Meet your Posher, Donna ...Posh Ambassador
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Hi! I'm Donna. My
favorite brands is Torrid, Miss me, Rock and Republic, Wet Seal, Rock Revival. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) Please be courteous to poshers who buy from you please send their merchandise they buy from you in a timely manner. I was sick and still mailed my orders out. No excuse for that. I have been running up against people I buy from not sending the item. So again please be courteous thank you!!!

30 others
like this

I am chiming in to say hello. I am a Poshmark Suggested User. Posh has a wonderful community and amazing deals. If you have any questions or want to chat about Poshing, please don't hesitate to tag me. I hope that you are having a great experience using Poshmark. Best wishes, Annie
Jul 17Reply

@annieslebonheur thank you very more of a shopper than a seller someday i might decide to sell something lol....but i love the deals i find on here...thanks annie your sweet..
Jul 17Reply

@macknight_10 I really enjoy shopping on Poshmark. Great deals and sellers. I have made wonderful friends through Posh. :)
Jul 17Reply

@annieslebonheur thats awesome you seem like you would make friends easy
Jul 17Reply

@macknight_10 Poshmark is a unique platform that incorporates shopping and socializing. A couple of my friends are my Posh mentors who went the extra mile to educate me (and tolerate zillions of my questions (and still do)). Overall, my experience has been positive.
Jul 17Reply

Hey when I shipped your package I think I may have sent important insurance information inside by accident can you let me know please if yes thank you so much ,
Jul 17Reply

I called to get new papers if there are insurance papers in your package please shred thank you ❤❤
Jul 17Reply

@luv2alba80 you didnt put them in the package
Jul 17Reply

Oh wait i havent got your package yet i will let you know
Jul 17Reply

@macknight_10 ok thanks
Jul 17Reply

Hi Donna 😊 belated welcome to Posh and secondly, thank you for liking an item in my closet, have a poshtastic weekend 🌺💃🏽🎉🎊⭐️🌹
Jul 29Reply

@gems1955 you too...
Jul 31Reply

@macknight_10 hey there! Let me know if you have any questions! 🌹
Aug 22Reply

Hi!! Welcome to Posh!!💝💝💝
Oct 01Reply

Hi Donna! Thank you for your purchase, I will ship in the morning. Welcome to Poshmark, I am an ambassador, if I can help you with anything. Please let me know... I'm here for questions or anything. Take care!
Nov 07Reply

@garthlover thank you I'm more of a buyer than a seller thanks for the welcome..someday I will lol
Nov 07Reply

@macknight_10 awesome! Well we love our buyers! 😍😍😍 we can't be successful without you!
Nov 07Reply

@garthlover thank you its an addiction i will tell ya there are some stinkin cute clothes on her i have never seen anywhere else.
Nov 07Reply

Thank you for your purchase I mailed it out today and it will be arriving to you shortly 🙂
Nov 07Reply

Thank you! I will mail your order tomorrow. Have a great night 😁
Nov 07Reply

@kwposhshop thank you you too
Nov 07Reply

@lewan01 thank you
Nov 07Reply

Thank you for your 5 star rating 🙂
Nov 11Reply

@lewan01 yw
Nov 11Reply

hi there. i️ listed the information you requested. 2%spandex and 32” waist. hope this helps :). have a great evening
Nov 13Reply

Hi Donna, Thank you for your purchase. I forgot to put my closet on vacation before I left for thanksgiving. I will be back late Friday night and will ship first thing Saturday morning. Sorry for the delay and Happy Thanksgiving!!.
Nov 22Reply

Welcome to Posh💐🎉! U will love this community of ppl👥..Please if I can help u in any way please let me know! Happy shopping 👜👟👠👓👕👖👡!
Nov 29Reply

I mailed out ur package this afternoon ☺️!
Dec 01Reply

@dolls303 thank you
Dec 01Reply

Thanks so much for your purchase! 😊 Shipping on Monday (our PO is closed tomorrow).
Dec 02Reply

@ea2ciso thank you very much
Dec 02Reply

@macknight_10 No I didn't make a mistake! Lol..Those are all gifts for ur purchase!..If u don't like the u can always do a re-gift for Christmas! Lol..I do hope u like all that I sent u☺️!
Dec 04Reply

@dolls303 yes thank you very nice
Dec 05Reply

@macknight_10 Great I hoped u would like it!☺️
Dec 05Reply

Hello , thank you for showing ❤️ to my closet. Just wanted to stop by and welcome you.
Jan 30Reply

@nanna216 Donna I’m so glad you like the birdie top!!! Stay tuned I’m always adding more things, especially for us curvy gals!!! I paired a pink tank under it and it was perfect for spring and summer. Blessings and happy shopping!!!!
Feb 09Reply

@sarasmileshop Blessings to you as well!
Feb 09Reply

Hello I just want you to know I just sent out your PACKAGE and sent along an small present just for the wait !!!!
Feb 10Reply

@smarthouse thank you very much i appreciate it..
Feb 10Reply

Thank you so much for following us! I started in the family business at 7, I am now 10! It’s been a rewarding journey, and my business partner (dad) has been sooo supportive! I hope I can provide something in the future that is of interest. Much love! And god bless!
Feb 15Reply

Hey i see your following me if you have Facebook check out my page I have a lot of nice things for sale mostly everything all brands Luxury for Low
Apr 15Reply

@luxury4low what's the name first and last under Facebook
Apr 16Reply

@macknight_10 (Luxury for Low)
Apr 16Reply

Thank you for your like! Let me know if you are interested in purchasing! I welcome reasonable offers!
Apr 26Reply

Hello cuz I will get those when i get paid if they haven't sold. 😀
Apr 27Reply

@undyingrose hi I can save those for you .you just let me know when you want them. Love ya cuz
Apr 28Reply

@macknight_10 its up to you cuz dont want u to lose a sale. It will be about a week. Love ya too 😀
Apr 28Reply

Hi , Welcome to Poshmark 💕💕
May 12Reply

@mafearmendariz I have been on here awhile but thank you
May 13Reply

@mafearmendariz I'm a posh ambassador
May 13Reply

Hey there! Thanks so much for your purchase I will be packing tonight but dropping off for shipping tomorrow! 🤗🤗
May 15Reply

@chabscloset_ thank you I appreciate it
May 15Reply

Hi Donna ... Many thanks for sharing my first listing. Looking forward to posting more items this weekend. Best wishes to you! 🤗😀
Jun 22Reply

@zette11 oh that's great!! Welcome to Poshmark! I am a Poshmark ambassador I have been doing this for awhile if you have any questions please feel free to ask... Donna
Jun 22Reply

Great closet! Sending you positive vibes and energy your way for quick sale. Check out my closet if you get a chance and have a great Fourth of July!
Jul 04Reply

@donnascloset11 sorry I know it is weird but I was curious how your transaction with donnasgoodies went. I was reading their wall and saw they had a number or high $ orders in the past two weeks which worries me given their high $ offer for some of my items. Were there any issues getting your payment?
Oct 04Reply

I definitely meant nancysgoodies- lol mixed your names together. I’m fairly new to Posh so I’m not wanting to get scammed etc.
Oct 04Reply

Welcome to the Posh Life! Wishing you much success.
Dec 18Reply

@kathyengelman thank you I have been a posh Ambassador for sometime now
Dec 18Reply

Hi there! Thank you for your purchase. Do you want me to send you an offer on that MK tote bag with free shipping ?
Dec 19Reply

@bill_rose29 can you wait until Friday that's payday and send me the offer on the purse
Dec 19Reply

@donnascloset11 sure😊
Dec 19Reply

@bill_rose29 thank you what a gorgeous purse
Dec 19Reply

@donnascloset11 Yes it is. I will just put not for sale until Friday 😊
Dec 19Reply

@bill_rose29 😁🌹
Dec 19Reply

@donnascloset11 I sent you an offer on that MK hobo 😊
Dec 20Reply

Thank you so much. I have been looking for this shirt for a while. I had one, but it got ruined. Thanks again😊
Dec 29Reply

@cjfrancx your very welcome will be shipped tomorrow 😁
Dec 29Reply

Hello Sweetie please check your tracking on the H&M Blouse they left a alert they could not deliver to your mail box. please get back to me. I believe they will try again tomorrow
Jan 07Reply

@nvrgrowold it could be because they are putting a sidewalk in front of our driveway had it blocked this morning.
Jan 07Reply

ok just wanted to let you know sweetie
Jan 07Reply

@nvrgrowold thank you very much. I appreciate it 😁
Jan 07Reply

@nvrgrowold I just looked it up it says no access. it should be ok tomorrow
Jan 07Reply

your Welcome
Jan 07Reply

Sounds Great have a blessed night let me know tomorrow what happened
Jan 07Reply

@nvrgrowold I will for sure
Jan 07Reply

Hi Donna, thanks so much for your purchase of the sleeveless turtleneck sweater. Please forgive the box I sent it in. It was the only thing the right size I had. Have a blessed day. Bruce
Feb 05Reply

@bcampbell510 just to let you know you can order them online at the postal service site for free. no worries about the box.
Feb 05Reply

@bcampbell510 thank you for your quick shipping 😁
Feb 05Reply

Hi, thank you for stopping by my closet😊 I’m taking offers if your interested in anything. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you💕
Feb 19Reply

@bcindy12 😁
Feb 19Reply

Hi Donna, thanks for liking one of my items in my closet, I was gonna give you a discount but when I try it says I have no likes on those shoes. Sorry if you know what I can do let me know please. Thanks
Feb 21Reply

@eckotome hi I liked them I'm not sure what is going on with posh lately I have had a few issues with them. 😁
Feb 21Reply

It worked this time, sorry bout that. I don't know what was going on.
Feb 21Reply

@donnascloset11 I have one more color of the foundation packet listed on my other Poshmark account which is newandvintage65
Please join me there too! Thank you ❤️
Mar 16Reply

hi, thank you for your offer of Miss Me jeans. What size do you want?
Apr 15Reply

@elena0711jb you were holding the 36 for me
Apr 15Reply

Thank you so very much for all the shares! 💕🎉
May 25Reply

@kngordon7615 your very welcome
May 25Reply

Hi, how are you, I hope you can find a minute to check on my closet, I have some cool items you may find interesting. Appreciate your time, thank you, Viva
Jun 03Reply

@denejkivdom I will most definitely
Jun 03Reply

Hi there, will ship out today . Thanks for your purchase! Jus saw your message last night .
Jun 04Reply

My husband was not able to ship it yesterday so he upgraded this to 2-day. Please accept our apologies.
Here is the tracking
9505 5145 0948 0157 8397 76
Arriving monday/tuesday max
Jun 05Reply

Didn’t mean it to be so delayed ..
Jun 05Reply

@blingusa19 thank you
Jun 06Reply

@donnascloset11 hi Donna, how are you ? Did you get the package ?
Jun 09Reply

@blingusa19 no it still says awaiting shipment.
Jun 09Reply

@donnascloset11 u will get it tomorrow hopefully . I didn’t use the Poshmark shipping label as my printer wasn’t working . It will definitely reach you sometime tomorrow.
Jun 09Reply

Hi Donna, you got it today ?
Jun 10Reply

@blingusa19 nope if you didn't use the label how did you get my address?
Jun 10Reply

@donnascloset11 when you download the shipping label from pm, your address is on there . I’m so sorry I don’t know why you still didn’t receive it . My printer has been giving me issues . This is the first time I got so late .
Jun 10Reply

@blingusa19 I don't know I will let you know if I see it
Jun 10Reply

@donnascloset11 I don’t understand why you havnt received it yet - I paid extra money just so you can get on Tuesday even then you didn’t . This is usps fault . I’m on line with them now to see what they say .
Jun 11Reply

@donnascloset11 they are also sayin due to corona - there are delays in postal service because of shortage of staff etc .
Jun 11Reply

@donnascloset11 due to Covid - some postal delays
Jun 11Reply

@blingusa19 none of mine have been delayed that's wierd I'm in Oregon not once had a problem with it being sent or delivered
Jun 11Reply

@donnascloset11 First time for us as well Donna and we are embarrassed. We will make sure you get it ASAP. We will do all we can to make this right. Please accept our apologies. We will update you as soon as we hear from USPS. The customer service is going to track.
Jun 11Reply

@blingusa19 no problem hopefully they can figure it out
Jun 11Reply

Hi Donna, hope you are well. It shows, it’s been finally delivered to your mailbox . Pls check and let me know . I appreciate you being so patient with this delivery .
Jun 13Reply

@blingusa19 what address did you send it too? because it didn't come here today
Jun 13Reply

@donnascloset11 sent on the address you hav on Poshmark .
Jun 13Reply

It won’t be delivered to the door . It’s in yor mailbox. Address I sent at is - 140 virgia ln Winchester, OR 97495
. Isn’t that correct ?
Jun 13Reply

This is message we got from USPS: 9505514509480157839776, Delivered, In/At Mailbox 06/13/2020 11:40am WINCHESTER OR 97495
Jun 13Reply

@blingusa19 yes that's correct hubby said it wasnt in there. well I will ask the owner of the park make sure it didn't get put in the wrong box.
Jun 14Reply

Hello! just wanted to stop by to say hi and hope you are having a great time here on Poshmark and hope you can visit my closet when you get a chance 💜
Jul 07Reply

@lovingpurple I have been on posh for awhile thank you..I hope you are too.
Jul 07Reply

Hey this is Cat and you liked three of my tops if you bundle I will give a better deal also I’m flying out at lunch tomorrow only because i have to, so if you decide before I leave I will pack and my husband will ship Monday for me otherwise it will be 10 days before I can ship my husband can find nothing hahahahaha ha thank you for visiting Cat
Aug 16Reply

Hi will you please leave a review of the hollister jeans? Thank you. :)
Aug 31Reply

Hi Donna! It's so nice to meet you 😀 I hope you are loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Please stop by my closet when you have a minute - I have lots of great items for everyone and I'm open to reasonable offers. Have a great evening ✨
💝 Carol
Sep 07Reply

💋 Hello, hope your doing well! Sharing some Posh love. I have lots of new items. Come check them out! 💕➖Donny
Nov 09Reply

Happy Poshing 🌼😊
Nov 13Reply

Hi 👋 Feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a wide assortment of clothes men's, women's and kid's along with other items, something for everyone.
*Trying to add new items weekly
Apr 25Reply

🌸🐾~*Hi, check out my closet for brands you ❤️~*🐾 🌸I have a closet full on wonderful items and offer great deals and discounts especially when bundled 🛒😊.~*NEW Specials: (3) $4 items for $6 & (3) $5 items for $9~*🛒🤩~*5 Lb limit per order~*🎁
May 15Reply

Hi, Just stopping by to wish you HAPPY POSHING❣️Please share #poshlove by checking out my A+(plus) closet 😁
May 31Reply

Hi Tracy, Welcome to Poshmark. I would 💕 love for you to stop by and visit my closet. I wish you all the luck 🍀 in the world 🌎
Jun 21Reply

@donnascloset11 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 23Reply

Hi there❤️I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals🥳🥳🎉 if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing 🎉
Aug 12Reply

🎉🥳Happy New Years🥳🎊🥰
🌻Hi Donna🌞
🥰 Such a Unique & Fun Closet
🌠Wishing u many speedy $ales🌠
Happy shopping (& $elling) 🛍️
Feb 21Reply

🥰 Thank u for Follow & Share💕
Miss-Ink's cordially invites u to
🛍️ Shop w/Confidence with a...
5⭐Seller & Posh Ambassador 2
🥰❤️Many brands & sizes to choose from. Love giving deals~ Bundle 2+ For Big $avings 😊
Replies within a timely manner💕
I Offer Quality items, Authentic brands, honest, and affordable prices. 🛍️ Shop by maybe find a treasure for yourself, loved one,
or friend. 😊 Thank you 💕
🫶🏻 SerahLyn🖤Miss-ink's
Feb 21Reply

you purchased from me last night and I will be shipping today by noon. hopefully you are on here before then so you can see my message to you in your purchase bundle.
Apr 19Reply

Hi! I came across your page and if you’re into jewelry I have tons of items in my closet and list new pieces daily! Bundles of 2 or more get an automatic 20% discount and I ship next business day! If you need anything let me know. Thank you 😊
May 04Reply

@donnascloset11 hello check out my closet see something you like send me and offer everything must go lost my grandma trying to get funds for her tombstone 🪦 anything will help
Jun 09Reply

Hi! I’m Melissa! Please check out my closet too! 🙋 🫶
Nov 30Reply
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