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Updated Sep 03
Updated Sep 03

Meet your Posher, Dominika

Meet the Posher



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Hiiii! I'm in LA acting (sometimes model) heavy into fashion, I have a lot of stylist friends, have been featured in wwd, teen Vogue, insider. I love sustainability so here for that My fashion ethos: "you are a canvas, your wardrobe is art".. not a quiet luxury cookie cutter vibe but I have some. LA is home to designers/sample sales central- i love unique things that turn heads, make a statement: riviera, sporty or red carpet. Stuff from shoots, preview sales. Many 1 offs, custom: I price by rarity/trend: I dislike low balling (I don't do it as a buyer so pls offers 85% + OR trade). I always trade for couture or wild foreign brands, edgy cuts
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annaakayy Welcome to Poshmark! Gorgeous closet. Although not my size, I'll be sharing :)
Feb 11Reply
dresslikeaboss Gorgeous closet! 💕💕
Feb 18Reply
lizzxxx Hello! Famous people such as you could make a great leader if you guys supported cruelty free fashion.
Feb 18Reply
stylestarlet @lizzxxx I modeled pro bono for an Eco couture jewelry company for 5 years .. I also advise global green.. Don't assume I'm not already active !
Feb 18Reply
lizzxxx I didnt assumed you weren't active. Cruelty free is about animals not about anything else. Theres a difference between being active & having compassionate for animals. ✌️
Feb 18Reply
stylestarlet @lizzxxx I eat vegetarian 4 days of the week but I do wear leather so I'm not perfect. I make best efforts where I can
Feb 18Reply
lizzxxx Of course nobody's perfect but everyones capable of being a compassionate being :)
Feb 18Reply
bunny820 Absolutely love your closet!!
Feb 21Reply
stylestarlet @katieenicolee aww thanks! You have some cute stuff too!!
Mar 08Reply
blushngloss @stylestarlet Love your style.
Mar 19Reply
stylestarlet @blushngloss thank you :o)🌺🌺🌺🌺
Mar 19Reply
stylestarlet @annakkkkkk thank you! Will do too!!
Mar 21Reply
thwelshbohemian Wow your closet is ridiculous and everything looks so amazing in you. Girl you got style 😎 😘
Mar 24Reply
aileena5 You have the best style & I literally want EVERYTHING in your closet lol! 😉😊
Apr 17Reply
gucciluv17 hey girl. so i just purchased that italian hoodie from u, completely by accident lol i meant to hit the like button so i could come back in two weeks when i get paid and purchase if it was still available. i don't have the funds right now and now my account is overdrawn. could u cancel it for me plz? id greatly appreciate it :) i couldn't figure out how to do it on my end.
Apr 18Reply
gucciluv17 p.s. u have amazing style, looove ur closet.
Apr 18Reply
intimate99 Beautiful girl with beautiful closet !
Apr 29Reply
ashleyojeda ✨Hey girl I'm Ash, I was just stopping by to invite you to my Closet! I have and make Dance,Rave,and Costumes for just about anything! ☺️ So please check me out or help me spread the word❤️ Cute closet btw🎉 HAPPY POSHING!! ✨
May 08Reply
kendallkerekes You are officially my favorite closet!!!!! 😎
May 14Reply
stylestarlet @kendallkerekes a www, thanks - I do have to Give credit to my stylist friends who hook me up and the work I do always tends to lead to rare pieces.. And grandma, always told me to choose pieces as unique as your personality :o) you have colors in your wardrobe too that I love and feel amazing in. I'm just clearing out phase right now but I'll be checking yours out for dresses that are finally long enough lol!! ❤️🌺🌸🌺😄
May 14Reply
kendallkerekes Sounds like a plan! I've always been know for rocking the pieces nobody else would wear, and you are the first person I've met that also does that! Love it!! We will always be on the best dressed, or the most dismal outfit! No in between! Lol
May 14Reply
kendallkerekes Oh! And I have a ton of things I haven't listed yet, so if you need a long dress, hit me up and I will send pics of the ones I'm willing to part with. 😊
May 14Reply
stylestarlet @nine10gems super appreciate you taking time to msg me! No worries
Jun 06Reply
love_nashville Love love your closet !! Wish I could fit your clothes. You are also gorgeous!!!
Jun 08Reply
stylestarlet @love_nashville that's so sweet!! My stuff varies in size from 0-6 so def check it all out... I'm thankful to live in LA where so much good fashion is avail
Jun 09Reply
love_nashville I like the Hollister Jeans Jacket you posted. I'm only 5'2 , I think they would be big.
Jun 09Reply
ronanana_batman Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! Happy Poshing 🐳🍉
Jul 08Reply
lucky0718 @stylestarlet hi great closet, when u get a chance come follow and check out my closet 👠👗👛💗
Jul 10Reply
oughttobehaute @stylestarlet @lizzxxx also supporting USA made not slave labor, as on @lizzxxx closet. I'm raw organic vegan for 23 years. Pleather is non biodegradable, or "vegan leather". This whole matter should be kept to ones own closet as an "example". I love @stylestarlet closet mostly made in la, or European. My QUESTION, was if I'd fit. I'm 5'6 33-23-33/34 bum. Blessings to both/all.
Aug 18Reply
oughttobehaute @stylestarlet I was going to say you did a wonderful job posting pics! I'm overwhelmed, ha ha! Have back drop, lighting, dress form.. You put fun into it. I also checked out your website! I went to FIDM and am an activist by example.
Aug 18Reply
oughttobehaute @stylestarlet I love mixed media sound, visual, atmospheric presentations! I have 2 vegan biodegradable leathers, one already used in a different field. Mermaid photos great! (Great campaign against fishing industry) right? 😂 No drama on posh... We prof know many of same people. Let me know if my petite 5'6 33 inseam, 33-23-33/34 body would fit. I
Aug 18Reply
stylestarlet @cc4c we are in the same city let's grab lunch
Aug 18Reply
stylestarlet @cc4c you're in the same city. Lets grab coffee...
Aug 18Reply
stylestarlet @cc4c on fit it really depends on the piece. My body is weirdly petite in parts and long in others .
Aug 18Reply
oughttobehaute @stylestarlet yes! I'd love grab lunch. We're you in Venice for festival of India? I love the bharatnaryam dance. I used to live on Pacific Ave, rent a boat, take my dad through the Venice canals. Get this food at Washington, row back w/ my pup. The weekend tourists got to me. I had WWD bound annually since 13. Paying full price. Donated them. Ugh! Visionarie is also an amazing mag. Vogue runway app. Fashion is my artform. 💞🌴🌺✌️
Aug 18Reply
stylestarlet @cc4c dm me on IG have an event tom you should come
Aug 18Reply
oughttobehaute @stylestarlet oh what to wear? Yes! I'd love to. I'll look on IG tonight or tomo. Thank you!
Aug 19Reply
lizzxxx @cc4c What are you trying to prove? Anyways, animals feelings should matter more than if its non degradable or not. I believe in animal rights and I will keep fighting for them. Besides are you tryin be a bully by pointing out my closet? Thats not okay. Youre a grown up so act like it. Plus, if you want to save the environment it is time you advocate for population reduction.
Aug 19Reply
stylestarlet @lizzxxx i'm not sure what I missed but I'm just going by what you wrote… You can't advocate animal rights without advocating environmentalism and recycling and conservation because all of us are linked plant human animal environment.
Aug 19Reply
staceylagirl @stylestarlet hi! I going to buy off you. Ill going to show you some things you might like as well not the stuff listed in my closet. Thats just random. I wear jpg jeremy scott guiseppe a lot of Japanese designers from opening ceremony. On a good month im a size 26 but more of a 28 w 34D bust and almost 5.6 in height xo - ill tag u and buy this wknd!
Aug 20Reply
chloekdavis Great fun closet!! You look amazing in everything! I would buy a lot but don't have the age and body for it but I will share your closet
Aug 25Reply
stylestarlet @chloekdavis I looked at your pictures and I totally don't believe that you couldn't rock a bunch of my things. There is a leather skirt and a top that I could see you looking amazing on you as well as the Hugo boss slacks so I think we are our only limitations when it comes to fashion just saying thank you for the compliment
Aug 25Reply
mlssa_k Cute style!
Nov 05Reply
vacayholiday Hi! I'm doing a post apocalyptic photo shoot with my high school Senior photographer. Do you have anything maybe not posted yet? Green brown khaki black zippers pockets thanks Hope
Jan 24Reply
stylestarlet @christielab I think the Zara camo print mini skirt is a good bet..I'll check my stuff..The slick black patent skirt if you dirty it up would be good too
Jan 24Reply
stylestarlet @christielab just posted two things
Jan 24Reply
stylestarlet @christielab the all saints dress definitely...It looks amazing when you move
Jan 24Reply
danigotstyle Hello Beautiful Lady! Me and the BF have gone back and forth and STILL can't decide. The one thing we know is that the blue puffy sleeved velvet dress is a must along with the leather pants (and the UNIF school girl dress)... Still having a hard time on the last few items. Lets go ahead and ship the Rojas item. I guess your amazing closet just boggled our minds really 😬 ☺ 😀 💓
Feb 17Reply
stella19633 OMG Flipping Gorgeous Love Your closet love my purchases thanks again💋💯😍😻💖🔥🌹🎊👑
May 07Reply
2muchstuff3691 Great closet! Hope you check out mine too! 10-20% off bundles!!!!! 💎HANDMADE JEWELRY💎 Happy Poshing 😀
Jun 20Reply
mickeymcfierce @stylestarlet Hi, I am Mickey & Let me know if you have any questions❤️Lovely to technologically meet you -- @mickeysmove 🎶I hope you can join me as I host for a 3rd time on November 5th @ 10pm EST /7pm PST🍓Have a lovely Labor Day weekend🍵
Sep 05Reply
yaniramom OmG I love everything you're wearing & you look beautiful btw
Sep 11Reply
dafh88 Goddess ❤️👸🏼 I’m love with your style
Oct 09Reply
azelart Hi. I saw on here that you might have the FLL Temecula dress in black, size Small?? Is that true? I’m looking for one. Thanks love! Jill
Oct 13Reply
nanotian Hi, I'm so saddened, that Oscar Mendoza black dress was devine. I would have paid it without blinking an eye. Let me know if you get something something similar to that. Thanks.
Nov 17Reply
dnice215to530 Wonderful closet.
Dec 01Reply
0_kat_0 Your closet is amazing! ❤❤
Feb 02Reply
stylestarlet @0_kat_0 aww thanks.. I do tend to only buy clothes that really inspire me so most of what you see on here other than stuff that was gifts of things that were the wrong colour the wrong size are all things that I've fallen in love with at some point;)
Feb 02Reply
closet_de_jour ohhhh hiiiiii!!
Mar 29Reply
smartchoice2 Hii🤗
Jun 23Reply
gosia2017 Witam👒🕶🌻🦋
Jul 15Reply
essiefashion Hi there I was blocked without me being able to message back.I was in no way trying to offend you.just wasnt familiar with the ASILIO brand.Since you sell on many platforms I’m sure you are aware that there are many counterfeits in the secondary market but I too would never sell fakes.
Jul 16Reply
essiefashion Never understood why sellers get so offended when asked it’s never meant to be personal after all we are all on her for one thing and that’s to sell and buy.My apologies if you were offended,it was not my intention.
Jul 16Reply
essiefashion Also messaging can come off crass and rude just like texting. I was so shocked when you received it the way you did. I just wanted to clarify my part. Also, I realize by doing this I could come across super stalkerish and creepy, hope it’s not received that way! Just wanted to clear the air.
Jul 16Reply
stylestarlet @echang4115 I appreciate it but if you look at my bio I'm an actress I have a thing for designers and make it pretty clear I have zero tolerance or interest in fakes. But truthfully that question is always insinuating something bad isn't it? I think three times before I question someone selling me something authentic .. or I look at their track record. If you had looked at my average rating and even my ig I think you would get a very clear picture of what kind of person I am
Jul 16Reply
stylestarlet @echang4115 no I actually appreciate that you are trying to clarify and hopefully the response I've given you is a good and fair guideline to how you might approach asking the question in the future. Look up the person's bio and check their track record and I think people on here that sell fakes end up having a lot of posts directed at them with warnings about not buying from them
Jul 16Reply
essiefashion @stylestarlet i did see that after our messaging. I can promise you I did not read your bio on either sites until after you blocked me which Is why I felt even worse. Again, the only reason I asked is because I do not know the brand and was seriously interested.
Jul 16Reply
stylestarlet @echang4115 again thanks for taking the time to explain that I do really appreciate it and it does suck to be misunderstood but from my side the people that I've questioned authenticity are always the ones that end up being an issue and honestly life is too short to be sitting on here arguing with people who usually don't know the brands better than I do. Living in LA and being dressed for film and television you get to know a lot of brands that are just emerging
Jul 16Reply
essiefashion And honestly wouldn’t even have taken the time to write you on ur page looking and sounding crazy. I just didn’t expect for you to take such offense and even block me. That’s never happened to me before. It’s not who I am and just felt kinda crappy. I thought it important to clarify
Jul 16Reply
stylestarlet @echang4115 I always try to provide as much information and recommend that people go to the website to check it out. Asilio is one of those brands that literally is bringing elegance back because they tend to make things that look poetic just like this dress. It sounds stupid but when you put on one of their pieces it's definitely a next level and dressing up and people will stop you to ask who it is
Jul 16Reply
stylestarlet @echang4115 you're right it totally is and I don't wanna come across as someone who's over reactive or precious about being asked a question. I just don't like the insinuation that comes with people who I think are crooks will try to fake brands. Some of my friends are designers so I feel very strongly about that
Jul 16Reply
essiefashion @stylestarlet understood. Thanks for taking the time to read what I sent and share your response and thoughts. Love your closet and your style and really just the vibe that you put out, I’m totally all about it. Let’s call a truce and a misunderstanding a misunderstanding ;) I will take THIS into account before messaging the next :)
Jul 16Reply
stylestarlet @echang4115 Julian sorry for the delayed response I was moving a piece of furniture with a friend I'm going to unblock you and except your offer
Jul 16Reply
essiefashion @stylestarlet oh yay! That would be awesome!! ESP just to be unblocked because I really dig your closet :) and secretly was hoping you would sell me this dressssss! Yay!!!
Jul 16Reply
tolisha12 Congrats 😌
Jul 27Reply
islandloves congrats on your win! 🎉
Jul 27Reply
shesaflippinfox 🎉🦊🎉Congrats on your make a deal day win!🎉🦊🎉
Jul 27Reply
eva1229 Hi! I might reconsider trading...but is that item you mentioned the only thing you would trade for? I really do not need more bras/lingerie
Dec 16Reply
stylestarlet @eva1229 lol no anything of that value...
Dec 16Reply
mahverdyan Love your closet! ❤️ So many pretty dresses 👗
Dec 18Reply
becca_bean You have a fantastic closet. And I genuinely hope that you are enjoying your career! 🙂👑👠
Jan 08Reply
lcrockergirl Hi beautiful lady, I love your closet!💥💕
Jan 16Reply
stylestarlet @lcrockergirl thanks lovely I owe much of it to life in LA
Jan 16Reply
lcrockergirl @stylestarlet Wonderful Diverse City! It's my hometown💕. I've been an entertainer for over 20 years in music, ect so I appreciate your work and your taste! 💖🥂
Jan 16Reply
stylestarlet @lcrockergirl yay it takes one to understand why the styles are all over the place and why my mood changes all the time depending on what project I'm on. I do love that about it. :) Although thank goodness 4 sample sales and stylist friends because it would be so pricey otherwise
Jan 16Reply
lcrockergirl @stylestarlet You got that right! I have always loved fashion kind of design my own clothing and jewelry as long as I can remember my shows. I don't have your model build though that's for sure; you're the perfect model!
Jan 16Reply
sara_marie422 Omg! I am obsessed with your closet. So many unique and pretty things. If I didn’t just buy a bunch of things I’d go crazy in your closet. Will definitely be back to purchase. You are so pretty! And such great style ☺️🤩🤩🤩🤩
Jan 31Reply
aovintage Shop 😏🛍
Feb 22Reply
aovintage ❤️
Feb 27Reply
virgo_moon2 Hola, i just made you an offer-I hope it’s ok💖 Thank you
Feb 27Reply
inposhwetrust You live in LA? Can I come shop your closet 😍
Mar 18Reply
luthiensparrow @stylestarlet Oh my goodness did you take down the listing for that black sheer “Alice and Olivia” dress?!
Apr 17Reply
stylestarlet @luthiensparrow gave it away as a birthday present;)
Apr 19Reply
luthiensparrow @stylestarlet What a wonderful gift:) I am sorry I didn’t buy it when I could!
Apr 19Reply
stylestarlet @luthiensparrow I wasn't sure it was going to fit..but it was for my mom and she loved it;)
Apr 19Reply
drkitty5 Dear , are you going to sell the black dress in your profile any time soon ??
Jun 20Reply
stylestarlet @drkitty5 no I can't. It's from a film and we might still need it
Jun 20Reply
drkitty5 @stylestarlet oh ok I understand, thank you for let me know
Jun 20Reply
ohyeahamanda Omg your closet is the cutest 😘
Jul 01Reply
stylestarlet @ohyeahamanda awww thanks! You have a ton of cute stuff also
Jul 01Reply
lovechicposh Hi! I’m open to trade. I can not afford to buy right now.
Jul 05Reply
stylestarlet @purplehearts4me hi did I ask about a particular item of yours?
Jul 05Reply
oceanswaves Hi! Hope all is well. Please contact me under one of the items on your order. Thank you ❤️
Aug 27Reply
stylestarlet @tericamcintosh hi, I was super looking forward to it:( what Happened?
Aug 27Reply
oceanswaves @stylestarlet I counted more smalls than I had in the Hot Pink and Nude top, I feel so awful.. I have the other items, if you still want those items I will throw in a MGS Bikini Too and Bottom for the inconvenience, I didn’t want to hold your funds knowing I didn’t have the item.. I’m so sorry darling.
Aug 27Reply
stylestarlet @tericamcintosh that is so sweet of you to offer I did really like the leopard bandeau but I'm annoying about trying to be matchie do you have any more of those floral boys and arrows tops
Aug 27Reply
oceanswaves @stylestarlet I have the leopard bandeau top it shows as sold but it isn’t. and I’ll check in my goodie bag to see if I have any B+A Tops. Let me know how you would like to proceed, I am truly sorry about the inconvenience.
Aug 27Reply
stylestarlet @tericamcintosh don't worry it has happened to me to so see if you have any matching tops and bottoms with a small top and either extra small or small bottom
Aug 27Reply
stylestarlet @tericamcintosh if you find you have anything I would love a matching top and bottom plus that leopard top but it's totally okay if not I understand
Aug 27Reply
secondchancebtq Hi Dominika! Beautiful closet! I invite you to check mine out as it has sizes and styles you may be interested in. Have a great night and I wish you many sales! ☺️
Sep 07Reply
stylestarlet @lnosal717 thanks lovely!! I live in LA tho so need much more edgy...your sophisticated suiting is very nice tho!!
Sep 07Reply
secondchancebtq @stylestarlet I getcha! Keep up the great poshing! 😁
Sep 07Reply
vccloseout Good morning Venice beach 🏖. Do you really like the Dsquared2 pajamas?
Sep 28Reply
vccloseout Please check all my hands bags and Dsquared2 swimsuit
Sep 28Reply
vccloseout My instagram; vivo5
Sep 28Reply
stylestarlet @vccloseout hi I'm just checking stuff out I really like the brand but I'm very particular about size and fit and of course I have a ton of stuff I need to get rid of too;) thank u
Sep 29Reply
vccloseout @stylestarlet I’m sure you have do many clothes and handbag fore sell. I saw your instagram
Sep 29Reply
thegreatbelzoni @stylestarlet Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything I need right now, but you have some awesome stuff! If you’d like that “My Mum Made It” outfit, I could work out a discount for you since I also am in Venice and can deliver. Let me know. Thanks!
Oct 07Reply
stylestarlet @thegreatbelzoni are you on IG? I'm dominikapounce
Oct 07Reply
laurenlindback You've got great style! Check out my closet for some items I think you will like!
Oct 27Reply
stylestarlet @laurenstuart88 thanks girl but I wear extra small or 2/4 ...
Oct 28Reply
niktitty I can’t leave a review since I cancelled the original order but I just wanted to show you some love on your page 💕 Thank you so much for the trade and your quick communication throughout the entire process!!! I love the dress, much appreciated! 🌹🌹🌹🌸🌹
Nov 12Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey!! So glad we connected through Poshmark. I hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow! Happy poshing ❤️❤️❤️ Items stating at 5️⃣.00 Holiday shopping made easy 🎁
Dec 06Reply
stylestarlet @schracl hey girl nice to meet you as well...before dropping notes like this I usually double check to make sure the person wears the same sizes/styles as my listings ;) but thank you!
Dec 06Reply
2muchstuff3691 I have all sizes but ok
Dec 06Reply
stylestarlet @schracl yes but I don't wear anything like what you have listed. posh policy is that you don't advertise yourself another people's posts and I'm actually okay with it so long as someone has taken the time to read my bio and is suggesting I look at something very specific. blasting a general self-promotion is dangerous for exactly this reason... I go to your closet and I'm like huh? why? none of this is my size or style
Dec 06Reply
stylestarlet @schracl I'm not reporting you for breaking posh policies I'm just trying to give you a helpful note...even with customers who have bought stuff for me multiple times I think twice before I start styling them
Dec 06Reply
art_stone Hello, I wish you a warm & happy Holiday season! I work as a fashion photographer, and sometimes I have amazing items for sale after my photo-shoots. Feel free to check my closet, truly appreciate your time. Arthur.
Dec 12Reply
stylestarlet @art_stone hey Arthur thanks for the tip... the clothing is not really that exciting for me but your jewelry is cool!!! I have great access to really inexpensive stylist pieces Angeles and I was the face of a jewelry line so maybe I would consider trading with you for some wardrobe for your shoots
Dec 12Reply
catapultusa Hi awesome closet! I love your petite posh dresses! I'll defiantly be sharing your Hollywood everyday/couture pieces. That style so defiantly resonates with my entire real life closet. Lol
Dec 31Reply
trijackiee Do you have any moon boots that you are selling
Jan 11Reply
vccloseout Hi beautiful 🌹🌹🌹 how are you ? I was in Venice yesterday.
Jan 13Reply
grapekandy You are gorgeous omg 💗💗💗
Feb 10Reply
iamniataniel Hello ✨ I’ve had those boots forever now got them off a website I don’t remember the name sorry
Apr 22Reply
jessicamartini You’re breathtakingly beautiful and I love your closet. I’m just sitting here, scrolling and drooling. I’m new to Poshmark, I’ve undersold a lot because I didn’t think to price where people would make offers. If you have any tips, I definitely don’t have the inventory you do, but I do like how smoothly it runs
May 17Reply
stylestarlet @jessicamartini hiii and welcome!! my only tip.i think is taking the time to post pics wearing the items in good lighting w a simple background. i feel like that helps a lot..also knowing current trends (vogue, elle all post them every season)
May 17Reply
jodyert thanks for liking the suboo bathing suit top
May 21Reply
yourekidding55 Thank you for stopping by my closet. I see you liked this item. You're more than welcome to make an offer on this or anything else in my store. And save more by bundling. Happy Poshing! ❤️😊
Jul 03Reply
stylestarlet @yourekidding55 hi please don't post on my profile and in general it's not considered good form to promote to people on their own walls.
Jul 03Reply
katesnowden You know Avens and Judd! Small world haha. I was just lurking your Insta for a few minutes... I’m friends w them on FB, idk about IG though. They’re actually friends of friends of mine out there (mainly Jordanna Taylor) and if you ask Avens about the girl who was like “yay I called it; Idk I know you’re like, who is this girl?! But I knew you and Judd would still be together!” she’d know; I think I scared her 🤣 your pics are so cute, I love happy people who live life to the fullest ❤️
Jul 24Reply
stylestarlet @katesnowden aww hilarious, its his bd. i called them too;)..i knew him first but the minute i saw them together i was like YES
Jul 24Reply
spreadlove Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!!
Jan 12Reply
bany2017 Hi, I can accept your counter of $170, however, I am not sure how to change it Thanks and stay safe!
Feb 06Reply
akemiko Hi just wanted to check if you mailed the red bag out yet? you forgot to pack in my box. Please let me know thank you! Janet
Feb 16Reply
modig 🌷
Mar 01Reply
atselugisdibill Gorgeous!
Mar 10Reply
honeytag Hi there! 😄 look like you have a great eye for style 🕶 ...Come check out my closet  @honeytag.      for awesome fashionable finds, I think you're gonna love! 🖤
Mar 17Reply
stylestarlet @honeytag hey if you're going to solicit someone on here maybe do your research first...i wear xs and i live in LA where i have access to stylists and designers. it's bad etiquette to solicit at all on posh but since you did it without much thought: lazy! and a dull closet i would never shop
Mar 17Reply
eblboutique48 Hi beautiful I just like for you to come check out my closet.
May 27Reply
pharaoess @oughttobehaute I am on Pacific and Brooks: small 🌎 world! You both sound lovely.
Jun 02Reply
simplejoes @stylestarlet Thanks girl!! Excited to do business with you again 😉💕💕
Jun 10Reply
stylestarlet @simplejoes yay!! you're gonna love both of these!
Jun 10Reply
simplejoes @stylestarlet Thank you!! I can’t believe I scored that shirt, it’s so hard to find! You’re awesome 🤩
Jun 10Reply
fherron You have so many good pieces in your closet!
Jul 21Reply
stylestarlet @fherron awe thanks!! i thank my mom for teaching me a love for good design and stuff thats more interesting;))
Jul 21Reply
chloekdavis Lovely interesting closet
Aug 23Reply
stylestarlet @chloekdavis thank you so much that means a lot I have a pretty much romanticist view of dressing up so pretty much everything in my wardrobe either I fell in love with at first sight or my aunt from New York sent me or a well-meaning stylist friend who understands my style but they usually forget I don't wear blog but I really appreciate the comment 🌼🌼🌼
Aug 23Reply
lauracieslak Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, I’ve got a variety of styles in clothing, shoes and beauty products so maybe you’ll find something you like! Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Sep 26Reply
stylestarlet @lauracieslak thanks I don't wear any of those brands
Sep 27Reply
mtn_boho 🌻🌲🌞✌
Sep 30Reply
aliene @stylestarlet Are you reselling those jaded sequin chain pants?
Nov 05Reply
stylestarlet @aliene they are not jaded it was by Topshop and I'm not selling them I'm selling another secret pear that will be listed this week I will tag you if you want
Nov 05Reply
ahuot Hello. I hope you are doing well. ☺️ I'd like to invite you to check out my cool & eclectic closet. I'm PURGING: Everything MUST GO! I'm trying to CLOSE my closet by the end of the year! I have another venture that needs all of my attention! It involves orphans and foster children. 🥰 So, if you see something(s) that you like, put it in a 'Bundle, as I offer a 10% bundle discount, discount shipping, and I ship next day. I'll even sweeten the deal...✌️❤️
Dec 25Reply
darahdakk00 Hi there! Please feel free to check out my page, I have a wide variety of brands-everything is either brand new with tags or brand new/ in perfect condition without tags. Let me know what you think. I’m also running a special discount right now if you bundle some items, you will get a bonus discount from me! Thank you ~ Happy shopping! 🛍💗 I will never decline a reasonable offer ~ give it a shot and see for yourself! All items must go- remember to bundle for even greater savings🛍💗
Dec 31Reply
stylestarlet @darahdakk00 hey babe before you send out blanket advertising messages it probably would have helped you to read my bio... just to save you the time I don't wear any of those brands you have listed
Dec 31Reply
darahdakk00 @stylestarlet thank you anyways! Have a great day 💗
Dec 31Reply
stylestarlet @rachel1007 no worries I just relisted it I'm not going to charge you full $115 price just made it $100:)
Jan 26Reply
luthiensparrow @stylestarlet I have always loved your closet:) A couple years back you had a dress that I can’t get out of my mind and wish I have purchased it from you but you took the posting down right when I caved and decided to buy. You said you gave the dress to your mom….it was sheer black and like a see through 50’s house dress…I wish I knew the maker as I have tried to find this dress elsewhere…does this ring bells for you? Sheer black material, midi length button down 50’s style dress.
Mar 13Reply
stylestarlet @luthiensparrow hiii argh, i have given so many to her...i wish there was a pic
Mar 13Reply
stylestarlet @luthiensparrow and thank u for the compliment 🌼🌼🌼
Mar 13Reply
luthiensparrow @stylestarlet ok I just added 2 photos to my profile…the last 2 is a red dress that I feel is the same cut as e sheer black dress and the other is a similar cut and fabric. Does that help?
Mar 13Reply
beseenagainllc Thank you for the five star rating! Enjoy the swimsuit @stylestarlet
Mar 15Reply
nycmodelshop Hello would you like to reposh the current mood black neoprene bikini for 75$? Thank you :)
Apr 27Reply
cannonhoward You said you wanted to trade for my skates ?
May 28Reply
cutehosiery @stylestarlet Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 15Reply
joisyshore Hi! I messaged you about the top!
Sep 08Reply
joisyshore I still want to buy if you’re willing to relist? 90?
Sep 08Reply
joisyshore Hi! Would that work?
Sep 08Reply
stylestarlet @sharktalesfan like NOooooo!! you cant even pay full price for it?? so silly, so.happy i sold to other buyer
Sep 08Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!💝
Nov 11Reply
radjacketsareus Hey sweets! come check out my Diggs! I am a 5 star rated top 10% seller on here & I think you'll like my shop a lot!💝 I sell y2k revival👻 goth☠, fairy grunge🧚‍♂️💀 alt😈 egirl⭐ mall goth🕸 Victorian goth💋🖤 cybery2k💌 kawaii🍓 punk😵 trippy hippie 🍄 boho ✌️ and trendy🔥 styles as well as custom RAGE products like OOAK festival skirts🤖 dark humor tees🤬 & fandom themed embellished jackets!🤌 men women and kids! check me out doll
Apr 10Reply
stylestarlet @radjacketsareus messages like this are called solicitous spamming.. stop it. it's ruining posh this self promoting garbage. now I have to report you for spamming me.
Apr 10Reply
dreamcloset777 Hi Dominika. I'd love for you to check out my Poshmark closet! I've got some awesome finds that I think you'll really like. From trendy outfits to must-have accessories, there's something special waiting just for you. Happy Poshing!
Sep 12Reply

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