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Updated Oct 09
Updated Oct 09

Meet your Posher, Deborah

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Hi! I'm Deborah. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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sade_g21 @tigtux thanks for buying the swimsuit in my closet! I will ship it as soon as possible!(:
Jul 09Reply
jernmegmom Hi! Sorry, I made a mistake. I didn't realize that the discount hadn't already been applied. I can do $25
Jul 13Reply
demitexeira @jernmegmom $25 for the bundle?
Jul 13Reply
demitexeira @jernmegmom ok. Thanks. How do I pay the $25?
Jul 13Reply
jernmegmom @tigtux decline my counter and offer me $25
Jul 13Reply
demitexeira @jernmegmom thank you again.
Jul 13Reply
mel4411 Hi Deborah, I'm so glad you loved it! So sorry about not knowing how to send a love note back. I'm still new on here & learning as I go along.
Aug 02Reply
jgajewski The only way I know to do pmts would be to do p A Y. P .a. 📧 is at the top of my profile if you want to discuss it..just let me know:)
Sep 05Reply
jgajewski I came over here to talk cause I'm not sure if they are ok with pmt plan on here. Just send me 📧 if you want to discuss more:) And yes it's totally fine if some months are more than others. I will put it "not for sale" as soon as we figure something out🌺
Sep 05Reply
truemann I see your offer and if you have read all the questions and are ok with this as I'm not positive about authenticity I will accept the offer💗
Sep 10Reply
demitexeira @truemann hello. No thank you. I researched and this is not authentic. The big round toggle should have tiffany and Co on it. It's still pretty though and thanks for the offer. I'd consider $20 if you want to get rid of it though.
Sep 11Reply
ayoitsmander Hey I'll send out the tights asap! The hurricane that hit took out the power so I'll keep in touch with you about when I get power back and will be able to print the label
Sep 11Reply
demitexeira @ayoitsmander thank you. Stay safe!
Sep 12Reply
ayoitsmander Hey I wanna apologize for not sending those tights yet I have had my mom print it at her office bc I just went back to work yesterday. This hurricane really messed things up. So it'll be shipped tomorrow. Again I'm sorry and I hope I haven't held you back from anything.
Sep 19Reply
demitexeira @ayoitsmander no worries. Thanks for letting me know.
Sep 22Reply
sandie8034 Thank you for stopping by my Closet. The Tiffany & Co. Pieces that you added to a bundle were actually found in the bottom of my Nana's jewelry box. I was going to give it to the babies for dress up than I saw the choker on here. Amazing what you never realize has value. I put it in here prior to taking it to be cleaned to see if there would be any interest. If not I'm going to wear at least the choker everyday. Incredible where one gets their info. Thank you again. Be Safe and Be Fabulous.
Oct 08Reply
demitexeira @sandie8034 Hi. I really want the choker. I'm a victim of domestic violence. I'm fine and have a 5 year restraining order against ex husband. I would like to buy myself something pretty but have very little funds due to being stuck with all "our" bills.
Oct 08Reply
sandie8034 @tigtux I can understand. I was a domestic violence survivor ss well. Congratulations for not being a victim any longer and showing your child the world can be a loving and stable place. God bless you. Be Safe and Be Fabulous
Oct 08Reply
puppylove8 Welcome posher, from the puppylove8 vintage/contemporary closet!
Nov 04Reply
madisondscloset hi! nice to meet you!! 😊 please let me know if you have any questions about the necklace or anything else! happy holidays!!
Dec 22Reply
demitexeira @madisondscloset hi! Nice to meet you! I really love this necklace especially the length of the chain. I really want it but I got all the bills from my domestic violence divorce. I also have a restraining order and want to buy myself something pretty. What's the absolute lowest you'd go?
Dec 22Reply
madisondscloset @tigtux wow I’m so sorry to hear that. I think this is an absolutely beautiful necklace and you will love it. I have gone super low just because I saw you showed interest earlier in the week and I really want you to have it. I think that’s the close to the lowest I can go.
Dec 22Reply
demitexeira @madisondscloset k. Thank you. Merry Christmas.
Dec 22Reply
madisondscloset @tigtux of course!! merry christmas!! hope you are able to get the necklace and eyeliner too! would love to know the necklace went somewhere great.
Dec 22Reply
demitexeira @madisondscloset I'll have to juggle some bills tomorrow and let you know. I really wanted a bigger key but is yours good size?
Dec 22Reply
madisondscloset @tigtux It’s a great size because it’s definitely noticeable but not too big or heavy.
Dec 22Reply
demitexeira @madisondscloset thx. I have one other key that I'm interested in that's 2.5 inches. The seller is working with me. I check to see if yours is still available. Thanks again.
Dec 22Reply
madisondscloset @tigtux I am really trying to be reasonable and nice but the necklace is in great condition and I don’t feel comfortable selling it for any less. i’m sorry. I really wanted you to have it.
Dec 23Reply
demitexeira @madisondscloset I understand. Thank you anyway.
Dec 23Reply
candykappers Did you make an offer for some items in my closet?? I don’t really understand how that works lol
Mar 30Reply
tashikea79 Can you offer 15$ as an offer
Mar 31Reply
tashikea79 $13 for the true Religion jeans?
Apr 01Reply
snazzyfabs Hi Deborah, I'm Angel. Welcome to Poshmark! Happy buying and selling! If you need anything, just ask.
Apr 22Reply
demitexeira Thank you. I figured I should start cleaning out my closet! Lots of brand new stuff to late to return.
Apr 22Reply
caffeinatedsahm Welcome to Posh! I hope you find everyone on here as kind and helpful as I have! I'm still learning but my go-to person @Lynda_Johnson is a huge help! Let's be friends: Follow and share from my closet and I'll do the same from yours! 💕👗👜
Apr 22Reply
shoeempire4 Welcome to Posh!!! The best and friendliest community ever🤗❤❤! You will love it here, enjoy and have lots of fun!!!!💐👢👡👠👗👛👚.
Apr 22Reply
lynda_johnson Welcome to Posh. I hope you're having a blast here. This community of people is great. I found if you have questions just ask. Buy and sale your items. Bundle purchases for better deal and share as much as you can. I often will say uShare/iShare... Which means, I'll share your items with my followers in an attempt to get your items seen by more people. Welcome again and happy Poshing. I'm just a few clicks away if you have any questions. You're never alone here. Have a wonderful day.
Apr 22Reply
demitexeira @lynda_johnson thanks so much. I'm new to selling but not to buying on here!!! Still getting to know about selling.
Apr 22Reply
demitexeira @caffeinatedsahm thank you. Still getting to know how to manuver on here.
Apr 22Reply
lynda_johnson @tigtux Lol, I had to put a cap on my purchasing, lol. I was buying so much but, now, I'm limiting to purchasing after sales.
Apr 22Reply
classycaroline2 I'm going to assume that you were joking about your $6 offer because that was very insulting you have to realize that Poshmark takes 20% and even at that that was yard sale prices this is a brand new item
Jul 15Reply
ladykrc @tigtux Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! ⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I ship next day after purchase. Buy with confidence at my store👍🏼Wishing you a Beautiful day🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Dec 14Reply
julierph Hey.. I tagged you on post..I had measured the width on booth incorrectly .. I put a pic up. Thanks..
Jan 10Reply
llathleticwear Hi!! Visit my closet for fashionable and cozy winter ⛄️ jeans, rompers, fun accessories and athletic wear 🧘‍♀️ I love offers and fast shipping, always 😁
Feb 07Reply
beccahlynne I dropped your package off at the post today 💜 it should start tracking soon :)
Apr 09Reply
alyssa3374 Hi 😊 Feel free to check out my closet for brands such as Kate Spade, Michael Kors, Lane Bryant and Wildfox. 🌸 Happy Poshing🛍
May 08Reply
nan20002 Hi love and happy weekend 🤗can you check my closet when you have time and thank you
Jun 30Reply
nicholepruitt73 Pick any two items to get 15% off your entire purchase. For a limited time get a free brand new duffle bag and A Jewelry grab bag valued at $10 free with any purchase of two or more items, hurry hurry hurry and get your free items and 15% off today
Sep 19Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hi Deborah just wanted to let you know that I see you picked one of my items if you choose to purchase today take an additional $3 off if you choose two items you will get an additional 15% off your entire purchase and I will give you a free brand new still in the pack duffel bag and you get a jewelry grab bag. $10 thanks again for stopping by
Sep 19Reply
myluvkloset @tigtux.. do you realize that your offer was less than 50% ? I dont even bother countering insults.
Dec 15Reply
demitexeira @myluvkloset a decline would have been sufficient. FYI Some sellers price their items high to sell for what they want when they counter. Sorry you were insulted but you could easily decline or counter. It was not my intention to insult you. Merry Christmas and may God bless you.
Dec 15Reply
uneekbuys Hi there thank you so much for your offer. I’d love to sell them to you but not at that price. I reduced it quite a bit to the 35 and I don’t even want to lower it further but for you I will let them go for 30 if you’re interested. I think they’re worth every penny of it so let me know and I hope you have a wonderful day.
Dec 15Reply
demitexeira @uneekbuys understood. thanks so much. I wanted them for my Marine son.
Dec 15Reply
demitexeira @uneekbuys I hope you have a happy day!
Dec 15Reply
myluvkloset @tigtux . ok. counter at $50.
Dec 15Reply
uneekbuys @tigtux Hi there again. Love those Marines. I’ll meet you halfway if you send me an offer for 25 I’ll let them go for that. Tell him thank you for his service. And I don’t know if you looked at my site but I happen to have a marine dress coat on there for sale too. Have a wonderful day.
Dec 15Reply
uneekbuys Hi there thank you so much for your order. I will ship it first thing in the morning. And I hope you have a wonderful day and thank that boy again for risking his life every day for all of us.
Dec 15Reply
demitexeira @uneekbuys you are awesome. thanks so much! you made his day..... our day!!!!!
Dec 15Reply
uneekbuys @tigtux You are quite welcome. Nothing can repay his service especially in these times. I meant it from the bottom of my heart.
Dec 15Reply
demitexeira @myluvkloset no thanks. I don't buy from mean people. I seriously wish you a Merry Christmas and pray for you to be nicer.
Dec 15Reply
demitexeira you should definitely be kinder to people. You never know what they may be going through. Everyone on here is mostly kind. like I said....I'm praying for you.
Dec 15Reply
demitexeira you should definitely be kinder to people. You never know what they may be going through. I will definitely be praying 🙏 for you. There is no reason for you to be mean.
Dec 15Reply
uneekbuys Hi there thank you so much for your very kind comments and five star rating. I really really really appreciate it and I hope that you have a wonderful holiday and tell that son to stay safe.
Dec 23Reply
demitexeira @uneekbuys thanks you! I hope you know how amazing you are and how much we appreciate you!!!!!!
Dec 23Reply
slroland Hi Deborah Thank you for like on my listing ☺
Feb 29Reply
healingbeauty Thank you for liking my beautiful necklace! 🌸 I'm raising money for healthcare 🙌🏽 and hope you will come visit when you have a moment to wander 🌿 Wishing you Protection & Peace 💙🌎☮💜
Apr 18Reply
rociointeriano Hi thanks for the offer, unfortunately I can't accept it. The lowest I can do is my counter offer, Thanks for stopping by
Apr 23Reply
bfashion1 @tigtux Hi Deborah when you get the chance come take a look at my closet I have women, men and children items in all sizes. I love to shop so help me clear my closet so I can get more great products 😁 Please feel free to make a bundle on all your favorites and make me a reasonable offer. The more the better 😉 Besure to come back often because I have new items all the times. Thanks in advance for looking in my closet. Be as positive as you can B (🐝)!!!🤗💞
May 27Reply
1111thrift hey gorgeous!!💋💋 I just visited your closet, and it is fabulous!! 🦋✨ I would love if you stopped by mine as well & took a look around !! ❤️❤️ I post new items everyday, all items come with a free gift, and i ship quickly!!🎁😇 happy poshing 🛍💛
Jun 07Reply
stoneblarney Hi. Thanks for shopping my closet and for your “like” of my gloves (stoneblarney)! Not trying to bug you-just wanted to let you know that for the past few weeks some of the “likes” of my items have not registered. Your “like” happens to be one of them. Anyway, just letting you know. Also I reduced price by $2. I’ll let you be. Carry on. Be safe!
Nov 15Reply
nyfashionstore hi! Can you check out my closet if you have any time? :)
Dec 13Reply
docspot I must say you have a very impressive closet. please take a moment and look at mine and tell me what you think. I also have a YouTube channel that I'm very proud of. it's called doc at the barn Snyder. please look a look at it and subscribe. it has been designed to help us all with our at home online sales business. thank you so much and please don't forget to subscribe.
Jan 18Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jul 18Reply
littlepeachxo 🤍🍑 Hii I’m peach! I wanted to let you know that for limited time shipping in my closet is discounted on all items. I’m pretty overstocked on inventory so I’m very flexible on offers — everything is negotiable! 🥺🤍
Aug 29Reply
lynnbeckylynn Thanks for the follow and for visiting our closet. We wish you Posh success 😍 We've cut our prices to clear some stock, so take a look if you get a chance. We're also accepting reasonable offers. Happy poshing!
Sep 13Reply

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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Frazier Park, CA
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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Frazier Park, CA
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