Meet your Posher, Crystal
US$12,345 US$12,345
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Hi! I'm Crystal. I will be listing new items almost everyday! I have all sizes so hopefully I'll have something you love! I have been consigning my clothes for many years and discovered poshmark in November of 2015. I love it!
My style is eclectic I would say. I like things that are unique. I also am a huge fangirl and I love anything with cats on it!
I will not discount any item further than $8 unless bundled.
Thanks for stopping by my closet! Check out my instagram @galaxyfinds

69 others
like this

🎀💟Welcome to Poshmark💟🎀I'm Laura(SU, Posh Mentor, Co-Host)! The @official_forum is a great resource! I have posts in my closet to help🎀1.New Girl🎀2.Following game🎀3.Tag List (tag your name to be notified of parties, FG's etc!)🎀I'm here to mentor & help so stay in touch! Love, Laura😘💞🎀PFF's Please meet this lovely posher!💕@aflattery💕@backwoodsbarn💕@bella_xox💕@blu3935💕@callie5510💕@chicagdl💕@chloejoy15💕@currrentfashion💕@daisyd0102💕@dotgallo💕@elevenroses💕@goodchic🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Nov 21Reply

🎀💟PFF's Please Welcome This Lovely New Posher💟🎀@heatherschoice💕@hila808💕@holdon3💕@hotpantsrhoads💕@hsohailk💕@jays_boutique_💕@jenniann5246💕@jill555💕@jnc650💕@kookc💕@kcford24💕@kden_wallace💕@lnation818💕@mandapanda83💕@marlanap💕@matadora1978💕@mimsmenagerie💕@mrsmadariaga💕@muneewoo💕@nami001💕@pre_pay514💕@shethkh💕@smchop💕@treasuresbytrac💕@twinkletoestoni💕@txan66💕@wendimb💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY
Nov 21Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 🎀💐🌈
Nov 21Reply

Hi Crystal! I'm Carolyn! It's so nice to meet you. Welcome! Follow me and feel free to tag me if you have any questions. I do recommend you checkout @official_forum for lots of good information at your fingertips. Consider also subscribing to PM's blog at One other helpful tip: Share, Share and Share some more. Exposure = Sales. Happy Poshing!💜@lauras_boutique ty
Nov 21Reply

Welcome to poshmark🌹
Nov 21Reply

Welcome 🤗💓 your going to have a great time😆 please let me know if you have any questions 👍🏼 Happy Poshing 👌🏼🛍🛍 and don't forget to stop by and say Hi ☺️.
Nov 21Reply

@kookc thank you!!
Nov 21Reply

@lauras_boutique thank you!
Nov 21Reply

@heatherschoice thank you!
Nov 21Reply

@vogue77 thank you!
Nov 21Reply

You're welcome
Nov 21Reply

You're welcome😘
Nov 22Reply

Hello! Welcome to posh! As a warm welcome I'd like to offer you $2 off any item in my closet, just make an offer. Feel free to ask me any questions about posh or items in my closet. 💅🏼💖💄💋🎀👠👗
Nov 22Reply

@membutterflies hello and thank you! I'll check it out :)
Nov 22Reply

WELCOME TO POSH!🎉🙋My name is Heidi, Very nice to meet you💐 If you have any questions feel free to ask😊Sharing your items & other closets is key to Sales. HAPPY POSHING Which always ends up in SHOPPING😃 Thank you for the tag @lauras_boutique
Nov 23Reply

@hotpantsrhoads hello! Thank you! I'm excited to get started selling :)
Nov 23Reply

You will be just fine💐 All the above ladies & myself are here for u if you need help. With Christmas coming & after Christmas you should start listing now it is one of the busier times on Posh. Let me know when you start do I can share your closet😘
Nov 23Reply

@hotpantsrhoads awesome thanks! Just started adding stuff yesterday but I have a ton if stuff to add!
Nov 23Reply

YW,anytime you need help
Just let me or anyone above know, we are always happy to answer any questions you have
Nov 23Reply

Hey girl! Thanks for your purchase. Just a heads up I need to ship the Hanson tank separately because some of the clothes in my closet are at my mom's house and not mine. She will send out the tank while I send out the other two using the Poshmark shipping label. Should ship out by Monday! Thanks.
Nov 27Reply

@xartiswhy no problem thanks! :)
Nov 28Reply

Good evening Crystal. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Oct 09Reply

@crystal0128 Thanks for following me Crystal! I appreciate it more than you know. Your closet is lovely. I started out purely shopping (and I still am an addict), but now I've got the Poshbug both ways! Stop by my closet soon. I am adding more and more great items slowly, but surely. Happy Poshing! 🙏🏽🤗💖
Oct 18Reply

@crystal0128 thanks for all the shares and following me on Instagram. I've shared your closet and hope you have much success with sales. By the way I'm starting a small share group later this week, capping it at 12, we will each share at least 12 items from each closet once a week. Let me know if you would be interested and I will tag you when I post the info. Take Care 🤓
Oct 25Reply

@crystal0128 thanks for all the shares and following me on Instagram. I've shared your closet and hope you have much success with sales. By the way I'm starting a small share group later this week, capping it at 12, we will each share at least 12 items from each closet once a week. Let me know if you would be interested and I will tag you when I post the info. Take Care 🤓
Oct 25Reply

@fashioncents203 thank you for the shares, I appreciate it! I've never done a share group so I'm not quite sure how that works. I love the way you organize your closet btw, it looks beautiful! ❤
Oct 25Reply

Thank you for all your efforts! I am very familiar with Ahnu and the sizing varies from one style and material used to another. The textile ones in the same size as the leather ones fit completely differently for example. Without knowing the exact size I had to pass.
Oct 28Reply

@lulasgarden no worries I understand :)
Oct 28Reply

Love all your stuff:)
Nov 07Reply

@sy31 thanks so much! If you're interested in bundling I'll send you a private offer, no obligation! I won't be offended if you decline :)
Nov 07Reply

@nicknacknancytx and thank you!!
Nov 09Reply

Can you adjust price to reflect your last counter? I would like to purchase now!
Nov 29Reply

@budgetwise sorry was it the zara pants? I can do it now just let me know so I have the right one 😁
Nov 29Reply

@crystal0128 yes thanks!
Nov 29Reply

@budgetwise thanks for your purchase I'll be sending out tomorrow!
Nov 29Reply

@crystal0128 thank you!
Nov 29Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Apr 16Reply

@spreadlove hello! Nice to meet you! 😁
Apr 16Reply

Thank you for following me!!!! 🐹😸🐁
May 31Reply

Thank you for your like on my BJ Cat Wristlet ... Debbie
Aug 22Reply

Thank you for your like 💋😻🌈
Aug 22Reply

Thanks for the like Crystal! Shared some in your closet and LOVE YOUR STYLE! Have an AWESOME day!
Dec 04Reply

😍😘happy holidays!!🎄🎄🎄
Dec 17Reply

@ramonreynolds happy holidays! Your bundle will be sent out today!
Dec 17Reply

Wishing you a happy New year 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jan 01Reply

@ggluvbeach thanks so much!! ❤
May 09Reply

I have 7 cats, The parents are, Max & Maggie. My daughter was told she was fixed. Well a year later she went into labor. I got them their shots, and got them all fixed. 😂So now I have 5 more babies. 2 boys, Marley, Sebastian & 3 girls Fedora/Fede, Mitty/MittyKitty, Babigirl- she’s real tiny. The picture under my profile is my 2 boys, Marley & Sebastian, they are so close, they do everything together and the same way! Nice
May 23Reply

Nice to meet you. My daughter is just like you, she has her own style also. That’s great. Your a leader not a follower ⭐️🙏 Have a great summer. Steph
May 23Reply

Hey there!!! Thank you so much for following my closet and if i can help you with anything please let me know
Jun 14Reply

Welcome happy poshing 😃
Jul 03Reply

Hi , TY for visiting my closet and the like .If you bundle 2 items I will send you an offer for 20% off and a shipping discount .Lol you can crash the Area 51 party with this shirt on .Hehehe ..Enjoy your night
Aug 07Reply

Hi Crystal, welcome to my Posh family hope to bring you positive vibes and speedy sales along the way. Have a beautiful day ✌🏽😘 n share
- Amrit
Sep 04Reply

Hi there Crystal! I see you've liked one of my items and I'm glad you like the look of my closet! (Brand new magical girl inspired items are always great right? 🤩) Feel free to let me know If you had any questions. And don't hesitate to put in an offer if you adore an item! I love helping Poshers add new and amazing additions to their closets! Happy poshing! 💞
Sep 15Reply

I just recently offered $40 for some shoes that sent a message saying that I wanted to only pay four dollars for shipping but when the offer was excepted it did not show that change in the shipping. I do not want to pay more than $44 for this with shipment included. Thank you
Jan 07Reply

@jennidefler I didn't get any message from you. I will cancel your order since it has not been sent out yet. Please be mindful that all offers are binding and poshmark policy states that they cannot be cancelled. I will make an exception for you though.
Jan 07Reply

Hey there
I’m not sure how to even comment on these - I’m so sorry! I thought I sent you a message but I think I sent Poshmark one instead? I’m so sorry! Guess that is what old does to you 😂
I like the boots and would like to purchase them but was hoping to either get to $44 with shipping/ does that make sense?
Jan 08Reply

Hi Crystal, thank you for following my closet. I had a chance to browse and share your closet too. Do hope I get a few shares back. Stay safe and have a great week!
Apr 14Reply

Thank you for all the shares from my closet. 😊❤️. Stay safe and keep on Poshing.
Apr 15Reply

@galaxyfinds thank you for the follow! just watched your Jomar haul last night on YT you're so iconic! thank you for an inspiration to this community :)
Apr 20Reply

@rymitch_ aww thanks so much for your support! I appreciate it so much!
Apr 20Reply

Thank you for your generous shares. Happy Poshing!
May 23Reply

@galaxyfinds Hi! Just checking to see if you received my message about the Zara offer? Could you please decline? I goofed in size. Sorry!!
Jun 30Reply

@joshivers11170 hi there, declining an offer is bad for the algorithm, I'll let it expire, no worries.
Jun 30Reply

@galaxyfinds Ok, I’ll have to google this algorithm. Thanks so much for understanding and again, sorry about that!!
Jun 30Reply

@joshivers11170 not a problem :)
Jun 30Reply

Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Jul 28Reply

Congrats on your closet feature!!! 🎉
Jul 31Reply

@galaxyfinds your closet is incredible!!!! 🤩 I'm so glad I found you.
Sep 05Reply

@aurelialight aww thanks so much! I really appreciate all the shares! ❤
Sep 05Reply

Thank you so much for your like 💜
Oct 02Reply

Hey there - the American Eagle denim shirt I bought is actually too small for me. Before I accept the item, do you accept returns?
Oct 08Reply

@ccoghill7 sorry that it doesn't fit but poshmark does not allow returns for fit. Feel free to use the reposh button and use my photos.
Oct 08Reply

K! No prob, just wanted to check! Thank you for the quick shipping!! Maybe the shirt will motivate me to workout 😆
Oct 09Reply

My closet benefits animal rescue 🐾 cat scarf, love it! Happy Poshing!
Oct 15Reply

Sorry to decline offer on grinch sweater but I just wanted to show friends as I open my adult beverage and celebrate!🙏🎉
Nov 07Reply

@maproot hey no worries! 🥳🥳🥳🥳
Nov 07Reply

@galaxyfinds apparently my relief and excitement knows no bounds. !🎉
Nov 07Reply

Hi! Enjoyed your highlight on @murrayedlife 's Youtube today. Looks like I was following your closet already. Shared a few listings. Thanks for the share backs!
Nov 11Reply

@crystalxdawn317 aw thanks so much!!
Nov 11Reply

Sorry, that’s the best I can do right now. Totally understand if you can’t go that low. Thanks though!
Apr 10Reply

Shared closet & followed on Instagram. Have a Blessed day! Happy Poshing!
Apr 25Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Feb 03Reply

@galaxyfinds :) Hey there :) I just read your comment for the Poshmark Blog. I agree wholeheartedly, my sales are down over 85% or more right now. I just made a sale today but only one of THREE since April 1st. January was my best month ever & then crickets!! I'm in MA too, central MA & as we know it's expensive here! I'm going to bring a bunch of stuff to a locally owned consignment shop, way less money but I gotta swap time for money now. I hope your sales improve & that PM wakes up! <3
Apr 10Reply

@free2beyou yeah its really tough for a lot of us right now 😩 I really just am hoping it gets better. I went to a consignment store this week and have another appointment next month. Depending on how sales are going depends on how much I'll bring. I do love poshmark so I'm hoping they make it right.
Apr 10Reply

@galaxyfinds I know huh?! I have no idea what Poshmark is doing but I wish I was a fly on their staff meetings wall!! Lol. I hope your sales increase as the months progress because yeah this is crazy for so many fellow sellers. I also crosspost & it is slower overall but Poshmark was always steady at least. I'm dropping prices like mad in my closet & even losing money but I've got to do something! lol.
Apr 15Reply

@free2beyou for real! I hope your sales pick up too! 💗
Apr 15Reply

@galaxyfinds :) <3
Apr 15Reply

I love your vintage pieces! Great closet! 💝🛍✅
Jul 22Reply

Hi! I love your closet! ❤️
Aug 29Reply

@famoffive thank you!!
Aug 29Reply

Thank you for the price offer! Can I get them shipped together?
Oct 24Reply

@kristiag218 I can definitely make you a bundle, hold on a sec :)
Oct 24Reply

Thank you for following me. I returned the gesture and shared some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day and a Happy New Year 🎇
Dec 27Reply

I'm sherry
Jul 10Reply

Hi Crystal, It was so nice meeting you last nite at the Posh live in Boston.Wishing you many sales and more.Happy Poshing 🌻✌️.
Sep 22Reply

hi there! did u sell the grey abercrombie track jacket? it was grey with navy blue lettering. thank u!
Oct 19Reply

@londonsky7 no it is still in my closet :) just search for Abercrombie
Oct 19Reply

Thank you for the offer on the jacket! I liked the listing bc I am new to poshmark and am perusing comps of items I have to list. Your closet looks lovely!
Jan 18Reply

@jacquedhale no worries! Most sellers send offers if you like an item, but no pressure to purchase. The offers expire in 24hrs but you can always counter offer if you decide you want it. Welcome to poshmark!
Jan 18Reply

Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Dec 26Reply

You have some fun vintage stuff in your closet! Takes me back to being a kid! LOL
Jan 29Reply

@hopesposhcloset aww ❤️ vintage is my favorite stuff to sell. It's all so unique and fun!
Jan 29Reply

♥️🩷🤍Happy February❤️🩷🤍
🧸Wishing u many wonderful $ales😀
🛍️ Happy Poshing💕Missinks 🍒 Serah
Feb 03Reply
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