have only positive reviews and positive transactions during the year and a half I have been on this site. I You will stop getting yourself involved in anything that doesn't involve you as I'm sure the poshers it does involve are adults and not in need of mommy to come and cauddle them when there is a disagreement or misunderstanding arise.
Apr 12Reply
cmbillick1981 @cassideeee @woodme1 When the situation arised regarding the 6 rings you purchased in one sale that included the one I had wanted to get for my grandma it was made out to seem as if you saw we were working on a sale but then bought every ring she had regardless.... but when it came to light that you had made an offer only just like I had, well I apologized to you and took responsibility for misunderstanding (see that listing where all this started and you will see that I apologized).
Apr 12Reply
cmbillick1981 @cassideeee @woodme1 Instead of bygones being bygones and maybe saying sorry as well like a grown adult, you have chosen to continue getting involved with everything I do on here and keep mocking me as well as instigate and slander. me to anyone and everyone. I have reported you to. posh as well as. others have as well from what I'm told as. this behavior from you is not ok.
Apr 12Reply
cmbillick1981 @cassideeee @woodme1 We are not in high school and I'm sorry if you like to play the mean girl cuz that won't work here with me anymore. I have been out. of high school for 18 years as well as three more children getting ready to attend soon enough. and have one child attending one right now so I'm good with that whole charade.
Apr 12Reply
cmbillick1981 @cassideeee @woodme1 If you can't find anything better to do with your time besides interject in anything that involves myself and not you whatsoever then I will report you over and over again to posh to where you hopefully won't be able to treat anyone the way you seem. to. enjoy treating me, a stranger to you who has never done a damn thing to you besides be confused about something bur then apologize even after you were openlyy telling poshers lies and told them to block me.
Apr 12Reply
cmbillick1981 @woodme1 I am very surprised that you chose to block me as we are in the middle of a transaction and this now inhibits communication regarding said transaction.. And although you have every right to block me from writing on your page, I must say your reason for doing so seems wrong to myself as well as some others as you are listening to slander from some stranger who is completely out of line.
Apr 12Reply
cmbillick1981 @woodme1 The is a woman here on posh that doesn't know me at all but has been reported to posh for harassment... to be honest, she is doing all things that she just claimed I was doing on our transaction which as I have said above, had nothing to do with her... and any misunderstandings that are of issue are not of any business of hers.
Apr 12Reply
cmbillick1981 @woodme1..... which again is unfortunate that rather then the two of us, yourself and me that is, speak about our transaction and what was accidentally read or thought instead some person whom I have never bought from or sold too tells you a whole bunch of lies and says I should be blocked so instead that happens which confuses the heck out of me for sure.
Apr 12Reply
cmbillick1981 @woodme1 Again, you are free to prohibit me, although your doing so because of some crazy stories told by some woman who clearly likes to bully people when she is the one who sells jewely under some other name only after getting things cheap as she put it, then jacking up the price which I do nothing whatsoever like.
Apr 12Reply
cmbillick1981 @woodme1 I keep or gift to women in my family, or my daughters any jewelery I am able to buy that I can afford as everything my girls and I had were all stolen last year when our house was robbed. Everything that was special was taken and never saw it again, so I try to get things for us not resell if you see in my closet I only sell clothing.
Apr 12Reply
cmbillick1981 @woodme1 I won't bother you again and I apologize for the nonsense you were fed as this woman is out of control and will be stopped as I'm not ok with her bullying.... even if others are. Thank you for your time in reading this as I felt it was necessary that people aren't hearing this one story full of lies from this one person who I don't even know one bit... but who seems determined to make me take the fall with other poshers, all for her behavior on posh that she fails to be honest about.
Apr 12Reply
cmbillick1981 @c_xstine I'm happy to help and am always here if you ever have any questions.... I will do the best I can in answering you hun :) What did you find out about your piece of jewelry... like what brand and material/metal did they say it was made out of?
Apr 13Reply
carmey69 Hi thank you so much for you purchase I hope you enjoy!! As you know I also enclosed the opal ring in the package but posh is still asking me to send it could you please go back in and verify that you received it thank you so much! Again thanks so much ❤️
Apr 22Reply
rie1304 Hi! I saw you added some of my listings to a bundle. Let me know if you have any questions 😊💕
May 10Reply
poshtaaastic 🌵🌺Hello! I hope you loving Poshmark as much as I do. It is a fantastic community full of friendly people. If you have any questions please let me know, and I will try to help out. Please stop by my closet - I have a ton great item. Thank you in advance! Best advice is to SHARE SHARE SHARE! Happy Poshing!🌵🌺
May 15Reply
oliaposka Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it ! Just make an offer with price you like! Have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
May 20Reply
awashwithposh @cmbillick1981 Hi, you asked about my ring earlier, if it had inscriptions inside. I looked and it doesn't. Which surprised me. I still have the receipt and the ad that described the ring, however. But I wish I'd noticed that when I bought it, because now it's too late to return. So I just took the listing down. Not worth the hassle! :-(
May 28Reply
kbwainwright Hey thank u for ur purchase n bundle! You get to pick from the free items
May 29Reply
kbwainwright Hey Cristina this is Kristin! I wanted to tell you thank you for my rating!😘
Jun 05Reply
mgreene24 Thank you for your like. If interested in purchasing Necklace and Bracelet let me know.
Jun 09Reply
_cleanslate Thanks for your interest in my closet. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day🌴
Jun 15Reply
lyzas Thanks for liking, Cristina! We accept reasonable offers.
Jun 15Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! sending a bunch of my jewelry to a show this weekend. Last day to buy. Some of my pieces are one of a kind so if it sells it won't be relisted! Taking offers and bundle offers!
Jun 21Reply
smrunyon59 What a great bundle everything there is brand new and great choices
Jun 28Reply
smrunyon59 So Christina if you do the whole bundle I will discount it 265 plus you get 26.50 off which makes it $238.50 that's a lot of nice things
Jun 28Reply
smrunyon59 And to sweeten the deal I'll add a rope bracelet to match the necklace I'd like to finish off the month strong with your help
Jun 28Reply
smrunyon59 So I'll throw in the rope bracelet or the senior watch I just shared with your bundle you pick for 265
Jun 28Reply
robbiesmalez Ur SO nice 2 ur sellers! Good 4 u.
Jun 29Reply
robbiesmalez @cmbillick1981 Wow gal, ur closets almost sold out! Good 4 u! If u buy any of ur likes from me, I'll send u that Safire ring, no charge. I don't think it'll sell with my lack of complete info. Maybe i can do something with it! Hope so.
Jun 29Reply
andie1955 Hi there! If I be already messaged you, which I don't think I have, please disregard this one, lol. I just noticed you had like 4 items from my closet in the dressing room? Not sure exactly how that works, but I'm willing to give you a very good price for those jewelry items if you're still interested.😊Andie
Jul 06Reply
ghsmermaid Hi Cristina, I just wanted to ck in to see if you might be interested in any other items before I give you a customized quote. I'd truthfully love to sell all of those items at a great price since I don't want to continue selling jewelry anymore. Maybe you or other Poshers may be interested to resell the items?
Jul 13Reply
robbiesmalez Hey 5here, i looked at ur likes, put em n a bundle n lowball if u want, or i can make u private offer, counter!!!!
Jul 14Reply
jeaneparadis Hi Cristina, I'm honored that you made a bundle! But I read your post about impure metals so I was concerned about letting you know the things you chose are not pure silver or gold. I do have sterling pieces though...but wow, your post really made me think hard about how we sell and buy on Poshmark...personal ethics are very important to me and I'd hate to sell anything that might harm someone. So...are you sure about this bundle my friend?
Jul 21Reply
cmbillick1981 @jeaneparadis you are very sweet hun... I totally appreciate you looking out for me like this-very sweet.... So this particular bundle won't be for me but instead for a friend of mine who doesn't have a Poshmark account. :)
Jul 21Reply
jeaneparadis @cmbillick1981 just about to post the little earrings from the back...I also thought you might be interested in a pair of silver earrings from a well known designer here in Tucson, Pierini. They are definitely silver, I haven't posted them because I misplaced their box and wanted to get a new one before I posted. They are beautiful. Here come the small ones!
Jul 21Reply
jeaneparadis Was that the photo you were wanting, Christine? Also I just posted those Pierini simply don't show how sparkly they are...
Jul 21Reply
jeaneparadis Just notice the silver and pearl ring was in your far as I know it is actually silver...
Jul 21Reply
mmasters1999 Good morning Cristina! Please feel free to make an offer on all of your likes!! I'm looking to clean out my closet! I can give awesome deals!! Looking to make more room for fall. Happy Poshing!
Aug 01Reply
singmeister Thanks for the like ! Feel free to make an offer. I'll make you a deal ! Happy poshing ! Brenda
Aug 01Reply
robbiesmalez Wow, gal! U have done really well! Yeah 4 u!!!
Aug 11Reply
robbiesmalez U gonna restock?
Aug 11Reply
jmbt I tried and my wife tried to see if number or letter on inside can't see any . If you still want it I'll go down$22
Aug 16Reply
jmbt If you want the ring can go down $22.
Aug 17Reply
jmbt It's says 14k gold filled Gucci link Material: yellow gold filled. On inside it says JH 72. If that helps Also says 18k Brazilian gold filled
Aug 18Reply
jmbt Price is always. Not set in stone. I know u also liked Ring. Things can be bundle for cheaper price
Aug 18Reply
peacelove777 Hey, thank you for posting this. I've been interested in buying a few items, and asked why the prices were so low for gold and they lose it on me. I try to call them out on it, but it looks like Posh doesn't care. So many people on here are selling their gems as Genuine but they are lab created. It's pretty "clear" when they are fake. I made a joke lol. Sorry, anyways real gems typically have inclusions unless they are semi precious like Amythest, citrine and the like.
Aug 18Reply
peacelove777 I can assure u my jewelry is real. I've had the 3 pieces I listed for years.:) I'm willing to go down in price for you;)
Aug 18Reply
stephanekaye Thank you for your like. I will always accept any reasonable offer. Thank you for visiting my closet. God bless. Stephane 🌷💕🛍😉🛍💕🌷
Aug 27Reply
singmeister Thanks for the likes ! I'll be happy to make you a good deal on a bundle whenever you're ready ! Thanks again ! Brenda
Sep 01Reply
christinerobin Thank you for the like Cristina, ⚘Let me know if you have any questions .
Sep 01Reply
jmbt Just dropped price on ring$25
Sep 07Reply
robbiesmalez Hey! Congrats! Lks like uve sold out! Yeah 4 u!
Sep 23Reply
mote_lp HI Cristina, welcome and thanks for visiting my closet! Thanks a bunch for likes!!!!!!! Let me know if I can answer any questions for you : )
Sep 26Reply
blondiebundles @cmbillick1981 thank you for the info listings! I too have bought not good jewelry! People get so upset answering questions too :(
Oct 21Reply
ppjf Thank you for all the likes, if I can help with anything let me know.
Oct 27Reply
luckybentley Hi Cristina, thank you for all the likes. Feel free to bundle and make offers if you wish 😘
Oct 29Reply
zuzumarket - Happy Happy Wednesday!!!😃🐪👏
Nov 01Reply
robbiesmalez Wow, u r all sold out! Wonderful! Was trying 2 share a pair of boots, as 7 w u past 3 Says! Now I know u ur not online much now! Proud 4 ya gal!💜
Dec 12Reply
shelbix Thanks for your like love! I'm always open to offers and give exclusive discounts when you make or start a bundle. Be sure to check out my 5/$25 sale!!! Happy Poshing 💗
Dec 30Reply
maidmarian Hi Cristina! I’m Marian Hope you’re finding lots of beautiful gems and treasures! Hope you’ll stop by my vintage closet 💞💞
Jan 06Reply
tj_giftshop Hi 👋 Good day! Please kindly visit my closet. See something you like? Reasonable offers are always considered. 💕😘😘😘
Jan 14Reply
goldprize Hello Cristina, thank you for checking my closet and leaving a like. If you are interested in the gold ring, feel free to ask any questions or make an offer ☺️
Jan 23Reply
cooper251955 Hi Christina I made an offer on your bundle you created you automatically got 20% off plus I added another 10% so that's a savings of 30% please accept my offer
Jan 31Reply
marcenebt99 congratulations on having everything in your poshmark closet SOLD!!! I came to share but there was nothing left for me to share.
Feb 01Reply
christinerobin Thank you for the likes ❤❤ Great picks! Let me know if you have any questions or would like to create a bundle. 😊
Feb 01Reply
cooper251955 Christina I made you an offer on the two rings in the handbag if it's not agreeable just counter offer me and I just wanted to let you know I love your long blonde hair
Feb 01Reply
dna17 Thank you for your order hun i will ship today!
Feb 05Reply
khposhcloset423 Good morning! I have been trying to reach you since last evening... I wrote the description of the hummingbird from the picture, and when I pulled it to send to you, it’s sterling silver! I am so very sorry for my error! Please let me know what you would like to do... again, I am sooo very sorry!
Feb 09Reply
cmbillick1981 @khposhcloset423 it's ok about the hummingbird, I will give it to my daughter for her charm bracelet.
Feb 09Reply
khposhcloset423 @cmbillick1981 thank you so much!
Feb 09Reply
amandamoo89 Hi, Cristina. You recently commented on two rings I posted for sale. You inquired about the stamp inside each ring. For the life of me I cannot make out what the stamps say. I pulled the listings for now but plan to post again once I can get that information.
Feb 10Reply
pmangus Thanks for the like on the Free People shirt! Let me know if you have any questions. Wanted to let you know that 2 or more items bundled together automatically saves you 10%.👍 Have a great night!🌸
Feb 11Reply
zzbabe I took pics of the diamond and sapphire bracelet. Thanks for looking!
Feb 13Reply
chloescloset505 Hey girl I can save those items for you for sure 😊
Feb 22Reply
chloescloset505 I will put them as "not for sale" for the next 24 hours. Send me a message in my closet and I will open them again for you to buy
Feb 22Reply
cmbillick1981 @chloestrecker ok thank you for doing that for me hun... I will message you by tomorrow evening no later to purchase.... your a sweetheart for doing that for me :) it's very much appreciated :)
Feb 22Reply
chloescloset505 @cmbillick1981 you're super welcome 😊😊😊
Feb 22Reply
chloescloset505 @cmbillick1981 hey lady! Just checking to see if you still wanted me to hold that necklace and ring for you! If not that's totally fine just let me know 😊
Feb 23Reply
chaescloset Thank you for liking!💕
Mar 11Reply
ggoodspeed1222 Thanks for the ❤! Bundle.. Or make an offer I'm Making great deals today! 😉 I am clearing out 1/4 of my closet this week😉💕
Mar 14Reply
skincaresally Hi Christine! If you are interested in my Ruby necklace please make an offer. It is from the Danbury Mint and they still sell it today for $99. I think there is a marking on the back of the heart - just too hard for my eyes to see! 🌻
Mar 23Reply
rosiecheeks814 Hi you made an offer on a ring in my closet (Purple Heart gem stone). I’ll accept offer but before I do I would like you to be aware that I recently move and I’m in the process of unpacking. Because of this shipment may be delayed. Let me know if this is ok. Thanks!!!!!
Mar 25Reply
rosiecheeks814 I located the ring if you are still interested
Mar 26Reply
megahnscloset @cmbillick1981 @tehajah sends you an invite into her closet . 🌺🌸POSH AMBASSADORS & 5 StAR ⭐️ RATINGS &SPEEDY SHIPPING! We divide our closet into section. We carry Authentic and Unique vintage to modern classics and a closet that's fits every consumer budget and taste. Please read our feedbacks🌸🌺.
Mar 27Reply
sookiesays Congrats on all of your beautiful sales...really proud of/happy for you "sister" in POSHMARK!! :)
Apr 02Reply
carolynae13 Hello. Just FYI, when I accept offers from you, I get the message that there is something up with your payment status and the transaction is being automatically cancelled. Supposedly poshmark has notified you too but wanted to be sure. Let me know if you have any questions otherwise. Thanks!
Apr 28Reply
cmbillick1981 @carolynae13 it's my Ppal account .... I have money in there but they apparently have just been having problems... I am getting it fixed now... it's driving me crazy too... trust me... thank you for being patient with me... I do appreciate it very much..
Apr 28Reply
harleydarby Hi Christina, Thank you for liking Free People Top. I loved it and although I am small I am big busted and was too tight. I bought from someone on Poshmark not realizing they run a little small for my age. More for the younger crowd. Enjoy your children and keep up college. I was fortunate enough to retire last year and trying to part with some of my clothes, purses and shoes. Have a great day. Catherine
May 18Reply
kitsuneomajinai Hi there! Please check out my closet! I have a large collection of beautifully kimonos, wraps, and boho festival style clothing and accessories. I hope you enjoy perusing my closet!
May 24Reply
ggoodspeed1222 Thanks for the❤ Cristina ! I'm taking Closet Clean Out very seriously. I plan to sell 1/4 of my closet in the next 5 days. All offers considered, or bundle your likes. I give GREAT discounts on multiple item purchases.... TRY IT!😉
May 31Reply
shaysselections Welcome to Poshmark! 🎉 I noticed you have a thing for Converse! I just listed navy blue shoreline chuck Taylor slip ons in a Women’s size 8 if interested! Hope you are having a beautiful day today 🦋💗 Check out my closet in your free time hopefully you will find something you like as I always negotiate reasonably!😊
Jun 02Reply
kayla020196 @cmbillick1981 hey love I noticed you liked two rings from my shop. If you put them in a bundle I can offer you a private discount 💖💖
Jun 06Reply
arteri24 Thank you for looking at my closet! You liked several items that I can give you a great offer on if you bundle them soon. 😌
Jun 21Reply
cathyp62 Thank you for the like on my Free People shirt. Feel free to make an offer
Jul 01Reply
kmclean13 Hi Cristina! I see you’ve been perusing my closet - I’d love to offer you a discount, no pressure☺️ if you’re all done shopping!
Jul 04Reply
1hapeemom 🌺Aloha! Thank you so much for liking an item in my closet. And congratulations your closet is sold out! That's so awesome!!! Have a great weekend!🌺
Jul 07Reply
craftbylove4u Thank you very much for sharing i did the same and will be back again. Wishing you more sales.
Jul 16Reply
fineqfinds If you like to dress up for occasions or not feel free to view my closet.
Jul 18Reply
threadedrenewal Feel free to bundle your likes and I’ll offer you a discount 😊 Have a great day!
Jul 19Reply
queennerdbutt I shipped your package 2 days ago I’ll have to call the post office it’s the second time this has happened to me I know it’s on it’s way but I’ll call them.
Jul 19Reply
serenaandsofia hey there🤗🌺it’s the last day of my buy 1 get 1 free sale💛🤩feel free to take advantage & good luck on your future sales as well (also i have free people bralettes newly listed!)
Jul 21Reply
queennerdbutt Your package was lost I’m working on finding it. I can post some other clothes and give u a killer discount!
Jul 23Reply
yayalisa67 Hey there hun. Thanks for checking out my closet. Any questions please feel free to contact me 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋
Jul 24Reply
299tym Thanks for loving my closet👠👖👜👚🛒🕶🛒🛒🛒
Aug 07Reply
bethfarnstrom Hi Cristina! Open to offers and shipping tomorrow! Thanks for the like :) :)
Aug 26Reply
jackiethomaz Hey! 🙋🏻Thanks for liking/visiting my closet! 🛍 I just wanted to let you know I give huge discounts on bundled items, I'm also very fair if you want to make an offer! 🛒 All purchases ship same day shipping! 📫🎁 I package all my packages with a lot of ❤️ Happy Poshing! 💕✨
Sep 03Reply
jackiethomaz Hey! I know you wanted that ring in my closet so i wanted to let you know to come by and make an offer, i'm moving so everything has to go and im accepting all reasonable offers now. I can have it shipped same day and even give you discounted shipping! (:
Sep 09Reply
angelaeastman The inside 925 ss 18kt
Sep 10Reply
carolins_closet Hey Cristina :) thanks for your interest in the gold ring in my closet. Feel free to make me an offer and I’ll even provide discounted shipping! :))!❤️❤️
Sep 12Reply
spock74 Hi, thanks for following my closet, I’ll do the same... LLAP
Sep 16Reply
katie661 @cmbillick1981 Thanks for the like on my creamer set. Price is flexible and even better on bundles of 2 or more items. Hope you will take another look.
Sep 16Reply
vintage_vampira Hi! I tried to accept your offer on my Vanity Fair House dress, but a message popped up that Poshmark couldn't process the payment... so you may have to update your info in order to complete the transaction!
Sep 16Reply
autumnlynn3 Thanks for stopping by my closet! Let me know if you have any questions! I'm always open to reasonable offers and I give great bundle discounts too ❤️
Oct 04Reply
girlslikeus28 Hi Love. Accepted your offer on the FP boyfriend tee. Says update pmt status 💕
Oct 04Reply
girlslikeus28 Thanks for all the likes! Can't reciprocate! You are sold out!!
Oct 05Reply
nhayet @cmbillick1981 thank you so much for your kind rating! If you ever want to make another purchase from my closet I promise you i will give you an even better deal then last time!
Oct 15Reply
bohotree Hi Cristina! I saw that you liked those adidas sneakers from my closet. Feel free to send me your reasonable offer and I’ll try my best to work it out :)
Oct 20Reply
shoenique101 Hi there- are you interested in my rainforest inspired adidas.
Oct 22Reply
visvirtualvibe Thank you for your purchase! I will send it out ASAP with your FREE gift(s) 🤗 thanks again beauty 👸🏼
Oct 23Reply
tina_a63 Thanks for the Posh love 🙌🏻❤️❤️❤️👍🏼
Oct 24Reply
threadsupply Thanks for all the Posh love! YOU"RE THE BEST!!!
Oct 28Reply
designerbeb Hi... hi has posh contacted about updating your info? I’ve accepted your offer for the blazer but it will not go through until your info has been updated. 🌺
Oct 28Reply
metalribsmama Hi friend!! Im having a HUGE 50% off sale for Halloween going on now! 🎊 I thought you might like some of my items (brands like Anthropologie, Free People, H&M, Vera Wang, Forever21, Steve Madden, Eddie Bauer, and more!). Come stop by my closet if you’re looking to get a big bang 💥 for your buck! 💖💖
Oct 30Reply
royalty_woods2 Hi do I need to cancel the order for the belly ring?
Oct 31Reply
royalty_woods2 Please let me know as soon as possible so I can know what needs to be done. Thank you. Oh yeah this is in reference of the reverse belly ring.
Oct 31Reply
computershoptx Thank you for the like on the beautiful Christian Dior set!! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Nov 05Reply
ijmennen Hi Cristina... Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated you taking the time to write such a lovely note. It made my day. Thank you so much. I'm so happy you liked all your items. I appreciate your business so much. Have a great day!! 😊
Nov 06Reply
blackie99 Hi thanks for shopping my closet 😃 I will send out your top tomorrow. Thanks again & hope u have a great turkey day! 💕✌️🌸
Nov 19Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Nov 19Reply
bohobyhope Thank you so very much for the likes in my closet! I’m new to selling on PM (but surely bought plenty the last couple years!). Hope you have a beautiful day! 💐🌼🌷🌼💐
Nov 25Reply
ana_chiquita Thank you for visiting my closet and for the “like♥️”. Wow ! You’re closet is sold out !!! You really have beautiful listings, hope to see more . Happy Poshing😄
Nov 25Reply
nashwildflower Thanks for visiting my closet! Check out my SALE! Bundle three items with a 🐝 (bee) emoji in the the title and pay only $30!
Dec 03Reply
rondakay63 Hi! I noticed you liked an item! I have a BOGO offer going on... Bundle any two items ($9 and under) and I'll send you an offer - you pay only for the higher priced item (and of course one shipping cost). Happy Poshing * Caribbean Soul Tee is BOGO eligible
Dec 03Reply
aforeverlylove Hey Cristina!! I just listed an absolutely gorgeous vintage leather jacket with Faux fur (but it reminds me of a lynx, it's beautiful). It also has cross stitching which makes some really unique details. I'd love to find it a new home for the holidays. Definitely has some boho vibes. Not sure if that's your style so no hard feelings if its not! Happy holidays! ❤️🎄🙃
Dec 04Reply
lauryn156 Thank you for the amazing rating! Check out my closet anytime. The next thing you buy I will throw in a few random special things!!😁 you’re so sweet
Dec 04Reply
thekreitlife Hi Cristina! I am so embarrassed I mixed up your Free People thermal top with a pair of jeans that was another sale. I am so so sorry- I’m reaching out to posh as to how I can fix this as quickly as possible.
Dec 08Reply
awesomeclothing Hi! Thank you for all the likes! I try & offer a discount when you “like” things, but I’ll be “hands free” for awhile over here. If you like, as in, I REALLY REALLY like & have to have: throw a bundle together & let me make you a great price :) Again, thanks for the likes;)
Dec 12Reply
maidmarian When did you totally sell out your closet! Wow I can dream 🥰 Happy holidays 🙌☮️🎸👯‍♀️
Dec 21Reply
lynnebry Thank you for the 5 star rating 😊😊😊😊😊
Dec 29Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy holidays❄☃ I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💖💛 Let me know if you have any questions!
Dec 30Reply
abmeza01 Hey! I just now saw your offer for my Nike tennis shoes! I am willing to take 35 for them if you are willing to wait to have them shipped on Monday the 7th! I am home from college on break & I left them up in my apartment. I can have them shipped Monday morning for ya! Best, Alexa
Jan 01Reply
impeachtrump Cristina I have been sick with flu this past week, I was unable to get any packages out! Tomorrow first thing in the AM your 2 tops along with 9 other packages are going out first thing! Sorry for the delay and your patience Bj
Jan 14Reply
impeachtrump Glad you like the goody, I was away for the weekend but since I see that you To are a fan of free People I have 2 daughters and of course myself & tons more to list so peek I now & then take care👍
Jan 21Reply
maidmarian Christina hey! I don’t remember you stopping selling! When? Any rate, put the brooch in a bundle for you. Easier to negotiate if you’re interested in purchasing! Marian (stopped that crazy make an offer now)🤗 I’ll change my discount if you’re interested ❤️
Jan 21Reply
oszo_boutique Hi Cristina, my name is spelled just like yours. Check out my closet for beautiful jewelry and purses. Ty🌸🌺
Jan 24Reply
gorgeousnyc Hi. I am in awe. I was hoping to learn how to improve as a seller since I need to help support my family - we had a devastating job loss 5 months ago with no end in sight yet and and it's terrifying. I've been selling my own things but how does one get a great collection of NWT items and still make a profit after Posh fees? I could use any sharing /following tips as well. I thank you for your help. 😊 💕
Jan 27Reply
vintiquevenus Cristina, Thank you for visiting my closet and for your like on my Renaissance Style Green White Gold Bangle Bracelet. It is greatly appreciated!!
Jan 27Reply
threadsoftoday Hey! If you want the NWT free people shorts I can let them go for half off! $25! Just let me know!
Jan 29Reply
brittony4bs Hi there! I saw you liked some catbird earrings. I have a few pairs of catbird earrings in my closet and more! Feel free to check them out and let me know if you have any questions!
Feb 14Reply
jaxs205 Hi 👋🏻 @cmbillick1981 whenever u have a chance please checkout my closet I just listed a bunch of jewelry and also have kids clothes and makeup 😍❤️😊
Feb 21Reply
luxpricedright Hello and welcome to Poshmark please feel free to check out my closet and let me know if anything there can be an extension of your beauty. Happy poshing!
Feb 24Reply
ohusoneedthis Cristina! I’m Julie I saw where you like the dress from Buckle! It is so cute on! I wanted to give u a special private offer on it: I will sell it to you for $33.00!!! Must buy in next 12 hours!
Mar 23Reply
ohusoneedthis Well, looks like u sold it all—-let me know if you’re interested in the dress!💕👗☮️👠🌸
Mar 23Reply
cfuller721 Hey, thanks for all the likes!!!🥰🥰🥰bundle up if ur interested I will hook you up!!!
Mar 26Reply
gaby9747 Hello my name is Gaby! It’s great to meet you on Poshmark! Please check out my closet 😊👠👗
Mar 30Reply
mpellar1 @cmbillick1981 Hi! Thank you for liking my two items in my closet! Which one are you most interested in?? I’ll give you a deal you can’t refuse :)
Apr 07Reply
norasark67 Hi girl!! Sent you an offer!! Thanks for all the likes too! 🤠
Apr 22Reply
norasark67 Love you!! 😘. Let me know if/when you want an offer!
Apr 22Reply
norasark67 I think we have the same taste!! Love it!!
Apr 23Reply
lizmarucci hey thanks for the like, please let me know if you are interested or have any questions! I am accepting all reasonable offers right now. id be happy to sell to you and fast shipping! Happy poshing :)
May 09Reply
computershoptx Christina, Thank you for your like on the pretty gown! Please let me know if you have any questions or need any measurements. I am open to reasonable offers. I hope you have a fantastic day!😄. Helen
May 15Reply
threadsoftoday Hi! If you’re interested in the NWT free people shorts, I can let it go for $40 and $4.99 shipping tonight. Let me know!
Jun 07Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jun 08Reply
dougdsdi Hi, on the news feed it said like on the earrings but wouldn’t let me discount bc a like wasn’t showing. Let me know if you want more photos. Thanks
Jun 25Reply
jenniferburt521 Hi! I love to see in these gloves to you for I put Poshmark in vacation mode in a couple of hours🥰🥰
Jun 26Reply
sigi_bebe Good morning Cristina … Thanks for stopping by the Sigi Bebe' Closet! We upload some interesting new and barely used items daily (vintage, retro, minimalist, fly) so if you didn't see anything that made you want to click "BUY NOW" PLEASE check back! Oh, and if you like a whole look - BUNDLE - I’ll send you an offer!
Jun 26Reply
lanadoherty Thanks for liking 🙂offers are welcome
Jun 28Reply
shaneobrien80 The bee earrings. Do you know where to find them? I would offer good money to your buyer for the ones you sold. Missing one and my wife has had them for 25 years. I cannot find them anywhere
Jun 30Reply
mw_online May you be blessed with much success.
Oct 04Reply
lydiadan1 Hi. Just sent an offer on the straw purse. Then noticed you like other things. If you want to bundle. Send me an offer. The black dress is killer easy to wear n go. Linda 😊
Oct 15Reply
swanboutique Thank you so much for showing love to my closet. I loved yours too, was going to share yours but didn’t see any listings that weren’t already sold.
Nov 09Reply
wrosegold Cristina ❤️ I see you! Take those shades off gorgeous. Thank you for the ❤️ — I use $$ to help abused women & animals. Together we are strong as hell. Much warmth straight into the New Year, —Rose
Nov 18Reply
christieee_3 Thank you so much for stopping by my closet! You have such beautiful items. I would love to send some items your way. Feel free to make an offer on a bundle or on individual items. I’ll give you the best deal possible 😊
Nov 19Reply
wrosegold If you’re interested you can make a bundle and I’ll be happy to offer you a my bundle discount. No sales pressure — just wanted to let you know that I operate my shop that way :)
Nov 19Reply
sarahatkingsart Thank you for liking my paintings! i Encourage offers! thank you! 🤣
Nov 27Reply
sarahatkingsart Thank you for liking my paintings! i Encourage offers! thank you! 🤣
Nov 27Reply
jasminehalwa Hi There!! I have a really CUTE, rArE Coach jacket you might like! I also have some Free People tops and a thick, warm, teddy bear Splendid jacket. Come by and check it out! Please let me know if you have any questions!! Click Follow for deals coming soon! Thank you!! 💎💎💎
Dec 11Reply
someday887 Hello! I'm so sorry. I had to cancel your order. I found a small hole..I didn't want to send you an item like that.
Jan 02Reply
eugeniastefania Cristina - thank you for the 5 ⭐️. rating. It pleases me that you are happy with your bracelet. Best wishes!!!!🥰❤️🥰
Jan 07Reply
serena_sofea Hi Cristina thank you for taking the time to stop by my closet and like my item 😊 Have a great day and happy Poshing ❣️ ♥️♥️♥️
Jan 07Reply
lanadoherty thanks for liking 🙂offers welcome
Feb 08Reply
frippislandsc Hello again. You had inquired about a Vintage ring I had for sale in my closet. I deleted that listing and added a new one so I can add more details to it and I tagged you in it so you could have more information. I checked with my wife any information came from her since it was her rIng. Thank you again I appreciate your inquiry
Feb 08Reply
vintagelini Check out my closet, bundle all the items you like, and I’ll give you an insane offer
Feb 10Reply
stormtreasures @cmbillick1981 We wish you a stupendous 2020 New Year to you and yours--This is a stunning example of the Art popularized by Roman Petrovich Tyrtov--Known by the pseudonym Erte--This Necklace and / or Pin is crafted in .925 Fine Sterling and is highlighted with Marcasites--The Mother of Pearl is pristine--When the sun glints off the MOP--It shines as an iridescent Rainbow--Comes as depicted with a Sterling Silver Solid Diamond Cut Rope Chain Deacon Ricky
Feb 10Reply
mckenziejruud hi there. Most items in my closet have been reduced to $6 due to me needed them gone within the next couple days. if you have any time please check my closet out. will ship within 24 hours of purchase 🙂
Feb 13Reply
cindyba @cmbillick1981 so happy you love your flask 💕💕 I see you’re in Eugene! Me too, if you ever purchase in the future I can just drop off to you! Save on the ship cost!!! Thank you so much ☺️
Feb 14Reply
vkcrooks Hi, I am going to try to send you the info on the rings in question. thank you
Feb 23Reply
saveddd1 @saveddd1 Hi I left you a message on the ring page.I hope that helps. Thanks
Feb 23Reply
saveddd1 @saveddd1 Hi just wanted to make sure you read your message about the 1987 ring charm. Thanks
Feb 24Reply
saveddd1 @saveddd1 Hi just wanted to know if you read my message about the ring charm. Thanks
Feb 24Reply
purple_crayon Hi there! If you are interested in vintage clothing, please stop on by! Thanks!
Apr 18Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! Hope you are staying safe and sheltered in this time!! We could all use something to make us smile and bring us some joy right about now! Shop my JOY sale on all my jewelry and accessories and get a discount of 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! ✨✨
Apr 29Reply
piccicu WOW I can’t even share anything Cristina! Goood for you....a wiped out closet. Thanks so much for browsing and liking. Maybe you’ll come back to visit again? In the meantime, wishing you and your family continued good health...Stephanie
May 02Reply
aysha_h Hey girl! I’m selling a similar pair of Aldo booties in the same size to the ones you liked, feel free to check them out and make an offer! I’m trying to clear out my closet so if you make me any offer I’ll immediately accept and can ship them tomorrow morning :)
May 05Reply
nazaninaskari67 Hey I’m Nazanin I’m Persian Icelandic living in 🇺🇸 California Happy poshing 🛍🛍💕♥️
May 09Reply
fashionolympus hi there! I am having a sale 🤍2 for 10 💖3 for 12 💛2 for 15 💜3 for 15 🧡2 for 20 💚2 for 30 💙2 for 35 - Women(makeup,bag, clothes), Men, Kids, Home, and more!I ship as soon as 1-3 business days -Also selling affordable supplies to make masks 😷🌼🌼🌼🌹 -If you are interested in my item I can send you an offer. just let me know 😊I have many reviews who are satisfied with items from my closet, so don't be afraid to stop by and take a peek 💘 Thank you
May 14Reply
pbjfox Hi I have new and vintage items all sizes all categories fast shipping feel free to make an offer I may accept have a great day stay safe!
May 16Reply
wrosegold Cristina, darling one, thanks for the posh ❤️ I hope you don’t mind, I sent you an offer on the bag! Proceeds help care for stray, kitties I care for in the wild! Whatever you decide, cheers!
May 31Reply
jaegeorge8 Hi there! Stop by my closet this month for a sale! Bundle at least 3 items over $25 to get 15% off + FREE Shipping! I am also open to reasonable offers and any questions you may have. Happy poshing :)
Jun 04Reply
g1arlock check out my closet I have some cool stuff for dogs🐶🐕🐕🐶
Jun 07Reply
dreamsofvintage Hey Cristina 👋 wanted to invite you to check out my closet, I think you might dig the style of my collection - freshly posted designer vintage including Dior !! Let me know if anything catches your eye💕Happy Poshing & Cheers friend 🥂
Jun 12Reply
bubbletoes1 Hi there! I'm selling Rip Curl, Billabong, O'Neill, and Roxy items that you may like as well as other items. Please check out my page and make an offer. Selling items ASAP! Happy Poshing 🌺!
Jun 19Reply
lostflxwerchild Hey love I would really appreciate if you could check out my closet and feel free to make offers and bundles on anything you like and I’ll give you a big discount 🦋💗
Aug 01Reply
mrcleland Hi Cristina- I have lots of Men’s NWT True Grit for sale if you’re looking to pick up some new shirts for the Fall. Take a look and I’ll consider all reasonable offers!
Sep 20Reply
raezer2323 Hello 👋 and good morning.I received your bundle,cute choice.I am unable to send a offer as I sent a 10% offer to all likers plus discounted shipping.If you see that offer all you have to do is accept,or make that offer to me and I will accept.🌺
Sep 24Reply
hyflex Hi Christina! I hope you are having a wonderful night!! Please don't hesitate to ask me anything at all! Thank you! Marissa😌🙏❤🌹
Sep 28Reply
bigbandvintage Thank you so much for all the likes on my vintage jewelry. If you are interested feel free to send me an offer or make a bundle. Happy Poshing!
Oct 13Reply
tdmccourt Hello, thank you for liking one of my items! Please know that when you bundle two or more items you will receive a 15% discount and only pay one shipping fee. Have a blessed day! 😊
Oct 13Reply
monstergords40 that weed is a scam! report it please
Nov 27Reply
bermudateacher Cristina, l am so happy to hear the platter arrived safely and that you are so pleased with it. Thank you for purchasing it and for taking the time to leave the great feedback. Thank you so much!
Feb 06Reply
annakmerwin Hey girl! Thank you for the like on the Lululemon sweatpants. I just added them to my closet last night! I sent you an offer! ❤️
Mar 06Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  Adding new stuff weekly!
Mar 24Reply
sprinklesparkle Good morning , I am Just wondering if you have received your anthro jumpsuit ? The tracking has not updated since 5 days ago so ? Thanks
Apr 05Reply
sparkielane4u Thank you for visiting my closet and your like.💕 Bundles and reasonable offers will be considered. 😊🛍🌼Sparkie
Apr 12Reply
jode1979 Hey Christina, thanks for your offer!!!! hope you enjoy!!! I just sent it off to the post record time. have a great weekend!
Apr 24Reply
jode1979 Hi Christina, just checking in.. figuring how to send you comment took awhile but I finally figured it out...anyways I hope everything got to you ok and your happy with the purchase. Your my second sale on Poshmark 😀 thank you!!!
Apr 27Reply
christinederock Would you like a discount on both items?
May 02Reply
proudofjoes Wow Cristina! Looks like everything is sold. Thank you for visiting my closet today. I see you indicated you like three of my items. If you have any questions please feel free to ask- or if you are interested in purchasing I would be glad to look at a fair offer 😊
May 17Reply
ney7kline Thank you for stopping by and browsing my jewelry collection. While the item that you Like is still fresh on your mind, I’m accepting all offers including Low Offers. Happy Memorial Day 🥀
May 31Reply
convintageous Hi Cristina, thank you for the like. Have a great night🙂
Jun 14Reply
ney7kline Thank you for stopping by and browsing my jewelry collection. While the item that you Like is still fresh on your mind, I’m accepting all offers including Low Offers. Happy 4th of July 🍉🥳💎
Jun 28Reply
amber2286 Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself! ! If you aren’t familiar with what’s going on please check your emails and look at messages frm Posh! In the meantime, I’m running a HUGE special for all winners! HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word “Winner”
Oct 12Reply
mandyonemo828 Congratulations on your win! That’s Awesome 😄🌺. While poshing please visit my closet. Newly added items. Offers always welcome!!
Oct 13Reply
teenie024 Hi hun! Congrats on winning Deal Days! Feel free to browse my closet if you're looking for anything specific and I'm always offering deals! Have fun spoiling yourself!😉🥳🤗
Oct 14Reply
karlensclassics @cmbillick1981 Hi Cristina, thought I would stop in to invite you to check out my closet, I've recently listed some items that would make great gifts, along with some nice vintage jewelry. Happy Poshing!
Nov 04Reply
modig Hi Cristina- please reach out if I can help with anything, I carry beautiful vintage jewelry and accessories along with brands like FP, VS, UO and Anthro etc… have a happy day!🌷~Tricia
Nov 05Reply
hello_strangers hello Christine I was hoping you would accept the gold ruby colored bracelet I hope you enjoy that gorgeous piece 💗
Nov 23Reply
sinsofcyn 🧸 Hello Cristina Aka 😉 Busy Beautiful Mom THANX for DISCOVERING & LEISURELY EXPLORING 🧗‍♀️ MY MESSY LIL CLOSET & VINTAGE STUFFED CUPBOARDS 💃 STROLL 💃 OFTEN AS THERE'S QUITE ABIT TO UNCOVER 😢 My Mom fell on NEW YEARS DAY and she will ALWAYS BE PRIORITY Vs My CLOSET 💞 Thanx for understanding, if I am late responding or unavailable to update pics. FYI Years EXPERIENCE WARDROBING @ BLOOMINGDALES & Seifert's 🛍NORDSTROMS
Jan 23Reply
langford2022 Hi Cristina🌝Happy Hearts' Day to you and your family ! The 10k gold ring with heart design is beautiful 😍! I dropped the price because it is Valentine's day! Any price range you are looking? Thanks !
Feb 14Reply
shopmycloset_sd Hi,Cristina Thanks for all the likes in my closet. If you have any questions, let me know. You can bundle & save. I love offers, I’m easy. These are all my personal items & my daughters. Stay safe & well, Shirley
Mar 17Reply
bigbadshannon Hi! I’m so sorry the Oscar de la Renta nightgown hasn’t made it way to you yet. I’m keeping an eye on the tracking. I’m hearing that things are a lil delayed right now, for everyone. I’m so sorry!! I promise to be in touch, should I hear anything. Ty again for your patience!! So sorry this is taking forever 🥴
May 17Reply
bigbadshannon Hi again! Tgif!! Ok just left post office and they do not have any tracking on this, past it leaving west palm. So they recommended filing a claim bc that’s unusual. I’ve never had this happen as a seller, so I reached out to posh support to see what they say my next steps are… so sorry!! I am sad it didn’t make its way to you (yet?!)
May 20Reply
cmbillick1981 @bigbadshannon yeah I haven't received it yet :( I am super bummed. what did posh recommend you do at this point?
May 20Reply
bigbadshannon @cmbillick1981 hi again!! Ok so I have not yet heard back from them on this sale. But I reached out to them earlier bc something I ordered never arrived. What they did for that transaction was cancel the sale. Refund both sides. I imagine they will do the same here? But just waiting to hear back. This hasn’t ever happened to me, as a seller, and it’s so frustrating!! I’m really sorry. I am praying it shows up!
May 20Reply
bigbadshannon Ha! The email came in while I was writing to you!! Ok so they answered me and said usps is experiencing delays and to standby while they look into it. I had heard from another seller that there were delays; but when I repeated that to the usps clerk today, he said they aren’t and that even if they were? It wouldn’t be for this long. The fact that it isn’t even showing it made it to Oregon makes me think it got lost. I am hopi g that’s not the case. But…..
May 20Reply
bigbadshannon @cmbillick1981 also, I totally understand if you want to cancel the order!! I am hoping it turns back up, but I’m not sure if it will at this point… 😔
May 20Reply
bigbadshannon @cmbillick1981 hi!! Wanted to check if there was any updates possibly on your end? I’ve not heard anything further from Posh and was considering canceling the sale? I am so sorry about this/: lemme know what you’re thinking bout what to do and the next steps!! Tysm and again am so sorry about all this!!!
May 22Reply
bigbadshannon Hi there- just wanted to check in. I still haven’t heard back from posh support- I just sent another email. I’m so sorry about this, but pls know I’m doing what I can to stay on top of it! Hope to have some good news soon!
May 24Reply
bigbadshannon Hi! I’ve sent a couple emails to posh support and haven’t heard back. I attempted to cancel sale from my end, it doesn’t let me bc it’s already “in transit”. You’re welcome to cancel on your end; this will facilitate your $$ being returned. I’m so sorry about this- I was told I should hear back by 2/25 and to email them if I hadn’t heard anything. Still nothing. I hate to keep you waiting any longer than necessary.
May 27Reply
cutehosiery @cmbillick1981 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 15Reply
jeffys Can’t put item in my bundle ? LOL😆😁🙂😊
Oct 19Reply
hillhouseshop Hello, I’m Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet. My husband and I make a lot of the gemstone and sea glass pieces. We also have lots of boutique jewelry at reasonable prices. Our pieces are unique and many are one of a kind. Happy Poshing!
Nov 16Reply
chloescloset152 Hi! I noticed you liked a WILDFOX sweater- I have a couple listed and lots of Free People & Lululemon - I’ll do free shipping & even bigger discount with any 2+items purchased! 🙏🏻
Feb 27Reply
v_land Hi Christina, let me know if you have any more questions I revised the listing. Have a great day.😊
May 23Reply
thillbill Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. This is a large closet so use the filter button. Bundle a few items and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often Tons to add!!
May 27Reply
jeffys Hi from Eugene.
Jun 11Reply
rposen Hi Cristina! It’s great to meet you!🌸
Oct 27Reply
foundbyfran Hey there Cristina 🛍️ If you're interested in any of the Free People items you liked from my closet please consider sending me an offer or bundling for a private offer with discounted shipping 📦
Dec 21Reply
ney7kline Blocked
Mar 28Reply
lindsey1979 Hi there! My name is Lindsey. I just wanted to introduce myself and welcome you to my boutique. I have many designer items, including bags, makeup, and clothing, as well as other amazing items. Please feel free to check it out. My closet is currently offering discounted shipping on all purchases. Thank you, and have a blessed day! 🥰
Oct 11Reply

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Eugene, OR
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Last Active: 16 hours ago

Eugene, OR
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