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Updated Aug 17
Updated Aug 17

Meet your Posher, Diane

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I've finally gotten around to listing some items for sale. Please reach out with any comments or questions you may have. Thanks for stopping by!
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coachmelaniek I sent your package. Enjoy the bag. love the picture of you and your bird. I'm a bird lover myself. I have a Caique, Budgie and African Gray. Flocking together ❤
Aug 27Reply
curlingnut Hi Melanie, Thanks for mailing me my package. I'm sure I'll get lots of use out of it for our smaller hikes and walks. The bird actually belongs to our neighbour. It is a conure (which I had never heard of before). I asked them what its name was. They jokingly said that they usually call it "a**hole". Lol. I'm new to Poshmark. It seems like it's like mixture of eBay and kijiji. Do you have lots of luck selling your items?
Aug 28Reply
carinaworldwide hi Diane, I hope you've had a great weekend. Dropped off your parcel with the DKNY coat at Canada Post around noon yesterday. I just checked and wanted to share that the shipping tracker estimates it should be in your arms and keeping you warm by October 8th❤
Oct 04Reply
curlingnut @carinaworldwide Thank you so much! I am looking forward to wearing the coat. I haven't been dressing nicely in quite some time, so it will be nice to wear some classic clothes for a change!
Oct 05Reply
carinaworldwide @curlingnut I hear you! I'm going through so many clothes I haven't worn or no longer fit right now.. I have been living in leggings and oversized sweaters lately since I'm at home so much or just running errands. I am on board with you. Need to overhaul my closet and look/feel good for me. This coat is very feminine yet so sophisticated with the high neck when done up all the way. please let me know once you get it.
Oct 05Reply
paigetetz Hey there! Just wanted to let you know if you’re interested in any of my items, you can create a bundle with 2 or more items and I’ll send you an offer with a discounted shipping rate! I have 2 for $10 items as well, and bundles of 2 or more regular priced items are automatically 10% off but I’ll lower the price even more!🌻❤️ Happy poshing!
Mar 02Reply
modaboutique170 Hi Diane I’m inviting you to drop by and check out my closet browse around for yourself and or for someone on your gifting list. Feel free to contact me with any questions,accepting reasonable offers 🙂
Apr 25Reply
kittydisco Welcome to Poshmark, Diane! Thanks for your likes! I'm a Posh Ambassador, so feel free to ask me any questions! I'm here to help. Please visit my closet again if you like and put together a bundle. Plus, check out my ratings and love notes to see that you can shop from my closet with confidence! 🌼🌸 Cheers and best wishes! 🌸🌼
May 01Reply
kittydisco p.s. that is one aisle little tweeter!
May 01Reply
mzaz124 Hi Diane, If you're interested in the 2 jackets, I just turned on a 25% bundle discount :)
Jul 04Reply
merlekb Hi there, Welcome to Poshmark. I hope you are going to love it here as much as I do. A few tips as you get started: Read your Guide to Poshmark and Posh Etiquette. Share yours and other closets often. It helps to bring attention and exposure to your closet. Want to remember a closet?Like (❤) the Meet the Posher page. Interested in an item? Make an offer or (❤) the item and the seller will send you a private offer. Do check out my closet for fantastic savings. Good luck and happy poshing!
Jul 04Reply
merlekb Hi Diane, thank you for checking out my closet. I have dropped the price of the suit you liked in my closet so you can take advantage of the shipping discount. Purchase today and save.
Jul 04Reply
swk57 Hi I see it is closet clearout today. If you are seriously interested in the Westport Jeans Sz 12P, I can lower the listing price to $16, that will qualify for the Poshmark discount shipping, saving you $3..... And okay if you are just browsing 🙂 Let me know! S
Sep 12Reply
hidesgirl71 Hello Diane, Thank you for showing interest in my closet. Just letting you know that I have a 15% discount for bundles of 2 or more items. Thank you again. Amy(hidesgirl71)
Jan 03Reply
stephanie_1207 Hi🌹, just want to kindly invite you to check out my closet when you got a moment. I mostly carry sizes M, L and XL but I also size S. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Be safe and take care 💐🙏🤗
Feb 12Reply
dorotheeplourde 🛍 if you are new to poshmark enter the code: DOROTHEEPLOURDE and you will automatically have $ 15 poshmark credit for your first purchase🛍
Mar 04Reply
jmazeppa Hi I noticed you liked the tank top bundle any 2 🛍items for 15$ plus add a 💝item for your free Thankyou gift or make a offer please
Jul 21Reply
aliyadasilva02 Hello Diane, I noticed that you liked multiple items from my closet. If you would like to bundle them I can offer you a discount on all of the items. Have a great day :)
May 20Reply
janetbratberg Hi. My name is Janet and I am a Poshmark ambassador. Please take a peek at my small closet. I carry a variety of preloved items such as Cleo,  Talbots, Nine West, American Eagle...Old Navy, white blouses and various styles of ladies shoes and sandals. Stunning sleeveless ruffled neck Italian top⚘ Vintage leather jewelery display boxes. Vintage velvet boxes . 😊 Just added vintage/retro necklaces Monk & Lou dress too. If you have any questions about my closet, please, just ask.
Jul 27Reply
dcalquisada Hi Diane welcome to Poshmark and thank you for liking the Italian strapless dress. Brand new. Make a reasonable offer and I will accept it. Thanks
Jul 30Reply
mandyscloset9 Hey CurlingNut If you cancel my original Offer I can Bundle everything that you've liked and send a new offer.
Sep 24Reply
call_me_momo Hi Diane…My fellow Posher ☺️ When you shop my closet, pls note you’ll automatically receive my discount of 15% if you buy 2 items or more. I also encourage anyone to make offers to me. All reasonable ones will be considered. So don’t be shy. If not, when you like an item ❤️, I will send you an initial offer. If accepted, please reply. If not, pls send a counter offer. I’m sure we come to an agreement together. ☺️
Nov 05Reply
earthposher Hey love I saw you like my bag it’s )$ shipping today on poshmark :) I removed 5$ from the original price Like new bag Beautiful vintage leather bag Enjoy your shopping!!!!ship tomorrow morning
May 25Reply

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Last Active: 22 hours ago

Wynndel, BC
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Last Active: 22 hours ago

Wynndel, BC
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