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Updated Feb 20
Updated Feb 20

Meet your Posher, Donna

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Donna. Thanks for shopping my closet. Feel free to ask any questions.
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susiereynolds Hi Donna, welcome to Posh my fellow Texan!!!💕. I am a Posh Ambassador. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me, especially when you start setting up your closet & selling. I just listed many new things in my closet if you would like to check it out. God bless and happy Poshing 🤗
Oct 05Reply
txbarrelracer This is awesome! I do have a couple of questions. So, when I need to ship an item, poshmark sends me the label? Then, the shipping price is included in my payment?
Sep 09Reply
txbarrelracer 2 questions. Does Posh take a % out of the sale of my merchandise? And, is there a weight limit for shipping? I see some items for sale that look heavy.
Sep 19Reply
txbarrelracer @susiereynolds 2 questions. Does Posh take a % out of the sale of my merchandise? And, is there a weight limit for shipping? I see some items for sale that look heavy.
Sep 19Reply
susiereynolds @padi4293 yes, Posh takes $3 up to $15 and 20% on each sale after that. If you send an offer on an item, you can elect to pay $1.89 toward the buyers shipping cost or pay nothing toward their cost. Per post office, weight limit is 5#. Let me know if you have anymore questions. Have a blessed day😊
Sep 19Reply
computershoptx Donna, Welcome to Poshmark and Thank you for your like on the awesome pony! Please let me know if you have any questions about it. I love your handle, used to show horses and did my share of barrel racing many moons ago in West Texas! I am a cowgirl at ❤️! Happy Friday!🥰 Helen
Sep 20Reply
liaelisabeth Welcome to Poshmark! 😁 I'm a Posh Ambassador so feel free to reach out if you have any questions! Enjoy!
Oct 07Reply
kryinq Welcome to the Poshmark community!! 💖💖💖
Oct 07Reply
txbarrelracer @liaelisabeth i just posted my first items to sell. 2 people asked me to email them. Doesnt a buy button pop up for purchasing? Thats how ive made all my purchases.
Oct 08Reply
liaelisabeth @txbarrelracer Yup. Don't take any transactions offline from Poshmark. Super shady.
Oct 08Reply
txbarrelracer @liaelisabeth when I make purchases its taking payment from my sales. How do I change that so I can keep my sales profits & use a credit card?
Nov 05Reply
liaelisabeth @txbarrelracer That's a great question! I don't know. If you email them they will get back to you super fast. Their support team is great! Good luck!
Nov 05Reply
txbarrelracer @liaelisabeth So the anwer is to redeem your balance so they will use the credit card. I have another question. What happens if we don't get a package within 3 days? We are mailing them priority with 3 day shipping, right? My purchase was shipped on Nov 1st. I take into count it was a friday and don't count the weekend. That puts it being delivered by the 6th if it was too late to leave on the 1st. I'm tracking it and I won't be getting it within 3 days.
Nov 06Reply
beloveditems Thank you for your purchase! I will send it out on Monday. Have a nice weekend and thanks again!
Nov 16Reply
txbarrelracer @liaelisabeth what is the purpose of sharing someone else's closet? And, what is the purpose of following someone who has purchased from you?
Nov 20Reply
txbarrelracer @computershoptx Just now seeing this! Love to hear from fellow barrel racers!
Jan 07Reply
pinacolina thanks for all the shares ❤ awesome picture! I grew up barrel racing, hope I can get back into it again one day 🐎🌻 best wishes! happy poshing 🤘🙃
Jan 16Reply
txbarrelracer @pinacolina You're welcome! I've been doing it for 35 years. Hope I'm still doing it for 30 more!
Jan 16Reply
txbarrelracer @susiereynolds Is there a way to move my pictures around in my closet so I can sort them by color or subject?
Jan 27Reply
susiereynolds @txbarrelracer Yes, just relist the items accordingly. Go to the item. In top right hand corner hit edit, next, list. Hope this helps!!
Jan 27Reply
susiereynolds @txbarrelracer You are most welcome
Jan 27Reply
cowgirlterry Hi Donna....Thank you for Spreading the Love of Posh & for Sharing CowgirlTerry’s Closet❤️!
Feb 19Reply
txbarrelracer @cowgirlterry Absolutely! I love your closet!!!
Feb 19Reply
txbarrelracer @susiereynolds I read the directions on how to recruit a Posh member, but they information is too vague. How do I send an invitation to someone How do I find friends? Where do I find the friends code?
Feb 24Reply
ggg77 Thank you for the great deal on the bundle! 🦄💕I’ll have some sewing fun with the coffee sacks, and the shoulder guard will be very handy next winter! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Mar 05Reply
txbarrelracer @ggg77 Thanks for your purchase! I used the coffee sacks and made curtains for my girls bedroom. So cute!
Mar 05Reply
jem0789 Hi Donna! I love the picture! My daughter is only 4 but loves animals and the rodeo! She told me last summer she wants to learn to ride horses like the girls in the rodeo. As a fellow Texan where do you recommend I start and what age?
Apr 22Reply
txbarrelracer @jem0789 Now. Children learn to balance faster when they are young. Just be sure she is on a safe horse that can be trusted. My granddaughter compete at 10 & 7 and the youngest is 2 and she rides already.
Apr 22Reply
txbarrelracer @jem0789 The horse in that picture is 16 hands and weighs 1400 lbs. That's really big for a barrel horse so I love that picture showing how low he can turn a barrel! I gave him to my 10 yr old granddaughter for Christmas. She needed a step up horse for junior rodeos as her horse is now 22 and just can keep up the pace. She is doing really well on him and getting tougher to beat at every race.
Apr 22Reply
jem0789 @txbarrelracer Do you have recommendations where I can take her? We have a horse for her at her grandparents house in San Saba. But I want to start taking her to lessons and such!
Apr 22Reply
txbarrelracer @jem0789 I'm sorry I'm not familiar with your area and I don't know anyone from there off the top of my head. Do some internet research & see if you can find a place where they give lessons. Be careful and ask around to make sure they are what they advertise. There are some people that can't be trusted. I wouldn't want her to have a bad experience or get hurt. I pray you find something safe!
Apr 22Reply
janedavidson4 If you ever are going to sell anymore boots will you message me!!!
May 20Reply
txbarrelracer @janedavidson4 Absolutely! What size are you looking for?
May 20Reply
janedavidson4 I’m ariat FATBABY’s I wear an 8.5B but they are loose bc in the winter I need thick socks. So anywhere I guess between a 8 and 9. Durango slouch I wear 8.5 m but I bought Lucchese and they are 8.5m and my calf’s are to big. They are definitely dressage looking. I’m definitely more western, that’s what I ride most of the time. My horse is a retired barrel racer. Justin’s have never felt comfortable. Maybe you can help me out..
May 20Reply
txbarrelracer @janedavidson4 I'll keep. you posted.
May 20Reply
janedavidson4 @txbarrelracer greatly appreciated!!
May 20Reply
glamboutique19 5/$25 sale in my closet ‼️
May 29Reply
redsnappie20 Hey lady I made an offer on your scarves I luv them can I have em please luv to collect em
Jun 13Reply
txbarrelracer @redsnappie20 Sorry for the late response. I've been with my kids today at their new house. Looks like you decided to purchase them! I'm happy for you to have them. They belonged to my mother-in-law who passed a year ago yesterday. I'll get them ready to ship Monday.
Jun 14Reply
redsnappie20 @txbarrelracer no problem I luv em thankx ladybug
Jun 14Reply
tssanchez Donna, I love the cross and your card!! ❤❤❤
Jul 03Reply
txbarrelracer @tssanchez That's great! I hope you enjoy the cross!
Jul 03Reply
crystalpearrell Hi I just purchased your medium blue horse leg boot, when do you think they will be shipped
Sep 04Reply
txbarrelracer @crystalpearrell They shipped this afternoon. :-)
Sep 05Reply
crystalpearrell @txbarrelracer thank you so much
Sep 05Reply
txbarrelracer @crystalpearrell Your very welcome. Thanks for shopping my closet!
Sep 05Reply
crystalpearrell @txbarrelracer I will definitely be shopping in your closet
Sep 05Reply
drafty I'm so sorry I missed your offer! I sent an even better one
Sep 18Reply
richmondsrelics Hello, I sell a little bit of everything. Clothes, toys, craft supplies, cookbooks, etc. I keep prices reasonable so I don’t make offers, but you can make me an offer. Build a bundle with your likes. I give a generous discount on bundles of 3+ items. I have been in business since 1983, online since 2000. I’m a Poshmark ambassador. If you have questions feel free to ask.
Oct 12Reply
coastcitycntry Props on barrel racing - I really admire good horsemanship; it’s a lot of work!
Oct 26Reply
txbarrelracer @coastcitycntry Thank you! Yes! Lots of work. I have been blessed to still be able to compete for the past 33 years.Also blessed with good horses.
Oct 26Reply
coastcitycntry @txbarrelracer that’s amazing - Lots of admiration for you!! Yes, good horses are a blessing, hard to find, and lots of care to ensure they stay that way. I have three - I don’t compete, but they make every day into a good one ☺️
Oct 26Reply
walgerdeirdre Hi Donna. Thank you for your purchase....mailing out this afternoon. 😊
Nov 05Reply
sharken71 Hi@txbarrelracer thanks for checking out my closet and for the like! I consider all offers and discount bundles!
Dec 01Reply
terri064 Thank you for the Like. I just sent you a private bundle offer with discounted shipping. If you purchase today your order will ship tomorrow. Happy New Year 🎊
Jan 01Reply
sandyank60 hi Donna, thanks for the shares! I came to your page and what an awesome picture! love it and very impressed too. tough sport but there's horses and that's my other love! the other is dogs. only two animals with that level of heart and compassion!❣
Feb 04Reply
txbarrelracer @sandyank60 And thank you for the shares. Horses & dogs for me. Im blessed to still be able to compete. 33 years now.
Feb 04Reply
littlepeachxo hi i’m having a huge sale! everything is under $10 + discounted shipping! and all bundles are 50% off. i need everything gone! -peach ♡
Apr 28Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Sep 21Reply
cutehosiery @txbarrelracer Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 10Reply
txbarrelracer @cutehosiery Thank you for the positive input. I shared items from your closet as well. Love the braclets.
Oct 10Reply
newandused4you @txbarrelracer sharing someone else's closet and following helps you build a bigger audience. When you share your items as well as others they will in turn share your items. The more followers and likes gives you more views and sales.
Jan 16Reply
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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Wichita Falls, TX
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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Wichita Falls, TX
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