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Updated May 14
Updated May 14

Meet your Posher, Dawn

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Dawn. Thanks for stopping by! My bags are ALWAYS AUTHENTIC!! Or your money back!! I ship FAST so you can start to enjoy your bag ASAP!! Feel free to leave me a reasonable offer!
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talfin14 likes this
liamya Welcome to Poshmark! You're going to love this very fun, very addictive community. Hope you buy and sell some great things, and if you have any questions, I'd be honored to help! Feel free to stop by my closet for a look around. Happy poshing! ✌️🛍🛍🛍
Oct 03Reply
albam775 Hey hun , I will be shipping your bag first thing in the morning. :)
Oct 12Reply
dawnhartman1 @albam775 please do NOT ship! This was a mistske purchase. I informed my bank & postmark.
Oct 12Reply
albam775 @dawnhartman1 No problem , I cancelled the order :) if that ever happens to you again just know that you can contact the seller and we can cancel for you :)
Oct 12Reply
dawnhartman1 @albam775 THANK YOU! I'm new to this site, I'm learning! :)
Oct 13Reply
ladykrc @dawnhartman1 Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
May 12Reply
hopefulchange1 Welcome to Posh community!!! I know you will have great success here!
May 21Reply
kreffett It’s closet clear out today. If you can do 90 on the bag, I can reduce it and you will receive reduced shipping.
Jun 14Reply
sophiesmith477 @kendrakubert and stylehead are scam artists, please do not purchase! they are a ring of scammers, you will be ripped off. DO NOT BUY please report her page
Jun 16Reply
education101 Hey, ma’am! I’m just touching base as I just looked to find the watch had been delivered!!☺️☺️☺️
Jun 18Reply
dawnhartman1 Yes. Thank you! very pretty! tomorrow morning I'm going to take it to get a battery to be sure it's working. I'll rate you immediately after! ;))
Jun 18Reply
education101 Hey, ma’am! Just touching base to see if you’ve had a chance to check out the watch 🙂
Jun 19Reply
education101 @dawnhartman1 I’m so sorry but I’m just now seeing this reply. Ignore the other post I made please ☺️
Jun 19Reply
education101 @dawnhartman1 did you get a chance to take it in for a battery?
Jun 20Reply
dawnhartman1 Hi there. Yes I did. He said there's water damage inside from it getting wet & that it would need to be serviced. That's why I'm asking for a refund please. Thank you. Bc I don't have any more money into the watch.
Jun 20Reply
maxwellestate Thank you so much Dawn, for your interest in the Bangle. I sent my best offer I'm afraid as I overlooked my hubbies ledger that passed away and with poshmark fees., It is a Very small amount of profit as it stands, with the current offer that I made. If that is more than you can do, I totally understand <3
Jun 20Reply
dawnhartman1 @maxwellestate Im sorry, didn't see your offer. where is it? here?
Jun 20Reply
maxwellestate @dawnhartman1 I was talking about the 1st offer but, I went ahead and sent one dollar less. Like I said, no hard feelings if you cannot accept that. We all have to make a little <3
Jun 20Reply
education101 @dawnhartman1 ok I’ll take care of that
Jun 20Reply
dawnhartman1 @education101 Thank you very much! Appreciate it! ;))
Jun 21Reply
education101 @dawnhartman1 hey, ma’am!!! I’ve trying to figure out how to release your payment to you but have been unsuccessful. I did, however, find and read Posh’s return policy, which includes the buyer to submit the info to Posh then proceed from there. Any suggestions? And I do apologize for the delay!!!!! 😐😐😐
Jun 24Reply
dawnhartman1 @education101 I appreciate it! I want to send your watch back to you to! I already let poshmark know I wanted a refund. if you go to the receipt... there is where you can contact postmark and tell them your trying to refund me. Thank you
Jun 24Reply
education101 @dawnhartman1 ok! I’ll message them right now!! Thank you!
Jun 24Reply
dawnhartman1 @education101 Hi there. Did you hear anything from Posh about how & what we need to do to proceed with this never ending return/:refund. ;)) Thank you!
Jun 24Reply
education101 @dawnhartman1 only that they’ll get back with me within 24 hours 😐
Jun 24Reply
education101 @dawnhartman1 I heard back from them. They’ve asked that you reach out to them as I’m guessing you didn’t follow the procedure for their return policy. I was hoping I could post pics in this message so you could see their response and I took a screenshot of their return policy. I’m sorry I didn’t inquire as to whether or not you followed the policy. I just assumed you had. I’ll just wait to hear back from you after you’ve spoken to them. Sorry about all this!
Jun 24Reply
dawnhartman1 @education101 no & I'm getting really upset with this process. I told them you are willing to refund it & that we exchanged messages . & that we are waiting on them to send me a return labe. postmark is really getting ridiculous. why can't we talk to a person??
Jun 25Reply
dawnhartman1 @education101 This return/ refund process is ridiculousl
Jun 25Reply
dawnhartman1 @education101 I've sent them several refund requests &:pictures with it! ....
Jun 25Reply
dawnhartman1 @education101 I keep getting auto email from them. saying they are working on it.... seriously doubt that!
Jun 25Reply
inman_h @dawnhartman1 hello! Haven’t received your rating on the two items you purchased from me. Please let me know what’s going on. Thank you.
Jun 26Reply
education101 @dawnhartman1 goodness!!! Ok.. keep me posted please!
Jun 28Reply
education101 @dawnhartman1 goodness!!! Ok.. keep me posted please!
Jun 28Reply
dawnhartman1 @education101 Can you please try to contact poshmark. This refund/ return is going just horrible! :((
Jun 28Reply
education101 @dawnhartman1 yes! I’ll do it now!
Jun 30Reply
dawnhartman1 @education101 Thank you! I appreciate that.
Jun 30Reply
jayceeg939 @dawnhartman1 just so you know that page you purchased the LV key pouch from is selling all replicas. People TOld me their comments were deleted when they asked for authenticity proof and when it was pointed out it was fake . It’s clear on their page they’re selling replicas of all designer bags. If the price looks too good to be true it usually is. Be careful!
Jul 09Reply
ezbuy100 Thank you for your offers and then promptly canceling As per poshmark policy ALL offfers are BINDING
Sep 23Reply
melissamars76 Pls Ck out my post for you on my closet page ! Because I’m going to be very generous dear... it’s been on awhile and people are noticing the post. Killer Deal qT.
Sep 25Reply
dawnhartman1 @melissamars76 is it the black crossbody?
Sep 25Reply
ginalee616 Hi Dawn-just confirming the updated address label since it’s a different name. Is this correct? An office?
Nov 04Reply
bdub1323 hey there I'm about to ship the Purse out for you. I've never sent anything over poshmark. before I sent it I wanted to make sure I ship it right. put the label on it and in the post office box? how do I know that I have received payment?
Dec 25Reply
happygirl69 Let me know when you are back online. I sent an offer for a bag and it went unanswered… I am really interested 😊
Jun 05Reply
dawnhartman1 @happygirl69 Thank you for your offer & interest in my closet. Unfortunately that LV has been sold. I just recently got back. I have several more really gorgeous LV bags I'll be posting shortly. :))
Jun 06Reply
happygirl69 @dawnhartman1 I will be looking 👀😊 thank you
Jun 06Reply
cutehosiery @dawnhartman1 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 02Reply
talfin14 Hi ! I’m Talia 👋🏼 i have designer clothing, shoes, lingerie, makeup, jewelry, bags and accessories you might be interested in for sale in my closet. Most items are brand new with tags. I have some rare vintage items as well. Have a great weekend!
Aug 10Reply

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