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Updated Sep 18
Updated Sep 18

Meet your Posher, Dan

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Dan. Trying to spread the message of finding joy, healing and self love. The world needs more of each. If you don’t purchase anything, I hope I at least brought you a smile today 🙂 Also trying to find my own new style. By the way, is this what Eminem was rapping about?
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dianesteinberg Your "closet" is just fabulous - it's actually how you are putting this together - I don't need mens clothes but I would love to post your page on mine - Simply because it truly bring a huge smile, that you are clearly enjoying what you have done with your pictures - the clothes are great and so are the prices, but...PEOPLE HAVE TO SEE THIS TO ENJOY HOW YOU CREATED A UNIQUE CLOSET - with your permission I would be happy to post this as a "MUST SEE TV" entertainment . I am very impressed, Diane
Aug 11Reply
justsomeptguy @dianesteinberg I don’t think I can express in words just how impactful this message is to me. Thank you so much for the kind message and you absolutely have my permission ❤️
Aug 11Reply
sarahc105 By far the best closet on Posh I’ve seen!! Glad I stumbled upon your page. Best of luck! 😊
Aug 11Reply
dianesteinberg @dbraugh2 Dan, I am so thrilled and enjoyed this so much - Love to share your original and awesome "closet" - Too good- the only right thing to do is to share these!❤️Diane
Aug 11Reply
justsomeptguy @sarahc105 thank you so much Sarah ❤️
Aug 11Reply
ab7589 Such a breath of fresh air! Love your closet,wishing you the best :)
Aug 11Reply
dianesteinberg I'm working on my idea - 😂🎸😂🤪🎸
Aug 11Reply
centexfashionco if awards could be given for the funniest, big giggles, and best lighthearted closet it would be you! Wishing much success.
Aug 11Reply
relove_preloved Best closet ever!!!
Aug 11Reply
dianesteinberg Dan, I just have to send this to more people, my friends, etc - It's late (east coast time) but after your life was shattered, you are doing something to start putting the pieces back together again. It is not easy and it will take time, but you are using your talent and creativity to make a bit of money - not your "average" seller who has pictures and information - awesome work, Diane
Aug 11Reply
midwest_italian You have that humble coolness, ❤️love everything about it. Thanks for making me smile 😊.
Aug 11Reply
nene_glam4u Had to share your closet…love the humor in the pain!
Aug 11Reply
ckobaya Best closet ever!!!
Aug 11Reply
toohaute2handle Following after I saw you posted on my Fcb poshmark seller's group. 😂 This is the best seller page ever and I just had to follow .
Aug 11Reply
artisanofsass I love your unique take on your closet! I hope you find the peace and fresh Starr you're looking for ✌️
Aug 11Reply
socothrift Your pictures are cracking me up, thank you! Sharing with my followers!
Aug 11Reply
off2yellowstone What an awesome closet! Welcome to your fresh start. You're headed in the right direction! Sharing your fun & amazing closet! 🥳
Aug 11Reply
closetbynatalie You are making the posh community proud! Love your sense of humor …we should all be less serious and have this kind of fun! Good luck on a New Year and new start. I think it’s going to be a good one!
Aug 11Reply
eyebeautifeye Found your page from someone sharing it. I gotta say your closet is amazing and made me smile today You are truly an inspiration! Wishing you all the best and Happy Poshing!
Aug 11Reply
kdepittsburgh Your closet is so fun!! Amazing marketing job! 👏 😊
Aug 11Reply
thestylehunt ha! love your profile! I sent some shares your way.
Aug 11Reply
mkandjscloset Thanks for the laughs! Your closet is great!
Aug 11Reply
ludaphonz What a great way to start my day with a laugh! This is the best closet ever. What a great sense of humor. I hope this ability to be lighthearted and see the funny side of things helps you through your difficulties ! I will share as much as I can !
Aug 11Reply
brickbrats Keep going're amazing! Your closet and your personality are refreshing.
Aug 11Reply
vsbootique LOVE IT!!!!
Aug 11Reply
cbednarek22 You win the Poshmark fun award. 🏆 Best closet hands down.
Aug 11Reply
brendas228 Awesome closet. Thank you for your fresh new approach. Best wishes to you as you go forward. You will be fine with a great attitude like you have❤️
Aug 11Reply
auroradeals Your pictures and descriptions are so creative! You are a breath of fresh air 🙂 I see good things in your future! Keep doing what your doing 🙂 Wishing you much success!!
Aug 11Reply
lisa1653 love your closet, not sure what my favorite pic is, but it might be the Cubs blanket. I can only see greatest coming from you ♡♡ Lisa
Aug 11Reply
yeti_mama_1718 your closet was shared on a social media group for sellers that I was looking at today. I love the fact that you have done such an awesome job with your listings and also love the fact you are facing life with positively the best outlook. Sharing for others to see that you can rise above anything if you put your creative mind to it!!.. Good luck with everything!
Aug 11Reply
turtlewhisperer Someone posted about your closet on Face book, so I had to come and see it for myself. Awesome, great job! I wish you all the best with your fabulous closet! Thanks for the smile!
Aug 11Reply
anitabonita23 I love this!
Aug 11Reply
chestoftreasure Your closet has absolutely made my day so much better. It's fabulous.
Aug 11Reply
alexpmahl Obsessed with your closet. So fun & creative 💕
Aug 11Reply
eclecticheart76 Wow! You are great! I absolutely love your creativity, your willingness to be silly, what a great vibe!!!
Aug 11Reply
chrissyhideaway You have done a great job with the closet and good things will come your way. Love it, keep it up!!!
Aug 11Reply
sherripiper07 you have the best posh closet! I'm sorry about your bad luck last year. but, I think you found your calling. marketing. or to be one of the top sellers on posh! do you do live shows? if not, you should. I would love to watch your lives. please let us know if you do. I will be sharing your closet with my followers too. your closet would brighten anyone's day. Thank you for bringing a breath of fresh air posh. I wish you much success.
Aug 11Reply
dianesteinberg Hi Dan - such great comments about your unique closet - I'm going to try the post on my closet in a different way - The info about your closet was okay, but the link had to be copied and pasted - I'm going to try in a different way to send it out from my closet but where the link goes directly to you without cutting and pasting🎸🎸🎸Diane
Aug 11Reply
justsomeptguy @dianesteinberg thank you so much!! Is there anything I can do to make it easier to share? I’m still getting a handle on how Poshmark works and the ins and outs. I wish there was a way to reply all. I’m struggling to find the words to express the level of gratitude I feel right now. This has been very unexpected. My parents are in town for the weekend for the first time in quite a while too 😂 I will be more responsive in a couple of days ❤️
Aug 11Reply
eristemama Yours is the best closet I've seen on Poshmark! Absolutely brilliantly fantastic! 🤗
Aug 11Reply
dianesteinberg Dan, enjoy your visit with your parents - one place to check out is Also see if they have info about bulk sharing - I can share my entire closet in 10 minutes - used to take about 2 hours. Enjoy your weekend - I'm hoping to see.our grandchildren this weekend - saw them last week, the joy of playing, is amazing - they're about 19 months old & 4 1/2 years old!
Aug 11Reply
tracylynn0710 Laughed today. Thanks!
Aug 11Reply
buffys_mom Love your closet. It’s simply original, funny and if this doesn’t up your sales then We don’t stand a chance. Good luck 🍀 and kudos.
Aug 11Reply
rubydoo2019 You’re creating quite the stir Dan- great closet!
Aug 11Reply
hernamewaslola2 By far the best Posh closet!! ❤️❤️
Aug 11Reply
charmgypsy Shared some of your items! Your closet is so cool and glad to find it. It definitely brightened my day. Sending posh love and good luck! 💗🥳
Aug 11Reply
attireinspired Welcome to poshmark! I absolutely love your closet! Don’t change anything about it. Following and sharing your listings in hopes it brings you more sales and moo-lah! ♥️
Aug 11Reply
dianesteinberg Dan needs our help - ❤️Thank you to so many people who have shared his closet - Please, getting some sales would be so fabulous. I have no money but I have a need to help others - So, Please, let us do what we can to help Dan get some sales. ❤️Thank you to all of the wonderful Poshers here - Keep on doing anything you are able to❤️Diane
Aug 12Reply
muthaluvvintage love your closet....please stop by and say Hi !!
Aug 12Reply
ttimeout70 You’re a legend! And you have a bit of a fab club on a Poshmark public page where you have 216 Likes and Hearts and counting for your closet! I’m sorry about what you’re going through but with your wit and great attitude I think you’ll find transitioning to your new reality won’t be as hard as you might think. Hi new friend! Or at least I hope we can be friends. Shannon 😊
Aug 12Reply
eclectic_artist Hi Dan, Love all your original pictures! It’s nice to meet you. You have a beautiful closet!! 👋❤️🌎♻️ spreading the Posh Love💕 Happy Sales🍀
Aug 12Reply
justsomeptguy I wish there was a way to thank every single one of you individually. At the moment I’m still at a bit of a loss for words. I have been working on some creative content to post on social media starting this next week that will include Poshmark related material (Instagram and TikTok). I am going to put out a post on Monday addressed to you all ❤️❤️
Aug 12Reply
lauraly40 Love your closet and your humor! Keep looking up, life will get better. Will continue to share your of luck to you!
Aug 12Reply
sparklesresells Best closet I’ve ever seen! Amazing!! I hope this year for you is the best yet!
Aug 12Reply
sparklesresells The banana peel under the shoe is the best!
Aug 12Reply
justsomeptguy @sparklesresells hahaha thank you! Using whatever I’ve got to be creative. That banana peel is going into the hall of fame
Aug 12Reply
dianesteinberg @dbraugh2 Hi Dan, can't believe I slept past 1 pm - Are you getting any sales from Poshmark? I think I should send out another major message....Also, I don't know if you have enough items to sell after these are sold, but I do have other ideas about this. Enjoy your weekend❤️Diane
Aug 12Reply
justsomeptguy @dianesteinberg Hey! I have made a couple of sales! 🙂 About 1/4 of my closet right now are items I found thrift shopping these last few weeks. I planned on continuing to do that to keep my closet inventory going. Honestly kind of fun to search for nice gems. I’m always open to ideas!
Aug 12Reply
dianesteinberg @dbraugh2 Wow - thrilling - There is one idea that I have - I have a massive box of mens jeans and button down shirts - once you have some money, I could fill a box - sell it for $3 plus postage - it would cost you about $11 but this would clear up space - I have tons of children's clothes also. Anyway, if you are having fun thrifting that is fine also - have to keep up adding items - then you should look into doing shows - you would be great at it - there are tons of shows - Glad you sold items
Aug 12Reply
justsomeptguy @dianesteinberg that is so kind of you! I can keep that in mind over the next week or two and see how things go 🙂 I’ll definitely be doing posh shows….tbh that sounds like it would be a blast. I have some creative ideas already that I want to do 😁😁 I’d love to do some with others in the Poshmark community as well! Looking into how they work this weekend and likely starting with them this next week 😛
Aug 12Reply
justsomeptguy @dianesteinberg I can neither confirm nor deny that I am really excited about the shows….about to let this freak flag fly 😂
Aug 12Reply
dianesteinberg @dbraugh2 My husband wants to just make some room, and so many bags and boxes with good clothes - you would be great, starting with share shows is a great idea. I think you would be great - yes, let your freak flag are so creative with unique and fabulous ideas🎸🎸🎸Diane
Aug 12Reply
jrmaan @dbraugh2 very fun closet!! 😜
Aug 13Reply
adele2030 @dbraugh2 I would love to do a show with you. We are. Crazy Adele and Mr Jay. My husband. Just stumbled on your page I believe things are happening For a reason. We have been doing posh live shows since March when you joined With as I put it a “God Thing “. Unbelievable. Fun …love to help you get started and share ideas 💡 @adele2030 Have a Great Sunday
Aug 13Reply
justsomeptguy @adele2030 I planned doing starting up live shows this week and would love to join you! I am really impressed with the Poshmark community and think it would be fun to be collaborative as much as possible 😁
Aug 13Reply
dianesteinberg Dan, I may have gone overboard with my creations about your ties - just let me know if I did. Congratulations on your creativity and I see a great future with your Posh closet🎸Diane
Aug 13Reply
justsomeptguy @dianesteinberg oh no you’re fine 😂 I just haven’t been able to respond yet
Aug 13Reply
sodanggoodvibes Amazingly creative! Bravo 👏
Aug 14Reply
panamarubia Hey, Dan!! And the award for Best Poshmark Closet goes to you!! I LOVE IT!! And it seems to be the same thing everyone else thinks in your comment section.🤩🥳 Words cannot describe how creative you are. Your closet has so much character & charisma! I can tell that you’re a fun person to be around. Thank you for sharing with us and here’s wishing you have a brighter future ahead.
Aug 15Reply
panamarubia If you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Sending you good vibes for many sales…Happy Poshing! xoxo, Janeth
Aug 15Reply
dianesteinberg Dan, your closet is great - your creativity is fabulous, using yourself selling but adding your unique touch makes wandering around so much fun. I see you have more items, which means I see more of your creative poses. Just remember me when you make your fist million🤣🤣🤣 The offer I mentioned about mens clothes still stands - the sizes are 32 waist, and the shirts are Medium. A full box would be $4 plus postage - I get a dollar and you get 5 lbs of mens clothes - Creativity is awesome! 🤣Diane
Aug 22Reply
justsomeptguy @dianesteinberg Hi! I have so many ideas up in this noggin’ that I had to start writing them down lol I will absolutely take you up in that offer! Same waist measurements at me too so that works out even better for modeling 😁
Aug 22Reply
dianesteinberg Hi Dan - I set up a listing - I sent it to you as a bundle - you can either offer $4 for it, or, just "like" it and then I can send an offer to you for $4 - I'll be shutting down soon for the evening. Happy Poshing🤣Diane
Aug 22Reply
justsomeptguy @dianesteinberg offer sent! Thank you so much, Diane!
Aug 22Reply
dianesteinberg @justsomeptguy Jeans are so heavy - anyway, I'm sending a package with jeans, pants, at least 4 shirts - the companies are bonobos, 7 for mankind, van Heusen, etc - you should definitely have it by the weekend.
Aug 22Reply
justsomeptguy @dianesteinberg thank you!!! ❤️
Aug 22Reply
dianesteinberg @justsomeptguy You're very welcome - just don't rate me on packaging - they are not wrapped up with bows and ribbons - Using a poly mailer allowed me to put more than the post office boxes would😂 I'm leaving and won't be home for a few hours - I'm so glad I can do this!
Aug 22Reply
kellyroske Hey Dan, Isn't funny how life decides for us when we have to make a complete change. I know I have been there. Only 48 short years of experience and life still decides my direction for me usually. But, you just make that lemonade and pick yourself up. Good for you for doing just that! Now, your closet is awesome. I LOVE IT! I don't have a need for men's clothes but I just turned on my notifications so I can be alerted whenever you add something new. Just for that smile. Thank you for You! Kelly
Aug 24Reply
justsomeptguy @kellyroske Hi Kelly! Thank you for the kind message! It took almost 37 years to finally learn the lesson and skill of letting go. Still not always easy. The realization that life is a ride we are all on. All we can control is what we make of where that ride takes us. Love yourself first and you’ll start to see everything you have and not what you don’t ❤️ cookin’ up some more ideas that I’m excited about 😁
Aug 24Reply
mcata45 Welcome and thanks for the visit...Stop back we can help
Aug 24Reply
ptrunner99 Hi! Just dropping by to say your closet is probably my favorite on poshmark.
Aug 25Reply
justsomeptguy @ptrunner99 thank you! 🙂 glad to hear it!
Aug 25Reply
dianesteinberg Dan, Thank you so much for the 5* rating - and the comment you left is so wonderful...You are very much appreciated - you bring a fresh side to your listings💙Diane
Aug 25Reply
erinblaylock I love your listing pics ❤️ So fun and creative.
Aug 25Reply
justsomeptguy @erinblaylock thank you! I just discovered the short video option on listings….I feel like a kid in a candy store
Aug 25Reply
erinblaylock @justsomeptguy That’ll be an amazing feature for you, I think 😆
Aug 25Reply
dsantamo Best closet I have ever seen on Poshmark! I am just starting and barely have the energy to take a photo, never mind pose in the items for sale! I am sitting around literally staring at hundreds of unused items in my room! Can’t get motivated! But boy you sure did! Good Luck to you!!
Aug 28Reply
justsomeptguy @dsantamo thank you for the kind words! When I first started listing items it became clear right away that doing this within the norm didn’t excite me or keep me interested. And I need that kind of energy to stick with something. Started out with just one listing I posted that made me laugh and snowballed from there. Can’t force creativity so I just list whenever a random idea comes into my head. I’ve got a good amount of inventory to list still lol
Aug 28Reply
justsomeptguy @dsantamo forget the norm, Denise! Do things your own way 🙂
Aug 28Reply
dsantamo You are doing a great job! I start a listing and instead end up purchasing more pocketbooks which I am up to about 100 now. I have to get moving as my funds are dropping rapidly! Thanks for the inspiration! 🌈💕🐾🐾
Aug 28Reply
dsantamo Thank You!🌈
Aug 28Reply
licore01 Great closet... brings a smile may face...
Aug 29Reply
backporchideas @justsomeptguy OMG! 🤣😂🤣😂 Thank you for the much needed giggles and chuckles after a hard days work! I love your creativity!
Aug 29Reply
justsomeptguy @backporchideas you are very welcome! Welcome to my brain 🤣
Aug 29Reply
tracyleigh Very creative closet!!! Happy Poshing! 😍
Aug 29Reply
jessicabrede Best closet ever! Thanks for making my evening. It is a delight to share your stuff.
Aug 29Reply
kurarte So glad I stumbled across your closet! You’re so hilariously clever 😅 What a pleasure! Thank you and wishing you all the very best 🤗
Aug 29Reply
luxuryreclaimed your closet is awesome! i got sucked in looking for more ties to read their darn bios, that was brilliant!
Aug 29Reply
diannamarie76 Great closet!
Aug 29Reply
tudie11 I saw a post in one of my groups about your listings and just had to look you up. And was worth it! My spousal equivalent used to have his own closet and your descriptions remind me of some of his. Wish more would get back to the lighthearted parts of this business, too much meanness and hate in of everyday world to need to extend it here. Thank you for all the effort you exerted to make me smile!
Aug 29Reply
shopofclosets Hello 😃 your shop was recommended on bookface, so I had to take a peek. Love it! You are obviously a funny person with a great sense of humor. I thoroughly enjoyed going through your closet. I have a great network of posh friends who are always helping people. If you ever want to go Live (assuming you don't already) and would like a co-host, please feel free to contact me. Have a great day 😁 thanks for the giggles.
Aug 29Reply
justsomeptguy @tudie11 100% agree. I was stuck in a negative perspective on life for a long time because of all the vitriol that gets thrown around in todays world. Life is too short to take everything so seriously and could use more lighthearted fun and joy. If I can spread some of that around to help light up some of that darkness then saddle up! 😁
Aug 29Reply
justsomeptguy @shopofclosets absolutely! I don’t have the ability to do live shows at the moment and am on the waitlist. Not at all familiar with doing live shows but it’s something I’m really curious and excited about. And very happy to work/collaborate with like minded people!
Aug 29Reply
justsomeptguy @luxuryreclaimed hahaha it all started with Raspberry Glaze as a random thought one night. That tie made me want a donut in the moment and my brain took it from there 😂
Aug 29Reply
justsomeptguy @jessicabrede thank you so much for the kind words!
Aug 29Reply
justsomeptguy @tracyleigh thank you!! ❤️
Aug 29Reply
justsomeptguy @diannamarie76 thank youuu!! ❤️
Aug 29Reply
luxuryreclaimed @justsomeptguy i have to admit, i never shop on PM, i'm only here to sell my own stuff, but i had to go back and read all of them last night, i totally related to the charm and wit of it😉
Aug 29Reply
michelles12 Definitely brought a smile! You are hilarious!!
Aug 30Reply
_ready_set_posh Hi Dan, thanks for the follow! I am a PT too!!
Aug 30Reply
justsomeptguy @michelles12 thank you! I have to say, your cat looks less impressed 😂
Aug 30Reply
justsomeptguy @_ready_set_posh Hey! Happy to follow! I actually just stepped away from the PT field officially yesterday to pursue other endeavors. Probably need to change my name to JustSomeGuy now 🤔
Aug 30Reply
_ready_set_posh @justsomeptguy congratulations on trying something new! Keep the name, PM limits how many times you can change it. Let the next name change come naturally!
Aug 30Reply
jlsw6 Might be the best closet on Posh! 😆🥰
Aug 31Reply
leahperry320 OHHH EEEMMMMM GGGEEEEE! What an amazingly unique & awesome way to display your items for sale! I particularly LOVE the fact that the ties have names, personalities & some type of social stigma or disorder!! Hilarious, truly!!!
Aug 31Reply
justsomeptguy @leahperry320 thank you! Wonder if I should be concerned that they all originate from my brain 🤔
Sep 01Reply
leahperry320 @justsomeptguy “I’m afraid so. You’re entirely bonkers. But, I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.”
Sep 01Reply
avks You closet is seriously LIFE 😂😂😂 Forwarded to my husband for a chuckle and hopefully he finds something he likes. Seriously 😂🙌🏻😂
Sep 01Reply
justsomeptguy @avks hahaha thank you! Doing the listings this way can be pretty time consuming so it’s really nice to hear the positive feedback!
Sep 01Reply
malikbarnes Hands down the most creative closet on Poshmark! No one comes close! It’s a must I purchase something from you.
Sep 02Reply
justsomeptguy @malikbarnes thank you, Malik! I have around 15+ items I still need to do photos and create listings for. Just let me know if you are looking for anything in particular 🙂
Sep 02Reply
malikbarnes @justsomeptguy Will do. I see a couple of things my size. I’ll probably make a bundle soon.
Sep 02Reply
krystalmcc1621 👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day ☀️and many sales 🧾!!
Sep 03Reply
lynncobb Stumbled across your closet this morning. LOVE IT. You are so fresh and funny. I will be sharing.
Sep 03Reply
justsomeptguy @lynncobb thank you! 🙌🏼🙌🏼❤️
Sep 03Reply
cyndlyn Hi Dan, thanks for checking out my closet. That brought me to yours, and I love your listings. You found a way to be unique, and that is very impressive. I am a chronic sharer, so I will be sharing out your items regularly. 😁
Sep 03Reply
justsomeptguy @cyndlyn Thank you, Cindy! I’ll do my best to return the favor! Not easy to keep up haha
Sep 03Reply
kutekloset2 Hi Dan, yes looking at some of your pictures made me laugh out loud! Have fun ( because isn't that what it's all about?) and make some money too!! Take care, Nancy :)
Sep 03Reply
justsomeptguy @kutekloset2 wouldn’t it be great if we could make money simply by having fun? 😉😄🙌🏼
Sep 04Reply
cyndlyn haha, no worries. I'm just heavy-handed with the share button. I don't place any expectations on my fellow Poshers. I like to see people get creative. 😁
Sep 04Reply
lisakay100 Happy Poshing, I’ll Check out your Closet & You can Check out my Closet‼️
Sep 05Reply
jenne1968 Hi Dan, welcome to Poshmark and best of luck to you!
Sep 05Reply
adiel1949 Dan thank you so much for following me. When you have a chance please visit my closet as I’ll be adding more men items within this coming days , and you never know what you might find. I was no selling for 3 months since I came to San Antonio to babysit grandkids and see an oncologist and left most of my items at home in El Paso, Texas. Blessings to you and you
Sep 06Reply
adiel1949 Love all your action pictures. You definitely have a sense of humor!
Sep 06Reply
justsomeptguy @adiel1949 thank you, Leticia! I’ll definitely keep an eye on your closet in the coming days!
Sep 06Reply
analorenabalkin Just doing my usual 4am sharing and so happy to have stumbled on your closet! Best closet ever, especially the ties!!! 😂
Sep 06Reply
justsomeptguy @analorenabalkin thank you for your kind words! Victor especially appreciates them, even if it feeds his pretentious attitude
Sep 06Reply
cutehosiery @justsomeptguy Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 06Reply
maisontrouve Your closet is amazing. Love that you name all your ties. Brought so much joy scrolling through your things. I called my husband over to see if he needed anything! Alas, he is not your size. Thanks for the smiles. Have a great weekend.
Sep 08Reply
masala_mama Blown away by your creativity and sense of humor!!!! Love love love your closet!!!! Wishing you nothing but the best!!!💕🫶🏻
Sep 08Reply
lemonpye MOST CREATIVE CLOSET EVER! Thanks for sharing. All the best to you. -🍋🥧
Sep 08Reply
heidismithaz I hope you do something creative and exciting for work because this closet is unreal!!! Literally made my day…. I’m sharing to my twitter, Pinterest etc etc… 🙌👍🏻👌🏻👏👏 ( i don’t have enough emojis to express this) 😂😂
Sep 10Reply
justsomeptguy @heidismithaz @lemonpye @masala_mama @maisontrouve thank you for the kind words! Up until the end of August I had worked as a physical therapist for the previous 10 years. This is just me kind of tapping into my creativity for the first time since I was a kid 🫠
Sep 10Reply
merriam9 Love your closet.
Sep 10Reply
marciajv43 I too, like the hundreds of others, stumbled into your closet and found it to be so original and entertaining! I shared many of the pictures that were funny. It seems like times are getting to be a struggle for the human race, hope your year is turning around with the buzz you have created on Poshmark! We pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and find a way to carry on, and you sir have some creative bootstraps. Thanks for making me laugh tonight! I salute you! 🫡😆❤️
Sep 12Reply
candynv2021 Your closet is Super creative and unimaginably fun!! Your ideas made me smile many times over!!! I will gladly share your items to make the Posh community smile and hopefully bring you tremendous amounts of sales!!! Hope this year brings you happiness and tons of smiles 😊! Best of luck to you!!
Sep 12Reply
justsomeptguy @marciajv43 @candynv2021 thank you for your kind words and support! ❤️❤️
Sep 12Reply
paradiseprov Oh my goodness-I spent hours looking at your listings and laughing. Thank you for that spot of humor. I will be sharing so more people see how great your closet is. AMAZING!!
Sep 12Reply
elainecampbe875 I am on occupational therapy assistant
Sep 12Reply
justsomeptguy @paradiseprov thank you so much! Glad to have sparked some joy 😁
Sep 12Reply
justsomeptguy @elainecampbe875 that’s awesome! PT and OT are very under appreciated helping professions. Good people in those professions. I’ve stepped away from PT recently to give myself a much needed break from it. After a decade of giving of myself to the profession and to my patients, I ended up in a space where I didn’t have anything left to give others, let alone myself. Too far gone to adjust how I did things and still be in it 🤷🏻‍♂️
Sep 12Reply
elainecampbe875 @dianesteinberg I was fired because I was 9 months pregnant and medically I couldn’t take the vaccine nor did I want to chance something happening to my baby ! I had been a Cota for 13 years been stay at home mom for 2 years in December!
Sep 12Reply
dianesteinberg @elainecampbe875 I'm sorry for what happened - you assume you contacted unemployment, a lawyer, WIC (for food) - depending on your finances you can probably get medicaid - you'll get food stamps, medical treatment including glasses, hearing, etc - also contact food banks and ask these places what other benefits you can get - I believe you may get free phone, internet, cable, etc. Good luck to you, Diane
Sep 12Reply
elainecampbe875 @dianesteinberg I fought for unemployment for a year finally got it with back pay 10000 then they say I owe it back now . 😂 I do get wic but that is all . Turns out my husband got a job about 9 months after I was let go and he makes enough I can stay home I got food stamps for a couple of months but that was all . No lawyer would take my case in KY ! So dumb ! Oh well I get stay home now with all 7 of my kids 5 bio and 2 bonus !
Sep 12Reply
elainecampbe875 @dianesteinberg It is what is 😂 I stopped worrying about it was only by the grace of God we survived the 8 months until my husband got a better paying job because he was only bringing home 300 to 500 a week maybe 600 if he worked 70 hours !
Sep 12Reply
elainecampbe875 We are blessed now and even though I believe I should have a wrongful termination case since before this I treated like crap because my now 4 year old was a premie had to have brain surgery and I had to miss work to take care of him and take him to apt and I got written up 2 times due this being out of my control and with all His medical issues not very many daycare would keep him .
Sep 12Reply
elainecampbe875 That place was horrid ! They treated the residents like crap and I went home daily crying because I was constantly worried about the lack of care and respect they received plus I worked in the same dept as my mom we were both Cotas and it affected our relationship we are better than ever now
Sep 12Reply
dianesteinberg @elainecampbe875 What a blessing to have so many children. I would have loved to have a third child, but we could not afford it - fortunately we had two wonderful boys Best wishes, Diane
Sep 12Reply
marciajv43 @justsomeptguy you are most welcome!
Sep 12Reply
dianalucca Wow your closet is so fun! Good luck to you in sales and in life ✌️
Sep 15Reply
happykampershop Saw your “Prince” listing and had to come visit your closet since that was one of the best Chapelle episodes ever. I never expected to be binging closet listings but here I am lol. Keep up the great creativity and I hope everyone comes by to appreciate the great humor and clothes
Sep 15Reply
justsomeptguy @dianalucca thank you! ❤️
Sep 15Reply
justsomeptguy @happykampershop hahaha the Prince and Rick James skits are two of my favorites. Game….blouses 😂 thank you for the kind words and binging my listings! It’s taken some work lol
Sep 15Reply
lisamichelle67 Your closet is so original!! Love it!!
Sep 15Reply
oliviaami Dear @63ffcfbeb208631a61a7fb7b , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Sep 16Reply
oliviaami Dear @63ffcfbeb208631a61a7fb7b , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Sep 16Reply
gypsy_jojo I don’t know what is cooler…You or your closet! You’re hysterical! Take it from someone who has survived many of life’s most trying circumstances because of my sense of hunter….You win at survival!
Sep 17Reply
julesmcjam Fun closet. 🤣
Sep 17Reply
tf111507 Do you want this helmet you keep sharing?
Sep 17Reply
04jeepgrl Best closet on Posh! Love it. ❤️
Sep 18Reply
charlessolom998 I always have to check out your closet, because your fun pictures make me smile. I like some of you clothes too. Awesome job!
Sep 22Reply
justsomeptguy @charlessolom998 thank you! Working on one right now that makes myself laugh 😂
Sep 22Reply
dawnmueller70 Hi Dan! Thanks for following me. I think everything wonderful has already been said about you! I read every single comment and they are all true! you’re awesome!! Keep up the amazing work 😊
Sep 24Reply
justsomeptguy @dawnmueller70 thank you, Dawn! I appreciate it immensely 🙂
Sep 24Reply
jewelry_heaven Hey there, I hope you are enjoying Poshmark as much as I have. If you have any questions about selling please ask, as a Posh Ambasador II. I can help with most questions you might have. BTW. There are some stunning jewelry pieces in my closet over 2500 fine jewelry items that will surely match with your style or make a nice gift to your Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Girlfriend or anyone around you ;) Holidays are Coming!! All items come in the Gift Box and we size rings for free.
Sep 26Reply
sherihen Just looking at some of your clothes and reading the little notes on the bottom. Thank you for the laughter Dan❣️
Sep 27Reply
justsomeptguy @sherihen you are very welcome! I like to hide little bits of my humor throughout 😁
Sep 27Reply
armyt Love your closet, and what a beautiful message in your personal description. Keep on going and spreading the love.
Oct 01Reply
justsomeptguy @armyt thank you! I fully intend on doing just that 🙂
Oct 01Reply
windycitywahine I love your message and the presentation of your items in your closet! 5⭐️s for originality!
Oct 03Reply
styledlist Your listing photos are awesome 😂 and best of luck with your closet! 🥰
Oct 03Reply
tamkatarindo What a fun closet! Good luck to you.
Oct 06Reply
coconutsparks What a ray of light and positivity!!! It’s great to know that there are people that are truly spreading kindness, and love. 🫶🏼❤️🫶🏼 Happy Poshing🥰
Oct 09Reply
justsomeptguy @coconutsparks thank you! ❤️
Oct 09Reply
shopper411411 Hello! I sell both Men and Women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions.  I offer bundle deals of 20% on any 2 items or more. Happy Poshing! @Shopper411411
Oct 12Reply
esposiae Just the closet I needed to stumble upon today! Love what you’re doing and the message you’re spreading. Thanks for the cheer you’ve brought me today!
Oct 12Reply
noostephdle You’re awesome.
Oct 13Reply
driftywood Oh man, your closet is really cracking me up! It’s great, what a sense of humor! Thanks for following mine (pretty boring), BUT, I am having a clearance sale, 5/$25❤️‍🔥. That’s hot! Check it out, see if there’s anything you like! 🌸😁
Oct 14Reply
threetabbycats 🎈 Congrats on co-hosting tomorrow’s 🩴👗 DESIGNER POSH PARTY! 💃👗 👠If you’re still looking for 🎉Host Picks🎉, I have big closet with 500+ quality pieces including the following brands in your party: A.L.C., ALL SAINTS, JAMES PERSE, MICHAEL KORS, L.A.M.B., MARA HOFFMAN, MARC JACOBS, THEORY, TORY BURCH, VERA WANG, VINCE, and WILFRED! I hope you’ll peek at my closet and consider some things for Host Picks. I’ll be sharing your closet to my followers & wishing you much success! 🎉
Oct 15Reply
luvmy5js Best closet ever! I love it ❤️❤️ I hope you have an awesome week!
Oct 15Reply
ziznick30 Congrats on hosting the Designer party! I’m ready to party with you😊🎉
Oct 16Reply
myhacker456 💚💛💚💛💚💛 Congratulations on your hosting. Check out my closet for a host pick.💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛
Oct 16Reply
leighbh Love your listings!!! You are hilarious! You definitely brought a smile to my face today! Thank you! Love your mission! Thanks for spreading joy!
Oct 16Reply
cloudninecloset 🎉 🎉Congrats on Hosting Designer Posh Party! 🎉🎉 We would appreciate you considering our items for your Host Picks! 💕🌸💕 We shared your closet items with our followers! 💥 Happy Poshing! 💜🦄💜 God Bless! ❤️🙏🏻
Oct 16Reply
dressedupcat Your listings/pics rock!
Oct 16Reply
ditooshop @justsomeptguy Congratulations on cohosting today's Best in Designer Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. All eligible items are at the top of my closet. Thanks
Oct 16Reply
needfulthyngs @justsomeptguy Hi Dan! Love your very unique closet! 😀 Congratulations on hosting the Designer Brands Posh Party! I have Coach, Kate Spade, Michael Kors, Paige, and Ugg items. I would love it if you considered any of them for Host Picks. Thank you, wish you good luck, and see you at the party! 👍 🎉🎈💃🥳
Oct 16Reply
lindseylind88 Congrats 🍾 on hosting! All of my designer items are at the top of my closet - any of which I’d be INCREDIBLY GRATEFUL to have chosen as a host pick!! Good luck 🍀 and HAVE FUN 🤩!! XOXO, Lindsey
Oct 16Reply
xtinamtfer @justsomeptguy OMGosh LOVE LOVE L♥️VE your closet!! I seriously want to ♥️like everything so I get notifications anytime any of your listings drop, feature, sell. I’m refraining from looking at them all to avoid an uncontrollable stitch from laughing too much, too hard.
Oct 16Reply
lz007 Respect for going all in on your modeling & marketing career. Double for bringing a sense of humor in these trying times (and sometimes challenging sales prospects). Carry on!
Oct 16Reply
erinmevans @justsomeptguy Okay, so I may or may not have just read through every single sold and unsold listing in your closet because you are so hilarious! 😂 Definitely a hidden treasure on Poshmark!! @manish should definitely know about you! 😉🥰Wishing you much luck with your sales here, Dan!! Xoxo🧡🍂Erin
Oct 22Reply
justsomeptguy @erinmevans lol that is some dedication! I like to hide little humor gems in the listing descriptions so you have won the day. It is a very big Poshmark ocean. I’m just over here cracking wise to whoever will listen 😂
Oct 22Reply
tammyk289 You are a legend! I’m honored to see you are following me back. Much love & wishing you lots of sales! ❤️
Oct 30Reply
justsomeptguy @tammyk289 a legend!? That’s concerning. I am notoriously terrible at giving directions. Thank you for the kind words! Happy to have found my way to this community 🙂
Oct 30Reply
aboutfacewest Love your freakin' guts! Not like bravery guts, just your guts. Good to know there's still others w/ imaginations & that we're not the only jerks. Taking a chance here saying that, (based solely on sense of humor translating through Posh posts(oh dear god)) that you won't take offense &that you've already picked up what we threw down, because we think you've done a spectacular job here🙂 Wishing you many sales & happy tales, all the best to ya! Basil & Olivia
Nov 02Reply
justsomeptguy @aboutfacewest I don’t even know where in your comment I would take offense to anything! Thank you for the compliment! I too love my guts, aside from the occasional Taco Bell experience
Nov 02Reply
aka85 Your closet made me smile and laugh!!!! I’ve shared with my fellow posh family members. Keep up the positive messaging! Wishing you all the best. 🧡
Nov 05Reply
1908glueklane Your pictures are hilarious. So clever! Really enjoyed!
Nov 08Reply
Nov 09Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 10Reply
ig0000 Thanks for following and sharing my closet. I’ve shared a few of my favorites from your closet. Hopefully this will bring you sales and followers. I have lots of new in the box items, new and vintage jewelry, unique items some hard to find as well as gently used clothing. Something for everyone. LOVE an item not the price make a reasonable offer I will accept or counter with my best offer. You don’t know unless you ask. Happy Poshing! Wishing you much success with your sales.
Nov 25Reply
acelestialsoul Wow!! 🥳🎈🥂🍾Congrats on hosting the Everything Big, Tall & Plus party! Count me in. Please pop over and 👀check out my closet. I’ve got pieces that you might ❤️love for🏆 host picks. TYSM See you at the p.a.r.t.y.🎊 🎉 🎂 💋Tricia
Nov 25Reply
kimmye892 Congrats on hosting! ⭐️🍁🎉😊❤️
Nov 25Reply
threetabbycats 👗💃👗Congrats on co-hosting the EVERYTHING BIG, TALL, & PLUS POSH PARTY! If you’re still looking for🎈💃Host Picks💃🎈, I have a large closet full of gorgeous, up-scale and vintage pieces, INCLUDING MANY PLUS SIZE WOMEN’S PIECES! I’d be delighted if you’d consider something for a Host Pick. I’m sharing 25 from your closet now & wishing you many sales! 👗💃👗
Nov 26Reply
ditooshop @justsomeptguy Congratulations on cohosting today's Plus Size Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. All eligible items are at the top of my closet. Thanks
Nov 26Reply
crp60 🎉Congrats on hosting the upcoming Everything Big, Tall & Plus Posh Party. would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a host pick. thanks for considering. good luck. looking forward to the event.♥️
Nov 26Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick. Thanks
Nov 26Reply
jillianchristia Yay!!! Wanna trade?? 🥰🥰🥰 Congrats co-hosting this super fun party! Would you mind stopping by my closet for a possible host pick? I’ll be sure to return the love when I host December 2nd & 3rd! Thanks so much and have a great party! 🙏🙏❤️❤️🎉🎉👍👍🥰🥰🍾🍾😍😍🎊🎊🤩🤩
Nov 27Reply
hibiscusshop 🎉🎉🎉 🎈🎈🎈 Congrats on hosting 🍁🍁🌞🌞 🌻🌻EVERYTHING BIG, TALL, AND PLUS POSH PARTY! 🎉🎉🎉 Have fun! Please consider one of my listings as a host pick. Thanks! 😊 🍂🍂🍁🍁🛍🛍🎉🎉
Nov 27Reply
lindseylind88 Congrats 🍾 on hosting! I’m excited to do it again next week! I’d ❤️ a host pick, if possible. I have TONS of Plus items at the top of my closet! Good luck 🍀 and HAVE FUN 🤩!! XOXO, Lindsey
Nov 27Reply
turtlewhisperer You're amazing! Thanks for the Sunday smiles 😃 💚🧡
Dec 03Reply
catchnrelease BEST CLOSET EVER!
Dec 03Reply
absurdauctions Your page is absolutely Awesome. Thank you for so many smiles and laughs. Now to go back and see what to buy. Hope you will check us out. Ryann and Jim 🐉🦋😎🤩
Dec 05Reply
redlipsara ❤️♥️💜❤️ LOVE what you’re doing here! Inspiring to have a little more fun in life!
Dec 05Reply
chilesc2 Hi, congrats on hosting! I would love if you browsed my closet for a potential host pick! I will be there to shop, share and support! Thanks so much and happy poshing!💕🛍🥂🎀
Dec 18Reply
threetabbycats 👗💃👗Congrats on co-hosting the BEST IN SWEATERS & TOPS POSH PARTY! If you’re still looking for🎈💃Host Picks💃🎈, I have a large closet full of up-scale and vintage pieces! I’d be delighted if you’d consider something for a Host Pick. I’ll be at the party sharing, too! Wishing you much success and many sales! 👗💃👗
Dec 19Reply
carguia GM. Please take a look at my closet. Lots of cute items for your 🥳 🎉 🪅 🎊 🍺  today. THANKS!!😍🥰😍🤩 @carguia
Dec 19Reply
emms_corner Congratulations on cohosting!🎉🎊 I would really appreciate it if you could stop by my closet and take a look for maybe a potential host pick. Thank you and have a wonderful party!✨
Dec 19Reply
ziznick30 Congrats on hosting Best in Tops & Sweaters! I’m ready to party with you😊🎉👔🎽👚👕
Dec 19Reply
downpourwpaint WoW!!! BRAVO! Most entertaining closet ever! You are famous already! Thanks for making my day! :):):) kc@downpourwpaint
Dec 19Reply
ditooshop @justsomeptguy Congratulations on cohosting today's Best in Tops & Sweaters Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. All eligible items are at the top of my closet. Thanks
Dec 19Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting! Would u please check out my closet? Thank you.
Dec 19Reply
acelestialsoul 🥳Wow! Congrats on hosting the Best in Sweaters & Tops 🌟 party! Count me in. Please pop over and 👀check out my closet...I’ve got awesome, pieces that you might love for🏆 host picks. TYSM 🎊 🎉 🎂 💋
Dec 19Reply
aikl1027 YAY, a huge congrats on the Posh party!!! Here to celebrate with you 🥰💕🎉 Have a wonderful rest of your day! ❤️Ana
Dec 19Reply
joey_jets 🤣You’re outrageously Funny ! great closet! thanks for sharing my listing
Feb 23Reply
rllittle1 Thank you so much for sharing my closet!!
Mar 03Reply
jsandel411 love your page! You have great editing talent! based on your profile name, are you a PT? must be, only PT's are this cool! (obviously, I am a PT as well, lol!)
Mar 15Reply
justsomeptguy @jsandel411 haha thank you. I was for around 10 years. Life has been rather challenging and transformative in the past couple of years. Taking me in some new directions I think. PTs are (and will always be) the best though imo
Mar 15Reply
billiesk55 Thanks for sharing something from my closet! Yours is awesome! I going to like something so I can bookmark your closet! And I’m going to follow you on Instagram! Keep on spreading the kindness! 😊❤️
Mar 15Reply
relove_repeat 🤩 your a star!! great closet, very creative and fun! Happy Poshing. ✌️🌈
Mar 17Reply
alexandereli444 Good morning justsomeptguy😃. Thanks for checking out and sharing my closet. Awesome closet you really put a big smile on my face this early early morning. . More PJ bottoms posting. Thanks. Enjoy your Sunday.
Mar 17Reply
littleeurope Welcome, your closet pics are hilarious 😂 how do you end up with that? Happy poshing 😀
Mar 18Reply
sunlovin1 Best posh clear of ever
Mar 19Reply
justsomeptguy @littleeurope thank you! How do I end up with those types of listing pics? Usually just a little nugget of an idea from anything. Could be related to the clothing item or sometimes I have a banana with breakfast and my brain takes it from there 🤣
Mar 19Reply
justsomeptguy @alexandereli444 glad to hear that! The PJ listings are probably my fav too lol I’m on the lookout for any more that spark that rather interesting part of my brain 😂
Mar 19Reply
justsomeptguy @relove_repeat @sunlovin1 thank you for the kinds words! 🙂
Mar 19Reply
sunlovin1 @justsomeptguy just so much fun!! you have the gift if making others smile!! priceless!!
Mar 19Reply
alexandereli444 I bet u know that u brought smiles and joy to each and everyone of us. Such a cool and fun closet. You just inspired me since I’m a newbie here and learning so much on how and what to do. Poshmark is really fun , you connect with a lot of good people of course aside from making dough. . Thank you. U rock 👏👍👌😊
Mar 19Reply
peakscottage Genius!
Mar 22Reply
riley_dudley You are awesome! Love your closet!!!!
Mar 22Reply
threetabbycats Congratulations on co-hosting the FOOLPROOF FASHION POSH PARTY! If you’re still looking for🎉 Host Picks 🎉 I have a large closet full of up-scale and vintage pieces. I’d be delighted if you’d consider something of mine for a🎉Host Pick. 🎉ANYTHING YOU PICK WOULD BE GREAT! 🎉 I’ll be at the party sharing, too, and wish you much success and many sales!
Mar 31Reply
aikl1027 YAY, a huge congrats on the Posh party!!! I’ll be there to celebrate with you 🥰💕🎉 Happy Poshing and have a wonderful rest of your day! ❤️Ana
Mar 31Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting. Please check out my closet. Thanks -Karin
Apr 01Reply
Apr 01Reply
menageatrice Your new self -- AWESOME! I'm 70 yrs old and believe w can change our lives any time we need to. Gumption! Good for you! Let me know if you do any more shows....
Apr 01Reply
needfulthyngs @justsomeptguy Hi Dan! Congratulations on hosting the “Foolproof Fashion” Posh Party. I would love it if you considered any of my listings for Host Picks. Thank you, wish you good luck, and see you at the party! 👍 🎉🎈💃🥳
Apr 01Reply
ditooshop @justsomeptguy Congratulations on cohosting today's Fool Proof Fashion Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks
Apr 02Reply
acelestialsoul 🥳 Congrats & Thanks for Hosting The🃏FOOLPROOF FASHION 🤡 Party! 🙏 Please pop over to my closet to check me out for host 🏆 picks… I’d be over the moon 🌜✨to be featured! See you there.🎈
Apr 02Reply
jillianchristia Congrats hosting tonight’s party! Would you mind stopping by my closet for a possible host pick? Thank you so much! 🎊🎊🥰🥰🎉🎉💙💙😍😍🥳🥳👍👍🙏🙏😀😀❤️❤️
Apr 02Reply
happybeachlife BEST. CLOSET. EVER. Thank you for making me smile! 😊💕
Apr 02Reply
lindseylind88 Congrats 🍾 on hosting! I hosted this afternoon, & looking forward to again on the 7th & 11th - such fun!! I’d be thrilled if you’d consider anything from my closet for a (MUCH NEEDED) host pick!! Good luck 🍀 and have fun 🤩!! Posh Luv, Lindsey
Apr 02Reply
estephenson67 🤣🤣🤣 You're too funny!!! Thanks for the smile's, I needed it!!! keep spreading the joy😊
Apr 14Reply
billiestephens1 You’re a mess…. And I mean that in a dang, you’re too cute! Love your spirit! You certainly did brighten my morning… Happy Poshing!
Apr 19Reply
darkmtntreasure Hey, Dan! 🙋🏻‍♀️Love your closet, your comedy, and creativity! Hubby and I scrolled through your listings over breakfast and had some great laughs..Good luck with your sales and keep it going! 🎉😅👍🏻
Apr 20Reply
jeremybb1977 thanks for the shares
May 01Reply
jeremybb1977 I also see so cartoon figures, did you see that old 1995 Buzz Lightyear I have? 12' bro it's an awesome piece,
May 01Reply
taappers @justsomeptguy, your closet posts are fabulous!!! So creative!! Great job! Will be sharing and following for sure 😀
May 17Reply
aquaangel Fantastic closet. Absolutely love your artsy, funny style. Your creativity brings joy to others 👍😎😀. Happy poshing
May 24Reply
ljc1983 Dan!!!!!! Your Closet is SPECTACULAR!!!!!! I absolutely LOVE your creativity!!! Well done, my friend!!!!! Thank you for the smile, and literally laugh out loud!!!! 💕 Laura
May 29Reply
bradlav Where in tarnations have you been all our posh lives!? I’ve had the most fun viewing your closet! ☺️🥰
Jun 07Reply
couturefunk @justsomeptguy 💫 I had to drop in and tell you how much I appreciate your creativity & beautiful outlook. I’ll be sharing your closet especially so more people can have the pleasure of finding YOU!! Keep shining your light Dan. You’re making a big difference! ✨💖✨
Jul 11Reply
kamilakaf Love your page, made me smile!
Aug 03Reply
suzannez1 Great photos!
Aug 07Reply
jennyft Hands down Poshmark's funnest, most adorable and original closet!! 😍😍😍
Aug 31Reply
tatikash77 Your closet literary ROCKS, man! 🤘Love all the creativity and positivity!!! Happy to share with my followers!
Oct 17Reply
thriftlark I don’t follow back all the Americans who follow me (I’m assuming it’s some sort of algorithm PM is using) but something drew me to change countries for you (I CHANGED COUNTRIES FOR YOU!) and have had a lovely morning laughing about your posh antics. What a fab smart way to change up the narrative here on Posh. I’ll keep changing countries for you so I can check back up on what you are doing! Xo
Oct 18Reply
justsomeptguy @thriftlark I don’t tend to respond back on here because the Posh commenting system isn’t the greatest. Even though I really appreciate kind words being directed my way. BUT YOU CHANGED COUNTRIES FOR ME! 🤣 Thank you for your words kind words!
Oct 18Reply
k_wix You are definitely the best closet on Poshmark!! I shared your closet on Pinterest and of course my daughter. I’m also sharing it with my son in law who is in the movie business. You remind me of him and his short clips. Thanks for making my day!!
Oct 18Reply
kiksan Hahahaha your pictures are great! Love them!
Oct 19Reply
goodvibesposher Ok, I think it’s fair to say…you win Poshmark 😂 Loving the creativity, the photos, and the naming/description for your ties. Keep all of it up. Thanks for the smiles and good vibes today!
Oct 19Reply
meggymeg677 You, sir, have the best posh closet to date.
Oct 22Reply
classandcloset Dan…..OMG you deserve a “best Poshmark Page” award!!!😂🙌🙌 Your photos!!! I can’t 😂🤩 They are amazing!!!🙌
Oct 23Reply
debrish Your closet is amazing! I can't believe what you do with your listings! VERY CREATIVE! It made me smile for sure!
Oct 27Reply
ajmiranda789 Heyyyyyy What's Good Dan 🫡🫱🏽‍🫲🏾
Oct 28Reply
justsomeptguy @ajmiranda789 🙋🏻‍♂️what’s happenin AJ!
Nov 02Reply
justsomeptguy @classandcloset hahaha thank you. Can I make a request for the award to be in ribbon form? I’ve always found trophies to be too grandiose
Nov 02Reply
jolicoeur112 Very creative, great job
Nov 03Reply
sherisue33 Your closet is spectacular! 🤩 Eminem is our hometown hero and YES you nailed it! LUV the 72/73? Challenger or Cudda?
Nov 25Reply
justsomeptguy @sherisue33 thank you! And I wish that car was real and able to be called mine. It’s 100% random AI generated classic muscle car to be the background for those “So you think you can dance” audition photos
Nov 27Reply
friendsfashion Love your closet/listings! what a wonderful sense of humor & smile😁 Keep up the positive vibes💙
Dec 10Reply
tabithagraber Love your closet and all the great pics & poses! lol
Jan 13Reply
missink3383 🎉 🥳 🎉 Happy January Dan🎉 🥳 🎉 Wishing u many wonderful $ales😀 🛍️ Happy Poshing 💕 Missinks 🥂 Serah
Jan 24Reply
fulkster70 Man, I love your message and your closet!
Jan 30Reply
fulkster70 Commented earlier. But I just have to say that the way you list your items is great! Love the addition of humor to your posts 🤣😆
Jan 30Reply
justsomeptguy @fulkster70 thank you! 🙂
Jan 30Reply
chezaidee Browsing your closet is like watching a variety show. You’re hilarious! Thank you for the smiles - and at times cackles of laughter
Feb 12Reply
justsomeptguy @chezaidee lol variety show! That sounds fun 🤩 happy to bring some smiles and laughter to your day!
Feb 12Reply
katiebethe19 hahahaha i love your edits 🤣😭
Feb 17Reply

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