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Updated Mar 27
Updated Mar 27

Meet your Posher, Dakota

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Dakota. Some of my favorite brands are J. Crew, Nike, and kate spade. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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jovish and 2 others like this
triciatx @dakotagatton Welcome to Poshmark!!! ❤❤❤ This is my niece and I am very protective of her. NO SCAMMERS OR SPAMMERS! She is looking for good deals on American Eagle Outfitters Skinny Jeans in size 4 😊 My beautiful niece ⬆⬆⬆ @vickyss @happystore @hrachal
Mar 27Reply
vicky_ymcagirl @triciatx girl I got 'cha! 👍🏻 Hi Dakota, I'm Vicky Love your aunt! 💕 If you need help and can't get in touch with her please feel free to give me a shout! 👌🏻
Mar 27Reply
hrachal Hello Dakota! I'm Heidi...a friend of your aunts. Welcome to Poshmark!
Mar 27Reply
triciatx @dakotagatton Did you get those jeans???
Mar 28Reply
happystore @dakotagatton Hi and welcome to the Posh community. Sorry for introducing myself a little late😯. I'm Christine and first off you a wonderful aunt @triciatx 😘 if you ever need help or have questions I'm here to help out whenever I can. Thats if you can't get a hold of tricia first😉
Mar 29Reply
triciatx @dakotagatton Your mom never let you buy something that night??? Tag me in a listing you want. I will buy it. Then sell it to you for $4, so you can just use your $10 credit. ❤
Apr 22Reply
triciatx @vickyss My niece added her 1st items for sale. She didn't even tell me. I just noticed. I did have her delete one item that was not pc. If you would share her items that would be so awesome. Thanks ❤❤❤
Apr 25Reply
vicky_ymcagirl @triciatx 😂 I just read the post above this one!! You are such a good aunt!! 😘 and of course I'll share that sweet one's closet!! 💖
Apr 25Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Hey friends, we have a young new posher with a PC closet! 👏🏻 when you have a few minutes drop by and show the love! 💕🤗 ( she is Tricia's niece @triciatx ! 💖 ) @bdbcsr @tezza630 @kbarkhimer @restlessangel @koreandolly @sunmommy @prelovedworks @kwalden01 @creative2 @jodisjewelry @lisa2644 @exwolfe @warrior04 @ptl8 @nic39 @stylenu @kenzie_alexis @tburg21
Apr 25Reply
thechicbohemian Hi there, Dakota! Welcome! Try not to stay up too late (boy oh boy, do I stay up late and browse. ;) I'm Jessica. I'll help you grow your network however I can. These gals will also, I'm sure. Allow me to introduce you to Karin- @karint and Elena - @onisifora.
Apr 25Reply
thechicbohemian Thank you for sharing Dakota's new closet, @Vickyss.
Apr 25Reply
restlessangel Hello My Dear! I just wanted to swing by & Give you a HUGE welcome! If you ever have any questions, please contact me at anytime! I am always here for my PFFs! XOXO Check out @poshuniversity & @official_forum for creat info closets & good reads. Happy Poshing!
Apr 25Reply
exwolfe @triciatx @dakotagatton Nice to meet both of you, I am Cindy. Happy to share and find new share friends. Thank you @vickyss for the tag
Apr 25Reply
kbarkhimer Welcome to posh Dakota! Thanks for the tag vicky! @vickyss
Apr 25Reply
creative2 @dakotagatton Hi and a big WELCOME to Poshmark! You'll love it here & will meet so many nice Ladies! (Thanks Vicky for the intro @vickyss)💐Stop by any time if u have ?'s; always glad to help. Most of all, just have FUN! Happy Poshing.💕💓😊
Apr 25Reply
tezza630 Hi! I'm Tari - Welcome! - you'll love it here! 👠💄👗👛 TY Vicky! Along with those that @vickyss mentioned, here are a few more of my favorite Posh ladies! 💚😽 @jimsprincess @meboutique @wowenpyon @mystyle2 @jzel39 @elleemann @redumbrella @katolarae @mrz_breezy @abstractdreams @vintage_lass @virago @dinofinder @flowersnmyheart @cacloset @foundforyou @matana @allyoop23 @plump_petunia @clark2510 @berta456 @imthedesertdiva @thrifthappens @kookc @heatherban @kcford24
Apr 25Reply
51twenty Hi Dakota! I love your name. I'm Carolyn! It's so nice to meet you. Welcome! Hey, follow me and feel free to tag me if you have any questions. I do recommend you checkout @official_forum for lots of good information at your fingertips. Consider also subscribing to PM's blog at One other helpful tip: Share, Share and Share some more. Exposure = Sales. Happy Poshing!💜Thank you @tezza630 👜👛👡
Apr 25Reply
plump_petunia Welcome to Poshmark!! 😊
Apr 25Reply
virago Hello Dakota!! My name is Raci and would like to say hello and welcome you to Posh. Thanks Tari @tezza for the introduction! You will find she has recommended some great closets. Please check out @poshuniversity and @official_forum where you will find a lot of helpful information for those new to Poshmark. Best of luck to you and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
Apr 25Reply
virago @tezza630 uh-oh. Your 630 disappeared. ^
Apr 25Reply
tezza630 Hahah Raci - @virago - you're funny. It's happened before. And there actually is a posher named *tezza! Lol! 💚😽
Apr 25Reply
onisifora Hi, Dakota! Nice to meet you. Welcome to PM. Hope you'll enjoy it here! ❤️
Apr 25Reply
pink_bee Welcome to posh😽
Apr 27Reply
triciatx @dakotagatton Add a bundle discount of 10% off 2 items. It encourages sales. Plus buyers like to bundle since shipping is so expensive.
Apr 30Reply
triciatx @dakotagatton share every listing in your closet at least 1x/day if you can. The best time to share is at 9pm or a little after. You share every listing to the party and also to your followers.
May 11Reply
triciatx @dakotagatton What happened to the earrings?
May 20Reply
dakotagatton @triciatx I sold them on another site
May 20Reply
triciatx @dakotagatton Well, look at you miss thang! Where? M3RC?
May 20Reply
shopaholicsss Hi there❣ thanks for the like! let me know if you're ever interested in purchasing anything so we can work out better pricing (:
Jul 01Reply
jovish Hello !! Welcome to POSHMARK and thank you for the ❤️ on the Hunter Boots. It comes with 5, free $10 or less items in my closet. Have a beautiful weekend💃🏻💃🏻
Jul 16Reply
dakotagatton @triciatx what does it mean to have your listing be added to a bundle? My new shorts post have been added to 3 different bundles and I'm confused
Jul 26Reply
triciatx @dakotagatton That means someone was likely about to purchase more than 1 of more of your items. When you see someone add to a bundle, then message them on that listing. Say, "Hi I saw that you added this to a bundle. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks:) Dakota"
Jul 26Reply
triciatx @dakotagatton Sometimes I will tell people that I am running a special. You can say that shipping is half off through ???. If it is a single item they are interested in, then you just tell them to offer you $3 less for half off shipping.
Jul 26Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, La Prairie, Vince Camuto, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Sep 17Reply

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Last Active: Feb 25

San Marcos, TX
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Last Active: Feb 25

San Marcos, TX
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