Meet your Posher, Debbie
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Hi! I'm Debbie. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

9 others
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Welcome to Poshmark!
Sep 17Reply

Hi!! Debbie, Thank you very much for your Purchase!! Have a Great Day.
Feb 28Reply

Hello dear! If you bundle both pairs of Ugg Riccis, I’ll let both of them together go to you for $40. Thank you for your interest & offers! Blessings!
Mar 01Reply

Hi Debbie! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & get your 3rd item free! 🎉☺️
Mar 07Reply

Hi Debbie! I appreciate your offer. I hope you will accept my counter-offer. If not, I truly appreciate your interest! You will not be disappointed with this purchase! 😊
Mar 07Reply

Debbie, Thanks for your purchase. It will go out in today’s mail!
Mar 11Reply

Thanks for your purchase of my Ugg shoes!!! Do you mind excepting the order and give them a rating. Hope you loved them!!
Mar 19Reply

Hope you received your purchase thank
Mar 29Reply

I tried to send you communication that the yellow sandals were damaged - I was offering you another pair and a free set as compensation but you did not respond. I did not want you to be disappointed so I canceled the order. I will list the other set without the yellow sandals. I will tag you and if you would like to purchase I would be happy to send to you :) thank you for your understanding!
Apr 04Reply

@jodidea what would you want from the listing
Apr 05Reply

@erinshanger Hi My Friend! When I get home ( in about 1.5 hours) I will and post and tag you. I will offer you the same $12. For all 5 as I feel really bad
that I have had to cancel an order. I talked to Poshmark and they suggested I do. Pictures & tag will be coming. If purchase I can get your package out tomorrow- thank you for your kindness and understanding!!! Much Blessings!!! And my deepest apologies 💜🙏
Apr 05Reply

@erinshanger I posted and tagged you :-)
Apr 05Reply

@debleo26 hello darling! thank you so much for your purchase (: ill be sure to add a little extra gift. shipping first thing tomorrow
Apr 07Reply

Hi, can you release my payment pls for the ugg sandals thanks
Apr 08Reply

Hi Debbie, I saw you received your Ugg shoes! Would you mind rating your order ♥️♥️ it would be very much appreciated!! Thanks for shopping my closet 🛍
Apr 09Reply

Thank you so very much for stopping in. I have this coming your way.
Apr 11Reply

Hi Debbie. You purchased this lot of vs items from me and I wanted to be sure you know that some are used and some are not. Also can you tell me if you want all the ones in the photos or if there something else you are looking for??
Apr 11Reply

Hello Debbie. Thank you so much for shopping with me 💗 I will ship your UGG Slippers tomorrow 🙂
Apr 14Reply

good morning Miss Debbie thank you so very much for your purchase I will ship your leopard fur slides on tomorrow I will message you again when I drop it off at the post office thank you again and have a blessed day
Apr 15Reply

hi there! I am currently out of town - but I will drop your order in the mail mid week next week. thank you!
Apr 16Reply

Thank u for your purchase this evening they are packaged and will go out tomorrow morning 🌸🌸🌸
Apr 20Reply

Hi Debbie, Sorry dear I didn’t see your offer. I ‘m listen to you a new price. Thank you
Apr 20Reply

have you tried to contact your post office to see what's going on with the shoes? I tried calling yesterday morning after it said they were open but the Voicemail said they were closed. just trying to see what's going on because it's well passed the time for you to have received those shoes.
Apr 22Reply

Hi debbie! Can we meet in between our offers on the golden goose? Such great sneakers and would love to clear some space !
Apr 24Reply

Thanks for the offer !!🙏I just got other offer , I lower the best with I can with lower shipping fee
Apr 30Reply

@debleo26 Hi Debbie! Did you get the Danskin black with the hot pink stripe on side ok? I'd appreciate your feedback. Thanks again for buying them. I've added a few more things to my closet. Hopefully, you'll check them out. Enjoy your weekend!
Apr 30Reply

Hello Debbie thank you for your offer and purchase I will send out tomorrow thank you feel free to offer on any item
May 16Reply

I can do all in one bundle for u and save 10% and u pay one time shipping fee, if I accept u get each item shipping fee almost $7.50
May 17Reply

@guccim15 yes please
May 17Reply

Sure , if I have to drop I can just give u the post deal and 10% and u pay one time shipping u save more
May 17Reply

It’s easy I just tag u
May 17Reply

Hello Debbie I mailed you package today thank you so much have a great day
May 17Reply

Hey!! Please check your message on your recent purchase from me! I have a question before I pack your order! Thank you!
May 19Reply

Thank you so much for this rating I really appreciate your feed back time and purchase You are more than welcome to pick any item you like and and I would give you prize and shipping that would be happy for your time and purchase if you like thank you Happy Friday
May 20Reply

Hi Debbie, thank you for purchasing the pink glitter sneakers. They will go out today. Enjoy!!! Gigi.
May 25Reply

Hey I cannot ship the Purple Disco slides until Tuesday, June 14th. Is that okay?
Jun 10Reply

Thank you for your purchase! I'll get Ur new UGGs out in tomorrow's mail <3
P.S. I just love Ur dog I have one similar xoxoxoxo
Jun 11Reply

thk u for your purchase it's so cute I know you will love it. sincerely. diane
Jun 15Reply

What a precious fur baby🥰! What his or her name and how old!? I love animals more than most people!! Sorry not sorry lol! They are so loving and truly unconditionally incredible with unique personalities and each baby I have is so different in their own fabulous way!! Thanks soooo much for shopping with me your support means so much to me! Bless you and yours 🙏💖💖💖💖Joy
Jun 27Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Skims, Victoria’s Secret, Wolford, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Jul 09Reply

Hi Sorry I missed your offer. you can still have it at the offered priced if still interested. Thanks again
Jul 09Reply

Hello, thanks for your order! I hope you love those joggers!! I just dropped them off :)
Jul 15Reply

Will except 21 for converse
Jul 15Reply

I bundled your offers for one shipping cost instead of three separate charges!
Jul 31Reply

I didn’t want you to have to pay three separate shipping fees!
Aug 01Reply

Hi there-
I created a bundle with the 4 items you sent offers on. This will save you quite a bit on shipping. Let me know if you need an additional information.
Aug 02Reply

Thank you for your orders. Did you know you can bundle items so you pay for shipping once? Let me know by tonight if you'd like me to bundle the two listings. Then all you have to do is accept the bundle deal.
Aug 08Reply

Please note Poshmark keeps 20% of the sales price so please no lowball offers items are priced accordingly
Sep 06Reply

Good Afternoon…my closet is the one with the Apple Charging Cubes. If you will bundle those three cubes I’ll discount and you will only have to pay the one shipping charge. 🙃
Sep 09Reply

Good morning- thank you for your offers. Would you like me to create bundles for you to save on shipping?
Oct 07Reply

@lifewithdoodles yes please
Oct 07Reply

@debleo26 We have already excepted your offers so you will need to cancel the purchases and we will have to create a couple bundle packages for you.
Oct 07Reply

@debleo26 I was able to cancel your orders and will now create bundle packages for you. Give me a couple minutes and I will have created.
Oct 07Reply

@debleo26 OK first bundle is up I am unable to post another bundle for you until that one has been purchased due to Poshmark rules. Once you accept that offer I will immediately post the next bundle for you.
Oct 07Reply

I can’t find the bundle
Oct 07Reply

@debleo26 I seen you purchased and I have bundled the next group for you.
Oct 07Reply

@debleo26 hi there-
I based that bundle on offers you submitted earlier that we accepted. 2 bras- 20.00, one shirt at 8.00 and 2 shirts at 6.00. We discounted the shoes in the first bundle significantly because you were purchasing the six items. We would like to stick with your original offers you submitted and we accepted. Thank you for understanding and hope your enjoying your evening.
Oct 08Reply

hey Debbie it's Alex you bought the iwatches from me I send you a message please read it there is very tiny issue with your order everything is ready to be shipped you just need to take a look at one thing
Oct 12Reply

hey Debbie I've been trying to reach you for the past 2 days check your messages in regards to the iwatches you purchase
Oct 12Reply

@alexmorozov1099 I did not get a message about the watches
Oct 12Reply

Hi! I saw you made offers on 2 things in my closet and I will accept both. But I 'd suggest you bundle them so you won't have to pay shipping twice.
Oct 12Reply

@debleo26 hey I think if you click on the picture of the order you will see a option to click on conversation or messages I'm not sure how it shows up on your end everything is ready to be shipped except it's a gray watch doesn't have a gray band on it like in the picture it has a green on
Oct 13Reply

the gray one had a manufact defect it would constantly fall off I changed it to green and never updated the picture everything else is the same you still getting six brand new bands and one used orange one with the order there's new pictures so you could see please let me know if I should ship out the order tomorrow
Oct 13Reply

please take a look
take a look everything is the same except the gray watch has a green band please let me know if I should ship the order
Oct 13Reply

Hi! Thank you for your purchase! Just checking in to see that your package was delivered yesterday, I know there were some issues with tracking but it does show your package was delivered, just checking with you to make sure! Thank you!!
Oct 15Reply

@debleo26 please look I can't send out the watches until you confirm since there was a little discrepancy the gray watch has a green band not a gray one as an original listing it had manufacturers defects it would not stay connected to the watch everything else is the same as the original listing just waiting on you to give me the go ahead so send it out
Oct 15Reply

Did you send the watch
Oct 15Reply

@debleo26 Debbie I've been writing your messages whole week on your page in the listing that you bought that there is a minor issue that one of the watches does not have a Gray bracelet because it as shown in the picture manufacturers issue and it would not stay on the watch I changed it to a green one but I never updated the picture it's not letting me update update a new picture to a sold
Oct 15Reply

@debleo26 I sent you three messages on this message board and in the private portion of this app for you to take a look at the new listing here is the link again please look at it
if your fine with the gray watch having a green bracelet I will send it out ASAP I've been trying to send it out to you the whole week but since there was a minor inconsistency I had to get your consent to send it
Oct 15Reply

@debleo26 Debbie I am going to have to cancel your order since you don't respond to any comments or messages that left you the whole entire week I told you one watch has a different bracelet than in the picture I need your confirmation that you're okay with me sending it with a different bracelet you have till end of today to respond
Oct 17Reply

hi! I can bundle all 3 items and send you an offer so ylthere is only 1 shipping charge
Oct 25Reply

please resubmit offer, I just didn't get to my emails yesterday. Sorry!
Nov 05Reply

will sell all 3 Bob shoe's for $20. One postage fee. I'll mark one for $20 and send all 3 together. thank you.
Nov 07Reply

if you want to make a bundle of both items I can ship together and offer you a discount.
Nov 20Reply

Hi .. if you bundle the two pairs of boots you made an offer on I can let them go for $58 and you will only need to pay one shipping charge. Just go back to the listings and”like” them both and I will send an offer. Vivi
Nov 24Reply

Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Dec 01Reply

Hi I saw you purchased several items from my store would you like to bundle to save on shipping for the items ?
Feb 27Reply

Thank you for your purchase! Will package and ship tomorrow Lord willing 🙏
Mar 12Reply

Please send another offer and I will counter with my best, thank you! 😊
Mar 14Reply

Will you take $18 for the underwear??
Mar 15Reply

I wish I could accept your offer for the large Victoria's Secret but it belongs to my daughter, If you see the other bundles I have, you can send me an offer on the one pf the other Bath and body works, they are mine and ill be able to accept 😉
Mar 16Reply

Hi I sent offer to you if you can accept or make counter offer thx ☺️
Mar 16Reply

Hi there! When you get a moment would you be able to rate, thanks so much! Enjoy 😊
Mar 23Reply

happy Friday !! add 4 or more items to a bundle get 50% off 💗💗
Mar 24Reply

If you would like to make a deal for a bundle we would be willing to entertain. Thanks
Apr 10Reply

Hey Debbie! If you are still interested in the Macbook it is still available!😊Due to the taxes and fees poshmark takes out, I would charge $350 but it’s on marketplace and on there I could sell it to you for $260😊the price is high because I just got the battery and the fan replaced recently at Apple!🙌🏽
Apr 24Reply

@ma_rina3 yes I am interested but right now I’m a little low on funds. Could you take 100?
Apr 24Reply

@debleo26 Okay awesome😊I wouldn’t be able to sell it for $100 because I just recently replaced the battery and fan at Apple so it’s all freshly upgraded and new again!!😊 Let me know if anything changes and you are able to buy it! Lowest price I can do is $250on marketplace!! (On poshmark I am charging $350 due to taxes and fees being taken out)
Apr 24Reply

You can counter at any time on the items your wanting
May 03Reply

@debleo26 hi it’s Rebecca I am looking for a Victoria’s Secret pink lipstick 💄 and a Victoria’s Secret so sexy volumizing shampoo for fine hair
May 06Reply

If your interested any of my items let me know I need stuff to be gone soon as possible send me reasonable offers I see what I can do thank you
May 06Reply

I can’t go to low on the items hope you understand . If you can accept the items you already got that be awesome thank you
May 06Reply

I sent you offer if your still interested
May 07Reply

Hi if your interested anything else let me know send me offer anything else thank you have good day
May 09Reply

Hey! I made you a bundle for your three items you offered on. It will save you 10% and shipping for all three items.
May 13Reply

Hi Debbie. Do you want to bundle the 2 Victoria's Secret body care sets? If you bundle, you don't pay separate shipping. You can save $8. Let me know, and I can bundle them for you and send you the same offers you made.
May 14Reply

hey debbie! i made a bundle with the three times you offered on.
May 18Reply

Hi Debbie. I hope all is well and sincerely appreciate all of your past purchases! I just wanted to let you know that I have some new items posted and for all orders placed this week, they will all get a free pearl necklace. ❤️
Jun 21Reply

@debleo26 can you accept my order to release payment thanks
Jul 28Reply

Thank you for your offers, but I think it is convenient for you to buy by doing a bundle. You will save on shipping, you only pay for a single shipment, you do not have to spend more than 5 pounds.
Aug 11Reply

Cancel the offers, make a Bundle and send me the offer and if I accept it. you would only pay a single shipment
Aug 11Reply

Hi, if you make a bundle with all the shoes you put offers on I can put a discounted price for all of them for you.
Aug 29Reply

@debleo26 Hi, I've been messaging you about the packages I sent you last week and you've out in hold at the post office and you haven't responded. can you please pick up your packages from the post office and release my payment? They've been there a week now. please be considerate of the sellers and their sales. Appreciate it.
Sep 29Reply

please do a better job of purchasing. I waited 2 weeks before getting paid because you held the packages at the post office. Sellers: don't sell to her!
Oct 01Reply

Hi Debbie, thank you for your offer and I accepted! I will sent out Monday!
Oct 22Reply

Hello I’m selling a MacBook Pro 2017 13inch. I seen u liked it on somebody else’s closet feel free to check mine out comes with accessories or anything else in my closet.if u think my price is unfair feel free to make me an offer :) I’ll do bundle deals as well.
Oct 24Reply

Debbie, I see you received your bras when you get a chance would you mind rating me if your happy with your order? Thanks 🙏
Nov 29Reply
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