Meet your Posher, Daisy
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Hi, I'm Emily, a Posh Ambassador 🌻 I just wanted to welcome you to Poshmark. I'm always looking for new listings to share and browse and more people to shop my closet. Check out my closet for sales: 💠 🟣 🌿
Happy poshing and feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have 😊
Nov 13Reply

Hi 🥰 Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to take a peek in my closet in your spare time ! I have a variety of items and sizes available! Also❣️If you are looking to enhance or add to your closet, I sell “RESELLERS BOXES” as well! Let me know if you have any questions, Thanks and HAPPY POSHING! 🎉
Nov 18Reply
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