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Updated 1 day ago

Meet your Posher, Denise

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Denise, I am a Posh Ambassador II! Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Louis Vuitton, Versace, BKE, and Harley Davidson. I have 4 rescue dogs right now, so my home does have pets but it is smoke free. I do have a full time job, but I also take my Poshmark Closet serious I love working on it, making new PFF’s, and promoting women that are fun and No Drama. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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ladysav1021 Hello and Welcome to Poshmark! I’m a Posh Ambassador, if you have any questions feel free to ask. Good Luck and Happy Poshing! 💗
Apr 30Reply
sassydevil0211 @shel80 Very nice, nice offer
Jun 10Reply
sassydevil0211 @shel80 The yellow clutch is not really my style, it would just sit in my closet...but ty for the offer.
Jun 10Reply
sassydevil0211 @shel80 Shoot, I'm slow.
Jun 11Reply
sassydevil0211 @shel80 I appreciate that, but none of the items you have left are in my size.
Jun 12Reply
sassydevil0211 @shel80 Awww..very nice ty
Jun 12Reply
sassydevil0211 @shel80 Did you send the package out yet?
Jun 15Reply
sassydevil0211 @shel80 No problem, hope all is ok. Ty so much.
Jun 18Reply
sassydevil0211 @shel80 No problem, life always throws a curve ball
Jun 20Reply
erinf2005 Item will be shipped tomorrow! Went to post office today thinking they wld have small box shipping containers on a Sunday but I was mistaken! My Apologies
Jun 24Reply
sassydevil0211 @marissacloud No problem, thank you!
Jun 27Reply
markjones520 Thank you for the purchase ma’am. 😃. Just put it in the mail! 👌😉
Jul 06Reply
thecurveyone Thanks for your purchase. Your item will ship tomorrow
Jul 09Reply
sassydevil0211 @thecurveyone Yw and Thank You
Jul 09Reply
markjones520 Thank you for the review and I’m happy you love the necklace. 😁👍
Jul 09Reply
sassydevil0211 @markjones520 You are very welcome!
Jul 09Reply
shb1611 Hello! Please accept the order that you received. Thank you!
Jul 11Reply
sassydevil0211 @shb1611 I have not been to the post office yet, but as soon as I get there today I will. 😁
Jul 11Reply
sicycloset Thank you so much for taking the time to provide your feedback on your purchase from my closet. I'm glad you like your jewelry. Have a great weekend 🙏
Jul 21Reply
moxxieville Hi.. check out my listings.. im open to negotiate prices, so make an offer!!💕😀🎉 Ps: don’t forget to like ,share and follow
Jul 24Reply
catwalk2reality Thank you for your sweet love note. I’m so happy you liked the jeans . Lucky is my fav brand also just love them . Thank you 💜
Jul 27Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Jul 31Reply
sassydevil0211 @sayyestojewelry Love your closet!!
Aug 01Reply
sayyestojewelry Thank you for your purchase 💗💗
Aug 01Reply
sassydevil0211 @sayyestojewelry Thank You!! When you have time take a look at mine..I'm just starting and trying to navigate and improve...😊
Aug 01Reply
sayyestojewelry Thank you for the 5 stars! 💗💗
Aug 08Reply
sassydevil0211 @sayyestojewelry You are very welcome
Aug 08Reply
passionboutique Hello my share buddy, I want you to be very successful on Poshmark and make a lot of money, so I wanted to share with what you can and cannot sale on poshmark, I know you put a lot of time and hard work into building your closet, I don’t want too see pm deleting your closet because of unsupported items. Please checkout their help information, it will help you alone the way. 😊
Aug 20Reply
sassydevil0211 @passionboutique Ty, I will re-read! 🌷💕
Aug 20Reply
robynatkins Thank you for the Michael Kors dustbag purchase!! If you have any issues let me know or please accept the shipment! Thanks!!
Aug 23Reply
sassydevil0211 @robynatkins I literally just picked it up from post office...give me a few 🌷💕
Aug 23Reply
sassydevil0211 @hunger4success HI!! I love the mission that you all are doing, I will share as much as possible to help support. Your closet is awesome and I hope you make quick sales!! 🌷❤
Aug 23Reply
cathyfrangos Just wanted to say hello and thank you for the follow in the light on my Rock & Republic jeans I just sent you a price drop along with a shipping discount if you're interested. Also feel free to make me an offer I'm always up to considering a reasonable offer. And last of all it's always nice to meet a new Posh friend!
Aug 27Reply
sassydevil0211 @cathyfrangos Hi!! Nice to meet You also, and Thank You for the shares!! 🌷💕 Thank You for the offer on the jeans!!
Aug 27Reply
cathyfrangos Great big giant hugs and thank yous for all the shares that was so sweet of you! I'll be back to share I did hit like on your closet to remind me to come back again
Aug 28Reply
sassydevil0211 @cathyfrangos You are so welcome love! I appreciate all the shares that you have done for me also.🌷💕
Aug 28Reply
elephanttrunk Thanks for sharing 💕. I love all the closets and sharing also. Have a great day of sales ‼️👗👕👟💍👡👛👚🛍
Sep 07Reply
sassydevil0211 @judith1051 You are so welcome love!! 🌷💕
Sep 07Reply
luv4harley Hi hon bundle your likes and send over a deal I will except☺
Sep 12Reply
melngeeh Hi Denise! Check out my closet when you get a chance.
Sep 21Reply
lovefashionyay Welcome to posh Denise! I’m Jacquelyn! Love ur closet steals! And we are the same size ! Hehe 😜 if u want to look in my closet I offer discounts for first time customers. I like to trade too! Tag urself to my follow game! Hope to talk to u soon! Happy poshing!
Sep 24Reply
mybagobsession @e3r1i8c5 Welcome to Poshmark! Check out my closet sometime.
Oct 05Reply
sassydevil0211 @kaytimae You are so very welcome!! 🌷💕
Oct 09Reply
sugarpixiespond No problem! 🌟 It's very true 😄🌠 Here's to you getting a blog feature 💖
Oct 11Reply
jenniferk80 I wanted to let you know I was in a bad car accident a couple days ago and am sorry for the delay. Your order WILL go out tomorrow💗
Oct 16Reply
sassydevil0211 @jenniferk80 Omgoodness!! I hope you have a easy and full recovery!!
Oct 16Reply
jenniferk80 @e3r1i8c5 Thank you! I am lucky to not he hurt worse or killed. I was hit by a giant DOT truck.
Oct 16Reply
jenniferk80 @e3r1i8c5 I had hit a deer the weekend before, we were ok. We got replacement vehicle and 3 hrs later a Dept. Transportation giant snowplow truck no snowplow on was doing a u turn illegally and plowed into passenger side of new car I got concussion pain cuts but so happy to be alive. Nobody was with me. Am able to move around today😀
Oct 16Reply
sassydevil0211 @jenniferk80 Good lordy, I am happy to hear you are doing better!!!
Oct 17Reply
scrappycavie @e3r1i8c5 Denise, Thank You so much for Shopping my Closet, I truly appreciate it. I just hand delivered your bundle to USPS so you should start to see tracking info as soon as Posh obtains it. The label stated it was Priority 2-day so be on the lookout for a Sat delivery. Thanks Again ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 🐾🐾. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 01Reply
sassydevil0211 @scrappycavie Thank You sweetie!! I love your closet, I am sure I will be back!🌷💕 Have a great weekend!
Nov 02Reply
sassydevil0211 @hunger4success So very Welcome!!🌷💕🤗
Nov 02Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by and take a look at my closet. I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached. Brands such as Nike, MAC, Under Armour, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So take a look around, and if there is something you like but not the price, send me an offer! XoXo, B.
Nov 13Reply
nelsonfashion I’m so glad your package was found and you are happy with the purchase . Thank you for your kind note.
Nov 30Reply
sassydevil0211 @beeblakelee Hi, just saw your message...I certainly will!!🌷💕
Nov 30Reply
sassydevil0211 @nelsonfashion Yes, me too!! My post office was a little, but gracious it was found!! And you are very welcome, I always give credit where credit is do.🌷💕
Nov 30Reply
sassydevil0211 @ladydeluxerider Awww, Thank You, and Merry Christmas to You and your Family!!🎅🤶🎄🌷💕
Dec 23Reply
sassydevil0211 @ladydeluxerider Fantabulous!! I am so happy you are enjoying them!! Have a great time at the party!!
Dec 23Reply
sassydevil0211 @ladydeluxerider I may be listing more HD jeans in the future, I will tag you if you wouldn't mind sharing them for me with your HD gals also.😘🌷💕
Dec 23Reply
sassydevil0211 @ladydeluxerider Of course and since you are a return customer it would be reduced shopping also!!🙌🌷💕
Dec 23Reply
sassydevil0211 @letsflamingal Thank You, You are very kind.🌷💕
Feb 14Reply
ladykrc @e3r1i8c5 Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I ship next day after purchase. Buy with confidence at my store👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Mar 16Reply
ladykrc @e3r1i8c5 Thankyou soooo much for visiting my closet store and for all your wonderful shares....I truely appreciate it! You are Awesome!🙌🏼🌈☺️🤗🦋Wish you an Awesome week💕😘
Mar 17Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there hope all is well! I would like to let you know I’ve lowered prices on most items in my closet. I’ve also added a whole bunch of new items. Feel free to take a look, let me know if you have any questions ❤️🥰🥰
Apr 24Reply
sassydevil0211 @jackysbags Thank You ☺️
May 09Reply
misbeck @sassydevil0211 can I ask why I can't bundle jeans?
May 12Reply
sassydevil0211 @misbeck The jeans are heavy and will go over the normal cost of shipping.
May 12Reply
jenniferann220 ✨✨Happy Posh Shopping 🛍 🛒 Just checking out your closet ✨✨ 🌸Thanks for the LIKE 😍.. Feel free to make an offer 🌸
Jun 23Reply
teampinkmom Hi! Ty so much for your purchase I have it ready to go out in the morning 😊.
Jul 10Reply
sassydevil0211 @teampinkmom So very welcome, I just happen to see it this morning..☺️🌷
Jul 10Reply
jennymess822 Thanks for the share! As a thank you I'm offering you 3 dresses for $50 or mix and match 3 pcs of clothing/shoes for $30! Or feel free to make me any offer(s) on anything you like! I'm very reasonable with pricing! Come take a look! 😊 Happy Poshing! And thanks again! The poshmark support is always appreciated!!
Jul 30Reply
sassydevil0211 @jennymess822 You are very welcome sweetie and Thank You for the offer😊🌷
Jul 30Reply
bridamiano Hii thanks for the like! Feel free to make an offer or bundle for an extra discount 😇🛍💗
Aug 22Reply
sassydevil0211 @bridamiano Your very welcome and thank you!!😊🌸
Aug 22Reply
tazzies21 Denise, Thank you for all the shares. Happy poshing. 💝💝💝💝💝Vicky
Nov 06Reply
sassydevil0211 @tazzies21 You are so very Welcome sweetie!!🌸
Nov 06Reply
luvmee40 30% OFF the already low prices for the next week. Its my 1 Year Anniversary on Poshmark. My Closet is truly something incredible. Over 1000 items with everything thing from Giorgio Armani to Michael Kors. Lots of very unique Vintage Glamour. Stop in asap and take a good look. YOU will find lots of things you love. Just like the item and I will send you a 30% discount. You can also bundle. Just take off 30% and I will accept.  This sale is one week only. Thanks!
Nov 29Reply
sassydevil0211 @luvmee40 Thank You!! Hope you have a great sale!!🌸
Nov 29Reply
luvmee40 @sassydevil0211 thanks. Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you had a great day and are some amazing food.
Nov 29Reply
kmahaffey1 Hi, did you get your mascara?!?
Nov 30Reply
sassydevil0211 @kmahaffey1 Oh yes sorry, hang on
Nov 30Reply
sassydevil0211 @kmahaffey1 With the craziness of the holiday I forgot to accept it..Hope you have a great holiday.🌸
Nov 30Reply
lmcgrail Hi Denise, thanks for your offer on my Michael Kors hoops. I would accept that offer, but it will remove the free shipping and cost you more.... if you add them to a bundle we can chat easier there too
Jan 14Reply
madamqueen471 Hi! There, thank you 🙏🏽 for your five stars ✨ Rating .🌸🌺
May 13Reply
sassydevil0211 @madamqueen471 You are welcome!🌸
May 13Reply
art_stone Hi, nice to meet you! may the coming day be a great blessing for you. New do, new dress))) and new friends! I work as a fashion photographer. Traveling a lot, collect vintage and antique for years! This is my passion, and way to discover the beauty of this World. Please check my closet, to find your one treasure))) Thank you. Arthur.
May 18Reply
d_fashionbags Hello, come and check out my closet! If you like anything feel free to send me an offer!
Jul 15Reply
dsbessa8 accept 100 in pink glasses?
Sep 30Reply
sassydevil0211 @dsbessa8 Hi, no sorry they are already sold🌸
Sep 30Reply
dsbessa8 @sassydevil0211 you could cancel the purchase and advertise again for 100, if you are interested let me know, I live in florida, thanks
Sep 30Reply
sassydevil0211 @dsbessa8 Like I said the item has already been purchased.🌸
Sep 30Reply
hwatts0505 @sassydevil0211 I also just listed some more Harley shirts if you want to bundle I can take a few dollars off. 🖤
Jan 21Reply
hwatts0505 @sassydevil0211 also thank you for the shares 🖤
Jan 21Reply
2ndtimebeauties Thank you for the shares 😉💞🥂
Feb 16Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  Adding new stuff weekly!
Feb 19Reply
sassydevil0211 @thillbill Hi, Happy New Year to You also!! I absolutely will check out your closet and please take a look at mine. I hope you enjoy Poshmark😊🌺
Feb 19Reply
chrissysmommyg Thank you so much for all the shares! 🐱💕🌻
Apr 12Reply
sassydevil0211 @chrissysmommyg You are so very welcome!!💫💫
Apr 12Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Hi Denise I'm Cora just wanted to Wish you a Wonderful Weekend filled with lots of Sunshine, Laughter and Blessings. Also I really enjoyed sharing your closet. Happy Poshing
May 01Reply
slahtel Thanks for the shares 😊
Aug 06Reply
sassydevil0211 @slahtel You are very welcome😊
Aug 06Reply
littlepeachxo hello ^^ ! i’m spreading awareness & thought i’d let you know that 100% of earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. 🎗-peach
Jan 28Reply
sassydevil0211 @adoringstyles Your scarves are gorgeous!!🌸🌸🌸
Apr 24Reply
sassydevil0211 @littlepeachxo I’m sorry I just saw this, I will happily check out your closet plus share it☺️☺️
Apr 24Reply
marveylust Perhaps I am close…I live in the pinched part of MD, actually Hancock but I list larger Hagerstown
Jun 08Reply
sassydevil0211 @marveylust I’m from the Gettysburg,PA area☺️
Jun 08Reply
cutehosiery @sassydevil0211 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 22Reply
sassydevil0211 @cutehosiery Ok, thank you🌸
Jun 22Reply
blingoriginals Your comment to me meant a lot. Thank you. I definitely will look in your closet! Have you ever received a Host Pick?
Jul 02Reply
sassydevil0211 @blingoriginals Yes, I forgot to answer that. I have received a host pick before.🌸
Jul 02Reply
mazyodc Hi, I'm Marianne, a Postmark Ambassador. l'd like to invite you to visit my closet where I have many vintage and unique items including china, clothing, seasonal decor, plush toys, books, CDs, jewelry and religious items. You'll receive a 20% (or more) discount when you purchase a bundle of 2 or more items (up to 5 lbs per bundle). Hope you'll take a peek at my closet and make an offer on any item that you’d like to purchase.
Jul 08Reply
sassydevil0211 @mazyodc Hi, nice to meet you. I hope you liked my closet and I certainly will check yours out. Thank You so much💕
Jul 08Reply
sassydevil0211 @tutuwig Awww…Ty you are very sweet. Your wigs are beautiful and I hope my shares help you also🌸💗. Hope you have a great day!!
Sep 09Reply
shopwisteria 🏝🛫♥️Your closet is featured on the BIP! Wishing that the POSH love of sharing brings you many sales! Thank You for your ongoing support! Irina ♥️🛫🏝
Oct 28Reply
sassydevil0211 @vanessazelitt Yes I will give a break on the shipping if you buy both☺️
Oct 28Reply
sassydevil0211 @vanessazelitt I think I forgot to put in the listing itself thete is 2👀. Hang on I fix it.
Oct 28Reply
sassydevil0211 @vanessazelitt They are both there as available, try and do it separately and see if it works.
Oct 28Reply
jtut2017 @sassydevil0211 I wanted to thank you for supporting me at my first live and your encouragement that day helped me so much! I really appreciate you PFF❤️🫶🤗more than words!
Nov 10Reply
sassydevil0211 @jtut2017 Oh your so Welcome sweetie, you were so much fun.Let me know when you have another one PFF🥰💕💗
Nov 10Reply
jtut2017 @sassydevil0211 you are so awesome!! Really!! I needed you ! You are angel on earth!! I am having a live tomorrow and Saturday!! I can hardly wait to come back!! I’m ready!!🫶❤️🤗🔥🤘🫶🫶I hope you can pop in🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻hugs PFF💐🍒❤️
Nov 10Reply
sassydevil0211 @krissyany Same to you my friend. Sharing always helps each other.☺️💕
Nov 14Reply
its_crystal28 @sassydevil0211 🌷FREE GIFT W/ EVERY PURCHASE🌷 Hello!! 🌷Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 🌷speedy sales to you. HOPE TO SEE U IN MY SHOW TOMORROW @11am PST😁😁
Nov 19Reply
urluckyday So glad to have met you at that wonderful auction❤️💝💝❤️💝🌺🌷Alex
Nov 24Reply
sassydevil0211 @urluckyday Same here sweetie💕💕💗☺️
Nov 24Reply
oceanside12345 Hi Denise!!! I’m Nettie! Merry Holidays! Check out my closet, maybe I have something for you or a family member. I'd ❤️❤️❤️ if you found a treasure! Happy Poshing! Wishing you an Awesome Festive Fun Holiday!!! Love & Light
Dec 12Reply
jtut2017 @sassydevil0211 you sweet one!! I saw you mentioned my name in a show !!! What did I miss?!?!❤️🫶😁🤘😍hope you had a beautiful Christmas and are doing well!! Hugs and love you sassy ❤️😘😘
Dec 29Reply
jodi_marina @sassydevil0211 I just saw mixed up with shipping labels. I hope other buyer also seeing mixed up labels. Sorry about this mistake lol 😆 don’t pack & ship when half asleep 😴
Jan 07Reply
sassydevil0211 @jodi_marina It’s ok, just need another label.
Jan 07Reply
jodi_marina @sassydevil0211 I think posh support sends a label to you I’m not sure - this is first time happening. 🤦🏼‍♀️ silly me , just hope other buyer sends back too. Can’t believe this - again sorry.
Jan 07Reply
kbetzwiser Feel free to make an offer. Thank you for looking at my closet
Feb 02Reply
natsantangelo Just popped in to say hello. Have a great day and happy poshing. Why not check out my closet too?
Feb 07Reply
fashiongirl2375 Hi! Thank you so much for checking out my closet and sharing 💗
Feb 22Reply
sassydevil0211 @fashiongirl2375 You are absolutely welcome beautiful❤️❤️
Feb 22Reply
raiderskins Hi Denise, I just noticed you are Closing your Closet. Is everything ok? You are one of the Best Posh Friends I’ve met on here. I would still Love to meet you guys 1/2 way this Spring/Summer. I just want you to know that you are Amazing & I have much Love 💗 for you!!! Let’s Keep in Touch. Do you have Face b🫶🫶k Messanger?
Mar 05Reply
sassydevil0211 @raiderskins Hi love, Yes I do I have F B too under my name Denise Yost
Mar 05Reply
sassydevil0211 @raiderskins I may stay on and just be a customer like you said I have met too many great Poshers like you and yes I still want to meet 1/2 way!!
Mar 05Reply
raiderskins @sassydevil0211 Sounds Great🫶♥️🫶
Mar 05Reply
raiderskins @sassydevil0211 I’m So Looking Forward to meeting you guys😍
Mar 05Reply
lubdub6 You have a beautiful closet🌺🌺🌺
Apr 27Reply
sassydevil0211 @lubdub6 Thank You😊😊
May 23Reply
denejkivdom Good evening, how are you doing today 🌼 Hope you find a minute to take a look at my closet. Thank you and have a wonderful evening, Viva.
Jul 15Reply
foresttreasures Hi Denise! (love the crown thing!) Just wanted to THANK YOU again for your purchases! I have everything packed & will ship tomorrow, or rather, later today since it is after midnight here on our east coast. I didn't realize you are in PA. I am originally a Philly girl! I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer . I know the weather has been challenging up there as well as other places across the country. Hope you love your items & we make more great deals in the future! Happy Weekend! Cindy
Jul 15Reply
sassydevil0211 @foresttreasures Hi love, I moved to the area I’m in now for a job, but I’m originally from North Central PA, a little university town. I hope you have a great wknd also, and great to meet you in @frogprincess01 show💕💕
Jul 15Reply
sassydevil0211 @denejkivdom Hi love, looking and sharing😊😊
Jul 15Reply
pbydragonfly3 Thank you so very much for sharing the romper after the show. If you want the same price I had it in the show just say the word and it’s yours! Also if you bundle 3 I will take 15% off the total of the items before shipping of course. Happy Poshing Deven
Jul 16Reply
foresttreasures Hi Denise! Thank you so much for taking the time to give the ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating & happy comment on the items you purchased from the forest! So happy you are pleased & I hope to make more great deals with you in the future. HAPPY 😀 POSHING! 💕 Cindy from the 🌳🐻🌳 Forest
Jul 19Reply
hillhouseshop Hello, I’m Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet. My husband and I make a lot of the gemstone and sea glass pieces. We also have lots of boutique jewelry at reasonable prices. Our pieces are unique and many are one of a kind. Happy Poshing!
Jul 24Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa! Please check out my closet too if you're in the mood to shop! 🙋 🫶
Sep 16Reply
readrumitome Wanted to let you know that I have a blue Marc Jacobs wristlet if you want to check out my closet. Also check out my friend's closet Jojo Roxy @mjlimbo
Sep 22Reply
allnew2u2 Sassy Denise here as well! 🥰🥰🥰
Nov 03Reply
brandauthentic Hey my dear💗 We're @Brandauthentic, your trusted source for designer bags👜 As a leading company, we're excited to offer you exclusive access to our live shows with unbeatable discounts of over 50% off our page prices💥 Our extensive inventory features 100+ items sold daily, and we add 200+ new arrivals every day🆕 Don't miss your opportunity to elevate your style to the next level✨ Follow us to stay in the know and never miss our incredible deals. Your fashion journey upgrades here🛍️
Nov 14Reply
savyshopper22 Hi Denise, Thanks so much for your recent purchase! I can bundle the bag for $118
Jan 08Reply
ahuot Hello Denise I hope you are doing well. I’d like to invite you to check out my closet. I am diligently trying to purge everything! I’m open to reasonable offers and I ship next day. ✌️❤️
Feb 11Reply
javajane1 What a great closet. Your little pups are so cute, rescues are the best 🌸
Jun 23Reply
free_woman Hello, hope you are in a great summer mood)) Please find a min. to check my little bohemian closet, You may see something you love 🌺 Iva
Aug 13Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there 🥰 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals on everything!!! If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Happy Poshing & Happy Holidays 🎉🎉
Dec 10Reply
zeezee2000 @sassydevil0211 Hello! I’m @zeezee2000 a posh ambassador II. have a special request! I sent my people to Dill and my buyer accidentally bought your Kate Spade bag w/ red car. Plz cancel. I will purchase it because it’s so hurtful this happened. I feel responsible. Or I will select items totaling the $250 she paid for the purse if you will just plz cancel. One posh ambassador to another! If you know Dill personally ask her about me…. I’m good people… no tricks.
Jan 11Reply

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