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Updated May 11
Updated May 11

Meet your Posher, Dana

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Dana. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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chiappoc Welcome! Stop by sometime! 😃
May 19Reply
domore2me2 Sure thing will do again :)
May 20Reply
msjrafferty @domore2me2 hey there dana! i wanted to let you know that i shipped that adorable little slip out to you yesterday. i haven’t seen it tracking yet but :sigh: unfortunately, that seems to be the norm lately. i don’t know WHAT is going on with the postal service, but often the first tracking i see on a package is upon delivery! 😡 nonetheless, rest assured, it’s on the way. it should be two day service from FL so i’m hoping you have it friday, saturday latest. i hope you love it! jill
May 21Reply
domore2me2 Thank you for the heads up!! I will be looking for its arrival.
May 21Reply
dshanno Hi Dana! Welcome to Poshmark! I am a Posh Ambassador let me know if you have any questions I would be happy to help you. I hope you have a wonderful week!😊
May 21Reply
msjrafferty @domore2me2 hi Dana, just checking in. I am getting concerned. i have seen nothing in the postal service tracking system at all about your package. i’m assuming it has not yet been delivered? they ALWAYS at least scan it upon delivery, because those boys want to get their money 🙄 please let me know if it shows up.
May 23Reply
msjrafferty @domore2me2 unfortunately there’s no mail delivery monday, but if it doesn’t appear by tuesday, i’ll go down to the PO and raise a li’l hell. i am so sorry this is happening. it’s really stressing me out, can imagine how YOU feel. ❤️ jill
May 23Reply
msjrafferty @domore2me2 for your reference, here’s the tracking number: 9405 5102 0206 1124 8384 92 😊
May 23Reply
domore2me2 Has not been delivered yet.
May 23Reply
marilynjackson welcome to poshmark
May 25Reply
jillwilliams140 Hi there💖. Your vintage half slip is mailed and on its way to you. I enclosed a little gift. Thank you for your purchase have a sweet day. Jill💖
May 27Reply
heyitsme_julia Hey Dana! Just wanted to say good morning & welcome to Poshmark!! I offer 25% off for first time customers!! Sincerely, Julia xx 🌸
May 28Reply
jillwilliams140 Dana, thank you for your purchase and the super sweet rating note. I appreciate this very much! Have a sweet night. Jill💖
Jun 03Reply
rileigh_mak12 Hey, I’m currently doing free shipping on bundles I would love for you to checkout my closet I also accept most offers :)
Nov 29Reply
msjrafferty @domore2me2 hey there, dana! it’s jill 😊 i remember that you love my lingerie & sleepwear...especially the cute i wanted to let you know that today only, all lingerie & sleepwear - even vintage - is Buy 2, Get 1 Free! i have lots of new items, almost 100 pieces to choose from. the sale ends at 10pm tonight, so hurry on over to my closet and check it out! i’d love to see you pokin’ around in there again! 😊❤️ jill @msjrafferty
Jan 03Reply
linda1949cm 🌺Even though you have been with Poshmark for awhile Dana, I just wanted to stop in to say Hello. Best wishes on buying or selling. Hope you and your family are doing ok during this pandemic. Have a great evening. ❣️poshmark Ambassador Linda
Feb 24Reply
vintageclost @domore2me2 Hello! Unfortunately, after packing the slips with the school supplies, the package is way overweight by 8lbs. What I can do is send everything out in two separate packages. So I can cancel this order, and make two new listings one for $25 and the other for $25 and then ship it like that. I can ship it all at once, but I will have to charge you for the weight. I think it would be cheaper for you if I just split it into two separate packages. Let me know what you would like to do :)
Feb 25Reply
domore2me2 @vintageclost Hello, oh the things we must do at times :) G0 ahead and spilt into 2 and let me know please? Thank you!!!
Feb 26Reply
domore2me2 @fire_glow_gem Thank you for the comments and greetings,,,
Feb 26Reply
vintageclost @domore2me2 Thanks so much for understanding! Just cancelled the original and created 2 new ones on my closet. I tagged you :)
Feb 26Reply
vintageclost @domore2me2 I can get them both shipped tomorrow morning! And I'll throw in a free half slip. So sorry for the inconvenience ☆☆☆
Feb 26Reply
domore2me2 @vintageclost Cool beans!!! I think we got it. It tyook me a few minutes I am multi tasking here. I am still atttempting to get water back in the house after the storm this past week, this and most of all eating :)
Feb 26Reply
domore2me2 @vintageclost by the way Thank you very much!!!
Feb 26Reply
vintageclost @domore2me2 Oh my goodness!! I hope your doing okay over there 🙏 You will be in my prayers :) Have a wonderful evening
Feb 26Reply
angelalfrazier thank you for your really, truly nice comment on your purchase from me! you made my day! kind words are so wonderful to read! take care!!
Mar 03Reply
cstonebraker Hi Dana and thank you for your purchase of the slips! I will get them packed up and in the mail this evening when I get home from work!
Mar 15Reply
cstonebraker Thank you for the ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating! So glad you like them and glad they found a new home! Wear them in good health.
Mar 19Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  Adding new stuff weekly!
Mar 19Reply
llathleticwear Hi! Hope you’re enjoying the Poshmark community. I sure am 😊 I would love for you to check out my closet!
Mar 19Reply
krislaw511 Thank you for your kind words and I am so happy you like them and the shells. Have a great weekend.
Mar 20Reply
mar112233 Hey Dana!! Just wanted to let you know I carry a ton of Free People, Michael Kors, Vince Camuto, Lucky Brand, Anthropologie and many more designer brands, all NWT and all at 50% - 70% off retail prices. I am open to offers! I hope you are having a wonderful week💗💗 Meg
Mar 24Reply
goodenboyss Hello Dana, Thank you for supporting a 6 year old girl business, we appreciate all the help we can get. As for your order, Unique will package it for shipping. An I will ship it out today before I go to work. Thanks again from the Gooden Family
Apr 01Reply
jackiejems Hi 🙋‍♀️ Thanks for giving me a 5 Star Rating 🙏💕🙏💕 I’m glad you’re happy with your purchase and my services. Most of all, thanks for leaving me such a sweet comment. It means a lot to me 🤗💕🙏 Wishing you all the best 💐💎🌷🍀
Apr 05Reply
goodenboyss Thank you, we appreciate your feedback. We just added New clothes for the past 2 days and adding more tomorrow. Thanks again.
Apr 06Reply
msjrafferty @domore2me2 hey there, it’s jill 😊 just a quick note to let you know i’m having an amazing sale today through the weekend: 50% off bundles of 3+ items plus free shipping on bundles of 5+ items limitations: items already on sale are excluded, as are the gucci & jitrois leather & fine jewelry. everything else is up for grabs! i’m not one to pester my buyers - but i felt i’d be remiss if i failed to let you know. hope to see you there! 😊❤️ jill
Apr 16Reply
msjrafferty @domore2me2 hey there, dana! how ARE you? i’m glad you came by. anything i can help you with? by the way, i got FABULOUS feedback on that butterfly slip on instagram - it’s a classic! 😊❤️ jill @msjrafferty
Apr 16Reply
msjrafferty @domore2me2 hi dana! it’s jill! i’m so glad to hear that you love your slips! i’m always on the lookout for nice ones, especially with you in mind. i value your business! ...
Apr 23Reply
msjrafferty ,@domore2me2 ... thank you for taking a moment to leave a rating and a review. it means a lot, and it’s so good to have the feedback. i’m glad, too, that you like my packaging. i figure that buying something online is buying a gift for i wrap it as such. i like to have fun, and i like to make it fun for you! til next time, 😊❤️ jill @msjrafferty
Apr 23Reply
kimberlycruell Hi, thank you for the great rating. I really do appreciate your purchase. I recently lost my job during the I'm doing my best to stay afloat. I really enjoy selling my items, so by all means do stop by again. I will be posting more great items shortly, so stay tuned. Thanks again
Apr 27Reply
shit001 hi Dana thank you so much for the purchase unfortunately that nighty was sold and for whatever reason the app keeps not marking some of my items I apologize, I didn't realize it till now
Apr 30Reply
shit001 please feel free to choose 2 more items in its place of your liking or of course you could cancel the order if you like let me know,just like any 2 items under 9 dollars and I will add to your other purchase thanks
Apr 30Reply
rhonda_anne Have a blessed year!
May 13Reply
luvmee40 Customer Alert, My biggest sale ever, additional 30% off already reduced prices. Everything from Ralph Lauren to Giorgio Armani. Over 1,500 girgeous high-end items to choose from. Click the heart under the item you want to buy and I will send you the discounted offer. Come shop till you drop! You won't be disappointed. Pennies on the dollar!
May 19Reply
melllaaa_2011 Hey there! 👋🏼 Welcome to Poshmark! it’s great to have you here! If you don’t already love it, you will soon! Feel free to check out my closet, I offer great deals and most likely have your favorite brands and styles in my closet! Happy poshing!
May 30Reply
lovenarf Hi Dana. It looks like your style and interest match some items in my closet. I have new, retro and vintage in various sizes. Please take a few minutes to stop by. I appreciate it greatly.
Jun 13Reply
amywhip Thank you 😀. I will mail your purchase tomorrow.
Jul 13Reply
pearlyocean Hi, thank you for your kind comments and 5 stars. I’m so glad that you are happy with this beautiful slip. I hope you have a great week! Regards😀
Aug 26Reply
tdhilyard Thank you so much for the great rating and for your kind words! 😊 It’s very much appreciated. I’m so glad you are happy with everything. It was such a pleasure working with you and I look forward to working with you again in the future. Have a wonderful day! 🌷
Aug 26Reply
tcflorida @domore2me2 Hi, Thank you so much for your purchase! I will do my best to get it out in today's mail. Cici.
Sep 08Reply
poshcountry Thank you for your purchase today! I will get that out for you tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening!
Sep 13Reply
domore2me2 Thank you very much, you are a sweet heart!!! Have a wonderful evening.
Sep 13Reply
poshcountry @domore2me2 Thank you so very much for your wonderful rating and comments. I’m so glad you are happy with your purchase! If there’s anything else I can do for you please let me know. Have a wonderful weekend!🙂
Sep 17Reply
pitzfan I had to go out of town to take care of my father who is very ill. I will send your purchase when I get back home.
Sep 29Reply
domore2me2 @pitzfan I understand and this is fine with me. FYI Poshmark may hound you though. This happened with another purchase that I made a few weeks ago and PM was after them every few days.
Sep 29Reply
pitzfan @domore2me2 yes I know that they will remind me. Hopefully I can get home in the next day or so.
Sep 29Reply
domore2me2 @pitzfan please do not hurry on my account!!! I am like a doctor and have patience. Take care of your business. You have more important things to care of.
Sep 29Reply
pitzfan @domore2me2 thanks for being so understanding.
Sep 29Reply
pitzfan My father passed away and I will be out of town this week. I’ll ship ASAP.
Oct 02Reply
domore2me2 SO sorry as I said before take your time and your bizziness.
Oct 03Reply
natsantangelo Just popped in to say hi. Have a great day and happy poshing. Why not check out my closet too?
Oct 04Reply
bellanova14 @domore2me2 ,Hope you are having a nice day , please come and visit  my closet and if you hit like , I will give you free gift 🎁 when you buy $50 or more & give you a discount & the more you add to your bundle the more discount I can offer you ,also all jewelry come in gift boxes ready for the holidays 🤗 🌺💐
Oct 31Reply
deli126 ♦️Hi there, Welcome to Poshmark. Stop by anytime and check out my closet. Yay I have so many items to chose from. Open to Reasonable offers, bundle and save and shipping too. 🛍😊
Nov 03Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi🧤It’s nice to meet you🧤 🛍Hope you find everything you want on Poshmark 🛍 ~I’d love 💕 if you stopped by my closet and took a look 👀 when you get a moment ~ 💫🌟Wishing you all the very best of luck🍀💫
Dec 16Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne, a Postmark Ambassador. I’d like to invite you to drop in to visit my closet. I have many unique and vintage items including china, seasonal decor, books, CDs and DVDs, video games, clothing, plush toys, jewelry and religious items. I’m happy to consider all reasonable offers and remember to bundle multiple items to save on shipping. Hope you’ll have the time to check out my closet and I’ll check out yours.
Dec 19Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop or share! I’m always looking for new posh pals! 💛🌻
Jan 25Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
May 02Reply
urownbeautiful Hello Gorgeous! Just dropping by to say hi. Please give my closet a browse and a follow. I list a variety of items. I also send a 💝FREE Gift💝 with every order! Happy poshing! 💫Stay Dreamy💫 and always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! xo 💜 Jaime
Jun 03Reply

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Last Active: Feb 26

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