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Updated Aug 05
Updated Aug 05

Meet your Posher, Debbie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Debbie. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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luvmee40 It's my Birthday and I am celebrating it bigtime with you! Starting NOW! 30% off EVERYTHING in my closet including all high end goods. From Christian Dior to Michael Kors, I am reducing the already average discounted price of 68% and taking off an additional 30%  All you have to do is bundle and I will accept the discount of 30% or hit the little heart under the item you like and I will send you the offer. It's that simple. 
Sep 27Reply
stormmulder Sorry about the delayed shipping of the item you purchased from me! I have been out of town. It will be shipped today :)
Feb 22Reply
theclosetwife Hello, I’ve canceled the order and realized the dress for you to buy 😊
Mar 07Reply
dsell Hello, I shipped all your items out today. Your items because of weight ….. are spread out ….All items are sent out . I just put one item in the second box . I hope that made sense :-)
Mar 10Reply
drougton That extra purse was for you. I knew it was put in there but it was metallic and since you ordered the other one I just threw it in there. enjoy!
Mar 12Reply
sharonmycloset @drougton Wow! How sweet <3 Thank you so much
Mar 12Reply
zenfulco Thank you so much for shopping Zenful Collection I’ll have it shipped out first thing Monday morning📦 Stay safe and healthy during this time💙
Mar 27Reply
franbolls you have 2 likes on items in my closet. You get to pick one more $5.00 item free.
Apr 02Reply
crowegg Hello! I’m cleaning out so see my super sale offer!
Apr 04Reply
salesshoes7 Hi I tried shipping out the items but given the weight of everything it is not enough to cover the cost. I will try another post office tomorrow and see if I can send it out but if not we may need to process two different order. Please let me know what you think.
Apr 04Reply
rroyal79 Welcome to Poshmark
May 01Reply
cmboi10182013 Hi ! I saw you liked 4 of my items . Feel free to bundle up and place an offer ❤️don’t be shy ❤️
May 02Reply
cmboi10182013 Hi! It’s me again . The 4 items you like totaling 20.00 , feel free to bundle up and place an offer for 10.00 and I will accept for the Jacket , 2 pairs of shoes , and blouse ❤️
May 02Reply
cmboi10182013 Hi I sent you the bundle offer for 9.00 ❤️
May 05Reply
cmboi10182013 Hi I know you bundled the three items up of the 2 pairs of shoes and purple jacket , but the gold shoes just sold yesterday . If you want the purple jacket and burgundy shoes bundle them up and place an offer for 8.00 and I will accept ❤️
May 06Reply
sheltiemomma I sent you an offer on your new bundle. Thanks,Sue
May 21Reply
lillianyan Hey three $5 items for $10. Please make a bundle and I will drop the price. Thanks
May 22Reply
thedazzlingdiva Hi Debbie! 😃 I would love to invite you to check out my closet as I have some brands and styles that I think you may like 👗👢 (J. CREW, LUCKY BRAND, and more!) Feel free to send out offers or ‘like’ your favorites and I will send you a great deal! 💥💥💥Make sure to check back as I list new items weekly (You can also sign up for my newsletter - link in bio) Happy Poshing! 🌸🌸🌸~ Patti
Jun 27Reply
lillianyan Hey thanks for making a bundle, I just made an offer for you. 😊
Jul 08Reply
___sugarcups Please do this for me
Jan 12Reply
roni_friedman Hey there gorgeous, welcome to Poshmark. I cannot wait to see how your closet will grow and succeed in the near future. I just wanted to briefly introduce you to my own closet. I have a wide range of things that fit a wide range of sizes. If you see anything you like, let me know and I will provide you a private discount 🤩🤩🤩. Thank you and good luck 💕🥰💕🥰💕🥰💕🥰💕
May 07Reply
aletaa @sharonmycloset Hi Debbie, great name for your closet! I like the play on words. Is Sharon your middle name? AletaA
Aug 05Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means……………….. I’ll be accepting almost any and all reasonable offers! Even on bundles!
Aug 10Reply
maxilover4526 Hi and thank u so much for following me 🥰 come to my closet when u get a second everything is bogo 1/2 off. All boutique items, beauty items, clothing etc. bundle any likes and happy poshing! 💜💜💜💜
Aug 12Reply
ivecita1515 Thanks for visiting me…I look forward to sharing with you!should you happen to be interested in anything from my closet please don’t hesitate to reach out to me so I can reduce prices and make shopping easier for you! I’m also optimistic about the offers you might have in mind so send them my way! I’m reasonable and I want to see you happy! I’m sure together we’ll get you great deals! Thanks again for your kindness and support! Be blessed🙏💕😉!
Aug 16Reply
zanne0921 Thank you for following me!
Aug 16Reply
oliviaami Dear @5d8d8aa981611d4f2bd38dc3 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Aug 20Reply
oliviaami Dear @5d8d8aa981611d4f2bd38dc3 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Aug 20Reply
cutehosiery @sharonmycloset Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 29Reply
diva_ds_closet Love your closet, Debbie! Interesting and fun inventory!! Wishing you great Posh success! 👍
Sep 02Reply
thrifty_pumpkin Thank you for checking out my closet. Have a great weekend 🧡✌️
Sep 09Reply
stylemode101 Thank you for the love 💕
Sep 11Reply
2girls2122 Hi! Thanks for stopping by, wishing you many sales and more. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Stop by my live shows. Like my red 🌻✌️ listing. Happy Poshing 🎉.
Sep 21Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Oct 25Reply
fancythevoice @sharonmycloset tysm for the follow and wow.. your spectacular closet 💛 sharing!
Jan 02Reply
tatnaples Hi Debbie! Thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Feb 04Reply
ada_maria hi Debbie ☺️ thank you for your kind follow and I would love to invite you to my closet. I believe there's a lil something for anyone in there so please check it out. if there's anything that captures your eye. please reach out if you have any questions or possible offers or even a bundle I will be more than happy to help and negotiate with you. I will look forward to hearing from you 😀
Oct 10Reply
ortizdiscounts Hey there! I’m just stopping by to let you know I will be closing my closet so ALL items must go. Please help me get rid of all items by stopping by and sending offers. Find something for yourself, someone else, or buy low from me to resell and profit for yourself. 😉 as always , please feel free to ask any questions you may have. ❤️ -Ortiz Discounts
Jan 17Reply
luckybentley Hi thanks for the follow. offers are welcome
1 day agoReply

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