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Updated Jan 26
Updated Jan 26

Meet your Posher, Danielle

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Danielle Monaro from Elvis Duran and The Morning Show. Some of my favorite brands are Joe's Jeans, Jessica Simpson, Vince Camuto, Vans and Vintage Havana! for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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livelovelife24 Hey there, congrats on getting your closet started! If you ever have questions or need advice, please feel free to reach out. Happy Poshing🌺🌺
Oct 24Reply
nic_collective Love the morning show, as well as your closet! Welcome to Posh! 💕
Nov 03Reply
tinar528 Love you!! Listen to you every morning❤️💜 welcome to posh!
Nov 03Reply
stephysalazar33 Welcome to posh lovely 😊 Feel free to check out my closet as well!
Nov 03Reply
dnyc26 Love you and the show! Check out my closet!
Nov 03Reply
dgulinello @daniellemonaro Happy Poshing! Love you and Z100!!
Nov 03Reply
maisonderachel Hi! Happy poshing! Check out my closet I have shoes and sweaters in your size😘
Nov 03Reply
kaderique I love hearing you in the morning!!!! So exciting! Welcome to Posh!!!! 😍😍😍😍
Nov 03Reply
2flowers Hi there @daniellemonaro !!! Love you on the morning show! You gotta convince Bethany to join us, if she hasn't already 😉
Nov 03Reply
lindseyshakter My favorite show ever! 🎉💛🎉
Nov 03Reply
jenlove901 Omg so excited when I got the email about you! Get Bethany on here too!😍😍😍hello Lady!
Nov 03Reply
krapillo Love listening to you on Z100, also a fan of Free People!
Nov 03Reply
babsd42 💕💕Hey Danielle, welcome to Poshmark! I'm a twitter follower of yours and listen to you on Z100. 💕💕
Nov 03Reply
mean_cat Welcome! Feel free to check out my closet. Lots of small ladies sizes and boys items too.
Nov 03Reply
zoila234 Hi ! 😊💛& welcome
Nov 03Reply
livylove Welcome to Poshmark! My name is Olivia but all of my PFFs (Posh Friends Forever) call me Livy. I know you are going to love it here, not only can you score amazing finds & sell your old clothes that don't fit anymore, but there is an amazing community of people just like you and me here as well! If you have any questions about anything, I am always here and happy to help! Enjoy and Happy Poshing! PS Listen to you all the time, rock on!
Nov 03Reply
coffeelover1007 Welcome! Happy Poshing!!!❤️
Nov 03Reply
kkralick Danielle!! Love you, love your laugh, and I'm sure I'll love your closet!! Welcome!!!
Nov 03Reply
itsmetinx welcome to poshmark! great closet!!!
Nov 03Reply
mikeswife14 Love the morning show! Been listening forever!! Welcome! @daniellemonaro
Nov 03Reply
celkins15 @daniellemonaro love you guys! please follow my closet!
Nov 03Reply
dawnleeds I love you and listen every morning between 6:30 and 7 on my way to work! For years, won't say how many. I am so glad you are in Poshmark! 💜🌸🛍🎧📻🎙
Nov 03Reply
jillianka Hi there! So awesome hearing you on tge show and now seeing you on Posh! 😊😊💗💗
Nov 03Reply
bettyss @bestfinds lol its the gee from z100
Nov 03Reply
cutenthrifty Danielle, I am so bummed the Elvis Duran show isn't in my area anymore. Not sure why that changed but my morning drive just isn't the same.
Nov 03Reply
gschiop Welcome to Poshmark. Huge fan like everyone here 😬🤓💐
Nov 03Reply
seahighmarkett @daniellemonaro Hey girl!!! I listen to you and gang EVERY morning on my way to work from Setauket to Smithtown!!! As a native New Yorker and a cult follower to your show just wanna say WELCOME to poshmark!!!!! We are so happy to have you and I am so excited that you are on here!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 04Reply
nkathy Welcome!
Nov 04Reply
love_hannah96 Excited to see one of my favorite morning show people on poshmark! Welcome Danielle!!!!
Nov 04Reply
mamanher3bears Welcome to posh world✨❤ if you have any questions please feel free to ask away. You will love it here!🌹
Nov 06Reply
mamanher3bears @phalonc has your size
Nov 06Reply
lala1211 @daniellemonaro ahhh it's totally you! I'm in love with the morning show and you! I actually met you years and years ago at a Mandee store in northern NJ when it first opened, you signed my bandana! lol! If you have any questions feel. free to reach out and good luck! I'll be checking out your stuff! 😍😍😍
Nov 10Reply
obx4us Welcome to Poshmark!! I listen to you every single morning!! You have an awesome closet! If only I was tiny enough to fit into those dresses. Have a great day! 😊❤️
Nov 10Reply
rossyw Welcome Dalielle!! I listen the morning show every morning, Love you and I 😍 your closet!! Happy poshing !!🎉🎉
Nov 10Reply
addictedtoluxe @daniellemonaro welcome to posh !!!
Nov 11Reply
emilyquintero16 @daniellemonaro Welcome to Poshmark
Nov 12Reply
rivkaa i love you and listen every morning!! i was browsing through my poshmark when i heard you this morning mention PM- lol!
Nov 14Reply
britannea Congrats on hosting, Danielle! Woohoo! Great closet, too!! Would love it if you'd have a look at my PFF's closet @suelee16 and mine, too, for possible Host Picks! Thanks so much! :^)
Nov 16Reply
mercermarket Hey girl! Congrats on hosting! I will be partying it up with my posh compliant closet :-) 💃🏼😉
Nov 16Reply
cathygail 🎉🎉😊😊🎈🎈Congrats in hosting🎈🎈😊😊🎉🎉 @cstuart1980
Nov 16Reply
brittanyyhagann I'm so happy for you and can only imagine how exciting it must be to look for host picks! I would love for you to take a peak at my closet and help spread the word about my items! Plus, I follow all the rules, xo! Congratulations again, and have FUN! 😍
Nov 16Reply
reneecali Nice to meet you 🎀
Nov 16Reply
presleybee 🏳️‍🌈💫would love if you'd check out my closet for a potential host pick!💫🏳️‍🌈
Nov 16Reply
trishtam Congratulations on your party! Please check out my posh compliant closet whenever you have a chance for a possible host pick. I appreciate your time. Thank you❤️💛💚💙💜💗💖💓💕
Nov 16Reply
vnestle CONGRATS on your Style Host Party 😊🎉💃🏽Feel free to check out my closet for any Host Pick beautiful items!
Nov 16Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks, I hope you will consider my closet. Thank you. ❤️
Nov 16Reply
cydolphin Congratulations on hosting tomorrow's party! Please consider my closet for any potential host picks!
Nov 16Reply
rain_bow_cloud Congrats on hosting! If you're still looking for host picks, please take a few seconds to visit my compliant closet. Either way, thank you and have a blast! 🎉💃🏻👯💃🏻😘
Nov 16Reply
babsd42 🎉🎉💕💕Hey Danielle, congrats on hosting tomorrow! Take a peek in my closet if you can. I may have something cute for your party. Have a great night!💕💕🎉🎉Big fan of yours and Z100😘
Nov 17Reply
buttrflye Congrats on hosting!! 🎉🙌🏽💗🍾 Please take a look at my closet for any possible Host Picks! 💁🏼😽
Nov 17Reply
poshthreadz Congrats! Enjoy hosting 😘
Nov 17Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Style Crush Party!! @christyw744 @sparrowsage @stunning_29 @dinofinder @veperez @roos_rendezvous @alisabeegirl @tlude @alluck1210 @marykat @lauras_boutique @cyndy_bennett @annc64 @swanagin @rposen @jeren27 @dawnediva @lhaag721 @cajlove @basebllmom @robandsteph2014 @closetfairies @juliejoff @ginger_nj @alouie97 @juicylina @warrior04 @icaton @mzdvinity @lucidemotion
Nov 17Reply
annc64 🎉🎉Woohoo! Congratulations have a fun time hosting.😀💕
Nov 17Reply
theradpineapple Hey sweetie 👋🏽. Welcome to the wonderful world of Poshmark 🌎. Let me know if you have any questions 🙋🏼. I have a Newbie Lounge in my closet you should totally check out to help get you started 😁. Have fun selling and shopping 🛍. Yours truly, @drizzymizzylove 💕
Nov 17Reply
katzkoz Hi. & Welcome to Posh! Its a very supportive & social community & if U have questions there's always a Posher to answer them. Or... ...visit my closet & Id be happy to help U! More questions? On anything specific U'd like to know? Just ask me..
Nov 17Reply
lainey444 Well hello there! I miss your awesome laugh in the morning - we just moved to NC from CT and I'm never in my car anymore. Maybe time to hit up iHeart! I hope you love Posh, I'm having a ball here - super fun group of ladies. See you at your parTAY tomorrow morning!
Nov 17Reply
rposen @daniellemonaro Congratulations on your upcoming Style Crush party!🎉
Nov 17Reply
thehoosiergirl Congrats on hosting an awesome party! I would love it if you would look in my closet I have some amazing Lilly Pulitzer and Kate Spade items! @ella0685 Here are a few poshers with super amazing closets:@bellanblue @shabbychic45 @promise65 @feelfree2016 @xo_jenny1 @gypsygirl77 @krysteenagem @purpleposher @jgmr @charmcity @aiayka42 @mvannoy1 @lillianvieyra @al907og 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Nov 17Reply
899ridgeview @daniellemonaro 🎉 🎉 Congratulations on hosting Party ! Please visit my compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thank you 😘😘😘
Nov 17Reply
joyamarino @rposen ☃️🎄🙀
Nov 17Reply
sassyclassy82 🍃🎉🌹Congrats on hosting your Posh Party🌹🎉🍃 Wishing you many sales💰 I'd be honored if you'd take a moment to check out my closet for a potential HP💞
Nov 17Reply
clairetique @daniellemonaro Hi Danielle! 🌷 I'm Claire 😘 Welcome to Poshmark! 💚🎉💕💚 It's truly an amazing community filed with awesome and helpful Posher's who truly want you to succeed! 💟 Please feel free to reach out anytime, with any questions! ☀️🌅☀️ Big CONGRATS on hosting TONIGHTS PARTY!!! 🎉🎈🎉 I'll be there in support, shopping and sharing your host picks as well as this awesome news with my followers! Sending positive vibes, lots of FUN and most of all...Happy Poshing!!! 💟👗💌💄💅🏼💍💟
Nov 17Reply
grinandwearit Congratulations!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Spreading your good news and looking forward to it!!!! 💃💃 💃 Cha Cha Cha!!!! 💃 💃 💃 TY for sharing my closet and I hope YOU get a HP! 💋 ❣️@savannah_slim
Nov 17Reply
perfectfindz Congratulations on hosting. Please check out my closet for possible host picks.
Nov 17Reply
lulunoneya For real!!!!!
Nov 17Reply
lulunoneya 💕💕💕💕💕you
Nov 17Reply
daniellemonaro Hi guys! Thanks so much for all the sweet comments! I am having so much fun getting into this!!!! Danielle
Nov 17Reply
tsouth84 @daniellemonaro congrats on hosting the party tonight!! I 💕 this theme!! I'd love it if you'd check out my closet for a host pick! I'll see you there tonight! 😘💕😍
Nov 17Reply
elm32 @daniellemonaro congratulations on hosting your party tonight - I hope you have a lot of fun! 🎈🍾❤️
Nov 17Reply
dolly17 GOOD LUCK TONIGHT 🎉😎🎉😎please take a look at my new cropped sweatshirt with feathers!! i think it would be great tonight🎉🎉GOOD LUCK I HOPE YOU SELL A LOT🍾🍾
Nov 17Reply
pizzadreams @daniellemonaro ➕🎊🎉Congratulations on your hosting for Style Picks tonight➕🎊🎉 What an exciting opportunity to connect with your fellow Poshers! I would be so appreciative and humbled if you would consider part of my closet for one of your host picks✨Wishing you my best for tonight✨
Nov 17Reply
katyyan25 Congratulations on hosting tonight🎈🎉🍾🎊 I hope you'll have a Blast. Please check out my closet for possible HP 😍😘💝🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Nov 17Reply
moonwind75 Hi! Congratulations on hosting your party!! I'm not sure what Style Crush Party means - is it a brand or anything stylish? I'm sorry, I am still a bit new here! lol... Wishing you the best and thank you in advance! Will definitely be checking it out! - de
Nov 17Reply
moonshinepearl Congrats on your party!! 🎉❤️
Nov 17Reply
poshtessa Great to meet you, Danielle! Congrats on your party tonight! 🎉🎉🎉If you're still looking for HPs, I appreciate if you can look in my closet and these lovelies too @crystallavery @sf_gal @ashjesh @archandbow @shoppermaj @fashiondiva382 💞Thanks, Danielle! Looking forward to tonight's party! 🎉
Nov 17Reply
bettyss Ahh z100!! Love it❤️❤️❤️ please feature some of my items!!❤️😘❤️😘
Nov 17Reply
arianemann Congrats on Hosting tonight's party!! I hope you have a blast!! Pls feel free to take a look at my closet for a possible host pick! 😉🤗💚💋
Nov 17Reply
sejoursouvenir Congrats on hosting and nice to meet you! Would love if you have a minute to check out my closet for a possible host pick!
Nov 17Reply
nic_collective Congrats on hosting Danielle! I'm a fellow New Yorker and been listening to your morning show forever! Please consider my closet for your HPs! I see you already shared some stuff from my closet 💕💗🎀
Nov 17Reply
purplearies @daniellemonaro Hi I'm Kia ! I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance 😊💞
Nov 18Reply
darcymichele So excited for your party tonight!! Congratulations!!! 😁👏 if you havent made your host picks yet i would love to be considered!! ❤❤❤ have a great time! 👍👍
Nov 18Reply
grace4d Hi nice to meet you!! Hope you are enjoying posh!! Closet is awesome!! 🙆🌻🌻🌻 Dee
Nov 18Reply
jennafxr I thought it was you! I'm excited to see you hosting a party tonight, if you don't have all your host picks chosen please consider my closet! It's full of Coach!!
Nov 18Reply
vanessapaulla 💐💐💐Congratulations on hosting tonight Danielle 😃🎉. I hope you have a lot of fun. Could you please consider one of my listings as a HP? Thanks I really appreciate it 😘💕💕
Nov 18Reply
kewpiedoll @daniellemonaro Welcome to the fun posh community 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻TY @rposen 💟
Nov 18Reply
smschar Hi Danielle! Check out my closet--I have a few things I think you will love!!
Nov 18Reply
willowcarson Love your closet😍 congrats on hosting tonight's party! Your notifications are probably blowing up with similar comments , but I hope you have a great night and happy Poshing!! Take a look at my boutique for some possible Host picks tonight ✨💕
Nov 18Reply
retailrebel Congratulations on hosting, Danielle! Hope it's a great turn out!
Nov 18Reply
tamarismom Hi. Welcome to Poshmark! Don't hesitate to ask any of us questions. Again, welcome to this wonderful community and Happy Poshing 👗👠👛
Nov 18Reply
eholder Hi! I'm Elizabeth from Los Angeles. You sound like you have a super cool job! I'm looking forward to partying tonight with you. Congrats on Hosting!!!! If you are in need of any last minute host picks, please check out my posh compliant closet. I've just listed tons of new items! Thanks in advance for your consideration. Best, Elizabeth
Nov 18Reply
megann21 🌺🌸🌼Congratulations on hosting the STYLE CRUSH party tonight!!!🌼🌸🌺 Have a blast!!!!👛💄👠Would appreciate you taking a peak in my closet for a Host Pick?!😊Thanks so much! EJOY🎁🎉🎀
Nov 18Reply
daisydoodle323 Welcome to Poshmark, Danielle! I listen to the morning show on my way to work! 🙂 Congrats on hosting a Posh party tonight!🎉 I'd love if you had a chance to check out my closet for a potential host pick! Hope you have a blast! 🍾
Nov 18Reply
genia_s Congratulations!🎉🎉🎈💕
Nov 18Reply
mrs_guerrero209 Congrats on your Posh party :) If you have a chance check out my closet!
Nov 18Reply
afisher88 If you are looking for any last minute host picks I would 💗 for you to take a look at my closet! Thank so much! Have fun! 🍾🤗🎀
Nov 18Reply
victoriaposhes @daniellemonaro CONGRATULATIONS ON HOSTING THIS PARTY! 🎉there are so many great listings being shared. I know hosting is a lot of work-- so thank you for your service. I would be honored if you had a moment to please take a look at my closet for a possible Host Pick. Thanks love! 💕🎉😸
Nov 18Reply
x_staypretty congrats on being a host tonight <3
Nov 18Reply
mspattylo Congrats on hosting!! Check out my closet for host picks love 💕
Nov 18Reply
marissamar Hi Danielle. I listen to you guys every morning driving to work in Livingston NJ. Would love for you to check out my closet!!!
Nov 18Reply
neon_tangerine 💋🍒💋🍒💋🍒💋🍒💋🍒💋🍒💋🍒💋Shared with my followers! Wishing you many sales tonight. Please consider my closet for picks if you're still looking! Thanks so much!🍒💋🍒💋🍒💋🍒💋🍒💋🍒💋🍒💋🍒💋
Nov 18Reply
paradise_808 🌴💕🌴 Congratulations on your well deserved 🌴💕🌴Style Crush🌴💕🌴host pick!🌴💕🌴
Nov 18Reply
milandpat @daniellemonaro CONGRATS ON HOSTING😀
Nov 18Reply
victoriaposhes Congratulations on your well-deserved host pick! 💕🎉😄
Nov 18Reply
casescloset HAPPY POSH PARTY✨✨ please check my closet out for some great host picks💕💕 Have SO much fun and HAPPY POSHING
Nov 18Reply
aniabrands Congratulations on your Posh party!
Nov 18Reply
toopretty 💕💕💕
Nov 18Reply
natpapaz @daniellemonaro Congrats on Hosting tonight !! Wish you many sales
Nov 18Reply
stylebymandy Congratulations on hosting the party! I would love for you to check out my closet and see if there are any possible listings to be considered for host pick. Thank you so much and congrats again! 💝🎉
Nov 18Reply
Nov 18Reply
lainey444 Ok I'm officially back to normal now that I downloaded i❤️ and can laugh along with you each day! I also now know about sunning my vajayjay and how to say DeLonghi correctly, so today I am grateful for so very many things. Thanks again for the HP last night. Xx
Nov 18Reply
cawolfgang Hi Danielle! I am a New Yorker who listened to you every day on my way to work. I moved to San Diego, but fortunately I can still listen to you on satellite radio! 💕
Nov 18Reply
johnna1213 @daniellemonaro I'm star struck. Love you On The Elvis Duran show.
Nov 19Reply
yoandra Welcome to Posh!!! I love the morning show, I hear every day on my way to work😄
Nov 20Reply
yourclosetcrush @daniellemonaro Oh My Gosh!!! I have the opportunity to thank you and everyone involved in the morning show. I listen on Sirius every morning I can. I leave for work just after 5 am and I want to thank you for starting my day off to an incredible start. I'm addicted to the Phone Tap calls. Thank goodness no one is around when I pull up to work as I'm usually laughing hysterically from it.
Nov 22Reply
yourclosetcrush @daniellemonaro I wish you all the best on Posh you are absolutely going to love this incredible community of people and your new addiction. You are not going to be able to stop yourself it's so much fun and there is so much love on here. If you need anything please let me know. 💕💞💕
Nov 22Reply
neenesboutique Awww hi I don't want to bother you but I'm so happy your on here and I just want you to know that I absolutely love you! You and Elvis are my favorite! I have been listening to z100 morning show for over 20yrs! 💜💕💜 love that you mention posh on the show now 😊
Jan 04Reply
mrslhensel Love you on the show and your style!!
Jan 08Reply
eavjenk welcome to poshmark! Happy Selling!
Jan 10Reply
sweetrebelfashn Danielle I am SUCH a huge fan. I miss being able to listen to y'all everyday! You've made me laugh so much when I've been at work wanting to strangle people LOL. Thanks. Hug that Uncle Johnny for me. He's bananas. xoxo
Jan 27Reply
juggernaut0666 I am having a half off sale on a bundle of four or more items tonight, u can get real good stuff cheap, or buy one get one free of equal or lesser value, bundle it and offer half and I will accept , no one does fifty percent off designer stuff but me lol have a good night
Mar 21Reply
mischi302 Omg I just love you! I listen to you every morning and I'm a Bronx girl too! 😊
May 25Reply
glitzylife Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
Aug 11Reply
heyitsmede I love your laugh!!!! 😘
Sep 11Reply
theshoetrunk You have a beautiful closet. Ive listened to you through Y100. Love you guys! 😍🤗
Sep 27Reply
ashes02 Hey Danielle! Love listening to your show! Give my closet a 👀and a 💗. Thanks!!
Oct 01Reply
spunkynipper Hi! Love listening to you guys!! Love your style, looking forward to checking out your closet!
Oct 12Reply
theposhpanda39 Love listening to you on the radio! You guys are so much fun and just hearing your laugh alone makes me laugh too so thanks for that! Lovely closet, Happy Poshing! XOXO, Tara
Dec 01Reply
pammalla Hi @daniellemonaro I listen to your show every day. Mrs. Moshgolopsis is my favorite LOL 😂 😆
Dec 03Reply
beansmama19 @daniellemonaro Hi I’m Teresa. I’m listening to you on the radio right now! I love the show and you are so funny! Thanks for making my mornings great! Oh BTW, welcome to Poshmark!!! T😊
Jul 27Reply
alexbrian812 Welcome!! Morning show is my favorite. You guys rock!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jul 27Reply
demdough Hello! I was listening to you this morning and heard I think Kathleen say she didn’t want to buy boxes well didn’t have time to call in and say tell her to go on Usps they send you free boxes! Also love you all moved from philly to New York and thank goodness I can still listen to you!!
Jul 27Reply
thedenimtank Hi Danielle! Welcome to the Posh life! 🛍 Thank you for announcing your PM closet on the radio.🌻 Love listening to you in the morning along with the rest of the crew. Can’t wait to see what other clothes & accessories you’ll be adding on here soon! You have such great style!! Any questions feel free to ask. Happy Poshing!
Jul 27Reply
jjtnt Hi, my husband is a big fan! Listens to your show every day while he’s driving his semi! Wanted me to follow you, as it turns out, I already was and didn’t know it! Lol! Wondered if you might send him a signed pic of you and your partner? Appreciate your consideration! Happy Poshing!💕🌹✌🏼
Sep 07Reply
kweinreb27 Hi Danielle! Big fan- I’ve been listening to you since I was WAY TOO YOUNG. Lots of love and happy poshing! ❤️❤️
Sep 14Reply
tinafam Good morning Ms Danielle, heard you talk about Posh on Z-100 this morning and had to look you up and follow you. Love your closet and listening to you and the Elvis show every morning!!! 💕💕💕
Sep 24Reply
aa9697 I’m so excited to find you here! You’re my favorite on the show!!
Sep 24Reply
emilyfesta97 Hi Danielle! Your closet is adorable!! I also just wanted to say I’m a big fan of you and the Morning Show. You all have gotten me through my elementary through college years and still are. Thank you for making me smile every day! ❤️❤️
Oct 10Reply
melngeeh Hi! Check out my closet when you get a chance.
Oct 28Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Nov 03Reply
silgomes724 Finally found your closet! Can’t wait for you to add more stuff! Check out mine.:)
Nov 11Reply
chic_happens Love you & the Elvis Duran show❤️
Nov 14Reply
nidak83 Hi Danielle! Finally I found your closet! I love your morning show! I live in CT and hear you guys every morning! I love your laugh and smile and i love Elvis and Ghandhi.. Nate.. Skeery... Greg T... the whole gang! You have a great closet! Keep it up! I hope you make more sales! Im surprised you havent listed many shoes since you are a shoes hoarder 😂😂😂... love you guys! You make my mornings happy!
Dec 10Reply
mandyscloset82 @daniellemonaro Hi Danielle. Awesome to have you on Posh! Check out my closet @Mandyscloset82. I have lots of Vince Camuto, Zara, and more!
Dec 18Reply
crickettp Hello, you just purchased my saachi bracelet. Upon closer examination I can’t in good conscience sell this as new anymore as there is some minor wear on the leather. It’s only noticeable because I’m looking hard but I wanted to give you the option for a refund. So sorry!
Jan 07Reply
daniellemonaro @aclothesfamily Not right now. Maybe soon Thanks
Jan 18Reply
pkgold129 Welcome to Poshmark. 👋🏻
Feb 05Reply
rachelwheaton Hi Danielle! ❤️😘😍 So excited to hear on your show this morning that you are on Poshmark! 🍍💖🤗 Love it here!!
Feb 05Reply
pink_ladybug Hi Danielle, my name is Nealie and I live in CT. I listen to you guys every morning on my way in to work! Your segment on Poshmark this morning made me smile!! You’re right, it’s so fun, easy and addicting!!! Have fun 😊 @daniellemonaro
Feb 05Reply
gmz11 Hi there!🙋‍♂️Welcome to poshmark! I invite you to check my closet! Happy poshing 😉🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉
Feb 06Reply
jerseyfinds79 @daniellemonaro hello lady. great stuff. Love the morning show! You guys rock! You're awesome! Best of luck!!
Feb 06Reply
strictlyswank So cool to hear you have a Poshmark! I’ve been using mine to slowly save up for my wedding coming in October.! Such a fun app. ♥️
Feb 07Reply
stainedglassoul Hi hon, glad you advertised that your on Posh, heard you and Elvis talking about it this morning! Love you guys!!! Listen to you everyyyyyy morning for years! You all make my day💜
Feb 07Reply
maximom18 @daniellemonaro Good morning Danielle. I lose. To you on the radio daily on my way to work. I love hearing the joke off as well as the topics of conversation. On a poshmark level you have an awesome closet. Please visit my closet and follow me. If you see something you like don’t hesitate to make an offer. Happy poshingn🛍😘
Feb 07Reply
maximom18 Oops. I listen to you.
Feb 07Reply
ourminicloset Hi! Happy Valentine’s Day! 💕 I wanted to let you know that I brought the boots to the post office yesterday afternoon before they closed, so the boots should be on their way to you soon! I hope you have a great day and an awesome weekend! 😀👍
Feb 14Reply
auroradaisy You're so pretty. Have a fabulous day
Feb 25Reply
italian_mummy Happy Birthday Danielle and many more to come🎂🍷. Enjoy your day and do what you love to do shop💄👠👖👗🕶We ❤️you👍🌹God bless you and your family. Happy Poshing👍🌹
Mar 29Reply
poshabilities_ Hi Danielle! Listen to the show everyday and I have YOU to thank for getting me addicted to Poshmark. 😁
May 13Reply
marissafranklin I friggin love the morning show! I listen to you talk about Poshmark all the time and decided to try it out! I love it, all thanks to you! Check out my closet.😁
May 13Reply
mexiricancloset Hi Danielle! I recently got into Poshmark because of you. I love listening to you and the gang as I get ready and go to work. I made my first sale yesterday (Mother’s Day) which was awesome. Any tips on getting more sales? ❤️🤓
May 14Reply
diana7777 Love your closet!!!
Jun 05Reply
alfarle2 Thank you for your purchase and offer on the Vogue Audrey Hepburn t shirt 🎉. I will have your item shipped to you no later than Monday afternoon. Thanks again & happy poshing 💕
Jun 09Reply
alfarle2 Thanks a bunch for the feedback 😃 Enjoy and have a great posh day 🎉💕💕💕
Jun 13Reply
lulurawlo13 Hi Danielle! Love listening to you in the morning! Great closet as well!❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕
Jun 17Reply
alaskansunrise Love your closet but almost everything is sold 😏 Help a female vet out and stop by my closet thnx 😁 btw you guys are awesome! Listen every morning! 🎼🚗❤️
Jun 19Reply
lindacapecod Hi Danielle! Love you on Elvis Duran! Doing well on Poshmark as are you! Just wanted to send you warm thoughts and have the best day! ⭐️
Jun 24Reply
mrcdcar Hello Danielle, hope all is well. Being that you’re a poshmark guru I would appreciate any shares on my items I have for sale. Thank you
Jul 09Reply
carmella1966 Every morning I nearly pee my pants listening to you guys, but I just keep coming back for more! 🤣 Your voice is infectious! Keep it up! 🙌🏾🥂😂
Jul 19Reply
megan92117 Thanks for getting me started with Poshmark! Can’t wait to start selling! Love you guys in the morning!
Jul 23Reply
foxyfashion17 Hi Danielle! You just placed a bid on my MZ Wallace crosby downtown and made my day! I created a bundle and sent you a private note. We know someone in common! I’m a big fan! ❤️
Aug 04Reply
bellev2007 @daniellemonaro Yup listen to u every morning on my way to work! You have such a distinct voice and laugh...As I was looking through ur closet I can hear u describing the items lol I would know ur laugh anywhere! 🤗❤️
Aug 11Reply
daniellemonaro @bellev2007 LOL....THANKS!!!!!
Aug 13Reply
alexbrian812 Love you and the show!!! Great closet.. will be back !!
Sep 18Reply
greenebunny Good morning! I'm just dropping by to say hello :) I have been listening to you and Elvis everyday for over 20 years. I love you guys so much! You have such a wonderful closet. Will share the love when I officially wake up ♡
Sep 27Reply
mecraiger Hey Danielle! Remember me? It’s Craig from Sensible Addictions in Newton. Louie and I emailed you, I hope it’s the right email address. I’m on Poshmark too!
Oct 01Reply
thriftypelican So sorry about the lots of your father. I lost mine when I was 31, it's hard. I know you will cherish your wonderful memories.
Nov 09Reply
thomaslop589 Started on poshmark because of you!! Love you and the show.
Nov 25Reply
glofromnj Love you so much @daniellemonaro
Jan 21Reply
ladywanderer Hi!! Share my closet please ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 02Reply
alinaleonardo Omg! You’re so inspiring ! Just recently started with Poshmark and I’m loving it! Check out my closet if you get the chance (free gift with every purchase😉) happy Holidays🎉🎄💝⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Dec 12Reply
memoonakhan722 Hi there !! Hope you doing good . I googled celebrity list on Poshmark and found yours , it’s pleasure to see you on Poshmark. Pouring some share love . I sell handmade stuff for kids would love to invite you to my closet and have a look . Thank you
Feb 05Reply
ebrucan4 Hi There, I send you a counter offer for $70 for Kate spade yellow bag. If you except my offer plz take a look at my closet & look for a sign (🎁buy 1 get 1 free) and pick any promo item between $10 or $15) Happy poshing
Feb 09Reply
yoshie2018 🙋 There, Stop by my closet and check it out when you have time 😉 I have a variety of styles, sizes and welcome reasonable offers. You can shop in confidence in my closet, ✔️ out my reviews. Happy Poshing and God Bless 🙏
Aug 29Reply
jackiejems Hi 👋 Just shared your entire closet with my 200K Followers 💎🎉💎🎉 Wishing you all the best and many many sales 🤗💕🍀🛍🍁🌻
Oct 05Reply
shopamorejewels Greetings! I would like to offer you a 50% off any item or items you like from my closet. Please visit my closet and take care! 😊🌸
Oct 15Reply
cutehosiery @daniellemonaro Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 07Reply
tinystephyshop 🌺🌻🌸🏵️🌺🌺🌻🌸🏵️🌺🌺🌻🌸🏵️🌺🌺🌻🌸🏵️🌺 Hello welcome, I love to find you here, if you have any questions or if you need something, just write me, and I will answer you as soon as possible, by the way I love your closet, it has a lot of beautiful things, I wish you a nice day full of sales , bye! 🌺🌻🌸🏵️🌺🌺🌻🌸🏵️🌺🌺🌻🌸🏵️🌺🌺🌻🌸🏵️🌺
Jun 21Reply
lerichsm @daniellemonaro Love you and the z100 morning show! Current special Ed teacher in Elmhurst, NY 👩🏻‍🏫🧩🍎. Come check out my Poshmark store! 😊
Feb 04Reply
thegretchel Shop for a cause! Know your money is well spent helping others to the fullest extent. Over the next few months I will be transitioning my entire closet to only be mental health items and suicide prevention kits. As always thank you for choosing my closet. 10% of the proceeds are donated to the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, and another portion of the proceeds will be used to make Suicide Prevention Kits.
Mar 05Reply
hgtrish Hi Danielle, check your messages on you purchase. I had a question and wanted to ship it out. Thanks :)
Dec 15Reply
ellemeys Danielle just heard your tribute to Meghan a few minutes ago, she was needed somewhere else most definitely. You have the kindest heart, you are so so so genuine, you’re one of my favorite people. Ever!
May 29Reply

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Last Active: Mar 22

New York, NY
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Last Active: Mar 22

New York, NY
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