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Updated Jul 20
Updated Jul 20

Meet your Posher, Cynthia

Meet the Posher



Not for sale

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Hi! I'm Cynthia. Some of my favorite brands are Nike, Michael Kors, and Louis Vuitton. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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jenrumley19 Make me an offer on the Nike bag!
Jul 21Reply
jenrumley19 And shoes :) I can ship tomorrow!!
Jul 21Reply
pakana 10$ please
Jul 21Reply
pakana I gave you an offer you are quite now
Jul 21Reply
jenrumley19 @pakana I can lower it to $15 on the listing so you get cheaper shipping! Let me know if that works for you
Jul 21Reply
jenrumley19 I can do $60 for both the shoes and the tote.
Jul 21Reply
pakana @jenrumley19 make them both for 50 please
Jul 21Reply
jenrumley19 @pakana 55? Both are pretty much brand new..
Jul 21Reply
pakana @jenrumley19 am looking at my pocket dear shipping will add more please.i will buy next time from you🤞🏼
Jul 21Reply
jenrumley19 @pakana okay, I'll do $50. Make me an offer :) I'll ship them tomorrow!
Jul 21Reply
jenrumley19 Add both items to a bundle so you only have to pay for shipping once!
Jul 21Reply
pakana @jenrumley19 how do I add them
Jul 21Reply
jenrumley19 @pakana will you do $55 if I do a new bundle with both items so you only pay shipping once and I'll have it start at $70 and lower it to $55 so the shipping is cheaper? It will go down to like 4.99 for shipping instead if I do that :)
Jul 21Reply
jenrumley19 So you'll just buy the one listing but I'll send both items :)
Jul 21Reply
jenrumley19 @pakana just buy my latest listing! It has both of your items :)
Jul 21Reply
jenrumley19 Thank you for your business!! I'll ship it off to you tomorrow :) hope you love it all!!!
Jul 21Reply
pakana @jenrumley19 you are most welcome and keep intouch
Jul 21Reply
dazzlingdeals Thank you for stopping by my closet. I appreciate you making an offer . Hope you have a fabulous weekend 😍💋😍
Jul 22Reply
pakana @dazzlingdeals thank you dear have a nice one.
Jul 22Reply
crys302 Can't figure out how to accept your $15 offer on my shoes. I accept that offer if you are still interested.
Jul 27Reply
malverts1 @pakana were you able to correct the payment issues on the bundle?
Aug 03Reply
pakana @malverts1do you no where I can contact Poshmark
Aug 03Reply
malverts1 @pakana I don't know but it's still showing the you have offered on the pink/yellow dress and the purple dress separately. Do you want me to accept this?
Aug 03Reply
malverts1 @pakana ok I'll accept both of th and hopefully it will work out ok!
Aug 03Reply
malverts1 @pakana and did you want the chiffon dress in purple or black?
Aug 03Reply
malverts1 @pakana I'm sorry it's still saying that your card need to be updated with Posh so the sales are not going through. I'd love to do business with you but it appears I must wait until you are able to correct the payment information. Thanks
Aug 03Reply
richera137 Hi you can hit the bundle option & on both items and posh will calculate the discount doll!
Aug 14Reply
different_babe @pakana Thanks for your bundle request! I sent you an offer back! I also send a free gift with every purchase! Please let me know if you have anymore questions! (: (:
Aug 15Reply
boricua54 Hi! I'm sorry but I work away from the house and did not see your offer for the watch. I'd love for you to have it at that price. If you make the offer again I will accept it. Thank you for your patience!
Aug 15Reply
auntieelly My prices are on my page
Aug 20Reply
boricua54 I am so sorry. I have looked EVERYWHERE in my home for the watch. Tomorrow I go to the storage shed and pray it is there. I'll be in touch tomorrow. Again, I can't believe this is happening! We moved recently and everything is still in a bit of disarray. Thanks for your patience.
Aug 21Reply
boricua54 I was not able to find the watch. I'm very sorry. I can't imagine where it is! I'm so sorry.
Aug 22Reply
pakana @boricua54 can I give you more days to look for it I was buying it for someone I already told her. .
Aug 22Reply
boricua54 I will try looking some more. Thanks.
Aug 22Reply
uburke I will be able to ship to you by Monday. My husband will ship it.
Sep 30Reply
pakana @uburke thank you dear.
Sep 30Reply
uburke @pakana ur welcome
Sep 30Reply
canarygreen Welcome!😘 Bundle up hun and you can get items for $3 and $4!😍
Oct 07Reply
canarygreen Ok I made an offer! Let me know!😍
Oct 07Reply
canarygreen In order to know what you are thinking, you have to respond. Items go very quickly!
Oct 08Reply
pakana @canarygreen I did my dear
Oct 08Reply
canarygreen Sorry. It just popped up but it is not letting me push accept? Hmmm. I will figure it out.
Oct 08Reply
pakana @canarygreen ok darling
Oct 08Reply
canarygreen It is because the sports bra is sold. I do not know how it was bundled if it was sold already??? PM mistake. If you can find another one we can rebundle and offer me $18.😙
Oct 08Reply
pakana @canarygreen accept and add the blue sport bra
Oct 08Reply
canarygreen Okey dokey hun!😙😝
Oct 08Reply
pakana @canarygreen thank you dearest
Oct 08Reply
j1goncalves @pakana thank you for your purchase. I Will ship them tomorrow.
Oct 09Reply
canarygreen Hi there. I am glad you liked your package!🤗🤗
Oct 12Reply
boutiquelane Hi Cynthia could u please change comment I sniped the items the following day look at shipping date on tracking. I have no control what happens at post office I am sorry
Oct 31Reply
margitscloset Hello Cynthia. Thanks for your offer on the Nike suit. I am sure you saw my counter offer. Go ahead make yours....I am sure we'll come to an agreement. Thanks for your interest. Have a great night. Happy poshing.
Dec 07Reply
margitscloset Thanks for stopping by and liking my listening. Feel free to ask questions. Happy poshing
Dec 07Reply
margitscloset @pakana you're so welcome. I am glad you like the boots. Yes please stop by again. Have a great holiday. 🎈🎈🌷🌷😚😚
Dec 11Reply
nadianbailey Hi Cynthia!! Thank you so much for stopping by my closet and purchasing the jeans. I will have them out to you tomorrow!☺☺ Becky💕💕
Jan 16Reply
nadianbailey Hi Cynthia!! Thanks so much for my wonderful rating!! I hope you are happy with your purchase!😊😊😊 Becky💕
Jan 20Reply
pakana @nadianbailey Very, very happy will visit your closet again.
Jan 20Reply
pakana And the jean fit well dear . Thank you.
Jan 20Reply
nadianbailey @pakana Wonderful!! It makes me happy when my customers are pleased!! Will welcome you back as a VIP!!! 😀😀😀
Jan 20Reply
pakana @nadianbailey 👌👌👌👌
Jan 20Reply
nadianbailey @pakana Have a wonderful day doll!!!😘
Jan 20Reply
canarygreen Hi there! Wish I could go lower on jeans but pm takes 29%. 😣
Feb 24Reply
pakana @ttaylorr_ what about converse shoes
Feb 28Reply
pakana @ttaylorr_ keep them for me pls
Feb 28Reply
pakana @ttaylorr_ yes please
Feb 28Reply
pakana @ttaylorr_ yes I am reserve them for me pls
Mar 06Reply
pakana @ttaylorr_ anytime soon.
Mar 07Reply
amlexi Accepting all offers:)
Mar 12Reply
skolksx3 You are very welcome ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Mar 12Reply
tsteve3 Hi I’ll ship the sweater either today or tmrw!
Apr 06Reply
jenrumley19 Put your likes in a bundle and I’ll make you an offer :)
May 01Reply
luckyshaul @pakana Hi Cynthia, thank you so much for your order! I will bring it to the Post Office tomorrow. Happy Poshing Dear 💕
May 04Reply
pakana @laurazcloset Thank you for your appreciation my dear. I am inlove with the jean.
May 04Reply
luckyshaul @pakana You are most welcome! I’m glad 😊
May 04Reply
revivaltreads Hello are you still interested in the GlamRock eyewear?
Jul 01Reply
pakana @kellyleefashion yes am interested
Jul 01Reply
revivaltreads @pakana Hey Girl, I need to cover my wholesale cost I’m sorry.
Jul 02Reply
harmvib hi! i have some tommy hilfiger slides just like the ones you liked but MUCH cheaper! check me out!! ☺️
Jul 07Reply
pakana @harmvib show me the shoes
Jul 07Reply
mrstomommy Thank you for your comment/rating. I hope you like the outfit - I appreciate you! ❤️
Jul 17Reply
mrstomommy I know you liked a few things in my “closet” - a lot of those I just added to a 5 for $25 sale I decided to start today. Just wanted to let you know! Thanks again for buying the Jordan outfit!
Jul 17Reply
pakana @mrstomommy ok do that dear and you are most welcome I am happy for the Jordan too
Jul 17Reply
mrstomommy You can disregard my previous comment! I went ahead and just sent you the same offer for to ones you picked out instead. ❤️
Jul 19Reply
pakana @mrstomommy I just saw your offer but I still can take them
Jul 19Reply
mrstomommy @pakana Ok! I don’t see the bundle on my end anymore so if you want to re-bundle and send me the offer?
Jul 19Reply
ajrodgers1 Good evening! 🌇 Thank you for your purchase of my green Liliana formal dress! I will be shipping in tomorrow to get it to you as fast as possible! Thank you for your patronage! ☺️
Jul 24Reply
pakana @ajrodgers1 Goodevining to you. Thank you for everything I love your closet.
Jul 24Reply
ajrodgers1 @pakana Good Morning! ☀️ Your purchase is out for delivery and should be arrive today! Thank once again for your purchase. Happy Poshing! ☺️💖🛍
Jul 27Reply
pakana @ajrodgers1 thank you. Can’t wait .🤣
Jul 27Reply
ajrodgers1 @pakana Thank you for your kind ratings! I hope you have an amazing day! ☺️❤️
Jul 27Reply
pakana @ajrodgers1 dear am happy for the dress it is true size omg👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Jul 27Reply
ajrodgers1 @pakana You’re very much welcome! ☺️😘
Jul 27Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Aug 29Reply
pakana @spreadlove hello Mellisa and thank you. I will buy from your closet
Aug 29Reply
breescloset251 thanks for liking ❤️! if you’re interested just know I’m open to offers. :)
Sep 23Reply
pakana @justine82899 it’s a lot of money where are you shipping it from?
Sep 26Reply
pakana @justine82899 talk to Poshmark
Sep 26Reply
pakana @justine82899 ok let me no the respons
Sep 26Reply
marie4realdeals @pakanahi, thanks Soo much for liking my hair.. I appreciate it.. pls let me know if you would want to buy it..many thanks n God bless
Oct 01Reply
marie4realdeals @pakanahi Pakana.. 🙋.. thanks Soo much for liking the hair.. i appreciate it..😊pls let me know if you would like to buy it..many thanks..
Nov 20Reply
bydonnywu Sharing some Posh love, happy poshing babe! 💋
Dec 01Reply
thepiperjames Happy Poshing!! 😍 Hope you have a wonderful day full of lots of sales and shares. ❤️🙌🏻🎉😊 Please check out my closet! I have lots of fun baseball caps, beanies, gloves, scarfs and jewelry. 🧢🧣🧝🏻‍♀️🧤
Dec 02Reply
marigeepz Hello 🤗 thank you for stopping by and checking out my closet. Please feel free to make any offer on anything you like. Wish you abundance of success and HAPPY HOLIDAYS 🤗
Dec 14Reply
feda2424 Hi there, thank you so much for for checking out my closet today and liking ❤️ please let me know if you have any questions 🌹
Dec 20Reply
pinky5458 @pakana. Just ship your order i use cushion mailer didnt have actual plastic. Size is 10 1/2 x 16. . that the next smallest size that would fit the items in
Jan 02Reply
pakana @pinky5458 thank you dearest.
Jan 02Reply
cdoja87 Hi Love! Thank you for the rating! I’m glad you loved it and it fit well ☺️💕
Jan 03Reply
pinky5458 @pakana. Thanks for the 5 star rating! Enjoy 😊
Jan 04Reply
pakana @pinky5458 anytime dear
Jan 04Reply
mauratreat @pakana bundle and save! Make offers too I do same day shipping
Jan 08Reply
pakana @mauraguilmette ok I will and thank you
Jan 10Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there! 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Jan 17Reply
morrishousebout Hi! Thank you for the likes! Feel free to bundle and I will make you an offer!!! Happy shopping!
Jan 20Reply
chicsales2803 thanks for liking the items in my closet.Feel free to make me an offer and they will be yours.Thanks and happy poshin
Jan 27Reply
tinita1972 Hi there. Welcome to Poshmark. 🤗 Thanks for liking my Guess sweater. It's really gorgeous. Make me a reasonable offer, if you're interested in purchasing. Happy Poshing.🌺
Jan 31Reply
postmodernpoppy Hi! Thanks for checking out my closet! Cheers, Christina
Feb 17Reply
hilarymill Hello! I would like to invite you to check out my closet! I focus on classic, wearable capsule closet staples and list new items every week! PLUS, I always offer 20% off 3 items or more! Happy Poshing!
Feb 24Reply
daiisyboutique Just stopping by to say hi 👋❤ Feel free to check out my closet, i have both NWT or Preowned items. Dont forget to like or Bundle to save big!! =]]
Mar 15Reply
cdoja87 Thank you for purchasing “Mia” Dress ❤️ I’ll be packaging your item and sending out by mail tomorrow morning. Thank you 💕🌸
Mar 16Reply
pakana @cdoja87 can you please cancel the purchase it was by mistake.
Mar 16Reply
cdoja87 @pakana okay no worries !! ;)
Mar 16Reply
pakana @happyilymarried are you selling authentic ?
Mar 23Reply
pakana Is the cologne authentic?
Mar 23Reply
pakana @happyilymarried like which ones?
Mar 24Reply
erinh1107 Welcome to Poshmark🌸 We’re so happy to have you! 💕 free to check out my closet and if you have any questions I’d love to help💕
Mar 25Reply
craigb64oyd Nice pictures
Apr 01Reply
nanayros You are so welcome, disregard the offer that just went to you,
Apr 15Reply
kims_mart Hi Cynthia I’m out of the state until May 8th, if you’re still interested I can send the heel size when I return. Thanks Have a blessed day!
Apr 29Reply
ritarobinson45 @pakana thank you for the purchase! I’ll keep you updated if I add more size 12 or large pants! Thank you! I will mail out tomorrow ❤️
May 01Reply
pakana @shannondelee I will appreciate thata.
May 01Reply
ritarobinson45 @pakana you are welcome ❤️
May 01Reply
ritarobinson45 @pakana there’s another pair of bottoms on my page size 12 if you want them it’s $6.00. I can tag you...❤️
May 01Reply
ritarobinson45 @pakana hi! Your package arrived! I hope you enjoy your pants! I have a black pair of pants and shorts both in size 12 if you want them! Thank you ❤️💕
May 04Reply
koshik Welcome! I hope you are enjoying your time on Poshmark!
May 15Reply
iseo Hi 👋 Sending Posh ❤️💚💜🦋your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute . Happy to answer questions on Sizing , Texture etc. Not Happy with the listing Price ? Don’t be Shy ☺️, Use the Offer button . I will either Accept or Counter offer . So do Stop by 😊. Thanks and Happy Poshing 🛒🛍🎉🧚‍♀️
May 26Reply
project22 I can mail out the denim overall tomorrow if you decide to purchase tonight. Thanks for your interest.
May 31Reply
pakana @fashionheaux21 make it free shipping Please.
May 31Reply
teegreen398 Hey! Let me know if want to bundle any items with the track suit that you liked, for a great deal!!!!
Jul 08Reply
sparklebeyond Hi Cynthia! Welcome to poshmark. I carry handmade earrings made by myself and handpicked accessories that are unique. Please check my closet when you get a chance. Have a great afternoon 💝🥰🥰
Jul 26Reply
melanie_cuevas Hey ! Saw you liked a couple items ! Bundle 3+ items for free shipping and 15% off !!
Jul 28Reply
fashionqueen561 💕💕💕💕Hᴀᴘᴘʏ Pᴏsʜɪɴɢ ᴅᴏʟʟ!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 sʜᴀʀᴇᴅ & Fᴏʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Aug 19Reply
meredithj17 I’m selling 2 pairs of Roshe Runs in my closet ‼️
Sep 02Reply
biancalgee Hey 👋🏽 Love your closet! Come check out my closet for some more great deals, there’s more where that post came from! 🤗 Wish you the best with your listings and finds on Posh
Sep 24Reply
pakana @johnyweber I like your closet
Oct 04Reply
pakana @johnyweber I like your bikers you do for men only?
Oct 04Reply
pakana @johnyweber ok let me introduce you to my boyfriend.
Oct 04Reply
pakana Sure
Oct 04Reply
pakana @johnyweber hie what kind of meterial is the orange jacket
Oct 06Reply
bfashion1 @pakana Hello, when you get the chance come take a look at my closet I have a great selection of women, men and children items.  I have all different sizes in many different colors and choices. . Today sale: Bundle your items and take an additional 50% off excluding anything marked with a 🍁. Please come back often as I love to shop to bring fresh product to my closet all the time Thanks in advance for looking 🥰❤
Oct 28Reply
celestreasures Hello 👋 I hope you are enjoying Poshmark. I stopped by to let you know about my Black Friday closet sale. When you buy one item, you will receive 2nd item for $1. Please check out my closet for this great deal 🔥. Thanks 🙏
Nov 29Reply
mr_gs Hey there! This is a kindly message. I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items, so I think some of my listings will meet your style. There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me! Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like. All the best for you. :)
Feb 19Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! ✨✨
Mar 17Reply
kathryn1214 Hey! I would love for you to come check out my closet sometime, I think I have some dresses you may like. Happy poshing💛.
Mar 26Reply
mariamg3 hi! were you able to pick up the package?
Jun 06Reply
pakana @mariamg3 Yes honey I love them . Thank you.
Jun 06Reply
alexd181 are you interested in purchasing a nike sweatshirt? If so checkout my closet...I have one.
Jun 11Reply
alexd181 hey thanks for adding the sweatshirt to your bundle. Submit an offer with your best price and i will try my best to accept. Thanks
Jun 16Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Jun 18Reply
kharismasales I need your shipping information for the lace wig
Oct 29Reply
mentalwealth @pakana thanks for the offer. can you please update your payment information on poshmark.
Nov 06Reply
sbluebunny Hi there! I see you liked two items in my closet. I currently run a sale offering 20% off on all NWT items including the ones you liked😉 If you are interested just add them to a bundle and I'll send you the offer ✌🏻 Happy Shopping 🛍
Jan 31Reply
diamond501 @pakana If your still interested, I can change the discount to $5.95.
Mar 22Reply
sunny_yasii WELCOME, be sure to check out my page ☺️!
Apr 27Reply
scorpiomvp I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər| ShopSmall ∞,ShopMyCloset for way less ∞ ShopLocal + ✅ Verified Google Business Owner 🌍❤️ follow explore🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🌈🌈🌈
Jun 17Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jun 28Reply
savyshopper22 Hi Cynthia, Thanks for visiting and liking the Womens NWT UNDER ARMOUR ACTIVEWEAR CAPRI SET!!! If you're interested in purchasing it I've sent you a discounted offer with discounted shipping 😊🥰 GO TEAM USA!!!!
Jul 16Reply
ksaunders014 Hi there! Please feel free to check out my closet! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing! 😊💕🎉
Jul 20Reply
savyshopper22 Hi Cynthia 👋, Thanks for re-visiting my closet and liking this NWT UNDER ARMOUR ACTIVEWEAR USA 🇺🇸 SET! If you're interested in purchasing this set I've sent you a discounted offer with discounted shipping 😊🥰 ! Get ready for the OLYMPICS & GO TEAM USA 🇺🇸!!
Jul 22Reply
trendycouple Hi Cynthia, thanks so much for the like on the Diesel jean! We really appreciate you visiting our closet! We sent you a discounted offer if you’re interested. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Have a great day!😊
Aug 23Reply
jordanmar1e Thank you for purchasing my shoes! I am planning on getting them shipped out tomorrow :)
Aug 26Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely🌸 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals ! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy Poshing ❤️
Mar 22Reply
lapatatedouce @pakana Hi, hope you are having a nice day.🤗 💐Please come and visit my closet & if your total purchase is $50 or more or if you like 3 items or more ,I will put them in a bundle and I send you a special discounted offer of 20% off on your total plus discounted shipping & I will give you free gift 🎁 🤗💐🌺💕🎁
Apr 07Reply
houseofeatl Thank you so much for your order. I will shop on Monday.
Jun 11Reply
pakana @houseofeat You are welcome. Thanking you in advance.
Jun 11Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jul 16Reply
king_kouture Hey Doll! I’d love for you to take a look at my closet @king_kouture 👑. I carry a lot of the brands you love ❤️ 💕... great discounts on bundles... 5 ⭐️ Posh Ambassador and fast shipper! Happy Poshing!
May 15Reply
808kdramafan @pakana thank you liking the 4 home decor. Please bundle and I will offer you a much lower price. Thank you.
Aug 26Reply
thriftwgrace Hi Fellow Posher – I’m just stopping by to say Hello and check out your closet. When you have a moment, please check out my closet as we have a little eye candy for everyone. Thanks much, Grace. @thriftwgrace
Dec 12Reply
kdleeper33 Hey I sent u an offer just now on 2 items that u liked but I was thinking I’m going to add more tonight(I hope🤞)so dont accept it if you want to possibly bundle anything else.) I was just thinking about the shipping, caa a use it’s too much if u only buy 1 thing. Either way, I’ll quit now!) 😆
Mar 05Reply
hysandlows Hello Cynthia I see you liked a top I posted. Please read description and be sure you understand what you are getting.
May 13Reply
ilovejuliesjems Hi, lowest I can do on the JUICY PJ is 15% off. Your bundle will be $68. Let me know. Thank you.😊
Jun 05Reply
fashiongirl749 These jeans are even more ornate than the first pair that you purchased from me. They are decorated just beautifully. Thank you for checking out the closet again.
Sep 23Reply
sobecrashpads Hi I have a miss sixty sweater you like on sale
Dec 04Reply

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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Far Rockaway, NY
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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Far Rockaway, NY
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