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Updated Dec 10
Updated Dec 10

Meet your Posher, Dawn

Meet the Posher


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I am a mom, of an adult daughter, a LaLa of 2 amazing babies, a caregiver of my aging mother, a wife to a grumpy loving man, an ex-teacher , ex-paralegal, ex-banker, an avid traveler seeking nature, adventure, and new experiences, a lover of life and everyone & everything in it, and of course I am fascinated with clothes which I am now doing full time. Yeeesss!
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sfrgg and 186 others like this
posh_castle Welcome to Poshmark 🎉 Love your closet so far. If you have any questions I’m happy to help! xx
May 11Reply
amb_dawnrenee @maggieandpoppy ☺️ so far it is amazing.
May 11Reply
mmkelley409 Hi and welcome to Poshmark! I know you’re going to love buying and selling here. I’m fairly new here too but if you have any questions feel free to reach out and I will help you as much as I can. Happy Poshing! Michele 😊
May 11Reply
amb_dawnrenee @mmkelley409 Thank you. Welcome yourself.
May 11Reply
ncoubert Hi, welcome to Poshmart!💕 I’m so glad that you are here. If you have any question please feel free to ask.😊
May 11Reply
amb_dawnrenee @ncoubert Thank you. Love your closet❤️
May 11Reply
ncoubert @brighamdr You are very welcome!💕 Good luck selling.🍀
May 11Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Jun 12Reply
zardiva1 Hi and welcome! 👋😃
Jun 28Reply
amb_dawnrenee @zardiva1 thank you. I am really enjoying Poshmark. It has brought back my love for clothes❤️ sometimes I put something on that I haven’t worn in a long time to sell and I’m like, nope keeping this one 😁
Jun 28Reply
zardiva1 @brighamdr Well, it’s great 👌 to hear that you’re enjoying being a part of our little community, haha! 😀
Jun 28Reply
shoppegigi Thank you for following me! I love your closet! Please follow me on Instagram ShoppeGigi and PINTEREST Gigi Schilling ❤️We recently marked 100k followers on Poshmark 🍀Thank you for being part of our wonderful Poshmark journey! If you are interested in Follow and Share Games, please let me know! I will tag you when I am notified💕💋
Jul 17Reply
amb_dawnrenee Also, yes I am interested in sharing games💖
Jul 18Reply
amb_dawnrenee @shoppegigi also, yes I am interested in sharing games💞
Jul 18Reply
shoppegigi @brighamdr Great! I will tag you! xo
Jul 18Reply
shoppegigi @brighamdr Thank you 💗♥️❤️
Jul 18Reply
amb_dawnrenee @tmcneely75 unable you. I offer the same however I offer a 30% off on all my bundles no matter the cost. So please stop by and shop
Jul 20Reply
amb_dawnrenee @tmcneely75 awesome, I will check it out! Thank you
Jul 20Reply
madblk3 💜I appreciate you checking out and/or following my closet😘 I will do the same💐💐🌸share and care💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Jul 20Reply
amb_dawnrenee @madblk3 sharing is caring 💖 heading to your closet now 💋
Jul 21Reply
wondergiz Thanks for share my closet, feeling honored to be “POSHSTAR⭐️💖⭐️CLOSET” of today ✨🍀🤩🥳🤩🍀✨ In gratitude I just shared your beautiful closet back, have to tell you your closet is absolutely stunning, all your items are so beautiful, is a pleasure to share them wishing good luck 🍀 to each item. Blessings and good sales to you from your PFF from Puerto Rico✨🙏♥️🙏✨
Jul 22Reply
angelakoerner Congrats on winning make a deal days!!😊💕👏 I won a few months ago, and it was so fun!🎈🎉 💵 If you feel like treating yourself with some of that posh cash, check out my closet. 👠👗👡I give a 25% discount on bundles of 3 or more. Have a great day—and enjoy!! 😊😘💕
Jul 22Reply
amb_dawnrenee @wondergiz Thank you for your kind words. I gave you a little extra love on this posh Monday💞
Jul 22Reply
amb_dawnrenee @angelakoerner thx I will check it out💌
Jul 22Reply
ring6450 You're really gorgeous
Jul 22Reply
amb_dawnrenee @ring6450 thank you so much.
Jul 22Reply
vivian0 @brighamdr Congrats on wining make a deal day
Jul 22Reply
amb_dawnrenee @vivian0 Thank you, Viv. I’ve been working really hard and it has not been showing in sales yet. It’s nice to have an extra hundred dollars 💵
Jul 22Reply
vbrown777 Nice to meet you
Jul 24Reply
vbrown777 Nice to meet you
Jul 24Reply
amybuck3 Hi there!! Love your closet 🥳👍 I think you should check out my closet...I guarantee you will find something you like, maybe even something you L🥰VE! Happy Poshing!!!
Jul 24Reply
amb_dawnrenee @vbrown777 hello. I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday.
Jul 24Reply
amb_dawnrenee @amybuck3 thank you so much. I will stop by. I love to shop for myself and others 🛍💞
Jul 24Reply
atisticcutters Hello and welcome to Poshmark 🥰🙋🏼‍♀️
Jul 26Reply
amb_dawnrenee @atisticcutters thank you. I am really enjoying the community❤️
Jul 26Reply
madamemeg713 Wow!.youre closet is almost as besutiful as your smile!.😁congratulations again on becoming an ambassador!.have an amazing day!.🌞
Jul 27Reply
gourdworkslady Great shop!!!!we are going to be in a show in your area at New Braunfels at the Lone Star Texas Gourd Society Festival, Aug. 2-4 at the convention center. come on over & say hi. check out gourdworkslady......we are a mother/daughter business from Fort Davis.
Jul 28Reply
amb_dawnrenee @gourdworkslady hi I appreciate the invite. I am actually 45 minutes outside of Houston, and will be visiting a friend In Cali that weekend. Thank you though❤️
Jul 28Reply
gourdworkslady Have a great trip to Cali.....thank you
Jul 29Reply
rnb1277 Welcome 🙏to the #POSH COMMUNITY# 😀😀😀its AWESOME U😎R here👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿As the saying goes the  more the merrier 🌝 Happy posh💰💰ing👗👠👞👛👟⛑👖👚
Aug 06Reply
closetcupid Pleasure to meet you 😇 Thank you so much for the follow!! 😍 I am pretty new here but expanding my closet fast. Please take a peak and feel free to reach out with questions or the offers. Happy Poshing!! ☺️😃
Aug 09Reply
kozy_kloset Thanks for following my closet ! 💜🛍
Aug 10Reply
Aug 10Reply
ninetimes99 Dear Dawn, So delighted you’re following my closet & always glad to meet new posh friends. Have fun & feel free to let me know if you ever have any questions about my closet goodies or want to share ideas for Poshing, as I’m here to help, & also open to feedback. ✨🌸✨ Warm Wishes of Success to Us All, Kim Posh Ambassador & Mentor
Aug 25Reply
mw_online Welcome! May you be blessed with much success.
Sep 14Reply
amb_dawnrenee @mw_online thank you! That is very kind. Wishing the same good vibes your way💞
Sep 14Reply
shoppegigi Good morning Dawn! You are this week’s #InstaPosh Game Winner! We are so excited! Head-over-heels in love with your closet! I will announce you on IG tomorrow. Sound good? If you want to add any special posts, that would be fun! Fourth grade teacher! My son is in fourth grade and he is my youngest of four. Chat soon ♥️❤️💋♥️❤️💋♥️❤️
Sep 18Reply
amb_dawnrenee @shoppegigi lol thx. We are having a rain out day, so no school. It is giving me a chance to catch up on work. I will post a few things from this weekend. Of course, I will give you a shout out as well.
Sep 18Reply
shoppegigi @brighamdr Okay sounds great! Thanks honey! Rain. Had that summer here. South Florida. Ok be careful xoxo 💋❤️😘
Sep 18Reply
stanori808 Hi Dawn! Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for Following my closet. I also joined Poshmark earlier this year (made a purchase in Mar/started my closet in Apr) and hope you are having fun creating your fabulous Listings and Sharing/Shopping other closets. This is a great community with lots of great people. Wishing you many sales here on PM! Hope you're having a wonderful week! Thanks again!💐
Sep 19Reply
lavenderbuddha Glad you're here! What I love about Poshmark is that it allows you to peek inside other closets and discover lots of goodies that you may not otherwise find. I'm fascinated with how other Poshers set up their "shops", showcase their pieces, and style their listings! There certainly is a lot to see and share! Whether you just shop, just sell or -- like me-- are a buyer and seller, enjoy yourself!! Blessings and be well! 😄
Sep 23Reply
amb_dawnrenee @lavenderbuddha thank you so much. It is a pleasure to be here. Clothes is my happy place whether I am wearing them or visualizing what an item would look like on someone else. I too enjoy seeing how people express themselves through their closets. Good vibes your way ✨
Sep 23Reply
chante_allday Welcome and thank you for following me! I want to also invite you to follow my Instagram where I share selling tips and posh party information and much more However I can’t do so without your support ! I’ll return the favor ✖️ Instagram @chante_all day
Sep 26Reply
resale4you Thanks for the follow; I returned the favor and shared a few of your items! My closet will be available later this month. Hope you’ll visit then 🌺🤗♥️ Kathy
Oct 02Reply
megan274 Hi! Thanks for supporting me. It is greatly appreciated. I love to meet new people and see their styles! You have a great closet! You seem to be rocking all the different roles you play in your life. That is so awesome! If you would like, take a look at my closet. I am open to deals and bundles.
Nov 01Reply
jlbs_unbuttoned Hi, thanks for following our closet.. To thank you for your efforts, this discount code PEFTYSE8XHC7 is good for 20% off through our website, the link is available in our bio. Shipping from our location in Canada is available to our US friends..
Nov 16Reply
jacklyndior Hi thanks for the follow 💙 don’t forget to check out my closet if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask ✨
Nov 23Reply
jaclynhackett @brighamdr You’re AWESOME!!! I’m a teacher also, and I teach English to 8th graders in NJ!! I had to follow you on our commonality alone!! Rock on, teach!! We have one of the hardest jobs on the planet!!! Happy holidays to you and yours!!! 💙💙🎄🎄💙💙
Nov 23Reply
vtsquare Hi thank you for the follow on Poshmark! I also followed you on Instagram and hope you will follow me back as well. Together we can do anything!!❤️
Nov 23Reply
gellygear Thanks for the follow and have a Merry Christmas!!!
Dec 25Reply
amb_dawnrenee @vik191 you too🎄☃️
Dec 25Reply
leahalla1 Thank you so much for visiting and sharing my closet 🌺🌺🌺
Dec 25Reply
flanaganx66 Welcome to Poshmark sweetie and thank you for the follow! Merry Christmas
Dec 25Reply
ramosadam92 Hello ma'am and nice to meet you ma'am and Thank you ma'am for letting me look in your closet, have a blessed day.
Dec 28Reply
amb_dawnrenee @ramosadam92 thank you for stopping by and liking. ❤️
Dec 28Reply
chellier Thanks for following!
Jan 05Reply
_bryanna_13 Thanks for the follow! Check out my closet and like/bundle any items you’re interested in. All bundles of 3 or more items get an automatic 20% discount and I try to offer another discount on top of that for any size bundle you create. I’m open to offers. I’m just trying to clear out my closet while I’m home! Bundle and buy at a discounted rate and keep for yourself, gift it, or resell it. Have a great day!
Jan 07Reply
ronr2g Thanks for the follow. I followed you back :) you have a wonderful closet. Happy poshing!
Jan 08Reply
yoked1990 Thanks for the follow beautiful 😌
Mar 12Reply
jbullock61063 @brighamdr Hi its nice to meet you
Mar 13Reply
janfast Hi Dawn! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Mar 28Reply
alajas Just stopping by to introduce myself😍 I’m Gen. Thank you for following me as I embark a Poshmark career. After being diagnosed w/ breast cancer, I went through an aggressive treatment. Needless to say, not only have I gained weight, I also embraced the “au naturel” look with salt & pepper hair. I invite you to take a peek at my curated closet, who knows you might find something that you like for yourself or someone you care for 🙏😍 💗?
Mar 28Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow ❤ and wearing a face mask 😷 yours is very cute... mine is olive drab...but hey.. at least I wear it, right😊
Apr 20Reply
erikakessler1 @lillievonstoop1 Thanks for sharing
Apr 21Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 27Reply
thom1501 Pretty and Beautiful Lady 🌹
Apr 27Reply
merlekb Hi there, thank you for following my closet. I had a chance to browse and share your closet too. Do hope I get a few shares back. Stay safe and have an awesome week!
Apr 27Reply
nicholepruitt73 hi pretty girl😍 please accept this $3 credit to shop my closet today. If u make a purchase of 2 or more items I will give u 15 % off your entire purchase and give u a FREE gift valued at $10😍 LIMITED TIME OFFER FREE 3 PK OF MEDICAL GLOVES WITH EVERY ORDER
Apr 29Reply
goldiebear4531 I love your spirit and fun style. I would like to be Posh Share Partners with you. I will share your closet if you in turn will share mine. You seem to be an amazing woman and a blessing to this crazy world. 💋🌹🐻Goldiebear
May 29Reply
alfieandlulu 🤗hello🕶 thanx for the follow ✈️ treasures, true loves, must haves, essentials & new finds to make life FABULOUS 🛍🕶👑
Aug 03Reply
countout40 Thanks for your moral support. I'm on the grind everyday and once I'm flush & brimming from profits here. Well, may your dreams be all about your "My Offers" stay lite.Thanks again for the warm invite, and all I have to add is before you make any final decision on any of your purchases here, would you entertain yourself by browsing through my shop.. ask to speak with the proprietor and sit a spell take a load off your feet, look around have a coffee.Then afterwards, Y’all come back now you hear!
Aug 13Reply
stevenb712 Hello....Godspeed to you and happy poshing ....
Aug 14Reply
happybunnie Hi! Thanks so much for the follow ❤️ Let me know if there’s anything I can help you with + I do 10% discount on bundle orders and am always open to offers! 💫
Aug 17Reply
closet4crystals 💛 visit my closet 💛 ✨ 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥? ✨ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♡ dainty gold & silver jewelry ♡ personalized healing crystals (a mixture of raw and/ or crystal necklaces per your request) ♡ a selection of new and/ or preloved items ✨ 𝟙𝕤𝕥 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕟 𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕣? ✨ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♡ just kindly bundle up 2+ or more of your favs & receive 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 discounts just for you ♡
Aug 22Reply
monolidi Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Aug 26Reply
garisb Thanks for visiting my closet and sharing the love 💕😊
Aug 29Reply
blingurnewfashw Thanks for following me at BlingURNewFashW (Wardrobe). Happy poshing! 🛍 😁💝 🌟 I am here to help if you happen to have any additional questions on any item. Clothing in my closet ships out next day unless it’s a holiday.
Sep 13Reply
caninowbe hello there! my name is Katherine and I love buying clothes for my family.. I have new baby clothes and some new woman plus clothes.. I also have some other clothes.and a water globe.. you have a wonderful day and I thank you.💓
Sep 22Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 01Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hi there, thanks for stopping by my closet. If you find any 2 or more items you like I will give you 15% off your entire order and for a limited time you will also get a FREE BOTTLE OF HAND SANITIZER with your purchase 😁 If you spend $12 or more you will also get a brand new fanny pack just for shopping with me... Due to all of my daily MARKDOWNS and DEALS there is a minimum order of $10 or more. Thank you for stopping by..😃😄😆
Jun 02Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 Items must be listed $40 or less;)) ACCEPTING ALL OFFERS Thank you for your interest
Sep 20Reply
porta962 Thank you angel for the ❤️ on my profile. You made my day ! 🥰
Oct 02Reply
amb_dawnrenee @porta962 you are very welcome. I love your style and you are a fellow Texan. 💟
Oct 02Reply
johncopeland921 Wow wow wow what a “meet your Posher “mini biography I wish more people would do this &tell about themselves —you’re an amazing person and I say Yahweh bless you
Oct 09Reply
amb_dawnrenee @johncopeland921 Thank you so much!! It is the teacher side of me👩‍🏫
Oct 09Reply
mzpitty1 BUNDLE 2 OR MORE ITEMS 👠👜🥻👗👒FROM MY CLOSET AND RECEIVE A SPECIAL DISCOUNT 💰. PLUS YOU GET TO CHOOSE 👀 A FREE GIFT 🎁👍 FROM LISTINGS IN MY CLOSET MARKED "FREE GIFT WITH PURCHASE" 💋💋😁 I will make you an EXCELLENT DEAL if you make a Bundle!! if you have any Special Requests LET ME KNOW.. Color, style, garment, accessories, sizes....I have a ton of things I haven't listed yet.
Dec 19Reply
amb_dawnrenee @mzpitty1 Thank you for letting me know about your amazing deals. 💕
Dec 19Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 21Reply
wendywillis1125 Thank you for the congratulations on host pic. First time that happened!
Dec 23Reply
jenn3981 @amb_dawnrenee welcome to The RUNWAY! Thanks for sharing. I’d like to feature your closet on Friday 1/21. Does that work for you?
Jan 15Reply
amb_dawnrenee @jenn3981 Hi!!! Absolutely that works for me. Thank you😁💌💟
Jan 15Reply
markd1d2 Thank you
Jan 19Reply
aspfleegor 👋 Congrats to you and your Gold Star!🌟💜
Feb 16Reply
amb_dawnrenee @aspfleegor Thank you🥰 To you as well.
Feb 16Reply
jenn3981 @amb_dawnrenee hi! Time for your closet to walk The RUNWAY! Does Friday March 4 work for you?
Feb 25Reply
amb_dawnrenee @jenn3981 Good morning. yes that will definitely work 😁 thank you.
Feb 25Reply
jenn3981 @amb_dawnrenee Hi! Just a reminder that your closet will be featured tomorrow on The RUNWAY! If you post the “I’m Featured” picture (last slide in listing) tomorrow, you will get 25 BONUS shares from me. It’s completely optional. Enjoy the Posh love.
Mar 03Reply
amb_dawnrenee @jenn3981 thank you so much for the reminder and the feature🌹
Mar 03Reply
janfast Thanks for all the shares! 🌸💕
Mar 05Reply
jenn3981 @amb_dawnrenee Hi Dawn! It’s time for your closet to walk The RUNWAY- in 1 week. Saturday, May 14. Enjoy the Posh love!
May 06Reply
amb_dawnrenee @jenn3981 Thank you 🥰🥰🥰
May 06Reply
jenn3981 @amb_dawnrenee Hi! Just a reminder that your closet will be featured tomorrow on The RUNWAY! If you post the “I’m Featured” picture (last slide in listing) tomorrow, you will get 25 BONUS shares from me. It’s completely optional. Enjoy the Posh love.
May 13Reply
nice_matters11 💙🌵🙋🏻‍♀️ 💙Congrats on being Featured 💙Beautiful Closet ALL shared 💙🌵Keep Safe & Healthy🌵💙 💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 🌵🪴🌵🪴🌵🪴🌵🪴🌵 🌵❤️🧩Monica in AZ🧩💙🌵 🌵🧡🧩🌵💚🧩🌵💛🧩🌵 Spreading Autism Awareness
May 14Reply
marymichele505 You are just the sweetest ! I just got my package brought up by my husband from downstairs and it was absolutely perfect! You’re such a sweetie and have gone the extra mile. Sorry it was a bit late on my review but Hubby left package and never said it arrived until I looked it up and it said it got here two days ago! He doesn’t like carrying extra things upstairs just like a big kid! lol
May 17Reply
marymichele505 God Bless you and Your Beautiful Family and Friends in these Beautiful Photos .I recommend you highly to everybody plus your closet is very cool I will keep my eyes open and skin through it it’s just so big it’s like a department store Love Miche
May 17Reply
amb_dawnrenee @marymichele505 awe thank you. you are an absolute doll and wish you the best.
May 17Reply
kmadoll amazing closet! happy Poshing
Aug 08Reply
amb_dawnrenee @kmadoll thank you. I love clothes, so I hope that shows. 💞
Aug 09Reply
kmadoll @amb_dawnrenee me too. wish I had more space. nearly retired and rarely get out so don't need more but I love fashion.
Aug 09Reply
kmadoll @amb_dawnrenee I'm looking for an outfit for 40th high school reunion set for October
Aug 09Reply
amb_dawnrenee @kmadoll how fun!!!! what is your preference dress pant outfit other
Aug 09Reply
kmadoll @amb_dawnrenee love dresses but leaning towards pants cuz I'm one of those always cold peeps, live in Washington state. I'm typically 00 in pants. not really a petite but some petite pants are long enough. I just love nice clothes any ideas or options are welcome just send my way please! I love posh community ♥️
Aug 09Reply
aikl1027 I adore your closet 😍 And: congrats on the party!!! I’ll be there tomorrow to celebrate with you 🥰🎉💕Ana
Aug 20Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Aug 20Reply
acelestialsoul 🥳🎈🥂🍾Wow! Congrats on hosting the 🌹🌿🌸♻️SUSTAINABLE & ECO-FRIENDLY 🌎🌱🌷🌼party! Count me in. Please pop over and 👀check out my closet when you get a sec. I’ve got awesome pieces that you might love for🏆 host picks. TYSM 🎊 🎉 🎂 💋
Aug 20Reply
disneyfreak67 Congratulations on Hosting! 🎉I hope you have as much fun as I did! If you have a sec, I’d be so grateful if you would choose an item from my Closet for a Host Pick😊❤️Thanks!
Aug 20Reply
foreverandagain ✨ Congratulations on hosting a party!!🎉😃🎊 I would be so grateful if you would consider my closet for a host pick✨😊✨ thank you! 💕 💕✨💞💕See you at the party!!🎉✨🎊💞
Aug 21Reply
ifqanqan Hello fellow ambassador @amb_dawnrenee , Congratulations on being a host in todays party 🎉.❤️ I hope everything is well🍀. I would like to personally invite you into my closet. I offer a variety of styles and sizes.sending positive posh vibes your way.
Aug 21Reply
ditooshop @amb_dawnrenee Congratulations on cohosting today's Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. All eligible brands are at the top of my closet. Thanks!
Aug 21Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much
Aug 21Reply
amb_dawnrenee @proverbs2323 thank you. I appreciated the scripture 💕
Aug 21Reply
amb_dawnrenee @aikl1027 Thank you!! I hope you had fun at the party 🥳
Aug 21Reply
amb_dawnrenee @kmadoll I have been on the look out for you while sourcing. I just posted an unbranded neon pink pant suit you might like.
Sep 17Reply
indigomuse Hi Dawn! Thanks so much for the HOST PICK!! I feel very honored😊😊
Nov 18Reply
sinsofcyn 👢 Hi there Dawn ! Thanx for DISCOVERING and Further EXPLORING 🧗‍♀️ MY MESSY Lil' CLOSET & VINTAGE STUFFED ECLECTIC CUPBOARDS ! 🎁❤ 🎁🎁 ❤🎁🎁 ❤🎁🎁 CUSTOMIZED MYSTERY BOXES 5 & 10 lbs. & Perfectly Chosen to suit YOUR SIZE(s) 🤗 GUARANTEE YOU'LL BE THRILLED & ENJOY! PREPARE TO BE HOOKED 🎣 REVISITING AGAIN ....... and AGAIN & AGAIN ❤ Caregiver Discount thoroughly understand, as I wait in Mom's Room for her to get back from Another Ultrasound 🙏❤
Nov 19Reply
shopkll Hi! I went back to purchase the dress but I guess gone. I wanted to thank you for taking the time to add measurements. I was working so unfortunately time got away. Thank you
Jan 19Reply
rosierecycles Thanks for the Twitter share 🐥💙🌹
Jan 21Reply
karen_alkemeyer I so appreciate your shares, means a lot coming from a newcomer here! Who doesn’t love magic fairy dust for good luck sales?💕💕⭐️
Feb 02Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks
Feb 07Reply
amb_dawnrenee @karinhausman sure thing. please tag me in a couple of items and I'll pick one. Happy poshing🥰
Feb 07Reply
ditooshop @amb_dawnrenee Congratulations on cohosting today's Outdoor Adventure Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. All eligible brands are at the top of my closet. Thanks!
Feb 08Reply
glampam60 Great photos!!! Thank you for sharing my bag on twitter!!! I don’t use it but I absolutely appreciate!!! 😎😍😎❤️😎. I was formerly in legal field too.
Feb 13Reply
glampam60 You have a fabulous closet!!!!! 💼❤️💼❤️😎
Feb 13Reply
amb_dawnrenee @glampam60 Thank you 😘😘
Feb 13Reply
tiggy7 Hi Dawn! Want to Thank You for sharing my sweater, I greatly appreciate you😘 Happy Holidays ❤️⛄️💚⛄️
Dec 21Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely 🥰 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals on everything!!! If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Happy Poshing❤️
Apr 25Reply
misserin7 Nice closet :) Just stopping by to say hi and introduce myself. I hope you’ll check my closet out too!
May 16Reply
tiggy7 Thank You for sharing my pants, I greatly appeciate you and the Posh Love! I van not believe you’re a LaLa, you look too young and fabulous!💝
Aug 03Reply
emerald37 You have the most beautiful dresses! Your closet is totally amazing #1🩷💜
Sep 30Reply
amb_dawnrenee @emerald37 thank u so much. dresses hands down are my fav article of clothing
Oct 01Reply

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