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Updated Aug 22
Updated Aug 22

Meet your Posher, Deb

Meet the Posher

US$100,000,000 US$100,000,000

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IF YOU HAVE ALLERGIES, PLEASE READ! I use TIDE detergent. I use DOWNY dryer sheets or DRYEL in some loads of laundry. I HAVE PETS. A cat, two dogs, a bird, and a husband. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE ROOMS I use to work and store my items. I also wash my hands before working. THERE IS ALSO NO SMOKING IN MY HOME. I take pride in trying to make this as fun for you as it is for me!
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tigerlilyposh @tnite Thank you for shopping my closet! I will be shipping your jeans tomorrow :)
May 05Reply
katzkoz Welcome to Posh!💕 It's a very supportive and social community and if you have questions there's always a Posher to answer them.  Or... ...visit my closet and I'd be happy to help! More questions? On anything specific U'd like to know? Just ask me......💜
May 05Reply
tnite_fashion @katzkoz Why do I have followers when I haven't listed anything?
May 08Reply
katzkoz @tnite Some of them will do that in case, U list anything, they're hoping U follow back and that way, they will get to see it as soon as U list something. Usually, a Posher will welcome new people and offer their help. But, maybe seeing someone already welcomed U....they thought U already had someone to me. heehee.....who knows? This site is full of eclectic people, lots of fun and positive Poshers.💜 U'll see.
May 08Reply
kjoyhm @tnite Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for visiting my closet🙂
May 12Reply
tnite_fashion @lamont03 Yay!!! I can't wait! I've wanted one forever!!
May 13Reply
tnite_fashion @lamont03 I better be good and stop shopping for the day… LOL
May 13Reply
tnite_fashion @lamont03 Definitely! Thanks again!
May 13Reply
majicpotion9 Hello! Thanks for the shares! I am starfire8 also, welcome!
May 15Reply
cindyklatt I'm so glad the purse matched your dress! Sounds like it's a perfect fit. Thanks again for shopping my closet. Have a great week! 🌺💚🌺
May 23Reply
tnite_fashion @majicpotion9 Thanks for the welcome!
May 26Reply
tnite_fashion @kjoyhm Thank you for the welcome!
May 26Reply
kjoyhm @tnite My pleasure🙂
May 26Reply
hayleysmom Welcome to poshmark
Jun 02Reply
mjbp @mjbp🌹🌹🌹welcome to Poshmark 🌹🌹🌹🌹I invite u to visit my closet 🌹🌹🌹thanks @mjbp
Jun 06Reply
tnite_fashion @mjbp Thank you!
Jun 06Reply
mjbp @tnite 😊🌹💕
Jun 06Reply
on13thstreet @tnite Hope you're enjoying Poshmark!😊
Jun 10Reply
tnite_fashion @lorielle913 Thank you! I definitely am.
Jun 10Reply
donnastreasures Hi, my name is Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to ask!😊
Jun 10Reply
lhaz29 Thanks for the follow🌸💜💕
Jun 13Reply
lorac2015 Please visit my closet overflowing with Vintage bags, Coach, Dooney Bourke, and Fossil! Suggested User, top 10% Seller, Quick shipper! All my bags are authenticated! Let's make a deal!!!! I'm Addicted to Vtg Bags!!!!#
Jun 15Reply
tnite_fashion @lhaz29 You're welcome!
Jun 15Reply
lhaz29 @tnite 💜💕
Jun 15Reply
thriftytanya Hello and welcome to posh✨✨ I can't wait to see what you have in store to sell💚or if you're a buyer, feel free to stop by my closet and make an offer! Happy Poshing!😁
Jun 20Reply
tnite_fashion @thriftytanya Thank you! I'm working on photographing my items now. A little slow because it's new to me, but getting there. Hoping to lunch later this week or weekend!
Jun 20Reply
tnite_fashion @thriftytanya I wish that little white jacket with the gold buttons was in my size! You have cute things.
Jun 20Reply
thriftytanya @tnite oh thank you so much for the compliment! I can't wait to see what you have in store to sell✨
Jun 20Reply
reereescloset Welcome to Poshmark!
Jun 21Reply
ihh Hi Debra, welcome to Poshmrk, nice to et you and thank you for visiting my closet, I add new items every week, stop by agai,. Happy Poshing
Jun 21Reply
tnite_fashion @ihh Thank you!
Jun 21Reply
the1jules Welcome to POSHMARK! 🌹 Happy Poshing!
Jun 21Reply
bre21fhs Happy Poshing!
Jun 21Reply
bowdoin @tnite Hi Debra, Welcome to Poshmark! ❤️❤️❤️it is so much fun on here. It takes awhile to get yourself to feel comfortable because there is so much to learn. It's like going to college for the first time and finding your way around. Read everything you can and ask lots of questions and take your time. Let me know if you need any help and I would be glad to share my knowledge. Good luck. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘
Jun 21Reply
tnite_fashion @the1jules Thank you very much!
Jun 21Reply
tnite_fashion @bre21fhs Thanks!! You too!
Jun 21Reply
tnite_fashion @bowdoin I appreciate that!! There is definitely a lot to absorb.
Jun 21Reply
the1jules @tnite You're very welcome! 😊
Jun 22Reply
royalbeauty1992 Hey new posh friend my name is justina thanks for the add I am currently having a sale so if u have time pls come check out my closet I have really great prices and open to offers
Jun 22Reply
ko1016 @tnite Welcome to Poshmark! 🙂 💕 Feel free to shop around my closet if you like! I offer a discount if you bundle 2 or more items. Let me know if you have any questions! Happy Poshing! 😃
Jun 22Reply
maucri Welcome to Posh & good luck! So glad ur excited, look forward to seeing your closet!!!😊
Jun 22Reply
tnite_fashion @123lynne Thank you. I'm just getting started listing items. I will have a lot mote soon!
Jun 25Reply
mysticalblue 🌹Hello 🙋🏻 I'm Carolyn. Welcome to Poshmark‼️You'll find a community of Poshers willing to help, encourage you & share their Posh 💕Love. Remember to Follow 👠👠other Poshers & Share their closets👗which will grow followers to your closet. Check out 🌸YOUR GUIDE TO POSHMARK & POSH ETIQUETTE for Posh compliant closets & other info for Beginners. Also 🌸 for answers to many questions. If I can help, just message me 🦋@mysticalblue🦋. I wish you much success & Happy Poshing‼️👗🛍
Jun 28Reply
tnite_fashion @mysticalblue Thank you for the links!
Jun 28Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Jun 29Reply
mysticalblue @tnite 💜 you're very welcome‼️💕
Jun 30Reply
sb143posh @tnite Debra, thank you for all the shares! I like your closet and wish you many sales! 🎉🎈🍉
Jul 02Reply
tnite_fashion @sb143posh You'e welcome!! Thank you as well!
Jul 02Reply
n2starbucks @tnite Hi! I see you have a follow game! If you set it to "For Sale" and set the price high like 1000000000 then you will get more followers. That way each week you can lower the price 10% and it sends a reminder to all that have liked it to come back and follow new people! 😘
Jul 02Reply
tnite_fashion @n2starbucks Thank you for the suggestion! I reset the price.
Jul 02Reply
n2starbucks @tnite Hey! What kind of list are your trying to make?
Jul 02Reply
tnite_fashion @n2starbucks A tag list for the follow games like you guys are posting.
Jul 02Reply
getdressed4less Hi there! I just wanted to let you know you were my 10,000th follower. And in celebration of that I'd like to give you 20% off one item from my closet. Happy posing!
Jul 07Reply
tnite_fashion @getdressed4less Thank you!! Congrats on your 10,000!!! I'm working on that goal also. I was just thinking earlier about offering a discount for my 10,000 too, just wasn't sure how I would be able to be sure of which person hit the 10,000 if it was on a day I was gone all day… LOL. Loving the mermaid shoes. I put them in a bundle so just let me know. You have some really fun stuff in your closet.
Jul 07Reply
goshops Thank u for the shares Debra! 🤗
Jul 15Reply
tnite_fashion @goshops You're welcome! Thank you also!
Jul 15Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon Debra. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations and sharing them with your followers 🌹
Aug 06Reply
tnite_fashion @hmsimon1 You are very welcome!
Aug 06Reply
jovigraham Hello Debra. Thank you so much for returning the Posh love 💕💕🌸🌸💕💕
Aug 11Reply
tnite_fashion @jovigraham Thank you as well'
Aug 11Reply
jovigraham @tnite 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Aug 11Reply
tannyaustin Thanks a bunch for the follow 🌼
Aug 17Reply
tnite_fashion @tannyaustin You're welcome!!
Aug 17Reply
cesca56 Thanks for following me Debra 😊
Aug 31Reply
tnite_fashion @cesca56 you're welcome!!
Aug 31Reply
tnite_fashion @melinag2017 Awesome! What size do you wear?
Sep 03Reply
tnite_fashion @melinag2017 I had to tag you in those… LOL
Sep 03Reply
tnite_fashion @melinag2017 i'll keep an eye out!
Sep 03Reply
tnite_fashion @myfabboutique is it not sharing when you tru to share it?
Sep 05Reply
tnite_fashion @myfabboutique sorry, my phone died. I started off by just trying to get groupings together. All the shoes, all the tops, all the pants. As I started getting more inventory I started arranging them by size within their own category.
Sep 05Reply
tnite_fashion @melinag2017 lolololololol!! See, just shows you have an awesome closet!!
Sep 07Reply
tnite_fashion @melinag2017 never mess with any girls man or her shoes!!
Sep 07Reply
filthycoffin Thanks for stopping by my closet! Yours is fabulous too! I don't only sell here, so prices are flexible on my other shops❤
Sep 07Reply
tnite_fashion @filthycoffin you have great stuff!!
Sep 07Reply
scoreks Very nice closet and I love how it's organized!
Sep 15Reply
tnite_fashion @ocmicheley I am not shopping for anything at the moment, but you are welcome to share a few things.
Sep 21Reply
tetullis Hello and thanks for following. Happy poshing
Sep 26Reply
tnite_fashion @ldeckert This coming Thursday?
Oct 03Reply
tnite_fashion @ldeckert Ican do that. Taking someone for surgery on thursday so I may not respond right away, but I will pull one pair for you. Let me know when you are ready and I will post them back up.
Oct 03Reply
mrshuntermartin Hi! I’m still new to this, but I think it was you that I purchased the Citizens of Humanity jeans from last week. Are you Deb??
Oct 03Reply
tnite_fashion @mrshuntermartin yes, you purchased them from me
Oct 03Reply
tnite_fashion @mrshuntermartin Thank you for the great rating!!
Oct 03Reply
mrshuntermartin @tnite You are so welcome!! Thank you for a great first experience! They were packaged adorably, in perfect condition, and the notepad was such a sweet touch. So much more than I expected!!
Oct 03Reply
tnite_fashion @mrshuntermartin Yay!!! I hope you have nothing but great experiences on here! I'm having all kinds of fun, both as a buyer and a seller.
Oct 03Reply
tnite_fashion @ldeckert you're welcome. They will ship out tomorrow
Oct 05Reply
tnite_fashion @ldeckert Saw your bundle. Just let me know when you are ready. Anything ordered tomorrow may be delayed and not be shipped til Saturday depending on how the surgery goes, but I will try to get things out on Friday.
Oct 05Reply
tnite_fashion @ldeckert good news! Everything went super smooth this morning, so I am done and available if you have any questions.
Oct 05Reply
modista316 I love my rag doll kitty and my hubby but they aren’t allowed in my closet either! 👍🏼🌹 Love your closet!
Oct 07Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!☺️💕
Oct 10Reply
tnite_fashion @ashlyn_bekah You're welcome!
Oct 10Reply
rlynmass Hi!😄 I got the tag & will keep it going. Your profile is hilarious! 😂 Funny with all your warnings there will be someone to ask a question or who hasn't read it! Lol! And your hubby is lumped in with your pets! Haha! 😂😆 Thanks for the giggle! ✨
Oct 15Reply
tnite_fashion @rlynmass You should go check out my husband's page. He doesn't sell, but he decided to make some listings based on what he hears me muttering about in the other room… LOL I'm sure he will be adding more as time goes by. @serveronfire Glad you got a
Oct 15Reply
rlynmass Too funny! I'm trying to remember what I came across along the lines of sequence! When & if I remember I'll know to come back here!😂 I love Cockatoos!!😻 Yours is adorable! Does yours suffer from anxiety? I had a cat who would pull his fur out when his cat buddy passed away.
Oct 15Reply
tnite_fashion @rlynmass yes. When we got him he was bald except for on his head where he couldn't reach. Sometimes he has more feathers than others, but at least he doesn't pull himself completely bald anymore.
Oct 16Reply
rlynmass My goodness! How old is he & how long have you had him? Perhaps in a matter of years comfortable w/ you he'll be full feathered! He's adorable nonetheless! 💝
Oct 16Reply
tnite_fashion @rlynmass We don't know how old he is. We do know he was brought in before they banned importing them. We have had him for over a decade. He just is who he is.
Oct 16Reply
rlynmass Learned smth new about the ban! You've had him a long time! Precious!🌟
Oct 16Reply
aweglitz Hello I shared 30 listings and followed 500 followers thank you for your shares!!
Oct 18Reply
tnite_fashion @tlude Thank you! Be sure to put that on the game listing
Oct 18Reply
aweglitz @tnite that I just shared your closet? I’m sorry this is my first time
Oct 18Reply
tnite_fashion @tlude don't apologize. It takes a minute to figure it out. When you share someone's closet and follow their followers, post your numbers in the game listing and tag the person whose closet you shared. It will help people remember to tag you also.
Oct 18Reply
tnite_fashion @faithin1 Thank you! I appreciate the fact that you were trying to help me out!
Oct 20Reply
tnite_fashion @melinag2017 hey! How ya doing?!! Did you ever find the top you were looking for?
Oct 20Reply
tnite_fashion @melinag2017 I know it wasn't the right one, but I saw top the other day that made me realize that I can't remember which one you're looking for. When you get a chance, show me again.
Oct 20Reply
tnite_fashion @melinag2017 i'll keep an eye out. Hey, my closet name is getting ready to change to Tnite_Fashion. Someone already had tnite on Twitter and Instagram
Oct 20Reply
tnite_fashion @melinag2017 i've had that name for over 20 years. It would've never occurred to me that anybody else would have bothered to use it.
Oct 20Reply
tnite_fashion @melinag2017 nothing official or anything. Just kind of a nickname. I had just never seen anybody else use it in all this time. It's all good
Oct 21Reply
mmathews788 Love your closet!!! Feel free to make any offers in my closet! 😊 shares are always great as well!
Oct 31Reply
martinpere Congrats on being the Super Posher SP for a day. I am followed and shared your closet. Hoping tons of sales, follows, and shares come your way today! For more chances to be the SP of the day play all nine of the official SP games.
Nov 07Reply
robinbustad LOVE THIS !!!!
Nov 13Reply
pearlyrose thanks so much for your purchases! Will ship out tomorrow, Monday, when post office is back in business... Happy T-day 🍂🍁
Nov 19Reply
tnite_fashion @pearlyrose You're welcome! Have a great week!
Nov 19Reply
robindicocco I love your closet! You are so neat and organized, it makes it a pleasure to shop :-)
Jan 22Reply
tnite_fashion @robindicocco Thank you! I’m hoping to open my closet back up next week. I had a surgery and it has taken me a little bit to get back up and around.
Jan 22Reply
tnite_fashion @jedfr098 Awesome. Are you going for heavy metal rocker, punk rocker, or hair band rocker?
Jan 28Reply
tnite_fashion @jedfr098 I don’t have a lot that fits that genre at the moment, but keep checking as Im always listing new items .
Jan 28Reply
sea4emm 😊cute pics 🥀
Mar 05Reply
mahollie Really cute close!!
Mar 24Reply
tnite_fashion @mahollie Thanks!!! 🌻
Mar 24Reply
cocovalli 🌸 sweet pet & family photos! And yes , your mom is gorgeous! 🌸
Apr 14Reply
irieshop Hi there! Thanks for the follow. Please check my closet out, I'm sure there are items you would LOVE :)
Apr 14Reply
tnite_fashion Thank you!
Apr 14Reply
xrileypaigex Thanks for the styling. I need so much help. I'm m2f and learning all about styles and clothing. I'm so clueless
Apr 24Reply
tnite_fashion @xrileypaigex Best bet is to pick one thing you really like and then play with different shoes and accessories. Over time you will learn what styles you really like the best. It’s all about having fun and feeling great in what you wear!!
Apr 24Reply
tnite_fashion @xrileypaigex actually, it looks like I may have looked at the wrong style card and sent you some of the wrong sizes. Let me go back and look and see what I can find for you.
Apr 24Reply
tnite_fashion @xrileypaigex Oops!! I sent you the right sizes. Somehow I managed to go in and look at my own style card the second time instead of yours so I confused myself… LOL.
Apr 24Reply
kellyzcloset Hi! You have a beautiful closet. Thanks so much for the offer, I apologize, didn’t mean to hit like (lol, not that I don’t like!!!) I’m selling the same top and was just trying to get an idea about how much to charge. Have a great weekend!!! 😊🌷🌷🌷☀️☀️👍🏻
May 04Reply
tnite_fashion @fkard50 No problem! I accidentally hit the bundle buttpn every once in awhile when sharing too. Good luck! I hope you make tons of sales!
May 04Reply
kellyzcloset @tnite_fashion Thanks! You too! I love all your pics by the way! Your mom is gorgeous, you take after her! 👍🏻💕💕
May 04Reply
tnite_fashion @fkard50 Awww! Thanks!
May 04Reply
listbyangie TFS! Much appreciated! 🤗🐾🐾
May 15Reply
tnite_fashion @listbyangie you’re welcome!🌻
May 15Reply
bell1971 @tnite_fashion 💋💋 YOUR A LIPPIE BONUS POSHER TODAY🎉🎉
May 27Reply
tnite_fashion @bell1971 Thank you!!! 😍😍😍
May 27Reply
janjan009 Congrats on being featured as a Wolfpack today 🌺💜Jan
Jun 20Reply
tnite_fashion @janjan009 Thank you!! Just now logging on so just now found out!!
Jun 21Reply
heatherpj love your closet! <3
Jul 20Reply
touch_of_class9 Hello. Nice to see your family too. 🤣🤣
Aug 04Reply
tnite_fashion @harleylulu Hi! Thank you!
Aug 04Reply
designerchic03 Hello! Thank you for stopping by my closet  It is much appreciated. Please let me know if you have any questions always up for different offers.  Each purchase also comes with a free gift.  Looking forward to checking out your closet as well!
Jan 06Reply
tnite_fashion @freaky63 You’re welcome!
Feb 21Reply
siciliangal I wanted to thank you for all your help in the past when I was looking for answers !! : ) You were right there !! Tomorrow I am Co-Hosting my first Posh Party, a milestone ; ) I hope you can stop by !! Best in Jewelry & Accessories. If not ALL of your help was greatly appreciated !!!
Mar 27Reply
tnite_fashion @siciliangal That’s awesome!!! My closet is on vacation for a little bit because I had a small medical procedure, but I will try to remember to stop by and share from your party. What time and day is your party? I hope you have a lot of fun and a lot of sales!!! You’re welcome. I’m glad I was able to help you out.
Mar 29Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Nov 24Reply
momof2boys621 @tnite_fashion Thanks for stopping by 💞 Wishing you all the success on Poshmark
Nov 25Reply
marieskisilver hey, sorry it's delayed shipping, should be there soon. I love you pics, to cute😺
Jan 26Reply
tnite_fashion @marieskisilver Thanks! No problem
Jan 26Reply
hellobrigid Hi 👋 Welcome to Poshmark! I wanted to share that my Entire Closet @brizabrigid is 50% off 🌈 ✈️ I'm moving to Puerto Rico at the end of October. I’m a five star rated posh ambassador with over a 1000 sales! ☺️ If you like an item, I'll send the discounted offer via bundle💕Brigid
Oct 03Reply
cutehosiery @tnite_fashion Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 15Reply

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